1#[cfg(not(feature = "tokio"))]
2use async_io::Async;
3use event_listener::Event;
4use static_assertions::assert_impl_all;
5#[cfg(not(feature = "tokio"))]
6use std::net::TcpStream;
7#[cfg(all(unix, not(feature = "tokio")))]
8use std::os::unix::net::UnixStream;
9use std::{
10 collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque},
11 convert::TryInto,
12 sync::Arc,
14#[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
15use tokio::net::TcpStream;
16#[cfg(all(unix, feature = "tokio"))]
17use tokio::net::UnixStream;
18#[cfg(feature = "tokio-vsock")]
19use tokio_vsock::VsockStream;
21use uds_windows::UnixStream;
22#[cfg(all(feature = "vsock", not(feature = "tokio")))]
23use vsock::VsockStream;
25use zvariant::{ObjectPath, Str};
27use crate::{
28 address::{self, Address},
29 async_lock::RwLock,
30 handshake,
31 names::{InterfaceName, UniqueName, WellKnownName},
32 raw::Socket,
33 AuthMechanism, Authenticated, Connection, Error, Executor, Guid, Interface, Result,
36const DEFAULT_MAX_QUEUED: usize = 64;
39enum Target {
40 UnixStream(UnixStream),
41 TcpStream(TcpStream),
42 #[cfg(any(
43 all(feature = "vsock", not(feature = "tokio")),
44 feature = "tokio-vsock"
45 ))]
46 VsockStream(VsockStream),
47 Address(Address),
48 Socket(Box<dyn Socket>),
51type Interfaces<'a> =
52 HashMap<ObjectPath<'a>, HashMap<InterfaceName<'static>, Arc<RwLock<dyn Interface>>>>;
54/// A builder for [`zbus::Connection`].
58pub struct ConnectionBuilder<'a> {
59 target: Target,
60 max_queued: Option<usize>,
61 guid: Option<&'a Guid>,
62 p2p: bool,
63 internal_executor: bool,
64 #[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
65 interfaces: Interfaces<'a>,
66 names: HashSet<WellKnownName<'a>>,
67 auth_mechanisms: Option<VecDeque<AuthMechanism>>,
68 unique_name: Option<UniqueName<'a>>,
69 cookie_context: Option<handshake::CookieContext<'a>>,
70 cookie_id: Option<usize>,
73assert_impl_all!(ConnectionBuilder<'_>: Send, Sync, Unpin);
75impl<'a> ConnectionBuilder<'a> {
76 /// Create a builder for the session/user message bus connection.
77 pub fn session() -> Result<Self> {
78 Ok(Self::new(Target::Address(Address::session()?)))
79 }
81 /// Create a builder for the system-wide message bus connection.
82 pub fn system() -> Result<Self> {
83 Ok(Self::new(Target::Address(Address::system()?)))
84 }
86 /// Create a builder for connection that will use the given [D-Bus bus address].
87 ///
88 /// # Example
89 ///
90 /// Here is an example of connecting to an IBus service:
91 ///
92 /// ```no_run
93 /// # use std::error::Error;
94 /// # use zbus::ConnectionBuilder;
95 /// # use zbus::block_on;
96 /// #
97 /// # block_on(async {
98 /// let addr = "unix:\
99 /// path=/home/zeenix/.cache/ibus/dbus-ET0Xzrk9,\
100 /// guid=fdd08e811a6c7ebe1fef0d9e647230da";
101 /// let conn = ConnectionBuilder::address(addr)?
102 /// .build()
103 /// .await?;
104 ///
105 /// // Do something useful with `conn`..
106 /// # drop(conn);
107 /// # Ok::<(), zbus::Error>(())
108 /// # }).unwrap();
109 /// #
110 /// # Ok::<_, Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync>>(())
111 /// ```
112 ///
113 /// **Note:** The IBus address is different for each session. You can find the address for your
114 /// current session using `ibus address` command.
115 ///
116 /// [D-Bus bus address]: https://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html#addresses
117 pub fn address<A>(address: A) -> Result<Self>
118 where
119 A: TryInto<Address>,
120 A::Error: Into<Error>,
121 {
122 Ok(Self::new(Target::Address(
123 address.try_into().map_err(Into::into)?,
124 )))
125 }
127 /// Create a builder for connection that will use the given unix stream.
128 ///
129 /// If the default `async-io` feature is disabled, this method will expect
130 /// [`tokio::net::UnixStream`](https://docs.rs/tokio/latest/tokio/net/struct.UnixStream.html)
131 /// argument.
132 pub fn unix_stream(stream: UnixStream) -> Self {
133 Self::new(Target::UnixStream(stream))
134 }
136 /// Create a builder for connection that will use the given TCP stream.
137 ///
138 /// If the default `async-io` feature is disabled, this method will expect
139 /// [`tokio::net::TcpStream`](https://docs.rs/tokio/latest/tokio/net/struct.TcpStream.html)
140 /// argument.
141 pub fn tcp_stream(stream: TcpStream) -> Self {
142 Self::new(Target::TcpStream(stream))
143 }
145 /// Create a builder for connection that will use the given VSOCK stream.
146 ///
147 /// This method is only available when either `vsock` or `tokio-vsock` feature is enabled. The
148 /// type of `stream` is `vsock::VsockStream` with `vsock` feature and `tokio_vsock::VsockStream`
149 /// with `tokio-vsock` feature.
150 #[cfg(any(
151 all(feature = "vsock", not(feature = "tokio")),
152 feature = "tokio-vsock"
153 ))]
154 pub fn vsock_stream(stream: VsockStream) -> Self {
155 Self::new(Target::VsockStream(stream))
156 }
158 /// Create a builder for connection that will use the given socket.
159 pub fn socket<S: Socket + 'static>(socket: S) -> Self {
160 Self::new(Target::Socket(Box::new(socket)))
161 }
163 /// Specify the mechanisms to use during authentication.
164 pub fn auth_mechanisms(mut self, auth_mechanisms: &[AuthMechanism]) -> Self {
165 self.auth_mechanisms = Some(VecDeque::from(auth_mechanisms.to_vec()));
167 self
168 }
170 /// The cookie context to use during authentication.
171 ///
172 /// This is only used when the `cookie` authentication mechanism is enabled and only valid for
173 /// server connection.
174 ///
175 /// If not specified, the default cookie context of `org_freedesktop_general` will be used.
176 ///
177 /// # Errors
178 ///
179 /// If the given string is not a valid cookie context.
180 pub fn cookie_context<C>(mut self, context: C) -> Result<Self>
181 where
182 C: Into<Str<'a>>,
183 {
184 self.cookie_context = Some(context.into().try_into()?);
186 Ok(self)
187 }
189 /// The ID of the cookie to use during authentication.
190 ///
191 /// This is only used when the `cookie` authentication mechanism is enabled and only valid for
192 /// server connection.
193 ///
194 /// If not specified, the first cookie found in the cookie context file will be used.
195 pub fn cookie_id(mut self, id: usize) -> Self {
196 self.cookie_id = Some(id);
198 self
199 }
201 /// The to-be-created connection will be a peer-to-peer connection.
202 pub fn p2p(mut self) -> Self {
203 self.p2p = true;
205 self
206 }
208 /// The to-be-created connection will be a server using the given GUID.
209 ///
210 /// The to-be-created connection will wait for incoming client authentication handshake and
211 /// negotiation messages, for peer-to-peer communications after successful creation.
212 pub fn server(mut self, guid: &'a Guid) -> Self {
213 self.guid = Some(guid);
215 self
216 }
218 /// Set the capacity of the main (unfiltered) queue.
219 ///
220 /// Since typically you'd want to set this at instantiation time, you can set it through the
221 /// builder.
222 ///
223 /// # Example
224 ///
225 /// ```
226 /// # use std::error::Error;
227 /// # use zbus::ConnectionBuilder;
228 /// # use zbus::block_on;
229 /// #
230 /// # block_on(async {
231 /// let conn = ConnectionBuilder::session()?
232 /// .max_queued(30)
233 /// .build()
234 /// .await?;
235 /// assert_eq!(conn.max_queued(), 30);
236 ///
237 /// # Ok::<(), zbus::Error>(())
238 /// # }).unwrap();
239 /// #
240 /// // Do something useful with `conn`..
241 /// # Ok::<_, Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync>>(())
242 /// ```
243 pub fn max_queued(mut self, max: usize) -> Self {
244 self.max_queued = Some(max);
246 self
247 }
249 /// Enable or disable the internal executor thread.
250 ///
251 /// The thread is enabled by default.
252 ///
253 /// See [Connection::executor] for more details.
254 pub fn internal_executor(mut self, enabled: bool) -> Self {
255 self.internal_executor = enabled;
257 self
258 }
260 /// Register a D-Bus [`Interface`] to be served at a given path.
261 ///
262 /// This is similar to [`zbus::ObjectServer::at`], except that it allows you to have your
263 /// interfaces available immediately after the connection is established. Typically, this is
264 /// exactly what you'd want. Also in contrast to [`zbus::ObjectServer::at`], this method will
265 /// replace any previously added interface with the same name at the same path.
266 pub fn serve_at<P, I>(mut self, path: P, iface: I) -> Result<Self>
267 where
268 I: Interface,
269 P: TryInto<ObjectPath<'a>>,
270 P::Error: Into<Error>,
271 {
272 let path = path.try_into().map_err(Into::into)?;
273 let entry = self.interfaces.entry(path).or_default();
274 entry.insert(I::name(), Arc::new(RwLock::new(iface)));
276 Ok(self)
277 }
279 /// Register a well-known name for this connection on the bus.
280 ///
281 /// This is similar to [`zbus::Connection::request_name`], except the name is requested as part
282 /// of the connection setup ([`ConnectionBuilder::build`]), immediately after interfaces
283 /// registered (through [`ConnectionBuilder::serve_at`]) are advertised. Typically this is
284 /// exactly what you want.
285 pub fn name<W>(mut self, well_known_name: W) -> Result<Self>
286 where
287 W: TryInto<WellKnownName<'a>>,
288 W::Error: Into<Error>,
289 {
290 let well_known_name = well_known_name.try_into().map_err(Into::into)?;
291 self.names.insert(well_known_name);
293 Ok(self)
294 }
296 /// Sets the unique name of the connection.
297 ///
298 /// # Panics
299 ///
300 /// This method panics if the to-be-created connection is not a peer-to-peer connection.
301 /// It will always panic if the connection is to a message bus as it's the bus that assigns
302 /// peers their unique names. This is mainly provided for bus implementations. All other users
303 /// should not need to use this method.
304 pub fn unique_name<U>(mut self, unique_name: U) -> Result<Self>
305 where
306 U: TryInto<UniqueName<'a>>,
307 U::Error: Into<Error>,
308 {
309 if !self.p2p {
310 panic!("unique name can only be set for peer-to-peer connections");
311 }
312 let name = unique_name.try_into().map_err(Into::into)?;
313 self.unique_name = Some(name);
315 Ok(self)
316 }
318 /// Build the connection, consuming the builder.
319 ///
320 /// # Errors
321 ///
322 /// Until server-side bus connection is supported, attempting to build such a connection will
323 /// result in [`Error::Unsupported`] error.
324 pub async fn build(self) -> Result<Connection> {
325 let executor = Executor::new();
326 #[cfg(not(feature = "tokio"))]
327 let internal_executor = self.internal_executor;
328 // Box the future as it's large and can cause stack overflow.
329 let conn = Box::pin(executor.run(self.build_(executor.clone()))).await?;
331 #[cfg(not(feature = "tokio"))]
332 start_internal_executor(&executor, internal_executor)?;
334 Ok(conn)
335 }
337 async fn build_(self, executor: Executor<'static>) -> Result<Connection> {
338 let stream = match self.target {
339 #[cfg(not(feature = "tokio"))]
340 Target::UnixStream(stream) => Box::new(Async::new(stream)?) as Box<dyn Socket>,
341 #[cfg(all(unix, feature = "tokio"))]
342 Target::UnixStream(stream) => Box::new(stream) as Box<dyn Socket>,
343 #[cfg(all(not(unix), feature = "tokio"))]
344 Target::UnixStream(_) => return Err(Error::Unsupported),
345 #[cfg(not(feature = "tokio"))]
346 Target::TcpStream(stream) => Box::new(Async::new(stream)?) as Box<dyn Socket>,
347 #[cfg(feature = "tokio")]
348 Target::TcpStream(stream) => Box::new(stream) as Box<dyn Socket>,
349 #[cfg(all(feature = "vsock", not(feature = "tokio")))]
350 Target::VsockStream(stream) => Box::new(Async::new(stream)?) as Box<dyn Socket>,
351 #[cfg(feature = "tokio-vsock")]
352 Target::VsockStream(stream) => Box::new(stream) as Box<dyn Socket>,
353 Target::Address(address) => match address.connect().await? {
354 #[cfg(any(unix, not(feature = "tokio")))]
355 address::Stream::Unix(stream) => Box::new(stream) as Box<dyn Socket>,
356 address::Stream::Tcp(stream) => Box::new(stream) as Box<dyn Socket>,
357 #[cfg(any(
358 all(feature = "vsock", not(feature = "tokio")),
359 feature = "tokio-vsock"
360 ))]
361 address::Stream::Vsock(stream) => Box::new(stream) as Box<dyn Socket>,
362 },
363 Target::Socket(stream) => stream,
364 };
365 let auth = match self.guid {
366 None => {
367 // SASL Handshake
368 Authenticated::client(stream, self.auth_mechanisms).await?
369 }
370 Some(guid) => {
371 if !self.p2p {
372 return Err(Error::Unsupported);
373 }
375 #[cfg(unix)]
376 let client_uid = stream.uid()?;
378 #[cfg(windows)]
379 let client_sid = stream.peer_sid();
381 Authenticated::server(
382 stream,
383 guid.clone(),
384 #[cfg(unix)]
385 client_uid,
386 #[cfg(windows)]
387 client_sid,
388 self.auth_mechanisms,
389 self.cookie_id,
390 self.cookie_context.unwrap_or_default(),
391 )
392 .await?
393 }
394 };
396 let mut conn = Connection::new(auth, !self.p2p, executor).await?;
397 conn.set_max_queued(self.max_queued.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_MAX_QUEUED));
398 if let Some(unique_name) = self.unique_name {
399 conn.set_unique_name(unique_name)?;
400 }
402 if !self.interfaces.is_empty() {
403 let object_server = conn.sync_object_server(false, None);
404 for (path, interfaces) in self.interfaces {
405 for (name, iface) in interfaces {
406 let future = object_server.at_ready(path.to_owned(), name, || iface);
407 let added = future.await?;
408 // Duplicates shouldn't happen.
409 assert!(added);
410 }
411 }
413 let started_event = Event::new();
414 let listener = started_event.listen();
415 conn.start_object_server(Some(started_event));
417 listener.await;
418 }
420 // Start the socket reader task.
421 conn.init_socket_reader();
423 if !self.p2p {
424 // Now that the server has approved us, we must send the bus Hello, as per specs
425 conn.hello_bus().await?;
426 }
428 for name in self.names {
429 conn.request_name(name).await?;
430 }
432 Ok(conn)
433 }
435 fn new(target: Target) -> Self {
436 Self {
437 target,
438 p2p: false,
439 max_queued: None,
440 guid: None,
441 internal_executor: true,
442 interfaces: HashMap::new(),
443 names: HashSet::new(),
444 auth_mechanisms: None,
445 unique_name: None,
446 cookie_id: None,
447 cookie_context: None,
448 }
449 }
452/// Start the internal executor thread.
454/// Returns a dummy task that keep the executor ticking thread from exiting due to absence of any
455/// tasks until socket reader task kicks in.
456#[cfg(not(feature = "tokio"))]
457fn start_internal_executor(executor: &Executor<'static>, internal_executor: bool) -> Result<()> {
458 if internal_executor {
459 let executor: Executor<'_> = executor.clone();
460 stdBuilder::thread::Builder::new()
461 .name("zbus::Connection executor".into())
462 .spawn(move || {
463 crate::utils::block_on(future:async move {
464 // Run as long as there is a task to run.
465 while !executor.is_empty() {
466 executor.tick().await;
467 }
468 })
469 })?;
470 }
472 Ok(())