1 |
2 | //! Data structures that represent a complete exr image.
3 | //! Contains generic structs that must be nested to obtain a complete image type.
4 | //!
5 | //!
6 | //! For example, an rgba image containing multiple layers
7 | //! can be represented using `Image<Layers<SpecificChannels<MyPixelStorage>>>`.
8 | //! An image containing a single layer with arbitrary channels and no deep data
9 | //! can be represented using `Image<Layer<AnyChannels<FlatSamples>>>`.
10 | //!
11 | //!
12 | //! These and other predefined types are included in this module as
13 | //! 1. `PixelImage`: A single layer, fixed set of arbitrary channels.
14 | //! 1. `PixelLayersImage`: Multiple layers, fixed set of arbitrary channels.
15 | //! 1. `RgbaImage`: A single layer, fixed set of channels: rgb, optional a.
16 | //! 1. `RgbaLayersImage`: Multiple layers, fixed set of channels: rgb, optional a.
17 | //! 1. `FlatImage`: Multiple layers, any channels, no deep data.
18 | //! 1. `AnyImage`: All supported data (multiple layers, arbitrary channels, no deep data yet)
19 | //!
20 | //! You can also use your own types inside an image,
21 | //! for example if you want to use a custom sample storage.
22 | //!
23 | //! This is the high-level interface for the pixels of an image.
24 | //! See `exr::blocks` module for a low-level interface.
25 |
26 | pub mod read;
27 | pub mod write;
28 | pub mod crop;
29 | pub mod pixel_vec;
30 | pub mod recursive;
31 | // pub mod channel_groups;
32 |
33 |
34 | use crate::meta::header::{ImageAttributes, LayerAttributes};
35 | use crate::meta::attribute::{Text, LineOrder};
36 | use half::f16;
37 | use crate::math::{Vec2, RoundingMode};
38 | use crate::compression::Compression;
39 | use smallvec::{SmallVec};
40 | use crate::error::Error;
41 |
42 | /// Don't do anything
43 | pub(crate) fn ignore_progress(_progress: f64){}
44 |
45 | /// This image type contains all supported exr features and can represent almost any image.
46 | /// It currently does not support deep data yet.
47 | pub type AnyImage = Image<Layers<AnyChannels<Levels<FlatSamples>>>>;
48 |
49 | /// This image type contains the most common exr features and can represent almost any plain image.
50 | /// Does not contain resolution levels. Does not support deep data.
51 | pub type FlatImage = Image<Layers<AnyChannels<FlatSamples>>>;
52 |
53 | /// This image type contains multiple layers, with each layer containing a user-defined type of pixels.
54 | pub type PixelLayersImage<Storage, Channels> = Image<Layers<SpecificChannels<Storage, Channels>>>;
55 |
56 | /// This image type contains a single layer containing a user-defined type of pixels.
57 | pub type PixelImage<Storage, Channels> = Image<Layer<SpecificChannels<Storage, Channels>>>;
58 |
59 | /// This image type contains multiple layers, with each layer containing a user-defined type of rgba pixels.
60 | pub type RgbaLayersImage<Storage> = PixelLayersImage<Storage, RgbaChannels>;
61 |
62 | /// This image type contains a single layer containing a user-defined type of rgba pixels.
63 | pub type RgbaImage<Storage> = PixelImage<Storage, RgbaChannels>;
64 |
65 | /// Contains information about the channels in an rgba image, in the order `(red, green, blue, alpha)`.
66 | /// The alpha channel is not required. May be `None` if the image did not contain an alpha channel.
67 | pub type RgbaChannels = (ChannelDescription, ChannelDescription, ChannelDescription, Option<ChannelDescription>);
68 |
69 | /// Contains information about the channels in an rgb image, in the order `(red, green, blue)`.
70 | pub type RgbChannels = (ChannelDescription, ChannelDescription, ChannelDescription);
71 |
72 | /// The complete exr image.
73 | /// `Layers` can be either a single `Layer` or `Layers`.
74 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
75 | pub struct Image<Layers> {
76 |
77 | /// Attributes that apply to the whole image file.
78 | /// These attributes appear in each layer of the file.
79 | /// Excludes technical meta data.
80 | /// Each layer in this image also has its own attributes.
81 | pub attributes: ImageAttributes,
82 |
83 | /// The layers contained in the image file.
84 | /// Can be either a single `Layer` or a list of layers.
85 | pub layer_data: Layers,
86 | }
87 |
88 | /// A list of layers. `Channels` can be `SpecificChannels` or `AnyChannels`.
89 | pub type Layers<Channels> = SmallVec<[Layer<Channels>; 2]>;
90 |
91 | /// A single Layer, including fancy attributes and compression settings.
92 | /// `Channels` can be either `SpecificChannels` or `AnyChannels`
93 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
94 | pub struct Layer<Channels> {
95 |
96 | /// The actual pixel data. Either `SpecificChannels` or `AnyChannels`
97 | pub channel_data: Channels,
98 |
99 | /// Attributes that apply to this layer.
100 | /// May still contain attributes that should be considered global for an image file.
101 | /// Excludes technical meta data: Does not contain data window size, line order, tiling, or compression attributes.
102 | /// The image also has attributes, which do not differ per layer.
103 | pub attributes: LayerAttributes,
104 |
105 | /// The pixel resolution of this layer.
106 | /// See `layer.attributes` for more attributes, like for example layer position.
107 | pub size: Vec2<usize>,
108 |
109 | /// How the pixels are split up and compressed.
110 | pub encoding: Encoding
111 | }
112 |
113 | /// How the pixels are split up and compressed.
114 | #[derive (Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
115 | pub struct Encoding {
116 |
117 | /// How the pixel data of all channels in this layer is compressed. May be `Compression::Uncompressed`.
118 | /// See `layer.attributes` for more attributes.
119 | pub compression: Compression,
120 |
121 | /// Describes how the pixels of this layer are divided into smaller blocks.
122 | /// Either splits the image into its scan lines or splits the image into tiles of the specified size.
123 | /// A single block can be loaded without processing all bytes of a file.
124 | pub blocks: Blocks,
125 |
126 | /// In what order the tiles of this header occur in the file.
127 | /// Does not change any actual image orientation.
128 | /// See `layer.attributes` for more attributes.
129 | pub line_order: LineOrder,
130 | }
131 |
132 | /// How the image pixels are split up into separate blocks.
133 | #[derive (Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
134 | pub enum Blocks {
135 |
136 | /// The image is divided into scan line blocks.
137 | /// The number of scan lines in a block depends on the compression method.
138 | ScanLines,
139 |
140 | /// The image is divided into tile blocks.
141 | /// Also specifies the size of each tile in the image
142 | /// and whether this image contains multiple resolution levels.
143 | ///
144 | /// The inner `Vec2` describes the size of each tile.
145 | /// Stays the same number of pixels across all levels.
146 | Tiles (Vec2<usize>)
147 | }
148 |
149 |
150 | /// A grid of pixels. The pixels are written to your custom pixel storage.
151 | /// `PixelStorage` can be anything, from a flat `Vec<f16>` to `Vec<Vec<AnySample>>`, as desired.
152 | /// In order to write this image to a file, your `PixelStorage` must implement [`GetPixel`].
153 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
154 | pub struct SpecificChannels<Pixels, ChannelsDescription> {
155 |
156 | /// A description of the channels in the file, as opposed to the channels in memory.
157 | /// Should always be a tuple containing `ChannelDescription`s, one description for each channel.
158 | pub channels: ChannelsDescription, // TODO this is awkward. can this be not a type parameter please? maybe vec<option<chan_info>> ??
159 |
160 | /// Your custom pixel storage
161 | // TODO should also support `Levels<YourStorage>`, where levels are desired!
162 | pub pixels: Pixels, // TODO rename to "pixels"?
163 | }
164 |
165 |
166 | /// A dynamic list of arbitrary channels.
167 | /// `Samples` can currently only be `FlatSamples` or `Levels<FlatSamples>`.
168 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
169 | pub struct AnyChannels<Samples> {
170 |
171 | /// This list must be sorted alphabetically, by channel name.
172 | /// Use `AnyChannels::sorted` for automatic sorting.
173 | pub list: SmallVec<[AnyChannel<Samples>; 4]>
174 | }
175 |
176 | /// A single arbitrary channel.
177 | /// `Samples` can currently only be `FlatSamples` or `Levels<FlatSamples>`
178 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
179 | pub struct AnyChannel<Samples> {
180 |
181 | /// One of "R", "G", or "B" most of the time.
182 | pub name: Text,
183 |
184 | /// The actual pixel data.
185 | /// Can be `FlatSamples` or `Levels<FlatSamples>`.
186 | pub sample_data: Samples,
187 |
188 | /// This attribute only tells lossy compression methods
189 | /// whether this value should be quantized exponentially or linearly.
190 | ///
191 | /// Should be `false` for red, green, blue and luma channels, as they are not perceived linearly.
192 | /// Should be `true` for hue, chroma, saturation, and alpha channels.
193 | pub quantize_linearly: bool,
194 |
195 | /// How many of the samples are skipped compared to the other channels in this layer.
196 | ///
197 | /// Can be used for chroma subsampling for manual lossy data compression.
198 | /// Values other than 1 are allowed only in flat, scan-line based images.
199 | /// If an image is deep or tiled, the sampling rates for all of its channels must be 1.
200 | pub sampling: Vec2<usize>,
201 | }
202 |
203 | /// One or multiple resolution levels of the same image.
204 | /// `Samples` can be `FlatSamples`.
205 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
206 | pub enum Levels<Samples> {
207 |
208 | /// A single image without smaller versions of itself.
209 | /// If you only want to handle exclusively this case, use `Samples` directly, and not `Levels<Samples>`.
210 | Singular(Samples),
211 |
212 | /// Contains uniformly scaled smaller versions of the original.
213 | Mip
214 | {
215 | /// Whether to round up or down when calculating Mip/Rip levels.
216 | rounding_mode: RoundingMode,
217 |
218 | /// The smaller versions of the original.
219 | level_data: LevelMaps<Samples>
220 | },
221 |
222 | /// Contains any possible combination of smaller versions of the original.
223 | Rip
224 | {
225 | /// Whether to round up or down when calculating Mip/Rip levels.
226 | rounding_mode: RoundingMode,
227 |
228 | /// The smaller versions of the original.
229 | level_data: RipMaps<Samples>
230 | },
231 | }
232 |
233 | /// A list of resolution levels. `Samples` can currently only be `FlatSamples`.
234 | // or `DeepAndFlatSamples` (not yet implemented).
235 | pub type LevelMaps<Samples> = Vec<Samples>;
236 |
237 | /// In addition to the full resolution image,
238 | /// this layer also contains smaller versions,
239 | /// and each smaller version has further versions with varying aspect ratios.
240 | /// `Samples` can currently only be `FlatSamples`.
241 | #[derive (Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
242 | pub struct RipMaps<Samples> {
243 |
244 | /// A flattened list containing the individual levels
245 | pub map_data: LevelMaps<Samples>,
246 |
247 | /// The number of levels that were generated along the x-axis and y-axis.
248 | pub level_count: Vec2<usize>,
249 | }
250 |
251 |
252 | // TODO deep data
253 | /*#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
254 | pub enum DeepAndFlatSamples {
255 | Deep(DeepSamples),
256 | Flat(FlatSamples)
257 | }*/
258 |
259 | /// A vector of non-deep values (one value per pixel per channel).
260 | /// Stores row after row in a single vector.
261 | /// The precision of all values is either `f16`, `f32` or `u32`.
262 | ///
263 | /// Since this is close to the pixel layout in the byte file,
264 | /// this will most likely be the fastest storage.
265 | /// Using a different storage, for example `SpecificChannels`,
266 | /// will probably be slower.
267 | #[derive (Clone, PartialEq)] // debug is implemented manually
268 | pub enum FlatSamples {
269 |
270 | /// A vector of non-deep `f16` values.
271 | F16(Vec<f16>),
272 |
273 | /// A vector of non-deep `f32` values.
274 | F32(Vec<f32>),
275 |
276 | /// A vector of non-deep `u32` values.
277 | U32(Vec<u32>),
278 | }
279 |
280 |
281 | /*#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
282 | pub enum DeepSamples {
283 | F16(Vec<Vec<f16>>),
284 | F32(Vec<Vec<f32>>),
285 | U32(Vec<Vec<u32>>),
286 | }*/
287 |
288 | use crate::block::samples::*;
289 | use crate::meta::attribute::*;
290 | use crate::error::Result;
291 | use crate::block::samples::Sample;
292 | use crate::image::write::channels::*;
293 | use crate::image::write::layers::WritableLayers;
294 | use crate::image::write::samples::{WritableSamples};
295 | use crate::meta::{mip_map_levels, rip_map_levels};
296 | use crate::io::Data;
297 | use crate::image::recursive::{NoneMore, Recursive, IntoRecursive};
298 | use std::marker::PhantomData;
299 | use std::ops::Not;
300 | use crate::image::validate_results::{ValidationOptions};
301 |
302 |
303 | impl<Channels> Layer<Channels> {
304 | /// Sometimes called "data window"
305 | pub fn absolute_bounds(&self) -> IntegerBounds {
306 | IntegerBounds::new(self.attributes.layer_position, self.size)
307 | }
308 | }
309 |
310 |
311 | impl<SampleStorage, Channels> SpecificChannels<SampleStorage, Channels> {
312 | /// Create some pixels with channel information.
313 | /// The `Channels` must be a tuple containing either `ChannelDescription` or `Option<ChannelDescription>`.
314 | /// The length of the tuple dictates the number of channels in the sample storage.
315 | pub fn new(channels: Channels, source_samples: SampleStorage) -> Self
316 | where
317 | SampleStorage: GetPixel,
318 | SampleStorage::Pixel: IntoRecursive,
319 | Channels: Sync + Clone + IntoRecursive,
320 | <Channels as IntoRecursive>::Recursive: WritableChannelsDescription<<SampleStorage::Pixel as IntoRecursive>::Recursive>,
321 | {
322 | SpecificChannels { channels, pixels: source_samples }
323 | }
324 | }
325 |
326 | /// Convert this type into one of the known sample types.
327 | /// Also specify the preferred native type, which dictates the default sample type in the image.
328 | pub trait IntoSample: IntoNativeSample {
329 |
330 | /// The native sample types that this type should be converted to.
331 | const PREFERRED_SAMPLE_TYPE: SampleType;
332 | }
333 |
334 | impl IntoSample for f16 { const PREFERRED_SAMPLE_TYPE: SampleType = SampleType::F16; }
335 | impl IntoSample for f32 { const PREFERRED_SAMPLE_TYPE: SampleType = SampleType::F32; }
336 | impl IntoSample for u32 { const PREFERRED_SAMPLE_TYPE: SampleType = SampleType::U32; }
337 |
338 | /// Used to construct a `SpecificChannels`.
339 | /// Call `with_named_channel` as many times as desired,
340 | /// and then call `with_pixels` to define the colors.
341 | #[derive (Debug)]
342 | pub struct SpecificChannelsBuilder<RecursiveChannels, RecursivePixel> {
343 | channels: RecursiveChannels,
344 | px: PhantomData<RecursivePixel>
345 | }
346 |
347 | /// This check can be executed at compile time
348 | /// if the channel names are `&'static str` and the compiler is smart enough.
349 | pub trait CheckDuplicates {
350 |
351 | /// Check for duplicate channel names.
352 | fn already_contains(&self, name: &Text) -> bool;
353 | }
354 |
355 | impl CheckDuplicates for NoneMore {
356 | fn already_contains(&self, _: &Text) -> bool { false }
357 | }
358 |
359 | impl<Inner: CheckDuplicates> CheckDuplicates for Recursive<Inner, ChannelDescription> {
360 | fn already_contains(&self, name: &Text) -> bool {
361 | &self.value.name == name || self.inner.already_contains(name)
362 | }
363 | }
364 |
365 | impl SpecificChannels<(),()>
366 | {
367 | /// Start building some specific channels. On the result of this function,
368 | /// call `with_named_channel` as many times as desired,
369 | /// and then call `with_pixels` to define the colors.
370 | pub fn build() -> SpecificChannelsBuilder<NoneMore, NoneMore> {
371 | SpecificChannelsBuilder { channels: NoneMore, px: Default::default() }
372 | }
373 | }
374 |
375 | impl<RecursiveChannels: CheckDuplicates, RecursivePixel> SpecificChannelsBuilder<RecursiveChannels, RecursivePixel>
376 | {
377 | /// Add another channel to this image. Does not add the actual pixels,
378 | /// but instead only declares the presence of the channel.
379 | /// Panics if the name contains unsupported characters.
380 | /// Panics if a channel with the same name already exists.
381 | /// Use `Text::new_or_none()` to manually handle these cases.
382 | /// Use `with_channel_details` instead if you want to specify more options than just the name of the channel.
383 | /// The generic parameter can usually be inferred from the closure in `with_pixels`.
384 | pub fn with_channel<Sample: IntoSample>(self, name: impl Into<Text>)
385 | -> SpecificChannelsBuilder<Recursive<RecursiveChannels, ChannelDescription>, Recursive<RecursivePixel, Sample>>
386 | {
387 | self.with_channel_details::<Sample>(ChannelDescription::named(name, Sample::PREFERRED_SAMPLE_TYPE))
388 | }
389 |
390 | /// Add another channel to this image. Does not add the actual pixels,
391 | /// but instead only declares the presence of the channel.
392 | /// Use `with_channel` instead if you only want to specify the name of the channel.
393 | /// Panics if a channel with the same name already exists.
394 | /// The generic parameter can usually be inferred from the closure in `with_pixels`.
395 | pub fn with_channel_details<Sample: Into<Sample>>(self, channel: ChannelDescription)
396 | -> SpecificChannelsBuilder<Recursive<RecursiveChannels, ChannelDescription>, Recursive<RecursivePixel, Sample>>
397 | {
398 | // duplicate channel names are checked later, but also check now to make sure there are no problems with the `SpecificChannelsWriter`
399 | assert!(self.channels.already_contains(&channel.name).not(), "channel name ` {}` is duplicate" , channel.name);
400 |
401 | SpecificChannelsBuilder {
402 | channels: Recursive::new(self.channels, channel),
403 | px: PhantomData::default()
404 | }
405 | }
406 |
407 | /// Specify the actual pixel contents of the image.
408 | /// You can pass a closure that returns a color for each pixel (`Fn(Vec2<usize>) -> Pixel`),
409 | /// or you can pass your own image if it implements `GetPixel`.
410 | /// The pixel type must be a tuple with the correct number of entries, depending on the number of channels.
411 | /// The tuple entries can be either `f16`, `f32`, `u32` or `Sample`.
412 | /// Use `with_pixel_fn` instead of this function, to get extra type safety for your pixel closure.
413 | pub fn with_pixels<Pixels>(self, get_pixel: Pixels) -> SpecificChannels<Pixels, RecursiveChannels>
414 | where Pixels: GetPixel, <Pixels as GetPixel>::Pixel: IntoRecursive<Recursive=RecursivePixel>,
415 | {
416 | SpecificChannels {
417 | channels: self.channels,
418 | pixels: get_pixel
419 | }
420 | }
421 |
422 | /// Specify the contents of the image.
423 | /// The pixel type must be a tuple with the correct number of entries, depending on the number of channels.
424 | /// The tuple entries can be either `f16`, `f32`, `u32` or `Sample`.
425 | /// Use `with_pixels` instead of this function, if you want to pass an object that is not a closure.
426 | ///
427 | /// Usually, the compiler can infer the type of the pixel (for example, `f16,f32,f32`) from the closure.
428 | /// If that's not possible, you can specify the type of the channels
429 | /// when declaring the channel (for example, `with_named_channel::<f32>("R")`).
430 | pub fn with_pixel_fn<Pixel, Pixels>(self, get_pixel: Pixels) -> SpecificChannels<Pixels, RecursiveChannels>
431 | where Pixels: Sync + Fn(Vec2<usize>) -> Pixel, Pixel: IntoRecursive<Recursive=RecursivePixel>,
432 | {
433 | SpecificChannels {
434 | channels: self.channels,
435 | pixels: get_pixel
436 | }
437 | }
438 | }
439 |
440 | impl<SampleStorage> SpecificChannels<
441 | SampleStorage, (ChannelDescription, ChannelDescription, ChannelDescription, ChannelDescription)
442 | >
443 | {
444 |
445 | /// Create an image with red, green, blue, and alpha channels.
446 | /// You can pass a closure that returns a color for each pixel (`Fn(Vec2<usize>) -> (R,G,B,A)`),
447 | /// or you can pass your own image if it implements `GetPixel<Pixel=(R,G,B,A)>`.
448 | /// Each of `R`, `G`, `B` and `A` can be either `f16`, `f32`, `u32`, or `Sample`.
449 | pub fn rgba<R, G, B, A>(source_samples: SampleStorage) -> Self
450 | where R: IntoSample, G: IntoSample,
451 | B: IntoSample, A: IntoSample,
452 | SampleStorage: GetPixel<Pixel=(R, G, B, A)>
453 | {
454 | SpecificChannels {
455 | channels: (
456 | ChannelDescription::named(name:"R" , R::PREFERRED_SAMPLE_TYPE),
457 | ChannelDescription::named(name:"G" , G::PREFERRED_SAMPLE_TYPE),
458 | ChannelDescription::named(name:"B" , B::PREFERRED_SAMPLE_TYPE),
459 | ChannelDescription::named(name:"A" , A::PREFERRED_SAMPLE_TYPE),
460 | ),
461 | pixels: source_samples
462 | }
463 | }
464 | }
465 |
466 | impl<SampleStorage> SpecificChannels<
467 | SampleStorage, (ChannelDescription, ChannelDescription, ChannelDescription)
468 | >
469 | {
470 |
471 | /// Create an image with red, green, and blue channels.
472 | /// You can pass a closure that returns a color for each pixel (`Fn(Vec2<usize>) -> (R,G,B)`),
473 | /// or you can pass your own image if it implements `GetPixel<Pixel=(R,G,B)>`.
474 | /// Each of `R`, `G` and `B` can be either `f16`, `f32`, `u32`, or `Sample`.
475 | pub fn rgb<R, G, B>(source_samples: SampleStorage) -> Self
476 | where R: IntoSample, G: IntoSample, B: IntoSample,
477 | SampleStorage: GetPixel<Pixel=(R, G, B)>
478 | {
479 | SpecificChannels {
480 | channels: (
481 | ChannelDescription::named(name:"R" , R::PREFERRED_SAMPLE_TYPE),
482 | ChannelDescription::named(name:"G" , G::PREFERRED_SAMPLE_TYPE),
483 | ChannelDescription::named(name:"B" , B::PREFERRED_SAMPLE_TYPE),
484 | ),
485 | pixels: source_samples
486 | }
487 | }
488 | }
489 |
490 |
491 | /// A list of samples representing a single pixel.
492 | /// Does not heap allocate for images with 8 or fewer channels.
493 | pub type FlatSamplesPixel = SmallVec<[Sample; 8]>;
494 |
495 | // TODO also deep samples?
496 | impl Layer<AnyChannels<FlatSamples>> {
497 |
498 | /// Use `samples_at` if you can borrow from this layer
499 | pub fn sample_vec_at(&self, position: Vec2<usize>) -> FlatSamplesPixel {
500 | self.samples_at(position).collect()
501 | }
502 |
503 | /// Lookup all channels of a single pixel in the image
504 | pub fn samples_at(&self, position: Vec2<usize>) -> FlatSampleIterator<'_> {
505 | FlatSampleIterator {
506 | layer: self,
507 | channel_index: 0,
508 | position
509 | }
510 | }
511 | }
512 |
513 | /// Iterate over all channels of a single pixel in the image
514 | #[derive (Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
515 | pub struct FlatSampleIterator<'s> {
516 | layer: &'s Layer<AnyChannels<FlatSamples>>,
517 | channel_index: usize,
518 | position: Vec2<usize>,
519 | }
520 |
521 | impl Iterator for FlatSampleIterator<'_> {
522 | type Item = Sample;
523 |
524 | fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
525 | if self.channel_index < self.layer.channel_data.list.len() {
526 | let channel: &AnyChannel = &self.layer.channel_data.list[self.channel_index];
527 | let sample: Sample = channel.sample_data.value_by_flat_index(self.position.flat_index_for_size(self.layer.size));
528 | self.channel_index += 1;
529 | Some(sample)
530 | }
531 | else { None }
532 | }
533 |
534 | fn nth(&mut self, pos: usize) -> Option<Self::Item> {
535 | self.channel_index += pos;
536 | self.next()
537 | }
538 |
539 | fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
540 | let remaining: usize = self.layer.channel_data.list.len().saturating_sub(self.channel_index);
541 | (remaining, Some(remaining))
542 | }
543 | }
544 |
545 | impl ExactSizeIterator for FlatSampleIterator<'_> {}
546 |
547 | impl<SampleData> AnyChannels<SampleData>{
548 |
549 | /// A new list of arbitrary channels. Sorts the list to make it alphabetically stable.
550 | pub fn sort(mut list: SmallVec<[AnyChannel<SampleData>; 4]>) -> Self {
551 | list.sort_unstable_by_key(|channel: &AnyChannel| channel.name.clone()); // TODO no clone?
552 | Self { list }
553 | }
554 | }
555 |
556 | // FIXME check content size of layer somewhere??? before writing?
557 | impl<LevelSamples> Levels<LevelSamples> {
558 |
559 | /// Get a resolution level by index, sorted by size, decreasing.
560 | pub fn get_level(&self, level: Vec2<usize>) -> Result<&LevelSamples> {
561 | match self {
562 | Levels::Singular(block) => {
563 | debug_assert_eq!(level, Vec2(0,0), "singular image cannot write leveled blocks bug" );
564 | Ok(block)
565 | },
566 |
567 | Levels::Mip { level_data, .. } => {
568 | debug_assert_eq!(level.x(), level.y(), "mip map levels must be equal on x and y bug" );
569 | level_data.get(level.x()).ok_or(Error::invalid("block mip level index" ))
570 | },
571 |
572 | Levels::Rip { level_data, .. } => {
573 | level_data.get_by_level(level).ok_or(Error::invalid("block rip level index" ))
574 | }
575 | }
576 | }
577 |
578 | /// Get a resolution level by index, sorted by size, decreasing.
579 | // TODO storage order for RIP maps?
580 | pub fn get_level_mut(&mut self, level: Vec2<usize>) -> Result<&mut LevelSamples> {
581 | match self {
582 | Levels::Singular(ref mut block) => {
583 | debug_assert_eq!(level, Vec2(0,0), "singular image cannot write leveled blocks bug" );
584 | Ok(block)
585 | },
586 |
587 | Levels::Mip { level_data, .. } => {
588 | debug_assert_eq!(level.x(), level.y(), "mip map levels must be equal on x and y bug" );
589 | level_data.get_mut(level.x()).ok_or(Error::invalid("block mip level index" ))
590 | },
591 |
592 | Levels::Rip { level_data, .. } => {
593 | level_data.get_by_level_mut(level).ok_or(Error::invalid("block rip level index" ))
594 | }
595 | }
596 | }
597 |
598 | /// Get a slice of all resolution levels, sorted by size, decreasing.
599 | pub fn levels_as_slice(&self) -> &[LevelSamples] {
600 | match self {
601 | Levels::Singular(data) => std::slice::from_ref(data),
602 | Levels::Mip { level_data, .. } => level_data,
603 | Levels::Rip { level_data, .. } => &level_data.map_data,
604 | }
605 | }
606 |
607 | /// Get a mutable slice of all resolution levels, sorted by size, decreasing.
608 | pub fn levels_as_slice_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [LevelSamples] {
609 | match self {
610 | Levels::Singular(data) => std::slice::from_mut(data),
611 | Levels::Mip { level_data, .. } => level_data,
612 | Levels::Rip { level_data, .. } => &mut level_data.map_data,
613 | }
614 | }
615 |
616 | // TODO simplify working with levels in general! like level_size_by_index and such
617 |
618 | /*pub fn levels_with_size(&self, rounding: RoundingMode, max_resolution: Vec2<usize>) -> Vec<(Vec2<usize>, &S)> {
619 | match self {
620 | Levels::Singular(ref data) => vec![ (max_resolution, data) ],
621 | Levels::Mip(ref maps) => mip_map_levels(rounding, max_resolution).map(|(_index, size)| size).zip(maps).collect(),
622 | Levels::Rip(ref rip_maps) => rip_map_levels(rounding, max_resolution).map(|(_index, size)| size).zip(&rip_maps.map_data).collect(),
623 | }
624 | }*/
625 |
626 | /// Whether this stores multiple resolution levels.
627 | pub fn level_mode(&self) -> LevelMode {
628 | match self {
629 | Levels::Singular(_) => LevelMode::Singular,
630 | Levels::Mip { .. } => LevelMode::MipMap,
631 | Levels::Rip { .. } => LevelMode::RipMap,
632 | }
633 | }
634 | }
635 |
636 | impl<Samples> RipMaps<Samples> {
637 |
638 | /// Flatten the 2D level index to a one dimensional index.
639 | pub fn get_level_index(&self, level: Vec2<usize>) -> usize {
640 | level.flat_index_for_size(self.level_count)
641 | }
642 |
643 | /// Return a level by level index. Level `0` has the largest resolution.
644 | pub fn get_by_level(&self, level: Vec2<usize>) -> Option<&Samples> {
645 | self.map_data.get(self.get_level_index(level))
646 | }
647 |
648 | /// Return a mutable level reference by level index. Level `0` has the largest resolution.
649 | pub fn get_by_level_mut(&mut self, level: Vec2<usize>) -> Option<&mut Samples> {
650 | let index: usize = self.get_level_index(level);
651 | self.map_data.get_mut(index)
652 | }
653 | }
654 |
655 | impl FlatSamples {
656 |
657 | /// The number of samples in the image. Should be the width times the height.
658 | /// Might vary when subsampling is used.
659 | pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
660 | match self {
661 | FlatSamples::F16(vec) => vec.len(),
662 | FlatSamples::F32(vec) => vec.len(),
663 | FlatSamples::U32(vec) => vec.len(),
664 | }
665 | }
666 |
667 | /// Views all samples in this storage as f32.
668 | /// Matches the underlying sample type again for every sample,
669 | /// match yourself if performance is critical! Does not allocate.
670 | pub fn values_as_f32<'s>(&'s self) -> impl 's + Iterator<Item = f32> {
671 | self.values().map(|sample| sample.to_f32())
672 | }
673 |
674 | /// All samples in this storage as iterator.
675 | /// Matches the underlying sample type again for every sample,
676 | /// match yourself if performance is critical! Does not allocate.
677 | pub fn values<'s>(&'s self) -> impl 's + Iterator<Item = Sample> {
678 | (0..self.len()).map(move |index| self.value_by_flat_index(index))
679 | }
680 |
681 | /// Lookup a single value, by flat index.
682 | /// The flat index can be obtained using `Vec2::flatten_for_width`
683 | /// which computes the index in a flattened array of pixel rows.
684 | pub fn value_by_flat_index(&self, index: usize) -> Sample {
685 | match self {
686 | FlatSamples::F16(vec) => Sample::F16(vec[index]),
687 | FlatSamples::F32(vec) => Sample::F32(vec[index]),
688 | FlatSamples::U32(vec) => Sample::U32(vec[index]),
689 | }
690 | }
691 | }
692 |
693 |
694 | impl<'s, ChannelData:'s> Layer<ChannelData> {
695 |
696 | /// Create a layer with the specified size, attributes, encoding and channels.
697 | /// The channels can be either `SpecificChannels` or `AnyChannels`.
698 | pub fn new(
699 | dimensions: impl Into<Vec2<usize>>,
700 | attributes: LayerAttributes,
701 | encoding: Encoding,
702 | channels: ChannelData
703 | ) -> Self
704 | where ChannelData: WritableChannels<'s>
705 | {
706 | Layer { channel_data: channels, attributes, size: dimensions.into(), encoding }
707 | }
708 |
709 | // TODO test pls wtf
710 | /// Panics for images with Scanline encoding.
711 | pub fn levels_with_resolution<'l, L>(&self, levels: &'l Levels<L>) -> Box<dyn 'l + Iterator<Item=(&'l L, Vec2<usize>)>> {
712 | match levels {
713 | Levels::Singular(level) => Box::new(std::iter::once((level, self.size))),
714 |
715 | Levels::Mip { rounding_mode, level_data } => Box::new(level_data.iter().zip(
716 | mip_map_levels(*rounding_mode, self.size)
717 | .map(|(_index, size)| size)
718 | )),
719 |
720 | Levels::Rip { rounding_mode, level_data } => Box::new(level_data.map_data.iter().zip(
721 | rip_map_levels(*rounding_mode, self.size)
722 | .map(|(_index, size)| size)
723 | )),
724 | }
725 | }
726 | }
727 |
728 | impl Encoding {
729 |
730 | /// No compression. Massive space requirements.
731 | /// Fast, because it minimizes data shuffling and reallocation.
732 | pub const UNCOMPRESSED: Encoding = Encoding {
733 | compression: Compression::Uncompressed,
734 | blocks: Blocks::ScanLines, // longest lines, faster memcpy
735 | line_order: LineOrder::Increasing // presumably fastest?
736 | };
737 |
738 | /// Run-length encoding with tiles of 64x64 pixels. This is the recommended default encoding.
739 | /// Almost as fast as uncompressed data, but optimizes single-colored areas such as mattes and masks.
740 | pub const FAST_LOSSLESS: Encoding = Encoding {
741 | compression: Compression::RLE,
742 | blocks: Blocks::Tiles(Vec2(64, 64)), // optimize for RLE compression
743 | line_order: LineOrder::Unspecified
744 | };
745 |
746 | /// ZIP compression with blocks of 16 lines. Slow, but produces small files without visible artefacts.
747 | pub const SMALL_LOSSLESS: Encoding = Encoding {
748 | compression: Compression::ZIP16,
749 | blocks: Blocks::ScanLines, // largest possible, but also with high probability of parallel workers
750 | line_order: LineOrder::Increasing
751 | };
752 |
753 | /// PIZ compression with tiles of 256x256 pixels. Small images, not too slow.
754 | pub const SMALL_FAST_LOSSLESS: Encoding = Encoding {
755 | compression: Compression::PIZ,
756 | blocks: Blocks::Tiles(Vec2(256, 256)),
757 | line_order: LineOrder::Unspecified
758 | };
759 | }
760 |
761 | impl Default for Encoding {
762 | fn default() -> Self { Encoding::FAST_LOSSLESS }
763 | }
764 |
765 | impl<'s, LayerData: 's> Image<LayerData> where LayerData: WritableLayers<'s> {
766 | /// Create an image with one or multiple layers. The layer can be a `Layer`, or `Layers` small vector, or `Vec<Layer>` or `&[Layer]`.
767 | pub fn new(image_attributes: ImageAttributes, layer_data: LayerData) -> Self {
768 | Image { attributes: image_attributes, layer_data }
769 | }
770 | }
771 |
772 | // explorable constructor alias
773 | impl<'s, Channels: 's> Image<Layers<Channels>> where Channels: WritableChannels<'s> {
774 | /// Create an image with multiple layers. The layer can be a `Vec<Layer>` or `Layers` (a small vector).
775 | pub fn from_layers(image_attributes: ImageAttributes, layer_data: impl Into<Layers<Channels>>) -> Self {
776 | Self::new(image_attributes, layer_data:layer_data.into())
777 | }
778 | }
779 |
780 |
781 | impl<'s, ChannelData:'s> Image<Layer<ChannelData>> where ChannelData: WritableChannels<'s> {
782 |
783 | /// Uses the display position and size to the channel position and size of the layer.
784 | pub fn from_layer(layer: Layer<ChannelData>) -> Self {
785 | let bounds: IntegerBounds = IntegerBounds::new(start:layer.attributes.layer_position, layer.size);
786 | Self::new(ImageAttributes::new(bounds), layer_data:layer)
787 | }
788 |
789 | /// Uses empty attributes.
790 | pub fn from_encoded_channels(size: impl Into<Vec2<usize>>, encoding: Encoding, channels: ChannelData) -> Self {
791 | // layer name is not required for single-layer images
792 | Self::from_layer(Layer::new(dimensions:size, attributes:LayerAttributes::default(), encoding, channels))
793 | }
794 |
795 | /// Uses empty attributes and fast compression.
796 | pub fn from_channels(size: impl Into<Vec2<usize>>, channels: ChannelData) -> Self {
797 | Self::from_encoded_channels(size, Encoding::default(), channels)
798 | }
799 | }
800 |
801 |
802 | impl Image<NoneMore> {
803 |
804 | /// Create an empty image, to be filled with layers later on. Add at least one layer to obtain a valid image.
805 | /// Call `with_layer(another_layer)` for each layer you want to add to this image.
806 | pub fn empty(attributes: ImageAttributes) -> Self { Self { attributes, layer_data: NoneMore } }
807 | }
808 |
809 | impl<'s, InnerLayers: 's> Image<InnerLayers> where
810 | InnerLayers: WritableLayers<'s>,
811 | {
812 | /// Add another layer to this image. The layer type does
813 | /// not have to equal the existing layers in this image.
814 | pub fn with_layer<NewChannels>(self, layer: Layer<NewChannels>)
815 | -> Image<Recursive<InnerLayers, Layer<NewChannels>>>
816 | where NewChannels: 's + WritableChannels<'s>
817 | {
818 | Image {
819 | attributes: self.attributes,
820 | layer_data: Recursive::new(self.layer_data, value:layer)
821 | }
822 | }
823 | }
824 |
825 |
826 | impl<'s, SampleData: 's> AnyChannel<SampleData> {
827 |
828 | /// Create a new channel without subsampling.
829 | ///
830 | /// Automatically flags this channel for specialized compression
831 | /// if the name is "R", "G", "B", "Y", or "L",
832 | /// as they typically encode values that are perceived non-linearly.
833 | /// Construct the value yourself using `AnyChannel { .. }`, if you want to control this flag.
834 | pub fn new(name: impl Into<Text>, sample_data: SampleData) -> Self where SampleData: WritableSamples<'s> {
835 | let name: Text = name.into();
836 |
837 | AnyChannel {
838 | quantize_linearly: ChannelDescription::guess_quantization_linearity(&name),
839 | name, sample_data,
840 | sampling: Vec2(1, 1),
841 | }
842 | }
843 |
844 | /*/// This is the same as `AnyChannel::new()`, but additionally ensures that the closure type is correct.
845 | pub fn from_closure<V>(name: Text, sample_data: S) -> Self
846 | where S: Sync + Fn(Vec2<usize>) -> V, V: InferSampleType + Data
847 | {
848 | Self::new(name, sample_data)
849 | }*/
850 | }
851 |
852 | impl std::fmt::Debug for FlatSamples {
853 | fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
854 | if self.len() <= 6 {
855 | match self {
856 | FlatSamples::F16(vec: &Vec) => vec.fmt(formatter),
857 | FlatSamples::F32(vec: &Vec) => vec.fmt(formatter),
858 | FlatSamples::U32(vec: &Vec) => vec.fmt(formatter),
859 | }
860 | }
861 | else {
862 | match self {
863 | FlatSamples::F16(vec: &Vec) => write!(formatter, "[f16; {}]" , vec.len()),
864 | FlatSamples::F32(vec: &Vec) => write!(formatter, "[f32; {}]" , vec.len()),
865 | FlatSamples::U32(vec: &Vec) => write!(formatter, "[u32; {}]" , vec.len()),
866 | }
867 | }
868 | }
869 | }
870 |
871 |
872 |
873 | /// Compare the result of a round trip test with the original method.
874 | /// Supports lossy compression methods.
875 | // #[cfg(test)] TODO do not ship this code
876 | pub mod validate_results {
877 | use crate::prelude::*;
878 | use smallvec::Array;
879 | use crate::prelude::recursive::*;
880 | use crate::image::write::samples::WritableSamples;
881 | use std::ops::Not;
882 | use crate::block::samples::IntoNativeSample;
883 |
884 |
885 | /// Compare two objects, but with a few special quirks.
886 | /// Intended mainly for unit testing.
887 | pub trait ValidateResult {
888 |
889 | /// Compare self with the other. Panics if not equal.
890 | ///
891 | /// Exceptional behaviour:
892 | /// This does not work the other way around! This method is not symmetrical!
893 | /// Returns whether the result is correct for this image.
894 | /// For lossy compression methods, uses approximate equality.
895 | /// Intended for unit testing.
896 | ///
897 | /// Warning: If you use `SpecificChannels`, the comparison might be inaccurate
898 | /// for images with mixed compression methods. This is to be used with `AnyChannels` mainly.
899 | fn assert_equals_result(&self, result: &Self) {
900 | self.validate_result(result, ValidationOptions::default(), || String::new()).unwrap();
901 | }
902 |
903 | /// Compare self with the other.
904 | /// Exceptional behaviour:
905 | /// - Any two NaN values are considered equal, regardless of bit representation.
906 | /// - If a `lossy` is specified, any two values that differ only by a small amount will be considered equal.
907 | /// - If `nan_to_zero` is true, and __self is NaN/Infinite and the other value is zero, they are considered equal__
908 | /// (because some compression methods replace nan with zero)
909 | ///
910 | /// This does not work the other way around! This method is not symmetrical!
911 | fn validate_result(
912 | &self, lossy_result: &Self,
913 | options: ValidationOptions,
914 | // this is a lazy string, because constructing a string is only necessary in the case of an error,
915 | // but eats up memory and allocation time every time. this was measured.
916 | context: impl Fn() -> String
917 | ) -> ValidationResult;
918 | }
919 |
920 | /// Whether to do accurate or approximate comparison.
921 | #[derive (Default, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Copy, Clone)]
922 | pub struct ValidationOptions {
923 | allow_lossy: bool,
924 | nan_converted_to_zero: bool,
925 | }
926 |
927 | /// If invalid, contains the error message.
928 | pub type ValidationResult = std::result::Result<(), String>;
929 |
930 |
931 | impl<C> ValidateResult for Image<C> where C: ValidateResult {
932 | fn validate_result(&self, other: &Self, options: ValidationOptions, location: impl Fn()->String) -> ValidationResult {
933 | if self.attributes != other.attributes { Err(location() + "| image > attributes" ) }
934 | else { self.layer_data.validate_result(&other.layer_data, options, || location() + "| image > layer data" ) }
935 | }
936 | }
937 |
938 | impl<S> ValidateResult for Layer<AnyChannels<S>>
939 | where AnyChannel<S>: ValidateResult, S: for<'a> WritableSamples<'a>
940 | {
941 | fn validate_result(&self, other: &Self, _overridden: ValidationOptions, location: impl Fn()->String) -> ValidationResult {
942 | let location = || format!(" {} (layer ` {:?}`)" , location(), self.attributes.layer_name);
943 | if self.attributes != other.attributes { Err(location() + " > attributes" ) }
944 | else if self.encoding != other.encoding { Err(location() + " > encoding" ) }
945 | else if self.size != other.size { Err(location() + " > size" ) }
946 | else if self.channel_data.list.len() != other.channel_data.list.len() { Err(location() + " > channel count" ) }
947 | else {
948 | for (own_chan, other_chan) in self.channel_data.list.iter().zip(other.channel_data.list.iter()) {
949 | own_chan.validate_result(
950 | other_chan,
951 |
952 | ValidationOptions {
953 | // no tolerance for lossless channels
954 | allow_lossy: other.encoding.compression
955 | .is_lossless_for(other_chan.sample_data.sample_type()).not(),
956 |
957 | // consider nan and zero equal if the compression method does not support nan
958 | nan_converted_to_zero: other.encoding.compression.supports_nan().not()
959 | },
960 |
961 | || format!(" {} > channel ` {}`" , location(), own_chan.name)
962 | )?;
963 | }
964 | Ok(())
965 | }
966 | }
967 | }
968 |
969 | impl<Px, Desc> ValidateResult for Layer<SpecificChannels<Px, Desc>>
970 | where SpecificChannels<Px, Desc>: ValidateResult
971 | {
972 | /// This does an approximate comparison for all channels,
973 | /// even if some channels can be compressed without loss.
974 | fn validate_result(&self, other: &Self, _overridden: ValidationOptions, location: impl Fn()->String) -> ValidationResult {
975 | let location = || format!(" {} (layer ` {:?}`)" , location(), self.attributes.layer_name);
976 |
977 | // TODO dedup with above
978 | if self.attributes != other.attributes { Err(location() + " > attributes" ) }
979 | else if self.encoding != other.encoding { Err(location() + " > encoding" ) }
980 | else if self.size != other.size { Err(location() + " > size" ) }
981 | else {
982 | let options = ValidationOptions {
983 | // no tolerance for lossless channels
984 | // pxr only looses data for f32 values, B44 only for f16, not other any other types
985 | allow_lossy: other.encoding.compression.may_loose_data(),// TODO check specific channels sample types
986 |
987 | // consider nan and zero equal if the compression method does not support nan
988 | nan_converted_to_zero: other.encoding.compression.supports_nan().not()
989 | };
990 |
991 | self.channel_data.validate_result(&other.channel_data, options, || location() + " > channel_data" )?;
992 | Ok(())
993 | }
994 | }
995 | }
996 |
997 | impl<S> ValidateResult for AnyChannels<S> where S: ValidateResult {
998 | fn validate_result(&self, other: &Self, options: ValidationOptions, location: impl Fn()->String) -> ValidationResult {
999 | self.list.validate_result(&other.list, options, location)
1000 | }
1001 | }
1002 |
1003 | impl<S> ValidateResult for AnyChannel<S> where S: ValidateResult {
1004 | fn validate_result(&self, other: &Self, options: ValidationOptions, location: impl Fn()->String) -> ValidationResult {
1005 | if self.name != other.name { Err(location() + " > name" ) }
1006 | else if self.quantize_linearly != other.quantize_linearly { Err(location() + " > quantize_linearly" ) }
1007 | else if self.sampling != other.sampling { Err(location() + " > sampling" ) }
1008 | else {
1009 | self.sample_data.validate_result(&other.sample_data, options, || location() + " > sample_data" )
1010 | }
1011 | }
1012 | }
1013 |
1014 | impl<Pxs, Chans> ValidateResult for SpecificChannels<Pxs, Chans> where Pxs: ValidateResult, Chans: Eq {
1015 | fn validate_result(&self, other: &Self, options: ValidationOptions, location: impl Fn()->String) -> ValidationResult {
1016 | if self.channels != other.channels { Err(location() + " > specific channels" ) }
1017 | else { self.pixels.validate_result(&other.pixels, options, || location() + " > specific pixels" ) }
1018 | }
1019 | }
1020 |
1021 | impl<S> ValidateResult for Levels<S> where S: ValidateResult {
1022 | fn validate_result(&self, other: &Self, options: ValidationOptions, location: impl Fn()->String) -> ValidationResult {
1023 | self.levels_as_slice().validate_result(&other.levels_as_slice(), options, || location() + " > levels" )
1024 | }
1025 | }
1026 |
1027 | impl ValidateResult for FlatSamples {
1028 | fn validate_result(&self, other: &Self, options: ValidationOptions, location: impl Fn()->String) -> ValidationResult {
1029 | use FlatSamples::*;
1030 | match (self, other) {
1031 | (F16(values), F16(other_values)) => values.as_slice().validate_result(&other_values.as_slice(), options, ||location() + " > f16 samples" ),
1032 | (F32(values), F32(other_values)) => values.as_slice().validate_result(&other_values.as_slice(), options, ||location() + " > f32 samples" ),
1033 | (U32(values), U32(other_values)) => values.as_slice().validate_result(&other_values.as_slice(), options, ||location() + " > u32 samples" ),
1034 | (own, other) => Err(format!(" {}: samples type mismatch. expected {:?}, found {:?}" , location(), own.sample_type(), other.sample_type()))
1035 | }
1036 | }
1037 | }
1038 |
1039 | impl<T> ValidateResult for &[T] where T: ValidateResult {
1040 | fn validate_result(&self, other: &Self, options: ValidationOptions, location: impl Fn()->String) -> ValidationResult {
1041 | if self.len() != other.len() { Err(location() + " count" ) }
1042 | else {
1043 | for (index, (slf, other)) in self.iter().zip(other.iter()).enumerate() {
1044 | slf.validate_result(other, options, ||format!(" {} element [ {}] of {}" , location(), index, self.len()))?;
1045 | }
1046 | Ok(())
1047 | }
1048 | }
1049 | }
1050 |
1051 | impl<A: Array> ValidateResult for SmallVec<A> where A::Item: ValidateResult {
1052 | fn validate_result(&self, other: &Self, options: ValidationOptions, location: impl Fn()->String) -> ValidationResult {
1053 | self.as_slice().validate_result(&other.as_slice(), options, location)
1054 | }
1055 | }
1056 |
1057 | impl<A> ValidateResult for Vec<A> where A: ValidateResult {
1058 | fn validate_result(&self, other: &Self, options: ValidationOptions, location: impl Fn()->String) -> ValidationResult {
1059 | self.as_slice().validate_result(&other.as_slice(), options, location)
1060 | }
1061 | }
1062 |
1063 | impl<A,B,C,D> ValidateResult for (A, B, C, D) where A: Clone+ ValidateResult, B: Clone+ ValidateResult, C: Clone+ ValidateResult, D: Clone+ ValidateResult {
1064 | fn validate_result(&self, other: &Self, options: ValidationOptions, location: impl Fn()->String) -> ValidationResult {
1065 | self.clone().into_recursive().validate_result(&other.clone().into_recursive(), options, location)
1066 | }
1067 | }
1068 |
1069 | impl<A,B,C> ValidateResult for (A, B, C) where A: Clone+ ValidateResult, B: Clone+ ValidateResult, C: Clone+ ValidateResult {
1070 | fn validate_result(&self, other: &Self, options: ValidationOptions, location: impl Fn()->String) -> ValidationResult {
1071 | self.clone().into_recursive().validate_result(&other.clone().into_recursive(), options, location)
1072 | }
1073 | }
1074 |
1075 | // // (low priority because it is only used in the tests)
1076 | /*TODO
1077 | impl<Tuple> SimilarToLossy for Tuple where
1078 | Tuple: Clone + IntoRecursive,
1079 | <Tuple as IntoRecursive>::Recursive: SimilarToLossy,
1080 | {
1081 | fn similar_to_lossy(&self, other: &Self, max_difference: f32) -> bool {
1082 | self.clone().into_recursive().similar_to_lossy(&other.clone().into_recursive(), max_difference)
1083 | } // TODO no clone?
1084 | }*/
1085 |
1086 |
1087 | // implement for recursive types
1088 | impl ValidateResult for NoneMore {
1089 | fn validate_result(&self, _: &Self, _: ValidationOptions, _: impl Fn()->String) -> ValidationResult { Ok(()) }
1090 | }
1091 |
1092 | impl<Inner, T> ValidateResult for Recursive<Inner, T> where Inner: ValidateResult, T: ValidateResult {
1093 | fn validate_result(&self, other: &Self, options: ValidationOptions, location: impl Fn()->String) -> ValidationResult {
1094 | self.value.validate_result(&other.value, options, &location).and_then(|()|
1095 | self.inner.validate_result(&other.inner, options, &location)
1096 | )
1097 | }
1098 | }
1099 |
1100 | impl<S> ValidateResult for Option<S> where S: ValidateResult {
1101 | fn validate_result(&self, other: &Self, options: ValidationOptions, location: impl Fn()->String) -> ValidationResult {
1102 | match (self, other) {
1103 | (None, None) => Ok(()),
1104 | (Some(value), Some(other)) => value.validate_result(other, options, location),
1105 | _ => Err(location() + ": option mismatch" )
1106 | }
1107 | }
1108 | }
1109 |
1110 | impl ValidateResult for f32 {
1111 | fn validate_result(&self, other: &Self, options: ValidationOptions, location: impl Fn()->String) -> ValidationResult {
1112 | if self == other || (self.is_nan() && other.is_nan()) || (options.nan_converted_to_zero && !self.is_normal() && *other == 0.0) {
1113 | return Ok(());
1114 | }
1115 |
1116 | if options.allow_lossy {
1117 | let epsilon = 0.06;
1118 | let max_difference = 0.1;
1119 |
1120 | let adaptive_threshold = epsilon * (self.abs() + other.abs());
1121 | let tolerance = adaptive_threshold.max(max_difference);
1122 | let difference = (self - other).abs();
1123 |
1124 | return if difference <= tolerance { Ok(()) }
1125 | else { Err(format!(" {}: expected ~ {}, found {} (adaptive tolerance {})" , location(), self, other, tolerance)) };
1126 | }
1127 |
1128 | Err(format!(" {}: expected exactly {}, found {}" , location(), self, other))
1129 | }
1130 | }
1131 |
1132 | impl ValidateResult for f16 {
1133 | fn validate_result(&self, other: &Self, options: ValidationOptions, location: impl Fn()->String) -> ValidationResult {
1134 | if self.to_bits() == other.to_bits() { Ok(()) } else {
1135 | self.to_f32().validate_result(&other.to_f32(), options, location)
1136 | }
1137 | }
1138 | }
1139 |
1140 | impl ValidateResult for u32 {
1141 | fn validate_result(&self, other: &Self, options: ValidationOptions, location: impl Fn()->String) -> ValidationResult {
1142 | if self == other { Ok(()) } else { // todo to float conversion resulting in nan/infinity?
1143 | self.to_f32().validate_result(&other.to_f32(), options, location)
1144 | }
1145 | }
1146 | }
1147 |
1148 | impl ValidateResult for Sample {
1149 | fn validate_result(&self, other: &Self, options: ValidationOptions, location: impl Fn()->String) -> ValidationResult {
1150 | use Sample::*;
1151 | match (self, other) {
1152 | (F16(a), F16(b)) => a.validate_result(b, options, ||location() + " (f16)" ),
1153 | (F32(a), F32(b)) => a.validate_result(b, options, ||location() + " (f32)" ),
1154 | (U32(a), U32(b)) => a.validate_result(b, options, ||location() + " (u32)" ),
1155 | (_,_) => Err(location() + ": sample type mismatch" )
1156 | }
1157 | }
1158 | }
1159 |
1160 |
1161 | #[cfg (test)]
1162 | mod test_value_result {
1163 | use std::f32::consts::*;
1164 | use std::io::Cursor;
1165 | use crate::image::pixel_vec::PixelVec;
1166 | use crate::image::validate_results::{ValidateResult, ValidationOptions};
1167 | use crate::meta::attribute::LineOrder::Increasing;
1168 | use crate::image::{FlatSamples};
1169 |
1170 | fn expect_valid<T>(original: &T, result: &T, allow_lossy: bool, nan_converted_to_zero: bool) where T: ValidateResult {
1171 | original.validate_result(
1172 | result,
1173 | ValidationOptions { allow_lossy, nan_converted_to_zero },
1174 | || String::new()
1175 | ).unwrap();
1176 | }
1177 |
1178 | fn expect_invalid<T>(original: &T, result: &T, allow_lossy: bool, nan_converted_to_zero: bool) where T: ValidateResult {
1179 | assert!(original.validate_result(
1180 | result,
1181 | ValidationOptions { allow_lossy, nan_converted_to_zero },
1182 | || String::new()
1183 | ).is_err());
1184 | }
1185 |
1186 | #[test ]
1187 | fn test_f32(){
1188 | let original:&[f32] = &[0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, -20.4, f32::NAN];
1189 | let lossy:&[f32] = &[0.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, -20.5, f32::NAN];
1190 |
1191 | expect_valid(&original, &original, true, true);
1192 | expect_valid(&original, &original, true, false);
1193 | expect_valid(&original, &original, false, true);
1194 | expect_valid(&original, &original, false, false);
1195 |
1196 | expect_invalid(&original, &lossy, false, false);
1197 | expect_valid(&original, &lossy, true, false);
1198 |
1199 | expect_invalid(&original, &&original[..original.len()-2], true, true);
1200 |
1201 | // test relative comparison with some large values
1202 | expect_valid(&1_000_f32, &1_001_f32, true, false);
1203 | expect_invalid(&1_000_f32, &1_200_f32, true, false);
1204 |
1205 | expect_valid(&10_000_f32, &10_100_f32, true, false);
1206 | expect_invalid(&10_000_f32, &12_000_f32, true, false);
1207 |
1208 | expect_valid(&33_120_f32, &30_120_f32, true, false);
1209 | expect_invalid(&33_120_f32, &20_120_f32, true, false);
1210 | }
1211 |
1212 | #[test ]
1213 | fn test_nan(){
1214 | let original:&[f32] = &[ 0.0, f32::NAN, f32::NAN ];
1215 | let lossy:&[f32] = &[ 0.0, f32::NAN, 0.0 ];
1216 |
1217 | expect_valid(&original, &lossy, true, true);
1218 | expect_invalid(&lossy, &original, true, true);
1219 |
1220 | expect_valid(&lossy, &lossy, true, true);
1221 | expect_valid(&lossy, &lossy, false, true);
1222 | }
1223 |
1224 | #[test ]
1225 | fn test_error(){
1226 |
1227 | fn print_error<T: ValidateResult>(original: &T, lossy: &T, allow_lossy: bool){
1228 | let message = original
1229 | .validate_result(
1230 | &lossy,
1231 | ValidationOptions { allow_lossy, .. Default::default() },
1232 | || String::new() // type_name::<T>().to_string()
1233 | )
1234 | .unwrap_err();
1235 |
1236 | println!("message: {}" , message);
1237 | }
1238 |
1239 | let original:&[f32] = &[ 0.0, f32::NAN, f32::NAN ];
1240 | let lossy:&[f32] = &[ 0.0, f32::NAN, 0.0 ];
1241 | print_error(&original, &lossy, false);
1242 |
1243 | print_error(&2.0, &1.0, true);
1244 | print_error(&2.0, &1.0, false);
1245 |
1246 | print_error(&FlatSamples::F32(vec![0.1,0.1]), &FlatSamples::F32(vec![0.1,0.2]), false);
1247 | print_error(&FlatSamples::U32(vec![0,0]), &FlatSamples::F32(vec![0.1,0.2]), false);
1248 |
1249 | {
1250 | let image = crate::prelude::read_all_data_from_file("tests/images/valid/openexr/MultiResolution/Kapaa.exr" ).unwrap();
1251 |
1252 | let mut mutated = image.clone();
1253 | let samples = mutated.layer_data.first_mut().unwrap()
1254 | .channel_data.list.first_mut().unwrap().sample_data.levels_as_slice_mut().first_mut().unwrap();
1255 |
1256 | match samples {
1257 | FlatSamples::F16(vals) => vals[100] = vals[1],
1258 | FlatSamples::F32(vals) => vals[100] = vals[1],
1259 | FlatSamples::U32(vals) => vals[100] = vals[1],
1260 | }
1261 |
1262 | print_error(&image, &mutated, false);
1263 | }
1264 |
1265 | // TODO check out more nested behaviour!
1266 | }
1267 |
1268 | #[test ]
1269 | fn test_uncompressed(){
1270 | use crate::prelude::*;
1271 |
1272 | let original_pixels: [(f32,f32,f32); 4] = [
1273 | (0.0, -1.1, PI),
1274 | (0.0, -1.1, TAU),
1275 | (0.0, -1.1, f32::EPSILON),
1276 | (f32::NAN, 10000.1, -1024.009),
1277 | ];
1278 |
1279 | let mut file_bytes = Vec::new();
1280 | let original_image = Image::from_encoded_channels(
1281 | (2,2),
1282 | Encoding {
1283 | compression: Compression::Uncompressed,
1284 | line_order: Increasing, // FIXME unspecified may be optimized to increasing, which destroys test eq
1285 | .. Encoding::default()
1286 | },
1287 | SpecificChannels::rgb(PixelVec::new(Vec2(2,2), original_pixels.to_vec()))
1288 | );
1289 |
1290 | original_image.write().to_buffered(Cursor::new(&mut file_bytes)).unwrap();
1291 |
1292 | let lossy_image = read().no_deep_data().largest_resolution_level()
1293 | .rgb_channels(PixelVec::<(f32,f32,f32)>::constructor, PixelVec::set_pixel)
1294 | .first_valid_layer().all_attributes().from_buffered(Cursor::new(&file_bytes)).unwrap();
1295 |
1296 | original_image.assert_equals_result(&original_image);
1297 | lossy_image.assert_equals_result(&lossy_image);
1298 | original_image.assert_equals_result(&lossy_image);
1299 | lossy_image.assert_equals_result(&original_image);
1300 | }
1301 |
1302 | #[test ]
1303 | fn test_compiles(){
1304 | use crate::prelude::*;
1305 |
1306 | fn accepts_validatable_value(_: &impl ValidateResult){}
1307 |
1308 | let object: Levels<FlatSamples> = Levels::Singular(FlatSamples::F32(Vec::default()));
1309 | accepts_validatable_value(&object);
1310 |
1311 | let object: AnyChannels<Levels<FlatSamples>> = AnyChannels::sort(SmallVec::default());
1312 | accepts_validatable_value(&object);
1313 |
1314 | let layer: Layer<AnyChannels<Levels<FlatSamples>>> = Layer::new((0,0), Default::default(), Default::default(), object);
1315 | accepts_validatable_value(&layer);
1316 |
1317 | let layers: Layers<AnyChannels<Levels<FlatSamples>>> = Default::default();
1318 | accepts_validatable_value(&layers);
1319 |
1320 | let object: Image<Layer<AnyChannels<Levels<FlatSamples>>>> = Image::from_layer(layer);
1321 | object.assert_equals_result(&object);
1322 | }
1323 | }
1324 | }
1325 |
1326 |
1327 | |