1 | //! Composable structures to handle writing an image.
2 |
3 |
4 | use std::fmt::Debug;
5 | use std::io::Seek;
6 | use std::iter::Peekable;
7 | use std::ops::Not;
8 | use rayon_core::{ThreadPool, ThreadPoolBuildError};
9 |
10 | use smallvec::alloc::collections::BTreeMap;
11 |
12 | use crate::block::UncompressedBlock;
13 | use crate::block::chunk::{Chunk};
14 | use crate::compression::Compression;
15 | use crate::error::{Error, Result, UnitResult, usize_to_u64};
16 | use crate::io::{Data, Tracking, Write};
17 | use crate::meta::{Headers, MetaData, OffsetTables};
18 | use crate::meta::attribute::LineOrder;
19 |
20 | /// Write an exr file by writing one chunk after another in a closure.
21 | /// In the closure, you are provided a chunk writer, which should be used to write all the chunks.
22 | /// Assumes the your write destination is buffered.
23 | pub fn write_chunks_with<W: Write + Seek>(
24 | buffered_write: W, headers: Headers, pedantic: bool,
25 | write_chunks: impl FnOnce(MetaData, &mut ChunkWriter<W>) -> UnitResult
26 | ) -> UnitResult {
27 | // this closure approach ensures that after writing all chunks, the file is always completed and checked and flushed
28 | let (meta: MetaData, mut writer: ChunkWriter) = ChunkWriter::new_for_buffered(buffered_byte_writer:buffered_write, headers, pedantic)?;
29 | write_chunks(meta, &mut writer)?;
30 | writer.complete_meta_data()
31 | }
32 |
33 | /// Can consume compressed pixel chunks, writing them a file.
34 | /// Use `sequential_blocks_compressor` or `parallel_blocks_compressor` to compress your data,
35 | /// or use `compress_all_blocks_sequential` or `compress_all_blocks_parallel`.
36 | /// Use `on_progress` to obtain a new writer
37 | /// that triggers a callback for each block.
38 | // #[must_use]
39 | #[derive (Debug)]
40 | #[must_use ]
41 | pub struct ChunkWriter<W> {
42 | header_count: usize,
43 | byte_writer: Tracking<W>,
44 | chunk_indices_byte_location: std::ops::Range<usize>,
45 | chunk_indices_increasing_y: OffsetTables,
46 | chunk_count: usize, // TODO compose?
47 | }
48 |
49 | /// A new writer that triggers a callback
50 | /// for each block written to the inner writer.
51 | #[derive (Debug)]
52 | #[must_use ]
53 | pub struct OnProgressChunkWriter<'w, W, F> {
54 | chunk_writer: &'w mut W,
55 | written_chunks: usize,
56 | on_progress: F,
57 | }
58 |
59 | /// Write chunks to a byte destination.
60 | /// Then write each chunk with `writer.write_chunk(chunk)`.
61 | pub trait ChunksWriter: Sized {
62 |
63 | /// The total number of chunks that the complete file will contain.
64 | fn total_chunks_count(&self) -> usize;
65 |
66 | /// Any more calls will result in an error and have no effect.
67 | /// If writing results in an error, the file and the writer
68 | /// may remain in an invalid state and should not be used further.
69 | /// Errors when the chunk at this index was already written.
70 | fn write_chunk(&mut self, index_in_header_increasing_y: usize, chunk: Chunk) -> UnitResult;
71 |
72 | /// Obtain a new writer that calls the specified closure for each block that is written to this writer.
73 | fn on_progress<F>(&mut self, on_progress: F) -> OnProgressChunkWriter<'_, Self, F> where F: FnMut(f64) {
74 | OnProgressChunkWriter { chunk_writer: self, written_chunks: 0, on_progress }
75 | }
76 |
77 | /// Obtain a new writer that can compress blocks to chunks, which are then passed to this writer.
78 | fn sequential_blocks_compressor<'w>(&'w mut self, meta: &'w MetaData) -> SequentialBlocksCompressor<'w, Self> {
79 | SequentialBlocksCompressor::new(meta, self)
80 | }
81 |
82 | /// Obtain a new writer that can compress blocks to chunks on multiple threads, which are then passed to this writer.
83 | /// Returns none if the sequential compressor should be used instead (thread pool creation failure or too large performance overhead).
84 | fn parallel_blocks_compressor<'w>(&'w mut self, meta: &'w MetaData) -> Option<ParallelBlocksCompressor<'w, Self>> {
85 | ParallelBlocksCompressor::new(meta, self)
86 | }
87 |
88 | /// Compresses all blocks to the file.
89 | /// The index of the block must be in increasing line order within the header.
90 | /// Obtain iterator with `MetaData::collect_ordered_blocks(...)` or similar methods.
91 | fn compress_all_blocks_sequential(mut self, meta: &MetaData, blocks: impl Iterator<Item=(usize, UncompressedBlock)>) -> UnitResult {
92 | let mut writer = self.sequential_blocks_compressor(meta);
93 |
94 | // TODO check block order if line order is not unspecified!
95 | for (index_in_header_increasing_y, block) in blocks {
96 | writer.compress_block(index_in_header_increasing_y, block)?;
97 | }
98 |
99 | // TODO debug_assert_eq!(self.is_complete());
100 | Ok(())
101 | }
102 |
103 | /// Compresses all blocks to the file.
104 | /// The index of the block must be in increasing line order within the header.
105 | /// Obtain iterator with `MetaData::collect_ordered_blocks(...)` or similar methods.
106 | /// Will fallback to sequential processing where threads are not available, or where it would not speed up the process.
107 | fn compress_all_blocks_parallel(mut self, meta: &MetaData, blocks: impl Iterator<Item=(usize, UncompressedBlock)>) -> UnitResult {
108 | let mut parallel_writer = match self.parallel_blocks_compressor(meta) {
109 | None => return self.compress_all_blocks_sequential(meta, blocks),
110 | Some(writer) => writer,
111 | };
112 |
113 | // TODO check block order if line order is not unspecified!
114 | for (index_in_header_increasing_y, block) in blocks {
115 | parallel_writer.add_block_to_compression_queue(index_in_header_increasing_y, block)?;
116 | }
117 |
118 | // TODO debug_assert_eq!(self.is_complete());
119 | Ok(())
120 | }
121 | }
122 |
123 |
124 | impl<W> ChunksWriter for ChunkWriter<W> where W: Write + Seek {
125 |
126 | /// The total number of chunks that the complete file will contain.
127 | fn total_chunks_count(&self) -> usize { self.chunk_count }
128 |
129 | /// Any more calls will result in an error and have no effect.
130 | /// If writing results in an error, the file and the writer
131 | /// may remain in an invalid state and should not be used further.
132 | /// Errors when the chunk at this index was already written.
133 | fn write_chunk(&mut self, index_in_header_increasing_y: usize, chunk: Chunk) -> UnitResult {
134 | let header_chunk_indices = &mut self.chunk_indices_increasing_y[chunk.layer_index];
135 |
136 | if index_in_header_increasing_y >= header_chunk_indices.len() {
137 | return Err(Error::invalid("too large chunk index" ));
138 | }
139 |
140 | let chunk_index_slot = &mut header_chunk_indices[index_in_header_increasing_y];
141 | if *chunk_index_slot != 0 {
142 | return Err(Error::invalid(format!("chunk at index {} is already written" , index_in_header_increasing_y)));
143 | }
144 |
145 | *chunk_index_slot = usize_to_u64(self.byte_writer.byte_position());
146 | chunk.write(&mut self.byte_writer, self.header_count)?;
147 | Ok(())
148 | }
149 | }
150 |
151 | impl<W> ChunkWriter<W> where W: Write + Seek {
152 | // -- the following functions are private, because they must be called in a strict order --
153 |
154 | /// Writes the meta data and zeroed offset tables as a placeholder.
155 | fn new_for_buffered(buffered_byte_writer: W, headers: Headers, pedantic: bool) -> Result<(MetaData, Self)> {
156 | let mut write = Tracking::new(buffered_byte_writer);
157 | let requirements = MetaData::write_validating_to_buffered(&mut write, headers.as_slice(), pedantic)?;
158 |
159 | // TODO: use increasing line order where possible, but this requires us to know whether we want to be parallel right now
160 | /*// if non-parallel compression, we always use increasing order anyways
161 | if !parallel || !has_compression {
162 | for header in &mut headers {
163 | if header.line_order == LineOrder::Unspecified {
164 | header.line_order = LineOrder::Increasing;
165 | }
166 | }
167 | }*/
168 |
169 | let offset_table_size: usize = headers.iter().map(|header| header.chunk_count).sum();
170 |
171 | let offset_table_start_byte = write.byte_position();
172 | let offset_table_end_byte = write.byte_position() + offset_table_size * u64::BYTE_SIZE;
173 |
174 | // skip offset tables, filling with 0, will be updated after the last chunk has been written
175 | write.seek_write_to(offset_table_end_byte)?;
176 |
177 | let header_count = headers.len();
178 | let chunk_indices_increasing_y = headers.iter()
179 | .map(|header| vec![0_u64; header.chunk_count]).collect();
180 |
181 | let meta_data = MetaData { requirements, headers };
182 |
183 | Ok((meta_data, ChunkWriter {
184 | header_count,
185 | byte_writer: write,
186 | chunk_count: offset_table_size,
187 | chunk_indices_byte_location: offset_table_start_byte .. offset_table_end_byte,
188 | chunk_indices_increasing_y,
189 | }))
190 | }
191 |
192 | /// Seek back to the meta data, write offset tables, and flush the byte writer.
193 | /// Leaves the writer seeked to the middle of the file.
194 | fn complete_meta_data(mut self) -> UnitResult {
195 | if self.chunk_indices_increasing_y.iter().flatten().any(|&index| index == 0) {
196 | return Err(Error::invalid("some chunks are not written yet" ))
197 | }
198 |
199 | // write all offset tables
200 | debug_assert_ne!(self.byte_writer.byte_position(), self.chunk_indices_byte_location.end, "offset table has already been updated" );
201 | self.byte_writer.seek_write_to(self.chunk_indices_byte_location.start)?;
202 |
203 | for table in self.chunk_indices_increasing_y {
204 | u64::write_slice(&mut self.byte_writer, table.as_slice())?;
205 | }
206 |
207 | self.byte_writer.flush()?; // make sure we catch all (possibly delayed) io errors before returning
208 | Ok(())
209 | }
210 |
211 | }
212 |
213 |
214 | impl<'w, W, F> ChunksWriter for OnProgressChunkWriter<'w, W, F> where W: 'w + ChunksWriter, F: FnMut(f64) {
215 | fn total_chunks_count(&self) -> usize {
216 | self.chunk_writer.total_chunks_count()
217 | }
218 |
219 | fn write_chunk(&mut self, index_in_header_increasing_y: usize, chunk: Chunk) -> UnitResult {
220 | let total_chunks = self.total_chunks_count();
221 | let on_progress = &mut self.on_progress;
222 |
223 | // guarantee on_progress being called with 0 once
224 | if self.written_chunks == 0 { on_progress(0.0); }
225 |
226 | self.chunk_writer.write_chunk(index_in_header_increasing_y, chunk)?;
227 |
228 | self.written_chunks += 1;
229 |
230 | on_progress({
231 | // guarantee finishing with progress 1.0 for last block at least once, float division might slightly differ from 1.0
232 | if self.written_chunks == total_chunks { 1.0 }
233 | else { self.written_chunks as f64 / total_chunks as f64 }
234 | });
235 |
236 | Ok(())
237 | }
238 | }
239 |
240 |
241 | /// Write blocks that appear in any order and reorder them before writing.
242 | #[derive (Debug)]
243 | #[must_use ]
244 | pub struct SortedBlocksWriter<'w, W> {
245 | chunk_writer: &'w mut W,
246 | pending_chunks: BTreeMap<usize, (usize, Chunk)>,
247 | unwritten_chunk_indices: Peekable<std::ops::Range<usize>>,
248 | requires_sorting: bool, // using this instead of Option, because of borrowing
249 | }
250 |
251 |
252 | impl<'w, W> SortedBlocksWriter<'w, W> where W: ChunksWriter {
253 |
254 | /// New sorting writer. Returns `None` if sorting is not required.
255 | pub fn new(meta_data: &MetaData, chunk_writer: &'w mut W) -> SortedBlocksWriter<'w, W> {
256 | let requires_sorting = meta_data.headers.iter()
257 | .any(|header| header.line_order != LineOrder::Unspecified);
258 |
259 | let total_chunk_count = chunk_writer.total_chunks_count();
260 |
261 | SortedBlocksWriter {
262 | pending_chunks: BTreeMap::new(),
263 | unwritten_chunk_indices: (0 .. total_chunk_count).peekable(),
264 | requires_sorting,
265 | chunk_writer
266 | }
267 | }
268 |
269 | /// Write the chunk or stash it. In the closure, write all chunks that can be written now.
270 | pub fn write_or_stash_chunk(&mut self, chunk_index_in_file: usize, chunk_y_index: usize, chunk: Chunk) -> UnitResult {
271 | if self.requires_sorting.not() {
272 | return self.chunk_writer.write_chunk(chunk_y_index, chunk);
273 | }
274 |
275 | // write this chunk now if possible
276 | if self.unwritten_chunk_indices.peek() == Some(&chunk_index_in_file){
277 | self.chunk_writer.write_chunk(chunk_y_index, chunk)?;
278 | self.unwritten_chunk_indices.next().expect("peeked chunk index is missing" );
279 |
280 | // write all pending blocks that are immediate successors of this block
281 | while let Some((next_chunk_y_index, next_chunk)) = self
282 | .unwritten_chunk_indices.peek().cloned()
283 | .and_then(|id| self.pending_chunks.remove(&id))
284 | {
285 | self.chunk_writer.write_chunk(next_chunk_y_index, next_chunk)?;
286 | self.unwritten_chunk_indices.next().expect("peeked chunk index is missing" );
287 | }
288 | }
289 |
290 | else {
291 | // the argument block is not to be written now,
292 | // and all the pending blocks are not next up either,
293 | // so just stash this block
294 | self.pending_chunks.insert(chunk_index_in_file, (chunk_y_index, chunk));
295 | }
296 |
297 | Ok(())
298 | }
299 |
300 | /// Where the chunks will be written to.
301 | pub fn inner_chunks_writer(&self) -> &W {
302 | &self.chunk_writer
303 | }
304 | }
305 |
306 |
307 |
308 | /// Compress blocks to a chunk writer in this thread.
309 | #[derive (Debug)]
310 | #[must_use ]
311 | pub struct SequentialBlocksCompressor<'w, W> {
312 | meta: &'w MetaData,
313 | chunks_writer: &'w mut W,
314 | }
315 |
316 | impl<'w, W> SequentialBlocksCompressor<'w, W> where W: 'w + ChunksWriter {
317 |
318 | /// New blocks writer.
319 | pub fn new(meta: &'w MetaData, chunks_writer: &'w mut W) -> Self { Self { meta, chunks_writer, } }
320 |
321 | /// This is where the compressed blocks are written to.
322 | pub fn inner_chunks_writer(&'w self) -> &'w W { self.chunks_writer }
323 |
324 | /// Compress a single block immediately. The index of the block must be in increasing line order.
325 | pub fn compress_block(&mut self, index_in_header_increasing_y: usize, block: UncompressedBlock) -> UnitResult {
326 | self.chunks_writer.write_chunk(
327 | index_in_header_increasing_y,
328 | chunk:block.compress_to_chunk(&self.meta.headers)?
329 | )
330 | }
331 | }
332 |
333 | /// Compress blocks to a chunk writer with multiple threads.
334 | #[derive (Debug)]
335 | #[must_use ]
336 | pub struct ParallelBlocksCompressor<'w, W> {
337 | meta: &'w MetaData,
338 | sorted_writer: SortedBlocksWriter<'w, W>,
339 |
340 | sender: flume::Sender<Result<(usize, usize, Chunk)>>,
341 | receiver: flume::Receiver<Result<(usize, usize, Chunk)>>,
342 | pool: rayon_core::ThreadPool,
343 |
344 | currently_compressing_count: usize,
345 | written_chunk_count: usize, // used to check for last chunk
346 | max_threads: usize,
347 | next_incoming_chunk_index: usize, // used to remember original chunk order
348 | }
349 |
350 | impl<'w, W> ParallelBlocksCompressor<'w, W> where W: 'w + ChunksWriter {
351 |
352 | /// New blocks writer. Returns none if sequential compression should be used.
353 | /// Use `new_with_thread_pool` to customize the threadpool.
354 | pub fn new(meta: &'w MetaData, chunks_writer: &'w mut W) -> Option<Self> {
355 | Self::new_with_thread_pool(meta, chunks_writer, ||{
356 | rayon_core::ThreadPoolBuilder::new()
357 | .thread_name(|index| format!("OpenEXR Block Compressor Thread # {}" , index))
358 | .build()
359 | })
360 | }
361 |
362 | /// New blocks writer. Returns none if sequential compression should be used.
363 | pub fn new_with_thread_pool<CreatePool>(
364 | meta: &'w MetaData, chunks_writer: &'w mut W, try_create_thread_pool: CreatePool)
365 | -> Option<Self>
366 | where CreatePool: FnOnce() -> std::result::Result<ThreadPool, ThreadPoolBuildError>
367 | {
368 | if meta.headers.iter().all(|head|head.compression == Compression::Uncompressed) {
369 | return None;
370 | }
371 |
372 | // in case thread pool creation fails (for example on WASM currently),
373 | // we revert to sequential compression
374 | let pool = match try_create_thread_pool() {
375 | Ok(pool) => pool,
376 |
377 | // TODO print warning?
378 | Err(_) => return None,
379 | };
380 |
381 | let max_threads = pool.current_num_threads().max(1).min(chunks_writer.total_chunks_count()) + 2; // ca one block for each thread at all times
382 | let (send, recv) = flume::unbounded(); // TODO bounded channel simplifies logic?
383 |
384 | Some(Self {
385 | sorted_writer: SortedBlocksWriter::new(meta, chunks_writer),
386 | next_incoming_chunk_index: 0,
387 | currently_compressing_count: 0,
388 | written_chunk_count: 0,
389 | sender: send,
390 | receiver: recv,
391 | max_threads,
392 | pool,
393 | meta,
394 | })
395 | }
396 |
397 | /// This is where the compressed blocks are written to.
398 | pub fn inner_chunks_writer(&'w self) -> &'w W { self.sorted_writer.inner_chunks_writer() }
399 |
400 | // private, as may underflow counter in release mode
401 | fn write_next_queued_chunk(&mut self) -> UnitResult {
402 | debug_assert!(self.currently_compressing_count > 0, "cannot wait for chunks as there are none left" );
403 |
404 | let some_compressed_chunk = self.receiver.recv()
405 | .expect("cannot receive compressed block" );
406 |
407 | self.currently_compressing_count -= 1;
408 | let (chunk_file_index, chunk_y_index, chunk) = some_compressed_chunk?;
409 | self.sorted_writer.write_or_stash_chunk(chunk_file_index, chunk_y_index, chunk)?;
410 |
411 | self.written_chunk_count += 1;
412 | Ok(())
413 | }
414 |
415 | /// Wait until all currently compressing chunks in the compressor have been written.
416 | pub fn write_all_queued_chunks(&mut self) -> UnitResult {
417 | while self.currently_compressing_count > 0 {
418 | self.write_next_queued_chunk()?;
419 | }
420 |
421 | debug_assert_eq!(self.currently_compressing_count, 0, "counter does not match block count" );
422 | Ok(())
423 | }
424 |
425 | /// Add a single block to the compressor queue. The index of the block must be in increasing line order.
426 | /// When calling this function for the last block, this method waits until all the blocks have been written.
427 | /// This only works when you write as many blocks as the image expects, otherwise you can use `wait_for_all_remaining_chunks`.
428 | /// Waits for a block from the queue to be written, if the queue already has enough items.
429 | pub fn add_block_to_compression_queue(&mut self, index_in_header_increasing_y: usize, block: UncompressedBlock) -> UnitResult {
430 |
431 | // if pipe is full, block to wait for a slot to free up
432 | if self.currently_compressing_count >= self.max_threads {
433 | self.write_next_queued_chunk()?;
434 | }
435 |
436 | // add the argument chunk to the compression queueue
437 | let index_in_file = self.next_incoming_chunk_index;
438 | let sender = self.sender.clone();
439 | let meta = self.meta.clone();
440 |
441 | self.pool.spawn(move ||{
442 | let compressed_or_err = block.compress_to_chunk(&meta.headers);
443 |
444 | // by now, decompressing could have failed in another thread.
445 | // the error is then already handled, so we simply
446 | // don't send the decompressed block and do nothing
447 | let _ = sender.send(compressed_or_err.map(move |compressed| (index_in_file, index_in_header_increasing_y, compressed)));
448 | });
449 |
450 | self.currently_compressing_count += 1;
451 | self.next_incoming_chunk_index += 1;
452 |
453 | // if this is the last chunk, wait for all chunks to complete before returning
454 | if self.written_chunk_count + self.currently_compressing_count == self.inner_chunks_writer().total_chunks_count() {
455 | self.write_all_queued_chunks()?;
456 | debug_assert_eq!(
457 | self.written_chunk_count, self.inner_chunks_writer().total_chunks_count(),
458 | "written chunk count mismatch"
459 | );
460 | }
461 |
462 |
463 | Ok(())
464 | }
465 | }
466 |
467 |
468 |
469 | |