1 | //! How to read arbitrary but specific selection of arbitrary channels.
2 | //! This is not a zero-cost abstraction.
3 |
4 | use crate::image::recursive::*;
5 | use crate::block::samples::*;
6 | use crate::image::*;
7 | use crate::math::*;
8 | use crate::meta::header::*;
9 | use crate::error::*;
10 | use crate::block::UncompressedBlock;
11 | use crate::image::read::layers::{ChannelsReader, ReadChannels};
12 | use crate::block::chunk::TileCoordinates;
13 |
14 | use std::marker::PhantomData;
15 | use crate::io::Read;
16 |
17 |
18 | /// Can be attached one more channel reader.
19 | /// Call `required` or `optional` on this object to declare another channel to be read from the file.
20 | /// Call `collect_pixels` at last to define how the previously declared pixels should be stored.
21 | pub trait ReadSpecificChannel: Sized + CheckDuplicates {
22 |
23 | /// A separate internal reader for the pixels. Will be of type `Recursive<_, SampleReader<_>>`,
24 | /// depending on the pixels of the specific channel combination.
25 | type RecursivePixelReader: RecursivePixelReader;
26 |
27 | /// Create a separate internal reader for the pixels of the specific channel combination.
28 | fn create_recursive_reader(&self, channels: &ChannelList) -> Result<Self::RecursivePixelReader>;
29 |
30 | /// Plan to read an additional channel from the image, with the specified name.
31 | /// If the channel cannot be found in the image when the image is read, the image will not be loaded.
32 | /// The generic parameter can usually be inferred from the closure in `collect_pixels`.
33 | fn required<Sample>(self, channel_name: impl Into<Text>) -> ReadRequiredChannel<Self, Sample> {
34 | let channel_name = channel_name.into();
35 | assert!(self.already_contains(&channel_name).not(), "a channel with the name ` {}` is already defined" , channel_name);
36 | ReadRequiredChannel { channel_name, previous_channels: self, px: Default::default() }
37 | }
38 |
39 | /// Plan to read an additional channel from the image, with the specified name.
40 | /// If the file does not contain this channel, the specified default sample will be returned instead.
41 | /// You can check whether the channel has been loaded by
42 | /// checking the presence of the optional channel description before instantiating your own image.
43 | /// The generic parameter can usually be inferred from the closure in `collect_pixels`.
44 | fn optional<Sample>(self, channel_name: impl Into<Text>, default_sample: Sample)
45 | -> ReadOptionalChannel<Self, Sample>
46 | {
47 | let channel_name = channel_name.into();
48 | assert!(self.already_contains(&channel_name).not(), "a channel with the name ` {}` is already defined" , channel_name);
49 | ReadOptionalChannel { channel_name, previous_channels: self, default_sample }
50 | }
51 |
52 | /// Using two closures, define how to store the pixels.
53 | /// The first closure creates an image, and the second closure inserts a single pixel.
54 | /// The type of the pixel can be defined by the second closure;
55 | /// it must be a tuple containing `f16`, `f32`, `u32` or `Sample` values.
56 | /// See the examples for more information.
57 | fn collect_pixels<Pixel, PixelStorage, CreatePixels, SetPixel>(
58 | self, create_pixels: CreatePixels, set_pixel: SetPixel
59 | ) -> CollectPixels<Self, Pixel, PixelStorage, CreatePixels, SetPixel>
60 | where
61 | <Self::RecursivePixelReader as RecursivePixelReader>::RecursivePixel: IntoTuple<Pixel>,
62 | <Self::RecursivePixelReader as RecursivePixelReader>::RecursiveChannelDescriptions: IntoNonRecursive,
63 | CreatePixels: Fn(
64 | Vec2<usize>,
65 | &<<Self::RecursivePixelReader as RecursivePixelReader>::RecursiveChannelDescriptions as IntoNonRecursive>::NonRecursive
66 | ) -> PixelStorage,
67 | SetPixel: Fn(&mut PixelStorage, Vec2<usize>, Pixel),
68 | {
69 | CollectPixels { read_channels: self, set_pixel, create_pixels, px: Default::default() }
70 | }
71 | }
72 |
73 | /// A reader containing sub-readers for reading the pixel content of an image.
74 | pub trait RecursivePixelReader {
75 |
76 | /// The channel descriptions from the image.
77 | /// Will be converted to a tuple before being stored in `SpecificChannels<_, ChannelDescriptions>`.
78 | type RecursiveChannelDescriptions;
79 |
80 | /// Returns the channel descriptions based on the channels in the file.
81 | fn get_descriptions(&self) -> Self::RecursiveChannelDescriptions;
82 |
83 | /// The pixel type. Will be converted to a tuple at the end of the process.
84 | type RecursivePixel: Copy + Default + 'static;
85 |
86 | /// Read the line of pixels.
87 | fn read_pixels<'s, FullPixel>(
88 | &self, bytes: &'s[u8], pixels: &mut [FullPixel],
89 | get_pixel: impl Fn(&mut FullPixel) -> &mut Self::RecursivePixel
90 | );
91 | }
92 |
93 | // does not use the generic `Recursive` struct to reduce the number of angle brackets in the public api
94 | /// Used to read another specific channel from an image.
95 | /// Contains the previous `ReadChannels` objects.
96 | #[derive (Clone, Debug)]
97 | pub struct ReadOptionalChannel<ReadChannels, Sample> {
98 | previous_channels: ReadChannels,
99 | channel_name: Text,
100 | default_sample: Sample,
101 | }
102 |
103 | // does not use the generic `Recursive` struct to reduce the number of angle brackets in the public api
104 | /// Used to read another specific channel from an image.
105 | /// Contains the previous `ReadChannels` objects.
106 | #[derive (Clone, Debug)]
107 | pub struct ReadRequiredChannel<ReadChannels, Sample> {
108 | previous_channels: ReadChannels,
109 | channel_name: Text,
110 | px: PhantomData<Sample>,
111 | }
112 |
113 | /// Specifies how to collect all the specified channels into a number of individual pixels.
114 | #[derive (Copy, Clone, Debug)]
115 | pub struct CollectPixels<ReadChannels, Pixel, PixelStorage, CreatePixels, SetPixel> {
116 | read_channels: ReadChannels,
117 | create_pixels: CreatePixels,
118 | set_pixel: SetPixel,
119 | px: PhantomData<(Pixel, PixelStorage)>,
120 | }
121 |
122 | impl<Inner: CheckDuplicates, Sample> CheckDuplicates for ReadRequiredChannel<Inner, Sample> {
123 | fn already_contains(&self, name: &Text) -> bool {
124 | &self.channel_name == name || self.previous_channels.already_contains(name)
125 | }
126 | }
127 |
128 | impl<Inner: CheckDuplicates, Sample> CheckDuplicates for ReadOptionalChannel<Inner, Sample> {
129 | fn already_contains(&self, name: &Text) -> bool {
130 | &self.channel_name == name || self.previous_channels.already_contains(name)
131 | }
132 | }
133 |
134 | impl<'s, InnerChannels, Pixel, PixelStorage, CreatePixels, SetPixel: 's>
135 | ReadChannels<'s> for CollectPixels<InnerChannels, Pixel, PixelStorage, CreatePixels, SetPixel>
136 | where
137 | InnerChannels: ReadSpecificChannel,
138 | <InnerChannels::RecursivePixelReader as RecursivePixelReader>::RecursivePixel: IntoTuple<Pixel>,
139 | <InnerChannels::RecursivePixelReader as RecursivePixelReader>::RecursiveChannelDescriptions: IntoNonRecursive,
140 | CreatePixels: Fn(Vec2<usize>, &<<InnerChannels::RecursivePixelReader as RecursivePixelReader>::RecursiveChannelDescriptions as IntoNonRecursive>::NonRecursive) -> PixelStorage,
141 | SetPixel: Fn(&mut PixelStorage, Vec2<usize>, Pixel),
142 | {
143 | type Reader = SpecificChannelsReader<
144 | PixelStorage, &'s SetPixel,
145 | InnerChannels::RecursivePixelReader,
146 | Pixel,
147 | >;
148 |
149 | fn create_channels_reader(&'s self, header: &Header) -> Result<Self::Reader> {
150 | if header.deep { return Err(Error::invalid(message:"`SpecificChannels` does not support deep data yet" )) }
151 |
152 | let pixel_reader: ::RecursivePixelReader = self.read_channels.create_recursive_reader(&header.channels)?;
153 | let channel_descriptions: <<::RecursivePixelReader as RecursivePixelReader>::RecursiveChannelDescriptions as IntoNonRecursive>::NonRecursive = pixel_reader.get_descriptions().into_non_recursive();// TODO not call this twice
154 |
155 | let create: &CreatePixels = &self.create_pixels;
156 | let pixel_storage: PixelStorage = create(header.layer_size, &channel_descriptions);
157 |
158 | Ok(SpecificChannelsReader {
159 | set_pixel: &self.set_pixel,
160 | pixel_storage,
161 | pixel_reader,
162 | px: Default::default()
163 | })
164 | }
165 | }
166 |
167 | /// The reader that holds the temporary data that is required to read some specified channels.
168 | #[derive (Copy, Clone, Debug)]
169 | pub struct SpecificChannelsReader<PixelStorage, SetPixel, PixelReader, Pixel> {
170 | set_pixel: SetPixel,
171 | pixel_storage: PixelStorage,
172 | pixel_reader: PixelReader,
173 | px: PhantomData<Pixel>
174 | }
175 |
176 | impl<PixelStorage, SetPixel, PxReader, Pixel>
177 | ChannelsReader for SpecificChannelsReader<PixelStorage, SetPixel, PxReader, Pixel>
178 | where PxReader: RecursivePixelReader,
179 | PxReader::RecursivePixel: IntoTuple<Pixel>,
180 | PxReader::RecursiveChannelDescriptions: IntoNonRecursive,
181 | SetPixel: Fn(&mut PixelStorage, Vec2<usize>, Pixel),
182 | {
183 | type Channels = SpecificChannels<PixelStorage, <PxReader::RecursiveChannelDescriptions as IntoNonRecursive>::NonRecursive>;
184 |
185 | fn filter_block(&self, tile: TileCoordinates) -> bool { tile.is_largest_resolution_level() } // TODO all levels
186 |
187 | fn read_block(&mut self, header: &Header, block: UncompressedBlock) -> UnitResult {
188 | let mut pixels = vec![PxReader::RecursivePixel::default(); block.index.pixel_size.width()]; // TODO allocate once in self
189 |
190 | let byte_lines = block.data.chunks_exact(header.channels.bytes_per_pixel * block.index.pixel_size.width());
191 | debug_assert_eq!(byte_lines.len(), block.index.pixel_size.height(), "invalid block lines split" );
192 |
193 | for (y_offset, line_bytes) in byte_lines.enumerate() { // TODO sampling
194 | // this two-step copy method should be very cache friendly in theory, and also reduce sample_type lookup count
195 | self.pixel_reader.read_pixels(line_bytes, &mut pixels, |px| px);
196 |
197 | for (x_offset, pixel) in pixels.iter().enumerate() {
198 | let set_pixel = &self.set_pixel;
199 | set_pixel(&mut self.pixel_storage, block.index.pixel_position + Vec2(x_offset, y_offset), pixel.into_tuple());
200 | }
201 | }
202 |
203 | Ok(())
204 | }
205 |
206 | fn into_channels(self) -> Self::Channels {
207 | SpecificChannels { channels: self.pixel_reader.get_descriptions().into_non_recursive(), pixels: self.pixel_storage }
208 | }
209 | }
210 |
211 |
212 | /// Read zero channels from an image. Call `with_named_channel` on this object
213 | /// to read as many channels as desired.
214 | pub type ReadZeroChannels = NoneMore;
215 |
216 | impl ReadSpecificChannel for NoneMore {
217 | type RecursivePixelReader = NoneMore;
218 | fn create_recursive_reader(&self, _: &ChannelList) -> Result<Self::RecursivePixelReader> { Ok(NoneMore) }
219 | }
220 |
221 | impl<DefaultSample, ReadChannels> ReadSpecificChannel for ReadOptionalChannel<ReadChannels, DefaultSample>
222 | where ReadChannels: ReadSpecificChannel, DefaultSample: FromNativeSample + 'static,
223 | {
224 | type RecursivePixelReader = Recursive<ReadChannels::RecursivePixelReader, OptionalSampleReader<DefaultSample>>;
225 |
226 | fn create_recursive_reader(&self, channels: &ChannelList) -> Result<Self::RecursivePixelReader> {
227 | debug_assert!(self.previous_channels.already_contains(&self.channel_name).not(), "duplicate channel name: {}" , self.channel_name);
228 |
229 | let inner_samples_reader: ::RecursivePixelReader = self.previous_channels.create_recursive_reader(channels)?;
230 | let reader: Option> = channelsOption<(usize, &ChannelDescription)>.channels_with_byte_offset()
231 | .find(|(_, channel: &&ChannelDescription)| channel.name == self.channel_name)
232 | .map(|(channel_byte_offset: usize, channel: &ChannelDescription)| SampleReader {
233 | channel_byte_offset, channel: channel.clone(),
234 | px: Default::default()
235 | });
236 |
237 | Ok(Recursive::new(inner_samples_reader, value:OptionalSampleReader {
238 | reader, default_sample: self.default_sample,
239 | }))
240 | }
241 | }
242 |
243 | impl<Sample, ReadChannels> ReadSpecificChannel for ReadRequiredChannel<ReadChannels, Sample>
244 | where ReadChannels: ReadSpecificChannel, Sample: FromNativeSample + 'static
245 | {
246 | type RecursivePixelReader = Recursive<ReadChannels::RecursivePixelReader, SampleReader<Sample>>;
247 |
248 | fn create_recursive_reader(&self, channels: &ChannelList) -> Result<Self::RecursivePixelReader> {
249 | let previous_samples_reader: ::RecursivePixelReader = self.previous_channels.create_recursive_reader(channels)?;
250 | let (channel_byte_offset: usize, channel: &ChannelDescription) = channels.channels_with_byte_offset()
251 | .find(|(_, channel)| channel.name == self.channel_name)
252 | .ok_or_else(|| Error::invalid(message:format!(
253 | "layer does not contain all of your specified channels (` {}` is missing)" ,
254 | self.channel_name
255 | )))?;
256 |
257 | Ok(Recursive::new(inner:previous_samples_reader, value:SampleReader { channel_byte_offset, channel: channel.clone(), px: Default::default() }))
258 | }
259 | }
260 |
261 | /// Reader for a single channel. Generic over the concrete sample type (f16, f32, u32).
262 | #[derive (Clone, Debug)]
263 | pub struct SampleReader<Sample> {
264 |
265 | /// to be multiplied with line width!
266 | channel_byte_offset: usize,
267 |
268 | channel: ChannelDescription,
269 | px: PhantomData<Sample>
270 | }
271 |
272 | /// Reader for a single channel. Generic over the concrete sample type (f16, f32, u32).
273 | /// Can also skip reading a channel if it could not be found in the image.
274 | #[derive (Clone, Debug)]
275 | pub struct OptionalSampleReader<DefaultSample> {
276 | reader: Option<SampleReader<DefaultSample>>,
277 | default_sample: DefaultSample,
278 | }
279 |
280 | impl<Sample: FromNativeSample> SampleReader<Sample> {
281 | fn read_own_samples<'s, FullPixel>(
282 | &self, bytes: &'s[u8], pixels: &mut [FullPixel],
283 | get_sample: impl Fn(&mut FullPixel) -> &mut Sample
284 | ){
285 | let start_index = pixels.len() * self.channel_byte_offset;
286 | let byte_count = pixels.len() * self.channel.sample_type.bytes_per_sample();
287 | let mut own_bytes_reader = &mut &bytes[start_index .. start_index + byte_count]; // TODO check block size somewhere
288 | let mut samples_out = pixels.iter_mut().map(|pixel| get_sample(pixel));
289 |
290 | // match the type once for the whole line, not on every single sample
291 | match self.channel.sample_type {
292 | SampleType::F16 => read_and_convert_all_samples_batched(
293 | &mut own_bytes_reader, &mut samples_out,
294 | Sample::from_f16s
295 | ),
296 |
297 | SampleType::F32 => read_and_convert_all_samples_batched(
298 | &mut own_bytes_reader, &mut samples_out,
299 | Sample::from_f32s
300 | ),
301 |
302 | SampleType::U32 => read_and_convert_all_samples_batched(
303 | &mut own_bytes_reader, &mut samples_out,
304 | Sample::from_u32s
305 | ),
306 | }
307 |
308 | debug_assert!(samples_out.next().is_none(), "not all samples have been converted" );
309 | debug_assert!(own_bytes_reader.is_empty(), "bytes left after reading all samples" );
310 | }
311 | }
312 |
313 |
314 | /// Does the same as `convert_batch(in_bytes.chunks().map(From::from_bytes))`, but vectorized.
315 | /// Reads the samples for one line, using the sample type specified in the file,
316 | /// and then converts those to the desired sample types.
317 | /// Uses batches to allow vectorization, converting multiple values with one instruction.
318 | fn read_and_convert_all_samples_batched<'t, From, To>(
319 | mut in_bytes: impl Read,
320 | out_samples: &mut impl ExactSizeIterator<Item=&'t mut To>,
321 | convert_batch: fn(&[From], &mut [To])
322 | ) where From: Data + Default + Copy, To: 't + Default + Copy
323 | {
324 | // this is not a global! why is this warning triggered?
325 | #[allow (non_upper_case_globals)]
326 | const batch_size: usize = 16;
327 |
328 | let total_sample_count = out_samples.len();
329 | let batch_count = total_sample_count / batch_size;
330 | let remaining_samples_count = total_sample_count % batch_size;
331 |
332 | let len_error_msg = "sample count was miscalculated" ;
333 | let byte_error_msg = "error when reading from in-memory slice" ;
334 |
335 | // write samples from a given slice to the output iterator. should be inlined.
336 | let output_n_samples = &mut move |samples: &[To]| {
337 | for converted_sample in samples {
338 | *out_samples.next().expect(len_error_msg) = *converted_sample;
339 | }
340 | };
341 |
342 | // read samples from the byte source into a given slice. should be inlined.
343 | // todo: use #[inline] when available
344 | // error[E0658]: attributes on expressions are experimental,
345 | // see issue #15701 <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/15701> for more information
346 | let read_n_samples = &mut move |samples: &mut [From]| {
347 | Data::read_slice(&mut in_bytes, samples).expect(byte_error_msg);
348 | };
349 |
350 | // temporary arrays with fixed size, operations should be vectorized within these arrays
351 | let mut source_samples_batch: [From; batch_size] = Default::default();
352 | let mut desired_samples_batch: [To; batch_size] = Default::default();
353 |
354 | // first convert all whole batches, size statically known to be 16 element arrays
355 | for _ in 0 .. batch_count {
356 | read_n_samples(&mut source_samples_batch);
357 | convert_batch(source_samples_batch.as_slice(), desired_samples_batch.as_mut_slice());
358 | output_n_samples(&desired_samples_batch);
359 | }
360 |
361 | // then convert a partial remaining batch, size known only at runtime
362 | if remaining_samples_count != 0 {
363 | let source_samples_batch = &mut source_samples_batch[..remaining_samples_count];
364 | let desired_samples_batch = &mut desired_samples_batch[..remaining_samples_count];
365 |
366 | read_n_samples(source_samples_batch);
367 | convert_batch(source_samples_batch, desired_samples_batch);
368 | output_n_samples(desired_samples_batch);
369 | }
370 | }
371 |
372 | #[cfg (test)]
373 | mod test {
374 | use super::*;
375 |
376 | #[test ]
377 | fn equals_naive_f32(){
378 | for total_array_size in [3, 7, 30, 41, 120, 10_423] {
379 | let input_f32s = (0..total_array_size).map(|_| rand::random::<f32>()).collect::<Vec<f32>>();
380 | let in_f32s_bytes = input_f32s.iter().cloned().flat_map(f32::to_le_bytes).collect::<Vec<u8>>();
381 |
382 | let mut out_f16_samples_batched = vec![
383 | f16::from_f32(rand::random::<f32>());
384 | total_array_size
385 | ];
386 |
387 | read_and_convert_all_samples_batched(
388 | &mut in_f32s_bytes.as_slice(),
389 | &mut out_f16_samples_batched.iter_mut(),
390 | f16::from_f32s
391 | );
392 |
393 | let out_f16_samples_naive = input_f32s.iter()
394 | .cloned().map(f16::from_f32);
395 |
396 | assert!(out_f16_samples_naive.eq(out_f16_samples_batched));
397 | }
398 | }
399 | }
400 |
401 |
402 | impl RecursivePixelReader for NoneMore {
403 | type RecursiveChannelDescriptions = NoneMore;
404 | fn get_descriptions(&self) -> Self::RecursiveChannelDescriptions { NoneMore }
405 |
406 | type RecursivePixel = NoneMore;
407 |
408 | fn read_pixels<'s, FullPixel>(
409 | &self, _: &'s[u8], _: &mut [FullPixel],
410 | _: impl Fn(&mut FullPixel) -> &mut NoneMore
411 | ){}
412 | }
413 |
414 | impl<Sample, InnerReader: RecursivePixelReader>
415 | RecursivePixelReader
416 | for Recursive<InnerReader, SampleReader<Sample>>
417 | where Sample: FromNativeSample + 'static
418 | {
419 | type RecursiveChannelDescriptions = Recursive<InnerReader::RecursiveChannelDescriptions, ChannelDescription>;
420 | fn get_descriptions(&self) -> Self::RecursiveChannelDescriptions { Recursive::new(self.inner.get_descriptions(), self.value.channel.clone()) }
421 |
422 | type RecursivePixel = Recursive<InnerReader::RecursivePixel, Sample>;
423 |
424 | fn read_pixels<'s, FullPixel>(
425 | &self, bytes: &'s[u8], pixels: &mut [FullPixel],
426 | get_pixel: impl Fn(&mut FullPixel) -> &mut Self::RecursivePixel
427 | ) {
428 | self.value.read_own_samples(bytes, pixels, |px: &mut FullPixel| &mut get_pixel(px).value);
429 | self.inner.read_pixels(bytes, pixels, |px: &mut FullPixel| &mut get_pixel(px).inner);
430 | }
431 | }
432 |
433 | impl<Sample, InnerReader: RecursivePixelReader>
434 | RecursivePixelReader
435 | for Recursive<InnerReader, OptionalSampleReader<Sample>>
436 | where Sample: FromNativeSample + 'static
437 | {
438 | type RecursiveChannelDescriptions = Recursive<InnerReader::RecursiveChannelDescriptions, Option<ChannelDescription>>;
439 | fn get_descriptions(&self) -> Self::RecursiveChannelDescriptions { Recursive::new(
440 | self.inner.get_descriptions(), self.value.reader.as_ref().map(|reader| reader.channel.clone())
441 | ) }
442 |
443 | type RecursivePixel = Recursive<InnerReader::RecursivePixel, Sample>;
444 |
445 | fn read_pixels<'s, FullPixel>(
446 | &self, bytes: &'s[u8], pixels: &mut [FullPixel],
447 | get_pixel: impl Fn(&mut FullPixel) -> &mut Self::RecursivePixel
448 | ) {
449 | if let Some(reader) = &self.value.reader {
450 | reader.read_own_samples(bytes, pixels, |px| &mut get_pixel(px).value);
451 | }
452 | else {
453 | // if this channel is optional and was not found in the file, fill the default sample
454 | for pixel in pixels.iter_mut() {
455 | get_pixel(pixel).value = self.value.default_sample;
456 | }
457 | }
458 |
459 | self.inner.read_pixels(bytes, pixels, |px| &mut get_pixel(px).inner);
460 | }
461 | }
462 |
463 |
464 | |