1//! A private parser implementation of IPv4, IPv6, and socket addresses.
3//! This module is "publicly exported" through the `FromStr` implementations
4//! below.
6use crate::error::Error;
7use crate::fmt;
8use crate::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr, SocketAddr, SocketAddrV4, SocketAddrV6};
9use crate::str::FromStr;
11trait ReadNumberHelper: Sized {
12 const ZERO: Self;
13 fn checked_mul(&self, other: u32) -> Option<Self>;
14 fn checked_add(&self, other: u32) -> Option<Self>;
17macro_rules! impl_helper {
18 ($($t:ty)*) => ($(impl ReadNumberHelper for $t {
19 const ZERO: Self = 0;
20 #[inline]
21 fn checked_mul(&self, other: u32) -> Option<Self> {
22 Self::checked_mul(*self, other.try_into().ok()?)
23 }
24 #[inline]
25 fn checked_add(&self, other: u32) -> Option<Self> {
26 Self::checked_add(*self, other.try_into().ok()?)
27 }
28 })*)
31impl_helper! { u8 u16 u32 }
33struct Parser<'a> {
34 // Parsing as ASCII, so can use byte array.
35 state: &'a [u8],
38impl<'a> Parser<'a> {
39 fn new(input: &'a [u8]) -> Parser<'a> {
40 Parser { state: input }
41 }
43 /// Run a parser, and restore the pre-parse state if it fails.
44 fn read_atomically<T, F>(&mut self, inner: F) -> Option<T>
45 where
46 F: FnOnce(&mut Parser<'_>) -> Option<T>,
47 {
48 let state = self.state;
49 let result = inner(self);
50 if result.is_none() {
51 self.state = state;
52 }
53 result
54 }
56 /// Run a parser, but fail if the entire input wasn't consumed.
57 /// Doesn't run atomically.
58 fn parse_with<T, F>(&mut self, inner: F, kind: AddrKind) -> Result<T, AddrParseError>
59 where
60 F: FnOnce(&mut Parser<'_>) -> Option<T>,
61 {
62 let result = inner(self);
63 if self.state.is_empty() { result } else { None }.ok_or(AddrParseError(kind))
64 }
66 /// Peek the next character from the input
67 fn peek_char(&self) -> Option<char> {
68 self.state.first().map(|&b| char::from(b))
69 }
71 /// Read the next character from the input
72 fn read_char(&mut self) -> Option<char> {
73 self.state.split_first().map(|(&b, tail)| {
74 self.state = tail;
75 char::from(b)
76 })
77 }
79 #[must_use]
80 /// Read the next character from the input if it matches the target.
81 fn read_given_char(&mut self, target: char) -> Option<()> {
82 self.read_atomically(|p| {
83 p.read_char().and_then(|c| if c == target { Some(()) } else { None })
84 })
85 }
87 /// Helper for reading separators in an indexed loop. Reads the separator
88 /// character iff index > 0, then runs the parser. When used in a loop,
89 /// the separator character will only be read on index > 0 (see
90 /// read_ipv4_addr for an example)
91 fn read_separator<T, F>(&mut self, sep: char, index: usize, inner: F) -> Option<T>
92 where
93 F: FnOnce(&mut Parser<'_>) -> Option<T>,
94 {
95 self.read_atomically(move |p| {
96 if index > 0 {
97 p.read_given_char(sep)?;
98 }
99 inner(p)
100 })
101 }
103 // Read a number off the front of the input in the given radix, stopping
104 // at the first non-digit character or eof. Fails if the number has more
105 // digits than max_digits or if there is no number.
106 //
107 // INVARIANT: `max_digits` must be less than the number of digits that `u32`
108 // can represent.
109 fn read_number<T: ReadNumberHelper + TryFrom<u32>>(
110 &mut self,
111 radix: u32,
112 max_digits: Option<usize>,
113 allow_zero_prefix: bool,
114 ) -> Option<T> {
115 // If max_digits.is_some(), then we are parsing a `u8` or `u16` and
116 // don't need to use checked arithmetic since it fits within a `u32`.
117 if let Some(max_digits) = max_digits {
118 // u32::MAX = 4_294_967_295u32, which is 10 digits long.
119 // `max_digits` must be less than 10 to not overflow a `u32`.
120 debug_assert!(max_digits < 10);
122 self.read_atomically(move |p| {
123 let mut result = 0_u32;
124 let mut digit_count = 0;
125 let has_leading_zero = p.peek_char() == Some('0');
127 while let Some(digit) = p.read_atomically(|p| p.read_char()?.to_digit(radix)) {
128 result *= radix;
129 result += digit;
130 digit_count += 1;
132 if digit_count > max_digits {
133 return None;
134 }
135 }
137 if digit_count == 0 {
138 None
139 } else if !allow_zero_prefix && has_leading_zero && digit_count > 1 {
140 None
141 } else {
142 result.try_into().ok()
143 }
144 })
145 } else {
146 self.read_atomically(move |p| {
147 let mut result = T::ZERO;
148 let mut digit_count = 0;
149 let has_leading_zero = p.peek_char() == Some('0');
151 while let Some(digit) = p.read_atomically(|p| p.read_char()?.to_digit(radix)) {
152 result = result.checked_mul(radix)?;
153 result = result.checked_add(digit)?;
154 digit_count += 1;
155 }
157 if digit_count == 0 {
158 None
159 } else if !allow_zero_prefix && has_leading_zero && digit_count > 1 {
160 None
161 } else {
162 Some(result)
163 }
164 })
165 }
166 }
168 /// Read an IPv4 address.
169 fn read_ipv4_addr(&mut self) -> Option<Ipv4Addr> {
170 self.read_atomically(|p| {
171 let mut groups = [0; 4];
173 for (i, slot) in groups.iter_mut().enumerate() {
174 *slot = p.read_separator('.', i, |p| {
175 // Disallow octal number in IP string.
176 // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6943#section-3.1.1
177 p.read_number(10, Some(3), false)
178 })?;
179 }
181 Some(groups.into())
182 })
183 }
185 /// Read an IPv6 Address.
186 fn read_ipv6_addr(&mut self) -> Option<Ipv6Addr> {
187 /// Read a chunk of an IPv6 address into `groups`. Returns the number
188 /// of groups read, along with a bool indicating if an embedded
189 /// trailing IPv4 address was read. Specifically, read a series of
190 /// colon-separated IPv6 groups (0x0000 - 0xFFFF), with an optional
191 /// trailing embedded IPv4 address.
192 fn read_groups(p: &mut Parser<'_>, groups: &mut [u16]) -> (usize, bool) {
193 let limit = groups.len();
195 for (i, slot) in groups.iter_mut().enumerate() {
196 // Try to read a trailing embedded IPv4 address. There must be
197 // at least two groups left.
198 if i < limit - 1 {
199 let ipv4 = p.read_separator(':', i, |p| p.read_ipv4_addr());
201 if let Some(v4_addr) = ipv4 {
202 let [one, two, three, four] = v4_addr.octets();
203 groups[i + 0] = u16::from_be_bytes([one, two]);
204 groups[i + 1] = u16::from_be_bytes([three, four]);
205 return (i + 2, true);
206 }
207 }
209 let group = p.read_separator(':', i, |p| p.read_number(16, Some(4), true));
211 match group {
212 Some(g) => *slot = g,
213 None => return (i, false),
214 }
215 }
216 (groups.len(), false)
217 }
219 self.read_atomically(|p| {
220 // Read the front part of the address; either the whole thing, or up
221 // to the first ::
222 let mut head = [0; 8];
223 let (head_size, head_ipv4) = read_groups(p, &mut head);
225 if head_size == 8 {
226 return Some(head.into());
227 }
229 // IPv4 part is not allowed before `::`
230 if head_ipv4 {
231 return None;
232 }
234 // Read `::` if previous code parsed less than 8 groups.
235 // `::` indicates one or more groups of 16 bits of zeros.
236 p.read_given_char(':')?;
237 p.read_given_char(':')?;
239 // Read the back part of the address. The :: must contain at least one
240 // set of zeroes, so our max length is 7.
241 let mut tail = [0; 7];
242 let limit = 8 - (head_size + 1);
243 let (tail_size, _) = read_groups(p, &mut tail[..limit]);
245 // Concat the head and tail of the IP address
246 head[(8 - tail_size)..8].copy_from_slice(&tail[..tail_size]);
248 Some(head.into())
249 })
250 }
252 /// Read an IP Address, either IPv4 or IPv6.
253 fn read_ip_addr(&mut self) -> Option<IpAddr> {
254 self.read_ipv4_addr().map(IpAddr::V4).or_else(move || self.read_ipv6_addr().map(IpAddr::V6))
255 }
257 /// Read a `:` followed by a port in base 10.
258 fn read_port(&mut self) -> Option<u16> {
259 self.read_atomically(|p| {
260 p.read_given_char(':')?;
261 p.read_number(10, None, true)
262 })
263 }
265 /// Read a `%` followed by a scope ID in base 10.
266 fn read_scope_id(&mut self) -> Option<u32> {
267 self.read_atomically(|p| {
268 p.read_given_char('%')?;
269 p.read_number(10, None, true)
270 })
271 }
273 /// Read an IPv4 address with a port.
274 fn read_socket_addr_v4(&mut self) -> Option<SocketAddrV4> {
275 self.read_atomically(|p| {
276 let ip = p.read_ipv4_addr()?;
277 let port = p.read_port()?;
278 Some(SocketAddrV4::new(ip, port))
279 })
280 }
282 /// Read an IPv6 address with a port.
283 fn read_socket_addr_v6(&mut self) -> Option<SocketAddrV6> {
284 self.read_atomically(|p| {
285 p.read_given_char('[')?;
286 let ip = p.read_ipv6_addr()?;
287 let scope_id = p.read_scope_id().unwrap_or(0);
288 p.read_given_char(']')?;
290 let port = p.read_port()?;
291 Some(SocketAddrV6::new(ip, port, 0, scope_id))
292 })
293 }
295 /// Read an IP address with a port
296 fn read_socket_addr(&mut self) -> Option<SocketAddr> {
297 self.read_socket_addr_v4()
298 .map(SocketAddr::V4)
299 .or_else(|| self.read_socket_addr_v6().map(SocketAddr::V6))
300 }
303impl IpAddr {
304 /// Parse an IP address from a slice of bytes.
305 ///
306 /// ```
307 /// #![feature(addr_parse_ascii)]
308 ///
309 /// use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr};
310 ///
311 /// let localhost_v4 = IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1));
312 /// let localhost_v6 = IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1));
313 ///
314 /// assert_eq!(IpAddr::parse_ascii(b""), Ok(localhost_v4));
315 /// assert_eq!(IpAddr::parse_ascii(b"::1"), Ok(localhost_v6));
316 /// ```
317 #[unstable(feature = "addr_parse_ascii", issue = "101035")]
318 pub fn parse_ascii(b: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, AddrParseError> {
319 Parser::new(b).parse_with(|p| p.read_ip_addr(), kind:AddrKind::Ip)
320 }
323#[stable(feature = "ip_addr", since = "1.7.0")]
324impl FromStr for IpAddr {
325 type Err = AddrParseError;
326 fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<IpAddr, AddrParseError> {
327 Self::parse_ascii(s.as_bytes())
328 }
331impl Ipv4Addr {
332 /// Parse an IPv4 address from a slice of bytes.
333 ///
334 /// ```
335 /// #![feature(addr_parse_ascii)]
336 ///
337 /// use std::net::Ipv4Addr;
338 ///
339 /// let localhost = Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1);
340 ///
341 /// assert_eq!(Ipv4Addr::parse_ascii(b""), Ok(localhost));
342 /// ```
343 #[unstable(feature = "addr_parse_ascii", issue = "101035")]
344 pub fn parse_ascii(b: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, AddrParseError> {
345 // don't try to parse if too long
346 if b.len() > 15 {
347 Err(AddrParseError(AddrKind::Ipv4))
348 } else {
349 Parser::new(b).parse_with(|p| p.read_ipv4_addr(), kind:AddrKind::Ipv4)
350 }
351 }
354#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
355impl FromStr for Ipv4Addr {
356 type Err = AddrParseError;
357 fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Ipv4Addr, AddrParseError> {
358 Self::parse_ascii(s.as_bytes())
359 }
362impl Ipv6Addr {
363 /// Parse an IPv6 address from a slice of bytes.
364 ///
365 /// ```
366 /// #![feature(addr_parse_ascii)]
367 ///
368 /// use std::net::Ipv6Addr;
369 ///
370 /// let localhost = Ipv6Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
371 ///
372 /// assert_eq!(Ipv6Addr::parse_ascii(b"::1"), Ok(localhost));
373 /// ```
374 #[unstable(feature = "addr_parse_ascii", issue = "101035")]
375 pub fn parse_ascii(b: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, AddrParseError> {
376 Parser::new(b).parse_with(|p| p.read_ipv6_addr(), kind:AddrKind::Ipv6)
377 }
380#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
381impl FromStr for Ipv6Addr {
382 type Err = AddrParseError;
383 fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Ipv6Addr, AddrParseError> {
384 Self::parse_ascii(s.as_bytes())
385 }
388impl SocketAddrV4 {
389 /// Parse an IPv4 socket address from a slice of bytes.
390 ///
391 /// ```
392 /// #![feature(addr_parse_ascii)]
393 ///
394 /// use std::net::{Ipv4Addr, SocketAddrV4};
395 ///
396 /// let socket = SocketAddrV4::new(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1), 8080);
397 ///
398 /// assert_eq!(SocketAddrV4::parse_ascii(b""), Ok(socket));
399 /// ```
400 #[unstable(feature = "addr_parse_ascii", issue = "101035")]
401 pub fn parse_ascii(b: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, AddrParseError> {
402 Parser::new(b).parse_with(|p| p.read_socket_addr_v4(), kind:AddrKind::SocketV4)
403 }
406#[stable(feature = "socket_addr_from_str", since = "1.5.0")]
407impl FromStr for SocketAddrV4 {
408 type Err = AddrParseError;
409 fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<SocketAddrV4, AddrParseError> {
410 Self::parse_ascii(s.as_bytes())
411 }
414impl SocketAddrV6 {
415 /// Parse an IPv6 socket address from a slice of bytes.
416 ///
417 /// ```
418 /// #![feature(addr_parse_ascii)]
419 ///
420 /// use std::net::{Ipv6Addr, SocketAddrV6};
421 ///
422 /// let socket = SocketAddrV6::new(Ipv6Addr::new(0x2001, 0xdb8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), 8080, 0, 0);
423 ///
424 /// assert_eq!(SocketAddrV6::parse_ascii(b"[2001:db8::1]:8080"), Ok(socket));
425 /// ```
426 #[unstable(feature = "addr_parse_ascii", issue = "101035")]
427 pub fn parse_ascii(b: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, AddrParseError> {
428 Parser::new(b).parse_with(|p| p.read_socket_addr_v6(), kind:AddrKind::SocketV6)
429 }
432#[stable(feature = "socket_addr_from_str", since = "1.5.0")]
433impl FromStr for SocketAddrV6 {
434 type Err = AddrParseError;
435 fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<SocketAddrV6, AddrParseError> {
436 Self::parse_ascii(s.as_bytes())
437 }
440impl SocketAddr {
441 /// Parse a socket address from a slice of bytes.
442 ///
443 /// ```
444 /// #![feature(addr_parse_ascii)]
445 ///
446 /// use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr, SocketAddr};
447 ///
448 /// let socket_v4 = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)), 8080);
449 /// let socket_v6 = SocketAddr::new(IpAddr::V6(Ipv6Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)), 8080);
450 ///
451 /// assert_eq!(SocketAddr::parse_ascii(b""), Ok(socket_v4));
452 /// assert_eq!(SocketAddr::parse_ascii(b"[::1]:8080"), Ok(socket_v6));
453 /// ```
454 #[unstable(feature = "addr_parse_ascii", issue = "101035")]
455 pub fn parse_ascii(b: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, AddrParseError> {
456 Parser::new(b).parse_with(|p| p.read_socket_addr(), kind:AddrKind::Socket)
457 }
460#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
461impl FromStr for SocketAddr {
462 type Err = AddrParseError;
463 fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<SocketAddr, AddrParseError> {
464 Self::parse_ascii(s.as_bytes())
465 }
468#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
469enum AddrKind {
470 Ip,
471 Ipv4,
472 Ipv6,
473 Socket,
474 SocketV4,
475 SocketV6,
478/// An error which can be returned when parsing an IP address or a socket address.
480/// This error is used as the error type for the [`FromStr`] implementation for
481/// [`IpAddr`], [`Ipv4Addr`], [`Ipv6Addr`], [`SocketAddr`], [`SocketAddrV4`], and
482/// [`SocketAddrV6`].
484/// # Potential causes
486/// `AddrParseError` may be thrown because the provided string does not parse as the given type,
487/// often because it includes information only handled by a different address type.
489/// ```should_panic
490/// use std::net::IpAddr;
491/// let _foo: IpAddr = "".parse().expect("Cannot handle the socket port");
492/// ```
494/// [`IpAddr`] doesn't handle the port. Use [`SocketAddr`] instead.
496/// ```
497/// use std::net::SocketAddr;
499/// // No problem, the `panic!` message has disappeared.
500/// let _foo: SocketAddr = "".parse().expect("unreachable panic");
501/// ```
502#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
503#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
504pub struct AddrParseError(AddrKind);
506#[stable(feature = "addr_parse_error_error", since = "1.4.0")]
507impl fmt::Display for AddrParseError {
508 #[allow(deprecated, deprecated_in_future)]
509 fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
510 fmt.write_str(self.description())
511 }
514#[stable(feature = "addr_parse_error_error", since = "1.4.0")]
515impl Error for AddrParseError {
516 #[allow(deprecated)]
517 fn description(&self) -> &str {
518 match self.0 {
519 AddrKind::Ip => "invalid IP address syntax",
520 AddrKind::Ipv4 => "invalid IPv4 address syntax",
521 AddrKind::Ipv6 => "invalid IPv6 address syntax",
522 AddrKind::Socket => "invalid socket address syntax",
523 AddrKind::SocketV4 => "invalid IPv4 socket address syntax",
524 AddrKind::SocketV6 => "invalid IPv6 socket address syntax",
525 }
526 }