1use crate::{Category, ExpInt, IEK_INF, IEK_NAN, IEK_ZERO};
2use crate::{Float, FloatConvert, ParseError, Round, Status, StatusAnd};
4use core::cmp::{self, Ordering};
5use core::convert::TryFrom;
6use core::fmt::{self, Write};
7use core::marker::PhantomData;
8use core::mem;
9use core::ops::Neg;
12pub struct IeeeFloat<S> {
13 /// Absolute significand value (including the integer bit).
14 sig: [Limb; 1],
16 /// The signed unbiased exponent of the value.
17 exp: ExpInt,
19 /// What kind of floating point number this is.
20 //
21 // HACK(eddyb) because mutating this without accounting for `exp`/`sig`
22 // can break some subtle edge cases, it should be only read through the
23 // `.category()` method, and only set during initialization, either for
24 // one of the special value constants, or for conversion from bits.
25 read_only_category_do_not_mutate: Category,
27 /// Sign bit of the number.
28 //
29 // HACK(eddyb) because mutating this without accounting for `category`
30 // can break some subtle edge cases, it should be only read through the
31 // `.is_negative()` method, and only set through negation (which can be
32 // more easily used through e.g. `copy_sign`/`negate_if`/`with_sign`).
33 read_only_sign_do_not_mutate: bool,
35 marker: PhantomData<S>,
38/// Fundamental unit of big integer arithmetic, but also
39/// large to store the largest significands by itself.
40type Limb = u128;
41const LIMB_BITS: usize = 128;
43fn limbs_for_bits(bits: usize) -> usize {
44 (bits + LIMB_BITS - 1) / LIMB_BITS
47/// Growable `[Limb]` (i.e. heap-allocated and typically `Vec`/`SmallVec`/etc.),
48/// used only by algorithms that may require dynamically arbitrary precision,
49/// i.e. conversions from/to decimal strings.
51/// Note: the specific type was chosen by starting with `SmallVec<[_; 1]>` and
52/// increasing the inline length as long as benchmarks were showing improvements,
53/// or at least the `Double::from_str` ones, which roughly had these behaviors:
54/// * `Vec<_>` -> `SmallVec<[_; 1]>`: ~15% speedup, but only for shorter inputs
55/// * `SmallVec<[_; 1]>` -> `SmallVec<[_; 2]>`: ~10% speedup for longer inputs
56/// * `SmallVec<[_; 2]>` -> `SmallVec<[_; 3]>`: noise and/or diminishing returns
58/// Note: the choice of type described above, and the factors in its decision,
59/// are specific to `Limb` being `u128`, so if `Limb` changes, this should too.
60type DynPrecisionLimbVec = smallvec::SmallVec<[Limb; 2]>;
62/// Enum that represents what fraction of the LSB truncated bits of an fp number
63/// represent.
65/// This essentially combines the roles of guard and sticky bits.
67#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
68enum Loss {
69 // Example of truncated bits:
70 ExactlyZero, // 000000
71 LessThanHalf, // 0xxxxx x's not all zero
72 ExactlyHalf, // 100000
73 MoreThanHalf, // 1xxxxx x's not all zero
76/// How the nonfinite values Inf and NaN are represented.
77#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
78pub enum NonfiniteBehavior {
79 /// Represents standard IEEE 754 behavior. A value is nonfinite if the
80 /// exponent field is all 1s. In such cases, a value is Inf if the
81 /// significand bits are all zero, and NaN otherwise
82 IEEE754,
84 /// Only the Float8E5M2 has this behavior. There is no Inf representation. A
85 /// value is NaN if the exponent field and the mantissa field are all 1s.
86 /// This behavior matches the FP8 E4M3 type described in
87 /// https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.05433. We treat both signed and unsigned NaNs
88 /// as non-signalling, although the paper does not state whether the NaN
89 /// values are signalling or not.
90 NanOnly,
93// HACK(eddyb) extension method flipping/changing the sign based on `bool`s.
94trait NegExt: Neg<Output = Self> + Sized {
95 fn negate_if(self, negate: bool) -> Self {
96 if negate {
97 -self
98 } else {
99 self
100 }
101 }
103 fn with_sign(self, sign: bool) -> Self
104 where
105 Self: Float,
106 {
107 self.negate_if(self.is_negative() != sign)
108 }
110impl<T: Neg<Output = Self>> NegExt for T {}
112/// Represents floating point arithmetic semantics.
113pub trait Semantics: Sized {
114 /// Total number of bits in the interchange format.
115 const BITS: usize;
117 /// Number of exponent bits in the interchange format.
118 const EXP_BITS: usize;
120 /// Number of bits in the significand. This includes the integer bit.
121 const PRECISION: usize = (Self::BITS - 1 - Self::EXP_BITS) + 1;
123 /// How the nonfinite values Inf and NaN are represented.
124 const NONFINITE_BEHAVIOR: NonfiniteBehavior = NonfiniteBehavior::IEEE754;
126 /// The largest E such that 2^E is representable; this matches the
127 /// definition of IEEE 754.
128 const MAX_EXP: ExpInt = {
129 let ieee_inf_and_nan_replaced_with_extra_normals = match Self::NONFINITE_BEHAVIOR {
130 NonfiniteBehavior::IEEE754 => false,
131 NonfiniteBehavior::NanOnly => true,
132 };
133 Self::IEEE_MAX_EXP
134 + (Self::MIN_EXP - Self::IEEE_MIN_EXP)
135 + (ieee_inf_and_nan_replaced_with_extra_normals as ExpInt)
136 };
137 const IEEE_MAX_EXP: ExpInt = -Self::IEEE_MIN_EXP + 1;
139 /// The smallest E such that 2^E is a normalized number; this
140 /// matches the definition of IEEE 754.
141 const MIN_EXP: ExpInt = Self::IEEE_MIN_EXP;
142 const IEEE_MIN_EXP: ExpInt = -(1 << (Self::EXP_BITS - 1)) + 2;
144 /// The base significand bitpattern of NaNs, i.e. the bits that must always
145 /// be set in all NaNs, with other significand bits being either used for
146 /// payload bits (if `NAN_PAYLOAD_MASK` covers them) or always unset.
148 NonfiniteBehavior::IEEE754 => 0,
149 NonfiniteBehavior::NanOnly => (1 << (Self::PRECISION - 1)) - 1,
150 };
152 /// The significand bitmask for the payload of a NaN (if supported),
153 /// including the "quiet bit" (telling QNaNs apart from SNaNs).
154 const NAN_PAYLOAD_MASK: Limb = match Self::NONFINITE_BEHAVIOR {
155 NonfiniteBehavior::IEEE754 => (1 << (Self::PRECISION - 1)) - 1,
156 NonfiniteBehavior::NanOnly => 0,
157 };
159 /// The significand bitpattern to mark a NaN as quiet (if supported).
160 ///
161 /// NOTE: for X87DoubleExtended we need to set two bits instead of one.
162 ///
163 /// NOTE: all NaNs are quiet if unsupported (see `NonfiniteBehavior::NanOnly`).
165 NonfiniteBehavior::IEEE754 => 1 << (Self::PRECISION - 2),
166 NonfiniteBehavior::NanOnly => 0,
167 };
169 fn from_bits(bits: u128) -> IeeeFloat<Self> {
170 assert!(Self::BITS > Self::PRECISION);
172 let sign = bits & (1 << (Self::BITS - 1));
173 let exponent = ((bits & !sign) >> (Self::BITS - 1 - Self::EXP_BITS)) & ((1 << Self::EXP_BITS) - 1);
174 let mut r = IeeeFloat {
175 sig: [bits & ((1 << (Self::PRECISION - 1)) - 1)],
176 // Convert the exponent from its bias representation to a signed integer.
177 exp: (exponent as ExpInt) + (Self::MIN_EXP - 1),
178 read_only_category_do_not_mutate: Category::Zero,
179 read_only_sign_do_not_mutate: sign != 0,
180 marker: PhantomData,
181 };
183 // NOTE(eddyb) unlike the original C++ code, this doesn't check for
184 // specific exponent/significand combinations, but instead relies on
185 // being able to construct known-good special values to compare to.
186 let try_category_from_special = |mut special: IeeeFloat<Self>| {
187 special = special.copy_sign(r);
189 // Ignore NaN payload to avoid needing a separate NaN check.
190 let sig_mask = if special.is_nan() { !Self::NAN_PAYLOAD_MASK } else { !0 };
192 if special.is_negative() == r.is_negative()
193 && special.exp == r.exp
194 && special.sig[0] & sig_mask == r.sig[0] & sig_mask
195 {
196 Some(special.category())
197 } else {
198 None
199 }
200 };
202 // NOTE(eddyb) the order here matters, i.e. `NAN` needs to be last, as
203 // its relaxed check (see above) overlaps `INFINITY`, for IEEE NaNs.
204 let specials = [
205 IeeeFloat::<Self>::ZERO,
206 IeeeFloat::<Self>::INFINITY,
207 IeeeFloat::<Self>::NAN,
208 ];
210 let category = specials
211 .into_iter()
212 .find_map(try_category_from_special)
213 .unwrap_or_else(|| {
214 if r.exp == Self::MIN_EXP - 1 {
215 // Denormal.
216 r.exp = Self::MIN_EXP;
217 } else {
218 // Set integer bit.
219 sig::set_bit(&mut r.sig, Self::PRECISION - 1);
220 }
221 Category::Normal
222 });
224 r.read_only_category_do_not_mutate = category;
226 r
227 }
229 fn to_bits(x: IeeeFloat<Self>) -> u128 {
230 assert!(Self::BITS > Self::PRECISION);
232 // Split integer bit from significand.
233 let integer_bit = sig::get_bit(&x.sig, Self::PRECISION - 1);
234 let mut significand = x.sig[0] & ((1 << (Self::PRECISION - 1)) - 1);
235 let mut exponent = x.exp;
236 match x.category() {
237 Category::Normal => {
238 if exponent == Self::MIN_EXP && !integer_bit {
239 // Denormal.
240 exponent -= 1;
241 }
242 }
243 Category::Zero => {
244 // FIXME(eddyb) Maybe we should guarantee an invariant instead?
245 IeeeFloat::<Self> {
246 sig: [significand],
247 exp: exponent,
248 ..
249 } = Float::ZERO;
250 }
251 Category::Infinity => {
252 // FIXME(eddyb) Maybe we should guarantee an invariant instead?
253 IeeeFloat::<Self> {
254 sig: [significand],
255 exp: exponent,
256 ..
257 } = Float::INFINITY;
258 }
259 Category::NaN => {
260 IeeeFloat::<Self> { exp: exponent, .. } = Float::NAN;
261 }
262 }
264 // Convert the exponent from a signed integer to its bias representation.
265 let exponent = (exponent - (Self::MIN_EXP - 1)) as u128;
267 ((x.is_negative() as u128) << (Self::BITS - 1)) | (exponent << (Self::PRECISION - 1)) | significand
268 }
271impl<S> Copy for IeeeFloat<S> {}
272impl<S> Clone for IeeeFloat<S> {
273 fn clone(&self) -> Self {
274 *self
275 }
278macro_rules! ieee_semantics {
279 ($($name:ident = $sem:ident($bits:tt : $exp_bits:tt) $({ $($extra:tt)* })?),* $(,)?) => {
280 $(pub struct $sem;)*
281 $(pub type $name = IeeeFloat<$sem>;)*
282 $(impl Semantics for $sem {
283 const BITS: usize = $bits;
284 const EXP_BITS: usize = $exp_bits;
286 $($($extra)*)?
287 })*
288 }
291ieee_semantics! {
292 Half = HalfS(16:5),
293 Single = SingleS(32:8),
294 Double = DoubleS(64:11),
295 Quad = QuadS(128:15),
297 // Non-standard IEEE-like semantics:
299 // FIXME(eddyb) document this as "Brain Float 16" (C++ didn't have docs).
300 BFloat = BFloatS(16:8),
302 // 8-bit floating point number following IEEE-754 conventions with bit
303 // layout S1E5M2 as described in https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.05433.
304 Float8E5M2 = Float8E5M2S(8:5),
306 // 8-bit floating point number mostly following IEEE-754 conventions with
307 // bit layout S1E4M3 as described in https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.05433.
308 // Unlike IEEE-754 types, there are no infinity values, and NaN is
309 // represented with the exponent and mantissa bits set to all 1s.
310 Float8E4M3FN = Float8E4M3FNS(8:4) {
311 const NONFINITE_BEHAVIOR: NonfiniteBehavior = NonfiniteBehavior::NanOnly;
312 },
315// FIXME(eddyb) consider moving X87-specific logic to a "has explicit integer bit"
316// associated `const` on `Semantics` itself.
317pub struct X87DoubleExtendedS;
318pub type X87DoubleExtended = IeeeFloat<X87DoubleExtendedS>;
319impl Semantics for X87DoubleExtendedS {
320 const BITS: usize = 80;
321 const EXP_BITS: usize = 15;
323 // HACK(eddyb) overwriting `EXP_BITS` because its default is incorrect.
324 // FIMXE(eddyb) get rid of this by allowing `Semantics` to generically have
325 // the concept of "explicitly included integer bit", which is the main way
326 // in which the 80-bit X87 format differs from standard IEEE encodings.
327 const PRECISION: usize = 64;
329 /// For x87 extended precision, we want to make a NaN, not a
330 /// pseudo-NaN. Maybe we should expose the ability to make
331 /// pseudo-NaNs?
332 const QNAN_SIGNIFICAND: Limb = 0b11 << (Self::PRECISION - 2);
334 /// Integer bit is explicit in this format. Intel hardware (387 and later)
335 /// does not support these bit patterns:
336 /// exponent = all 1's, integer bit 0, significand 0 ("pseudoinfinity")
337 /// exponent = all 1's, integer bit 0, significand nonzero ("pseudoNaN")
338 /// exponent!=0 nor all 1's, integer bit 0 ("unnormal")
339 /// exponent = 0, integer bit 1 ("pseudodenormal")
340 /// At the moment, the first three are treated as NaNs, the last one as Normal.
341 #[inline]
342 fn from_bits(bits: u128) -> IeeeFloat<Self> {
343 let sign = bits & (1 << (Self::BITS - 1));
344 let exponent = ((bits & !sign) >> (Self::BITS - 1 - Self::EXP_BITS)) & ((1 << Self::EXP_BITS) - 1);
345 let mut r = IeeeFloat {
346 sig: [bits & ((1 << Self::PRECISION) - 1)],
347 // Convert the exponent from its bias representation to a signed integer.
348 exp: (exponent as ExpInt) + (Self::MIN_EXP - 1),
349 read_only_category_do_not_mutate: Category::Zero,
350 read_only_sign_do_not_mutate: sign != 0,
351 marker: PhantomData,
352 };
354 let integer_bit = r.sig[0] >> (Self::PRECISION - 1);
356 let category = if r.exp == Self::MIN_EXP - 1 && r.sig == [0] {
357 Category::Zero
358 } else if r.exp == Self::MAX_EXP + 1 && r.sig == [1 << (Self::PRECISION - 1)] {
359 Category::Infinity
360 } else if r.exp == Self::MAX_EXP + 1 && r.sig != [1 << (Self::PRECISION - 1)]
361 || r.exp != Self::MAX_EXP + 1 && r.exp != Self::MIN_EXP - 1 && integer_bit == 0
362 {
363 r.exp = Self::MAX_EXP + 1;
364 Category::NaN
365 } else {
366 if r.exp == Self::MIN_EXP - 1 {
367 // Denormal.
368 r.exp = Self::MIN_EXP;
369 }
370 Category::Normal
371 };
373 r.read_only_category_do_not_mutate = category;
375 r
376 }
378 #[inline]
379 fn to_bits(x: IeeeFloat<Self>) -> u128 {
380 // Get integer bit from significand.
381 let integer_bit = sig::get_bit(&x.sig, Self::PRECISION - 1);
382 let mut significand = x.sig[0] & ((1 << Self::PRECISION) - 1);
383 let exponent = match x.category() {
384 Category::Normal => {
385 if x.exp == Self::MIN_EXP && !integer_bit {
386 // Denormal.
387 Self::MIN_EXP - 1
388 } else {
389 x.exp
390 }
391 }
392 Category::Zero => {
393 // FIXME(eddyb) Maybe we should guarantee an invariant instead?
394 significand = 0;
395 Self::MIN_EXP - 1
396 }
397 Category::Infinity => {
398 // FIXME(eddyb) Maybe we should guarantee an invariant instead?
399 significand = 1 << (Self::PRECISION - 1);
400 Self::MAX_EXP + 1
401 }
402 Category::NaN => Self::MAX_EXP + 1,
403 };
405 // Convert the exponent from a signed integer to its bias representation.
406 let exponent = (exponent - (Self::MIN_EXP - 1)) as u128;
408 ((x.is_negative() as u128) << (Self::BITS - 1)) | (exponent << Self::PRECISION) | significand
409 }
414impl<S: Semantics> PartialEq for IeeeFloat<S> {
415 fn eq(&self, rhs: &Self) -> bool {
416 self.partial_cmp(rhs) == Some(Ordering::Equal)
417 }
420impl<S: Semantics> PartialOrd for IeeeFloat<S> {
421 fn partial_cmp(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
422 match (self.category(), rhs.category()) {
423 (Category::NaN, _) | (_, Category::NaN) => None,
425 (Category::Infinity, Category::Infinity) => Some((!self.is_negative()).cmp(&(!rhs.is_negative()))),
427 (Category::Zero, Category::Zero) => Some(Ordering::Equal),
429 (Category::Infinity, _) | (Category::Normal, Category::Zero) => {
430 Some((!self.is_negative()).cmp(&self.is_negative()))
431 }
433 (_, Category::Infinity) | (Category::Zero, Category::Normal) => {
434 Some(rhs.is_negative().cmp(&(!rhs.is_negative())))
435 }
437 (Category::Normal, Category::Normal) => {
438 // Two normal numbers. Do they have the same sign?
439 Some((!self.is_negative()).cmp(&(!rhs.is_negative())).then_with(|| {
440 // Compare absolute values; invert result if negative.
441 let result = self.cmp_abs_normal(*rhs);
443 if self.is_negative() {
444 result.reverse()
445 } else {
446 result
447 }
448 }))
449 }
450 }
451 }
454impl<S: Semantics> Neg for IeeeFloat<S> {
455 type Output = Self;
456 fn neg(mut self) -> Self {
457 self.read_only_sign_do_not_mutate = !self.is_negative();
458 self
459 }
462/// Prints this value as a decimal string.
464/// \param precision The maximum number of digits of
465/// precision to output. If there are fewer digits available,
466/// zero padding will not be used unless the value is
467/// integral and small enough to be expressed in
468/// precision digits. 0 means to use the natural
469/// precision of the number.
470/// \param width The maximum number of zeros to
471/// consider inserting before falling back to scientific
472/// notation. 0 means to always use scientific notation.
474/// \param alternate Indicate whether to remove the trailing zero in
475/// fraction part or not. Also setting this parameter to true forces
476/// producing of output more similar to default printf behavior.
477/// Specifically the lower e is used as exponent delimiter and exponent
478/// always contains no less than two digits.
480/// Number precision width Result
481/// ------ --------- ----- ------
482/// 1.01E+4 5 2 10100
483/// 1.01E+4 4 2 1.01E+4
484/// 1.01E+4 5 1 1.01E+4
485/// 1.01E-2 5 2 0.0101
486/// 1.01E-2 4 2 0.0101
487/// 1.01E-2 4 1 1.01E-2
488impl<S: Semantics> fmt::Display for IeeeFloat<S> {
489 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
490 let width = f.width().unwrap_or(3);
491 let alternate = f.alternate();
493 match self.category() {
494 Category::Infinity => {
495 if self.is_negative() {
496 return f.write_str("-Inf");
497 } else {
498 return f.write_str("+Inf");
499 }
500 }
502 Category::NaN => return f.write_str("NaN"),
504 Category::Zero => {
505 if self.is_negative() {
506 f.write_char('-')?;
507 }
509 if width == 0 {
510 if alternate {
511 f.write_str("0.0")?;
512 if let Some(n) = f.precision() {
513 for _ in 1..n {
514 f.write_char('0')?;
515 }
516 }
517 f.write_str("e+00")?;
518 } else {
519 f.write_str("0.0E+0")?;
520 }
521 } else {
522 f.write_char('0')?;
523 }
524 return Ok(());
525 }
527 Category::Normal => {}
528 }
530 if self.is_negative() {
531 f.write_char('-')?;
532 }
534 // We use enough digits so the number can be round-tripped back to an
535 // APFloat. The formula comes from "How to Print Floating-Point Numbers
536 // Accurately" by Steele and White.
537 // FIXME: Using a formula based purely on the precision is conservative;
538 // we can print fewer digits depending on the actual value being printed.
540 // precision = 2 + floor(S::PRECISION / lg_2(10))
541 let precision = f.precision().unwrap_or(2 + S::PRECISION * 59 / 196);
543 // Decompose the number into an APInt and an exponent.
544 let mut exp = self.exp - (S::PRECISION as ExpInt - 1);
545 let mut sig: DynPrecisionLimbVec = [self.sig[0]].into_iter().collect();
547 // Ignore trailing binary zeros.
548 let trailing_zeros = sig[0].trailing_zeros();
549 let _: Loss = sig::shift_right(&mut sig, &mut exp, trailing_zeros as usize);
551 // Change the exponent from 2^e to 10^e.
552 if exp == 0 {
553 // Nothing to do.
554 } else if exp > 0 {
555 // Just shift left.
556 let shift = exp as usize;
557 sig.resize(limbs_for_bits(S::PRECISION + shift), 0);
558 sig::shift_left(&mut sig, &mut exp, shift);
559 } else {
560 // exp < 0
561 let mut texp = -exp as usize;
563 // We transform this using the identity:
564 // (N)(2^-e) == (N)(5^e)(10^-e)
566 // Multiply significand by 5^e.
567 // N * 5^0101 == N * 5^(1*1) * 5^(0*2) * 5^(1*4) * 5^(0*8)
568 let mut sig_scratch = DynPrecisionLimbVec::new();
569 let mut p5 = DynPrecisionLimbVec::new();
570 let mut p5_scratch = DynPrecisionLimbVec::new();
571 while texp != 0 {
572 if p5.is_empty() {
573 p5.push(5);
574 } else {
575 p5_scratch.resize(p5.len() * 2, 0);
576 let _: Loss = sig::mul(&mut p5_scratch, &mut 0, &p5, &p5, p5.len() * 2 * LIMB_BITS);
577 while p5_scratch.last() == Some(&0) {
578 p5_scratch.pop();
579 }
580 mem::swap(&mut p5, &mut p5_scratch);
581 }
582 if texp & 1 != 0 {
583 sig_scratch.resize(sig.len() + p5.len(), 0);
584 let _: Loss = sig::mul(&mut sig_scratch, &mut 0, &sig, &p5, (sig.len() + p5.len()) * LIMB_BITS);
585 while sig_scratch.last() == Some(&0) {
586 sig_scratch.pop();
587 }
588 mem::swap(&mut sig, &mut sig_scratch);
589 }
590 texp >>= 1;
591 }
592 }
594 // Fill the buffer.
595 let mut buffer = smallvec::SmallVec::<[u8; 64]>::new();
597 // Ignore digits from the significand until it is no more
598 // precise than is required for the desired precision.
599 // 196/59 is a very slight overestimate of lg_2(10).
600 let required = (precision * 196 + 58) / 59;
601 let mut discard_digits = sig::omsb(&sig).saturating_sub(required) * 59 / 196;
602 let mut in_trail = true;
603 while !sig.is_empty() {
604 // Perform short division by 10 to extract the rightmost digit.
605 // rem <- sig % 10
606 // sig <- sig / 10
607 let mut rem = 0;
609 // Use 64-bit division and remainder, with 32-bit chunks from sig.
610 sig::each_chunk(&mut sig, 32, |chunk| {
611 let chunk = chunk as u32;
612 let combined = ((rem as u64) << 32) | (chunk as u64);
613 rem = (combined % 10) as u8;
614 (combined / 10) as u32 as Limb
615 });
617 // Reduce the sigificand to avoid wasting time dividing 0's.
618 while sig.last() == Some(&0) {
619 sig.pop();
620 }
622 let digit = rem;
624 // Ignore digits we don't need.
625 if discard_digits > 0 {
626 discard_digits -= 1;
627 exp += 1;
628 continue;
629 }
631 // Drop trailing zeros.
632 if in_trail && digit == 0 {
633 exp += 1;
634 } else {
635 in_trail = false;
636 buffer.push(b'0' + digit);
637 }
638 }
640 assert!(!buffer.is_empty(), "no characters in buffer!");
642 // Drop down to precision.
643 // FIXME: don't do more precise calculations above than are required.
644 if buffer.len() > precision {
645 // The most significant figures are the last ones in the buffer.
646 let mut first_sig = buffer.len() - precision;
648 // Round.
649 // FIXME: this probably shouldn't use 'round half up'.
651 // Rounding down is just a truncation, except we also want to drop
652 // trailing zeros from the new result.
653 if buffer[first_sig - 1] < b'5' {
654 while first_sig < buffer.len() && buffer[first_sig] == b'0' {
655 first_sig += 1;
656 }
657 } else {
658 // Rounding up requires a decimal add-with-carry. If we continue
659 // the carry, the newly-introduced zeros will just be truncated.
660 for x in &mut buffer[first_sig..] {
661 if *x == b'9' {
662 first_sig += 1;
663 } else {
664 *x += 1;
665 break;
666 }
667 }
668 }
670 exp += first_sig as ExpInt;
671 buffer.drain(..first_sig);
673 // If we carried through, we have exactly one digit of precision.
674 if buffer.is_empty() {
675 buffer.push(b'1');
676 }
677 }
679 let digits = buffer.len();
681 // Check whether we should use scientific notation.
682 let scientific = if width == 0 {
683 true
684 } else {
685 if exp >= 0 {
686 // 765e3 --> 765000
687 // ^^^
688 // But we shouldn't make the number look more precise than it is.
689 exp as usize > width || digits + exp as usize > precision
690 } else {
691 // Power of the most significant digit.
692 let msd = exp + (digits - 1) as ExpInt;
693 if msd >= 0 {
694 // 765e-2 == 7.65
695 false
696 } else {
697 // 765e-5 == 0.00765
698 // ^ ^^
699 -msd as usize > width
700 }
701 }
702 };
704 // Scientific formatting is pretty straightforward.
705 if scientific {
706 exp += digits as ExpInt - 1;
708 f.write_char(buffer[digits - 1] as char)?;
709 f.write_char('.')?;
710 let truncate_zero = !alternate;
711 if digits == 1 && truncate_zero {
712 f.write_char('0')?;
713 } else {
714 for &d in buffer[..digits - 1].iter().rev() {
715 f.write_char(d as char)?;
716 }
717 }
718 // Fill with zeros up to precision.
719 if !truncate_zero && precision > digits - 1 {
720 for _ in 0..precision - digits + 1 {
721 f.write_char('0')?;
722 }
723 }
724 // For alternate we use lower 'e'.
725 f.write_char(if alternate { 'e' } else { 'E' })?;
727 // Exponent always at least two digits if we do not truncate zeros.
728 if truncate_zero {
729 write!(f, "{:+}", exp)?;
730 } else {
731 write!(f, "{:+03}", exp)?;
732 }
734 return Ok(());
735 }
737 // Non-scientific, positive exponents.
738 if exp >= 0 {
739 for &d in buffer.iter().rev() {
740 f.write_char(d as char)?;
741 }
742 for _ in 0..exp {
743 f.write_char('0')?;
744 }
745 return Ok(());
746 }
748 // Non-scientific, negative exponents.
749 let unit_place = -exp as usize;
750 if unit_place < digits {
751 for &d in buffer[unit_place..].iter().rev() {
752 f.write_char(d as char)?;
753 }
754 f.write_char('.')?;
755 for &d in buffer[..unit_place].iter().rev() {
756 f.write_char(d as char)?;
757 }
758 } else {
759 f.write_str("0.")?;
760 for _ in digits..unit_place {
761 f.write_char('0')?;
762 }
763 for &d in buffer.iter().rev() {
764 f.write_char(d as char)?;
765 }
766 }
768 Ok(())
769 }
772impl<S: Semantics> fmt::Debug for IeeeFloat<S> {
773 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
774 write!(
775 f,
776 "{}({:?} | {}{:?} * 2^{})",
777 self,
778 self.category(),
779 if self.is_negative() { "-" } else { "+" },
780 self.sig,
781 self.exp
782 )
783 }
786// HACK(eddyb) this logic is duplicated throughout the original C++ code,
787// but it's a bit too long to keep repeating in the Rust port for all ops.
788// FIXME(eddyb) find a better name/organization for all of this functionality
789// (`IeeeDefaultExceptionHandling` doesn't have a counterpart in the C++ code).
790struct IeeeDefaultExceptionHandling;
791impl IeeeDefaultExceptionHandling {
792 fn result_from_nan<S: Semantics>(mut r: IeeeFloat<S>) -> StatusAnd<IeeeFloat<S>> {
793 assert!(r.is_nan());
795 let status = if r.is_signaling() {
796 // [IEEE Std 754-2008 6.2]:
797 // Under default exception handling, any operation signaling an invalid
798 // operation exception and for which a floating-point result is to be
799 // delivered shall deliver a quiet NaN.
800 let [sig] = &mut r.sig;
801 *sig |= if S::QNAN_SIGNIFICAND == X87DoubleExtendedS::QNAN_SIGNIFICAND {
802 // HACK(eddyb) remain bug-compatible with the original C++ code
803 // which doesn't appear to attempt avoiding creating pseudo-NaNs
804 // (see https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/63938).
806 } else {
808 };
810 // [IEEE Std 754-2008 6.2]:
811 // Signaling NaNs shall be reserved operands that, under default exception
812 // handling, signal the invalid operation exception(see 7.2) for every
813 // general-computational and signaling-computational operation except for
814 // the conversions described in 5.12.
815 Status::INVALID_OP
816 } else {
817 // [IEEE Std 754-2008 6.2]:
818 // For an operation with quiet NaN inputs, other than maximum and minimum
819 // operations, if a floating-point result is to be delivered the result
820 // shall be a quiet NaN which should be one of the input NaNs.
821 // ...
822 // Every general-computational and quiet-computational operation involving
823 // one or more input NaNs, none of them signaling, shall signal no
824 // exception, except fusedMultiplyAdd might signal the invalid operation
825 // exception(see 7.2).
826 Status::OK
827 };
828 status.and(r)
829 }
831 fn binop_result_from_either_nan<S: Semantics>(a: IeeeFloat<S>, b: IeeeFloat<S>) -> StatusAnd<IeeeFloat<S>> {
832 let r = match (a.category(), b.category()) {
833 (Category::NaN, _) => a,
834 (_, Category::NaN) => b,
835 _ => unreachable!(),
836 };
837 let mut status_and_r = Self::result_from_nan(r);
838 if b.is_signaling() {
839 status_and_r.status |= Status::INVALID_OP;
840 }
841 status_and_r
842 }
845impl<S: Semantics> IeeeFloat<S> {
846 // HACK(eddyb) allow `Self::qnan` to be used from `IeeeFloat::NAN`.
847 // FIXME(eddyb) move back to the trait impl when that can be `const fn`.
848 const fn qnan(payload: Option<u128>) -> Self {
849 let sig = [S::NAN_SIGNIFICAND_BASE
851 | match payload {
852 // Zero out the excess bits of the significand.
853 Some(payload) => payload & S::NAN_PAYLOAD_MASK,
854 None => 0,
855 }];
857 let exp = match S::NONFINITE_BEHAVIOR {
858 NonfiniteBehavior::IEEE754 => S::MAX_EXP + 1,
859 NonfiniteBehavior::NanOnly => S::MAX_EXP,
860 };
862 IeeeFloat {
863 sig,
864 exp,
865 read_only_category_do_not_mutate: Category::NaN,
866 read_only_sign_do_not_mutate: false,
867 marker: PhantomData,
868 }
869 }
872impl<S: Semantics> Float for IeeeFloat<S> {
873 const BITS: usize = S::BITS;
874 const PRECISION: usize = S::PRECISION;
875 const MAX_EXP: ExpInt = S::MAX_EXP;
876 const MIN_EXP: ExpInt = S::MIN_EXP;
878 const ZERO: Self = IeeeFloat {
879 sig: [0],
880 exp: S::MIN_EXP - 1,
881 read_only_category_do_not_mutate: Category::Zero,
882 read_only_sign_do_not_mutate: false,
883 marker: PhantomData,
884 };
886 const INFINITY: Self = match S::NONFINITE_BEHAVIOR {
887 NonfiniteBehavior::IEEE754 => IeeeFloat {
888 sig: [0],
889 exp: S::MAX_EXP + 1,
890 read_only_category_do_not_mutate: Category::Infinity,
891 read_only_sign_do_not_mutate: false,
892 marker: PhantomData,
893 },
895 // There is no Inf, so make NaN instead.
896 NonfiniteBehavior::NanOnly => Self::NAN,
897 };
899 const NAN: Self = Self::qnan(None);
901 fn qnan(payload: Option<u128>) -> Self {
902 // NOTE(eddyb) this is not a recursive self-call, but rather it calls
903 // the `const fn` inherent mehtod (see above).
904 Self::qnan(payload)
905 }
907 fn snan(payload: Option<u128>) -> Self {
908 let mut snan = Self::qnan(payload);
910 let [sig] = &mut snan.sig;
912 // We always have to clear the QNaN bit to make it an SNaN.
915 // If there are no bits set in the payload, we have to set
916 // *something* to make it a NaN instead of an infinity;
917 // conventionally, this is the next bit down from the QNaN bit.
918 if *sig & S::NAN_PAYLOAD_MASK == 0 {
920 }
922 snan
923 }
925 fn largest() -> Self {
926 // We want (in interchange format):
927 // exponent = 1..10
928 // significand = 1..1
929 IeeeFloat {
930 sig: [((1 << S::PRECISION) - 1)
932 // The largest number by magnitude in our format will be the floating point
933 // number with maximum exponent and with significand that is all ones.
934 NonfiniteBehavior::IEEE754 => !0,
936 // The largest number by magnitude in our format will be the floating point
937 // number with maximum exponent and with significand that is all ones except
938 // the LSB.
939 NonfiniteBehavior::NanOnly => !1,
940 }],
941 exp: S::MAX_EXP,
942 read_only_category_do_not_mutate: Category::Normal,
943 read_only_sign_do_not_mutate: false,
944 marker: PhantomData,
945 }
946 }
948 // We want (in interchange format):
949 // exponent = 0..0
950 // significand = 0..01
951 const SMALLEST: Self = IeeeFloat {
952 sig: [1],
953 exp: S::MIN_EXP,
954 read_only_category_do_not_mutate: Category::Normal,
955 read_only_sign_do_not_mutate: false,
956 marker: PhantomData,
957 };
959 fn smallest_normalized() -> Self {
960 // We want (in interchange format):
961 // exponent = 0..0
962 // significand = 10..0
963 IeeeFloat {
964 sig: [1 << (S::PRECISION - 1)],
965 exp: S::MIN_EXP,
966 read_only_category_do_not_mutate: Category::Normal,
967 read_only_sign_do_not_mutate: false,
968 marker: PhantomData,
969 }
970 }
972 fn add_r(mut self, rhs: Self, round: Round) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
973 let status = match (self.category(), rhs.category()) {
974 (Category::NaN, _) | (_, Category::NaN) => {
975 return IeeeDefaultExceptionHandling::binop_result_from_either_nan(self, rhs);
976 }
978 (Category::Infinity, Category::Infinity) => {
979 // Differently signed infinities can only be validly
980 // subtracted.
981 if self.is_negative() != rhs.is_negative() {
982 self = Self::NAN;
983 Status::INVALID_OP
984 } else {
985 Status::OK
986 }
987 }
989 // Sign may depend on rounding mode; handled below.
990 (_, Category::Zero) | (Category::Infinity, Category::Normal) => Status::OK,
992 (Category::Zero, _) | (_, Category::Infinity) => {
993 self = rhs;
994 Status::OK
995 }
997 (Category::Normal, Category::Normal) => {
998 let mut sign = self.is_negative();
999 let loss = sig::add_or_sub(
1000 &mut self.sig,
1001 &mut self.exp,
1002 &mut sign,
1003 &mut [rhs.sig[0]],
1004 rhs.exp,
1005 rhs.is_negative(),
1006 );
1007 self = self.with_sign(sign);
1009 let status;
1010 self = unpack!(status=, self.normalize(round, loss));
1012 // Can only be zero if we lost no fraction.
1013 assert!(self.category() != Category::Zero || loss == Loss::ExactlyZero);
1015 status
1016 }
1017 };
1019 // If two numbers add (exactly) to zero, IEEE 754 decrees it is a
1020 // positive zero unless rounding to minus infinity, except that
1021 // adding two like-signed zeroes gives that zero.
1022 if self.category() == Category::Zero
1023 && (rhs.category() != Category::Zero || self.is_negative() != rhs.is_negative())
1024 {
1025 self = self.with_sign(round == Round::TowardNegative);
1026 }
1028 status.and(self)
1029 }
1031 // NOTE(eddyb) we can't rely on the `sub_r` method default implementation
1032 // because NaN handling needs the original `rhs` (i.e. without negation).
1033 fn sub_r(self, rhs: Self, round: Round) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
1034 match (self.category(), rhs.category()) {
1035 (Category::NaN, _) | (_, Category::NaN) => {
1036 IeeeDefaultExceptionHandling::binop_result_from_either_nan(self, rhs)
1037 }
1039 _ => self.add_r(-rhs, round),
1040 }
1041 }
1043 fn mul_r(mut self, rhs: Self, round: Round) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
1044 self = self.negate_if(rhs.is_negative());
1046 match (self.category(), rhs.category()) {
1047 (Category::NaN, _) | (_, Category::NaN) => {
1048 self = self.negate_if(rhs.is_negative()); // restore the original sign
1050 IeeeDefaultExceptionHandling::binop_result_from_either_nan(self, rhs)
1051 }
1053 (Category::Zero, Category::Infinity) | (Category::Infinity, Category::Zero) => {
1054 Status::INVALID_OP.and(Self::NAN)
1055 }
1057 (Category::Infinity, _) | (_, Category::Infinity) => Status::OK.and(Self::INFINITY.copy_sign(self)),
1059 (Category::Zero, _) | (_, Category::Zero) => Status::OK.and(Self::ZERO.copy_sign(self)),
1061 (Category::Normal, Category::Normal) => {
1062 self.exp += rhs.exp;
1063 let mut wide_sig = [0; 2];
1064 let loss = sig::mul(&mut wide_sig, &mut self.exp, &self.sig, &rhs.sig, S::PRECISION);
1065 self.sig = [wide_sig[0]];
1066 let mut status;
1067 self = unpack!(status=, self.normalize(round, loss));
1068 if loss != Loss::ExactlyZero {
1069 status |= Status::INEXACT;
1070 }
1071 status.and(self)
1072 }
1073 }
1074 }
1076 fn mul_add_r(mut self, multiplicand: Self, addend: Self, round: Round) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
1077 // If and only if all arguments are normal do we need to do an
1078 // extended-precision calculation.
1079 if !self.is_finite_non_zero() || !multiplicand.is_finite_non_zero() || !addend.is_finite() {
1080 let mut status;
1081 if self.is_finite_non_zero() && multiplicand.is_finite_non_zero() {
1082 // HACK(eddyb) this corresponds to the case where the C++ code
1083 // (`multiplySpecials`) is effectively a noop: no multiplication
1084 // is actually performed, because we're really only here to handle
1085 // the "infinite/NaN `addend`" special-case, which needs to ignore
1086 // the "finite * finite" multiplication entirely, instead of letting
1087 // it e.g. overflow into infinity (and trample over `addend`).
1088 assert!(!addend.is_finite());
1089 status = Status::OK;
1090 } else {
1091 self = unpack!(status=, self.mul_r(multiplicand, round));
1092 }
1094 // FS can only be Status::OK or Status::INVALID_OP. There is no more work
1095 // to do in the latter case. The IEEE-754R standard says it is
1096 // implementation-defined in this case whether, if ADDEND is a
1097 // quiet NaN, we raise invalid op; this implementation does so.
1098 //
1099 // If we need to do the addition we can do so with normal
1100 // precision.
1101 if status == Status::OK {
1102 self = unpack!(status=, self.add_r(addend, round));
1103 }
1104 return status.and(self);
1105 }
1107 // Post-multiplication sign, before addition.
1108 self = self.negate_if(multiplicand.is_negative());
1110 // Allocate space for twice as many bits as the original significand, plus one
1111 // extra bit for the addition to overflow into.
1112 assert!(limbs_for_bits(S::PRECISION * 2 + 1) <= 2);
1113 let mut wide_sig = sig::widening_mul(self.sig[0], multiplicand.sig[0]);
1115 let mut loss = Loss::ExactlyZero;
1116 let mut omsb = sig::omsb(&wide_sig);
1117 self.exp += multiplicand.exp;
1119 // Assume the operands involved in the multiplication are single-precision
1120 // FP, and the two multiplicants are:
1121 // lhs = a23 . a22 ... a0 * 2^e1
1122 // rhs = b23 . b22 ... b0 * 2^e2
1123 // the result of multiplication is:
1124 // lhs = c48 c47 c46 . c45 ... c0 * 2^(e1+e2)
1125 // Note that there are three significant bits at the left-hand side of the
1126 // radix point: two for the multiplication, and an overflow bit for the
1127 // addition (that will always be zero at this point). Move the radix point
1128 // toward left by two bits, and adjust exponent accordingly.
1129 self.exp += 2;
1131 if addend.is_non_zero() {
1132 // Normalize our MSB to one below the top bit to allow for overflow.
1133 let ext_precision = 2 * S::PRECISION + 1;
1134 if omsb != ext_precision - 1 {
1135 assert!(ext_precision > omsb);
1136 sig::shift_left(&mut wide_sig, &mut self.exp, (ext_precision - 1) - omsb);
1137 }
1139 // The intermediate result of the multiplication has "2 * S::PRECISION"
1140 // signicant bit; adjust the addend to be consistent with mul result.
1141 let mut ext_addend_sig = [addend.sig[0], 0];
1143 // Extend the addend significand to ext_precision - 1. This guarantees
1144 // that the high bit of the significand is zero (same as wide_sig),
1145 // so the addition will overflow (if it does overflow at all) into the top bit.
1146 sig::shift_left(&mut ext_addend_sig, &mut 0, ext_precision - 1 - S::PRECISION);
1148 let mut sign = self.is_negative();
1149 loss = sig::add_or_sub(
1150 &mut wide_sig,
1151 &mut self.exp,
1152 &mut sign,
1153 &mut ext_addend_sig,
1154 addend.exp + 1,
1155 addend.is_negative(),
1156 );
1157 self = self.with_sign(sign);
1159 omsb = sig::omsb(&wide_sig);
1160 }
1162 // Convert the result having "2 * S::PRECISION" significant-bits back to the one
1163 // having "S::PRECISION" significant-bits. First, move the radix point from
1164 // poision "2*S::PRECISION - 1" to "S::PRECISION - 1". The exponent need to be
1165 // adjusted by "2*S::PRECISION - 1" - "S::PRECISION - 1" = "S::PRECISION".
1166 self.exp -= S::PRECISION as ExpInt + 1;
1168 // In case MSB resides at the left-hand side of radix point, shift the
1169 // mantissa right by some amount to make sure the MSB reside right before
1170 // the radix point (i.e. "MSB . rest-significant-bits").
1171 if omsb > S::PRECISION {
1172 let bits = omsb - S::PRECISION;
1173 loss = sig::shift_right(&mut wide_sig, &mut self.exp, bits).combine(loss);
1174 }
1176 self.sig[0] = wide_sig[0];
1178 let mut status;
1179 self = unpack!(status=, self.normalize(round, loss));
1180 if loss != Loss::ExactlyZero {
1181 status |= Status::INEXACT;
1182 }
1184 // If two numbers add (exactly) to zero, IEEE 754 decrees it is a
1185 // positive zero unless rounding to minus infinity, except that
1186 // adding two like-signed zeroes gives that zero.
1187 if self.category() == Category::Zero
1188 && !status.intersects(Status::UNDERFLOW)
1189 && self.is_negative() != addend.is_negative()
1190 {
1191 self = self.with_sign(round == Round::TowardNegative);
1192 }
1194 status.and(self)
1195 }
1197 fn div_r(mut self, rhs: Self, round: Round) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
1198 self = self.negate_if(rhs.is_negative());
1200 match (self.category(), rhs.category()) {
1201 (Category::NaN, _) | (_, Category::NaN) => {
1202 self = self.negate_if(rhs.is_negative()); // restore the original sign
1204 IeeeDefaultExceptionHandling::binop_result_from_either_nan(self, rhs)
1205 }
1207 (Category::Infinity, Category::Infinity) | (Category::Zero, Category::Zero) => {
1208 Status::INVALID_OP.and(Self::NAN)
1209 }
1211 (Category::Infinity | Category::Zero, _) => Status::OK.and(self),
1213 (_, Category::Infinity) => Status::OK.and(Self::ZERO.copy_sign(self)),
1215 (_, Category::Zero) => Status::DIV_BY_ZERO.and(Self::INFINITY.copy_sign(self)),
1217 (Category::Normal, Category::Normal) => {
1218 self.exp -= rhs.exp;
1219 let dividend = self.sig[0];
1220 let loss = sig::div(&mut self.sig, &mut self.exp, &mut [dividend], &mut [rhs.sig[0]], S::PRECISION);
1221 let mut status;
1222 self = unpack!(status=, self.normalize(round, loss));
1223 if loss != Loss::ExactlyZero {
1224 status |= Status::INEXACT;
1225 }
1226 status.and(self)
1227 }
1228 }
1229 }
1231 fn ieee_rem(self, rhs: Self) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
1232 match (self.category(), rhs.category()) {
1233 (Category::NaN, _) | (_, Category::NaN) => {
1234 IeeeDefaultExceptionHandling::binop_result_from_either_nan(self, rhs)
1235 }
1237 (Category::Infinity, _) | (_, Category::Zero) => Status::INVALID_OP.and(Self::NAN),
1239 (Category::Zero, _) | (_, Category::Infinity) => Status::OK.and(self),
1241 (Category::Normal, Category::Normal) => {
1242 let mut status;
1244 let mut x = self;
1245 let mut p = rhs;
1247 // Make sure the current value is less than twice the denom. If the addition
1248 // did not succeed (an overflow has happened), which means that the finite
1249 // value we currently posses must be less than twice the denom (as we are
1250 // using the same semantics).
1251 let p2 = unpack!(status=, p + p);
1252 if status == Status::OK {
1253 x = unpack!(status=, x.c_fmod(p2));
1254 assert_eq!(status, Status::OK);
1255 }
1257 // Lets work with absolute numbers.
1258 p = p.abs();
1259 x = x.abs();
1261 //
1262 // To calculate the remainder we use the following scheme.
1263 //
1264 // The remainder is defained as follows:
1265 //
1266 // remainder = numer - rquot * denom = x - r * p
1267 //
1268 // Where r is the result of: x/p, rounded toward the nearest integral value
1269 // (with halfway cases rounded toward the even number).
1270 //
1271 // Currently, (after x mod 2p):
1272 // r is the number of 2p's present inside x, which is inherently, an even
1273 // number of p's.
1274 //
1275 // We may split the remaining calculation into 4 options:
1276 // - if x < 0.5p then we round to the nearest number with is 0, and are done.
1277 // - if x == 0.5p then we round to the nearest even number which is 0, and we
1278 // are done as well.
1279 // - if 0.5p < x < p then we round to nearest number which is 1, and we have
1280 // to subtract 1p at least once.
1281 // - if x >= p then we must subtract p at least once, as x must be a
1282 // remainder.
1283 //
1284 // By now, we were done, or we added 1 to r, which in turn, now an odd number.
1285 //
1286 // We can now split the remaining calculation to the following 3 options:
1287 // - if x < 0.5p then we round to the nearest number with is 0, and are done.
1288 // - if x == 0.5p then we round to the nearest even number. As r is odd, we
1289 // must round up to the next even number. so we must subtract p once more.
1290 // - if x > 0.5p (and inherently x < p) then we must round r up to the next
1291 // integral, and subtract p once more.
1292 //
1294 // Return `x * 2` at no loss of precision (i.e. no overflow).
1295 //
1296 // HACK(eddyb) this may seem a bit sketchy because it can return
1297 // values that `normalize` would've replaced with `overflow_result`
1298 // (e.g. overflowing to infinity), but the result is only used for
1299 // comparisons, where both sides of such comparison can be seen
1300 // as transiently having a larger *effective* exponent range.
1301 let lossless_2x = |mut x: Self| {
1302 x.exp += 1;
1304 if x.exp >= Self::MAX_EXP {
1305 // HACK(eddyb) skip lossy `normalize` (see above).
1306 } else {
1307 let status;
1308 x = unpack!(status=, x.normalize(Round::NearestTiesToEven, Loss::ExactlyZero));
1309 assert_eq!(status, Status::OK);
1310 }
1312 x
1313 };
1315 if lossless_2x(x) > p {
1316 x = unpack!(status=, x - p);
1317 assert_eq!(status, Status::OK);
1319 if lossless_2x(x) >= p {
1320 x = unpack!(status=, x - p);
1321 assert_eq!(status, Status::OK);
1322 }
1323 }
1325 if x.is_zero() {
1326 Status::OK.and(x.copy_sign(self)) // IEEE754 requires this
1327 } else {
1328 Status::OK.and(x.negate_if(self.is_negative()))
1329 }
1330 }
1331 }
1332 }
1334 fn c_fmod(mut self, rhs: Self) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
1335 match (self.category(), rhs.category()) {
1336 (Category::NaN, _) | (_, Category::NaN) => {
1337 IeeeDefaultExceptionHandling::binop_result_from_either_nan(self, rhs)
1338 }
1340 (Category::Infinity, _) | (_, Category::Zero) => Status::INVALID_OP.and(Self::NAN),
1342 (Category::Zero, _) | (_, Category::Infinity) => Status::OK.and(self),
1344 (Category::Normal, Category::Normal) => {
1345 let orig = self;
1347 while self.is_finite_non_zero()
1348 && rhs.is_finite_non_zero()
1349 && self.cmp_abs_normal(rhs) != Ordering::Less
1350 {
1351 let exp = self.ilogb() - rhs.ilogb();
1352 let mut v = rhs.scalbn(exp);
1353 // `v` can overflow to NaN with `NonfiniteBehavior::NanOnly`, so explicitly
1354 // check for it.
1355 if v.is_nan() || self.cmp_abs_normal(v) == Ordering::Less {
1356 v = rhs.scalbn(exp - 1);
1357 }
1358 v = v.copy_sign(self);
1360 let status;
1361 self = unpack!(status=, self - v);
1362 assert_eq!(status, Status::OK);
1363 }
1364 if self.is_zero() {
1365 self = self.copy_sign(orig);
1366 }
1367 Status::OK.and(self)
1368 }
1369 }
1370 }
1372 fn round_to_integral(self, round: Round) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
1373 match self.category() {
1374 Category::NaN => IeeeDefaultExceptionHandling::result_from_nan(self),
1376 // [IEEE Std 754-2008 6.1]:
1377 // The behavior of infinity in floating-point arithmetic is derived from the
1378 // limiting cases of real arithmetic with operands of arbitrarily
1379 // large magnitude, when such a limit exists.
1380 // ...
1381 // Operations on infinite operands are usually exact and therefore signal no
1382 // exceptions ...
1383 Category::Infinity => Status::OK.and(self),
1385 // [IEEE Std 754-2008 6.3]:
1386 // ... the sign of the result of conversions, the quantize operation, the
1387 // roundToIntegral operations, and the roundToIntegralExact(see 5.3.1) is
1388 // the sign of the first or only operand.
1389 Category::Zero => Status::OK.and(self),
1391 Category::Normal => {
1392 // If the exponent is large enough, we know that this value is already
1393 // integral, and the arithmetic below would potentially cause it to saturate
1394 // to +/-Inf. Bail out early instead.
1395 if self.exp + 1 >= S::PRECISION as ExpInt {
1396 return Status::OK.and(self);
1397 }
1399 // The algorithm here is quite simple: we add 2^(p-1), where p is the
1400 // precision of our format, and then subtract it back off again. The choice
1401 // of rounding modes for the addition/subtraction determines the rounding mode
1402 // for our integral rounding as well.
1403 // NOTE: When the input value is negative, we do subtraction followed by
1404 // addition instead.
1405 assert!(S::PRECISION <= 128);
1406 let mut status;
1407 let magic_const = unpack!(status=, Self::from_u128(1 << (S::PRECISION - 1)));
1408 assert_eq!(status, Status::OK);
1409 let magic_const = magic_const.copy_sign(self);
1411 let mut r = self;
1412 r = unpack!(status=, r.add_r(magic_const, round));
1414 // Current value and 'MagicConstant' are both integers, so the result of the
1415 // subtraction is always exact according to Sterbenz' lemma.
1416 r = r.sub_r(magic_const, round).value;
1418 // Restore the input sign to handle the case of zero result
1419 // correctly.
1420 status.and(r.copy_sign(self))
1421 }
1422 }
1423 }
1425 fn next_up(mut self) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
1426 // Compute nextUp(x), handling each float category separately.
1427 match self.category() {
1428 Category::Infinity => {
1429 if self.is_negative() {
1430 // nextUp(-inf) = -largest
1431 Status::OK.and(-Self::largest())
1432 } else {
1433 // nextUp(+inf) = +inf
1434 Status::OK.and(self)
1435 }
1436 }
1437 Category::NaN => {
1438 // IEEE-754R 2008 6.2 Par 2: nextUp(sNaN) = qNaN. Set Invalid flag.
1439 // IEEE-754R 2008 6.2: nextUp(qNaN) = qNaN. Must be identity so we do not
1440 // change the payload.
1441 if self.is_signaling() {
1442 // For consistency, propagate the sign of the sNaN to the qNaN.
1443 Status::INVALID_OP.and(Self::NAN.copy_sign(self))
1444 } else {
1445 Status::OK.and(self)
1446 }
1447 }
1448 Category::Zero => {
1449 // nextUp(pm 0) = +smallest
1450 Status::OK.and(Self::SMALLEST)
1451 }
1452 Category::Normal => {
1453 // nextUp(-smallest) = -0
1454 if self.is_smallest() && self.is_negative() {
1455 return Status::OK.and(-Self::ZERO);
1456 }
1458 // nextUp(largest) == INFINITY
1459 if self.is_largest() && !self.is_negative() {
1460 return Status::OK.and(Self::INFINITY);
1461 }
1463 // Excluding the integral bit. This allows us to test for binade boundaries.
1464 let sig_mask = (1 << (S::PRECISION - 1)) - 1;
1466 // nextUp(normal) == normal + inc.
1467 if self.is_negative() {
1468 // If we are negative, we need to decrement the significand.
1470 // We only cross a binade boundary that requires adjusting the exponent
1471 // if:
1472 // 1. exponent != S::MIN_EXP. This implies we are not in the
1473 // smallest binade or are dealing with denormals.
1474 // 2. Our significand excluding the integral bit is all zeros.
1475 let crossing_binade_boundary = self.exp != S::MIN_EXP && self.sig[0] & sig_mask == 0;
1477 // Decrement the significand.
1478 //
1479 // We always do this since:
1480 // 1. If we are dealing with a non-binade decrement, by definition we
1481 // just decrement the significand.
1482 // 2. If we are dealing with a normal -> normal binade decrement, since
1483 // we have an explicit integral bit the fact that all bits but the
1484 // integral bit are zero implies that subtracting one will yield a
1485 // significand with 0 integral bit and 1 in all other spots. Thus we
1486 // must just adjust the exponent and set the integral bit to 1.
1487 // 3. If we are dealing with a normal -> denormal binade decrement,
1488 // since we set the integral bit to 0 when we represent denormals, we
1489 // just decrement the significand.
1490 sig::decrement(&mut self.sig);
1492 if crossing_binade_boundary {
1493 // Our result is a normal number. Do the following:
1494 // 1. Set the integral bit to 1.
1495 // 2. Decrement the exponent.
1496 sig::set_bit(&mut self.sig, S::PRECISION - 1);
1497 self.exp -= 1;
1498 }
1499 } else {
1500 // If we are positive, we need to increment the significand.
1502 // We only cross a binade boundary that requires adjusting the exponent if
1503 // the input is not a denormal and all of said input's significand bits
1504 // are set. If all of said conditions are true: clear the significand, set
1505 // the integral bit to 1, and increment the exponent. If we have a
1506 // denormal always increment since moving denormals and the numbers in the
1507 // smallest normal binade have the same exponent in our representation.
1508 let crossing_binade_boundary = !self.is_denormal() && self.sig[0] & sig_mask == sig_mask;
1510 if crossing_binade_boundary {
1511 self.sig = [0];
1512 sig::set_bit(&mut self.sig, S::PRECISION - 1);
1513 assert_ne!(
1514 self.exp,
1515 S::MAX_EXP,
1516 "We can not increment an exponent beyond the MAX_EXP \
1517 allowed by the given floating point semantics."
1518 );
1519 self.exp += 1;
1520 } else {
1521 sig::increment(&mut self.sig);
1522 }
1523 }
1524 Status::OK.and(self)
1525 }
1526 }
1527 }
1529 fn from_bits(input: u128) -> Self {
1530 // Dispatch to semantics.
1531 S::from_bits(input)
1532 }
1534 fn from_u128_r(input: u128, round: Round) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
1535 IeeeFloat {
1536 sig: [input],
1537 exp: S::PRECISION as ExpInt - 1,
1538 read_only_category_do_not_mutate: Category::Normal,
1539 read_only_sign_do_not_mutate: false,
1540 marker: PhantomData,
1541 }
1542 .normalize(round, Loss::ExactlyZero)
1543 }
1545 fn from_str_r(s: &str, mut round: Round) -> Result<StatusAnd<Self>, ParseError> {
1546 if s.is_empty() {
1547 return Err(ParseError("Invalid string length"));
1548 }
1550 // Handle a leading minus sign.
1551 let (minus, s) = s.strip_prefix("-").map(|s| (true, s)).unwrap_or((false, s));
1552 let from_abs = |r: Self| r.negate_if(minus);
1554 // Handle a leading plus sign (mutually exclusive with minus).
1555 let (explicit_plus, s) = s
1556 .strip_prefix("+")
1557 .filter(|_| !minus)
1558 .map(|s| (true, s))
1559 .unwrap_or((false, s));
1561 // Handle special cases.
1562 let special = match s {
1563 "Inf" if minus || explicit_plus => Some(Self::INFINITY),
1565 "inf" | "INFINITY" if !explicit_plus => Some(Self::INFINITY),
1567 _ if !explicit_plus => {
1568 // If we have a 's' (or 'S') prefix, then this is a Signaling NaN.
1569 let (is_signaling, s) = s.strip_prefix(['s', 'S']).map_or((false, s), |s| (true, s));
1571 s.strip_prefix("nan").or_else(|| s.strip_prefix("NaN")).and_then(|s| {
1572 // Allow the payload to be inside parentheses.
1573 let s = s
1574 .strip_prefix("(")
1575 .and_then(|s| {
1576 // Parentheses should be balanced (and not empty).
1577 s.strip_suffix(")").filter(|s| !s.is_empty())
1578 })
1579 .unwrap_or(s);
1581 let payload = if s.is_empty() {
1582 // A NaN without payload.
1583 None
1584 } else {
1585 // Determine the payload number's radix.
1586 let (radix, s) = s
1587 .strip_prefix("0")
1588 .filter(|s| !s.is_empty())
1589 .map(|s| s.strip_prefix(['x', 'X']).map(|s| (16, s)).unwrap_or((8, s)))
1590 .unwrap_or((10, s));
1592 // Parse the payload and make the NaN.
1593 Some(u128::from_str_radix(s, radix).ok()?)
1594 };
1596 Some(if is_signaling {
1597 Self::snan(payload)
1598 } else {
1599 Self::qnan(payload)
1600 })
1601 })
1602 }
1604 _ => None,
1605 };
1606 if let Some(r) = special {
1607 return Ok(Status::OK.and(from_abs(r)));
1608 }
1610 if s.is_empty() {
1611 return Err(ParseError("String has no digits"));
1612 }
1614 // Adjust the rounding mode for the absolute value below.
1615 round = round.negate_if(minus);
1617 let (is_hex, s) = s
1618 .strip_prefix("0")
1619 .and_then(|s| s.strip_prefix(['x', 'X']))
1620 .map(|s| (true, s))
1621 .unwrap_or((false, s));
1623 let r = if is_hex {
1624 if s.is_empty() {
1625 return Err(ParseError("Invalid string"));
1626 }
1627 Self::from_hexadecimal_string(s, round)?
1628 } else {
1629 Self::from_decimal_string(s, round)?
1630 };
1632 Ok(r.map(from_abs))
1633 }
1635 fn to_bits(self) -> u128 {
1636 // Dispatch to semantics.
1637 S::to_bits(self)
1638 }
1640 fn to_u128_r(self, width: usize, round: Round, is_exact: &mut bool) -> StatusAnd<u128> {
1641 // The result of trying to convert a number too large.
1642 let overflow = if self.is_negative() {
1643 // Negative numbers cannot be represented as unsigned.
1644 0
1645 } else {
1646 // Largest unsigned integer of the given width.
1647 !0 >> (128 - width)
1648 };
1650 *is_exact = false;
1652 match self.category() {
1653 Category::NaN => Status::INVALID_OP.and(0),
1655 Category::Infinity => Status::INVALID_OP.and(overflow),
1657 Category::Zero => {
1658 // Negative zero can't be represented as an int.
1659 *is_exact = !self.is_negative();
1660 Status::OK.and(0)
1661 }
1663 Category::Normal => {
1664 let mut r = 0;
1666 // Step 1: place our absolute value, with any fraction truncated, in
1667 // the destination.
1668 let truncated_bits = if self.exp < 0 {
1669 // Our absolute value is less than one; truncate everything.
1670 // For exponent -1 the integer bit represents .5, look at that.
1671 // For smaller exponents leftmost truncated bit is 0.
1672 S::PRECISION - 1 + (-self.exp) as usize
1673 } else {
1674 // We want the most significant (exponent + 1) bits; the rest are
1675 // truncated.
1676 let bits = self.exp as usize + 1;
1678 // Hopelessly large in magnitude?
1679 if bits > width {
1680 return Status::INVALID_OP.and(overflow);
1681 }
1683 if bits < S::PRECISION {
1684 // We truncate (S::PRECISION - bits) bits.
1685 r = self.sig[0] >> (S::PRECISION - bits);
1686 S::PRECISION - bits
1687 } else {
1688 // We want at least as many bits as are available.
1689 r = self.sig[0] << (bits - S::PRECISION);
1690 0
1691 }
1692 };
1694 // Step 2: work out any lost fraction, and increment the absolute
1695 // value if we would round away from zero.
1696 let mut loss = Loss::ExactlyZero;
1697 if truncated_bits > 0 {
1698 loss = Loss::through_truncation(&self.sig, truncated_bits);
1699 if loss != Loss::ExactlyZero && self.round_away_from_zero(round, loss, truncated_bits) {
1700 r = r.wrapping_add(1);
1701 if r == 0 {
1702 return Status::INVALID_OP.and(overflow); // Overflow.
1703 }
1704 }
1705 }
1707 // Step 3: check if we fit in the destination.
1708 if r > overflow {
1709 return Status::INVALID_OP.and(overflow);
1710 }
1712 if loss == Loss::ExactlyZero {
1713 *is_exact = true;
1714 Status::OK.and(r)
1715 } else {
1716 Status::INEXACT.and(r)
1717 }
1718 }
1719 }
1720 }
1722 fn cmp_abs_normal(self, rhs: Self) -> Ordering {
1723 assert!(self.is_finite_non_zero());
1724 assert!(rhs.is_finite_non_zero());
1726 // If exponents are equal, do an unsigned comparison of the significands.
1727 self.exp.cmp(&rhs.exp).then_with(|| sig::cmp(&self.sig, &rhs.sig))
1728 }
1730 fn bitwise_eq(self, rhs: Self) -> bool {
1731 if self.category() != rhs.category() || self.is_negative() != rhs.is_negative() {
1732 return false;
1733 }
1735 if self.category() == Category::Zero || self.category() == Category::Infinity {
1736 return true;
1737 }
1739 if self.is_finite_non_zero() && self.exp != rhs.exp {
1740 return false;
1741 }
1743 self.sig == rhs.sig
1744 }
1746 fn is_negative(self) -> bool {
1747 self.read_only_sign_do_not_mutate
1748 }
1750 fn is_denormal(self) -> bool {
1751 self.is_finite_non_zero() && self.exp == S::MIN_EXP && !sig::get_bit(&self.sig, S::PRECISION - 1)
1752 }
1754 fn is_signaling(self) -> bool {
1755 // IEEE-754R 2008 6.2.1: A signaling NaN bit string should be encoded with the
1756 // first bit of the trailing significand being 0.
1757 self.is_nan() && self.sig[0] & S::QNAN_SIGNIFICAND != S::QNAN_SIGNIFICAND
1758 }
1760 fn category(self) -> Category {
1761 self.read_only_category_do_not_mutate
1762 }
1764 fn get_exact_inverse(self) -> Option<Self> {
1765 // Special floats and denormals have no exact inverse.
1766 if !self.is_finite_non_zero() {
1767 return None;
1768 }
1770 // Check that the number is a power of two by making sure that only the
1771 // integer bit is set in the significand.
1772 if self.sig != [1 << (S::PRECISION - 1)] {
1773 return None;
1774 }
1776 // Get the inverse.
1777 let mut reciprocal = Self::from_u128(1).value;
1778 let status;
1779 reciprocal = unpack!(status=, reciprocal / self);
1780 if status != Status::OK {
1781 return None;
1782 }
1784 // Avoid multiplication with a denormal, it is not safe on all platforms and
1785 // may be slower than a normal division.
1786 if reciprocal.is_denormal() {
1787 return None;
1788 }
1790 assert!(reciprocal.is_finite_non_zero());
1791 assert_eq!(reciprocal.sig, [1 << (S::PRECISION - 1)]);
1793 Some(reciprocal)
1794 }
1796 fn ilogb(mut self) -> ExpInt {
1797 if self.is_nan() {
1798 return IEK_NAN;
1799 }
1800 if self.is_zero() {
1801 return IEK_ZERO;
1802 }
1803 if self.is_infinite() {
1804 return IEK_INF;
1805 }
1806 if !self.is_denormal() {
1807 return self.exp;
1808 }
1810 let sig_bits = (S::PRECISION - 1) as ExpInt;
1811 self.exp += sig_bits;
1812 self = self.normalize(Round::NearestTiesToEven, Loss::ExactlyZero).value;
1813 self.exp - sig_bits
1814 }
1816 fn scalbn_r(mut self, exp: ExpInt, round: Round) -> Self {
1817 // If exp is wildly out-of-scale, simply adding it to self.exp will
1818 // overflow; clamp it to a safe range before adding, but ensure that the range
1819 // is large enough that the clamp does not change the result. The range we
1820 // need to support is the difference between the largest possible exponent and
1821 // the normalized exponent of half the smallest denormal.
1823 let sig_bits = (S::PRECISION - 1) as i32;
1824 let max_change = S::MAX_EXP as i32 - (S::MIN_EXP as i32 - sig_bits) + 1;
1826 // Clamp to one past the range ends to let normalize handle overflow.
1827 let exp_change = cmp::min(cmp::max(exp as i32, -max_change - 1), max_change);
1828 self.exp = self.exp.saturating_add(exp_change as ExpInt);
1829 self = self.normalize(round, Loss::ExactlyZero).value;
1830 if self.is_nan() {
1831 self = IeeeDefaultExceptionHandling::result_from_nan(self).value;
1832 }
1833 self
1834 }
1836 fn frexp_r(mut self, exp: &mut ExpInt, round: Round) -> Self {
1837 *exp = self.ilogb();
1839 // Quiet signalling nans.
1840 if *exp == IEK_NAN {
1841 self = IeeeDefaultExceptionHandling::result_from_nan(self).value;
1842 return self;
1843 }
1845 if *exp == IEK_INF {
1846 return self;
1847 }
1849 // 1 is added because frexp is defined to return a normalized fraction in
1850 // +/-[0.5, 1.0), rather than the usual +/-[1.0, 2.0).
1851 if *exp == IEK_ZERO {
1852 *exp = 0;
1853 } else {
1854 *exp += 1;
1855 }
1856 self.scalbn_r(-*exp, round)
1857 }
1860impl<S: Semantics, T: Semantics> FloatConvert<IeeeFloat<T>> for IeeeFloat<S> {
1861 fn convert_r(mut self, round: Round, loses_info: &mut bool) -> StatusAnd<IeeeFloat<T>> {
1862 // FIXME(eddyb) move this into the return result.
1863 *loses_info = false;
1865 // x86 has some unusual NaNs which cannot be represented in any other
1866 // format; note them here.
1867 fn is_x87_double_extended<S: Semantics>() -> bool {
1869 }
1870 let loses_x87_pseudo_nan = is_x87_double_extended::<S>()
1871 && !is_x87_double_extended::<T>()
1872 && self.category() == Category::NaN
1873 && (self.sig[0] & S::QNAN_SIGNIFICAND) != S::QNAN_SIGNIFICAND;
1875 // NOTE(eddyb) this is done early because the target semantics may not
1876 // actually support encoding the distinction between SNaN and QNaN.
1877 //
1878 // Convert of sNaN creates qNaN and raises an exception (invalid op).
1879 // This also guarantees that a sNaN does not become Inf on a truncation
1880 // that loses all payload bits.
1881 let mut status = Status::OK;
1882 if self.is_nan() {
1883 self = unpack!(status|=, IeeeDefaultExceptionHandling::result_from_nan(self));
1884 }
1886 let Self { mut sig, mut exp, .. } = self;
1888 // If this is a truncation of a denormal number, and the target semantics
1889 // has larger exponent range than the source semantics (this can happen
1890 // when truncating from PowerPC double-double to double format), the
1891 // right shift could lose result mantissa bits. Adjust exponent instead
1892 // of performing excessive shift.
1893 // Also do a similar trick in case shifting denormal would produce zero
1894 // significand as this case isn't handled correctly by normalize.
1895 let mut shift = T::PRECISION as ExpInt - S::PRECISION as ExpInt;
1896 if shift < 0 && self.is_finite_non_zero() {
1897 let omsb = sig::omsb(&sig) as ExpInt;
1898 let mut exp_change = omsb - S::PRECISION as ExpInt;
1899 if exp + exp_change < T::MIN_EXP {
1900 exp_change = T::MIN_EXP - exp;
1901 }
1902 if exp_change < shift {
1903 exp_change = shift;
1904 }
1905 if exp_change < 0 {
1906 shift -= exp_change;
1907 exp += exp_change;
1908 } else if omsb <= -shift {
1909 exp_change = omsb + shift - 1; // leave at least one bit set
1910 shift -= exp_change;
1911 exp += exp_change;
1912 }
1913 }
1915 // If this is a truncation, perform the shift.
1916 let mut loss = Loss::ExactlyZero;
1917 if shift < 0 && (self.is_finite_non_zero() || self.category() == Category::NaN && S::NAN_PAYLOAD_MASK != 0) {
1918 loss = sig::shift_right(&mut sig, &mut 0, -shift as usize);
1919 }
1921 // If this is an extension, perform the shift.
1922 if shift > 0 && (self.is_finite_non_zero() || self.category() == Category::NaN) {
1923 sig::shift_left(&mut sig, &mut 0, shift as usize);
1924 }
1926 let r = match self.category() {
1927 Category::Normal => {
1928 let r = IeeeFloat::<T> {
1929 sig,
1930 exp,
1931 read_only_category_do_not_mutate: self.category(),
1932 read_only_sign_do_not_mutate: self.is_negative(),
1933 marker: PhantomData,
1934 };
1935 unpack!(status|=, r.normalize(round, loss))
1936 }
1937 Category::NaN => {
1938 *loses_info = loss != Loss::ExactlyZero
1939 || loses_x87_pseudo_nan
1940 || S::NAN_PAYLOAD_MASK != 0 && T::NAN_PAYLOAD_MASK == 0;
1942 IeeeFloat::<T>::qnan(Some(sig[0])).with_sign(self.is_negative())
1943 }
1944 Category::Infinity => IeeeFloat::<T>::INFINITY.with_sign(self.is_negative()),
1945 Category::Zero => IeeeFloat::<T>::ZERO.with_sign(self.is_negative()),
1946 };
1948 // NOTE(eddyb) this catches all cases of e.g. ±Inf turning into NaN,
1949 // because of `T::NONFINITE_BEHAVIOR` not being `IEEE754`.
1950 if matches!(self.category(), Category::Infinity | Category::Zero)
1951 && (r.category() != self.category() || r.is_negative() != self.is_negative())
1952 {
1953 status |= Status::INEXACT;
1954 }
1956 *loses_info |= (status - Status::INVALID_OP) != Status::OK;
1958 status.and(r)
1959 }
1962impl<S: Semantics> IeeeFloat<S> {
1963 /// Handle positive overflow. We either return infinity or
1964 /// the largest finite number. For negative overflow,
1965 /// negate the `round` argument before calling.
1966 fn overflow_result(round: Round) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
1967 match round {
1968 // Infinity?
1969 Round::NearestTiesToEven | Round::NearestTiesToAway | Round::TowardPositive => {
1970 (Status::OVERFLOW | Status::INEXACT).and(Self::INFINITY)
1971 }
1972 // Otherwise we become the largest finite number.
1973 Round::TowardNegative | Round::TowardZero => Status::INEXACT.and(Self::largest()),
1974 }
1975 }
1977 /// Returns TRUE if, when truncating the current number, with BIT the
1978 /// new LSB, with the given lost fraction and rounding mode, the result
1979 /// would need to be rounded away from zero (i.e., by increasing the
1980 /// signficand). This routine must work for Category::Zero of both signs, and
1981 /// Category::Normal numbers.
1982 fn round_away_from_zero(&self, round: Round, loss: Loss, bit: usize) -> bool {
1983 // NaNs and infinities should not have lost fractions.
1984 assert!(self.is_finite_non_zero() || self.is_zero());
1986 // Current callers never pass this so we don't handle it.
1987 assert_ne!(loss, Loss::ExactlyZero);
1989 match round {
1990 Round::NearestTiesToAway => loss == Loss::ExactlyHalf || loss == Loss::MoreThanHalf,
1991 Round::NearestTiesToEven => {
1992 if loss == Loss::MoreThanHalf {
1993 return true;
1994 }
1996 // Our zeros don't have a significand to test.
1997 if loss == Loss::ExactlyHalf && self.category() != Category::Zero {
1998 return sig::get_bit(&self.sig, bit);
1999 }
2001 false
2002 }
2003 Round::TowardZero => false,
2004 Round::TowardPositive => !self.is_negative(),
2005 Round::TowardNegative => self.is_negative(),
2006 }
2007 }
2009 fn normalize(mut self, round: Round, mut loss: Loss) -> StatusAnd<Self> {
2010 if !self.is_finite_non_zero() {
2011 return Status::OK.and(self);
2012 }
2014 // Before rounding normalize the exponent of Category::Normal numbers.
2015 let mut omsb = sig::omsb(&self.sig);
2017 if omsb > 0 {
2018 // OMSB is numbered from 1. We want to place it in the integer
2019 // bit numbered PRECISION if possible, with a compensating change in
2020 // the exponent.
2021 let mut final_exp = self.exp.saturating_add(omsb as ExpInt - S::PRECISION as ExpInt);
2023 // If the resulting exponent is too high, overflow according to
2024 // the rounding mode.
2025 if final_exp > S::MAX_EXP {
2026 let round = round.negate_if(self.is_negative());
2027 return Self::overflow_result(round).map(|r| r.copy_sign(self));
2028 }
2030 // Subnormal numbers have exponent MIN_EXP, and their MSB
2031 // is forced based on that.
2032 if final_exp < S::MIN_EXP {
2033 final_exp = S::MIN_EXP;
2034 }
2036 // Shifting left is easy as we don't lose precision.
2037 if final_exp < self.exp {
2038 assert_eq!(loss, Loss::ExactlyZero);
2040 let exp_change = (self.exp - final_exp) as usize;
2041 sig::shift_left(&mut self.sig, &mut self.exp, exp_change);
2043 return Status::OK.and(self);
2044 }
2046 // Shift right and capture any new lost fraction.
2047 if final_exp > self.exp {
2048 let exp_change = (final_exp - self.exp) as usize;
2049 loss = sig::shift_right(&mut self.sig, &mut self.exp, exp_change).combine(loss);
2051 // Keep OMSB up-to-date.
2052 omsb = omsb.saturating_sub(exp_change);
2053 }
2054 }
2056 // NOTE(eddyb) for `NonfiniteBehavior::NanOnly`, the unique `NAN` takes up
2057 // the largest significand of `MAX_EXP` (which also has normals), though
2058 // comparing significands needs to ignore the integer bit `NAN` lacks.
2059 if S::NONFINITE_BEHAVIOR == NonfiniteBehavior::NanOnly
2060 && self.exp == Self::NAN.exp
2061 && [self.sig[0] & S::NAN_SIGNIFICAND_BASE] == Self::NAN.sig
2062 {
2063 return Self::overflow_result(round).map(|r| r.copy_sign(self));
2064 }
2066 // Now round the number according to round given the lost
2067 // fraction.
2069 // As specified in IEEE 754, since we do not trap we do not report
2070 // underflow for exact results.
2071 if loss == Loss::ExactlyZero {
2072 // Canonicalize zeros.
2073 if omsb == 0 {
2074 self = Self::ZERO.copy_sign(self);
2075 }
2077 return Status::OK.and(self);
2078 }
2080 // Increment the significand if we're rounding away from zero.
2081 if self.round_away_from_zero(round, loss, 0) {
2082 if omsb == 0 {
2083 self.exp = S::MIN_EXP;
2084 }
2086 // We should never overflow.
2087 assert_eq!(sig::increment(&mut self.sig), 0);
2088 omsb = sig::omsb(&self.sig);
2090 // Did the significand increment overflow?
2091 if omsb == S::PRECISION + 1 {
2092 // Renormalize by incrementing the exponent and shifting our
2093 // significand right one. However if we already have the
2094 // maximum exponent we overflow to infinity.
2095 if self.exp == S::MAX_EXP {
2096 return (Status::OVERFLOW | Status::INEXACT).and(Self::INFINITY.copy_sign(self));
2097 }
2099 let _: Loss = sig::shift_right(&mut self.sig, &mut self.exp, 1);
2101 return Status::INEXACT.and(self);
2102 }
2104 // NOTE(eddyb) for `NonfiniteBehavior::NanOnly`, the unique `NAN` takes up
2105 // the largest significand of `MAX_EXP` (which also has normals), though
2106 // comparing significands needs to ignore the integer bit `NAN` lacks.
2107 if S::NONFINITE_BEHAVIOR == NonfiniteBehavior::NanOnly
2108 && self.exp == Self::NAN.exp
2109 && [self.sig[0] & S::NAN_SIGNIFICAND_BASE] == Self::NAN.sig
2110 {
2111 return Self::overflow_result(round).map(|r| r.copy_sign(self));
2112 }
2113 }
2115 // The normal case - we were and are not denormal, and any
2116 // significand increment above didn't overflow.
2117 if omsb == S::PRECISION {
2118 return Status::INEXACT.and(self);
2119 }
2121 // We have a non-zero denormal.
2122 assert!(omsb < S::PRECISION);
2124 // Canonicalize zeros.
2125 if omsb == 0 {
2126 self = Self::ZERO.copy_sign(self);
2127 }
2129 // The Category::Zero case is a denormal that underflowed to zero.
2130 (Status::UNDERFLOW | Status::INEXACT).and(self)
2131 }
2133 fn from_hexadecimal_string(s: &str, round: Round) -> Result<StatusAnd<Self>, ParseError> {
2134 let mut r = IeeeFloat {
2135 sig: [0],
2136 exp: 0,
2137 read_only_category_do_not_mutate: Category::Normal,
2138 read_only_sign_do_not_mutate: false,
2139 marker: PhantomData,
2140 };
2142 let mut any_digits = false;
2143 let mut has_exp = false;
2144 let mut bit_pos = LIMB_BITS as isize;
2145 let mut loss = None;
2147 // Without leading or trailing zeros, irrespective of the dot.
2148 let mut first_sig_digit = None;
2149 let mut dot = s.len();
2151 for (p, c) in s.char_indices() {
2152 // Skip leading zeros and any (hexa)decimal point.
2153 if c == '.' {
2154 if dot != s.len() {
2155 return Err(ParseError("String contains multiple dots"));
2156 }
2157 dot = p;
2158 } else if let Some(hex_value) = c.to_digit(16) {
2159 any_digits = true;
2161 if first_sig_digit.is_none() {
2162 if hex_value == 0 {
2163 continue;
2164 }
2165 first_sig_digit = Some(p);
2166 }
2168 // Store the number while we have space.
2169 bit_pos -= 4;
2170 if bit_pos >= 0 {
2171 r.sig[0] |= (hex_value as Limb) << bit_pos;
2172 } else {
2173 // If zero or one-half (the hexadecimal digit 8) are followed
2174 // by non-zero, they're a little more than zero or one-half.
2175 if let Some(ref mut loss) = loss {
2176 if hex_value != 0 {
2177 if *loss == Loss::ExactlyZero {
2178 *loss = Loss::LessThanHalf;
2179 }
2180 if *loss == Loss::ExactlyHalf {
2181 *loss = Loss::MoreThanHalf;
2182 }
2183 }
2184 } else {
2185 loss = Some(match hex_value {
2186 0 => Loss::ExactlyZero,
2187 1..=7 => Loss::LessThanHalf,
2188 8 => Loss::ExactlyHalf,
2189 9..=15 => Loss::MoreThanHalf,
2190 _ => unreachable!(),
2191 });
2192 }
2193 }
2194 } else if c == 'p' || c == 'P' {
2195 if !any_digits {
2196 return Err(ParseError("Significand has no digits"));
2197 }
2199 if dot == s.len() {
2200 dot = p;
2201 }
2203 let mut chars = s[p + 1..].chars().peekable();
2205 // Adjust for the given exponent.
2206 let exp_minus = chars.peek() == Some(&'-');
2207 if exp_minus || chars.peek() == Some(&'+') {
2208 chars.next();
2209 }
2211 for c in chars {
2212 if let Some(value) = c.to_digit(10) {
2213 has_exp = true;
2214 r.exp = r.exp.saturating_mul(10).saturating_add(value as ExpInt);
2215 } else {
2216 return Err(ParseError("Invalid character in exponent"));
2217 }
2218 }
2219 if !has_exp {
2220 return Err(ParseError("Exponent has no digits"));
2221 }
2223 r.exp = r.exp.negate_if(exp_minus);
2225 break;
2226 } else {
2227 return Err(ParseError("Invalid character in significand"));
2228 }
2229 }
2230 if !any_digits {
2231 return Err(ParseError("Significand has no digits"));
2232 }
2234 // Hex floats require an exponent but not a hexadecimal point.
2235 if !has_exp {
2236 return Err(ParseError("Hex strings require an exponent"));
2237 }
2239 // Ignore the exponent if we are zero.
2240 let first_sig_digit = match first_sig_digit {
2241 Some(p) => p,
2242 None => return Ok(Status::OK.and(Self::ZERO)),
2243 };
2245 // Calculate the exponent adjustment implicit in the number of
2246 // significant digits and adjust for writing the significand starting
2247 // at the most significant nibble.
2248 let exp_adjustment = if dot > first_sig_digit {
2249 ExpInt::try_from(dot - first_sig_digit).unwrap()
2250 } else {
2251 -ExpInt::try_from(first_sig_digit - dot - 1).unwrap()
2252 };
2253 let exp_adjustment = exp_adjustment
2254 .saturating_mul(4)
2255 .saturating_sub(1)
2256 .saturating_add(S::PRECISION as ExpInt)
2257 .saturating_sub(LIMB_BITS as ExpInt);
2258 r.exp = r.exp.saturating_add(exp_adjustment);
2260 Ok(r.normalize(round, loss.unwrap_or(Loss::ExactlyZero)))
2261 }
2263 fn from_decimal_string(s: &str, round: Round) -> Result<StatusAnd<Self>, ParseError> {
2264 // Given a normal decimal floating point number of the form
2265 //
2266 // dddd.dddd[eE][+-]ddd
2267 //
2268 // where the decimal point and exponent are optional, fill out the
2269 // variables below. Exponent is appropriate if the significand is
2270 // treated as an integer, and normalized_exp if the significand
2271 // is taken to have the decimal point after a single leading
2272 // non-zero digit.
2273 //
2274 // If the value is zero, first_sig_digit is None.
2276 let mut any_digits = false;
2277 let mut dec_exp = 0i32;
2279 // Without leading or trailing zeros, irrespective of the dot.
2280 let mut first_sig_digit = None;
2281 let mut last_sig_digit = 0;
2282 let mut dot = s.len();
2284 for (p, c) in s.char_indices() {
2285 if c == '.' {
2286 if dot != s.len() {
2287 return Err(ParseError("String contains multiple dots"));
2288 }
2289 dot = p;
2290 } else if let Some(dec_value) = c.to_digit(10) {
2291 any_digits = true;
2293 if dec_value != 0 {
2294 if first_sig_digit.is_none() {
2295 first_sig_digit = Some(p);
2296 }
2297 last_sig_digit = p;
2298 }
2299 } else if c == 'e' || c == 'E' {
2300 if !any_digits {
2301 return Err(ParseError("Significand has no digits"));
2302 }
2304 if dot == s.len() {
2305 dot = p;
2306 }
2308 let mut chars = s[p + 1..].chars().peekable();
2310 // Adjust for the given exponent.
2311 let exp_minus = chars.peek() == Some(&'-');
2312 if exp_minus || chars.peek() == Some(&'+') {
2313 chars.next();
2314 }
2316 let mut any_exp_digits = false;
2317 for c in chars {
2318 if let Some(value) = c.to_digit(10) {
2319 any_exp_digits = true;
2320 dec_exp = dec_exp.saturating_mul(10).saturating_add(value as i32);
2321 } else {
2322 return Err(ParseError("Invalid character in exponent"));
2323 }
2324 }
2325 // Treat no exponent as 0 to match binutils
2326 if !any_exp_digits {
2327 assert_eq!(dec_exp, 0);
2328 }
2330 dec_exp = dec_exp.negate_if(exp_minus);
2332 break;
2333 } else {
2334 return Err(ParseError("Invalid character in significand"));
2335 }
2336 }
2337 if !any_digits {
2338 return Err(ParseError("Significand has no digits"));
2339 }
2341 // Test if we have a zero number allowing for non-zero exponents.
2342 let first_sig_digit = match first_sig_digit {
2343 Some(p) => p,
2344 None => return Ok(Status::OK.and(Self::ZERO)),
2345 };
2347 // Adjust the exponents for any decimal point.
2348 if dot > last_sig_digit {
2349 dec_exp = dec_exp.saturating_add((dot - last_sig_digit - 1) as i32);
2350 } else {
2351 dec_exp = dec_exp.saturating_sub((last_sig_digit - dot) as i32);
2352 }
2353 let significand_digits =
2354 last_sig_digit - first_sig_digit + 1 - (dot > first_sig_digit && dot < last_sig_digit) as usize;
2355 let normalized_exp = dec_exp.saturating_add(significand_digits as i32 - 1);
2357 // Handle the cases where exponents are obviously too large or too
2358 // small. Writing L for log 10 / log 2, a number d.ddddd*10^dec_exp
2359 // definitely overflows if
2360 //
2361 // (dec_exp - 1) * L >= MAX_EXP
2362 //
2363 // and definitely underflows to zero where
2364 //
2365 // (dec_exp + 1) * L <= MIN_EXP - PRECISION
2366 //
2367 // With integer arithmetic the tightest bounds for L are
2368 //
2369 // 93/28 < L < 196/59 [ numerator <= 256 ]
2370 // 42039/12655 < L < 28738/8651 [ numerator <= 65536 ]
2372 // Check for MAX_EXP.
2373 if normalized_exp.saturating_sub(1).saturating_mul(42039) >= 12655 * S::MAX_EXP as i32 {
2374 // Overflow and round.
2375 return Ok(Self::overflow_result(round));
2376 }
2378 // Check for MIN_EXP.
2379 if normalized_exp.saturating_add(1).saturating_mul(28738) <= 8651 * (S::MIN_EXP as i32 - S::PRECISION as i32) {
2380 // Underflow to zero and round.
2381 let r = if round == Round::TowardPositive {
2382 IeeeFloat::SMALLEST
2383 } else {
2384 IeeeFloat::ZERO
2385 };
2386 return Ok((Status::UNDERFLOW | Status::INEXACT).and(r));
2387 }
2389 // A tight upper bound on number of bits required to hold an
2390 // N-digit decimal integer is N * 196 / 59. Allocate enough space
2391 // to hold the full significand, and an extra limb required by
2392 // tcMultiplyPart.
2393 let max_limbs = limbs_for_bits(1 + 196 * significand_digits / 59);
2394 let mut dec_sig = DynPrecisionLimbVec::with_capacity(max_limbs);
2396 // Convert to binary efficiently - we do almost all multiplication
2397 // in a Limb. When this would overflow do we do a single
2398 // bignum multiplication, and then revert again to multiplication
2399 // in a Limb.
2400 let mut chars = s[first_sig_digit..last_sig_digit + 1].chars();
2401 loop {
2402 let mut val = 0;
2403 let mut multiplier = 1;
2405 loop {
2406 let dec_value = match chars.next() {
2407 Some('.') => continue,
2408 Some(c) => c.to_digit(10).unwrap(),
2409 None => break,
2410 };
2412 multiplier *= 10;
2413 val = val * 10 + dec_value as Limb;
2415 // The maximum number that can be multiplied by ten with any
2416 // digit added without overflowing a Limb.
2417 if multiplier > (!0 - 9) / 10 {
2418 break;
2419 }
2420 }
2422 // If we've consumed no digits, we're done.
2423 if multiplier == 1 {
2424 break;
2425 }
2427 // Multiply out the current limb.
2428 let mut carry = val;
2429 for x in &mut dec_sig {
2430 let [low, mut high] = sig::widening_mul(*x, multiplier);
2432 // Now add carry.
2433 let (low, overflow) = low.overflowing_add(carry);
2434 high += overflow as Limb;
2436 *x = low;
2437 carry = high;
2438 }
2440 // If we had carry, we need another limb (likely but not guaranteed).
2441 if carry > 0 {
2442 dec_sig.push(carry);
2443 }
2444 }
2446 // Calculate pow(5, abs(dec_exp)) into `pow5_full`.
2447 // The *_calc Vec's are reused scratch space, as an optimization.
2448 let (pow5_full, mut pow5_calc, mut sig_calc, mut sig_scratch_calc) = {
2449 let mut power = dec_exp.abs() as usize;
2451 const FIRST_EIGHT_POWERS: [Limb; 8] = [1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, 15625, 78125];
2453 let mut p5_scratch = DynPrecisionLimbVec::new();
2454 let mut p5: DynPrecisionLimbVec = [FIRST_EIGHT_POWERS[4]].into_iter().collect();
2456 let mut r_scratch = DynPrecisionLimbVec::new();
2457 let mut r: DynPrecisionLimbVec = [FIRST_EIGHT_POWERS[power & 7]].into_iter().collect();
2458 power >>= 3;
2460 while power > 0 {
2461 // Calculate pow(5,pow(2,n+3)).
2462 p5_scratch.resize(p5.len() * 2, 0);
2463 let _: Loss = sig::mul(&mut p5_scratch, &mut 0, &p5, &p5, p5.len() * 2 * LIMB_BITS);
2464 while p5_scratch.last() == Some(&0) {
2465 p5_scratch.pop();
2466 }
2467 mem::swap(&mut p5, &mut p5_scratch);
2469 if power & 1 != 0 {
2470 r_scratch.resize(r.len() + p5.len(), 0);
2471 let _: Loss = sig::mul(&mut r_scratch, &mut 0, &r, &p5, (r.len() + p5.len()) * LIMB_BITS);
2472 while r_scratch.last() == Some(&0) {
2473 r_scratch.pop();
2474 }
2475 mem::swap(&mut r, &mut r_scratch);
2476 }
2478 power >>= 1;
2479 }
2481 (r, r_scratch, p5, p5_scratch)
2482 };
2484 // Attempt dec_sig * 10^dec_exp with increasing precision.
2485 let mut attempt = 0;
2486 loop {
2487 let calc_precision = (LIMB_BITS << attempt) - 1;
2488 attempt += 1;
2490 let calc_normal_from_limbs = |sig: &mut DynPrecisionLimbVec, limbs: &[Limb]| -> StatusAnd<ExpInt> {
2491 sig.resize(limbs_for_bits(calc_precision), 0);
2492 let (mut loss, mut exp) = sig::from_limbs(sig, limbs, calc_precision);
2494 // Before rounding normalize the exponent of Category::Normal numbers.
2495 let mut omsb = sig::omsb(sig);
2497 assert_ne!(omsb, 0);
2499 // OMSB is numbered from 1. We want to place it in the integer
2500 // bit numbered PRECISION if possible, with a compensating change in
2501 // the exponent.
2502 let final_exp = exp.saturating_add(omsb as ExpInt - calc_precision as ExpInt);
2504 // Shifting left is easy as we don't lose precision.
2505 if final_exp < exp {
2506 assert_eq!(loss, Loss::ExactlyZero);
2508 let exp_change = (exp - final_exp) as usize;
2509 sig::shift_left(sig, &mut exp, exp_change);
2511 return Status::OK.and(exp);
2512 }
2514 // Shift right and capture any new lost fraction.
2515 if final_exp > exp {
2516 let exp_change = (final_exp - exp) as usize;
2517 loss = sig::shift_right(sig, &mut exp, exp_change).combine(loss);
2519 // Keep OMSB up-to-date.
2520 omsb = omsb.saturating_sub(exp_change);
2521 }
2523 assert_eq!(omsb, calc_precision);
2525 // Now round the number according to round given the lost
2526 // fraction.
2528 // As specified in IEEE 754, since we do not trap we do not report
2529 // underflow for exact results.
2530 if loss == Loss::ExactlyZero {
2531 return Status::OK.and(exp);
2532 }
2534 // Increment the significand if we're rounding away from zero.
2535 if loss == Loss::MoreThanHalf || loss == Loss::ExactlyHalf && sig::get_bit(sig, 0) {
2536 // We should never overflow.
2537 assert_eq!(sig::increment(sig), 0);
2538 omsb = sig::omsb(sig);
2540 // Did the significand increment overflow?
2541 if omsb == calc_precision + 1 {
2542 let _: Loss = sig::shift_right(sig, &mut exp, 1);
2544 return Status::INEXACT.and(exp);
2545 }
2546 }
2548 // The normal case - we were and are not denormal, and any
2549 // significand increment above didn't overflow.
2550 Status::INEXACT.and(exp)
2551 };
2553 let status;
2554 let mut exp = unpack!(status=,
2555 calc_normal_from_limbs(&mut sig_calc, &dec_sig));
2556 let pow5_status;
2557 let pow5_exp = unpack!(pow5_status=,
2558 calc_normal_from_limbs(&mut pow5_calc, &pow5_full));
2560 // Add dec_exp, as 10^n = 5^n * 2^n.
2561 exp += dec_exp as ExpInt;
2563 let mut used_bits = S::PRECISION;
2564 let mut truncated_bits = calc_precision - used_bits;
2566 let half_ulp_err1 = (status != Status::OK) as Limb;
2567 let (calc_loss, half_ulp_err2);
2568 if dec_exp >= 0 {
2569 exp += pow5_exp;
2571 sig_scratch_calc.resize(sig_calc.len() + pow5_calc.len(), 0);
2572 calc_loss = sig::mul(&mut sig_scratch_calc, &mut exp, &sig_calc, &pow5_calc, calc_precision);
2573 mem::swap(&mut sig_calc, &mut sig_scratch_calc);
2575 half_ulp_err2 = (pow5_status != Status::OK) as Limb;
2576 } else {
2577 exp -= pow5_exp;
2579 sig_scratch_calc.resize(sig_calc.len(), 0);
2580 calc_loss = sig::div(&mut sig_scratch_calc, &mut exp, &mut sig_calc, &mut pow5_calc, calc_precision);
2581 mem::swap(&mut sig_calc, &mut sig_scratch_calc);
2583 // Denormal numbers have less precision.
2584 if exp < S::MIN_EXP {
2585 truncated_bits += (S::MIN_EXP - exp) as usize;
2586 used_bits = calc_precision.saturating_sub(truncated_bits);
2587 }
2588 // Extra half-ulp lost in reciprocal of exponent.
2589 half_ulp_err2 = 2 * (pow5_status != Status::OK || calc_loss != Loss::ExactlyZero) as Limb;
2590 }
2592 // Both sig::mul and sig::div return the
2593 // result with the integer bit set.
2594 assert!(sig::get_bit(&sig_calc, calc_precision - 1));
2596 // The error from the true value, in half-ulps, on multiplying two
2597 // floating point numbers, which differ from the value they
2598 // approximate by at most half_ulp_err1 and half_ulp_err2 half-ulps, is strictly less
2599 // than the returned value.
2600 //
2601 // See "How to Read Floating Point Numbers Accurately" by William D Clinger.
2602 assert!(half_ulp_err1 < 2 || half_ulp_err2 < 2 || (half_ulp_err1 + half_ulp_err2 < 8));
2604 let inexact = (calc_loss != Loss::ExactlyZero) as Limb;
2605 let half_ulp_err = if half_ulp_err1 + half_ulp_err2 == 0 {
2606 inexact * 2 // <= inexact half-ulps.
2607 } else {
2608 inexact + 2 * (half_ulp_err1 + half_ulp_err2)
2609 };
2611 let ulps_from_boundary = {
2612 let bits = calc_precision - used_bits - 1;
2614 let i = bits / LIMB_BITS;
2615 let limb = sig_calc[i] & (!0 >> (LIMB_BITS - 1 - bits % LIMB_BITS));
2616 let boundary = match round {
2617 Round::NearestTiesToEven | Round::NearestTiesToAway => 1 << (bits % LIMB_BITS),
2618 _ => 0,
2619 };
2620 if i == 0 {
2621 let delta = limb.wrapping_sub(boundary);
2622 cmp::min(delta, delta.wrapping_neg())
2623 } else if limb == boundary {
2624 if !sig::is_all_zeros(&sig_calc[1..i]) {
2625 !0 // A lot.
2626 } else {
2627 sig_calc[0]
2628 }
2629 } else if limb == boundary.wrapping_sub(1) {
2630 if sig_calc[1..i].iter().any(|&x| x.wrapping_neg() != 1) {
2631 !0 // A lot.
2632 } else {
2633 sig_calc[0].wrapping_neg()
2634 }
2635 } else {
2636 !0 // A lot.
2637 }
2638 };
2640 // Are we guaranteed to round correctly if we truncate?
2641 if ulps_from_boundary.saturating_mul(2) >= half_ulp_err {
2642 let mut r = IeeeFloat {
2643 sig: [0],
2644 exp,
2645 read_only_category_do_not_mutate: Category::Normal,
2646 read_only_sign_do_not_mutate: false,
2647 marker: PhantomData,
2648 };
2649 sig::extract(&mut r.sig, &sig_calc, used_bits, calc_precision - used_bits);
2650 // If we extracted less bits above we must adjust our exponent
2651 // to compensate for the implicit right shift.
2652 r.exp += (S::PRECISION - used_bits) as ExpInt;
2653 let loss = Loss::through_truncation(&sig_calc, truncated_bits);
2654 return Ok(r.normalize(round, loss));
2655 }
2656 }
2657 }
2660impl Loss {
2661 /// Combine the effect of two lost fractions.
2662 #[inline]
2663 fn combine(self, less_significant: Loss) -> Loss {
2664 let mut more_significant = self;
2665 if less_significant != Loss::ExactlyZero {
2666 if more_significant == Loss::ExactlyZero {
2667 more_significant = Loss::LessThanHalf;
2668 } else if more_significant == Loss::ExactlyHalf {
2669 more_significant = Loss::MoreThanHalf;
2670 }
2671 }
2673 more_significant
2674 }
2676 /// Return the fraction lost were a bignum truncated losing the least
2677 /// significant `bits` bits.
2678 #[inline]
2679 fn through_truncation(limbs: &[Limb], bits: usize) -> Loss {
2680 if bits == 0 {
2681 return Loss::ExactlyZero;
2682 }
2684 let half_bit = bits - 1;
2685 let half_limb = half_bit / LIMB_BITS;
2686 let (half_limb, rest) = if half_limb < limbs.len() {
2687 (limbs[half_limb], &limbs[..half_limb])
2688 } else {
2689 (0, limbs)
2690 };
2691 let half = 1 << (half_bit % LIMB_BITS);
2692 let has_half = half_limb & half != 0;
2693 let has_rest = half_limb & (half - 1) != 0 || !sig::is_all_zeros(rest);
2695 match (has_half, has_rest) {
2696 (false, false) => Loss::ExactlyZero,
2697 (false, true) => Loss::LessThanHalf,
2698 (true, false) => Loss::ExactlyHalf,
2699 (true, true) => Loss::MoreThanHalf,
2700 }
2701 }
2704/// Implementation details of IeeeFloat significands, such as big integer arithmetic.
2705/// As a rule of thumb, no functions in this module should dynamically allocate.
2706mod sig {
2707 use super::{limbs_for_bits, ExpInt, Limb, Loss, LIMB_BITS};
2708 use core::cmp::Ordering;
2709 use core::mem;
2711 #[inline]
2712 pub(super) fn is_all_zeros(limbs: &[Limb]) -> bool {
2713 limbs.iter().all(|&l| l == 0)
2714 }
2716 /// One, not zero, based LSB. That is, returns 0 for a zeroed significand.
2717 #[inline]
2718 pub(super) fn olsb(limbs: &[Limb]) -> usize {
2719 for i in 0..limbs.len() {
2720 if limbs[i] != 0 {
2721 return i * LIMB_BITS + limbs[i].trailing_zeros() as usize + 1;
2722 }
2723 }
2725 0
2726 }
2728 /// One, not zero, based MSB. That is, returns 0 for a zeroed significand.
2729 #[inline]
2730 pub(super) fn omsb(limbs: &[Limb]) -> usize {
2731 for i in (0..limbs.len()).rev() {
2732 if limbs[i] != 0 {
2733 return (i + 1) * LIMB_BITS - limbs[i].leading_zeros() as usize;
2734 }
2735 }
2737 0
2738 }
2740 /// Comparison (unsigned) of two significands.
2741 #[inline]
2742 pub(super) fn cmp(a: &[Limb], b: &[Limb]) -> Ordering {
2743 assert_eq!(a.len(), b.len());
2744 for (a, b) in a.iter().zip(b).rev() {
2745 match a.cmp(b) {
2746 Ordering::Equal => {}
2747 o => return o,
2748 }
2749 }
2751 Ordering::Equal
2752 }
2754 /// Extract the given bit.
2755 #[inline]
2756 pub(super) fn get_bit(limbs: &[Limb], bit: usize) -> bool {
2757 limbs[bit / LIMB_BITS] & (1 << (bit % LIMB_BITS)) != 0
2758 }
2760 /// Set the given bit.
2761 #[inline]
2762 pub(super) fn set_bit(limbs: &mut [Limb], bit: usize) {
2763 limbs[bit / LIMB_BITS] |= 1 << (bit % LIMB_BITS);
2764 }
2766 /// Shift `dst` left `bits` bits, subtract `bits` from its exponent.
2767 #[inline]
2768 pub(super) fn shift_left(dst: &mut [Limb], exp: &mut ExpInt, bits: usize) {
2769 if bits > 0 {
2770 // Our exponent should not underflow.
2771 *exp = exp.checked_sub(bits as ExpInt).unwrap();
2773 // Jump is the inter-limb jump; shift is is intra-limb shift.
2774 let jump = bits / LIMB_BITS;
2775 let shift = bits % LIMB_BITS;
2777 for i in (0..dst.len()).rev() {
2778 let mut limb;
2780 if i < jump {
2781 limb = 0;
2782 } else {
2783 // dst[i] comes from the two limbs src[i - jump] and, if we have
2784 // an intra-limb shift, src[i - jump - 1].
2785 limb = dst[i - jump];
2786 if shift > 0 {
2787 limb <<= shift;
2788 if i >= jump + 1 {
2789 limb |= dst[i - jump - 1] >> (LIMB_BITS - shift);
2790 }
2791 }
2792 }
2794 dst[i] = limb;
2795 }
2796 }
2797 }
2799 /// Shift `dst` right `bits` bits noting lost fraction.
2800 #[inline]
2801 pub(super) fn shift_right(dst: &mut [Limb], exp: &mut ExpInt, bits: usize) -> Loss {
2802 let loss = Loss::through_truncation(dst, bits);
2804 if bits > 0 {
2805 // Our exponent should not overflow.
2806 *exp = exp.checked_add(bits as ExpInt).unwrap();
2808 // Jump is the inter-limb jump; shift is is intra-limb shift.
2809 let jump = bits / LIMB_BITS;
2810 let shift = bits % LIMB_BITS;
2812 // Perform the shift. This leaves the most significant `bits` bits
2813 // of the result at zero.
2814 for i in 0..dst.len() {
2815 let mut limb;
2817 if i + jump >= dst.len() {
2818 limb = 0;
2819 } else {
2820 limb = dst[i + jump];
2821 if shift > 0 {
2822 limb >>= shift;
2823 if i + jump + 1 < dst.len() {
2824 limb |= dst[i + jump + 1] << (LIMB_BITS - shift);
2825 }
2826 }
2827 }
2829 dst[i] = limb;
2830 }
2831 }
2833 loss
2834 }
2836 /// Copy the bit vector of width `src_bits` from `src`, starting at bit SRC_LSB,
2837 /// to `dst`, such that the bit SRC_LSB becomes the least significant bit of `dst`.
2838 /// All high bits above `src_bits` in `dst` are zero-filled.
2839 #[inline]
2840 pub(super) fn extract(dst: &mut [Limb], src: &[Limb], src_bits: usize, src_lsb: usize) {
2841 if src_bits == 0 {
2842 return;
2843 }
2845 let dst_limbs = limbs_for_bits(src_bits);
2846 assert!(dst_limbs <= dst.len());
2848 let src = &src[src_lsb / LIMB_BITS..];
2849 dst[..dst_limbs].copy_from_slice(&src[..dst_limbs]);
2851 let shift = src_lsb % LIMB_BITS;
2852 let _: Loss = shift_right(&mut dst[..dst_limbs], &mut 0, shift);
2854 // We now have (dst_limbs * LIMB_BITS - shift) bits from `src`
2855 // in `dst`. If this is less that src_bits, append the rest, else
2856 // clear the high bits.
2857 let n = dst_limbs * LIMB_BITS - shift;
2858 if n < src_bits {
2859 let mask = (1 << (src_bits - n)) - 1;
2860 dst[dst_limbs - 1] |= (src[dst_limbs] & mask) << n % LIMB_BITS;
2861 } else if n > src_bits && src_bits % LIMB_BITS > 0 {
2862 dst[dst_limbs - 1] &= (1 << (src_bits % LIMB_BITS)) - 1;
2863 }
2865 // Clear high limbs.
2866 for x in &mut dst[dst_limbs..] {
2867 *x = 0;
2868 }
2869 }
2871 /// We want the most significant PRECISION bits of `src`. There may not
2872 /// be that many; extract what we can.
2873 #[inline]
2874 pub(super) fn from_limbs(dst: &mut [Limb], src: &[Limb], precision: usize) -> (Loss, ExpInt) {
2875 let omsb = omsb(src);
2877 if precision <= omsb {
2878 extract(dst, src, precision, omsb - precision);
2879 (Loss::through_truncation(src, omsb - precision), omsb as ExpInt - 1)
2880 } else {
2881 extract(dst, src, omsb, 0);
2882 (Loss::ExactlyZero, precision as ExpInt - 1)
2883 }
2884 }
2886 /// For every consecutive chunk of `bits` bits from `limbs`,
2887 /// going from most significant to the least significant bits,
2888 /// call `f` to transform those bits and store the result back.
2889 #[inline]
2890 pub(super) fn each_chunk<F: FnMut(Limb) -> Limb>(limbs: &mut [Limb], bits: usize, mut f: F) {
2891 assert_eq!(LIMB_BITS % bits, 0);
2892 for limb in limbs.iter_mut().rev() {
2893 let mut r = 0;
2894 for i in (0..LIMB_BITS / bits).rev() {
2895 r |= f((*limb >> (i * bits)) & ((1 << bits) - 1)) << (i * bits);
2896 }
2897 *limb = r;
2898 }
2899 }
2901 /// Increment in-place, return the carry flag.
2902 #[inline]
2903 pub(super) fn increment(dst: &mut [Limb]) -> Limb {
2904 for x in dst {
2905 *x = x.wrapping_add(1);
2906 if *x != 0 {
2907 return 0;
2908 }
2909 }
2911 1
2912 }
2914 /// Decrement in-place, return the borrow flag.
2915 #[inline]
2916 pub(super) fn decrement(dst: &mut [Limb]) -> Limb {
2917 for x in dst {
2918 *x = x.wrapping_sub(1);
2919 if *x != !0 {
2920 return 0;
2921 }
2922 }
2924 1
2925 }
2927 /// `a += b + c` where `c` is zero or one. Returns the carry flag.
2928 #[inline]
2929 pub(super) fn add(a: &mut [Limb], b: &[Limb], mut c: Limb) -> Limb {
2930 assert!(c <= 1);
2932 for (a, &b) in a.iter_mut().zip(b) {
2933 let (r, overflow) = a.overflowing_add(b);
2934 let (r, overflow2) = r.overflowing_add(c);
2935 *a = r;
2936 c = (overflow | overflow2) as Limb;
2937 }
2939 c
2940 }
2942 /// `a -= b + c` where `c` is zero or one. Returns the borrow flag.
2943 #[inline]
2944 pub(super) fn sub(a: &mut [Limb], b: &[Limb], mut c: Limb) -> Limb {
2945 assert!(c <= 1);
2947 for (a, &b) in a.iter_mut().zip(b) {
2948 let (r, overflow) = a.overflowing_sub(b);
2949 let (r, overflow2) = r.overflowing_sub(c);
2950 *a = r;
2951 c = (overflow | overflow2) as Limb;
2952 }
2954 c
2955 }
2957 /// `a += b` or `a -= b`. Does not preserve `b`.
2958 #[inline]
2959 pub(super) fn add_or_sub(
2960 a_sig: &mut [Limb],
2961 a_exp: &mut ExpInt,
2962 a_sign: &mut bool,
2963 b_sig: &mut [Limb],
2964 b_exp: ExpInt,
2965 b_sign: bool,
2966 ) -> Loss {
2967 // Are we bigger exponent-wise than the RHS?
2968 let bits = *a_exp - b_exp;
2970 // Determine if the operation on the absolute values is effectively
2971 // an addition or subtraction.
2972 // Subtraction is more subtle than one might naively expect.
2973 if *a_sign ^ b_sign {
2974 let loss;
2976 if bits == 0 {
2977 loss = Loss::ExactlyZero;
2978 } else if bits > 0 {
2979 loss = shift_right(b_sig, &mut 0, (bits - 1) as usize);
2980 shift_left(a_sig, a_exp, 1);
2981 } else {
2982 loss = shift_right(a_sig, a_exp, (-bits - 1) as usize);
2983 shift_left(b_sig, &mut 0, 1);
2984 }
2986 let borrow = (loss != Loss::ExactlyZero) as Limb;
2988 // Should we reverse the subtraction.
2989 if cmp(a_sig, b_sig) == Ordering::Less {
2990 // The code above is intended to ensure that no borrow is necessary.
2991 assert_eq!(sub(b_sig, a_sig, borrow), 0);
2992 a_sig.copy_from_slice(b_sig);
2993 *a_sign = !*a_sign;
2994 } else {
2995 // The code above is intended to ensure that no borrow is necessary.
2996 assert_eq!(sub(a_sig, b_sig, borrow), 0);
2997 }
2999 // Invert the lost fraction - it was on the RHS and subtracted.
3000 match loss {
3001 Loss::LessThanHalf => Loss::MoreThanHalf,
3002 Loss::MoreThanHalf => Loss::LessThanHalf,
3003 _ => loss,
3004 }
3005 } else {
3006 let loss = if bits > 0 {
3007 shift_right(b_sig, &mut 0, bits as usize)
3008 } else {
3009 shift_right(a_sig, a_exp, -bits as usize)
3010 };
3011 // We have a guard bit; generating a carry cannot happen.
3012 assert_eq!(add(a_sig, b_sig, 0), 0);
3013 loss
3014 }
3015 }
3017 /// `[low, high] = a * b`.
3018 ///
3019 /// This cannot overflow, because
3020 ///
3021 /// `(n - 1) * (n - 1) + 2 * (n - 1) == (n - 1) * (n + 1)`
3022 ///
3023 /// which is less than n^2.
3024 #[inline]
3025 pub(super) fn widening_mul(a: Limb, b: Limb) -> [Limb; 2] {
3026 let mut wide = [0, 0];
3028 if a == 0 || b == 0 {
3029 return wide;
3030 }
3032 const HALF_BITS: usize = LIMB_BITS / 2;
3034 let select = |limb, i| (limb >> (i * HALF_BITS)) & ((1 << HALF_BITS) - 1);
3035 for i in 0..2 {
3036 for j in 0..2 {
3037 let mut x = [select(a, i) * select(b, j), 0];
3038 shift_left(&mut x, &mut 0, (i + j) * HALF_BITS);
3039 assert_eq!(add(&mut wide, &x, 0), 0);
3040 }
3041 }
3043 wide
3044 }
3046 /// `dst = a * b` (for normal `a` and `b`). Returns the lost fraction.
3047 #[inline]
3048 pub(super) fn mul<'a>(
3049 dst: &mut [Limb],
3050 exp: &mut ExpInt,
3051 mut a: &'a [Limb],
3052 mut b: &'a [Limb],
3053 precision: usize,
3054 ) -> Loss {
3055 // Put the narrower number on the `a` for less loops below.
3056 if a.len() > b.len() {
3057 mem::swap(&mut a, &mut b);
3058 }
3060 for x in &mut dst[..b.len()] {
3061 *x = 0;
3062 }
3064 for i in 0..a.len() {
3065 let mut carry = 0;
3066 for j in 0..b.len() {
3067 let [low, mut high] = widening_mul(a[i], b[j]);
3069 // Now add carry.
3070 let (low, overflow) = low.overflowing_add(carry);
3071 high += overflow as Limb;
3073 // And now `dst[i + j]`, and store the new low part there.
3074 let (low, overflow) = low.overflowing_add(dst[i + j]);
3075 high += overflow as Limb;
3077 dst[i + j] = low;
3078 carry = high;
3079 }
3080 dst[i + b.len()] = carry;
3081 }
3083 // Assume the operands involved in the multiplication are single-precision
3084 // FP, and the two multiplicants are:
3085 // a = a23 . a22 ... a0 * 2^e1
3086 // b = b23 . b22 ... b0 * 2^e2
3087 // the result of multiplication is:
3088 // dst = c48 c47 c46 . c45 ... c0 * 2^(e1+e2)
3089 // Note that there are three significant bits at the left-hand side of the
3090 // radix point: two for the multiplication, and an overflow bit for the
3091 // addition (that will always be zero at this point). Move the radix point
3092 // toward left by two bits, and adjust exponent accordingly.
3093 *exp += 2;
3095 // Convert the result having "2 * precision" significant-bits back to the one
3096 // having "precision" significant-bits. First, move the radix point from
3097 // poision "2*precision - 1" to "precision - 1". The exponent need to be
3098 // adjusted by "2*precision - 1" - "precision - 1" = "precision".
3099 *exp -= precision as ExpInt + 1;
3101 // In case MSB resides at the left-hand side of radix point, shift the
3102 // mantissa right by some amount to make sure the MSB reside right before
3103 // the radix point (i.e. "MSB . rest-significant-bits").
3104 //
3105 // Note that the result is not normalized when "omsb < precision". So, the
3106 // caller needs to call IeeeFloat::normalize() if normalized value is
3107 // expected.
3108 let omsb = omsb(dst);
3109 if omsb <= precision {
3110 Loss::ExactlyZero
3111 } else {
3112 shift_right(dst, exp, omsb - precision)
3113 }
3114 }
3116 /// `quotient = dividend / divisor`. Returns the lost fraction.
3117 /// Does not preserve `dividend` or `divisor`.
3118 #[inline]
3119 pub(super) fn div(
3120 quotient: &mut [Limb],
3121 exp: &mut ExpInt,
3122 dividend: &mut [Limb],
3123 divisor: &mut [Limb],
3124 precision: usize,
3125 ) -> Loss {
3126 // Normalize the divisor.
3127 let bits = precision - omsb(divisor);
3128 shift_left(divisor, &mut 0, bits);
3129 *exp += bits as ExpInt;
3131 // Normalize the dividend.
3132 let bits = precision - omsb(dividend);
3133 shift_left(dividend, exp, bits);
3135 // Division by 1.
3136 let olsb_divisor = olsb(divisor);
3137 if olsb_divisor == precision {
3138 quotient.copy_from_slice(dividend);
3139 return Loss::ExactlyZero;
3140 }
3142 // Ensure the dividend >= divisor initially for the loop below.
3143 // Incidentally, this means that the division loop below is
3144 // guaranteed to set the integer bit to one.
3145 if cmp(dividend, divisor) == Ordering::Less {
3146 shift_left(dividend, exp, 1);
3147 assert_ne!(cmp(dividend, divisor), Ordering::Less)
3148 }
3150 // Helper for figuring out the lost fraction.
3151 let lost_fraction = |dividend: &[Limb], divisor: &[Limb]| match cmp(dividend, divisor) {
3152 Ordering::Greater => Loss::MoreThanHalf,
3153 Ordering::Equal => Loss::ExactlyHalf,
3154 Ordering::Less => {
3155 if is_all_zeros(dividend) {
3156 Loss::ExactlyZero
3157 } else {
3158 Loss::LessThanHalf
3159 }
3160 }
3161 };
3163 // Try to perform a (much faster) short division for small divisors.
3164 let divisor_bits = precision - (olsb_divisor - 1);
3165 macro_rules! try_short_div {
3166 ($W:ty, $H:ty, $half:expr) => {
3167 if divisor_bits * 2 <= $half {
3168 // Extract the small divisor.
3169 let _: Loss = shift_right(divisor, &mut 0, olsb_divisor - 1);
3170 let divisor = divisor[0] as $H as $W;
3172 // Shift the dividend to produce a quotient with the unit bit set.
3173 let top_limb = *dividend.last().unwrap();
3174 let mut rem = (top_limb >> (LIMB_BITS - (divisor_bits - 1))) as $H;
3175 shift_left(dividend, &mut 0, divisor_bits - 1);
3177 // Apply short division in place on $H (of $half bits) chunks.
3178 each_chunk(dividend, $half, |chunk| {
3179 let chunk = chunk as $H;
3180 let combined = ((rem as $W) << $half) | (chunk as $W);
3181 rem = (combined % divisor) as $H;
3182 (combined / divisor) as $H as Limb
3183 });
3184 quotient.copy_from_slice(dividend);
3186 return lost_fraction(&[(rem as Limb) << 1], &[divisor as Limb]);
3187 }
3188 };
3189 }
3191 try_short_div!(u32, u16, 16);
3192 try_short_div!(u64, u32, 32);
3193 try_short_div!(u128, u64, 64);
3195 // Zero the quotient before setting bits in it.
3196 for x in &mut quotient[..limbs_for_bits(precision)] {
3197 *x = 0;
3198 }
3200 // Long division.
3201 for bit in (0..precision).rev() {
3202 if cmp(dividend, divisor) != Ordering::Less {
3203 sub(dividend, divisor, 0);
3204 set_bit(quotient, bit);
3205 }
3206 shift_left(dividend, &mut 0, 1);
3207 }
3209 lost_fraction(dividend, divisor)
3210 }