1use regex_automata::DFA;
3use crate::{
4 ext_slice::ByteSlice,
5 unicode::fsm::{
6 grapheme_break_fwd::GRAPHEME_BREAK_FWD,
7 grapheme_break_rev::GRAPHEME_BREAK_REV,
8 regional_indicator_rev::REGIONAL_INDICATOR_REV,
9 },
10 utf8,
13/// An iterator over grapheme clusters in a byte string.
15/// This iterator is typically constructed by
16/// [`ByteSlice::graphemes`](trait.ByteSlice.html#method.graphemes).
18/// Unicode defines a grapheme cluster as an *approximation* to a single user
19/// visible character. A grapheme cluster, or just "grapheme," is made up of
20/// one or more codepoints. For end user oriented tasks, one should generally
21/// prefer using graphemes instead of [`Chars`](struct.Chars.html), which
22/// always yields one codepoint at a time.
24/// Since graphemes are made up of one or more codepoints, this iterator yields
25/// `&str` elements. When invalid UTF-8 is encountered, replacement codepoints
26/// are [substituted](index.html#handling-of-invalid-utf-8).
28/// This iterator can be used in reverse. When reversed, exactly the same
29/// set of grapheme clusters are yielded, but in reverse order.
31/// This iterator only yields *extended* grapheme clusters, in accordance with
32/// [UAX #29](https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/tr29-33.html#Grapheme_Cluster_Boundaries).
33#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
34pub struct Graphemes<'a> {
35 bs: &'a [u8],
38impl<'a> Graphemes<'a> {
39 pub(crate) fn new(bs: &'a [u8]) -> Graphemes<'a> {
40 Graphemes { bs }
41 }
43 /// View the underlying data as a subslice of the original data.
44 ///
45 /// The slice returned has the same lifetime as the original slice, and so
46 /// the iterator can continue to be used while this exists.
47 ///
48 /// # Examples
49 ///
50 /// ```
51 /// use bstr::ByteSlice;
52 ///
53 /// let mut it = b"abc".graphemes();
54 ///
55 /// assert_eq!(b"abc", it.as_bytes());
56 /// it.next();
57 /// assert_eq!(b"bc", it.as_bytes());
58 /// it.next();
59 /// it.next();
60 /// assert_eq!(b"", it.as_bytes());
61 /// ```
62 #[inline]
63 pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &'a [u8] {
64 self.bs
65 }
68impl<'a> Iterator for Graphemes<'a> {
69 type Item = &'a str;
71 #[inline]
72 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a str> {
73 let (grapheme: &str, size: usize) = decode_grapheme(self.bs);
74 if size == 0 {
75 return None;
76 }
77 self.bs = &self.bs[size..];
78 Some(grapheme)
79 }
82impl<'a> DoubleEndedIterator for Graphemes<'a> {
83 #[inline]
84 fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<&'a str> {
85 let (grapheme: &str, size: usize) = decode_last_grapheme(self.bs);
86 if size == 0 {
87 return None;
88 }
89 self.bs = &self.bs[..self.bs.len() - size];
90 Some(grapheme)
91 }
94/// An iterator over grapheme clusters in a byte string and their byte index
95/// positions.
97/// This iterator is typically constructed by
98/// [`ByteSlice::grapheme_indices`](trait.ByteSlice.html#method.grapheme_indices).
100/// Unicode defines a grapheme cluster as an *approximation* to a single user
101/// visible character. A grapheme cluster, or just "grapheme," is made up of
102/// one or more codepoints. For end user oriented tasks, one should generally
103/// prefer using graphemes instead of [`Chars`](struct.Chars.html), which
104/// always yields one codepoint at a time.
106/// Since graphemes are made up of one or more codepoints, this iterator
107/// yields `&str` elements (along with their start and end byte offsets).
108/// When invalid UTF-8 is encountered, replacement codepoints are
109/// [substituted](index.html#handling-of-invalid-utf-8). Because of this, the
110/// indices yielded by this iterator may not correspond to the length of the
111/// grapheme cluster yielded with those indices. For example, when this
112/// iterator encounters `\xFF` in the byte string, then it will yield a pair
113/// of indices ranging over a single byte, but will provide an `&str`
114/// equivalent to `"\u{FFFD}"`, which is three bytes in length. However, when
115/// given only valid UTF-8, then all indices are in exact correspondence with
116/// their paired grapheme cluster.
118/// This iterator can be used in reverse. When reversed, exactly the same
119/// set of grapheme clusters are yielded, but in reverse order.
121/// This iterator only yields *extended* grapheme clusters, in accordance with
122/// [UAX #29](https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/tr29-33.html#Grapheme_Cluster_Boundaries).
123#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
124pub struct GraphemeIndices<'a> {
125 bs: &'a [u8],
126 forward_index: usize,
127 reverse_index: usize,
130impl<'a> GraphemeIndices<'a> {
131 pub(crate) fn new(bs: &'a [u8]) -> GraphemeIndices<'a> {
132 GraphemeIndices { bs, forward_index: 0, reverse_index: bs.len() }
133 }
135 /// View the underlying data as a subslice of the original data.
136 ///
137 /// The slice returned has the same lifetime as the original slice, and so
138 /// the iterator can continue to be used while this exists.
139 ///
140 /// # Examples
141 ///
142 /// ```
143 /// use bstr::ByteSlice;
144 ///
145 /// let mut it = b"abc".grapheme_indices();
146 ///
147 /// assert_eq!(b"abc", it.as_bytes());
148 /// it.next();
149 /// assert_eq!(b"bc", it.as_bytes());
150 /// it.next();
151 /// it.next();
152 /// assert_eq!(b"", it.as_bytes());
153 /// ```
154 #[inline]
155 pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &'a [u8] {
156 self.bs
157 }
160impl<'a> Iterator for GraphemeIndices<'a> {
161 type Item = (usize, usize, &'a str);
163 #[inline]
164 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, usize, &'a str)> {
165 let index: usize = self.forward_index;
166 let (grapheme: &str, size: usize) = decode_grapheme(self.bs);
167 if size == 0 {
168 return None;
169 }
170 self.bs = &self.bs[size..];
171 self.forward_index += size;
172 Some((index, index + size, grapheme))
173 }
176impl<'a> DoubleEndedIterator for GraphemeIndices<'a> {
177 #[inline]
178 fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, usize, &'a str)> {
179 let (grapheme: &str, size: usize) = decode_last_grapheme(self.bs);
180 if size == 0 {
181 return None;
182 }
183 self.bs = &self.bs[..self.bs.len() - size];
184 self.reverse_index -= size;
185 Some((self.reverse_index, self.reverse_index + size, grapheme))
186 }
189/// Decode a grapheme from the given byte string.
191/// This returns the resulting grapheme (which may be a Unicode replacement
192/// codepoint if invalid UTF-8 was found), along with the number of bytes
193/// decoded in the byte string. The number of bytes decoded may not be the
194/// same as the length of grapheme in the case where invalid UTF-8 is found.
195pub fn decode_grapheme(bs: &[u8]) -> (&str, usize) {
196 if bs.is_empty() {
197 ("", 0)
198 } else if bs.len() >= 2
199 && bs[0].is_ascii()
200 && bs[1].is_ascii()
201 && !bs[0].is_ascii_whitespace()
202 {
203 // FIXME: It is somewhat sad that we have to special case this, but it
204 // leads to a significant speed up in predominantly ASCII text. The
205 // issue here is that the DFA has a bit of overhead, and running it for
206 // every byte in mostly ASCII text results in a bit slowdown. We should
207 // re-litigate this once regex-automata 0.3 is out, but it might be
208 // hard to avoid the special case. A DFA is always going to at least
209 // require some memory access.
211 // Safe because all ASCII bytes are valid UTF-8.
212 let grapheme = unsafe { bs[..1].to_str_unchecked() };
213 (grapheme, 1)
214 } else if let Some(end) = GRAPHEME_BREAK_FWD.find(bs) {
215 // Safe because a match can only occur for valid UTF-8.
216 let grapheme = unsafe { bs[..end].to_str_unchecked() };
217 (grapheme, grapheme.len())
218 } else {
219 const INVALID: &'static str = "\u{FFFD}";
220 // No match on non-empty bytes implies we found invalid UTF-8.
221 let (_, size) = utf8::decode_lossy(bs);
222 (INVALID, size)
223 }
226fn decode_last_grapheme(bs: &[u8]) -> (&str, usize) {
227 if bs.is_empty() {
228 ("", 0)
229 } else if let Some(mut start: usize) = GRAPHEME_BREAK_REV.rfind(bytes:bs) {
230 start = adjust_rev_for_regional_indicator(bs, i:start);
231 // Safe because a match can only occur for valid UTF-8.
232 let grapheme: &str = unsafe { bs[start..].to_str_unchecked() };
233 (grapheme, grapheme.len())
234 } else {
235 const INVALID: &'static str = "\u{FFFD}";
236 // No match on non-empty bytes implies we found invalid UTF-8.
237 let (_, size: usize) = utf8::decode_last_lossy(slice:bs);
238 (INVALID, size)
239 }
242/// Return the correct offset for the next grapheme decoded at the end of the
243/// given byte string, where `i` is the initial guess. In particular,
244/// `&bs[i..]` represents the candidate grapheme.
246/// `i` is returned by this function in all cases except when `&bs[i..]` is
247/// a pair of regional indicator codepoints. In that case, if an odd number of
248/// additional regional indicator codepoints precedes `i`, then `i` is
249/// adjusted such that it points to only a single regional indicator.
251/// This "fixing" is necessary to handle the requirement that a break cannot
252/// occur between regional indicators where it would cause an odd number of
253/// regional indicators to exist before the break from the *start* of the
254/// string. A reverse regex cannot detect this case easily without look-around.
255fn adjust_rev_for_regional_indicator(mut bs: &[u8], i: usize) -> usize {
256 // All regional indicators use a 4 byte encoding, and we only care about
257 // the case where we found a pair of regional indicators.
258 if bs.len() - i != 8 {
259 return i;
260 }
261 // Count all contiguous occurrences of regional indicators. If there's an
262 // even number of them, then we can accept the pair we found. Otherwise,
263 // we can only take one of them.
264 //
265 // FIXME: This is quadratic in the worst case, e.g., a string of just
266 // regional indicator codepoints. A fix probably requires refactoring this
267 // code a bit such that we don't rescan regional indicators.
268 let mut count: i32 = 0;
269 while let Some(start: usize) = REGIONAL_INDICATOR_REV.rfind(bytes:bs) {
270 bs = &bs[..start];
271 count += 1;
272 }
273 if count % 2 == 0 {
274 i
275 } else {
276 i + 4
277 }
280#[cfg(all(test, feature = "std"))]
281mod tests {
282 #[cfg(not(miri))]
283 use ucd_parse::GraphemeClusterBreakTest;
285 use crate::{ext_slice::ByteSlice, tests::LOSSY_TESTS};
287 use super::*;
289 #[test]
290 #[cfg(not(miri))]
291 fn forward_ucd() {
292 for (i, test) in ucdtests().into_iter().enumerate() {
293 let given = test.grapheme_clusters.concat();
294 let got: Vec<String> = Graphemes::new(given.as_bytes())
295 .map(|cluster| cluster.to_string())
296 .collect();
297 assert_eq!(
298 test.grapheme_clusters,
299 got,
300 "\ngrapheme forward break test {} failed:\n\
301 given: {:?}\n\
302 expected: {:?}\n\
303 got: {:?}\n",
304 i,
305 uniescape(&given),
306 uniescape_vec(&test.grapheme_clusters),
307 uniescape_vec(&got),
308 );
309 }
310 }
312 #[test]
313 #[cfg(not(miri))]
314 fn reverse_ucd() {
315 for (i, test) in ucdtests().into_iter().enumerate() {
316 let given = test.grapheme_clusters.concat();
317 let mut got: Vec<String> = Graphemes::new(given.as_bytes())
318 .rev()
319 .map(|cluster| cluster.to_string())
320 .collect();
321 got.reverse();
322 assert_eq!(
323 test.grapheme_clusters,
324 got,
325 "\n\ngrapheme reverse break test {} failed:\n\
326 given: {:?}\n\
327 expected: {:?}\n\
328 got: {:?}\n",
329 i,
330 uniescape(&given),
331 uniescape_vec(&test.grapheme_clusters),
332 uniescape_vec(&got),
333 );
334 }
335 }
337 #[test]
338 fn forward_lossy() {
339 for &(expected, input) in LOSSY_TESTS {
340 let got = Graphemes::new(input.as_bytes()).collect::<String>();
341 assert_eq!(expected, got);
342 }
343 }
345 #[test]
346 fn reverse_lossy() {
347 for &(expected, input) in LOSSY_TESTS {
348 let expected: String = expected.chars().rev().collect();
349 let got =
350 Graphemes::new(input.as_bytes()).rev().collect::<String>();
351 assert_eq!(expected, got);
352 }
353 }
355 #[cfg(not(miri))]
356 fn uniescape(s: &str) -> String {
357 s.chars().flat_map(|c| c.escape_unicode()).collect::<String>()
358 }
360 #[cfg(not(miri))]
361 fn uniescape_vec(strs: &[String]) -> Vec<String> {
362 strs.iter().map(|s| uniescape(s)).collect()
363 }
365 /// Return all of the UCD for grapheme breaks.
366 #[cfg(not(miri))]
367 fn ucdtests() -> Vec<GraphemeClusterBreakTest> {
368 const TESTDATA: &'static str =
369 include_str!("data/GraphemeBreakTest.txt");
371 let mut tests = vec![];
372 for mut line in TESTDATA.lines() {
373 line = line.trim();
374 if line.starts_with("#") || line.contains("surrogate") {
375 continue;
376 }
377 tests.push(line.parse().unwrap());
378 }
379 tests
380 }