1// This file is part of ICU4X. For terms of use, please see the file
2// called LICENSE at the top level of the ICU4X source tree
3// (online at: https://github.com/unicode-org/icu4x/blob/main/LICENSE ).
5use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2;
6use quote::quote;
8use crate::utils::{self, FieldInfo, ZeroVecAttrs};
9use std::collections::HashSet;
10use syn::spanned::Spanned;
11use syn::{parse_quote, Data, DataEnum, DataStruct, DeriveInput, Error, Expr, Fields, Ident, Lit};
13pub fn make_ule_impl(ule_name: Ident, mut input: DeriveInput) -> TokenStream2 {
14 if input.generics.type_params().next().is_some()
15 || input.generics.lifetimes().next().is_some()
16 || input.generics.const_params().next().is_some()
17 {
18 return Error::new(
19 input.generics.span(),
20 "#[make_ule] must be applied to a struct without any generics",
21 )
22 .to_compile_error();
23 }
24 let sp = input.span();
25 let attrs = match utils::extract_attributes_common(&mut input.attrs, sp, false) {
26 Ok(val) => val,
27 Err(e) => return e.to_compile_error(),
28 };
30 let name = &input.ident;
32 let ule_stuff = match input.data {
33 Data::Struct(ref s) => make_ule_struct_impl(name, &ule_name, &input, s, attrs),
34 Data::Enum(ref e) => make_ule_enum_impl(name, &ule_name, &input, e, attrs),
35 _ => {
36 return Error::new(input.span(), "#[make_ule] must be applied to a struct")
37 .to_compile_error();
38 }
39 };
41 let zmkv = if attrs.skip_kv {
42 quote!()
43 } else {
44 quote!(
45 impl<'a> zerovec::maps::ZeroMapKV<'a> for #name {
46 type Container = zerovec::ZeroVec<'a, #name>;
47 type Slice = zerovec::ZeroSlice<#name>;
48 type GetType = #ule_name;
49 type OwnedType = #name;
50 }
51 )
52 };
54 let maybe_debug = if attrs.debug {
55 quote!(
56 impl core::fmt::Debug for #ule_name {
57 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
58 let this = <#name as zerovec::ule::AsULE>::from_unaligned(*self);
59 <#name as core::fmt::Debug>::fmt(&this, f)
60 }
61 }
62 )
63 } else {
64 quote!()
65 };
67 quote!(
68 #input
70 #ule_stuff
72 #maybe_debug
74 #zmkv
75 )
78fn make_ule_enum_impl(
79 name: &Ident,
80 ule_name: &Ident,
81 input: &DeriveInput,
82 enu: &DataEnum,
83 attrs: ZeroVecAttrs,
84) -> TokenStream2 {
85 // We could support more int reprs in the future if needed
86 if !utils::has_valid_repr(&input.attrs, |r| r == "u8") {
87 return Error::new(
88 input.span(),
89 "#[make_ule] can only be applied to #[repr(u8)] enums",
90 )
91 .to_compile_error();
92 }
94 // the next discriminant expected
95 let mut next = 0;
96 // Discriminants that have not been found in series (we might find them later)
97 let mut not_found = HashSet::new();
99 for (i, variant) in enu.variants.iter().enumerate() {
100 if !matches!(variant.fields, Fields::Unit) {
101 // This can be supported in the future, see zerovec/design_doc.md
102 return Error::new(
103 variant.span(),
104 "#[make_ule] can only be applied to enums with dataless variants",
105 )
106 .to_compile_error();
107 }
109 if let Some((_, ref discr)) = variant.discriminant {
110 if let Some(n) = get_expr_int(discr) {
111 if n >= next {
112 for missing in next..n {
113 not_found.insert(missing);
114 }
115 next = n + 1;
116 }
118 not_found.remove(&n);
120 // We require explicit discriminants so that it is clear that reordering
121 // fields would be a breaking change. Furthermore, using explicit discriminants helps ensure that
122 // platform-specific C ABI choices do not matter.
123 // We could potentially add in explicit discriminants on the user's behalf in the future, or support
124 // more complicated sets of explicit discriminant values.
125 if n != i as u64 {}
126 } else {
127 return Error::new(
128 discr.span(),
129 "#[make_ule] must be applied to enums with explicit integer discriminants",
130 )
131 .to_compile_error();
132 }
133 } else {
134 return Error::new(
135 variant.span(),
136 "#[make_ule] must be applied to enums with explicit discriminants",
137 )
138 .to_compile_error();
139 }
140 }
142 let not_found = not_found.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
144 if !not_found.is_empty() {
145 return Error::new(input.span(), format!("#[make_ule] must be applied to enums with discriminants \
146 filling the range from 0 to a maximum; could not find {not_found:?}"))
147 .to_compile_error();
148 }
150 let max = next as u8;
152 let maybe_ord_derives = if attrs.skip_ord {
153 quote!()
154 } else {
155 quote!(#[derive(Ord, PartialOrd)])
156 };
158 let vis = &input.vis;
160 let doc = format!("[`ULE`](zerovec::ule::ULE) type for {name}");
162 // Safety (based on the safety checklist on the ULE trait):
163 // 1. ULE type does not include any uninitialized or padding bytes.
164 // (achieved by `#[repr(transparent)]` on a type that satisfies this invariant
165 // 2. ULE type is aligned to 1 byte.
166 // (achieved by `#[repr(transparent)]` on a type that satisfies this invariant)
167 // 3. The impl of validate_byte_slice() returns an error if any byte is not valid.
168 // (Guarantees that the byte is in range of the corresponding enum.)
169 // 4. The impl of validate_byte_slice() returns an error if there are extra bytes.
170 // (This does not happen since we are backed by 1 byte.)
171 // 5. The other ULE methods use the default impl.
172 // 6. ULE type byte equality is semantic equality
173 quote!(
174 #[repr(transparent)]
175 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
176 #maybe_ord_derives
177 #[doc = #doc]
178 #vis struct #ule_name(u8);
180 unsafe impl zerovec::ule::ULE for #ule_name {
181 #[inline]
182 fn validate_byte_slice(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(), zerovec::ZeroVecError> {
183 for byte in bytes {
184 if *byte >= #max {
185 return Err(zerovec::ZeroVecError::parse::<Self>())
186 }
187 }
188 Ok(())
189 }
190 }
192 impl zerovec::ule::AsULE for #name {
193 type ULE = #ule_name;
195 fn to_unaligned(self) -> Self::ULE {
196 // safety: the enum is repr(u8) and can be cast to a u8
197 unsafe {
198 ::core::mem::transmute(self)
199 }
200 }
202 fn from_unaligned(other: Self::ULE) -> Self {
203 // safety: the enum is repr(u8) and can be cast from a u8,
204 // and `#ule_name` guarantees a valid value for this enum.
205 unsafe {
206 ::core::mem::transmute(other)
207 }
208 }
209 }
211 impl #name {
212 /// Attempt to construct the value from its corresponding integer,
213 /// returning `None` if not possible
214 pub(crate) fn new_from_u8(value: u8) -> Option<Self> {
215 if value <= #max {
216 unsafe {
217 Some(::core::mem::transmute(value))
218 }
219 } else {
220 None
221 }
222 }
223 }
224 )
227fn get_expr_int(e: &Expr) -> Option<u64> {
228 if let Ok(Lit::Int(ref i: &LitInt)) = syn::parse2(tokens:quote!(#e)) {
229 return i.base10_parse().ok();
230 }
232 None
235fn make_ule_struct_impl(
236 name: &Ident,
237 ule_name: &Ident,
238 input: &DeriveInput,
239 struc: &DataStruct,
240 attrs: ZeroVecAttrs,
241) -> TokenStream2 {
242 if struc.fields.iter().next().is_none() {
243 return Error::new(
244 input.span(),
245 "#[make_ule] must be applied to a non-empty struct",
246 )
247 .to_compile_error();
248 }
249 let sized_fields = FieldInfo::make_list(struc.fields.iter());
250 let field_inits = crate::ule::make_ule_fields(&sized_fields);
251 let field_inits = utils::wrap_field_inits(&field_inits, &struc.fields);
253 let semi = utils::semi_for(&struc.fields);
254 let repr_attr = utils::repr_for(&struc.fields);
255 let vis = &input.vis;
257 let doc = format!("[`ULE`](zerovec::ule::ULE) type for [`{name}`]");
259 let ule_struct: DeriveInput = parse_quote!(
260 #[repr(#repr_attr)]
261 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
262 #[doc = #doc]
263 // We suppress the `missing_docs` lint for the fields of the struct.
264 #[allow(missing_docs)]
265 #vis struct #ule_name #field_inits #semi
266 );
267 let derived = crate::ule::derive_impl(&ule_struct);
269 let mut as_ule_conversions = vec![];
270 let mut from_ule_conversions = vec![];
272 for (i, field) in struc.fields.iter().enumerate() {
273 let ty = &field.ty;
274 let i = syn::Index::from(i);
275 if let Some(ref ident) = field.ident {
276 as_ule_conversions
277 .push(quote!(#ident: <#ty as zerovec::ule::AsULE>::to_unaligned(self.#ident)));
278 from_ule_conversions.push(
279 quote!(#ident: <#ty as zerovec::ule::AsULE>::from_unaligned(unaligned.#ident)),
280 );
281 } else {
282 as_ule_conversions.push(quote!(<#ty as zerovec::ule::AsULE>::to_unaligned(self.#i)));
283 from_ule_conversions
284 .push(quote!(<#ty as zerovec::ule::AsULE>::from_unaligned(unaligned.#i)));
285 };
286 }
288 let as_ule_conversions = utils::wrap_field_inits(&as_ule_conversions, &struc.fields);
289 let from_ule_conversions = utils::wrap_field_inits(&from_ule_conversions, &struc.fields);
290 let asule_impl = quote!(
291 impl zerovec::ule::AsULE for #name {
292 type ULE = #ule_name;
293 fn to_unaligned(self) -> Self::ULE {
294 #ule_name #as_ule_conversions
295 }
296 fn from_unaligned(unaligned: Self::ULE) -> Self {
297 Self #from_ule_conversions
298 }
299 }
300 );
302 let maybe_ord_impls = if attrs.skip_ord {
303 quote!()
304 } else {
305 quote!(
306 impl core::cmp::PartialOrd for #ule_name {
307 fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<core::cmp::Ordering> {
308 let this = <#name as zerovec::ule::AsULE>::from_unaligned(*self);
309 let other = <#name as zerovec::ule::AsULE>::from_unaligned(*other);
310 <#name as core::cmp::PartialOrd>::partial_cmp(&this, &other)
311 }
312 }
314 impl core::cmp::Ord for #ule_name {
315 fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> core::cmp::Ordering {
316 let this = <#name as zerovec::ule::AsULE>::from_unaligned(*self);
317 let other = <#name as zerovec::ule::AsULE>::from_unaligned(*other);
318 <#name as core::cmp::Ord>::cmp(&this, &other)
319 }
320 }
321 )
322 };
324 let maybe_hash = if attrs.hash {
325 quote!(
326 #[allow(clippy::derive_hash_xor_eq)]
327 impl core::hash::Hash for #ule_name {
328 fn hash<H>(&self, state: &mut H) where H: core::hash::Hasher {
329 state.write(<#ule_name as zerovec::ule::ULE>::as_byte_slice(&[*self]));
330 }
331 }
332 )
333 } else {
334 quote!()
335 };
337 quote!(
338 #asule_impl
340 #ule_struct
342 #derived
344 #maybe_ord_impls
346 #maybe_hash
347 )