1 |
2 | //! Lossy compression for F32 data, but lossless compression for U32 and F16 data.
3 | // see https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/openexr/blob/master/OpenEXR/IlmImf/ImfPxr24Compressor.cpp
4 |
5 | // This compressor is based on source code that was contributed to
6 | // OpenEXR by Pixar Animation Studios. The compression method was
7 | // developed by Loren Carpenter.
8 |
9 |
10 | // The compressor preprocesses the pixel data to reduce entropy, and then calls zlib.
11 | // Compression of HALF and UINT channels is lossless, but compressing
12 | // FLOAT channels is lossy: 32-bit floating-point numbers are converted
13 | // to 24 bits by rounding the significand to 15 bits.
14 | //
15 | // When the compressor is invoked, the caller has already arranged
16 | // the pixel data so that the values for each channel appear in a
17 | // contiguous block of memory. The compressor converts the pixel
18 | // values to unsigned integers: For UINT, this is a no-op. HALF
19 | // values are simply re-interpreted as 16-bit integers. FLOAT
20 | // values are converted to 24 bits, and the resulting bit patterns
21 | // are interpreted as integers. The compressor then replaces each
22 | // value with the difference between the value and its left neighbor.
23 | // This turns flat fields in the image into zeroes, and ramps into
24 | // strings of similar values. Next, each difference is split into
25 | // 2, 3 or 4 bytes, and the bytes are transposed so that all the
26 | // most significant bytes end up in a contiguous block, followed
27 | // by the second most significant bytes, and so on. The resulting
28 | // string of bytes is compressed with zlib.
29 |
30 | use super::*;
31 |
32 | use crate::error::Result;
33 | use lebe::io::ReadPrimitive;
34 |
35 |
36 | // scanline decompression routine, see https://github.com/openexr/openexr/blob/master/OpenEXR/IlmImf/ImfScanLineInputFile.cpp
37 | // 1. Uncompress the data, if necessary (If the line is uncompressed, it's in XDR format, regardless of the compressor's output format.)
38 | // 3. Convert one scan line's worth of pixel data back from the machine-independent representation
39 | // 4. Fill the frame buffer with pixel data, respective to sampling and whatnot
40 |
41 |
42 | #[cfg_attr (target_endian = "big" , allow(unused, unreachable_code))]
43 | pub fn compress(channels: &ChannelList, remaining_bytes: ByteVec, area: IntegerBounds) -> Result<ByteVec> {
44 | #[cfg (target_endian = "big" )] {
45 | return Err(Error::unsupported(
46 | "PXR24 compression method not supported yet on big endian processor architecture"
47 | ))
48 | }
49 |
50 | if remaining_bytes.is_empty() { return Ok(Vec::new()); }
51 |
52 | // see https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/openexr/blob/3bd93f85bcb74c77255f28cdbb913fdbfbb39dfe/OpenEXR/IlmImf/ImfTiledOutputFile.cpp#L750-L842
53 | let remaining_bytes = super::convert_current_to_little_endian(remaining_bytes, channels, area);
54 | let mut remaining_bytes = remaining_bytes.as_slice(); // TODO less allocation
55 |
56 | let bytes_per_pixel: usize = channels.list.iter()
57 | .map(|channel| match channel.sample_type {
58 | SampleType::F16 => 2, SampleType::F32 => 3, SampleType::U32 => 4,
59 | })
60 | .sum();
61 |
62 | let mut raw = vec![0_u8; bytes_per_pixel * area.size.area()];
63 |
64 | {
65 | let mut write = raw.as_mut_slice();
66 |
67 | // TODO this loop should be an iterator in the `IntegerBounds` class, as it is used in all compressio methods
68 | for y in area.position.1..area.end().1 {
69 | for channel in &channels.list {
70 | if mod_p(y, usize_to_i32(channel.sampling.1)) != 0 { continue; }
71 |
72 | // this apparently can't be a closure in Rust 1.43 due to borrowing ambiguity
73 | let sample_count_x = channel.subsampled_resolution(area.size).0;
74 | macro_rules! split_off_write_slice { () => {{
75 | let (slice, rest) = write.split_at_mut(sample_count_x);
76 | write = rest;
77 | slice
78 | }}; }
79 |
80 | let mut previous_pixel: u32 = 0;
81 |
82 | match channel.sample_type {
83 | SampleType::F16 => {
84 | let out_byte_tuples = split_off_write_slice!().iter_mut()
85 | .zip(split_off_write_slice!());
86 |
87 | for (out_byte_0, out_byte_1) in out_byte_tuples {
88 | let pixel = u16::read_from_native_endian(&mut remaining_bytes).unwrap() as u32;
89 | let [byte_1, byte_0] = (pixel.wrapping_sub(previous_pixel) as u16).to_ne_bytes();
90 |
91 | *out_byte_0 = byte_0;
92 | *out_byte_1 = byte_1;
93 | previous_pixel = pixel;
94 | }
95 | },
96 |
97 | SampleType::U32 => {
98 | let out_byte_quadruplets = split_off_write_slice!().iter_mut()
99 | .zip(split_off_write_slice!())
100 | .zip(split_off_write_slice!())
101 | .zip(split_off_write_slice!());
102 |
103 | for (((out_byte_0, out_byte_1), out_byte_2), out_byte_3) in out_byte_quadruplets {
104 | let pixel = u32::read_from_native_endian(&mut remaining_bytes).unwrap();
105 | let [byte_3, byte_2, byte_1, byte_0] = pixel.wrapping_sub(previous_pixel).to_ne_bytes();
106 |
107 | *out_byte_0 = byte_0;
108 | *out_byte_1 = byte_1;
109 | *out_byte_2 = byte_2;
110 | *out_byte_3 = byte_3;
111 | previous_pixel = pixel;
112 | }
113 | },
114 |
115 | SampleType::F32 => {
116 | let out_byte_triplets = split_off_write_slice!().iter_mut()
117 | .zip(split_off_write_slice!())
118 | .zip(split_off_write_slice!());
119 |
120 | for ((out_byte_0, out_byte_1), out_byte_2) in out_byte_triplets {
121 | let pixel = f32_to_f24(f32::read_from_native_endian(&mut remaining_bytes).unwrap());
122 | let [byte_2, byte_1, byte_0, _] = pixel.wrapping_sub(previous_pixel).to_ne_bytes();
123 | previous_pixel = pixel;
124 |
125 | *out_byte_0 = byte_0;
126 | *out_byte_1 = byte_1;
127 | *out_byte_2 = byte_2;
128 | }
129 | },
130 | }
131 | }
132 | }
133 |
134 | debug_assert_eq!(write.len(), 0, "bytes left after compression" );
135 | }
136 |
137 | Ok(miniz_oxide::deflate::compress_to_vec_zlib(raw.as_slice(), 4))
138 | }
139 |
140 | #[cfg_attr (target_endian = "big" , allow(unused, unreachable_code))]
141 | pub fn decompress(channels: &ChannelList, bytes: ByteVec, area: IntegerBounds, expected_byte_size: usize, pedantic: bool) -> Result<ByteVec> {
142 | #[cfg (target_endian = "big" )] {
143 | return Err(Error::unsupported(
144 | "PXR24 decompression method not supported yet on big endian processor architecture"
145 | ))
146 | }
147 |
148 | let options = zune_inflate::DeflateOptions::default().set_limit(expected_byte_size).set_size_hint(expected_byte_size);
149 | let mut decoder = zune_inflate::DeflateDecoder::new_with_options(&bytes, options);
150 | let raw = decoder.decode_zlib()
151 | .map_err(|_| Error::invalid("zlib-compressed data malformed" ))?; // TODO share code with zip?
152 |
153 | let mut read = raw.as_slice();
154 | let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(expected_byte_size.min(2048*4));
155 |
156 | for y in area.position.1 .. area.end().1 {
157 | for channel in &channels.list {
158 | if mod_p(y, usize_to_i32(channel.sampling.1)) != 0 { continue; }
159 |
160 | let sample_count_x = channel.subsampled_resolution(area.size).0;
161 | let mut read_sample_line = ||{
162 | if sample_count_x > read.len() { return Err(Error::invalid("not enough data" )) }
163 | let (samples, rest) = read.split_at(sample_count_x);
164 | read = rest;
165 | Ok(samples)
166 | };
167 |
168 | let mut pixel_accumulation: u32 = 0;
169 |
170 | match channel.sample_type {
171 | SampleType::F16 => {
172 | let sample_byte_pairs = read_sample_line()?.iter()
173 | .zip(read_sample_line()?);
174 |
175 | for (&in_byte_0, &in_byte_1) in sample_byte_pairs {
176 | let difference = u16::from_ne_bytes([in_byte_1, in_byte_0]) as u32;
177 | pixel_accumulation = pixel_accumulation.overflowing_add(difference).0;
178 | out.extend_from_slice(&(pixel_accumulation as u16).to_ne_bytes());
179 | }
180 | },
181 |
182 | SampleType::U32 => {
183 | let sample_byte_quads = read_sample_line()?.iter()
184 | .zip(read_sample_line()?)
185 | .zip(read_sample_line()?)
186 | .zip(read_sample_line()?);
187 |
188 | for (((&in_byte_0, &in_byte_1), &in_byte_2), &in_byte_3) in sample_byte_quads {
189 | let difference = u32::from_ne_bytes([in_byte_3, in_byte_2, in_byte_1, in_byte_0]);
190 | pixel_accumulation = pixel_accumulation.overflowing_add(difference).0;
191 | out.extend_from_slice(&pixel_accumulation.to_ne_bytes());
192 | }
193 | },
194 |
195 | SampleType::F32 => {
196 | let sample_byte_triplets = read_sample_line()?.iter()
197 | .zip(read_sample_line()?).zip(read_sample_line()?);
198 |
199 | for ((&in_byte_0, &in_byte_1), &in_byte_2) in sample_byte_triplets {
200 | let difference = u32::from_ne_bytes([0, in_byte_2, in_byte_1, in_byte_0]);
201 | pixel_accumulation = pixel_accumulation.overflowing_add(difference).0;
202 | out.extend_from_slice(&pixel_accumulation.to_ne_bytes());
203 | }
204 | }
205 | }
206 | }
207 | }
208 |
209 | if pedantic && !read.is_empty() {
210 | return Err(Error::invalid("too much data" ));
211 | }
212 |
213 | Ok(super::convert_little_endian_to_current(out, channels, area))
214 | }
215 |
216 |
217 |
218 |
219 | /// Conversion from 32-bit to 24-bit floating-point numbers.
220 | /// Reverse conversion is just a simple 8-bit left shift.
221 | pub fn f32_to_f24(float: f32) -> u32 {
222 | let bits = float.to_bits();
223 |
224 | let sign = bits & 0x80000000;
225 | let exponent = bits & 0x7f800000;
226 | let mantissa = bits & 0x007fffff;
227 |
228 | let result = if exponent == 0x7f800000 {
229 | if mantissa != 0 {
230 | // F is a NAN; we preserve the sign bit and
231 | // the 15 leftmost bits of the significand,
232 | // with one exception: If the 15 leftmost
233 | // bits are all zero, the NAN would turn
234 | // into an infinity, so we have to set at
235 | // least one bit in the significand.
236 |
237 | let mantissa = mantissa >> 8;
238 | (exponent >> 8) | mantissa | if mantissa == 0 { 1 } else { 0 }
239 | }
240 | else { // F is an infinity.
241 | exponent >> 8
242 | }
243 | }
244 | else { // F is finite, round the significand to 15 bits.
245 | let result = ((exponent | mantissa) + (mantissa & 0x00000080)) >> 8;
246 |
247 | if result >= 0x7f8000 {
248 | // F was close to FLT_MAX, and the significand was
249 | // rounded up, resulting in an exponent overflow.
250 | // Avoid the overflow by truncating the significand
251 | // instead of rounding it.
252 |
253 | (exponent | mantissa) >> 8
254 | }
255 | else {
256 | result
257 | }
258 | };
259 |
260 | return (sign >> 8) | result;
261 | } |