1//===--- HTMLReport.cpp - Explain the analysis for humans -----------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// If we're debugging this tool or trying to explain its conclusions, we need to
10// be able to identify specific facts about the code and the inferences made.
12// This library prints an annotated version of the code
16#include "AnalysisInternal.h"
17#include "clang-include-cleaner/Types.h"
18#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
19#include "clang/AST/PrettyPrinter.h"
20#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
21#include "clang/Lex/HeaderSearch.h"
22#include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
23#include "clang/Tooling/Inclusions/StandardLibrary.h"
24#include "llvm/Support/ScopedPrinter.h"
25#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
26#include <numeric>
28namespace clang::include_cleaner {
29namespace {
31constexpr llvm::StringLiteral CSS = R"css(
32 body { margin: 0; }
33 pre { line-height: 1.5em; counter-reset: line; margin: 0; }
34 pre .line:not(.added) { counter-increment: line; }
35 pre .line::before {
36 content: counter(line);
37 display: inline-block;
38 background-color: #eee; border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
39 text-align: right;
40 width: 3em; padding-right: 0.5em; margin-right: 0.5em;
41 }
42 pre .line.added::before { content: '+' }
43 .ref, .inc { text-decoration: underline; color: #008; }
44 .sel { position: relative; cursor: pointer; }
45 .ref.implicit { background-color: #ff8; }
46 #hover {
47 color: black;
48 background-color: #aaccff; border: 1px solid #444;
49 z-index: 1;
50 position: absolute; top: 100%; left: 0;
51 font-family: sans-serif;
52 padding: 0.5em;
53 }
54 #hover p, #hover pre { margin: 0; }
55 #hover .target.implicit, .provides .implicit { background-color: #bbb; }
56 #hover .target.ambiguous, .provides .ambiguous { background-color: #caf; }
57 .missing, .unused { background-color: #faa !important; }
58 .inserted { background-color: #bea !important; }
59 .semiused { background-color: #888 !important; }
60 #hover th { color: #008; text-align: right; padding-right: 0.5em; }
61 #hover .target:not(:first-child) {
62 margin-top: 1em;
63 padding-top: 1em;
64 border-top: 1px solid #444;
65 }
66 .ref.missing #hover .insert { background-color: #bea; }
67 .ref:not(.missing) #hover .insert { font-style: italic; }
70constexpr llvm::StringLiteral JS = R"js(
71 // Recreate the #hover div inside whichever target .sel element was clicked.
72 function select(event) {
73 var target = event.target.closest('.sel');
74 var hover = document.getElementById('hover');
75 if (hover) {
76 if (hover.parentElement == target) return;
77 hover.parentNode.removeChild(hover);
78 }
79 if (target == null) return;
80 hover = document.createElement('div');
81 hover.id = 'hover';
82 fillHover(hover, target);
83 target.appendChild(hover);
84 }
85 // Fill the #hover div with the templates named by data-hover in the target.
86 function fillHover(hover, target) {
87 target.dataset.hover?.split(',').forEach(function(id) {
88 for (c of document.getElementById(id).content.childNodes)
89 hover.appendChild(c.cloneNode(true));
90 })
91 }
94// Categorize the symbol, like FunctionDecl or Macro
95llvm::StringRef describeSymbol(const Symbol &Sym) {
96 switch (Sym.kind()) {
97 case Symbol::Declaration:
98 return Sym.declaration().getDeclKindName();
99 case Symbol::Macro:
100 return "Macro";
101 }
102 llvm_unreachable("unhandled symbol kind");
105// Return detailed symbol description (declaration), if we have any.
106std::string printDetails(const Symbol &Sym) {
107 std::string S;
108 if (Sym.kind() == Symbol::Declaration) {
109 // Print the declaration of the symbol, e.g. to disambiguate overloads.
110 const auto &D = Sym.declaration();
111 PrintingPolicy PP = D.getASTContext().getPrintingPolicy();
112 PP.FullyQualifiedName = true;
113 PP.TerseOutput = true;
114 PP.SuppressInitializers = true;
115 llvm::raw_string_ostream SS(S);
116 D.print(Out&: SS, Policy: PP);
117 }
118 return S;
121llvm::StringRef refType(RefType T) {
122 switch (T) {
123 case RefType::Explicit:
124 return "explicit";
125 case RefType::Implicit:
126 return "implicit";
127 case RefType::Ambiguous:
128 return "ambiguous";
129 }
130 llvm_unreachable("unhandled RefType enum");
133class Reporter {
134 llvm::raw_ostream &OS;
135 const ASTContext &Ctx;
136 const SourceManager &SM;
137 const HeaderSearch &HS;
138 const include_cleaner::Includes &Includes;
139 const PragmaIncludes *PI;
140 FileID MainFile;
141 const FileEntry *MainFE;
143 // Points within the main file that reference a Symbol.
144 // Implicit refs will be marked with a symbol just before the token.
145 struct Ref {
146 unsigned Offset;
147 RefType Type;
148 Symbol Sym;
149 SmallVector<SymbolLocation> Locations = {};
150 SmallVector<Header> Headers = {};
151 SmallVector<const Include *> Includes = {};
152 bool Satisfied = false; // Is the include present?
153 std::string Insert = {}; // If we had no includes, what would we insert?
154 };
155 std::vector<Ref> Refs;
156 llvm::DenseMap<const Include *, std::vector<unsigned>> IncludeRefs;
157 llvm::StringMap<std::vector</*RefIndex*/ unsigned>> Insertion;
159 llvm::StringRef includeType(const Include *I) {
160 auto &List = IncludeRefs[I];
161 if (List.empty())
162 return "unused";
163 if (llvm::any_of(Range&: List, P: [&](unsigned I) {
164 return Refs[I].Type == RefType::Explicit;
165 }))
166 return "used";
167 return "semiused";
168 }
170 std::string spellHeader(const Header &H) {
171 switch (H.kind()) {
172 case Header::Physical: {
173 bool IsAngled = false;
174 std::string Path = HS.suggestPathToFileForDiagnostics(
175 File: H.physical(), MainFile: MainFE->tryGetRealPathName(), IsAngled: &IsAngled);
176 return IsAngled ? "<" + Path + ">" : "\"" + Path + "\"";
177 }
178 case Header::Standard:
179 return H.standard().name().str();
180 case Header::Verbatim:
181 return H.verbatim().str();
182 }
183 llvm_unreachable("Unknown Header kind");
184 }
186 void fillTarget(Ref &R) {
187 // Duplicates logic from walkUsed(), which doesn't expose SymbolLocations.
188 for (auto &Loc : locateSymbol(S: R.Sym))
189 R.Locations.push_back(Elt: Loc);
190 R.Headers = headersForSymbol(S: R.Sym, SM, PI);
192 for (const auto &H : R.Headers) {
193 R.Includes.append(RHS: Includes.match(H));
194 // FIXME: library should signal main-file refs somehow.
195 // Non-physical refs to the main-file should be possible.
196 if (H.kind() == Header::Physical && H.physical() == MainFE)
197 R.Satisfied = true;
198 }
199 if (!R.Includes.empty())
200 R.Satisfied = true;
201 // Include pointers are meaningfully ordered as they are backed by a vector.
202 llvm::sort(C&: R.Includes);
203 R.Includes.erase(CS: std::unique(first: R.Includes.begin(), last: R.Includes.end()),
204 CE: R.Includes.end());
206 if (!R.Headers.empty())
207 R.Insert = spellHeader(H: R.Headers.front());
208 }
211 Reporter(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, ASTContext &Ctx, const HeaderSearch &HS,
212 const include_cleaner::Includes &Includes, const PragmaIncludes *PI,
213 FileID MainFile)
214 : OS(OS), Ctx(Ctx), SM(Ctx.getSourceManager()), HS(HS),
215 Includes(Includes), PI(PI), MainFile(MainFile),
216 MainFE(SM.getFileEntryForID(FID: MainFile)) {}
218 void addRef(const SymbolReference &SR) {
219 auto [File, Offset] = SM.getDecomposedLoc(Loc: SM.getFileLoc(Loc: SR.RefLocation));
220 if (File != this->MainFile) {
221 // Can get here e.g. if there's an #include inside a root Decl.
222 // FIXME: do something more useful than this.
223 llvm::errs() << "Ref location outside file! " << SR.Target << " at "
224 << SR.RefLocation.printToString(SM) << "\n";
225 return;
226 }
228 int RefIndex = Refs.size();
229 Refs.emplace_back(args: Ref{.Offset: Offset, .Type: SR.RT, .Sym: SR.Target});
230 Ref &R = Refs.back();
231 fillTarget(R);
232 for (const auto *I : R.Includes)
233 IncludeRefs[I].push_back(x: RefIndex);
234 if (R.Type == RefType::Explicit && !R.Satisfied && !R.Insert.empty())
235 Insertion[R.Insert].push_back(x: RefIndex);
236 }
238 void write() {
239 OS << "<!doctype html>\n";
240 OS << "<html>\n";
241 OS << "<head>\n";
242 OS << "<style>" << CSS << "</style>\n";
243 OS << "<script>" << JS << "</script>\n";
244 for (const auto &Ins : Insertion) {
245 OS << "<template id='i";
246 escapeString(S: Ins.first());
247 OS << "'>";
248 writeInsertion(Text: Ins.first(), Refs: Ins.second);
249 OS << "</template>\n";
250 }
251 for (auto &Inc : Includes.all()) {
252 OS << "<template id='i" << Inc.Line << "'>";
253 writeInclude(Inc);
254 OS << "</template>\n";
255 }
256 for (unsigned I = 0; I < Refs.size(); ++I) {
257 OS << "<template id='t" << I << "'>";
258 writeTarget(R: Refs[I]);
259 OS << "</template>\n";
260 }
261 OS << "</head>\n";
262 OS << "<body>\n";
263 writeCode();
264 OS << "</body>\n";
265 OS << "</html>\n";
266 }
269 void escapeChar(char C) {
270 switch (C) {
271 case '<':
272 OS << "&lt;";
273 break;
274 case '&':
275 OS << "&amp;";
276 break;
277 default:
278 OS << C;
279 }
280 }
282 void escapeString(llvm::StringRef S) {
283 for (char C : S)
284 escapeChar(C);
285 }
287 // Abbreviate a path ('path/to/Foo.h') to just the filename ('Foo.h').
288 // The full path is available on hover.
289 void printFilename(llvm::StringRef Path) {
290 llvm::StringRef File = llvm::sys::path::filename(path: Path);
291 if (File == Path)
292 return escapeString(S: Path);
293 OS << "<span title='";
294 escapeString(S: Path);
295 OS << "'>";
296 escapeString(S: File);
297 OS << "</span>";
298 }
300 // Print a source location in compact style.
301 void printSourceLocation(SourceLocation Loc) {
302 if (Loc.isInvalid())
303 return escapeString(S: "<invalid>");
304 if (!Loc.isMacroID())
305 return printFilename(Path: Loc.printToString(SM));
307 // Replicating printToString() is a bit simpler than parsing/reformatting.
308 printFilename(Path: SM.getExpansionLoc(Loc).printToString(SM));
309 OS << " &lt;Spelling=";
310 printFilename(Path: SM.getSpellingLoc(Loc).printToString(SM));
311 OS << ">";
312 }
314 // Write "Provides: " rows of an include or include-insertion table.
315 // These describe the symbols the header provides, referenced by RefIndices.
316 void writeProvides(llvm::ArrayRef<unsigned> RefIndices) {
317 // We show one ref for each symbol: first by (RefType != Explicit, Sequence)
318 llvm::DenseMap<Symbol, /*RefIndex*/ unsigned> FirstRef;
319 for (unsigned RefIndex : RefIndices) {
320 const Ref &R = Refs[RefIndex];
321 auto I = FirstRef.try_emplace(Key: R.Sym, Args&: RefIndex);
322 if (!I.second && R.Type == RefType::Explicit &&
323 Refs[I.first->second].Type != RefType::Explicit)
324 I.first->second = RefIndex;
325 }
326 std::vector<std::pair<Symbol, unsigned>> Sorted = {FirstRef.begin(),
327 FirstRef.end()};
328 llvm::stable_sort(Range&: Sorted, C: llvm::less_second{});
329 for (auto &[S, RefIndex] : Sorted) {
330 auto &R = Refs[RefIndex];
331 OS << "<tr class='provides'><th>Provides</td><td>";
332 std::string Details = printDetails(Sym: S);
333 if (!Details.empty()) {
334 OS << "<span class='" << refType(T: R.Type) << "' title='";
335 escapeString(S: Details);
336 OS << "'>";
337 }
338 escapeString(S: llvm::to_string(Value: S));
339 if (!Details.empty())
340 OS << "</span>";
342 unsigned Line = SM.getLineNumber(FID: MainFile, FilePos: R.Offset);
343 OS << ", <a href='#line" << Line << "'>line " << Line << "</a>";
344 OS << "</td></tr>";
345 }
346 }
348 void writeInclude(const Include &Inc) {
349 OS << "<table class='include'>";
350 if (Inc.Resolved) {
351 OS << "<tr><th>Resolved</td><td>";
352 escapeString(S: Inc.Resolved->getName());
353 OS << "</td></tr>\n";
354 writeProvides(RefIndices: IncludeRefs[&Inc]);
355 }
356 OS << "</table>";
357 }
359 void writeInsertion(llvm::StringRef Text, llvm::ArrayRef<unsigned> Refs) {
360 OS << "<table class='insertion'>";
361 writeProvides(RefIndices: Refs);
362 OS << "</table>";
363 }
365 void writeTarget(const Ref &R) {
366 OS << "<table class='target " << refType(T: R.Type) << "'>";
368 OS << "<tr><th>Symbol</th><td>";
369 OS << describeSymbol(Sym: R.Sym) << " <code>";
370 escapeString(S: llvm::to_string(Value: R.Sym));
371 OS << "</code></td></tr>\n";
373 std::string Details = printDetails(Sym: R.Sym);
374 if (!Details.empty()) {
375 OS << "<tr><td></td><td><code>";
376 escapeString(S: Details);
377 OS << "</code></td></tr>\n";
378 }
380 for (const auto &Loc : R.Locations) {
381 OS << "<tr><th>Location</th><td>";
382 if (Loc.kind() == SymbolLocation::Physical) // needs SM to print properly.
383 printSourceLocation(Loc: Loc.physical());
384 else
385 escapeString(S: llvm::to_string(Value: Loc));
386 OS << "</td></tr>\n";
387 }
389 for (const auto &H : R.Headers) {
390 OS << "<tr><th>Header</th><td>";
391 switch (H.kind()) {
392 case Header::Physical:
393 printFilename(Path: H.physical().getName());
394 break;
395 case Header::Standard:
396 OS << "stdlib " << H.standard().name();
397 break;
398 case Header::Verbatim:
399 OS << "verbatim ";
400 escapeString(S: H.verbatim());
401 break;
402 }
403 OS << "</td></tr>\n";
404 }
406 for (const auto *I : R.Includes) {
407 OS << "<tr><th>Included</th><td>";
408 escapeString(S: I->quote());
409 OS << ", <a href='#line" << I->Line << "'>line " << I->Line << "</a>";
410 OS << "</td></tr>";
411 }
413 if (!R.Insert.empty()) {
414 OS << "<tr><th>Insert</th><td class='insert'>";
415 escapeString(S: R.Insert);
416 OS << "</td></tr>";
417 }
419 OS << "</table>";
420 }
422 void writeCode() {
423 llvm::StringRef Code = SM.getBufferData(FID: MainFile);
425 OS << "<pre onclick='select(event)' class='code'>";
427 std::vector<llvm::StringRef> Insertions{Insertion.keys().begin(),
428 Insertion.keys().end()};
429 llvm::sort(C&: Insertions);
430 for (llvm::StringRef Insertion : Insertions) {
431 OS << "<code class='line added'>"
432 << "<span class='inc sel inserted' data-hover='i";
433 escapeString(S: Insertion);
434 OS << "'>#include ";
435 escapeString(S: Insertion);
436 OS << "</span></code>\n";
437 }
439 const Include *Inc = nullptr;
440 unsigned LineNum = 0;
441 // Lines are <code>, include lines have an inner <span>.
442 auto StartLine = [&] {
443 ++LineNum;
444 OS << "<code class='line' id='line" << LineNum << "'>";
445 if ((Inc = Includes.atLine(OneBasedIndex: LineNum)))
446 OS << "<span class='inc sel " << includeType(I: Inc) << "' data-hover='i"
447 << Inc->Line << "'>";
448 };
449 auto EndLine = [&] {
450 if (Inc)
451 OS << "</span>";
452 OS << "</code>\n";
453 };
455 std::vector<unsigned> RefOrder(Refs.size());
456 std::iota(first: RefOrder.begin(), last: RefOrder.end(), value: 0);
457 llvm::stable_sort(Range&: RefOrder, C: [&](unsigned A, unsigned B) {
458 return std::make_pair(x&: Refs[A].Offset, y: Refs[A].Type != RefType::Implicit) <
459 std::make_pair(x&: Refs[B].Offset, y: Refs[B].Type != RefType::Implicit);
460 });
461 auto Rest = llvm::ArrayRef(RefOrder);
462 unsigned End = 0;
463 StartLine();
464 for (unsigned I = 0; I < Code.size(); ++I) {
465 // Finish refs early at EOL to avoid dealing with splitting the span.
466 if (End && (End == I || Code[I] == '\n')) {
467 OS << "</span>";
468 End = 0;
469 }
470 // Handle implicit refs, which are rendered *before* the token.
471 while (!Rest.empty() && Refs[Rest.front()].Offset == I &&
472 Refs[Rest.front()].Type == RefType::Implicit) {
473 const Ref &R = Refs[Rest.front()];
474 OS << "<span class='ref sel implicit "
475 << (R.Satisfied ? "satisfied" : "missing") << "' data-hover='t"
476 << Rest.front() << "'>&loz;</span>";
477 Rest = Rest.drop_front();
478 };
479 // Accumulate all explicit refs that appear on the same token.
480 std::string TargetList;
481 bool Unsatisfied = false;
482 Rest = Rest.drop_while(Pred: [&](unsigned RefIndex) {
483 const Ref &R = Refs[RefIndex];
484 if (R.Offset != I)
485 return false;
486 if (!TargetList.empty())
487 TargetList.push_back(c: ',');
488 TargetList.push_back(c: 't');
489 TargetList.append(str: std::to_string(val: RefIndex));
490 Unsatisfied = Unsatisfied || !R.Satisfied;
491 return true;
492 });
493 if (!TargetList.empty()) {
494 assert(End == 0 && "Overlapping tokens!");
495 OS << "<span class='ref sel" << (Unsatisfied ? " missing" : "")
496 << "' data-hover='" << TargetList << "'>";
497 End = I + Lexer::MeasureTokenLength(Loc: SM.getComposedLoc(FID: MainFile, Offset: I), SM,
498 LangOpts: Ctx.getLangOpts());
499 }
500 if (Code[I] == '\n') {
501 EndLine();
502 StartLine();
503 } else
504 escapeChar(C: Code[I]);
505 }
506 EndLine();
507 OS << "</pre>\n";
508 }
511} // namespace
513void writeHTMLReport(FileID File, const include_cleaner::Includes &Includes,
514 llvm::ArrayRef<Decl *> Roots,
515 llvm::ArrayRef<SymbolReference> MacroRefs, ASTContext &Ctx,
516 const HeaderSearch &HS, PragmaIncludes *PI,
517 llvm::raw_ostream &OS) {
518 Reporter R(OS, Ctx, HS, Includes, PI, File);
519 const auto& SM = Ctx.getSourceManager();
520 for (Decl *Root : Roots)
521 walkAST(Root&: *Root, [&](SourceLocation Loc, const NamedDecl &D, RefType T) {
522 if(!SM.isWrittenInMainFile(Loc: SM.getSpellingLoc(Loc)))
523 return;
524 R.addRef(SR: SymbolReference{D, .RefLocation: Loc, .RT: T});
525 });
526 for (const SymbolReference &Ref : MacroRefs) {
527 if (!SM.isWrittenInMainFile(Loc: SM.getSpellingLoc(Loc: Ref.RefLocation)))
528 continue;
529 R.addRef(SR: Ref);
530 }
531 R.write();
534} // namespace clang::include_cleaner

source code of clang-tools-extra/include-cleaner/lib/HTMLReport.cpp