1use core::{cmp, fmt, mem, u16, usize};
3use alloc::{string::String, vec, vec::Vec};
5use crate::packed::api::MatchKind;
7/// The type used for representing a pattern identifier.
9/// We don't use `usize` here because our packed searchers don't scale to
10/// huge numbers of patterns, so we keep things a bit smaller.
11pub type PatternID = u16;
13/// A non-empty collection of non-empty patterns to search for.
15/// This collection of patterns is what is passed around to both execute
16/// searches and to construct the searchers themselves. Namely, this permits
17/// searches to avoid copying all of the patterns, and allows us to keep only
18/// one copy throughout all packed searchers.
20/// Note that this collection is not a set. The same pattern can appear more
21/// than once.
22#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
23pub struct Patterns {
24 /// The match semantics supported by this collection of patterns.
25 ///
26 /// The match semantics determines the order of the iterator over patterns.
27 /// For leftmost-first, patterns are provided in the same order as were
28 /// provided by the caller. For leftmost-longest, patterns are provided in
29 /// descending order of length, with ties broken by the order in which they
30 /// were provided by the caller.
31 kind: MatchKind,
32 /// The collection of patterns, indexed by their identifier.
33 by_id: Vec<Vec<u8>>,
34 /// The order of patterns defined for iteration, given by pattern
35 /// identifiers. The order of `by_id` and `order` is always the same for
36 /// leftmost-first semantics, but may be different for leftmost-longest
37 /// semantics.
38 order: Vec<PatternID>,
39 /// The length of the smallest pattern, in bytes.
40 minimum_len: usize,
41 /// The largest pattern identifier. This should always be equivalent to
42 /// the number of patterns minus one in this collection.
43 max_pattern_id: PatternID,
44 /// The total number of pattern bytes across the entire collection. This
45 /// is used for reporting total heap usage in constant time.
46 total_pattern_bytes: usize,
49impl Patterns {
50 /// Create a new collection of patterns for the given match semantics. The
51 /// ID of each pattern is the index of the pattern at which it occurs in
52 /// the `by_id` slice.
53 ///
54 /// If any of the patterns in the slice given are empty, then this panics.
55 /// Similarly, if the number of patterns given is zero, then this also
56 /// panics.
57 pub fn new() -> Patterns {
58 Patterns {
59 kind: MatchKind::default(),
60 by_id: vec![],
61 order: vec![],
62 minimum_len: usize::MAX,
63 max_pattern_id: 0,
64 total_pattern_bytes: 0,
65 }
66 }
68 /// Add a pattern to this collection.
69 ///
70 /// This panics if the pattern given is empty.
71 pub fn add(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) {
72 assert!(!bytes.is_empty());
73 assert!(self.by_id.len() <= u16::MAX as usize);
75 let id = self.by_id.len() as u16;
76 self.max_pattern_id = id;
77 self.order.push(id);
78 self.by_id.push(bytes.to_vec());
79 self.minimum_len = cmp::min(self.minimum_len, bytes.len());
80 self.total_pattern_bytes += bytes.len();
81 }
83 /// Set the match kind semantics for this collection of patterns.
84 ///
85 /// If the kind is not set, then the default is leftmost-first.
86 pub fn set_match_kind(&mut self, kind: MatchKind) {
87 self.kind = kind;
88 match self.kind {
89 MatchKind::LeftmostFirst => {
90 self.order.sort();
91 }
92 MatchKind::LeftmostLongest => {
93 let (order, by_id) = (&mut self.order, &mut self.by_id);
94 order.sort_by(|&id1, &id2| {
95 by_id[id1 as usize]
96 .len()
97 .cmp(&by_id[id2 as usize].len())
98 .reverse()
99 });
100 }
101 }
102 }
104 /// Return the number of patterns in this collection.
105 ///
106 /// This is guaranteed to be greater than zero.
107 pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
108 self.by_id.len()
109 }
111 /// Returns true if and only if this collection of patterns is empty.
112 pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
113 self.len() == 0
114 }
116 /// Returns the approximate total amount of heap used by these patterns, in
117 /// units of bytes.
118 pub fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
119 self.order.len() * mem::size_of::<PatternID>()
120 + self.by_id.len() * mem::size_of::<Vec<u8>>()
121 + self.total_pattern_bytes
122 }
124 /// Clears all heap memory associated with this collection of patterns and
125 /// resets all state such that it is a valid empty collection.
126 pub fn reset(&mut self) {
127 self.kind = MatchKind::default();
128 self.by_id.clear();
129 self.order.clear();
130 self.minimum_len = usize::MAX;
131 self.max_pattern_id = 0;
132 }
134 /// Return the maximum pattern identifier in this collection. This can be
135 /// useful in searchers for ensuring that the collection of patterns they
136 /// are provided at search time and at build time have the same size.
137 pub fn max_pattern_id(&self) -> PatternID {
138 assert_eq!((self.max_pattern_id + 1) as usize, self.len());
139 self.max_pattern_id
140 }
142 /// Returns the length, in bytes, of the smallest pattern.
143 ///
144 /// This is guaranteed to be at least one.
145 pub fn minimum_len(&self) -> usize {
146 self.minimum_len
147 }
149 /// Returns the match semantics used by these patterns.
150 pub fn match_kind(&self) -> &MatchKind {
151 &self.kind
152 }
154 /// Return the pattern with the given identifier. If such a pattern does
155 /// not exist, then this panics.
156 pub fn get(&self, id: PatternID) -> Pattern<'_> {
157 Pattern(&self.by_id[id as usize])
158 }
160 /// Return the pattern with the given identifier without performing bounds
161 /// checks.
162 ///
163 /// # Safety
164 ///
165 /// Callers must ensure that a pattern with the given identifier exists
166 /// before using this method.
167 #[cfg(all(feature = "std", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
168 pub unsafe fn get_unchecked(&self, id: PatternID) -> Pattern<'_> {
169 Pattern(self.by_id.get_unchecked(id as usize))
170 }
172 /// Return an iterator over all the patterns in this collection, in the
173 /// order in which they should be matched.
174 ///
175 /// Specifically, in a naive multi-pattern matcher, the following is
176 /// guaranteed to satisfy the match semantics of this collection of
177 /// patterns:
178 ///
179 /// ```ignore
180 /// for i in 0..haystack.len():
181 /// for p in patterns.iter():
182 /// if haystack[i..].starts_with(p.bytes()):
183 /// return Match(p.id(), i, i + p.bytes().len())
184 /// ```
185 ///
186 /// Namely, among the patterns in a collection, if they are matched in
187 /// the order provided by this iterator, then the result is guaranteed
188 /// to satisfy the correct match semantics. (Either leftmost-first or
189 /// leftmost-longest.)
190 pub fn iter(&self) -> PatternIter<'_> {
191 PatternIter { patterns: self, i: 0 }
192 }
195/// An iterator over the patterns in the `Patterns` collection.
197/// The order of the patterns provided by this iterator is consistent with the
198/// match semantics of the originating collection of patterns.
200/// The lifetime `'p` corresponds to the lifetime of the collection of patterns
201/// this is iterating over.
203pub struct PatternIter<'p> {
204 patterns: &'p Patterns,
205 i: usize,
208impl<'p> Iterator for PatternIter<'p> {
209 type Item = (PatternID, Pattern<'p>);
211 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(PatternID, Pattern<'p>)> {
212 if self.i >= self.patterns.len() {
213 return None;
214 }
215 let id: u16 = self.patterns.order[self.i];
216 let p: Pattern<'_> = self.patterns.get(id);
217 self.i += 1;
218 Some((id, p))
219 }
222/// A pattern that is used in packed searching.
224pub struct Pattern<'a>(&'a [u8]);
226impl<'a> fmt::Debug for Pattern<'a> {
227 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
228 f&mut DebugStruct<'_, '_>.debug_struct("Pattern")
229 .field(name:"lit", &String::from_utf8_lossy(&self.0))
230 .finish()
231 }
234impl<'p> Pattern<'p> {
235 /// Returns the length of this pattern, in bytes.
236 pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
237 self.0.len()
238 }
240 /// Returns the bytes of this pattern.
241 pub fn bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
242 &self.0
243 }
245 /// Returns the first `len` low nybbles from this pattern. If this pattern
246 /// is shorter than `len`, then this panics.
247 #[cfg(all(feature = "std", target_arch = "x86_64"))]
248 pub fn low_nybbles(&self, len: usize) -> Vec<u8> {
249 let mut nybs = vec![];
250 for &b in self.bytes().iter().take(len) {
251 nybs.push(b & 0xF);
252 }
253 nybs
254 }
256 /// Returns true if this pattern is a prefix of the given bytes.
257 #[inline(always)]
258 pub fn is_prefix(&self, bytes: &[u8]) -> bool {
259 self.len() <= bytes.len() && self.equals(&bytes[..self.len()])
260 }
262 /// Returns true if and only if this pattern equals the given bytes.
263 #[inline(always)]
264 pub fn equals(&self, bytes: &[u8]) -> bool {
265 // Why not just use memcmp for this? Well, memcmp requires calling out
266 // to libc, and this routine is called in fairly hot code paths. Other
267 // than just calling out to libc, it also seems to result in worse
268 // codegen. By rolling our own memcpy in pure Rust, it seems to appear
269 // more friendly to the optimizer.
270 //
271 // This results in an improvement in just about every benchmark. Some
272 // smaller than others, but in some cases, up to 30% faster.
274 let (x, y) = (self.bytes(), bytes);
275 if x.len() != y.len() {
276 return false;
277 }
278 // If we don't have enough bytes to do 4-byte at a time loads, then
279 // fall back to the naive slow version.
280 if x.len() < 4 {
281 for (&b1, &b2) in x.iter().zip(y) {
282 if b1 != b2 {
283 return false;
284 }
285 }
286 return true;
287 }
288 // When we have 4 or more bytes to compare, then proceed in chunks of 4
289 // at a time using unaligned loads.
290 //
291 // Also, why do 4 byte loads instead of, say, 8 byte loads? The reason
292 // is that this particular version of memcmp is likely to be called
293 // with tiny needles. That means that if we do 8 byte loads, then a
294 // higher proportion of memcmp calls will use the slower variant above.
295 // With that said, this is a hypothesis and is only loosely supported
296 // by benchmarks. There's likely some improvement that could be made
297 // here. The main thing here though is to optimize for latency, not
298 // throughput.
300 // SAFETY: Via the conditional above, we know that both `px` and `py`
301 // have the same length, so `px < pxend` implies that `py < pyend`.
302 // Thus, derefencing both `px` and `py` in the loop below is safe.
303 //
304 // Moreover, we set `pxend` and `pyend` to be 4 bytes before the actual
305 // end of of `px` and `py`. Thus, the final dereference outside of the
306 // loop is guaranteed to be valid. (The final comparison will overlap
307 // with the last comparison done in the loop for lengths that aren't
308 // multiples of four.)
309 //
310 // Finally, we needn't worry about alignment here, since we do
311 // unaligned loads.
312 unsafe {
313 let (mut px, mut py) = (x.as_ptr(), y.as_ptr());
314 let (pxend, pyend) = (px.add(x.len() - 4), py.add(y.len() - 4));
315 while px < pxend {
316 let vx = (px as *const u32).read_unaligned();
317 let vy = (py as *const u32).read_unaligned();
318 if vx != vy {
319 return false;
320 }
321 px = px.add(4);
322 py = py.add(4);
323 }
324 let vx = (pxend as *const u32).read_unaligned();
325 let vy = (pyend as *const u32).read_unaligned();
326 vx == vy
327 }
328 }