1// Adapted from https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/1.57.0/compiler/rustc_ast_pretty/src/pp.rs.
2// See "Algorithm notes" in the crate-level rustdoc.
4use crate::ring::RingBuffer;
5use crate::{MARGIN, MIN_SPACE};
6use std::borrow::Cow;
7use std::cmp;
8use std::collections::VecDeque;
9use std::iter;
11#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
12pub enum Breaks {
13 Consistent,
14 Inconsistent,
17#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
18pub struct BreakToken {
19 pub offset: isize,
20 pub blank_space: usize,
21 pub pre_break: Option<char>,
22 pub post_break: Option<char>,
23 pub no_break: Option<char>,
24 pub if_nonempty: bool,
25 pub never_break: bool,
28#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
29pub struct BeginToken {
30 pub offset: isize,
31 pub breaks: Breaks,
35pub enum Token {
36 String(Cow<'static, str>),
37 Break(BreakToken),
38 Begin(BeginToken),
39 End,
42#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
43enum PrintFrame {
44 Fits(Breaks),
45 Broken(usize, Breaks),
48pub const SIZE_INFINITY: isize = 0xffff;
50pub struct Printer {
51 out: String,
52 // Number of spaces left on line
53 space: isize,
54 // Ring-buffer of tokens and calculated sizes
55 buf: RingBuffer<BufEntry>,
56 // Total size of tokens already printed
57 left_total: isize,
58 // Total size of tokens enqueued, including printed and not yet printed
59 right_total: isize,
60 // Holds the ring-buffer index of the Begin that started the current block,
61 // possibly with the most recent Break after that Begin (if there is any) on
62 // top of it. Values are pushed and popped on the back of the queue using it
63 // like stack, and elsewhere old values are popped from the front of the
64 // queue as they become irrelevant due to the primary ring-buffer advancing.
65 scan_stack: VecDeque<usize>,
66 // Stack of blocks-in-progress being flushed by print
67 print_stack: Vec<PrintFrame>,
68 // Level of indentation of current line
69 indent: usize,
70 // Buffered indentation to avoid writing trailing whitespace
71 pending_indentation: usize,
75struct BufEntry {
76 token: Token,
77 size: isize,
80impl Printer {
81 pub fn new() -> Self {
82 Printer {
83 out: String::new(),
84 space: MARGIN,
85 buf: RingBuffer::new(),
86 left_total: 0,
87 right_total: 0,
88 scan_stack: VecDeque::new(),
89 print_stack: Vec::new(),
90 indent: 0,
91 pending_indentation: 0,
92 }
93 }
95 pub fn eof(mut self) -> String {
96 if !self.scan_stack.is_empty() {
97 self.check_stack(0);
98 self.advance_left();
99 }
100 self.out
101 }
103 pub fn scan_begin(&mut self, token: BeginToken) {
104 if self.scan_stack.is_empty() {
105 self.left_total = 1;
106 self.right_total = 1;
107 self.buf.clear();
108 }
109 let right = self.buf.push(BufEntry {
110 token: Token::Begin(token),
111 size: -self.right_total,
112 });
113 self.scan_stack.push_back(right);
114 }
116 pub fn scan_end(&mut self) {
117 if self.scan_stack.is_empty() {
118 self.print_end();
119 } else {
120 if !self.buf.is_empty() {
121 if let Token::Break(break_token) = self.buf.last().token {
122 if self.buf.len() >= 2 {
123 if let Token::Begin(_) = self.buf.second_last().token {
124 self.buf.pop_last();
125 self.buf.pop_last();
126 self.scan_stack.pop_back();
127 self.scan_stack.pop_back();
128 self.right_total -= break_token.blank_space as isize;
129 return;
130 }
131 }
132 if break_token.if_nonempty {
133 self.buf.pop_last();
134 self.scan_stack.pop_back();
135 self.right_total -= break_token.blank_space as isize;
136 }
137 }
138 }
139 let right = self.buf.push(BufEntry {
140 token: Token::End,
141 size: -1,
142 });
143 self.scan_stack.push_back(right);
144 }
145 }
147 pub fn scan_break(&mut self, token: BreakToken) {
148 if self.scan_stack.is_empty() {
149 self.left_total = 1;
150 self.right_total = 1;
151 self.buf.clear();
152 } else {
153 self.check_stack(0);
154 }
155 let right = self.buf.push(BufEntry {
156 token: Token::Break(token),
157 size: -self.right_total,
158 });
159 self.scan_stack.push_back(right);
160 self.right_total += token.blank_space as isize;
161 }
163 pub fn scan_string(&mut self, string: Cow<'static, str>) {
164 if self.scan_stack.is_empty() {
165 self.print_string(string);
166 } else {
167 let len = string.len() as isize;
168 self.buf.push(BufEntry {
169 token: Token::String(string),
170 size: len,
171 });
172 self.right_total += len;
173 self.check_stream();
174 }
175 }
177 pub fn offset(&mut self, offset: isize) {
178 match &mut self.buf.last_mut().token {
179 Token::Break(token) => token.offset += offset,
180 Token::Begin(_) => {}
181 Token::String(_) | Token::End => unreachable!(),
182 }
183 }
185 pub fn end_with_max_width(&mut self, max: isize) {
186 let mut depth = 1;
187 for &index in self.scan_stack.iter().rev() {
188 let entry = &self.buf[index];
189 match entry.token {
190 Token::Begin(_) => {
191 depth -= 1;
192 if depth == 0 {
193 if entry.size < 0 {
194 let actual_width = entry.size + self.right_total;
195 if actual_width > max {
196 self.buf.push(BufEntry {
197 token: Token::String(Cow::Borrowed("")),
198 size: SIZE_INFINITY,
199 });
200 self.right_total += SIZE_INFINITY;
201 }
202 }
203 break;
204 }
205 }
206 Token::End => depth += 1,
207 Token::Break(_) => {}
208 Token::String(_) => unreachable!(),
209 }
210 }
211 self.scan_end();
212 }
214 fn check_stream(&mut self) {
215 while self.right_total - self.left_total > self.space {
216 if *self.scan_stack.front().unwrap() == self.buf.index_of_first() {
217 self.scan_stack.pop_front().unwrap();
218 self.buf.first_mut().size = SIZE_INFINITY;
219 }
221 self.advance_left();
223 if self.buf.is_empty() {
224 break;
225 }
226 }
227 }
229 fn advance_left(&mut self) {
230 while self.buf.first().size >= 0 {
231 let left = self.buf.pop_first();
233 match left.token {
234 Token::String(string) => {
235 self.left_total += left.size;
236 self.print_string(string);
237 }
238 Token::Break(token) => {
239 self.left_total += token.blank_space as isize;
240 self.print_break(token, left.size);
241 }
242 Token::Begin(token) => self.print_begin(token, left.size),
243 Token::End => self.print_end(),
244 }
246 if self.buf.is_empty() {
247 break;
248 }
249 }
250 }
252 fn check_stack(&mut self, mut depth: usize) {
253 while let Some(&index) = self.scan_stack.back() {
254 let entry = &mut self.buf[index];
255 match entry.token {
256 Token::Begin(_) => {
257 if depth == 0 {
258 break;
259 }
260 self.scan_stack.pop_back().unwrap();
261 entry.size += self.right_total;
262 depth -= 1;
263 }
264 Token::End => {
265 self.scan_stack.pop_back().unwrap();
266 entry.size = 1;
267 depth += 1;
268 }
269 Token::Break(_) => {
270 self.scan_stack.pop_back().unwrap();
271 entry.size += self.right_total;
272 if depth == 0 {
273 break;
274 }
275 }
276 Token::String(_) => unreachable!(),
277 }
278 }
279 }
281 fn get_top(&self) -> PrintFrame {
282 const OUTER: PrintFrame = PrintFrame::Broken(0, Breaks::Inconsistent);
283 self.print_stack.last().map_or(OUTER, PrintFrame::clone)
284 }
286 fn print_begin(&mut self, token: BeginToken, size: isize) {
287 if cfg!(prettyplease_debug) {
288 self.out.push(match token.breaks {
289 Breaks::Consistent => '«',
290 Breaks::Inconsistent => '‹',
291 });
292 if cfg!(prettyplease_debug_indent) {
293 self.out
294 .extend(token.offset.to_string().chars().map(|ch| match ch {
295 '0'..='9' => ['₀', '₁', '₂', '₃', '₄', '₅', '₆', '₇', '₈', '₉']
296 [(ch as u8 - b'0') as usize],
297 '-' => '₋',
298 _ => unreachable!(),
299 }));
300 }
301 }
302 if size > self.space {
303 self.print_stack
304 .push(PrintFrame::Broken(self.indent, token.breaks));
305 self.indent = usize::try_from(self.indent as isize + token.offset).unwrap();
306 } else {
307 self.print_stack.push(PrintFrame::Fits(token.breaks));
308 }
309 }
311 fn print_end(&mut self) {
312 let breaks = match self.print_stack.pop().unwrap() {
313 PrintFrame::Broken(indent, breaks) => {
314 self.indent = indent;
315 breaks
316 }
317 PrintFrame::Fits(breaks) => breaks,
318 };
319 if cfg!(prettyplease_debug) {
320 self.out.push(match breaks {
321 Breaks::Consistent => '»',
322 Breaks::Inconsistent => '›',
323 });
324 }
325 }
327 fn print_break(&mut self, token: BreakToken, size: isize) {
328 let fits = token.never_break
329 || match self.get_top() {
330 PrintFrame::Fits(..) => true,
331 PrintFrame::Broken(.., Breaks::Consistent) => false,
332 PrintFrame::Broken(.., Breaks::Inconsistent) => size <= self.space,
333 };
334 if fits {
335 self.pending_indentation += token.blank_space;
336 self.space -= token.blank_space as isize;
337 if let Some(no_break) = token.no_break {
338 self.out.push(no_break);
339 self.space -= no_break.len_utf8() as isize;
340 }
341 if cfg!(prettyplease_debug) {
342 self.out.push('·');
343 }
344 } else {
345 if let Some(pre_break) = token.pre_break {
346 self.print_indent();
347 self.out.push(pre_break);
348 }
349 if cfg!(prettyplease_debug) {
350 self.out.push('·');
351 }
352 self.out.push('\n');
353 let indent = self.indent as isize + token.offset;
354 self.pending_indentation = usize::try_from(indent).unwrap();
355 self.space = cmp::max(MARGIN - indent, MIN_SPACE);
356 if let Some(post_break) = token.post_break {
357 self.print_indent();
358 self.out.push(post_break);
359 self.space -= post_break.len_utf8() as isize;
360 }
361 }
362 }
364 fn print_string(&mut self, string: Cow<'static, str>) {
365 self.print_indent();
366 self.out.push_str(&string);
367 self.space -= string.len() as isize;
368 }
370 fn print_indent(&mut self) {
371 self.out.reserve(self.pending_indentation);
372 self.out
373 .extend(iter::repeat(' ').take(self.pending_indentation));
374 self.pending_indentation = 0;
375 }