1//! Implementation of various bits and pieces of the `panic!` macro and
2//! associated runtime pieces.
4//! Specifically, this module contains the implementation of:
6//! * Panic hooks
7//! * Executing a panic up to doing the actual implementation
8//! * Shims around "try"
12use crate::panic::BacktraceStyle;
13use core::panic::{Location, PanicInfo, PanicPayload};
15use crate::any::Any;
16use crate::fmt;
17use crate::intrinsics;
18use crate::mem::{self, ManuallyDrop};
19use crate::process;
20use crate::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
21use crate::sync::{PoisonError, RwLock};
22use crate::sys::stdio::panic_output;
23use crate::sys_common::backtrace;
24use crate::thread;
27use crate::io::try_set_output_capture;
28// make sure to use the stderr output configured
29// by libtest in the real copy of std
31use realstd::io::try_set_output_capture;
33// Binary interface to the panic runtime that the standard library depends on.
35// The standard library is tagged with `#![needs_panic_runtime]` (introduced in
36// RFC 1513) to indicate that it requires some other crate tagged with
37// `#![panic_runtime]` to exist somewhere. Each panic runtime is intended to
38// implement these symbols (with the same signatures) so we can get matched up
39// to them.
41// One day this may look a little less ad-hoc with the compiler helping out to
42// hook up these functions, but it is not this day!
44extern "C" {
45 fn __rust_panic_cleanup(payload: *mut u8) -> *mut (dyn Any + Send + 'static);
48extern "Rust" {
49 /// `PanicPayload` lazily performs allocation only when needed (this avoids
50 /// allocations when using the "abort" panic runtime).
51 fn __rust_start_panic(payload: &mut dyn PanicPayload) -> u32;
54/// This function is called by the panic runtime if FFI code catches a Rust
55/// panic but doesn't rethrow it. We don't support this case since it messes
56/// with our panic count.
59extern "C" fn __rust_drop_panic() -> ! {
60 rtabort!("Rust panics must be rethrown");
63/// This function is called by the panic runtime if it catches an exception
64/// object which does not correspond to a Rust panic.
67extern "C" fn __rust_foreign_exception() -> ! {
68 rtabort!("Rust cannot catch foreign exceptions");
71enum Hook {
72 Default,
73 Custom(Box<dyn Fn(&PanicInfo<'_>) + 'static + Sync + Send>),
76impl Hook {
77 #[inline]
78 fn into_box(self) -> Box<dyn Fn(&PanicInfo<'_>) + 'static + Sync + Send> {
79 match self {
80 Hook::Default => Box::new(default_hook),
81 Hook::Custom(hook: Box) + Sync + Send>) => hook,
82 }
83 }
86impl Default for Hook {
87 #[inline]
88 fn default() -> Hook {
89 Hook::Default
90 }
93static HOOK: RwLock<Hook> = RwLock::new(Hook::Default);
95/// Registers a custom panic hook, replacing the previously registered hook.
97/// The panic hook is invoked when a thread panics, but before the panic runtime
98/// is invoked. As such, the hook will run with both the aborting and unwinding
99/// runtimes.
101/// The default hook, which is registered at startup, prints a message to standard error and
102/// generates a backtrace if requested. This behavior can be customized using the `set_hook` function.
103/// The current hook can be retrieved while reinstating the default hook with the [`take_hook`]
104/// function.
106/// [`take_hook`]: ./fn.take_hook.html
108/// The hook is provided with a `PanicInfo` struct which contains information
109/// about the origin of the panic, including the payload passed to `panic!` and
110/// the source code location from which the panic originated.
112/// The panic hook is a global resource.
114/// # Panics
116/// Panics if called from a panicking thread.
118/// # Examples
120/// The following will print "Custom panic hook":
122/// ```should_panic
123/// use std::panic;
125/// panic::set_hook(Box::new(|_| {
126/// println!("Custom panic hook");
127/// }));
129/// panic!("Normal panic");
130/// ```
131#[stable(feature = "panic_hooks", since = "1.10.0")]
132pub fn set_hook(hook: Box<dyn Fn(&PanicInfo<'_>) + 'static + Sync + Send>) {
133 if thread::panicking() {
134 panic!("cannot modify the panic hook from a panicking thread");
135 }
137 let new: Hook = Hook::Custom(hook);
138 let mut hook: RwLockWriteGuard<'_, Hook> = HOOK.write().unwrap_or_else(op:PoisonError::into_inner);
139 let old: Hook = mem::replace(&mut *hook, src:new);
140 drop(hook);
141 // Only drop the old hook after releasing the lock to avoid deadlocking
142 // if its destructor panics.
143 drop(old);
146/// Unregisters the current panic hook and returns it, registering the default hook
147/// in its place.
149/// *See also the function [`set_hook`].*
151/// [`set_hook`]: ./fn.set_hook.html
153/// If the default hook is registered it will be returned, but remain registered.
155/// # Panics
157/// Panics if called from a panicking thread.
159/// # Examples
161/// The following will print "Normal panic":
163/// ```should_panic
164/// use std::panic;
166/// panic::set_hook(Box::new(|_| {
167/// println!("Custom panic hook");
168/// }));
170/// let _ = panic::take_hook();
172/// panic!("Normal panic");
173/// ```
175#[stable(feature = "panic_hooks", since = "1.10.0")]
176pub fn take_hook() -> Box<dyn Fn(&PanicInfo<'_>) + 'static + Sync + Send> {
177 if thread::panicking() {
178 panic!("cannot modify the panic hook from a panicking thread");
179 }
181 let mut hook: RwLockWriteGuard<'_, Hook> = HOOK.write().unwrap_or_else(op:PoisonError::into_inner);
182 let old_hook: Hook = mem::take(&mut *hook);
183 drop(hook);
185 old_hook.into_box()
188/// Atomic combination of [`take_hook`] and [`set_hook`]. Use this to replace the panic handler with
189/// a new panic handler that does something and then executes the old handler.
191/// [`take_hook`]: ./fn.take_hook.html
192/// [`set_hook`]: ./fn.set_hook.html
194/// # Panics
196/// Panics if called from a panicking thread.
198/// # Examples
200/// The following will print the custom message, and then the normal output of panic.
202/// ```should_panic
203/// #![feature(panic_update_hook)]
204/// use std::panic;
206/// // Equivalent to
207/// // let prev = panic::take_hook();
208/// // panic::set_hook(move |info| {
209/// // println!("...");
210/// // prev(info);
211/// // );
212/// panic::update_hook(move |prev, info| {
213/// println!("Print custom message and execute panic handler as usual");
214/// prev(info);
215/// });
217/// panic!("Custom and then normal");
218/// ```
219#[unstable(feature = "panic_update_hook", issue = "92649")]
220pub fn update_hook<F>(hook_fn: F)
222 F: Fn(&(dyn Fn(&PanicInfo<'_>) + Send + Sync + 'static), &PanicInfo<'_>)
223 + Sync
224 + Send
225 + 'static,
227 if thread::panicking() {
228 panic!("cannot modify the panic hook from a panicking thread");
229 }
231 let mut hook: RwLockWriteGuard<'_, Hook> = HOOK.write().unwrap_or_else(op:PoisonError::into_inner);
232 let prev: Box) + Sync + Send> = mem::take(&mut *hook).into_box();
233 *hook = Hook::Custom(Box::new(move |info: &PanicInfo<'_>| hook_fn(&prev, info)));
236/// The default panic handler.
237fn default_hook(info: &PanicInfo<'_>) {
238 // If this is a double panic, make sure that we print a backtrace
239 // for this panic. Otherwise only print it if logging is enabled.
240 let backtrace = if info.force_no_backtrace() {
241 None
242 } else if panic_count::get_count() >= 2 {
243 BacktraceStyle::full()
244 } else {
245 crate::panic::get_backtrace_style()
246 };
248 // The current implementation always returns `Some`.
249 let location = info.location().unwrap();
251 let msg = match info.payload().downcast_ref::<&'static str>() {
252 Some(s) => *s,
253 None => match info.payload().downcast_ref::<String>() {
254 Some(s) => &s[..],
255 None => "Box<dyn Any>",
256 },
257 };
258 let thread = thread::try_current();
259 let name = thread.as_ref().and_then(|t| t.name()).unwrap_or("<unnamed>");
261 let write = |err: &mut dyn crate::io::Write| {
262 let _ = writeln!(err, "thread '{name}' panicked at {location}:\n{msg}");
264 static FIRST_PANIC: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(true);
266 match backtrace {
267 Some(BacktraceStyle::Short) => {
268 drop(backtrace::print(err, crate::backtrace_rs::PrintFmt::Short))
269 }
270 Some(BacktraceStyle::Full) => {
271 drop(backtrace::print(err, crate::backtrace_rs::PrintFmt::Full))
272 }
273 Some(BacktraceStyle::Off) => {
274 if FIRST_PANIC.swap(false, Ordering::Relaxed) {
275 let _ = writeln!(
276 err,
277 "note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a \
278 backtrace"
279 );
280 if cfg!(miri) {
281 let _ = writeln!(
282 err,
283 "note: in Miri, you may have to set `-Zmiri-env-forward=RUST_BACKTRACE` \
284 for the environment variable to have an effect"
285 );
286 }
287 }
288 }
289 // If backtraces aren't supported or are forced-off, do nothing.
290 None => {}
291 }
292 };
294 if let Ok(Some(local)) = try_set_output_capture(None) {
295 write(&mut *local.lock().unwrap_or_else(|e| e.into_inner()));
296 try_set_output_capture(Some(local)).ok();
297 } else if let Some(mut out) = panic_output() {
298 write(&mut out);
299 }
304#[cfg(feature = "panic_immediate_abort")]
305#[unstable(feature = "update_panic_count", issue = "none")]
306pub mod panic_count {
307 /// A reason for forcing an immediate abort on panic.
308 #[derive(Debug)]
309 pub enum MustAbort {
310 AlwaysAbort,
311 PanicInHook,
312 }
314 #[inline]
315 pub fn increase(run_panic_hook: bool) -> Option<MustAbort> {
316 None
317 }
319 #[inline]
320 pub fn finished_panic_hook() {}
322 #[inline]
323 pub fn decrease() {}
325 #[inline]
326 pub fn set_always_abort() {}
328 // Disregards ALWAYS_ABORT_FLAG
329 #[inline]
330 #[must_use]
331 pub fn get_count() -> usize {
332 0
333 }
335 #[must_use]
336 #[inline]
337 pub fn count_is_zero() -> bool {
338 true
339 }
344#[cfg(not(feature = "panic_immediate_abort"))]
345#[unstable(feature = "update_panic_count", issue = "none")]
346pub mod panic_count {
347 use crate::cell::Cell;
348 use crate::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
350 const ALWAYS_ABORT_FLAG: usize = 1 << (usize::BITS - 1);
352 /// A reason for forcing an immediate abort on panic.
353 #[derive(Debug)]
354 pub enum MustAbort {
355 AlwaysAbort,
356 PanicInHook,
357 }
359 // Panic count for the current thread and whether a panic hook is currently
360 // being executed..
361 thread_local! {
362 static LOCAL_PANIC_COUNT: Cell<(usize, bool)> = const { Cell::new((0, false)) }
363 }
365 // Sum of panic counts from all threads. The purpose of this is to have
366 // a fast path in `count_is_zero` (which is used by `panicking`). In any particular
367 // thread, if that thread currently views `GLOBAL_PANIC_COUNT` as being zero,
368 // then `LOCAL_PANIC_COUNT` in that thread is zero. This invariant holds before
369 // and after increase and decrease, but not necessarily during their execution.
370 //
371 // Additionally, the top bit of GLOBAL_PANIC_COUNT (GLOBAL_ALWAYS_ABORT_FLAG)
372 // records whether panic::always_abort() has been called. This can only be
373 // set, never cleared.
374 // panic::always_abort() is usually called to prevent memory allocations done by
375 // the panic handling in the child created by `libc::fork`.
376 // Memory allocations performed in a child created with `libc::fork` are undefined
377 // behavior in most operating systems.
378 // Accessing LOCAL_PANIC_COUNT in a child created by `libc::fork` would lead to a memory
379 // allocation. Only GLOBAL_PANIC_COUNT can be accessed in this situation. This is
380 // sufficient because a child process will always have exactly one thread only.
381 // See also #85261 for details.
382 //
383 // This could be viewed as a struct containing a single bit and an n-1-bit
384 // value, but if we wrote it like that it would be more than a single word,
385 // and even a newtype around usize would be clumsy because we need atomics.
386 // But we use such a tuple for the return type of increase().
387 //
388 // Stealing a bit is fine because it just amounts to assuming that each
389 // panicking thread consumes at least 2 bytes of address space.
390 static GLOBAL_PANIC_COUNT: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
392 // Increases the global and local panic count, and returns whether an
393 // immediate abort is required.
394 //
395 // This also updates thread-local state to keep track of whether a panic
396 // hook is currently executing.
397 pub fn increase(run_panic_hook: bool) -> Option<MustAbort> {
398 let global_count = GLOBAL_PANIC_COUNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
399 if global_count & ALWAYS_ABORT_FLAG != 0 {
400 // Do *not* access thread-local state, we might be after a `fork`.
401 return Some(MustAbort::AlwaysAbort);
402 }
404 LOCAL_PANIC_COUNT.with(|c| {
405 let (count, in_panic_hook) = c.get();
406 if in_panic_hook {
407 return Some(MustAbort::PanicInHook);
408 }
409 c.set((count + 1, run_panic_hook));
410 None
411 })
412 }
414 pub fn finished_panic_hook() {
415 LOCAL_PANIC_COUNT.with(|c| {
416 let (count, _) = c.get();
417 c.set((count, false));
418 });
419 }
421 pub fn decrease() {
422 GLOBAL_PANIC_COUNT.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
423 LOCAL_PANIC_COUNT.with(|c| {
424 let (count, _) = c.get();
425 c.set((count - 1, false));
426 });
427 }
429 pub fn set_always_abort() {
430 GLOBAL_PANIC_COUNT.fetch_or(ALWAYS_ABORT_FLAG, Ordering::Relaxed);
431 }
433 // Disregards ALWAYS_ABORT_FLAG
434 #[must_use]
435 pub fn get_count() -> usize {
436 LOCAL_PANIC_COUNT.with(|c| c.get().0)
437 }
439 // Disregards ALWAYS_ABORT_FLAG
440 #[must_use]
441 #[inline]
442 pub fn count_is_zero() -> bool {
443 if GLOBAL_PANIC_COUNT.load(Ordering::Relaxed) & !ALWAYS_ABORT_FLAG == 0 {
444 // Fast path: if `GLOBAL_PANIC_COUNT` is zero, all threads
445 // (including the current one) will have `LOCAL_PANIC_COUNT`
446 // equal to zero, so TLS access can be avoided.
447 //
448 // In terms of performance, a relaxed atomic load is similar to a normal
449 // aligned memory read (e.g., a mov instruction in x86), but with some
450 // compiler optimization restrictions. On the other hand, a TLS access
451 // might require calling a non-inlinable function (such as `__tls_get_addr`
452 // when using the GD TLS model).
453 true
454 } else {
455 is_zero_slow_path()
456 }
457 }
459 // Slow path is in a separate function to reduce the amount of code
460 // inlined from `count_is_zero`.
461 #[inline(never)]
462 #[cold]
463 fn is_zero_slow_path() -> bool {
464 LOCAL_PANIC_COUNT.with(|c| c.get().0 == 0)
465 }
469pub use realstd::rt::panic_count;
471/// Invoke a closure, capturing the cause of an unwinding panic if one occurs.
472#[cfg(feature = "panic_immediate_abort")]
473pub unsafe fn r#try<R, F: FnOnce() -> R>(f: F) -> Result<R, Box<dyn Any + Send>> {
474 Ok(f())
477/// Invoke a closure, capturing the cause of an unwinding panic if one occurs.
478#[cfg(not(feature = "panic_immediate_abort"))]
479pub unsafe fn r#try<R, F: FnOnce() -> R>(f: F) -> Result<R, Box<dyn Any + Send>> {
480 union Data<F, R> {
481 f: ManuallyDrop<F>,
482 r: ManuallyDrop<R>,
483 p: ManuallyDrop<Box<dyn Any + Send>>,
484 }
486 // We do some sketchy operations with ownership here for the sake of
487 // performance. We can only pass pointers down to `do_call` (can't pass
488 // objects by value), so we do all the ownership tracking here manually
489 // using a union.
490 //
491 // We go through a transition where:
492 //
493 // * First, we set the data field `f` to be the argumentless closure that we're going to call.
494 // * When we make the function call, the `do_call` function below, we take
495 // ownership of the function pointer. At this point the `data` union is
496 // entirely uninitialized.
497 // * If the closure successfully returns, we write the return value into the
498 // data's return slot (field `r`).
499 // * If the closure panics (`do_catch` below), we write the panic payload into field `p`.
500 // * Finally, when we come back out of the `try` intrinsic we're
501 // in one of two states:
502 //
503 // 1. The closure didn't panic, in which case the return value was
504 // filled in. We move it out of `data.r` and return it.
505 // 2. The closure panicked, in which case the panic payload was
506 // filled in. We move it out of `data.p` and return it.
507 //
508 // Once we stack all that together we should have the "most efficient'
509 // method of calling a catch panic whilst juggling ownership.
510 let mut data = Data { f: ManuallyDrop::new(f) };
512 let data_ptr = core::ptr::addr_of_mut!(data) as *mut u8;
513 // SAFETY:
514 //
515 // Access to the union's fields: this is `std` and we know that the `r#try`
516 // intrinsic fills in the `r` or `p` union field based on its return value.
517 //
518 // The call to `intrinsics::catch_unwind` is made safe by:
519 // - `do_call`, the first argument, can be called with the initial `data_ptr`.
520 // - `do_catch`, the second argument, can be called with the `data_ptr` as well.
521 // See their safety preconditions for more information
522 unsafe {
523 return if intrinsics::catch_unwind(do_call::<F, R>, data_ptr, do_catch::<F, R>) == 0 {
524 Ok(ManuallyDrop::into_inner(data.r))
525 } else {
526 Err(ManuallyDrop::into_inner(data.p))
527 };
528 }
530 // We consider unwinding to be rare, so mark this function as cold. However,
531 // do not mark it no-inline -- that decision is best to leave to the
532 // optimizer (in most cases this function is not inlined even as a normal,
533 // non-cold function, though, as of the writing of this comment).
534 #[cold]
535 unsafe fn cleanup(payload: *mut u8) -> Box<dyn Any + Send + 'static> {
536 // SAFETY: The whole unsafe block hinges on a correct implementation of
537 // the panic handler `__rust_panic_cleanup`. As such we can only
538 // assume it returns the correct thing for `Box::from_raw` to work
539 // without undefined behavior.
540 let obj = unsafe { Box::from_raw(__rust_panic_cleanup(payload)) };
541 panic_count::decrease();
542 obj
543 }
545 // SAFETY:
546 // data must be non-NUL, correctly aligned, and a pointer to a `Data<F, R>`
547 // Its must contains a valid `f` (type: F) value that can be use to fill
548 // `data.r`.
549 //
550 // This function cannot be marked as `unsafe` because `intrinsics::catch_unwind`
551 // expects normal function pointers.
552 #[inline]
553 fn do_call<F: FnOnce() -> R, R>(data: *mut u8) {
554 // SAFETY: this is the responsibility of the caller, see above.
555 unsafe {
556 let data = data as *mut Data<F, R>;
557 let data = &mut (*data);
558 let f = ManuallyDrop::take(&mut data.f);
559 data.r = ManuallyDrop::new(f());
560 }
561 }
563 // We *do* want this part of the catch to be inlined: this allows the
564 // compiler to properly track accesses to the Data union and optimize it
565 // away most of the time.
566 //
567 // SAFETY:
568 // data must be non-NUL, correctly aligned, and a pointer to a `Data<F, R>`
569 // Since this uses `cleanup` it also hinges on a correct implementation of
570 // `__rustc_panic_cleanup`.
571 //
572 // This function cannot be marked as `unsafe` because `intrinsics::catch_unwind`
573 // expects normal function pointers.
574 #[inline]
575 #[rustc_nounwind] // `intrinsic::r#try` requires catch fn to be nounwind
576 fn do_catch<F: FnOnce() -> R, R>(data: *mut u8, payload: *mut u8) {
577 // SAFETY: this is the responsibility of the caller, see above.
578 //
579 // When `__rustc_panic_cleaner` is correctly implemented we can rely
580 // on `obj` being the correct thing to pass to `data.p` (after wrapping
581 // in `ManuallyDrop`).
582 unsafe {
583 let data = data as *mut Data<F, R>;
584 let data = &mut (*data);
585 let obj = cleanup(payload);
586 data.p = ManuallyDrop::new(obj);
587 }
588 }
591/// Determines whether the current thread is unwinding because of panic.
593pub fn panicking() -> bool {
594 !panic_count::count_is_zero()
597/// Entry point of panics from the core crate (`panic_impl` lang item).
598#[cfg(not(any(test, doctest)))]
600pub fn begin_panic_handler(info: &PanicInfo<'_>) -> ! {
601 struct FormatStringPayload<'a> {
602 inner: &'a fmt::Arguments<'a>,
603 string: Option<String>,
604 }
606 impl<'a> FormatStringPayload<'a> {
607 fn new(inner: &'a fmt::Arguments<'a>) -> Self {
608 Self { inner, string: None }
609 }
611 fn fill(&mut self) -> &mut String {
612 use crate::fmt::Write;
614 let inner = self.inner;
615 // Lazily, the first time this gets called, run the actual string formatting.
616 self.string.get_or_insert_with(|| {
617 let mut s = String::new();
618 let _err = s.write_fmt(*inner);
619 s
620 })
621 }
622 }
624 unsafe impl<'a> PanicPayload for FormatStringPayload<'a> {
625 fn take_box(&mut self) -> *mut (dyn Any + Send) {
626 // We do two allocations here, unfortunately. But (a) they're required with the current
627 // scheme, and (b) we don't handle panic + OOM properly anyway (see comment in
628 // begin_panic below).
629 let contents = mem::take(self.fill());
630 Box::into_raw(Box::new(contents))
631 }
633 fn get(&mut self) -> &(dyn Any + Send) {
634 self.fill()
635 }
636 }
638 struct StaticStrPayload(&'static str);
640 unsafe impl PanicPayload for StaticStrPayload {
641 fn take_box(&mut self) -> *mut (dyn Any + Send) {
642 Box::into_raw(Box::new(self.0))
643 }
645 fn get(&mut self) -> &(dyn Any + Send) {
646 &self.0
647 }
648 }
650 let loc = info.location().unwrap(); // The current implementation always returns Some
651 let msg = info.message().unwrap(); // The current implementation always returns Some
652 crate::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_end_short_backtrace(move || {
653 // FIXME: can we just pass `info` along rather than taking it apart here, only to have
654 // `rust_panic_with_hook` construct a new `PanicInfo`?
655 if let Some(msg) = msg.as_str() {
656 rust_panic_with_hook(
657 &mut StaticStrPayload(msg),
658 info.message(),
659 loc,
660 info.can_unwind(),
661 info.force_no_backtrace(),
662 );
663 } else {
664 rust_panic_with_hook(
665 &mut FormatStringPayload::new(msg),
666 info.message(),
667 loc,
668 info.can_unwind(),
669 info.force_no_backtrace(),
670 );
671 }
672 })
675/// This is the entry point of panicking for the non-format-string variants of
676/// panic!() and assert!(). In particular, this is the only entry point that supports
677/// arbitrary payloads, not just format strings.
678#[unstable(feature = "libstd_sys_internals", reason = "used by the panic! macro", issue = "none")]
679#[cfg_attr(not(any(test, doctest)), lang = "begin_panic")]
680// lang item for CTFE panic support
681// never inline unless panic_immediate_abort to avoid code
682// bloat at the call sites as much as possible
683#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "panic_immediate_abort"), inline(never), cold)]
684#[cfg_attr(feature = "panic_immediate_abort", inline)]
686#[rustc_do_not_const_check] // hooked by const-eval
687pub const fn begin_panic<M: Any + Send>(msg: M) -> ! {
688 if cfg!(feature = "panic_immediate_abort") {
689 intrinsics::abort()
690 }
692 let loc = Location::caller();
693 return crate::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_end_short_backtrace(move || {
694 rust_panic_with_hook(
695 &mut Payload::new(msg),
696 None,
697 loc,
698 /* can_unwind */ true,
699 /* force_no_backtrace */ false,
700 )
701 });
703 struct Payload<A> {
704 inner: Option<A>,
705 }
707 impl<A: Send + 'static> Payload<A> {
708 fn new(inner: A) -> Payload<A> {
709 Payload { inner: Some(inner) }
710 }
711 }
713 unsafe impl<A: Send + 'static> PanicPayload for Payload<A> {
714 fn take_box(&mut self) -> *mut (dyn Any + Send) {
715 // Note that this should be the only allocation performed in this code path. Currently
716 // this means that panic!() on OOM will invoke this code path, but then again we're not
717 // really ready for panic on OOM anyway. If we do start doing this, then we should
718 // propagate this allocation to be performed in the parent of this thread instead of the
719 // thread that's panicking.
720 let data = match self.inner.take() {
721 Some(a) => Box::new(a) as Box<dyn Any + Send>,
722 None => process::abort(),
723 };
724 Box::into_raw(data)
725 }
727 fn get(&mut self) -> &(dyn Any + Send) {
728 match self.inner {
729 Some(ref a) => a,
730 None => process::abort(),
731 }
732 }
733 }
736/// Central point for dispatching panics.
738/// Executes the primary logic for a panic, including checking for recursive
739/// panics, panic hooks, and finally dispatching to the panic runtime to either
740/// abort or unwind.
741fn rust_panic_with_hook(
742 payload: &mut dyn PanicPayload,
743 message: Option<&fmt::Arguments<'_>>,
744 location: &Location<'_>,
745 can_unwind: bool,
746 force_no_backtrace: bool,
747) -> ! {
748 let must_abort = panic_count::increase(true);
750 // Check if we need to abort immediately.
751 if let Some(must_abort) = must_abort {
752 match must_abort {
753 panic_count::MustAbort::PanicInHook => {
754 // Don't try to format the message in this case, perhaps that is causing the
755 // recursive panics. However if the message is just a string, no user-defined
756 // code is involved in printing it, so that is risk-free.
757 let msg_str = message.and_then(|m| m.as_str()).map(|m| [m]);
758 let message = msg_str.as_ref().map(|m| fmt::Arguments::new_const(m));
759 let panicinfo = PanicInfo::internal_constructor(
760 message.as_ref(),
761 location,
762 can_unwind,
763 force_no_backtrace,
764 );
765 rtprintpanic!("{panicinfo}\nthread panicked while processing panic. aborting.\n");
766 }
767 panic_count::MustAbort::AlwaysAbort => {
768 // Unfortunately, this does not print a backtrace, because creating
769 // a `Backtrace` will allocate, which we must avoid here.
770 let panicinfo = PanicInfo::internal_constructor(
771 message,
772 location,
773 can_unwind,
774 force_no_backtrace,
775 );
776 rtprintpanic!("{panicinfo}\npanicked after panic::always_abort(), aborting.\n");
777 }
778 }
779 crate::sys::abort_internal();
780 }
782 let mut info =
783 PanicInfo::internal_constructor(message, location, can_unwind, force_no_backtrace);
784 let hook = HOOK.read().unwrap_or_else(PoisonError::into_inner);
785 match *hook {
786 // Some platforms (like wasm) know that printing to stderr won't ever actually
787 // print anything, and if that's the case we can skip the default
788 // hook. Since string formatting happens lazily when calling `payload`
789 // methods, this means we avoid formatting the string at all!
790 // (The panic runtime might still call `payload.take_box()` though and trigger
791 // formatting.)
792 Hook::Default if panic_output().is_none() => {}
793 Hook::Default => {
794 info.set_payload(payload.get());
795 default_hook(&info);
796 }
797 Hook::Custom(ref hook) => {
798 info.set_payload(payload.get());
799 hook(&info);
800 }
801 };
802 drop(hook);
804 // Indicate that we have finished executing the panic hook. After this point
805 // it is fine if there is a panic while executing destructors, as long as it
806 // it contained within a `catch_unwind`.
807 panic_count::finished_panic_hook();
809 if !can_unwind {
810 // If a thread panics while running destructors or tries to unwind
811 // through a nounwind function (e.g. extern "C") then we cannot continue
812 // unwinding and have to abort immediately.
813 rtprintpanic!("thread caused non-unwinding panic. aborting.\n");
814 crate::sys::abort_internal();
815 }
817 rust_panic(payload)
820/// This is the entry point for `resume_unwind`.
821/// It just forwards the payload to the panic runtime.
822#[cfg_attr(feature = "panic_immediate_abort", inline)]
823pub fn rust_panic_without_hook(payload: Box<dyn Any + Send>) -> ! {
824 panic_count::increase(run_panic_hook:false);
826 struct RewrapBox(Box<dyn Any + Send>);
828 unsafe impl PanicPayload for RewrapBox {
829 fn take_box(&mut self) -> *mut (dyn Any + Send) {
830 Box::into_raw(mem::replace(&mut self.0, src:Box::new(())))
831 }
833 fn get(&mut self) -> &(dyn Any + Send) {
834 &*self.0
835 }
836 }
838 rust_panic(&mut RewrapBox(payload))
841/// An unmangled function (through `rustc_std_internal_symbol`) on which to slap
842/// yer breakpoints.
844#[cfg_attr(not(test), rustc_std_internal_symbol)]
845#[cfg(not(feature = "panic_immediate_abort"))]
846fn rust_panic(msg: &mut dyn PanicPayload) -> ! {
847 let code: u32 = unsafe { __rust_start_panic(payload:msg) };
848 rtabort!("failed to initiate panic, error {code}")
851#[cfg_attr(not(test), rustc_std_internal_symbol)]
852#[cfg(feature = "panic_immediate_abort")]
853fn rust_panic(_: &mut dyn PanicPayload) -> ! {
854 unsafe {
855 crate::intrinsics::abort();
856 }