3use std::convert::Into;
4use std::ffi::CString;
5use std::marker::PhantomData;
6use std::os::raw::c_void;
7use std::ptr::{self, null_mut};
8use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicPtr, Ordering};
9use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock, RwLockWriteGuard, Weak};
11use crate::bindgen_runtime::{
12 FromNapiValue, JsValuesTupleIntoVec, ToNapiValue, TypeName, ValidateNapiValue,
14use crate::{check_status, sys, Env, JsError, JsUnknown, Result, Status};
16/// ThreadSafeFunction Context object
17/// the `value` is the value passed to `call` method
18pub struct ThreadSafeCallContext<T: 'static> {
19 pub env: Env,
20 pub value: T,
24#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
25pub enum ThreadsafeFunctionCallMode {
26 NonBlocking,
27 Blocking,
30impl From<ThreadsafeFunctionCallMode> for sys::napi_threadsafe_function_call_mode {
31 fn from(value: ThreadsafeFunctionCallMode) -> Self {
32 match value {
33 ThreadsafeFunctionCallMode::Blocking => sys::ThreadsafeFunctionCallMode::blocking,
34 ThreadsafeFunctionCallMode::NonBlocking => sys::ThreadsafeFunctionCallMode::nonblocking,
35 }
36 }
39type_level_enum! {
40 /// Type-level `enum` to express how to feed [`ThreadsafeFunction`] errors to
41 /// the inner [`JsFunction`].
42 ///
43 /// ### Context
44 ///
45 /// For callbacks that expect a `Result`-like kind of input, the convention is
46 /// to have the callback take an `error` parameter as its first parameter.
47 ///
48 /// This way receiving a `Result<Args…>` can be modelled as follows:
49 ///
50 /// - In case of `Err(error)`, feed that `error` entity as the first parameter
51 /// of the callback;
52 ///
53 /// - Otherwise (in case of `Ok(_)`), feed `null` instead.
54 ///
55 /// In pseudo-code:
56 ///
57 /// ```rust,ignore
58 /// match result_args {
59 /// Ok(args) => {
60 /// let js_null = /* … */;
61 /// callback.call(
62 /// // this
63 /// None,
64 /// // args…
65 /// &iter::once(js_null).chain(args).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
66 /// )
67 /// },
68 /// Err(err) => callback.call(None, &[JsError::from(err)]),
69 /// }
70 /// ```
71 ///
72 /// **Note that the `Err` case can stem from a failed conversion from native
73 /// values to js values when calling the callback!**
74 ///
75 /// That's why:
76 ///
77 /// > **[This][`ErrorStrategy::CalleeHandled`] is the default error strategy**.
78 ///
79 /// In order to opt-out of it, [`ThreadsafeFunction`] has an optional second
80 /// generic parameter (of "kind" [`ErrorStrategy::T`]) that defines whether
81 /// this behavior ([`ErrorStrategy::CalleeHandled`]) or a non-`Result` one
82 /// ([`ErrorStrategy::Fatal`]) is desired.
83 pub enum ErrorStrategy {
84 /// Input errors (including conversion errors) are left for the callee to
85 /// handle:
86 ///
87 /// The callee receives an extra `error` parameter (the first one), which is
88 /// `null` if no error occurred, and the error payload otherwise.
89 CalleeHandled,
91 /// Input errors (including conversion errors) are deemed fatal:
92 ///
93 /// they can thus cause a `panic!` or abort the process.
94 ///
95 /// The callee thus is not expected to have to deal with [that extra `error`
96 /// parameter][CalleeHandled], which is thus not added.
97 Fatal,
98 }
101struct ThreadsafeFunctionHandle {
102 raw: AtomicPtr<sys::napi_threadsafe_function__>,
103 aborted: RwLock<bool>,
104 referred: AtomicBool,
107impl ThreadsafeFunctionHandle {
108 /// create a Arc to hold the `ThreadsafeFunctionHandle`
109 fn new(raw: sys::napi_threadsafe_function) -> Arc<Self> {
110 Arc::new(Self {
111 raw: AtomicPtr::new(raw),
112 aborted: RwLock::new(false),
113 referred: AtomicBool::new(true),
114 })
115 }
117 /// Lock `aborted` with read access, call `f` with the value of `aborted`, then unlock it
118 fn with_read_aborted<RT, F>(&self, f: F) -> RT
119 where
120 F: FnOnce(bool) -> RT,
121 {
122 let aborted_guard = self
123 .aborted
124 .read()
125 .expect("Threadsafe Function aborted lock failed");
126 f(*aborted_guard)
127 }
129 /// Lock `aborted` with write access, call `f` with the `RwLockWriteGuard`, then unlock it
130 fn with_write_aborted<RT, F>(&self, f: F) -> RT
131 where
132 F: FnOnce(RwLockWriteGuard<bool>) -> RT,
133 {
134 let aborted_guard = self
135 .aborted
136 .write()
137 .expect("Threadsafe Function aborted lock failed");
138 f(aborted_guard)
139 }
141 #[allow(clippy::arc_with_non_send_sync)]
142 fn null() -> Arc<Self> {
143 Self::new(null_mut())
144 }
146 fn get_raw(&self) -> sys::napi_threadsafe_function {
147 self.raw.load(Ordering::SeqCst)
148 }
150 fn set_raw(&self, raw: sys::napi_threadsafe_function) {
151 self.raw.store(raw, Ordering::SeqCst)
152 }
155impl Drop for ThreadsafeFunctionHandle {
156 fn drop(&mut self) {
157 self.with_read_aborted(|aborted: bool| {
158 if !aborted {
159 let release_status: i32 = unsafe {
160 sys::napi_release_threadsafe_function(
161 self.get_raw(),
162 mode:sys::ThreadsafeFunctionReleaseMode::release,
163 )
164 };
165 assert!(
166 release_status == sys::Status::napi_ok,
167 "Threadsafe Function release failed {}",
168 Status::from(release_status)
169 );
170 }
171 })
172 }
176enum ThreadsafeFunctionCallVariant {
177 Direct,
178 WithCallback,
181struct ThreadsafeFunctionCallJsBackData<T> {
182 data: T,
183 call_variant: ThreadsafeFunctionCallVariant,
184 callback: Box<dyn FnOnce(Result<JsUnknown>) -> Result<()>>,
187/// Communicate with the addon's main thread by invoking a JavaScript function from other threads.
189/// ## Example
190/// An example of using `ThreadsafeFunction`:
192/// ```rust
193/// #[macro_use]
194/// extern crate napi_derive;
196/// use std::thread;
198/// use napi::{
199/// threadsafe_function::{
200/// ThreadSafeCallContext, ThreadsafeFunctionCallMode, ThreadsafeFunctionReleaseMode,
201/// },
202/// CallContext, Error, JsFunction, JsNumber, JsUndefined, Result, Status,
203/// };
205/// #[js_function(1)]
206/// pub fn test_threadsafe_function(ctx: CallContext) -> Result<JsUndefined> {
207/// let func = ctx.get::<JsFunction>(0)?;
209/// let tsfn =
210/// ctx
211/// .env
212/// .create_threadsafe_function(&func, 0, |ctx: ThreadSafeCallContext<Vec<u32>>| {
213/// ctx.value
214/// .iter()
215/// .map(|v| ctx.env.create_uint32(*v))
216/// .collect::<Result<Vec<JsNumber>>>()
217/// })?;
219/// let tsfn_cloned = tsfn.clone();
221/// thread::spawn(move || {
222/// let output: Vec<u32> = vec![0, 1, 2, 3];
223/// // It's okay to call a threadsafe function multiple times.
224/// tsfn.call(Ok(output.clone()), ThreadsafeFunctionCallMode::Blocking);
225/// });
227/// thread::spawn(move || {
228/// let output: Vec<u32> = vec![3, 2, 1, 0];
229/// // It's okay to call a threadsafe function multiple times.
230/// tsfn_cloned.call(Ok(output.clone()), ThreadsafeFunctionCallMode::NonBlocking);
231/// });
233/// ctx.env.get_undefined()
234/// }
235/// ```
236pub struct ThreadsafeFunction<T: 'static, ES: ErrorStrategy::T = ErrorStrategy::CalleeHandled> {
237 handle: Arc<ThreadsafeFunctionHandle>,
238 _phantom: PhantomData<(T, ES)>,
241unsafe impl<T: 'static, ES: ErrorStrategy::T> Send for ThreadsafeFunction<T, ES> {}
242unsafe impl<T: 'static, ES: ErrorStrategy::T> Sync for ThreadsafeFunction<T, ES> {}
244impl<T: 'static, ES: ErrorStrategy::T> Clone for ThreadsafeFunction<T, ES> {
245 fn clone(&self) -> Self {
246 self.handle.with_read_aborted(|aborted: bool| {
247 if aborted {
248 panic!("ThreadsafeFunction was aborted, can not clone it");
249 };
251 Self {
252 handle: self.handle.clone(),
253 _phantom: PhantomData,
254 }
255 })
256 }
259impl<T: ToNapiValue> JsValuesTupleIntoVec for T {
260 #[allow(clippy::not_unsafe_ptr_arg_deref)]
261 fn into_vec(self, env: sys::napi_env) -> Result<Vec<sys::napi_value>> {
262 Ok(vec![unsafe {
263 <T as ToNapiValue>::to_napi_value(env, self)?
264 }])
265 }
268macro_rules! impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec {
269 ($($ident:ident),*) => {
270 impl<$($ident: ToNapiValue),*> JsValuesTupleIntoVec for ($($ident,)*) {
271 #[allow(clippy::not_unsafe_ptr_arg_deref)]
272 fn into_vec(self, env: sys::napi_env) -> Result<Vec<sys::napi_value>> {
273 #[allow(non_snake_case)]
274 let ($($ident,)*) = self;
275 Ok(vec![$(unsafe { <$ident as ToNapiValue>::to_napi_value(env, $ident)? }),*])
276 }
277 }
278 };
282impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B);
283impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B, C);
284impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B, C, D);
285impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B, C, D, E);
286impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B, C, D, E, F);
287impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G);
288impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H);
289impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I);
290impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J);
291impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K);
292impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L);
293impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M);
294impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N);
295impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O);
296impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P);
297impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q);
298impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R);
299impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S);
300impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T);
301impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U);
302impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V);
303impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W);
304impl_js_value_tuple_to_vec!(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X);
306 A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y
309 A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
312impl<T: JsValuesTupleIntoVec + 'static, ES: ErrorStrategy::T> FromNapiValue
313 for ThreadsafeFunction<T, ES>
315 unsafe fn from_napi_value(env: sys::napi_env, napi_val: sys::napi_value) -> Result<Self> {
316 Self::create(env, func:napi_val, max_queue_size:0, |ctx: ThreadSafeCallContext| ctx.value.into_vec(env:ctx.env.0))
317 }
320impl<T: 'static, ES: ErrorStrategy::T> ThreadsafeFunction<T, ES> {
321 /// See [napi_create_threadsafe_function](https://nodejs.org/api/n-api.html#n_api_napi_create_threadsafe_function)
322 /// for more information.
323 pub(crate) fn create<
324 V: ToNapiValue,
325 R: 'static + Send + FnMut(ThreadSafeCallContext<T>) -> Result<Vec<V>>,
326 >(
327 env: sys::napi_env,
328 func: sys::napi_value,
329 max_queue_size: usize,
330 callback: R,
331 ) -> Result<Self> {
332 let mut async_resource_name = ptr::null_mut();
333 let s = "napi_rs_threadsafe_function";
334 let len = s.len();
335 let s = CString::new(s)?;
336 check_status!(unsafe {
337 sys::napi_create_string_utf8(env, s.as_ptr(), len, &mut async_resource_name)
338 })?;
340 let mut raw_tsfn = ptr::null_mut();
341 let callback_ptr = Box::into_raw(Box::new(callback));
342 let handle = ThreadsafeFunctionHandle::null();
343 check_status!(unsafe {
344 sys::napi_create_threadsafe_function(
345 env,
346 func,
347 ptr::null_mut(),
348 async_resource_name,
349 max_queue_size,
350 1,
351 Arc::downgrade(&handle).into_raw() as *mut c_void, // pass handler to thread_finalize_cb
352 Some(thread_finalize_cb::<T, V, R>),
353 callback_ptr.cast(),
354 Some(call_js_cb::<T, V, R, ES>),
355 &mut raw_tsfn,
356 )
357 })?;
358 handle.set_raw(raw_tsfn);
360 Ok(ThreadsafeFunction {
361 handle,
362 _phantom: PhantomData,
363 })
364 }
366 /// See [napi_ref_threadsafe_function](https://nodejs.org/api/n-api.html#n_api_napi_ref_threadsafe_function)
367 /// for more information.
368 ///
369 /// "ref" is a keyword so that we use "refer" here.
370 pub fn refer(&mut self, env: &Env) -> Result<()> {
371 self.handle.with_read_aborted(|aborted| {
372 if !aborted && !self.handle.referred.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
373 check_status!(unsafe { sys::napi_ref_threadsafe_function(env.0, self.handle.get_raw()) })?;
374 self.handle.referred.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed);
375 }
376 Ok(())
377 })
378 }
380 /// See [napi_unref_threadsafe_function](https://nodejs.org/api/n-api.html#n_api_napi_unref_threadsafe_function)
381 /// for more information.
382 pub fn unref(&mut self, env: &Env) -> Result<()> {
383 self.handle.with_read_aborted(|aborted| {
384 if !aborted && self.handle.referred.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
385 check_status!(unsafe {
386 sys::napi_unref_threadsafe_function(env.0, self.handle.get_raw())
387 })?;
388 self.handle.referred.store(false, Ordering::Relaxed);
389 }
390 Ok(())
391 })
392 }
394 pub fn aborted(&self) -> bool {
395 self.handle.with_read_aborted(|aborted| aborted)
396 }
398 pub fn abort(self) -> Result<()> {
399 self.handle.with_write_aborted(|mut aborted_guard| {
400 if !*aborted_guard {
401 check_status!(unsafe {
402 sys::napi_release_threadsafe_function(
403 self.handle.get_raw(),
404 sys::ThreadsafeFunctionReleaseMode::abort,
405 )
406 })?;
407 *aborted_guard = true;
408 }
409 Ok(())
410 })
411 }
413 /// Get the raw `ThreadSafeFunction` pointer
414 pub fn raw(&self) -> sys::napi_threadsafe_function {
415 self.handle.get_raw()
416 }
419impl<T: 'static> ThreadsafeFunction<T, ErrorStrategy::CalleeHandled> {
420 /// See [napi_call_threadsafe_function](https://nodejs.org/api/n-api.html#n_api_napi_call_threadsafe_function)
421 /// for more information.
422 pub fn call(&self, value: Result<T>, mode: ThreadsafeFunctionCallMode) -> Status {
423 self.handle.with_read_aborted(|aborted| {
424 if aborted {
425 return Status::Closing;
426 }
428 unsafe {
429 sys::napi_call_threadsafe_function(
430 self.handle.get_raw(),
431 Box::into_raw(Box::new(value.map(|data| {
432 ThreadsafeFunctionCallJsBackData {
433 data,
434 call_variant: ThreadsafeFunctionCallVariant::Direct,
435 callback: Box::new(|_d: Result<JsUnknown>| Ok(())),
436 }
437 })))
438 .cast(),
439 mode.into(),
440 )
441 }
442 .into()
443 })
444 }
446 pub fn call_with_return_value<D: FromNapiValue, F: 'static + FnOnce(D) -> Result<()>>(
447 &self,
448 value: Result<T>,
449 mode: ThreadsafeFunctionCallMode,
450 cb: F,
451 ) -> Status {
452 self.handle.with_read_aborted(|aborted| {
453 if aborted {
454 return Status::Closing;
455 }
457 unsafe {
458 sys::napi_call_threadsafe_function(
459 self.handle.get_raw(),
460 Box::into_raw(Box::new(value.map(|data| {
461 ThreadsafeFunctionCallJsBackData {
462 data,
463 call_variant: ThreadsafeFunctionCallVariant::WithCallback,
464 callback: Box::new(move |d: Result<JsUnknown>| {
465 d.and_then(|d| D::from_napi_value(d.0.env, d.0.value).and_then(cb))
466 }),
467 }
468 })))
469 .cast(),
470 mode.into(),
471 )
472 }
473 .into()
474 })
475 }
477 #[cfg(feature = "tokio_rt")]
478 pub async fn call_async<D: 'static + FromNapiValue>(&self, value: Result<T>) -> Result<D> {
479 let (sender, receiver) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel::<Result<D>>();
481 self.handle.with_read_aborted(|aborted| {
482 if aborted {
483 return Err(crate::Error::from_status(Status::Closing));
484 }
486 check_status!(
487 unsafe {
488 sys::napi_call_threadsafe_function(
489 self.handle.get_raw(),
490 Box::into_raw(Box::new(value.map(|data| {
491 ThreadsafeFunctionCallJsBackData {
492 data,
493 call_variant: ThreadsafeFunctionCallVariant::WithCallback,
494 callback: Box::new(move |d: Result<JsUnknown>| {
495 sender
496 .send(d.and_then(|d| D::from_napi_value(d.0.env, d.0.value)))
497 // The only reason for send to return Err is if the receiver isn't listening
498 // Not hiding the error would result in a napi_fatal_error call, it's safe to ignore it instead.
499 .or(Ok(()))
500 }),
501 }
502 })))
503 .cast(),
504 ThreadsafeFunctionCallMode::NonBlocking.into(),
505 )
506 },
507 "Threadsafe function call_async failed"
508 )
509 })?;
510 receiver
511 .await
512 .map_err(|_| {
513 crate::Error::new(
514 Status::GenericFailure,
515 "Receive value from threadsafe function sender failed",
516 )
517 })
518 .and_then(|ret| ret)
519 }
522impl<T: 'static> ThreadsafeFunction<T, ErrorStrategy::Fatal> {
523 /// See [napi_call_threadsafe_function](https://nodejs.org/api/n-api.html#n_api_napi_call_threadsafe_function)
524 /// for more information.
525 pub fn call(&self, value: T, mode: ThreadsafeFunctionCallMode) -> Status {
526 self.handle.with_read_aborted(|aborted| {
527 if aborted {
528 return Status::Closing;
529 }
531 unsafe {
532 sys::napi_call_threadsafe_function(
533 self.handle.get_raw(),
534 Box::into_raw(Box::new(ThreadsafeFunctionCallJsBackData {
535 data: value,
536 call_variant: ThreadsafeFunctionCallVariant::Direct,
537 callback: Box::new(|_d: Result<JsUnknown>| Ok(())),
538 }))
539 .cast(),
540 mode.into(),
541 )
542 }
543 .into()
544 })
545 }
547 pub fn call_with_return_value<D: FromNapiValue, F: 'static + FnOnce(D) -> Result<()>>(
548 &self,
549 value: T,
550 mode: ThreadsafeFunctionCallMode,
551 cb: F,
552 ) -> Status {
553 self.handle.with_read_aborted(|aborted| {
554 if aborted {
555 return Status::Closing;
556 }
558 unsafe {
559 sys::napi_call_threadsafe_function(
560 self.handle.get_raw(),
561 Box::into_raw(Box::new(ThreadsafeFunctionCallJsBackData {
562 data: value,
563 call_variant: ThreadsafeFunctionCallVariant::WithCallback,
564 callback: Box::new(move |d: Result<JsUnknown>| {
565 d.and_then(|d| D::from_napi_value(d.0.env, d.0.value).and_then(cb))
566 }),
567 }))
568 .cast(),
569 mode.into(),
570 )
571 }
572 .into()
573 })
574 }
576 #[cfg(feature = "tokio_rt")]
577 pub async fn call_async<D: 'static + FromNapiValue>(&self, value: T) -> Result<D> {
578 let (sender, receiver) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel::<D>();
580 self.handle.with_read_aborted(|aborted| {
581 if aborted {
582 return Err(crate::Error::from_status(Status::Closing));
583 }
585 check_status!(unsafe {
586 sys::napi_call_threadsafe_function(
587 self.handle.get_raw(),
588 Box::into_raw(Box::new(ThreadsafeFunctionCallJsBackData {
589 data: value,
590 call_variant: ThreadsafeFunctionCallVariant::WithCallback,
591 callback: Box::new(move |d: Result<JsUnknown>| {
592 d.and_then(|d| {
593 D::from_napi_value(d.0.env, d.0.value).and_then(move |d| {
594 sender
595 .send(d)
596 // The only reason for send to return Err is if the receiver isn't listening
597 // Not hiding the error would result in a napi_fatal_error call, it's safe to ignore it instead.
598 .or(Ok(()))
599 })
600 })
601 }),
602 }))
603 .cast(),
604 ThreadsafeFunctionCallMode::NonBlocking.into(),
605 )
606 })
607 })?;
609 receiver
610 .await
611 .map_err(|err| crate::Error::new(Status::GenericFailure, format!("{}", err)))
612 }
616unsafe extern "C" fn thread_finalize_cb<T: 'static, V: ToNapiValue, R>(
617 env: sys::napi_env,
618 finalize_data: *mut c_void,
619 finalize_hint: *mut c_void,
620) where
621 R: 'static + Send + FnMut(ThreadSafeCallContext<T>) -> Result<Vec<V>>,
623 let handle_option: Option> =
624 unsafe { Weak::from_raw(ptr:finalize_data.cast::<ThreadsafeFunctionHandle>()).upgrade() };
626 if let Some(handle: Arc) = handle_option {
627 handle.with_write_aborted(|mut aborted_guard: RwLockWriteGuard<'_, bool>| {
628 if !*aborted_guard {
629 *aborted_guard = true;
630 }
631 });
632 }
634 // cleanup
635 drop(unsafe { Box::<R>::from_raw(finalize_hint.cast()) });
638unsafe extern "C" fn call_js_cb<T: 'static, V: ToNapiValue, R, ES>(
639 raw_env: sys::napi_env,
640 js_callback: sys::napi_value,
641 context: *mut c_void,
642 data: *mut c_void,
643) where
644 R: 'static + Send + FnMut(ThreadSafeCallContext<T>) -> Result<Vec<V>>,
645 ES: ErrorStrategy::T,
647 // env and/or callback can be null when shutting down
648 if raw_env.is_null() || js_callback.is_null() {
649 return;
650 }
652 let ctx: &mut R = unsafe { Box::leak(Box::from_raw(context.cast())) };
653 let val = unsafe {
654 match ES::VALUE {
655 ErrorStrategy::CalleeHandled::VALUE => {
656 *Box::<Result<ThreadsafeFunctionCallJsBackData<T>>>::from_raw(data.cast())
657 }
658 ErrorStrategy::Fatal::VALUE => Ok(*Box::<ThreadsafeFunctionCallJsBackData<T>>::from_raw(
659 data.cast(),
660 )),
661 }
662 };
664 let mut recv = ptr::null_mut();
665 unsafe { sys::napi_get_undefined(raw_env, &mut recv) };
667 let ret = val.and_then(|v| {
668 (ctx)(ThreadSafeCallContext {
669 env: unsafe { Env::from_raw(raw_env) },
670 value: v.data,
671 })
672 .map(|ret| (ret, v.call_variant, v.callback))
673 });
675 // Follow async callback conventions: https://nodejs.org/en/knowledge/errors/what-are-the-error-conventions/
676 // Check if the Result is okay, if so, pass a null as the first (error) argument automatically.
677 // If the Result is an error, pass that as the first argument.
678 let status = match ret {
679 Ok((values, call_variant, callback)) => {
680 let values = values
681 .into_iter()
682 .map(|v| unsafe { ToNapiValue::to_napi_value(raw_env, v) });
683 let args: Result<Vec<sys::napi_value>> = if ES::VALUE == ErrorStrategy::CalleeHandled::VALUE {
684 let mut js_null = ptr::null_mut();
685 unsafe { sys::napi_get_null(raw_env, &mut js_null) };
686 ::core::iter::once(Ok(js_null)).chain(values).collect()
687 } else {
688 values.collect()
689 };
690 let mut return_value = ptr::null_mut();
691 let mut status = match args {
692 Ok(args) => unsafe {
693 sys::napi_call_function(
694 raw_env,
695 recv,
696 js_callback,
697 args.len(),
698 args.as_ptr(),
699 &mut return_value,
700 )
701 },
702 Err(e) => match ES::VALUE {
703 ErrorStrategy::Fatal::VALUE => unsafe {
704 sys::napi_fatal_exception(raw_env, JsError::from(e).into_value(raw_env))
705 },
706 ErrorStrategy::CalleeHandled::VALUE => unsafe {
707 sys::napi_call_function(
708 raw_env,
709 recv,
710 js_callback,
711 1,
712 [JsError::from(e).into_value(raw_env)].as_mut_ptr(),
713 &mut return_value,
714 )
715 },
716 },
717 };
718 if let ThreadsafeFunctionCallVariant::WithCallback = call_variant {
719 // throw Error in JavaScript callback
720 let callback_arg = if status == sys::Status::napi_pending_exception {
721 let mut exception = ptr::null_mut();
722 status = unsafe { sys::napi_get_and_clear_last_exception(raw_env, &mut exception) };
723 Err(
724 JsUnknown(crate::Value {
725 env: raw_env,
726 value: exception,
727 value_type: crate::ValueType::Unknown,
728 })
729 .into(),
730 )
731 } else {
732 Ok(JsUnknown(crate::Value {
733 env: raw_env,
734 value: return_value,
735 value_type: crate::ValueType::Unknown,
736 }))
737 };
738 if let Err(err) = callback(callback_arg) {
739 let message = format!(
740 "Failed to convert return value in ThreadsafeFunction callback into Rust value: {}",
741 err
742 );
743 let message_length = message.len();
744 let c_message = CString::new(message).unwrap();
745 unsafe {
746 sys::napi_fatal_error(
747 "threadsafe_function.rs:749\0".as_ptr().cast(),
748 26,
749 c_message.as_ptr(),
750 message_length,
751 )
752 };
753 }
754 }
755 status
756 }
757 Err(e) if ES::VALUE == ErrorStrategy::Fatal::VALUE => unsafe {
758 sys::napi_fatal_exception(raw_env, JsError::from(e).into_value(raw_env))
759 },
760 Err(e) => unsafe {
761 sys::napi_call_function(
762 raw_env,
763 recv,
764 js_callback,
765 1,
766 [JsError::from(e).into_value(raw_env)].as_mut_ptr(),
767 ptr::null_mut(),
768 )
769 },
770 };
771 if status == sys::Status::napi_ok {
772 return;
773 }
774 if status == sys::Status::napi_pending_exception {
775 let mut error_result = ptr::null_mut();
776 assert_eq!(
777 unsafe { sys::napi_get_and_clear_last_exception(raw_env, &mut error_result) },
778 sys::Status::napi_ok
779 );
781 // When shutting down, napi_fatal_exception sometimes returns another exception
782 let stat = unsafe { sys::napi_fatal_exception(raw_env, error_result) };
783 assert!(stat == sys::Status::napi_ok || stat == sys::Status::napi_pending_exception);
784 } else {
785 let error_code: Status = status.into();
786 let error_code_string = format!("{:?}", error_code);
787 let mut error_code_value = ptr::null_mut();
788 assert_eq!(
789 unsafe {
790 sys::napi_create_string_utf8(
791 raw_env,
792 error_code_string.as_ptr() as *const _,
793 error_code_string.len(),
794 &mut error_code_value,
795 )
796 },
797 sys::Status::napi_ok,
798 );
799 let error_msg = "Call JavaScript callback failed in threadsafe function";
800 let mut error_msg_value = ptr::null_mut();
801 assert_eq!(
802 unsafe {
803 sys::napi_create_string_utf8(
804 raw_env,
805 error_msg.as_ptr() as *const _,
806 error_msg.len(),
807 &mut error_msg_value,
808 )
809 },
810 sys::Status::napi_ok,
811 );
812 let mut error_value = ptr::null_mut();
813 assert_eq!(
814 unsafe {
815 sys::napi_create_error(raw_env, error_code_value, error_msg_value, &mut error_value)
816 },
817 sys::Status::napi_ok,
818 );
819 assert_eq!(
820 unsafe { sys::napi_fatal_exception(raw_env, error_value) },
821 sys::Status::napi_ok
822 );
823 }
826/// Helper
827macro_rules! type_level_enum {(
828 $( #[doc = $doc:tt] )*
829 $pub:vis
830 enum $EnumName:ident {
831 $(
832 $( #[doc = $doc_variant:tt] )*
833 $Variant:ident
834 ),* $(,)?
835 }
836) => (type_level_enum! { // This requires the macro to be in scope when called.
837 with_docs! {
838 $( #[doc = $doc] )*
839 ///
840 /// ### Type-level `enum`
841 ///
842 /// Until `const_generics` can handle custom `enum`s, this pattern must be
843 /// implemented at the type level.
844 ///
845 /// We thus end up with:
846 ///
847 /// ```rust,ignore
848 /// #[type_level_enum]
849 #[doc = ::core::concat!(
850 " enum ", ::core::stringify!($EnumName), " {",
851 )]
852 $(
853 #[doc = ::core::concat!(
854 " ", ::core::stringify!($Variant), ",",
855 )]
856 )*
857 #[doc = " }"]
858 /// ```
859 ///
860 #[doc = ::core::concat!(
861 "With [`", ::core::stringify!($EnumName), "::T`](#reexports) \
862 being the type-level \"enum type\":",
863 )]
864 ///
865 /// ```rust,ignore
866 #[doc = ::core::concat!(
867 "<Param: ", ::core::stringify!($EnumName), "::T>"
868 )]
869 /// ```
870 }
871 #[allow(warnings)]
872 $pub mod $EnumName {
873 #[doc(no_inline)]
874 pub use $EnumName as T;
876 super::type_level_enum! {
877 with_docs! {
878 #[doc = ::core::concat!(
879 "See [`", ::core::stringify!($EnumName), "`]\
880 [super::", ::core::stringify!($EnumName), "]"
881 )]
882 }
883 pub trait $EnumName : __sealed::$EnumName + ::core::marker::Sized + 'static {
884 const VALUE: __value::$EnumName;
885 }
886 }
888 mod __sealed { pub trait $EnumName {} }
890 mod __value {
891 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
892 pub enum $EnumName { $( $Variant ),* }
893 }
895 $(
896 $( #[doc = $doc_variant] )*
897 pub enum $Variant {}
898 impl __sealed::$EnumName for $Variant {}
899 impl $EnumName for $Variant {
900 const VALUE: __value::$EnumName = __value::$EnumName::$Variant;
901 }
902 impl $Variant {
903 pub const VALUE: __value::$EnumName = __value::$EnumName::$Variant;
904 }
905 )*
906 }
908 with_docs! {
909 $( #[doc = $doc:expr] )*
910 }
911 $item:item
912) => (
913 $( #[doc = $doc] )*
914 $item
917use type_level_enum;
919pub struct UnknownReturnValue;
921impl TypeName for UnknownReturnValue {
922 fn type_name() -> &'static str {
923 "UnknownReturnValue"
924 }
926 fn value_type() -> crate::ValueType {
927 crate::ValueType::Unknown
928 }
931impl ValidateNapiValue for UnknownReturnValue {}
933impl FromNapiValue for UnknownReturnValue {
934 unsafe fn from_napi_value(_env: sys::napi_env, _napi_val: sys::napi_value) -> Result<Self> {
935 Ok(UnknownReturnValue)
936 }