1pub(crate) mod format;
2pub mod time;
4use crate::time::FormatTime;
5use format::{Buffers, ColorLevel, Config, FmtEvent, SpanMode};
7use is_terminal::IsTerminal;
8use nu_ansi_term::{Color, Style};
9use std::{
10 fmt::{self, Write as _},
11 io,
12 sync::Mutex,
13 time::Instant,
15use tracing_core::{
16 field::{Field, Visit},
17 span::{Attributes, Id},
18 Event, Subscriber,
20#[cfg(feature = "tracing-log")]
21use tracing_log::NormalizeEvent;
22use tracing_subscriber::{
23 fmt::MakeWriter,
24 layer::{Context, Layer},
25 registry::{self, LookupSpan},
28pub(crate) struct Data {
29 start: Instant,
30 kvs: Vec<(&'static str, String)>,
33impl Data {
34 pub fn new(attrs: &Attributes<'_>) -> Self {
35 let mut span: Data = Self {
36 start: Instant::now(),
37 kvs: Vec::new(),
38 };
39 attrs.record(&mut span);
40 span
41 }
44impl Visit for Data {
45 fn record_debug(&mut self, field: &Field, value: &dyn fmt::Debug) {
46 self.kvs.push((field.name(), format!("{:?}", value)))
47 }
50pub struct HierarchicalLayer<W = fn() -> io::Stderr, FT = ()>
52 W: for<'writer> MakeWriter<'writer> + 'static,
53 FT: FormatTime,
55 make_writer: W,
56 bufs: Mutex<Buffers>,
57 config: Config,
58 timer: FT,
61impl Default for HierarchicalLayer {
62 fn default() -> Self {
63 Self::new(indent_amount:2)
64 }
67impl HierarchicalLayer<fn() -> io::Stderr> {
68 pub fn new(indent_amount: usize) -> Self {
69 let ansi: bool = io::stderr().is_terminal();
70 let config: Config = Config {
71 ansi,
72 indent_amount,
73 ..Default::default()
74 };
75 Self {
76 make_writer: io::stderr,
77 bufs: Mutex::new(Buffers::new()),
78 config,
79 timer: (),
80 }
81 }
84impl<W, FT> HierarchicalLayer<W, FT>
86 W: for<'writer> MakeWriter<'writer> + 'static,
87 FT: FormatTime,
89 /// Enables terminal colors, boldness and italics.
90 pub fn with_ansi(self, ansi: bool) -> Self {
91 Self {
92 config: self.config.with_ansi(ansi),
93 ..self
94 }
95 }
97 pub fn with_writer<W2>(self, make_writer: W2) -> HierarchicalLayer<W2, FT>
98 where
99 W2: for<'writer> MakeWriter<'writer>,
100 {
101 HierarchicalLayer {
102 make_writer,
103 config: self.config,
104 bufs: self.bufs,
105 timer: self.timer,
106 }
107 }
109 pub fn with_indent_amount(self, indent_amount: usize) -> Self {
110 let config = Config {
111 indent_amount,
112 ..self.config
113 };
114 Self { config, ..self }
115 }
117 /// Renders an ascii art tree instead of just using whitespace indentation.
118 pub fn with_indent_lines(self, indent_lines: bool) -> Self {
119 Self {
120 config: self.config.with_indent_lines(indent_lines),
121 ..self
122 }
123 }
125 /// Specifies how to measure and format time at which event has occurred.
126 pub fn with_timer<FT2: FormatTime>(self, timer: FT2) -> HierarchicalLayer<W, FT2> {
127 HierarchicalLayer {
128 make_writer: self.make_writer,
129 config: self.config,
130 bufs: self.bufs,
131 timer,
132 }
133 }
135 /// Whether to render the event and span targets. Usually targets are the module path to the
136 /// event/span macro invocation.
137 pub fn with_targets(self, targets: bool) -> Self {
138 Self {
139 config: self.config.with_targets(targets),
140 ..self
141 }
142 }
144 /// Whether to render the thread id in the beginning of every line. This is helpful to
145 /// untangle the tracing statements emitted by each thread.
146 pub fn with_thread_ids(self, thread_ids: bool) -> Self {
147 Self {
148 config: self.config.with_thread_ids(thread_ids),
149 ..self
150 }
151 }
153 /// Whether to render the thread name in the beginning of every line. Not all threads have
154 /// names, but if they do, this may be more helpful than the generic thread ids.
155 pub fn with_thread_names(self, thread_names: bool) -> Self {
156 Self {
157 config: self.config.with_thread_names(thread_names),
158 ..self
159 }
160 }
162 /// Resets the indentation to zero after `wraparound` indentation levels.
163 /// This is helpful if you expect very deeply nested spans as otherwise the indentation
164 /// just runs out of your screen.
165 pub fn with_wraparound(self, wraparound: usize) -> Self {
166 Self {
167 config: self.config.with_wraparound(wraparound),
168 ..self
169 }
170 }
172 /// Whether to print the currently active span's message again before entering a new span.
173 /// This helps if the entry to the current span was quite a while back (and with scrolling
174 /// upwards in logs).
175 pub fn with_verbose_entry(self, verbose_entry: bool) -> Self {
176 Self {
177 config: self.config.with_verbose_entry(verbose_entry),
178 ..self
179 }
180 }
182 /// Whether to print the currently active span's message again before dropping it.
183 /// This helps if the entry to the current span was quite a while back (and with scrolling
184 /// upwards in logs).
185 pub fn with_verbose_exit(self, verbose_exit: bool) -> Self {
186 Self {
187 config: self.config.with_verbose_exit(verbose_exit),
188 ..self
189 }
190 }
192 /// Whether to print `{}` around the fields when printing a span.
193 /// This can help visually distinguish fields from the rest of the message.
194 pub fn with_bracketed_fields(self, bracketed_fields: bool) -> Self {
195 Self {
196 config: self.config.with_bracketed_fields(bracketed_fields),
197 ..self
198 }
199 }
201 fn styled(&self, style: Style, text: impl AsRef<str>) -> String {
202 if self.config.ansi {
203 style.paint(text.as_ref()).to_string()
204 } else {
205 text.as_ref().to_string()
206 }
207 }
209 fn print_kvs<'a, I, V>(&self, buf: &mut impl fmt::Write, kvs: I) -> fmt::Result
210 where
211 I: IntoIterator<Item = (&'a str, V)>,
212 V: fmt::Display + 'a,
213 {
214 let mut kvs = kvs.into_iter();
215 if let Some((k, v)) = kvs.next() {
216 if k == "message" {
217 write!(buf, "{}", v)?;
218 } else {
219 write!(buf, "{}={}", k, v)?;
220 }
221 }
222 for (k, v) in kvs {
223 write!(buf, ", {}={}", k, v)?;
224 }
225 Ok(())
226 }
228 fn write_span_info<S>(&self, id: &Id, ctx: &Context<S>, style: SpanMode)
229 where
230 S: Subscriber + for<'span> LookupSpan<'span>,
231 {
232 let span = ctx
233 .span(id)
234 .expect("in on_enter/on_exit but span does not exist");
235 let ext = span.extensions();
236 let data = ext.get::<Data>().expect("span does not have data");
238 let mut guard = self.bufs.lock().unwrap();
239 let bufs = &mut *guard;
240 let mut current_buf = &mut bufs.current_buf;
242 let indent = ctx
243 .lookup_current()
244 .as_ref()
245 .map(registry::SpanRef::scope)
246 .map(registry::Scope::from_root)
247 .into_iter()
248 .flatten()
249 .count();
251 if self.config.verbose_entry || matches!(style, SpanMode::Open { .. } | SpanMode::Event) {
252 if self.config.targets {
253 let target = span.metadata().target();
254 write!(
255 &mut current_buf,
256 "{}::",
257 self.styled(Style::new().dimmed(), target,),
258 )
259 .expect("Unable to write to buffer");
260 }
262 write!(
263 current_buf,
264 "{name}",
265 name = self.styled(Style::new().fg(Color::Green).bold(), span.metadata().name())
266 )
267 .unwrap();
268 if self.config.bracketed_fields {
269 write!(
270 current_buf,
271 "{}",
272 self.styled(Style::new().fg(Color::Green).bold(), "{") // Style::new().fg(Color::Green).dimmed().paint("{")
273 )
274 .unwrap();
275 } else {
276 write!(current_buf, " ").unwrap();
277 }
278 self.print_kvs(&mut current_buf, data.kvs.iter().map(|(k, v)| (*k, v)))
279 .unwrap();
280 if self.config.bracketed_fields {
281 write!(
282 current_buf,
283 "{}",
284 self.styled(Style::new().fg(Color::Green).bold(), "}") // Style::new().dimmed().paint("}")
285 )
286 .unwrap();
287 }
288 }
290 bufs.indent_current(indent, &self.config, style);
291 let writer = self.make_writer.make_writer();
292 bufs.flush_current_buf(writer)
293 }
296impl<S, W, FT> Layer<S> for HierarchicalLayer<W, FT>
298 S: Subscriber + for<'span> LookupSpan<'span>,
299 W: for<'writer> MakeWriter<'writer> + 'static,
300 FT: FormatTime + 'static,
302 fn on_new_span(&self, attrs: &Attributes, id: &Id, ctx: Context<S>) {
303 let span = ctx.span(id).expect("in new_span but span does not exist");
304 if span.extensions().get::<Data>().is_none() {
305 let data = Data::new(attrs);
306 span.extensions_mut().insert(data);
307 }
309 if self.config.verbose_exit {
310 if let Some(span) = span.parent() {
311 self.write_span_info(&span.id(), &ctx, SpanMode::PreOpen);
312 }
313 }
315 self.write_span_info(
316 id,
317 &ctx,
318 SpanMode::Open {
319 verbose: self.config.verbose_entry,
320 },
321 );
322 }
324 fn on_event(&self, event: &Event<'_>, ctx: Context<S>) {
325 let mut guard = self.bufs.lock().unwrap();
326 let bufs = &mut *guard;
327 let mut event_buf = &mut bufs.current_buf;
329 // Time.
331 {
332 let prev_buffer_len = event_buf.len();
334 self.timer
335 .format_time(&mut event_buf)
336 .expect("Unable to write time to buffer");
338 // Something was written to the buffer, pad it with a space.
339 if prev_buffer_len < event_buf.len() {
340 write!(event_buf, " ").expect("Unable to write to buffer");
341 }
342 }
344 // printing the indentation
345 let indent = ctx
346 .event_scope(event)
347 .map(|scope| scope.count())
348 .unwrap_or(0);
350 // check if this event occurred in the context of a span.
351 // if it has, get the start time of this span.
352 let start = match ctx.current_span().id() {
353 Some(id) => match ctx.span(id) {
354 // if the event is in a span, get the span's starting point.
355 Some(ctx) => {
356 let ext = ctx.extensions();
357 let data = ext
358 .get::<Data>()
359 .expect("Data cannot be found in extensions");
360 Some(data.start)
361 }
362 None => None,
363 },
364 None => None,
365 };
366 if let Some(start) = start {
367 let elapsed = start.elapsed();
368 let millis = elapsed.as_millis();
369 let secs = elapsed.as_secs();
370 let (n, unit) = if millis < 1000 {
371 (millis as _, "ms")
372 } else if secs < 60 {
373 (secs, "s ")
374 } else {
375 (secs / 60, "m ")
376 };
377 let n = format!("{n:>3}");
378 write!(
379 &mut event_buf,
380 "{timestamp}{unit} ",
381 timestamp = self.styled(Style::new().dimmed(), n),
382 unit = self.styled(Style::new().dimmed(), unit),
383 )
384 .expect("Unable to write to buffer");
385 }
387 #[cfg(feature = "tracing-log")]
388 let normalized_meta = event.normalized_metadata();
389 #[cfg(feature = "tracing-log")]
390 let metadata = normalized_meta.as_ref().unwrap_or_else(|| event.metadata());
391 #[cfg(not(feature = "tracing-log"))]
392 let metadata = event.metadata();
394 let level = metadata.level();
395 let level = if self.config.ansi {
396 ColorLevel(level).to_string()
397 } else {
398 level.to_string()
399 };
400 write!(&mut event_buf, "{level}", level = level).expect("Unable to write to buffer");
402 if self.config.targets {
403 let target = metadata.target();
404 write!(
405 &mut event_buf,
406 " {}",
407 self.styled(Style::new().dimmed(), target,),
408 )
409 .expect("Unable to write to buffer");
410 }
412 let mut visitor = FmtEvent { comma: false, bufs };
413 event.record(&mut visitor);
414 visitor
415 .bufs
416 .indent_current(indent, &self.config, SpanMode::Event);
417 let writer = self.make_writer.make_writer();
418 bufs.flush_current_buf(writer)
419 }
421 fn on_close(&self, id: Id, ctx: Context<S>) {
422 self.write_span_info(
423 &id,
424 &ctx,
425 SpanMode::Close {
426 verbose: self.config.verbose_exit,
427 },
428 );
430 if self.config.verbose_exit {
431 if let Some(span) = ctx.span(&id).and_then(|span| span.parent()) {
432 self.write_span_info(&span.id(), &ctx, SpanMode::PostClose);
433 }
434 }
435 }