1use std::iter::FromIterator;
2use std::mem;
4use crate::repr::Decor;
6use crate::{Item, RawString, Value};
8/// Type representing a TOML array,
9/// payload of the `Value::Array` variant's value
10#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
11pub struct Array {
12 // `trailing` represents whitespaces, newlines
13 // and comments in an empty array or after the trailing comma
14 trailing: RawString,
15 trailing_comma: bool,
16 // prefix before `[` and suffix after `]`
17 decor: Decor,
18 pub(crate) span: Option<std::ops::Range<usize>>,
19 // always Vec<Item::Value>
20 pub(crate) values: Vec<Item>,
23/// An owned iterator type over `Table`'s key/value pairs.
24pub type ArrayIntoIter = Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Value>>;
25/// An iterator type over `Array`'s values.
26pub type ArrayIter<'a> = Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &'a Value> + 'a>;
27/// An iterator type over `Array`'s values.
28pub type ArrayIterMut<'a> = Box<dyn Iterator<Item = &'a mut Value> + 'a>;
30/// Constructors
32/// See also `FromIterator`
33impl Array {
34 /// Create an empty `Array`
35 ///
36 /// # Examples
37 ///
38 /// ```rust
39 /// let mut arr = toml_edit::Array::new();
40 /// ```
41 pub fn new() -> Self {
42 Default::default()
43 }
45 pub(crate) fn with_vec(values: Vec<Item>) -> Self {
46 Self {
47 values,
48 ..Default::default()
49 }
50 }
53/// Formatting
54impl Array {
55 /// Auto formats the array.
56 pub fn fmt(&mut self) {
57 decorate_array(self);
58 }
60 /// Set whether the array will use a trailing comma
61 pub fn set_trailing_comma(&mut self, yes: bool) {
62 self.trailing_comma = yes;
63 }
65 /// Whether the array will use a trailing comma
66 pub fn trailing_comma(&self) -> bool {
67 self.trailing_comma
68 }
70 /// Set whitespace after last element
71 pub fn set_trailing(&mut self, trailing: impl Into<RawString>) {
72 self.trailing = trailing.into();
73 }
75 /// Whitespace after last element
76 pub fn trailing(&self) -> &RawString {
77 &self.trailing
78 }
80 /// Returns the surrounding whitespace
81 pub fn decor_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Decor {
82 &mut self.decor
83 }
85 /// Returns the surrounding whitespace
86 pub fn decor(&self) -> &Decor {
87 &self.decor
88 }
90 /// Returns the location within the original document
91 pub(crate) fn span(&self) -> Option<std::ops::Range<usize>> {
92 self.span.clone()
93 }
95 pub(crate) fn despan(&mut self, input: &str) {
96 self.span = None;
97 self.decor.despan(input);
98 self.trailing.despan(input);
99 for value in &mut self.values {
100 value.despan(input);
101 }
102 }
105impl Array {
106 /// Returns an iterator over all values.
107 pub fn iter(&self) -> ArrayIter<'_> {
108 Box::new(self.values.iter().filter_map(Item::as_value))
109 }
111 /// Returns an iterator over all values.
112 pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> ArrayIterMut<'_> {
113 Box::new(self.values.iter_mut().filter_map(Item::as_value_mut))
114 }
116 /// Returns the length of the underlying Vec.
117 ///
118 /// In some rare cases, placeholder elements will exist. For a more accurate count, call
119 /// `a.iter().count()`
120 ///
121 /// # Examples
122 ///
123 /// ```rust
124 /// let mut arr = toml_edit::Array::new();
125 /// arr.push(1);
126 /// arr.push("foo");
127 /// assert_eq!(arr.len(), 2);
128 /// ```
129 pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
130 self.values.len()
131 }
133 /// Return true iff `self.len() == 0`.
134 ///
135 /// # Examples
136 ///
137 /// ```rust
138 /// let mut arr = toml_edit::Array::new();
139 /// assert!(arr.is_empty());
140 ///
141 /// arr.push(1);
142 /// arr.push("foo");
143 /// assert!(! arr.is_empty());
144 /// ```
145 pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
146 self.len() == 0
147 }
149 /// Clears the array, removing all values. Keeps the allocated memory for reuse.
150 pub fn clear(&mut self) {
151 self.values.clear()
152 }
154 /// Returns a reference to the value at the given index, or `None` if the index is out of
155 /// bounds.
156 pub fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&Value> {
157 self.values.get(index).and_then(Item::as_value)
158 }
160 /// Returns a reference to the value at the given index, or `None` if the index is out of
161 /// bounds.
162 pub fn get_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> Option<&mut Value> {
163 self.values.get_mut(index).and_then(Item::as_value_mut)
164 }
166 /// Appends a new value to the end of the array, applying default formatting to it.
167 ///
168 /// # Examples
169 ///
170 /// ```rust
171 /// let mut arr = toml_edit::Array::new();
172 /// arr.push(1);
173 /// arr.push("foo");
174 /// ```
175 pub fn push<V: Into<Value>>(&mut self, v: V) {
176 self.value_op(v.into(), true, |items, value| {
177 items.push(Item::Value(value))
178 })
179 }
181 /// Appends a new, already formatted value to the end of the array.
182 ///
183 /// # Examples
184 ///
185 /// ```rust
186 /// let formatted_value = "'literal'".parse::<toml_edit::Value>().unwrap();
187 /// let mut arr = toml_edit::Array::new();
188 /// arr.push_formatted(formatted_value);
189 /// ```
190 pub fn push_formatted(&mut self, v: Value) {
191 self.values.push(Item::Value(v));
192 }
194 /// Inserts an element at the given position within the array, applying default formatting to
195 /// it and shifting all values after it to the right.
196 ///
197 /// # Panics
198 ///
199 /// Panics if `index > len`.
200 ///
201 /// # Examples
202 ///
203 /// ```rust
204 /// let mut arr = toml_edit::Array::new();
205 /// arr.push(1);
206 /// arr.push("foo");
207 ///
208 /// arr.insert(0, "start");
209 /// ```
210 pub fn insert<V: Into<Value>>(&mut self, index: usize, v: V) {
211 self.value_op(v.into(), true, |items, value| {
212 items.insert(index, Item::Value(value))
213 })
214 }
216 /// Inserts an already formatted value at the given position within the array, shifting all
217 /// values after it to the right.
218 ///
219 /// # Panics
220 ///
221 /// Panics if `index > len`.
222 ///
223 /// # Examples
224 ///
225 /// ```rust
226 /// let mut arr = toml_edit::Array::new();
227 /// arr.push(1);
228 /// arr.push("foo");
229 ///
230 /// let formatted_value = "'start'".parse::<toml_edit::Value>().unwrap();
231 /// arr.insert_formatted(0, formatted_value);
232 /// ```
233 pub fn insert_formatted(&mut self, index: usize, v: Value) {
234 self.values.insert(index, Item::Value(v))
235 }
237 /// Replaces the element at the given position within the array, preserving existing formatting.
238 ///
239 /// # Panics
240 ///
241 /// Panics if `index >= len`.
242 ///
243 /// # Examples
244 ///
245 /// ```rust
246 /// let mut arr = toml_edit::Array::new();
247 /// arr.push(1);
248 /// arr.push("foo");
249 ///
250 /// arr.replace(0, "start");
251 /// ```
252 pub fn replace<V: Into<Value>>(&mut self, index: usize, v: V) -> Value {
253 // Read the existing value's decor and preserve it.
254 let existing_decor = self
255 .get(index)
256 .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("index {} out of bounds (len = {})", index, self.len()))
257 .decor();
258 let mut value = v.into();
259 *value.decor_mut() = existing_decor.clone();
260 self.replace_formatted(index, value)
261 }
263 /// Replaces the element at the given position within the array with an already formatted value.
264 ///
265 /// # Panics
266 ///
267 /// Panics if `index >= len`.
268 ///
269 /// # Examples
270 ///
271 /// ```rust
272 /// let mut arr = toml_edit::Array::new();
273 /// arr.push(1);
274 /// arr.push("foo");
275 ///
276 /// let formatted_value = "'start'".parse::<toml_edit::Value>().unwrap();
277 /// arr.replace_formatted(0, formatted_value);
278 /// ```
279 pub fn replace_formatted(&mut self, index: usize, v: Value) -> Value {
280 match mem::replace(&mut self.values[index], Item::Value(v)) {
281 Item::Value(old_value) => old_value,
282 x => panic!("non-value item {:?} in an array", x),
283 }
284 }
286 /// Removes the value at the given index.
287 ///
288 /// # Examples
289 ///
290 /// ```rust
291 /// let mut arr = toml_edit::Array::new();
292 /// arr.push(1);
293 /// arr.push("foo");
294 ///
295 /// arr.remove(0);
296 /// assert_eq!(arr.len(), 1);
297 /// ```
298 pub fn remove(&mut self, index: usize) -> Value {
299 let removed = self.values.remove(index);
300 match removed {
301 Item::Value(v) => v,
302 x => panic!("non-value item {:?} in an array", x),
303 }
304 }
306 /// Retains only the values specified by the `keep` predicate.
307 ///
308 /// In other words, remove all values for which `keep(&value)` returns `false`.
309 ///
310 /// This method operates in place, visiting each element exactly once in the
311 /// original order, and preserves the order of the retained elements.
312 pub fn retain<F>(&mut self, mut keep: F)
313 where
314 F: FnMut(&Value) -> bool,
315 {
316 self.values
317 .retain(|item| item.as_value().map(&mut keep).unwrap_or(false));
318 }
320 fn value_op<T>(
321 &mut self,
322 v: Value,
323 decorate: bool,
324 op: impl FnOnce(&mut Vec<Item>, Value) -> T,
325 ) -> T {
326 let mut value = v;
327 if !self.is_empty() && decorate {
328 value.decorate(" ", "");
329 } else if decorate {
330 value.decorate("", "");
331 }
332 op(&mut self.values, value)
333 }
336impl std::fmt::Display for Array {
337 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
338 crate::encode::Encode::encode(self, buf:f, input:None, ("", ""))
339 }
342impl<V: Into<Value>> Extend<V> for Array {
343 fn extend<T: IntoIterator<Item = V>>(&mut self, iter: T) {
344 for value: V in iter {
345 self.push_formatted(value.into());
346 }
347 }
350impl<V: Into<Value>> FromIterator<V> for Array {
351 fn from_iter<I>(iter: I) -> Self
352 where
353 I: IntoIterator<Item = V>,
354 {
355 let v: impl Iterator = iter.into_iter().map(|a: V| Item::Value(a.into()));
356 Array {
357 values: v.collect(),
358 ..Default::default()
359 }
360 }
363impl IntoIterator for Array {
364 type Item = Value;
365 type IntoIter = ArrayIntoIter;
367 fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
368 Box::new(
369 self.values
370 .into_iter()
371 .filter(|v: &Item| v.is_value())
372 .map(|v: Item| v.into_value().unwrap()),
373 )
374 }
377impl<'s> IntoIterator for &'s Array {
378 type Item = &'s Value;
379 type IntoIter = ArrayIter<'s>;
381 fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
382 self.iter()
383 }
386fn decorate_array(array: &mut Array) {
387 for (i: usize, value: &mut Value) in arrayimpl Iterator
388 .values
389 .iter_mut()
390 .filter_map(Item::as_value_mut)
391 .enumerate()
392 {
393 // [value1, value2, value3]
394 if i == 0 {
396 } else {
398 }
399 }
400 // Since everything is now on the same line, remove trailing commas and whitespace.
401 array.set_trailing_comma(yes:false);
402 array.set_trailing("");