1// Copyright 2017 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
5// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9// except according to those terms.
11use datafrog::Relation;
12use rustc_hash::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
13use std::borrow::Cow;
14use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
16use crate::facts::{AllFacts, Atom, FactTypes};
18mod datafrog_opt;
19mod initialization;
20mod liveness;
21mod location_insensitive;
22mod naive;
24#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
25pub enum Algorithm {
26 /// Simple rules, but slower to execute
27 Naive,
29 /// Optimized variant of the rules
30 DatafrogOpt,
32 /// Fast to compute, but imprecise: there can be false-positives
33 /// but no false-negatives. Tailored for quick "early return" situations.
34 LocationInsensitive,
36 /// Compares the `Naive` and `DatafrogOpt` variants to ensure they indeed
37 /// compute the same errors.
38 Compare,
40 /// Combination of the fast `LocationInsensitive` pre-pass, followed by
41 /// the more expensive `DatafrogOpt` variant.
42 Hybrid,
45impl Algorithm {
46 /// Optimized variants that ought to be equivalent to "naive"
47 pub const OPTIMIZED: &'static [Algorithm] = &[Algorithm::DatafrogOpt];
49 pub fn variants() -> [&'static str; 5] {
50 [
51 "Naive",
52 "DatafrogOpt",
53 "LocationInsensitive",
54 "Compare",
55 "Hybrid",
56 ]
57 }
60impl ::std::str::FromStr for Algorithm {
61 type Err = String;
62 fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
63 match s.to_lowercase().as_ref() {
64 "naive" => Ok(Algorithm::Naive),
65 "datafrogopt" => Ok(Algorithm::DatafrogOpt),
66 "locationinsensitive" => Ok(Algorithm::LocationInsensitive),
67 "compare" => Ok(Algorithm::Compare),
68 "hybrid" => Ok(Algorithm::Hybrid),
69 _ => Err(String::from(
70 "valid values: Naive, DatafrogOpt, LocationInsensitive, Compare, Hybrid",
71 )),
72 }
73 }
76#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
77pub struct Output<T: FactTypes> {
78 pub errors: FxHashMap<T::Point, Vec<T::Loan>>,
79 pub subset_errors: FxHashMap<T::Point, BTreeSet<(T::Origin, T::Origin)>>,
80 pub move_errors: FxHashMap<T::Point, Vec<T::Path>>,
82 pub dump_enabled: bool,
84 // these are just for debugging
85 pub loan_live_at: FxHashMap<T::Point, Vec<T::Loan>>,
86 pub origin_contains_loan_at: FxHashMap<T::Point, BTreeMap<T::Origin, BTreeSet<T::Loan>>>,
87 pub origin_contains_loan_anywhere: FxHashMap<T::Origin, BTreeSet<T::Loan>>,
88 pub origin_live_on_entry: FxHashMap<T::Point, Vec<T::Origin>>,
89 pub loan_invalidated_at: FxHashMap<T::Point, Vec<T::Loan>>,
90 pub subset: FxHashMap<T::Point, BTreeMap<T::Origin, BTreeSet<T::Origin>>>,
91 pub subset_anywhere: FxHashMap<T::Origin, BTreeSet<T::Origin>>,
92 pub var_live_on_entry: FxHashMap<T::Point, Vec<T::Variable>>,
93 pub var_drop_live_on_entry: FxHashMap<T::Point, Vec<T::Variable>>,
94 pub path_maybe_initialized_on_exit: FxHashMap<T::Point, Vec<T::Path>>,
95 pub path_maybe_uninitialized_on_exit: FxHashMap<T::Point, Vec<T::Path>>,
96 pub known_contains: FxHashMap<T::Origin, BTreeSet<T::Loan>>,
97 pub var_maybe_partly_initialized_on_exit: FxHashMap<T::Point, Vec<T::Variable>>,
100/// Subset of `AllFacts` dedicated to initialization
101struct InitializationContext<T: FactTypes> {
102 child_path: Vec<(T::Path, T::Path)>,
103 path_is_var: Vec<(T::Path, T::Variable)>,
104 path_assigned_at_base: Vec<(T::Path, T::Point)>,
105 path_moved_at_base: Vec<(T::Path, T::Point)>,
106 path_accessed_at_base: Vec<(T::Path, T::Point)>,
109/// Subset of `AllFacts` dedicated to liveness
110struct LivenessContext<T: FactTypes> {
111 var_used_at: Vec<(T::Variable, T::Point)>,
112 var_defined_at: Vec<(T::Variable, T::Point)>,
113 var_dropped_at: Vec<(T::Variable, T::Point)>,
114 use_of_var_derefs_origin: Vec<(T::Variable, T::Origin)>,
115 drop_of_var_derefs_origin: Vec<(T::Variable, T::Origin)>,
118/// Subset of `AllFacts` dedicated to borrow checking, and data ready to use by the variants
119struct Context<'ctx, T: FactTypes> {
120 // `Relation`s used as static inputs, by all variants
121 origin_live_on_entry: Relation<(T::Origin, T::Point)>,
122 loan_invalidated_at: Relation<(T::Loan, T::Point)>,
124 // static inputs used via `Variable`s, by all variants
125 subset_base: &'ctx Vec<(T::Origin, T::Origin, T::Point)>,
126 loan_issued_at: &'ctx Vec<(T::Origin, T::Loan, T::Point)>,
128 // static inputs used by variants other than `LocationInsensitive`
129 loan_killed_at: Relation<(T::Loan, T::Point)>,
130 known_contains: Relation<(T::Origin, T::Loan)>,
131 placeholder_origin: Relation<(T::Origin, ())>,
132 placeholder_loan: Relation<(T::Loan, T::Origin)>,
134 // The `known_placeholder_subset` relation in the facts does not necessarily contain all the
135 // transitive subsets. The transitive closure is always needed, so this version here is fully
136 // closed over.
137 known_placeholder_subset: Relation<(T::Origin, T::Origin)>,
139 // while this static input is unused by `LocationInsensitive`, it's depended on by
140 // initialization and liveness, so already computed by the time we get to borrowcking.
141 cfg_edge: Relation<(T::Point, T::Point)>,
143 // Partial results possibly used by other variants as input. Not currently used yet.
144 #[allow(dead_code)]
145 potential_errors: Option<FxHashSet<T::Loan>>,
146 #[allow(dead_code)]
147 potential_subset_errors: Option<Relation<(T::Origin, T::Origin)>>,
150impl<T: FactTypes> Output<T> {
151 /// All variants require the same initial preparations, done in multiple
152 /// successive steps:
153 /// - compute initialization data
154 /// - compute liveness
155 /// - prepare static inputs as shared `Relation`s
156 /// - in cases where `LocationInsensitive` variant is ran as a filtering pre-pass,
157 /// partial results can also be stored in the context, so that the following
158 /// variant can use it to prune its own input data
159 pub fn compute(all_facts: &AllFacts<T>, algorithm: Algorithm, dump_enabled: bool) -> Self {
160 let mut result = Output::new(dump_enabled);
162 // TODO: remove all the cloning thereafter, but that needs to be done in concert with rustc
164 let cfg_edge = all_facts.cfg_edge.clone().into();
166 // 1) Initialization
167 let initialization_ctx = InitializationContext {
168 child_path: all_facts.child_path.clone(),
169 path_is_var: all_facts.path_is_var.clone(),
170 path_assigned_at_base: all_facts.path_assigned_at_base.clone(),
171 path_moved_at_base: all_facts.path_moved_at_base.clone(),
172 path_accessed_at_base: all_facts.path_accessed_at_base.clone(),
173 };
175 let initialization::InitializationResult::<T>(
176 var_maybe_partly_initialized_on_exit,
177 move_errors,
178 ) = initialization::compute(initialization_ctx, &cfg_edge, &mut result);
180 // FIXME: move errors should prevent the computation from continuing: we can't compute
181 // liveness and analyze loans accurately when there are move errors, and should early
182 // return here.
183 for &(path, location) in move_errors.iter() {
184 result.move_errors.entry(location).or_default().push(path);
185 }
187 // 2) Liveness
188 let liveness_ctx = LivenessContext {
189 var_used_at: all_facts.var_used_at.clone(),
190 var_defined_at: all_facts.var_defined_at.clone(),
191 var_dropped_at: all_facts.var_dropped_at.clone(),
192 use_of_var_derefs_origin: all_facts.use_of_var_derefs_origin.clone(),
193 drop_of_var_derefs_origin: all_facts.drop_of_var_derefs_origin.clone(),
194 };
196 let mut origin_live_on_entry = liveness::compute_live_origins(
197 liveness_ctx,
198 &cfg_edge,
199 var_maybe_partly_initialized_on_exit,
200 &mut result,
201 );
203 let cfg_node = cfg_edge
204 .iter()
205 .map(|&(point1, _)| point1)
206 .chain(cfg_edge.iter().map(|&(_, point2)| point2))
207 .collect();
209 liveness::make_universal_regions_live::<T>(
210 &mut origin_live_on_entry,
211 &cfg_node,
212 &all_facts.universal_region,
213 );
215 // 3) Borrow checking
217 // Prepare data as datafrog relations, ready to join.
218 //
219 // Note: if rustc and polonius had more interaction, we could also delay or avoid
220 // generating some of the facts that are now always present here. For example,
221 // the `LocationInsensitive` variant doesn't use the `loan_killed_at` relation, so we could
222 // technically delay computing and passing it from rustc, when using this or the `Hybrid`
223 // variants, to after the pre-pass has made sure we actually need to compute the full
224 // analysis. If these facts happened to be recorded in separate MIR walks, we might also
225 // avoid generating those facts.
227 let origin_live_on_entry = origin_live_on_entry.into();
229 // TODO: also flip the order of this relation's arguments in rustc
230 // from `loan_invalidated_at(point, loan)` to `loan_invalidated_at(loan, point)`.
231 // to avoid this allocation.
232 let loan_invalidated_at = Relation::from_iter(
233 all_facts
234 .loan_invalidated_at
235 .iter()
236 .map(|&(point, loan)| (loan, point)),
237 );
239 let loan_killed_at = all_facts.loan_killed_at.clone().into();
241 // `known_placeholder_subset` is a list of all the `'a: 'b` subset relations the user gave:
242 // it's not required to be transitive. `known_contains` is its transitive closure: a list
243 // of all the known placeholder loans that each of these placeholder origins contains.
244 // Given the `known_placeholder_subset`s `'a: 'b` and `'b: 'c`: in the `known_contains`
245 // relation, `'a` will also contain `'c`'s placeholder loan.
246 let known_placeholder_subset = all_facts.known_placeholder_subset.clone().into();
247 let known_contains =
248 Output::<T>::compute_known_contains(&known_placeholder_subset, &all_facts.placeholder);
250 // Fully close over the `known_placeholder_subset` relation.
251 let known_placeholder_subset =
252 Output::<T>::compute_known_placeholder_subset(&known_placeholder_subset);
254 let placeholder_origin: Relation<_> = Relation::from_iter(
255 all_facts
256 .universal_region
257 .iter()
258 .map(|&origin| (origin, ())),
259 );
261 let placeholder_loan = Relation::from_iter(
262 all_facts
263 .placeholder
264 .iter()
265 .map(|&(origin, loan)| (loan, origin)),
266 );
268 // Ask the variants to compute errors in their own way
269 let mut ctx = Context {
270 origin_live_on_entry,
271 loan_invalidated_at,
272 cfg_edge,
273 subset_base: &all_facts.subset_base,
274 loan_issued_at: &all_facts.loan_issued_at,
275 loan_killed_at,
276 known_contains,
277 known_placeholder_subset,
278 placeholder_origin,
279 placeholder_loan,
280 potential_errors: None,
281 potential_subset_errors: None,
282 };
284 let (errors, subset_errors) = match algorithm {
285 Algorithm::LocationInsensitive => {
286 let (potential_errors, potential_subset_errors) =
287 location_insensitive::compute(&ctx, &mut result);
289 // Note: the error location is meaningless for a location-insensitive
290 // subset error analysis. This is acceptable here as this variant is not one
291 // which should be used directly besides debugging, the `Hybrid` variant will
292 // take advantage of its result.
293 let potential_subset_errors: Relation<(T::Origin, T::Origin, T::Point)> =
294 Relation::from_iter(
295 potential_subset_errors
296 .into_iter()
297 .map(|&(origin1, origin2)| (origin1, origin2, 0.into())),
298 );
300 (potential_errors, potential_subset_errors)
301 }
302 Algorithm::Naive => naive::compute(&ctx, &mut result),
303 Algorithm::DatafrogOpt => datafrog_opt::compute(&ctx, &mut result),
304 Algorithm::Hybrid => {
305 // Execute the fast `LocationInsensitive` computation as a pre-pass:
306 // if it finds no possible errors, we don't need to do the more complex
307 // computations as they won't find errors either, and we can return early.
308 let (potential_errors, potential_subset_errors) =
309 location_insensitive::compute(&ctx, &mut result);
311 if potential_errors.is_empty() && potential_subset_errors.is_empty() {
312 // There are no loan errors, nor subset errors, we can early return
313 // empty errors lists and avoid doing the heavy analysis.
314 (potential_errors, Vec::new().into())
315 } else {
316 // Record these potential errors as they can be used to limit the next
317 // variant's work to only these loans.
318 ctx.potential_errors =
319 Some(potential_errors.iter().map(|&(loan, _)| loan).collect());
320 ctx.potential_subset_errors = Some(potential_subset_errors);
322 datafrog_opt::compute(&ctx, &mut result)
323 }
324 }
325 Algorithm::Compare => {
326 // Ensure the `Naive` and `DatafrogOpt` errors are the same
327 let (naive_errors, naive_subset_errors) = naive::compute(&ctx, &mut result);
328 let (opt_errors, _) = datafrog_opt::compute(&ctx, &mut result);
330 // TODO: compare illegal subset relations errors as well here ?
332 let mut naive_errors_by_point = FxHashMap::default();
333 for &(loan, point) in naive_errors.iter() {
334 naive_errors_by_point
335 .entry(point)
336 .or_insert_with(Vec::new)
337 .push(loan);
338 }
340 let mut opt_errors_by_point = FxHashMap::default();
341 for &(loan, point) in opt_errors.iter() {
342 opt_errors_by_point
343 .entry(point)
344 .or_insert_with(Vec::new)
345 .push(loan);
346 }
348 if compare_errors(&naive_errors_by_point, &opt_errors_by_point) {
349 panic!(concat!(
350 "The errors reported by the naive algorithm differ from ",
351 "the errors reported by the optimized algorithm. ",
352 "See the error log for details."
353 ));
354 } else {
355 debug!("Naive and optimized algorithms reported the same errors.");
356 }
358 (naive_errors, naive_subset_errors)
359 }
360 };
362 // Record illegal access errors
363 for &(loan, location) in errors.iter() {
364 result.errors.entry(location).or_default().push(loan);
365 }
367 // Record illegal subset errors
368 for &(origin1, origin2, location) in subset_errors.iter() {
369 result
370 .subset_errors
371 .entry(location)
372 .or_default()
373 .insert((origin1, origin2));
374 }
376 // Record more debugging info when asked to do so
377 if dump_enabled {
378 for &(origin, location) in ctx.origin_live_on_entry.iter() {
379 result
380 .origin_live_on_entry
381 .entry(location)
382 .or_default()
383 .push(origin);
384 }
386 for &(origin, loan) in ctx.known_contains.iter() {
387 result
388 .known_contains
389 .entry(origin)
390 .or_default()
391 .insert(loan);
392 }
393 }
395 result
396 }
398 /// Computes the transitive closure of the `known_placeholder_subset` relation, so that we have
399 /// the full list of placeholder loans contained by the placeholder origins.
400 fn compute_known_contains(
401 known_placeholder_subset: &Relation<(T::Origin, T::Origin)>,
402 placeholder: &[(T::Origin, T::Loan)],
403 ) -> Relation<(T::Origin, T::Loan)> {
404 let mut iteration = datafrog::Iteration::new();
405 let known_contains = iteration.variable("known_contains");
407 // known_contains(Origin1, Loan1) :-
408 // placeholder(Origin1, Loan1).
409 known_contains.extend(placeholder.iter());
411 while iteration.changed() {
412 // known_contains(Origin2, Loan1) :-
413 // known_contains(Origin1, Loan1),
414 // known_placeholder_subset(Origin1, Origin2).
415 known_contains.from_join(
416 &known_contains,
417 known_placeholder_subset,
418 |&_origin1, &loan1, &origin2| (origin2, loan1),
419 );
420 }
422 known_contains.complete()
423 }
425 /// Computes the transitive closure of the `known_placeholder_subset` relation.
426 fn compute_known_placeholder_subset(
427 known_placeholder_subset_base: &Relation<(T::Origin, T::Origin)>,
428 ) -> Relation<(T::Origin, T::Origin)> {
429 use datafrog::{Iteration, RelationLeaper};
430 let mut iteration = Iteration::new();
432 let known_placeholder_subset = iteration.variable("known_placeholder_subset");
434 // known_placeholder_subset(Origin1, Origin2) :-
435 // known_placeholder_subset_base(Origin1, Origin2).
436 known_placeholder_subset.extend(known_placeholder_subset_base.iter());
438 while iteration.changed() {
439 // known_placeholder_subset(Origin1, Origin3) :-
440 // known_placeholder_subset(Origin1, Origin2),
441 // known_placeholder_subset_base(Origin2, Origin3).
442 known_placeholder_subset.from_leapjoin(
443 &known_placeholder_subset,
444 known_placeholder_subset_base.extend_with(|&(_origin1, origin2)| origin2),
445 |&(origin1, _origin2), &origin3| (origin1, origin3),
446 );
447 }
449 known_placeholder_subset.complete()
450 }
452 fn new(dump_enabled: bool) -> Self {
453 Output {
454 errors: FxHashMap::default(),
455 subset_errors: FxHashMap::default(),
456 dump_enabled,
457 loan_live_at: FxHashMap::default(),
458 origin_contains_loan_at: FxHashMap::default(),
459 origin_contains_loan_anywhere: FxHashMap::default(),
460 origin_live_on_entry: FxHashMap::default(),
461 loan_invalidated_at: FxHashMap::default(),
462 move_errors: FxHashMap::default(),
463 subset: FxHashMap::default(),
464 subset_anywhere: FxHashMap::default(),
465 var_live_on_entry: FxHashMap::default(),
466 var_drop_live_on_entry: FxHashMap::default(),
467 path_maybe_initialized_on_exit: FxHashMap::default(),
468 path_maybe_uninitialized_on_exit: FxHashMap::default(),
469 var_maybe_partly_initialized_on_exit: FxHashMap::default(),
470 known_contains: FxHashMap::default(),
471 }
472 }
474 pub fn errors_at(&self, location: T::Point) -> &[T::Loan] {
475 match self.errors.get(&location) {
476 Some(v) => v,
477 None => &[],
478 }
479 }
481 pub fn loans_in_scope_at(&self, location: T::Point) -> &[T::Loan] {
482 match self.loan_live_at.get(&location) {
483 Some(p) => p,
484 None => &[],
485 }
486 }
488 pub fn origin_contains_loan_at(
489 &self,
490 location: T::Point,
491 ) -> Cow<'_, BTreeMap<T::Origin, BTreeSet<T::Loan>>> {
492 assert!(self.dump_enabled);
493 match self.origin_contains_loan_at.get(&location) {
494 Some(map) => Cow::Borrowed(map),
495 None => Cow::Owned(BTreeMap::default()),
496 }
497 }
499 pub fn origins_live_at(&self, location: T::Point) -> &[T::Origin] {
500 assert!(self.dump_enabled);
501 match self.origin_live_on_entry.get(&location) {
502 Some(v) => v,
503 None => &[],
504 }
505 }
507 pub fn subsets_at(
508 &self,
509 location: T::Point,
510 ) -> Cow<'_, BTreeMap<T::Origin, BTreeSet<T::Origin>>> {
511 assert!(self.dump_enabled);
512 match self.subset.get(&location) {
513 Some(v) => Cow::Borrowed(v),
514 None => Cow::Owned(BTreeMap::default()),
515 }
516 }
519/// Compares errors reported by Naive implementation with the errors
520/// reported by the optimized implementation.
521fn compare_errors<Loan: Atom, Point: Atom>(
522 all_naive_errors: &FxHashMap<Point, Vec<Loan>>,
523 all_opt_errors: &FxHashMap<Point, Vec<Loan>>,
524) -> bool {
525 let points = all_naive_errors.keys().chain(all_opt_errors.keys());
527 let mut differ = false;
528 for point in points {
529 let mut naive_errors = all_naive_errors.get(&point).cloned().unwrap_or_default();
530 naive_errors.sort();
532 let mut opt_errors = all_opt_errors.get(&point).cloned().unwrap_or_default();
533 opt_errors.sort();
535 for err in naive_errors.iter() {
536 if !opt_errors.contains(err) {
537 error!(
538 "Error {0:?} at {1:?} reported by naive, but not opt.",
539 err, point
540 );
541 differ = true;
542 }
543 }
545 for err in opt_errors.iter() {
546 if !naive_errors.contains(err) {
547 error!(
548 "Error {0:?} at {1:?} reported by opt, but not naive.",
549 err, point
550 );
551 differ = true;
552 }
553 }
554 }
556 differ
560mod tests {
561 use super::*;
563 impl Atom for usize {
564 fn index(self) -> usize {
565 self
566 }
567 }
569 fn compare(
570 errors1: &FxHashMap<usize, Vec<usize>>,
571 errors2: &FxHashMap<usize, Vec<usize>>,
572 ) -> bool {
573 let diff1 = compare_errors(errors1, errors2);
574 let diff2 = compare_errors(errors2, errors1);
575 assert_eq!(diff1, diff2);
576 diff1
577 }
579 #[test]
580 fn test_compare_errors() {
581 let empty = FxHashMap::default();
582 assert_eq!(false, compare(&empty, &empty));
583 let mut empty_vec = FxHashMap::default();
584 empty_vec.insert(1, vec![]);
585 empty_vec.insert(2, vec![]);
586 assert_eq!(false, compare(&empty, &empty_vec));
588 let mut singleton1 = FxHashMap::default();
589 singleton1.insert(1, vec![10]);
590 assert_eq!(false, compare(&singleton1, &singleton1));
591 let mut singleton2 = FxHashMap::default();
592 singleton2.insert(1, vec![11]);
593 assert_eq!(false, compare(&singleton2, &singleton2));
594 let mut singleton3 = FxHashMap::default();
595 singleton3.insert(2, vec![10]);
596 assert_eq!(false, compare(&singleton3, &singleton3));
598 assert_eq!(true, compare(&singleton1, &singleton2));
599 assert_eq!(true, compare(&singleton2, &singleton3));
600 assert_eq!(true, compare(&singleton1, &singleton3));
602 assert_eq!(true, compare(&empty, &singleton1));
603 assert_eq!(true, compare(&empty, &singleton2));
604 assert_eq!(true, compare(&empty, &singleton3));
606 let mut errors1 = FxHashMap::default();
607 errors1.insert(1, vec![11]);
608 errors1.insert(2, vec![10]);
609 assert_eq!(false, compare(&errors1, &errors1));
610 assert_eq!(true, compare(&errors1, &singleton1));
611 assert_eq!(true, compare(&errors1, &singleton2));
612 assert_eq!(true, compare(&errors1, &singleton3));
613 }