2Provides routines for interpolating capture group references.
4That is, if a replacement string contains references like `$foo` or `${foo1}`,
5then they are replaced with the corresponding capture values for the groups
6named `foo` and `foo1`, respectively. Similarly, syntax like `$1` and `${1}`
7is supported as well, with `1` corresponding to a capture group index and not
8a name.
10This module provides the free functions [`string`] and [`bytes`], which
11interpolate Rust Unicode strings and byte strings, respectively.
13# Format
15These routines support two different kinds of capture references: unbraced and
18For the unbraced format, the format supported is `$ref` where `name` can be
19any character in the class `[0-9A-Za-z_]`. `ref` is always the longest
20possible parse. So for example, `$1a` corresponds to the capture group named
21`1a` and not the capture group at index `1`. If `ref` matches `^[0-9]+$`, then
22it is treated as a capture group index itself and not a name.
24For the braced format, the format supported is `${ref}` where `ref` can be any
25sequence of bytes except for `}`. If no closing brace occurs, then it is not
26considered a capture reference. As with the unbraced format, if `ref` matches
27`^[0-9]+$`, then it is treated as a capture group index and not a name.
29The braced format is useful for exerting precise control over the name of the
30capture reference. For example, `${1}a` corresponds to the capture group
31reference `1` followed by the letter `a`, where as `$1a` (as mentioned above)
32corresponds to the capture group reference `1a`. The braced format is also
33useful for expressing capture group names that use characters not supported by
34the unbraced format. For example, `${foo[bar].baz}` refers to the capture group
35named `foo[bar].baz`.
37If a capture group reference is found and it does not refer to a valid capture
38group, then it will be replaced with the empty string.
40To write a literal `$`, use `$$`.
42To be clear, and as exhibited via the type signatures in the routines in this
43module, it is impossible for a replacement string to be invalid. A replacement
44string may not have the intended semantics, but the interpolation procedure
45itself can never fail.
48use alloc::{string::String, vec::Vec};
50use crate::util::memchr::memchr;
52/// Accepts a replacement string and interpolates capture references with their
53/// corresponding values.
55/// `append` should be a function that appends the string value of a capture
56/// group at a particular index to the string given. If the capture group
57/// index is invalid, then nothing should be appended.
59/// `name_to_index` should be a function that maps a capture group name to a
60/// capture group index. If the given name doesn't exist, then `None` should
61/// be returned.
63/// Finally, `dst` is where the final interpolated contents should be written.
64/// If `replacement` contains no capture group references, then `dst` will be
65/// equivalent to `replacement`.
67/// See the [module documentation](self) for details about the format
68/// supported.
70/// # Example
72/// ```
73/// use regex_automata::util::interpolate;
75/// let mut dst = String::new();
76/// interpolate::string(
77/// "foo $bar baz",
78/// |index, dst| {
79/// if index == 0 {
80/// dst.push_str("BAR");
81/// }
82/// },
83/// |name| {
84/// if name == "bar" {
85/// Some(0)
86/// } else {
87/// None
88/// }
89/// },
90/// &mut dst,
91/// );
92/// assert_eq!("foo BAR baz", dst);
93/// ```
94pub fn string(
95 mut replacement: &str,
96 mut append: impl FnMut(usize, &mut String),
97 mut name_to_index: impl FnMut(&str) -> Option<usize>,
98 dst: &mut String,
99) {
100 while !replacement.is_empty() {
101 match memchr(b'$', replacement.as_bytes()) {
102 None => break,
103 Some(i) => {
104 dst.push_str(&replacement[..i]);
105 replacement = &replacement[i..];
106 }
107 }
108 // Handle escaping of '$'.
109 if replacement.as_bytes().get(1).map_or(false, |&b| b == b'$') {
110 dst.push_str("$");
111 replacement = &replacement[2..];
112 continue;
113 }
114 debug_assert!(!replacement.is_empty());
115 let cap_ref = match find_cap_ref(replacement.as_bytes()) {
116 Some(cap_ref) => cap_ref,
117 None => {
118 dst.push_str("$");
119 replacement = &replacement[1..];
120 continue;
121 }
122 };
123 replacement = &replacement[cap_ref.end..];
124 match cap_ref.cap {
125 Ref::Number(i) => append(i, dst),
126 Ref::Named(name) => {
127 if let Some(i) = name_to_index(name) {
128 append(i, dst);
129 }
130 }
131 }
132 }
133 dst.push_str(replacement);
136/// Accepts a replacement byte string and interpolates capture references with
137/// their corresponding values.
139/// `append` should be a function that appends the byte string value of a
140/// capture group at a particular index to the byte string given. If the
141/// capture group index is invalid, then nothing should be appended.
143/// `name_to_index` should be a function that maps a capture group name to a
144/// capture group index. If the given name doesn't exist, then `None` should
145/// be returned.
147/// Finally, `dst` is where the final interpolated contents should be written.
148/// If `replacement` contains no capture group references, then `dst` will be
149/// equivalent to `replacement`.
151/// See the [module documentation](self) for details about the format
152/// supported.
154/// # Example
156/// ```
157/// use regex_automata::util::interpolate;
159/// let mut dst = vec![];
160/// interpolate::bytes(
161/// b"foo $bar baz",
162/// |index, dst| {
163/// if index == 0 {
164/// dst.extend_from_slice(b"BAR");
165/// }
166/// },
167/// |name| {
168/// if name == "bar" {
169/// Some(0)
170/// } else {
171/// None
172/// }
173/// },
174/// &mut dst,
175/// );
176/// assert_eq!(&b"foo BAR baz"[..], dst);
177/// ```
178pub fn bytes(
179 mut replacement: &[u8],
180 mut append: impl FnMut(usize, &mut Vec<u8>),
181 mut name_to_index: impl FnMut(&str) -> Option<usize>,
182 dst: &mut Vec<u8>,
183) {
184 while !replacement.is_empty() {
185 match memchr(b'$', replacement) {
186 None => break,
187 Some(i) => {
188 dst.extend_from_slice(&replacement[..i]);
189 replacement = &replacement[i..];
190 }
191 }
192 // Handle escaping of '$'.
193 if replacement.get(1).map_or(false, |&b| b == b'$') {
194 dst.push(b'$');
195 replacement = &replacement[2..];
196 continue;
197 }
198 debug_assert!(!replacement.is_empty());
199 let cap_ref = match find_cap_ref(replacement) {
200 Some(cap_ref) => cap_ref,
201 None => {
202 dst.push(b'$');
203 replacement = &replacement[1..];
204 continue;
205 }
206 };
207 replacement = &replacement[cap_ref.end..];
208 match cap_ref.cap {
209 Ref::Number(i) => append(i, dst),
210 Ref::Named(name) => {
211 if let Some(i) = name_to_index(name) {
212 append(i, dst);
213 }
214 }
215 }
216 }
217 dst.extend_from_slice(replacement);
220/// `CaptureRef` represents a reference to a capture group inside some text.
221/// The reference is either a capture group name or a number.
223/// It is also tagged with the position in the text following the
224/// capture reference.
225#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
226struct CaptureRef<'a> {
227 cap: Ref<'a>,
228 end: usize,
231/// A reference to a capture group in some text.
233/// e.g., `$2`, `$foo`, `${foo}`.
234#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
235enum Ref<'a> {
236 Named(&'a str),
237 Number(usize),
240impl<'a> From<&'a str> for Ref<'a> {
241 fn from(x: &'a str) -> Ref<'a> {
242 Ref::Named(x)
243 }
246impl From<usize> for Ref<'static> {
247 fn from(x: usize) -> Ref<'static> {
248 Ref::Number(x)
249 }
252/// Parses a possible reference to a capture group name in the given text,
253/// starting at the beginning of `replacement`.
255/// If no such valid reference could be found, None is returned.
257/// Note that this returns a "possible" reference because this routine doesn't
258/// know whether the reference is to a valid group or not. If it winds up not
259/// being a valid reference, then it should be replaced with the empty string.
260fn find_cap_ref(replacement: &[u8]) -> Option<CaptureRef<'_>> {
261 let mut i = 0;
262 let rep: &[u8] = replacement;
263 if rep.len() <= 1 || rep[0] != b'$' {
264 return None;
265 }
266 i += 1;
267 if rep[i] == b'{' {
268 return find_cap_ref_braced(rep, i + 1);
269 }
270 let mut cap_end = i;
271 while rep.get(cap_end).copied().map_or(false, is_valid_cap_letter) {
272 cap_end += 1;
273 }
274 if cap_end == i {
275 return None;
276 }
277 // We just verified that the range 0..cap_end is valid ASCII, so it must
278 // therefore be valid UTF-8. If we really cared, we could avoid this UTF-8
279 // check via an unchecked conversion or by parsing the number straight from
280 // &[u8].
281 let cap = core::str::from_utf8(&rep[i..cap_end])
282 .expect("valid UTF-8 capture name");
283 Some(CaptureRef {
284 cap: match cap.parse::<usize>() {
285 Ok(i) => Ref::Number(i),
286 Err(_) => Ref::Named(cap),
287 },
288 end: cap_end,
289 })
292/// Looks for a braced reference, e.g., `${foo1}`. This assumes that an opening
293/// brace has been found at `i-1` in `rep`. This then looks for a closing
294/// brace and returns the capture reference within the brace.
295fn find_cap_ref_braced(rep: &[u8], mut i: usize) -> Option<CaptureRef<'_>> {
296 assert_eq!(b'{', rep[i.checked_sub(1).unwrap()]);
297 let start = i;
298 while rep.get(i).map_or(false, |&b| b != b'}') {
299 i += 1;
300 }
301 if !rep.get(i).map_or(false, |&b| b == b'}') {
302 return None;
303 }
304 // When looking at braced names, we don't put any restrictions on the name,
305 // so it's possible it could be invalid UTF-8. But a capture group name
306 // can never be invalid UTF-8, so if we have invalid UTF-8, then we can
307 // safely return None.
308 let cap = match core::str::from_utf8(&rep[start..i]) {
309 Err(_) => return None,
310 Ok(cap) => cap,
311 };
312 Some(CaptureRef {
313 cap: match cap.parse::<usize>() {
314 Ok(i) => Ref::Number(i),
315 Err(_) => Ref::Named(cap),
316 },
317 end: i + 1,
318 })
321/// Returns true if and only if the given byte is allowed in a capture name
322/// written in non-brace form.
323fn is_valid_cap_letter(b: u8) -> bool {
324 match b {
325 b'0'..=b'9' | b'a'..=b'z' | b'A'..=b'Z' | b'_' => true,
326 _ => false,
327 }
331mod tests {
332 use alloc::{string::String, vec, vec::Vec};
334 use super::{find_cap_ref, CaptureRef};
336 macro_rules! find {
337 ($name:ident, $text:expr) => {
338 #[test]
339 fn $name() {
340 assert_eq!(None, find_cap_ref($text.as_bytes()));
341 }
342 };
343 ($name:ident, $text:expr, $capref:expr) => {
344 #[test]
345 fn $name() {
346 assert_eq!(Some($capref), find_cap_ref($text.as_bytes()));
347 }
348 };
349 }
351 macro_rules! c {
352 ($name_or_number:expr, $pos:expr) => {
353 CaptureRef { cap: $name_or_number.into(), end: $pos }
354 };
355 }
357 find!(find_cap_ref1, "$foo", c!("foo", 4));
358 find!(find_cap_ref2, "${foo}", c!("foo", 6));
359 find!(find_cap_ref3, "$0", c!(0, 2));
360 find!(find_cap_ref4, "$5", c!(5, 2));
361 find!(find_cap_ref5, "$10", c!(10, 3));
362 // See https://github.com/rust-lang/regex/pull/585
363 // for more on characters following numbers
364 find!(find_cap_ref6, "$42a", c!("42a", 4));
365 find!(find_cap_ref7, "${42}a", c!(42, 5));
366 find!(find_cap_ref8, "${42");
367 find!(find_cap_ref9, "${42 ");
368 find!(find_cap_ref10, " $0 ");
369 find!(find_cap_ref11, "$");
370 find!(find_cap_ref12, " ");
371 find!(find_cap_ref13, "");
372 find!(find_cap_ref14, "$1-$2", c!(1, 2));
373 find!(find_cap_ref15, "$1_$2", c!("1_", 3));
374 find!(find_cap_ref16, "$x-$y", c!("x", 2));
375 find!(find_cap_ref17, "$x_$y", c!("x_", 3));
376 find!(find_cap_ref18, "${#}", c!("#", 4));
377 find!(find_cap_ref19, "${Z[}", c!("Z[", 5));
378 find!(find_cap_ref20, "${¾}", c!("¾", 5));
379 find!(find_cap_ref21, "${¾a}", c!("¾a", 6));
380 find!(find_cap_ref22, "${a¾}", c!("a¾", 6));
381 find!(find_cap_ref23, "${☃}", c!("☃", 6));
382 find!(find_cap_ref24, "${a☃}", c!("a☃", 7));
383 find!(find_cap_ref25, "${☃a}", c!("☃a", 7));
384 find!(find_cap_ref26, "${名字}", c!("名字", 9));
386 fn interpolate_string(
387 mut name_to_index: Vec<(&'static str, usize)>,
388 caps: Vec<&'static str>,
389 replacement: &str,
390 ) -> String {
391 name_to_index.sort_by_key(|x| x.0);
393 let mut dst = String::new();
394 super::string(
395 replacement,
396 |i, dst| {
397 if let Some(&s) = caps.get(i) {
398 dst.push_str(s);
399 }
400 },
401 |name| -> Option<usize> {
402 name_to_index
403 .binary_search_by_key(&name, |x| x.0)
404 .ok()
405 .map(|i| name_to_index[i].1)
406 },
407 &mut dst,
408 );
409 dst
410 }
412 fn interpolate_bytes(
413 mut name_to_index: Vec<(&'static str, usize)>,
414 caps: Vec<&'static str>,
415 replacement: &str,
416 ) -> String {
417 name_to_index.sort_by_key(|x| x.0);
419 let mut dst = vec![];
420 super::bytes(
421 replacement.as_bytes(),
422 |i, dst| {
423 if let Some(&s) = caps.get(i) {
424 dst.extend_from_slice(s.as_bytes());
425 }
426 },
427 |name| -> Option<usize> {
428 name_to_index
429 .binary_search_by_key(&name, |x| x.0)
430 .ok()
431 .map(|i| name_to_index[i].1)
432 },
433 &mut dst,
434 );
435 String::from_utf8(dst).unwrap()
436 }
438 macro_rules! interp {
439 ($name:ident, $map:expr, $caps:expr, $hay:expr, $expected:expr $(,)*) => {
440 #[test]
441 fn $name() {
442 assert_eq!(
443 $expected,
444 interpolate_string($map, $caps, $hay),
445 "interpolate::string failed",
446 );
447 assert_eq!(
448 $expected,
449 interpolate_bytes($map, $caps, $hay),
450 "interpolate::bytes failed",
451 );
452 }
453 };
454 }
456 interp!(
457 interp1,
458 vec![("foo", 2)],
459 vec!["", "", "xxx"],
460 "test $foo test",
461 "test xxx test",
462 );
464 interp!(
465 interp2,
466 vec![("foo", 2)],
467 vec!["", "", "xxx"],
468 "test$footest",
469 "test",
470 );
472 interp!(
473 interp3,
474 vec![("foo", 2)],
475 vec!["", "", "xxx"],
476 "test${foo}test",
477 "testxxxtest",
478 );
480 interp!(
481 interp4,
482 vec![("foo", 2)],
483 vec!["", "", "xxx"],
484 "test$2test",
485 "test",
486 );
488 interp!(
489 interp5,
490 vec![("foo", 2)],
491 vec!["", "", "xxx"],
492 "test${2}test",
493 "testxxxtest",
494 );
496 interp!(
497 interp6,
498 vec![("foo", 2)],
499 vec!["", "", "xxx"],
500 "test $$foo test",
501 "test $foo test",
502 );
504 interp!(
505 interp7,
506 vec![("foo", 2)],
507 vec!["", "", "xxx"],
508 "test $foo",
509 "test xxx",
510 );
512 interp!(
513 interp8,
514 vec![("foo", 2)],
515 vec!["", "", "xxx"],
516 "$foo test",
517 "xxx test",
518 );
520 interp!(
521 interp9,
522 vec![("bar", 1), ("foo", 2)],
523 vec!["", "yyy", "xxx"],
524 "test $bar$foo",
525 "test yyyxxx",
526 );
528 interp!(
529 interp10,
530 vec![("bar", 1), ("foo", 2)],
531 vec!["", "yyy", "xxx"],
532 "test $ test",
533 "test $ test",
534 );
536 interp!(
537 interp11,
538 vec![("bar", 1), ("foo", 2)],
539 vec!["", "yyy", "xxx"],
540 "test ${} test",
541 "test test",
542 );
544 interp!(
545 interp12,
546 vec![("bar", 1), ("foo", 2)],
547 vec!["", "yyy", "xxx"],
548 "test ${ } test",
549 "test test",
550 );
552 interp!(
553 interp13,
554 vec![("bar", 1), ("foo", 2)],
555 vec!["", "yyy", "xxx"],
556 "test ${a b} test",
557 "test test",
558 );
560 interp!(
561 interp14,
562 vec![("bar", 1), ("foo", 2)],
563 vec!["", "yyy", "xxx"],
564 "test ${a} test",
565 "test test",
566 );
568 // This is a funny case where a braced reference is never closed, but
569 // within the unclosed braced reference, there is an unbraced reference.
570 // In this case, the braced reference is just treated literally and the
571 // unbraced reference is found.
572 interp!(
573 interp15,
574 vec![("bar", 1), ("foo", 2)],
575 vec!["", "yyy", "xxx"],
576 "test ${wat $bar ok",
577 "test ${wat yyy ok",
578 );

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