1 | //! The last wrapper of image readers, finally containing the [`from_file(path)`] method.
2 | //! This completes the builder and reads a complete image.
3 |
4 | use crate::image::*;
5 | use crate::meta::header::{Header, ImageAttributes};
6 | use crate::error::{Result, UnitResult};
7 | use crate::block::{UncompressedBlock, BlockIndex};
8 | use crate::block::chunk::TileCoordinates;
9 | use std::path::Path;
10 | use std::io::{Read, BufReader};
11 | use std::io::Seek;
12 | use crate::meta::MetaData;
13 | use crate::block::reader::ChunksReader;
14 |
15 | /// Specify whether to read the image in parallel,
16 | /// whether to use pedantic error handling,
17 | /// and a callback for the reading progress.
18 | #[derive (Debug, Clone)]
19 | pub struct ReadImage<OnProgress, ReadLayers> {
20 | on_progress: OnProgress,
21 | read_layers: ReadLayers,
22 | pedantic: bool,
23 | parallel: bool,
24 | }
25 |
26 | impl<F, L> ReadImage<F, L> where F: FnMut(f64)
27 | {
28 | /// Uses relaxed error handling and parallel decompression.
29 | pub fn new(read_layers: L, on_progress: F) -> Self {
30 | Self {
31 | on_progress, read_layers,
32 | pedantic: false, parallel: true,
33 | }
34 | }
35 |
36 | /// Specify that any missing or unusual information should result in an error.
37 | /// Otherwise, `exrs` will try to compute or ignore missing information.
38 | ///
39 | /// If pedantic is true, then an error will be returned as soon as anything is missing in the file,
40 | /// or two values in the image contradict each other. If pedantic is false,
41 | /// then only fatal errors will be thrown. By default, reading an image is not pedantic,
42 | /// which means that slightly invalid files might still be readable.
43 | /// For example, if some attribute is missing but can be recomputed, this flag decides whether an error is thrown.
44 | /// Or if the pedantic flag is true and there are still bytes left after the decompression algorithm finished,
45 | /// an error is thrown, because this should not happen and something might be wrong with the file.
46 | /// Or if your application is a target of attacks, or if you want to emulate the original C++ library,
47 | /// you might want to switch to pedantic reading.
48 | pub fn pedantic(self) -> Self { Self { pedantic: true, ..self } }
49 |
50 | /// Specify that multiple pixel blocks should never be decompressed using multiple threads at once.
51 | /// This might be slower but uses less memory and less synchronization.
52 | pub fn non_parallel(self) -> Self { Self { parallel: false, ..self } }
53 |
54 | /// Specify a function to be called regularly throughout the loading process.
55 | /// Replaces all previously specified progress functions in this reader.
56 | pub fn on_progress<OnProgress>(self, on_progress: OnProgress) -> ReadImage<OnProgress, L>
57 | where OnProgress: FnMut(f64)
58 | {
59 | ReadImage {
60 | on_progress,
61 | read_layers: self.read_layers,
62 | pedantic: self.pedantic,
63 | parallel: self.parallel
64 | }
65 | }
66 |
67 |
68 | /// Read the exr image from a file.
69 | /// Use [`ReadImage::read_from_unbuffered`] instead, if you do not have a file.
70 | #[inline ]
71 | #[must_use ]
72 | pub fn from_file<Layers>(self, path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Image<Layers>>
73 | where for<'s> L: ReadLayers<'s, Layers = Layers>
74 | {
75 | self.from_unbuffered(std::fs::File::open(path)?)
76 | }
77 |
78 | /// Buffer the reader and then read the exr image from it.
79 | /// Use [`ReadImage::read_from_buffered`] instead, if your reader is an in-memory reader.
80 | /// Use [`ReadImage::read_from_file`] instead, if you have a file path.
81 | #[inline ]
82 | #[must_use ]
83 | pub fn from_unbuffered<Layers>(self, unbuffered: impl Read + Seek) -> Result<Image<Layers>>
84 | where for<'s> L: ReadLayers<'s, Layers = Layers>
85 | {
86 | self.from_buffered(BufReader::new(unbuffered))
87 | }
88 |
89 | /// Read the exr image from a buffered reader.
90 | /// Use [`ReadImage::read_from_file`] instead, if you have a file path.
91 | /// Use [`ReadImage::read_from_unbuffered`] instead, if this is not an in-memory reader.
92 | // TODO Use Parallel<> Wrapper to only require sendable byte source where parallel decompression is required
93 | #[must_use ]
94 | pub fn from_buffered<Layers>(self, buffered: impl Read + Seek) -> Result<Image<Layers>>
95 | where for<'s> L: ReadLayers<'s, Layers = Layers>
96 | {
97 | let chunks = crate::block::read(buffered, self.pedantic)?;
98 | self.from_chunks(chunks)
99 | }
100 |
101 | /// Read the exr image from an initialized chunks reader
102 | /// that has already extracted the meta data from the file.
103 | /// Use [`ReadImage::read_from_file`] instead, if you have a file path.
104 | /// Use [`ReadImage::read_from_buffered`] instead, if this is an in-memory reader.
105 | // TODO Use Parallel<> Wrapper to only require sendable byte source where parallel decompression is required
106 | #[must_use ]
107 | pub fn from_chunks<Layers>(mut self, chunks_reader: crate::block::reader::Reader<impl Read + Seek>) -> Result<Image<Layers>>
108 | where for<'s> L: ReadLayers<'s, Layers = Layers>
109 | {
110 | let Self { pedantic, parallel, ref mut on_progress, ref mut read_layers } = self;
111 |
112 | let layers_reader = read_layers.create_layers_reader(chunks_reader.headers())?;
113 | let mut image_collector = ImageWithAttributesReader::new(chunks_reader.headers(), layers_reader)?;
114 |
115 | let block_reader = chunks_reader
116 | .filter_chunks(pedantic, |meta, tile, block| {
117 | image_collector.filter_block(meta, tile, block)
118 | })?
119 | .on_progress(on_progress);
120 |
121 | // TODO propagate send requirement further upwards
122 | if parallel {
123 | block_reader.decompress_parallel(pedantic, |meta_data, block|{
124 | image_collector.read_block(&meta_data.headers, block)
125 | })?;
126 | }
127 | else {
128 | block_reader.decompress_sequential(pedantic, |meta_data, block|{
129 | image_collector.read_block(&meta_data.headers, block)
130 | })?;
131 | }
132 |
133 | Ok(image_collector.into_image())
134 | }
135 | }
136 |
137 | /// Processes blocks from a file and collects them into a complete `Image`.
138 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
139 | pub struct ImageWithAttributesReader<L> {
140 | image_attributes: ImageAttributes,
141 | layers_reader: L,
142 | }
143 |
144 | impl<L> ImageWithAttributesReader<L> where L: LayersReader {
145 |
146 | /// A new image reader with image attributes.
147 | pub fn new(headers: &[Header], layers_reader: L) -> Result<Self>
148 | {
149 | Ok(ImageWithAttributesReader {
150 | image_attributes: headers.first().as_ref().expect("invalid headers" ).shared_attributes.clone(),
151 | layers_reader,
152 | })
153 | }
154 |
155 | /// Specify whether a single block of pixels should be loaded from the file
156 | fn filter_block(&self, meta: &MetaData, tile: TileCoordinates, block: BlockIndex) -> bool {
157 | self.layers_reader.filter_block(meta, tile, block)
158 | }
159 |
160 | /// Load a single pixel block, which has not been filtered, into the reader, accumulating the image
161 | fn read_block(&mut self, headers: &[Header], block: UncompressedBlock) -> UnitResult {
162 | self.layers_reader.read_block(headers, block)
163 | }
164 |
165 | /// Deliver the complete accumulated image
166 | fn into_image(self) -> Image<L::Layers> {
167 | Image {
168 | attributes: self.image_attributes,
169 | layer_data: self.layers_reader.into_layers()
170 | }
171 | }
172 | }
173 |
174 |
175 | /// A template that creates a `LayerReader` for each layer in the file.
176 | pub trait ReadLayers<'s> {
177 |
178 | /// The type of the resulting Layers
179 | type Layers;
180 |
181 | /// The type of the temporary layer reader
182 | type Reader: LayersReader<Layers = Self::Layers>;
183 |
184 | /// Create a single reader for a single layer
185 | fn create_layers_reader(&'s self, headers: &[Header]) -> Result<Self::Reader>;
186 |
187 | /// Specify that all attributes should be read from an image.
188 | /// Use `from_file(path)` on the return value of this method to actually decode an image.
189 | fn all_attributes(self) -> ReadImage<fn(f64), Self> where Self: Sized {
190 | ReadImage::new(self, on_progress:ignore_progress)
191 | }
192 | }
193 |
194 | /// Processes pixel blocks from a file and accumulates them into a single image layer.
195 | pub trait LayersReader {
196 |
197 | /// The type of resulting layers
198 | type Layers;
199 |
200 | /// Specify whether a single block of pixels should be loaded from the file
201 | fn filter_block(&self, meta: &MetaData, tile: TileCoordinates, block: BlockIndex) -> bool;
202 |
203 | /// Load a single pixel block, which has not been filtered, into the reader, accumulating the layer
204 | fn read_block(&mut self, headers: &[Header], block: UncompressedBlock) -> UnitResult;
205 |
206 | /// Deliver the final accumulated layers for the image
207 | fn into_layers(self) -> Self::Layers;
208 | }
209 |
210 | |