1 | // Copyright (C) 2008-2012 NVIDIA Corporation. |
2 | // Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd. |
3 | // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only |
4 | |
5 | #include "qssgvertexpipelineimpl_p.h" |
6 | |
7 | #include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrenderer_p.h> |
8 | #include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrenderlight_p.h> |
9 | #include "../qssgrendercontextcore.h" |
10 | #include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrendershadercache_p.h> |
11 | #include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrendershaderlibrarymanager_p.h> |
12 | #include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrendershadercodegenerator_p.h> |
13 | #include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrenderdefaultmaterialshadergenerator_p.h> |
14 | #include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgshadermaterialadapter_p.h> |
15 | |
17 | |
18 | QSSGMaterialVertexPipeline::QSSGMaterialVertexPipeline(QSSGProgramGenerator &programGen, |
19 | const QSSGShaderDefaultMaterialKeyProperties &materialProperties, |
20 | QSSGShaderMaterialAdapter *materialAdapter) |
21 | : m_programGenerator(&programGen) |
22 | , defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties(materialProperties) |
23 | , materialAdapter(materialAdapter) |
24 | , hasCustomShadedMain(false) |
25 | , skipCustomFragmentSnippet(false) |
26 | { |
27 | } |
28 | |
29 | static inline void insertProcessorArgs(QByteArray &snippet, const char *argKey, const char* (*argListFunc)(), |
30 | QSSGShaderMaterialAdapter *materialAdapter = nullptr, bool isSharedInout = false) |
31 | { |
32 | const int argKeyLen = int(strlen(s: argKey)); |
33 | const int argKeyPos = snippet.indexOf(bv: argKey); |
34 | if (argKeyPos >= 0) { |
35 | QByteArray flexArgs; |
36 | if (materialAdapter) { |
37 | if (materialAdapter->isClearcoatEnabled()) { |
38 | flexArgs += QByteArrayLiteral(", inout float CLEARCOAT_AMOUNT, inout float CLEARCOAT_FRESNEL_POWER, inout float CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS, inout vec3 CLEARCOAT_NORMAL" ); |
39 | if (materialAdapter->isClearcoatFresnelScaleBiasEnabled()) |
40 | flexArgs += QByteArrayLiteral(", inout float CLEARCOAT_FRESNEL_SCALE, inout float CLEARCOAT_FRESNEL_BIAS" ); |
41 | } |
42 | if (materialAdapter->isFresnelScaleBiasEnabled()) |
43 | flexArgs += QByteArrayLiteral(", inout float FRESNEL_SCALE, inout float FRESNEL_BIAS" ); |
44 | if (materialAdapter->isTransmissionEnabled()) |
45 | flexArgs += QByteArrayLiteral(", inout float TRANSMISSION_FACTOR, inout float THICKNESS_FACTOR, inout vec3 ATTENUATION_COLOR, inout float ATTENUATION_DISTANCE" ); |
46 | if (materialAdapter->usesSharedVariables()) { |
47 | const char *inoutString = isSharedInout ? ", inout " : ", in " ; |
48 | flexArgs += inoutString + QByteArrayLiteral("QT_SHARED_VARS SHARED" ); |
49 | } |
50 | } |
51 | snippet = snippet.left(n: argKeyPos) + argListFunc() + flexArgs + snippet.mid(index: argKeyPos + argKeyLen); |
52 | } |
53 | } |
54 | |
55 | static inline void insertDirectionalLightProcessorArgs(QByteArray &snippet, QSSGShaderMaterialAdapter *materialAdapter) |
56 | { |
57 | insertProcessorArgs(snippet, argKey: "/*%QT_ARGS_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT%*/" , argListFunc: QSSGMaterialShaderGenerator::directionalLightProcessorArgumentList, materialAdapter, isSharedInout: true); |
58 | } |
59 | |
60 | static inline void insertPointLightProcessorArgs(QByteArray &snippet, QSSGShaderMaterialAdapter *materialAdapter) |
61 | { |
62 | insertProcessorArgs(snippet, argKey: "/*%QT_ARGS_POINT_LIGHT%*/" , argListFunc: QSSGMaterialShaderGenerator::pointLightProcessorArgumentList, materialAdapter, isSharedInout: true); |
63 | } |
64 | |
65 | static inline void insertSpotLightProcessorArgs(QByteArray &snippet, QSSGShaderMaterialAdapter *materialAdapter) |
66 | { |
67 | insertProcessorArgs(snippet, argKey: "/*%QT_ARGS_SPOT_LIGHT%*/" , argListFunc: QSSGMaterialShaderGenerator::spotLightProcessorArgumentList, materialAdapter, isSharedInout: true); |
68 | } |
69 | |
70 | static inline void insertAmbientLightProcessorArgs(QByteArray &snippet, QSSGShaderMaterialAdapter *materialAdapter) |
71 | { |
72 | insertProcessorArgs(snippet, argKey: "/*%QT_ARGS_AMBIENT_LIGHT%*/" , argListFunc: QSSGMaterialShaderGenerator::ambientLightProcessorArgumentList, materialAdapter, isSharedInout: true); |
73 | } |
74 | |
75 | static inline void insertIblProbeProcessorArgs(QByteArray &snippet, QSSGShaderMaterialAdapter *materialAdapter) |
76 | { |
77 | insertProcessorArgs(snippet, argKey: "/*%QT_ARGS_IBL_PROBE%*/" , argListFunc: QSSGMaterialShaderGenerator::iblProbeProcessorArgumentList, materialAdapter, isSharedInout: true); |
78 | } |
79 | |
80 | static inline void insertSpecularLightProcessorArgs(QByteArray &snippet, QSSGShaderMaterialAdapter *materialAdapter) |
81 | { |
82 | insertProcessorArgs(snippet, argKey: "/*%QT_ARGS_SPECULAR_LIGHT%*/" , argListFunc: QSSGMaterialShaderGenerator::specularLightProcessorArgumentList, materialAdapter, isSharedInout: true); |
83 | } |
84 | |
85 | static inline void insertFragmentMainArgs(QByteArray &snippet, QSSGShaderMaterialAdapter *materialAdapter) |
86 | { |
87 | insertProcessorArgs(snippet, argKey: "/*%QT_ARGS_MAIN%*/" , argListFunc: QSSGMaterialShaderGenerator::shadedFragmentMainArgumentList, materialAdapter, isSharedInout: true); |
88 | } |
89 | |
90 | static inline void insertPostProcessorArgs(QByteArray &snippet, QSSGShaderMaterialAdapter *materialAdapter) |
91 | { |
92 | insertProcessorArgs(snippet, argKey: "/*%QT_ARGS_POST_PROCESS%*/" , argListFunc: QSSGMaterialShaderGenerator::postProcessorArgumentList, materialAdapter, isSharedInout: false); |
93 | } |
94 | |
95 | static inline void insertVertexMainArgs(QByteArray &snippet) |
96 | { |
97 | insertProcessorArgs(snippet, argKey: "/*%QT_ARGS_MAIN%*/" , argListFunc: QSSGMaterialShaderGenerator::vertexMainArgumentList); |
98 | } |
99 | |
100 | static inline void insertVertexInstancedMainArgs(QByteArray &snippet) |
101 | { |
102 | insertProcessorArgs(snippet, argKey: "/*%QT_ARGS_MAIN%*/" , argListFunc: QSSGMaterialShaderGenerator::vertexInstancedMainArgumentList); |
103 | } |
104 | |
105 | static inline const char *customMainCallWithArguments(bool usesInstancing) |
106 | { |
107 | if (usesInstancing) |
108 | return " qt_customMain(qt_vertPosition.xyz, qt_vertNormal, qt_vertUV0, qt_vertUV1, qt_vertTangent, qt_vertBinormal, qt_vertJoints, qt_vertWeights, qt_vertColor, qt_instancedModelMatrix, qt_instancedMVPMatrix);" ; |
109 | else |
110 | return " qt_customMain(qt_vertPosition.xyz, qt_vertNormal, qt_vertUV0, qt_vertUV1, qt_vertTangent, qt_vertBinormal, qt_vertJoints, qt_vertWeights, qt_vertColor);\n" ; |
111 | } |
112 | |
113 | void QSSGMaterialVertexPipeline::beginVertexGeneration(const QSSGShaderDefaultMaterialKey &inKey, |
114 | const QSSGShaderFeatures &inFeatureSet, |
115 | QSSGShaderLibraryManager &shaderLibraryManager) |
116 | { |
117 | QSSGShaderGeneratorStageFlags theStages(QSSGProgramGenerator::defaultFlags()); |
118 | programGenerator()->beginProgram(inEnabledStages: theStages); |
119 | |
120 | QSSGStageGeneratorBase &vertexShader(vertex()); |
121 | |
122 | const bool meshHasNormals = defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_vertexAttributes.getBitValue( |
123 | bit: QSSGShaderKeyVertexAttribute::Normal, inKeySet: inKey); |
124 | const bool meshHasTexCoord0 = defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_vertexAttributes.getBitValue( |
125 | bit: QSSGShaderKeyVertexAttribute::TexCoord0, inKeySet: inKey); |
126 | const bool meshHasTexCoord1 = defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_vertexAttributes.getBitValue( |
127 | bit: QSSGShaderKeyVertexAttribute::TexCoord1, inKeySet: inKey); |
128 | const bool meshHasTexCoordLightmap = defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_vertexAttributes.getBitValue( |
129 | bit: QSSGShaderKeyVertexAttribute::TexCoordLightmap, inKeySet: inKey); |
130 | const bool meshHasTangents = defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_vertexAttributes.getBitValue( |
131 | bit: QSSGShaderKeyVertexAttribute::Tangent, inKeySet: inKey); |
132 | const bool meshHasBinormals = defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_vertexAttributes.getBitValue( |
133 | bit: QSSGShaderKeyVertexAttribute::Binormal, inKeySet: inKey); |
134 | const bool meshHasColors = defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_vertexAttributes.getBitValue( |
135 | bit: QSSGShaderKeyVertexAttribute::Color, inKeySet: inKey); |
136 | const bool meshHasJointsAndWeights = defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_vertexAttributes.getBitValue( |
137 | bit: QSSGShaderKeyVertexAttribute::JointAndWeight, inKeySet: inKey); |
138 | const bool overridesPosition = defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_overridesPosition.getValue(inDataStore: inKey); |
139 | const bool usesProjectionMatrix = defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_usesProjectionMatrix.getValue(inDataStore: inKey); |
140 | const bool usesInvProjectionMatrix = defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_usesInverseProjectionMatrix.getValue(inDataStore: inKey); |
141 | const bool usesPointsTopology = defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_usesPointsTopology.getValue(inDataStore: inKey); |
142 | const bool usesFloatJointIndices = defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_usesFloatJointIndices.getValue(inDataStore: inKey); |
143 | const bool blendParticles = defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_blendParticles.getValue(inDataStore: inKey); |
144 | usesInstancing = defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_usesInstancing.getValue(inDataStore: inKey); |
145 | m_hasSkinning = defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_boneCount.getValue(inDataStore: inKey) > 0; |
146 | const auto morphSize = defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_targetCount.getValue(inDataStore: inKey); |
147 | m_hasMorphing = morphSize > 0; |
148 | m_viewCount = inFeatureSet.isSet(feature: QSSGShaderFeatures::Feature::DisableMultiView) |
149 | ? 1 : defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_viewCount.getValue(inDataStore: inKey); |
150 | const bool usesViewIndex = defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_usesViewIndex.getValue(inDataStore: inKey); |
151 | |
152 | vertexShader.addIncoming(name: "attr_pos" , type: "vec3" ); |
153 | if (usesInstancing) { |
154 | vertexShader.addIncoming(name: "qt_instanceTransform0" , type: "vec4" ); |
155 | vertexShader.addIncoming(name: "qt_instanceTransform1" , type: "vec4" ); |
156 | vertexShader.addIncoming(name: "qt_instanceTransform2" , type: "vec4" ); |
157 | vertexShader.addIncoming(name: "qt_instanceColor" , type: "vec4" ); |
158 | vertexShader.addIncoming(name: "qt_instanceData" , type: "vec4" ); |
159 | } |
160 | if (blendParticles) { |
161 | vertexShader.addInclude(name: "particles.glsllib" ); |
162 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_particleTexture" , type: "sampler2D" ); |
163 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_countPerSlice" , type: "uint" ); |
164 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_oneOverParticleImageSize" , type: "vec2" ); |
165 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_particleMatrix" , type: "mat4" ); |
166 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_particleIndexOffset" , type: "uint" ); |
167 | } |
168 | |
169 | if (m_hasSkinning && meshHasJointsAndWeights) { |
170 | vertexShader.addInclude(name: "skinanim.glsllib" ); |
171 | if (usesFloatJointIndices) |
172 | vertexShader.addIncoming(name: "attr_joints" , type: "vec4" ); |
173 | else |
174 | vertexShader.addIncoming(name: "attr_joints" , type: "ivec4" ); |
175 | vertexShader.addIncoming(name: "attr_weights" , type: "vec4" ); |
176 | |
177 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_boneTexture" , type: "sampler2D" ); |
178 | } |
179 | if (m_hasMorphing) { |
180 | vertexShader.addInclude(name: "morphanim.glsllib" ); |
181 | vertexShader.addUniformArray(name: "qt_morphWeights" , type: "float" , size: morphSize); |
182 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_morphTargetTexture" , type: "sampler2DArray" ); |
183 | } |
184 | |
185 | const bool hasCustomVertexShader = materialAdapter->hasCustomShaderSnippet(type: QSSGShaderCache::ShaderType::Vertex); |
186 | const bool hasCustomFragmentShader = materialAdapter->hasCustomShaderSnippet(type: QSSGShaderCache::ShaderType::Fragment); |
187 | if (hasCustomVertexShader) { |
188 | QByteArray snippet = materialAdapter->customShaderSnippet(type: QSSGShaderCache::ShaderType::Vertex, |
189 | shaderLibraryManager, |
190 | multiViewCompatible: m_viewCount >= 2); |
191 | if (materialAdapter->hasCustomShaderFunction(shaderType: QSSGShaderCache::ShaderType::Vertex, |
192 | QByteArrayLiteral("qt_customMain" ), |
193 | shaderLibraryManager)) |
194 | { |
195 | if (usesInstancing) |
196 | insertVertexInstancedMainArgs(snippet); |
197 | else |
198 | insertVertexMainArgs(snippet); |
199 | |
200 | if (materialAdapter->usesCustomSkinning()) { |
201 | vertexShader.addInclude(name: "skinanim.glsllib" ); |
202 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_boneTexture" , type: "sampler2D" ); |
203 | } |
204 | |
205 | if (materialAdapter->usesCustomMorphing()) { |
206 | vertexShader.addInclude(name: "morphanim_custom.glsllib" ); |
207 | if (morphSize > 0) |
208 | vertexShader.addUniformArray(name: "qt_morphWeights" , type: "float" , size: morphSize); |
209 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_morphTargetTexture" , type: "sampler2DArray" ); |
210 | m_hasMorphing = false; |
211 | } |
212 | |
213 | if (!materialAdapter->isUnshaded()) { |
214 | hasCustomShadedMain = true; |
215 | } |
216 | } |
217 | vertexShader << snippet; |
218 | } |
219 | |
220 | vertexShader << "void main()" |
221 | << "\n" |
222 | << "{" |
223 | << "\n" ; |
224 | // These local variables will be used for whole the pipeline |
225 | // instead of each attributes since it is more convenient |
226 | // for adding new routines. |
227 | vertexShader.append(data: " vec4 qt_vertPosition = vec4(attr_pos, 1.0);" ); |
228 | vertexShader.append(data: " vec3 qt_vertNormal = vec3(0.0);" ); |
229 | vertexShader.append(data: " vec3 qt_vertTangent = vec3(0.0);" ); |
230 | vertexShader.append(data: " vec3 qt_vertBinormal = vec3(0.0);" ); |
231 | if (meshHasTexCoord0 || hasCustomVertexShader) |
232 | vertexShader.append(data: " vec2 qt_vertUV0 = vec2(0.0);" ); |
233 | if (meshHasTexCoord1 || hasCustomVertexShader) |
234 | vertexShader.append(data: " vec2 qt_vertUV1 = vec2(0.0);" ); |
235 | if (m_hasSkinning || hasCustomVertexShader) |
236 | vertexShader.append(data: " ivec4 qt_vertJoints = ivec4(0);" ); |
237 | if (meshHasJointsAndWeights || m_hasSkinning || hasCustomVertexShader) |
238 | vertexShader.append(data: " vec4 qt_vertWeights = vec4(0.0);" ); |
239 | if (meshHasColors || usesInstancing || blendParticles || hasCustomVertexShader || hasCustomFragmentShader) |
240 | vertexShader.append(data: " vec4 qt_vertColor = vec4(1.0);" ); // must be 1,1,1,1 to not alter when multiplying with it |
241 | |
242 | if (!usesInstancing) { |
243 | if (m_viewCount < 2) |
244 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_modelViewProjection" , type: "mat4" ); |
245 | else |
246 | vertexShader.addUniformArray(name: "qt_modelViewProjection" , type: "mat4" , size: m_viewCount); |
247 | } else { |
248 | // Must manualy calculate a MVP |
249 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_modelMatrix" , type: "mat4" ); |
250 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_parentMatrix" , type: "mat4" ); |
251 | if (m_viewCount < 2) |
252 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_viewProjectionMatrix" , type: "mat4" ); |
253 | else |
254 | vertexShader.addUniformArray(name: "qt_viewProjectionMatrix" , type: "mat4" , size: m_viewCount); |
255 | } |
256 | |
257 | // The custom fragment main should be skipped if this is a |
258 | // depth pass, but not if it is also a OpaqueDepthPrePass |
259 | // because then we need to know the real alpha values |
260 | skipCustomFragmentSnippet = false; |
261 | const bool isDepthPass = inFeatureSet.isSet(feature: QSSGShaderFeatures::Feature::DepthPass); |
262 | const bool isOpaqueDepthPrePass = inFeatureSet.isSet(feature: QSSGShaderFeatures::Feature::OpaqueDepthPrePass); |
263 | skipCustomFragmentSnippet = (isDepthPass && !isOpaqueDepthPrePass); |
264 | |
265 | if (hasCustomVertexShader || hasCustomFragmentShader) { |
266 | // This is both for unshaded and shaded. Regardless of any other |
267 | // condition we have to ensure the keywords (VIEW_MATRIX etc.) promised |
268 | // by the documentation are available in *both* the custom vertex and |
269 | // fragment shader snippets, even if only one of them is present. |
270 | if (m_viewCount < 2) { |
271 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_viewProjectionMatrix" , type: "mat4" ); |
272 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_viewMatrix" , type: "mat4" ); |
273 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_cameraPosition" , type: "vec3" ); |
274 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_cameraDirection" , type: "vec3" ); |
275 | if (usesProjectionMatrix) |
276 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_projectionMatrix" , type: "mat4" ); |
277 | if (usesInvProjectionMatrix) |
278 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_inverseProjectionMatrix" , type: "mat4" ); |
279 | } else { |
280 | vertexShader.addUniformArray(name: "qt_viewProjectionMatrix" , type: "mat4" , size: m_viewCount); |
281 | vertexShader.addUniformArray(name: "qt_viewMatrix" , type: "mat4" , size: m_viewCount); |
282 | vertexShader.addUniformArray(name: "qt_cameraPosition" , type: "vec3" , size: m_viewCount); |
283 | vertexShader.addUniformArray(name: "qt_cameraDirection" , type: "vec3" , size: m_viewCount); |
284 | if (usesProjectionMatrix) |
285 | vertexShader.addUniformArray(name: "qt_projectionMatrix" , type: "mat4" , size: m_viewCount); |
286 | if (usesInvProjectionMatrix) |
287 | vertexShader.addUniformArray(name: "qt_inverseProjectionMatrix" , type: "mat4" , size: m_viewCount); |
288 | } |
289 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_modelMatrix" , type: "mat4" ); |
290 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_normalMatrix" , type: "mat3" ); |
291 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_cameraProperties" , type: "vec2" ); |
292 | } |
293 | |
294 | // With multiview, qt_viewIndex (aka VIEW_INDEX) is always present. |
295 | // Otherwise, we still make VIEW_INDEX functional (always 0) in custom |
296 | // materials, if the keyword is used. |
297 | if (m_viewCount >= 2) { |
298 | addFlatParameter(inParamName: "qt_viewIndex" , inParamType: "uint" ); |
299 | vertexShader.append(data: " qt_viewIndex = gl_ViewIndex;" ); |
300 | } else if (usesViewIndex) { |
301 | addFlatParameter(inParamName: "qt_viewIndex" , inParamType: "uint" ); |
302 | vertexShader.append(data: " qt_viewIndex = 0;" ); |
303 | } |
304 | |
305 | if (meshHasNormals) { |
306 | vertexShader.append(data: " qt_vertNormal = attr_norm;" ); |
307 | vertexShader.addIncoming(name: "attr_norm" , type: "vec3" ); |
308 | } |
309 | if (meshHasTexCoord0) { |
310 | vertexShader.append(data: " qt_vertUV0 = attr_uv0;" ); |
311 | vertexShader.addIncoming(name: "attr_uv0" , type: "vec2" ); |
312 | } |
313 | if (meshHasTexCoord1) { |
314 | vertexShader.append(data: " qt_vertUV1 = attr_uv1;" ); |
315 | vertexShader.addIncoming(name: "attr_uv1" , type: "vec2" ); |
316 | } |
317 | if (meshHasTexCoordLightmap) { |
318 | vertexShader.append(data: " vec2 qt_vertLightmapUV = attr_lightmapuv;" ); |
319 | vertexShader.addIncoming(name: "attr_lightmapuv" , type: "vec2" ); |
320 | } |
321 | if (meshHasTangents) { |
322 | vertexShader.append(data: " qt_vertTangent = attr_textan;" ); |
323 | vertexShader.addIncoming(name: "attr_textan" , type: "vec3" ); |
324 | } |
325 | if (meshHasBinormals) { |
326 | vertexShader.append(data: " qt_vertBinormal = attr_binormal;" ); |
327 | vertexShader.addIncoming(name: "attr_binormal" , type: "vec3" ); |
328 | } |
329 | if (meshHasColors) { |
330 | vertexShader.append(data: " qt_vertColor = attr_color;" ); |
331 | vertexShader.addIncoming(name: "attr_color" , type: "vec4" ); |
332 | } |
333 | |
334 | if (meshHasJointsAndWeights && (m_hasSkinning || hasCustomVertexShader)) { |
335 | if (usesFloatJointIndices) { |
336 | vertexShader.addIncoming(name: "attr_joints" , type: "vec4" ); |
337 | vertexShader.append(data: " qt_vertJoints = ivec4(attr_joints);" ); |
338 | } else { |
339 | vertexShader.addIncoming(name: "attr_joints" , type: "ivec4" ); |
340 | vertexShader.append(data: " qt_vertJoints = attr_joints;" ); |
341 | } |
342 | vertexShader.addIncoming(name: "attr_weights" , type: "vec4" ); |
343 | vertexShader.append(data: " qt_vertWeights = attr_weights;" ); |
344 | } |
345 | |
346 | if (usesInstancing) { |
347 | vertexShader.append(data: " qt_vertColor *= qt_instanceColor;" ); |
348 | vertexShader.append(data: " mat4 qt_instanceMatrix = mat4(qt_instanceTransform0, qt_instanceTransform1, qt_instanceTransform2, vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));" ); |
349 | if (m_hasSkinning) |
350 | vertexShader.append(data: " mat4 qt_instancedModelMatrix = qt_parentMatrix * transpose(qt_instanceMatrix);" ); |
351 | else |
352 | vertexShader.append(data: " mat4 qt_instancedModelMatrix = qt_parentMatrix * transpose(qt_instanceMatrix) * qt_modelMatrix;" ); |
353 | vertexShader.append(data: " mat3 qt_instancedNormalMatrix = mat3(transpose(inverse(qt_instancedModelMatrix)));" ); |
354 | if (m_viewCount < 2) |
355 | vertexShader.append(data: " mat4 qt_instancedMVPMatrix = qt_viewProjectionMatrix * qt_instancedModelMatrix;" ); |
356 | else |
357 | vertexShader.append(data: " mat4 qt_instancedMVPMatrix = qt_viewProjectionMatrix[qt_viewIndex] * qt_instancedModelMatrix;" ); |
358 | } |
359 | |
360 | if (!materialAdapter->isUnshaded() || !hasCustomVertexShader) { |
361 | vertexShader << " vec3 qt_uTransform;\n" ; |
362 | vertexShader << " vec3 qt_vTransform;\n" ; |
363 | |
364 | if (hasCustomShadedMain) |
365 | vertexShader.append(data: customMainCallWithArguments(usesInstancing)); |
366 | |
367 | if (m_hasMorphing && !hasCustomVertexShader) |
368 | vertexShader.append(data: " qt_vertPosition.xyz = qt_getTargetPosition(qt_vertPosition.xyz);" ); |
369 | |
370 | m_needsSkinning = m_hasSkinning && !materialAdapter->usesCustomSkinning(); |
371 | if (m_needsSkinning) { |
372 | vertexShader.append(data: " mat4 skinMat = mat4(1);" ); |
373 | vertexShader.append(data: " if (qt_vertWeights != vec4(0.0)) {" ); |
374 | vertexShader.append(data: " skinMat = qt_getSkinMatrix(qt_vertJoints, qt_vertWeights);" ); |
375 | vertexShader.append(data: " qt_vertPosition = skinMat * qt_vertPosition;" ); |
376 | vertexShader.append(data: " }" ); |
377 | } |
378 | if (blendParticles) { |
379 | vertexShader.append(data: " qt_vertPosition.xyz = qt_applyParticle(qt_vertPosition.xyz, qt_vertNormal, qt_vertColor, qt_vertNormal, qt_vertColor, qt_particleMatrix);" ); |
380 | } |
381 | |
382 | if (!hasCustomShadedMain || !overridesPosition) { |
383 | if (!usesInstancing) { |
384 | if (m_viewCount < 2) |
385 | vertexShader.append(data: " gl_Position = qt_modelViewProjection * qt_vertPosition;" ); |
386 | else |
387 | vertexShader.append(data: " gl_Position = qt_modelViewProjection[qt_viewIndex] * qt_vertPosition;" ); |
388 | } else { |
389 | vertexShader.append(data: " gl_Position = qt_instancedMVPMatrix * qt_vertPosition;" ); |
390 | } |
391 | } |
392 | } |
393 | |
394 | if (usesPointsTopology && !hasCustomVertexShader) { |
395 | vertexShader.addUniform(name: "qt_materialPointSize" , type: "float" ); |
396 | vertexShader.append(data: " gl_PointSize = qt_materialPointSize;" ); |
397 | } // with a custom vertex shader it is up to it to set gl_PointSize (aka POINT_SIZE) |
398 | } |
399 | |
400 | void QSSGMaterialVertexPipeline::beginFragmentGeneration(QSSGShaderLibraryManager &shaderLibraryManager) |
401 | { |
402 | fragment().addUniform(name: "qt_material_properties" , type: "vec4" ); |
403 | fragment().addUniform(name: "qt_rhi_properties" , type: "vec4" ); |
404 | |
405 | if (m_viewCount < 2) { |
406 | fragment().addUniform(name: "qt_viewMatrix" , type: "mat4" ); |
407 | } else { |
408 | fragment().addUniformArray(name: "qt_viewMatrix" , type: "mat4" , size: m_viewCount); |
409 | } |
410 | |
411 | if (!skipCustomFragmentSnippet && materialAdapter->hasCustomShaderSnippet(type: QSSGShaderCache::ShaderType::Fragment)) { |
412 | QByteArray snippet = materialAdapter->customShaderSnippet(type: QSSGShaderCache::ShaderType::Fragment, |
413 | shaderLibraryManager, |
414 | multiViewCompatible: m_viewCount >= 2); |
415 | if (!materialAdapter->isUnshaded()) { |
416 | insertAmbientLightProcessorArgs(snippet, materialAdapter); |
417 | insertIblProbeProcessorArgs(snippet, materialAdapter); |
418 | insertSpecularLightProcessorArgs(snippet, materialAdapter); |
419 | insertSpotLightProcessorArgs(snippet, materialAdapter); |
420 | insertPointLightProcessorArgs(snippet, materialAdapter); |
421 | insertDirectionalLightProcessorArgs(snippet, materialAdapter); |
422 | insertFragmentMainArgs(snippet, materialAdapter); |
423 | insertPostProcessorArgs(snippet, materialAdapter); |
424 | } |
425 | fragment() << snippet; |
426 | } |
427 | |
428 | fragment() << "void main()" |
429 | << "\n" |
430 | << "{" |
431 | << "\n" ; |
432 | |
433 | if (!materialAdapter->isUnshaded() || !materialAdapter->hasCustomShaderSnippet(type: QSSGShaderCache::ShaderType::Fragment)) |
434 | fragment() << " float qt_objectOpacity = qt_material_properties.a;\n" ; |
435 | } |
436 | |
437 | void QSSGMaterialVertexPipeline::assignOutput(const QByteArray &inVarName, const QByteArray &inVarValue) |
438 | { |
439 | vertex() << " " << inVarName << " = " << inVarValue << ";\n" ; |
440 | } |
441 | |
442 | void QSSGMaterialVertexPipeline::doGenerateWorldNormal(const QSSGShaderDefaultMaterialKey &inKey) |
443 | { |
444 | QSSGStageGeneratorBase &vertexGenerator(vertex()); |
445 | const bool usesInstancing = defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_usesInstancing.getValue(inDataStore: inKey); |
446 | if (!usesInstancing) |
447 | vertexGenerator.addUniform(name: "qt_normalMatrix" , type: "mat3" ); |
448 | if (m_hasMorphing) |
449 | vertexGenerator.append(data: " qt_vertNormal = qt_getTargetNormal(qt_vertNormal);" ); |
450 | if (m_hasSkinning) { |
451 | vertexGenerator.append(data: " if (qt_vertWeights != vec4(0.0))" ); |
452 | vertexGenerator.append(data: " qt_vertNormal = qt_getSkinNormalMatrix(qt_vertJoints, qt_vertWeights) * qt_vertNormal;" ); |
453 | } |
454 | // If new model->skin is used, |
455 | // both qt_normalMatrix and qt_modelMatrix are identity. |
456 | if (!usesInstancing) { |
457 | if (m_hasSkinning) |
458 | vertexGenerator.append(data: " vec3 qt_world_normal = normalize(qt_vertNormal);" ); |
459 | else |
460 | vertexGenerator.append(data: " vec3 qt_world_normal = normalize(qt_normalMatrix * qt_vertNormal);" ); |
461 | } else { |
462 | vertexGenerator.append(data: " vec3 qt_world_normal = normalize(qt_instancedNormalMatrix * qt_vertNormal);" ); |
463 | } |
464 | vertexGenerator.append(data: " qt_varNormal = qt_world_normal;" ); |
465 | } |
466 | |
467 | void QSSGMaterialVertexPipeline::doGenerateVarTangent(const QSSGShaderDefaultMaterialKey &inKey) |
468 | { |
469 | if (m_hasMorphing) |
470 | vertex() << " qt_vertTangent = qt_getTargetTangent(qt_vertTangent);\n" ; |
471 | if (m_needsSkinning) { |
472 | vertex() << " if (qt_vertWeights != vec4(0.0))\n" |
473 | << " qt_vertTangent = (skinMat * vec4(qt_vertTangent, 0.0)).xyz;\n" ; |
474 | |
475 | } |
476 | const bool usesInstancing = defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_usesInstancing.getValue(inDataStore: inKey); |
477 | if (!usesInstancing) { |
478 | if (!m_hasSkinning) |
479 | vertex() << " qt_varTangent = (qt_modelMatrix * vec4(qt_vertTangent, 0.0)).xyz;\n" ; |
480 | else |
481 | vertex() << " qt_varTangent = qt_vertTangent;\n" ; |
482 | } else { |
483 | vertex() << " qt_varTangent = (qt_instancedModelMatrix * vec4(qt_vertTangent, 0.0)).xyz;\n" ; |
484 | } |
485 | } |
486 | |
487 | void QSSGMaterialVertexPipeline::doGenerateVarBinormal(const QSSGShaderDefaultMaterialKey &inKey) |
488 | { |
489 | if (m_hasMorphing) |
490 | vertex() << " qt_vertBinormal = qt_getTargetBinormal(qt_vertBinormal);\n" ; |
491 | if (m_needsSkinning) { |
492 | vertex() << " if (qt_vertWeights != vec4(0.0))\n" |
493 | << " qt_vertBinormal = (skinMat * vec4(qt_vertBinormal, 0.0)).xyz;\n" ; |
494 | } |
495 | const bool usesInstancing = defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_usesInstancing.getValue(inDataStore: inKey); |
496 | if (!usesInstancing) { |
497 | if (!m_hasSkinning) |
498 | vertex() << " qt_varBinormal = (qt_modelMatrix * vec4(qt_vertBinormal, 0.0)).xyz;\n" ; |
499 | else |
500 | vertex() << " qt_varBinormal = qt_vertBinormal;\n" ; |
501 | } else { |
502 | vertex() << " qt_varBinormal = (qt_instancedModelMatrix * vec4(qt_vertBinormal, 0.0)).xyz;\n" ; |
503 | } |
504 | } |
505 | |
506 | bool QSSGMaterialVertexPipeline::hasAttributeInKey(QSSGShaderKeyVertexAttribute::VertexAttributeBits inAttr, |
507 | const QSSGShaderDefaultMaterialKey &inKey) |
508 | { |
509 | return defaultMaterialShaderKeyProperties.m_vertexAttributes.getBitValue(bit: inAttr, inKeySet: inKey); |
510 | } |
511 | |
512 | void QSSGMaterialVertexPipeline::endVertexGeneration() |
513 | { |
514 | if (materialAdapter->isUnshaded() && materialAdapter->hasCustomShaderSnippet(type: QSSGShaderCache::ShaderType::Vertex)) |
515 | vertex() << customMainCallWithArguments(usesInstancing); |
516 | vertex().append(data: "}" ); |
517 | } |
518 | |
519 | void QSSGMaterialVertexPipeline::endFragmentGeneration() |
520 | { |
521 | if (!skipCustomFragmentSnippet && materialAdapter->isUnshaded() && materialAdapter->hasCustomShaderSnippet(type: QSSGShaderCache::ShaderType::Fragment)) |
522 | fragment() << " qt_customMain();\n" ; |
523 | |
524 | fragment().append(data: "}" ); |
525 | } |
526 | |
527 | void QSSGMaterialVertexPipeline::addInterpolationParameter(const QByteArray &inName, const QByteArray &inType) |
528 | { |
529 | vertex().addOutgoing(name: inName, type: inType); |
530 | fragment().addIncoming(name: inName, type: inType); |
531 | } |
532 | |
533 | void QSSGMaterialVertexPipeline::addFlatParameter(const QByteArray &inName, const QByteArray &inType) |
534 | { |
535 | vertex().addFlatOutgoing(name: inName, type: inType); |
536 | fragment().addFlatIncoming(name: inName, type: inType); |
537 | } |
538 | |
539 | QSSGStageGeneratorBase &QSSGMaterialVertexPipeline::activeStage() |
540 | { |
541 | return vertex(); |
542 | } |
543 | |
545 | |