2Defines a high-level intermediate (HIR) representation for regular expressions.
4The HIR is represented by the [`Hir`] type, and it principally constructed via
5[translation](translate) from an [`Ast`](crate::ast::Ast). Alternatively, users
6may use the smart constructors defined on `Hir` to build their own by hand. The
7smart constructors simultaneously simplify and "optimize" the HIR, and are also
8the same routines used by translation.
10Most regex engines only have an HIR like this, and usually construct it
11directly from the concrete syntax. This crate however first parses the
12concrete syntax into an `Ast`, and only then creates the HIR from the `Ast`,
13as mentioned above. It's done this way to facilitate better error reporting,
14and to have a structured representation of a regex that faithfully represents
15its concrete syntax. Namely, while an `Hir` value can be converted back to an
16equivalent regex pattern string, it is unlikely to look like the original due
17to its simplified structure.
20use core::{char, cmp};
22use alloc::{
23 boxed::Box,
24 format,
25 string::{String, ToString},
26 vec,
27 vec::Vec,
30use crate::{
31 ast::Span,
32 hir::interval::{Interval, IntervalSet, IntervalSetIter},
33 unicode,
36pub use crate::{
37 hir::visitor::{visit, Visitor},
38 unicode::CaseFoldError,
41mod interval;
42pub mod literal;
43pub mod print;
44pub mod translate;
45mod visitor;
47/// An error that can occur while translating an `Ast` to a `Hir`.
48#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
49pub struct Error {
50 /// The kind of error.
51 kind: ErrorKind,
52 /// The original pattern that the translator's Ast was parsed from. Every
53 /// span in an error is a valid range into this string.
54 pattern: String,
55 /// The span of this error, derived from the Ast given to the translator.
56 span: Span,
59impl Error {
60 /// Return the type of this error.
61 pub fn kind(&self) -> &ErrorKind {
62 &self.kind
63 }
65 /// The original pattern string in which this error occurred.
66 ///
67 /// Every span reported by this error is reported in terms of this string.
68 pub fn pattern(&self) -> &str {
69 &self.pattern
70 }
72 /// Return the span at which this error occurred.
73 pub fn span(&self) -> &Span {
74 &self.span
75 }
78/// The type of an error that occurred while building an `Hir`.
80/// This error type is marked as `non_exhaustive`. This means that adding a
81/// new variant is not considered a breaking change.
83#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
84pub enum ErrorKind {
85 /// This error occurs when a Unicode feature is used when Unicode
86 /// support is disabled. For example `(?-u:\pL)` would trigger this error.
87 UnicodeNotAllowed,
88 /// This error occurs when translating a pattern that could match a byte
89 /// sequence that isn't UTF-8 and `utf8` was enabled.
90 InvalidUtf8,
91 /// This occurs when an unrecognized Unicode property name could not
92 /// be found.
93 UnicodePropertyNotFound,
94 /// This occurs when an unrecognized Unicode property value could not
95 /// be found.
96 UnicodePropertyValueNotFound,
97 /// This occurs when a Unicode-aware Perl character class (`\w`, `\s` or
98 /// `\d`) could not be found. This can occur when the `unicode-perl`
99 /// crate feature is not enabled.
100 UnicodePerlClassNotFound,
101 /// This occurs when the Unicode simple case mapping tables are not
102 /// available, and the regular expression required Unicode aware case
103 /// insensitivity.
104 UnicodeCaseUnavailable,
107#[cfg(feature = "std")]
108impl std::error::Error for Error {}
110impl core::fmt::Display for Error {
111 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
112 crate::error::Formatter::from(self).fmt(f)
113 }
116impl core::fmt::Display for ErrorKind {
117 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
118 use self::ErrorKind::*;
120 let msg: &str = match *self {
121 UnicodeNotAllowed => "Unicode not allowed here",
122 InvalidUtf8 => "pattern can match invalid UTF-8",
123 UnicodePropertyNotFound => "Unicode property not found",
124 UnicodePropertyValueNotFound => "Unicode property value not found",
125 UnicodePerlClassNotFound => {
126 "Unicode-aware Perl class not found \
127 (make sure the unicode-perl feature is enabled)"
128 }
129 UnicodeCaseUnavailable => {
130 "Unicode-aware case insensitivity matching is not available \
131 (make sure the unicode-case feature is enabled)"
132 }
133 };
134 f.write_str(data:msg)
135 }
138/// A high-level intermediate representation (HIR) for a regular expression.
140/// An HIR value is a combination of a [`HirKind`] and a set of [`Properties`].
141/// An `HirKind` indicates what kind of regular expression it is (a literal,
142/// a repetition, a look-around assertion, etc.), where as a `Properties`
143/// describes various facts about the regular expression. For example, whether
144/// it matches UTF-8 or if it matches the empty string.
146/// The HIR of a regular expression represents an intermediate step between
147/// its abstract syntax (a structured description of the concrete syntax) and
148/// an actual regex matcher. The purpose of HIR is to make regular expressions
149/// easier to analyze. In particular, the AST is much more complex than the
150/// HIR. For example, while an AST supports arbitrarily nested character
151/// classes, the HIR will flatten all nested classes into a single set. The HIR
152/// will also "compile away" every flag present in the concrete syntax. For
153/// example, users of HIR expressions never need to worry about case folding;
154/// it is handled automatically by the translator (e.g., by translating
155/// `(?i:A)` to `[aA]`).
157/// The specific type of an HIR expression can be accessed via its `kind`
158/// or `into_kind` methods. This extra level of indirection exists for two
159/// reasons:
161/// 1. Construction of an HIR expression *must* use the constructor methods on
162/// this `Hir` type instead of building the `HirKind` values directly. This
163/// permits construction to enforce invariants like "concatenations always
164/// consist of two or more sub-expressions."
165/// 2. Every HIR expression contains attributes that are defined inductively,
166/// and can be computed cheaply during the construction process. For example,
167/// one such attribute is whether the expression must match at the beginning of
168/// the haystack.
170/// In particular, if you have an `HirKind` value, then there is intentionally
171/// no way to build an `Hir` value from it. You instead need to do case
172/// analysis on the `HirKind` value and build the `Hir` value using its smart
173/// constructors.
175/// # UTF-8
177/// If the HIR was produced by a translator with
178/// [`TranslatorBuilder::utf8`](translate::TranslatorBuilder::utf8) enabled,
179/// then the HIR is guaranteed to match UTF-8 exclusively for all non-empty
180/// matches.
182/// For empty matches, those can occur at any position. It is the
183/// repsonsibility of the regex engine to determine whether empty matches are
184/// permitted between the code units of a single codepoint.
186/// # Stack space
188/// This type defines its own destructor that uses constant stack space and
189/// heap space proportional to the size of the HIR.
191/// Also, an `Hir`'s `fmt::Display` implementation prints an HIR as a regular
192/// expression pattern string, and uses constant stack space and heap space
193/// proportional to the size of the `Hir`. The regex it prints is guaranteed to
194/// be _semantically_ equivalent to the original concrete syntax, but it may
195/// look very different. (And potentially not practically readable by a human.)
197/// An `Hir`'s `fmt::Debug` implementation currently does not use constant
198/// stack space. The implementation will also suppress some details (such as
199/// the `Properties` inlined into every `Hir` value to make it less noisy).
200#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
201pub struct Hir {
202 /// The underlying HIR kind.
203 kind: HirKind,
204 /// Analysis info about this HIR, computed during construction.
205 props: Properties,
208/// Methods for accessing the underlying `HirKind` and `Properties`.
209impl Hir {
210 /// Returns a reference to the underlying HIR kind.
211 pub fn kind(&self) -> &HirKind {
212 &self.kind
213 }
215 /// Consumes ownership of this HIR expression and returns its underlying
216 /// `HirKind`.
217 pub fn into_kind(mut self) -> HirKind {
218 core::mem::replace(&mut self.kind, HirKind::Empty)
219 }
221 /// Returns the properties computed for this `Hir`.
222 pub fn properties(&self) -> &Properties {
223 &self.props
224 }
226 /// Splits this HIR into its constituent parts.
227 ///
228 /// This is useful because `let Hir { kind, props } = hir;` does not work
229 /// because of `Hir`'s custom `Drop` implementation.
230 fn into_parts(mut self) -> (HirKind, Properties) {
231 (
232 core::mem::replace(&mut self.kind, HirKind::Empty),
233 core::mem::replace(&mut self.props, Properties::empty()),
234 )
235 }
238/// Smart constructors for HIR values.
240/// These constructors are called "smart" because they do inductive work or
241/// simplifications. For example, calling `Hir::repetition` with a repetition
242/// like `a{0}` will actually return a `Hir` with a `HirKind::Empty` kind
243/// since it is equivalent to an empty regex. Another example is calling
244/// `Hir::concat(vec![expr])`. Instead of getting a `HirKind::Concat`, you'll
245/// just get back the original `expr` since it's precisely equivalent.
247/// Smart constructors enable maintaining invariants about the HIR data type
248/// while also simulanteously keeping the representation as simple as possible.
249impl Hir {
250 /// Returns an empty HIR expression.
251 ///
252 /// An empty HIR expression always matches, including the empty string.
253 #[inline]
254 pub fn empty() -> Hir {
255 let props = Properties::empty();
256 Hir { kind: HirKind::Empty, props }
257 }
259 /// Returns an HIR expression that can never match anything. That is,
260 /// the size of the set of strings in the language described by the HIR
261 /// returned is `0`.
262 ///
263 /// This is distinct from [`Hir::empty`] in that the empty string matches
264 /// the HIR returned by `Hir::empty`. That is, the set of strings in the
265 /// language describe described by `Hir::empty` is non-empty.
266 ///
267 /// Note that currently, the HIR returned uses an empty character class to
268 /// indicate that nothing can match. An equivalent expression that cannot
269 /// match is an empty alternation, but all such "fail" expressions are
270 /// normalized (via smart constructors) to empty character classes. This is
271 /// because empty character classes can be spelled in the concrete syntax
272 /// of a regex (e.g., `\P{any}` or `(?-u:[^\x00-\xFF])` or `[a&&b]`), but
273 /// empty alternations cannot.
274 #[inline]
275 pub fn fail() -> Hir {
276 let class = Class::Bytes(ClassBytes::empty());
277 let props = Properties::class(&class);
278 // We can't just call Hir::class here because it defers to Hir::fail
279 // in order to canonicalize the Hir value used to represent "cannot
280 // match."
281 Hir { kind: HirKind::Class(class), props }
282 }
284 /// Creates a literal HIR expression.
285 ///
286 /// This accepts anything that can be converted into a `Box<[u8]>`.
287 ///
288 /// Note that there is no mechanism for storing a `char` or a `Box<str>`
289 /// in an HIR. Everything is "just bytes." Whether a `Literal` (or
290 /// any HIR node) matches valid UTF-8 exclusively can be queried via
291 /// [`Properties::is_utf8`].
292 ///
293 /// # Example
294 ///
295 /// This example shows that concatenations of `Literal` HIR values will
296 /// automatically get flattened and combined together. So for example, even
297 /// if you concat multiple `Literal` values that are themselves not valid
298 /// UTF-8, they might add up to valid UTF-8. This also demonstrates just
299 /// how "smart" Hir's smart constructors are.
300 ///
301 /// ```
302 /// use regex_syntax::hir::{Hir, HirKind, Literal};
303 ///
304 /// let literals = vec![
305 /// Hir::literal([0xE2]),
306 /// Hir::literal([0x98]),
307 /// Hir::literal([0x83]),
308 /// ];
309 /// // Each literal, on its own, is invalid UTF-8.
310 /// assert!(literals.iter().all(|hir| !hir.properties().is_utf8()));
311 ///
312 /// let concat = Hir::concat(literals);
313 /// // But the concatenation is valid UTF-8!
314 /// assert!(concat.properties().is_utf8());
315 ///
316 /// // And also notice that the literals have been concatenated into a
317 /// // single `Literal`, to the point where there is no explicit `Concat`!
318 /// let expected = HirKind::Literal(Literal(Box::from("☃".as_bytes())));
319 /// assert_eq!(&expected, concat.kind());
320 /// ```
321 #[inline]
322 pub fn literal<B: Into<Box<[u8]>>>(lit: B) -> Hir {
323 let bytes = lit.into();
324 if bytes.is_empty() {
325 return Hir::empty();
326 }
328 let lit = Literal(bytes);
329 let props = Properties::literal(&lit);
330 Hir { kind: HirKind::Literal(lit), props }
331 }
333 /// Creates a class HIR expression. The class may either be defined over
334 /// ranges of Unicode codepoints or ranges of raw byte values.
335 ///
336 /// Note that an empty class is permitted. An empty class is equivalent to
337 /// `Hir::fail()`.
338 #[inline]
339 pub fn class(class: Class) -> Hir {
340 if class.is_empty() {
341 return Hir::fail();
342 } else if let Some(bytes) = class.literal() {
343 return Hir::literal(bytes);
344 }
345 let props = Properties::class(&class);
346 Hir { kind: HirKind::Class(class), props }
347 }
349 /// Creates a look-around assertion HIR expression.
350 #[inline]
351 pub fn look(look: Look) -> Hir {
352 let props = Properties::look(look);
353 Hir { kind: HirKind::Look(look), props }
354 }
356 /// Creates a repetition HIR expression.
357 #[inline]
358 pub fn repetition(rep: Repetition) -> Hir {
359 // The regex 'a{0}' is always equivalent to the empty regex. This is
360 // true even when 'a' is an expression that never matches anything
361 // (like '\P{any}').
362 //
363 // Additionally, the regex 'a{1}' is always equivalent to 'a'.
364 if rep.min == 0 && rep.max == Some(0) {
365 return Hir::empty();
366 } else if rep.min == 1 && rep.max == Some(1) {
367 return *rep.sub;
368 }
369 let props = Properties::repetition(&rep);
370 Hir { kind: HirKind::Repetition(rep), props }
371 }
373 /// Creates a capture HIR expression.
374 ///
375 /// Note that there is no explicit HIR value for a non-capturing group.
376 /// Since a non-capturing group only exists to override precedence in the
377 /// concrete syntax and since an HIR already does its own grouping based on
378 /// what is parsed, there is no need to explicitly represent non-capturing
379 /// groups in the HIR.
380 #[inline]
381 pub fn capture(capture: Capture) -> Hir {
382 let props = Properties::capture(&capture);
383 Hir { kind: HirKind::Capture(capture), props }
384 }
386 /// Returns the concatenation of the given expressions.
387 ///
388 /// This attempts to flatten and simplify the concatenation as appropriate.
389 ///
390 /// # Example
391 ///
392 /// This shows a simple example of basic flattening of both concatenations
393 /// and literals.
394 ///
395 /// ```
396 /// use regex_syntax::hir::Hir;
397 ///
398 /// let hir = Hir::concat(vec![
399 /// Hir::concat(vec![
400 /// Hir::literal([b'a']),
401 /// Hir::literal([b'b']),
402 /// Hir::literal([b'c']),
403 /// ]),
404 /// Hir::concat(vec![
405 /// Hir::literal([b'x']),
406 /// Hir::literal([b'y']),
407 /// Hir::literal([b'z']),
408 /// ]),
409 /// ]);
410 /// let expected = Hir::literal("abcxyz".as_bytes());
411 /// assert_eq!(expected, hir);
412 /// ```
413 pub fn concat(subs: Vec<Hir>) -> Hir {
414 // We rebuild the concatenation by simplifying it. Would be nice to do
415 // it in place, but that seems a little tricky?
416 let mut new = vec![];
417 // This gobbles up any adjacent literals in a concatenation and smushes
418 // them together. Basically, when we see a literal, we add its bytes
419 // to 'prior_lit', and whenever we see anything else, we first take
420 // any bytes in 'prior_lit' and add it to the 'new' concatenation.
421 let mut prior_lit: Option<Vec<u8>> = None;
422 for sub in subs {
423 let (kind, props) = sub.into_parts();
424 match kind {
425 HirKind::Literal(Literal(bytes)) => {
426 if let Some(ref mut prior_bytes) = prior_lit {
427 prior_bytes.extend_from_slice(&bytes);
428 } else {
429 prior_lit = Some(bytes.to_vec());
430 }
431 }
432 // We also flatten concats that are direct children of another
433 // concat. We only need to do this one level deep since
434 // Hir::concat is the only way to build concatenations, and so
435 // flattening happens inductively.
436 HirKind::Concat(subs2) => {
437 for sub2 in subs2 {
438 let (kind2, props2) = sub2.into_parts();
439 match kind2 {
440 HirKind::Literal(Literal(bytes)) => {
441 if let Some(ref mut prior_bytes) = prior_lit {
442 prior_bytes.extend_from_slice(&bytes);
443 } else {
444 prior_lit = Some(bytes.to_vec());
445 }
446 }
447 kind2 => {
448 if let Some(prior_bytes) = prior_lit.take() {
449 new.push(Hir::literal(prior_bytes));
450 }
451 new.push(Hir { kind: kind2, props: props2 });
452 }
453 }
454 }
455 }
456 // We can just skip empty HIRs.
457 HirKind::Empty => {}
458 kind => {
459 if let Some(prior_bytes) = prior_lit.take() {
460 new.push(Hir::literal(prior_bytes));
461 }
462 new.push(Hir { kind, props });
463 }
464 }
465 }
466 if let Some(prior_bytes) = prior_lit.take() {
467 new.push(Hir::literal(prior_bytes));
468 }
469 if new.is_empty() {
470 return Hir::empty();
471 } else if new.len() == 1 {
472 return new.pop().unwrap();
473 }
474 let props = Properties::concat(&new);
475 Hir { kind: HirKind::Concat(new), props }
476 }
478 /// Returns the alternation of the given expressions.
479 ///
480 /// This flattens and simplifies the alternation as appropriate. This may
481 /// include factoring out common prefixes or even rewriting the alternation
482 /// as a character class.
483 ///
484 /// Note that an empty alternation is equivalent to `Hir::fail()`. (It
485 /// is not possible for one to write an empty alternation, or even an
486 /// alternation with a single sub-expression, in the concrete syntax of a
487 /// regex.)
488 ///
489 /// # Example
490 ///
491 /// This is a simple example showing how an alternation might get
492 /// simplified.
493 ///
494 /// ```
495 /// use regex_syntax::hir::{Hir, Class, ClassUnicode, ClassUnicodeRange};
496 ///
497 /// let hir = Hir::alternation(vec![
498 /// Hir::literal([b'a']),
499 /// Hir::literal([b'b']),
500 /// Hir::literal([b'c']),
501 /// Hir::literal([b'd']),
502 /// Hir::literal([b'e']),
503 /// Hir::literal([b'f']),
504 /// ]);
505 /// let expected = Hir::class(Class::Unicode(ClassUnicode::new([
506 /// ClassUnicodeRange::new('a', 'f'),
507 /// ])));
508 /// assert_eq!(expected, hir);
509 /// ```
510 ///
511 /// And another example showing how common prefixes might get factored
512 /// out.
513 ///
514 /// ```
515 /// use regex_syntax::hir::{Hir, Class, ClassUnicode, ClassUnicodeRange};
516 ///
517 /// let hir = Hir::alternation(vec![
518 /// Hir::concat(vec![
519 /// Hir::literal("abc".as_bytes()),
520 /// Hir::class(Class::Unicode(ClassUnicode::new([
521 /// ClassUnicodeRange::new('A', 'Z'),
522 /// ]))),
523 /// ]),
524 /// Hir::concat(vec![
525 /// Hir::literal("abc".as_bytes()),
526 /// Hir::class(Class::Unicode(ClassUnicode::new([
527 /// ClassUnicodeRange::new('a', 'z'),
528 /// ]))),
529 /// ]),
530 /// ]);
531 /// let expected = Hir::concat(vec![
532 /// Hir::literal("abc".as_bytes()),
533 /// Hir::alternation(vec![
534 /// Hir::class(Class::Unicode(ClassUnicode::new([
535 /// ClassUnicodeRange::new('A', 'Z'),
536 /// ]))),
537 /// Hir::class(Class::Unicode(ClassUnicode::new([
538 /// ClassUnicodeRange::new('a', 'z'),
539 /// ]))),
540 /// ]),
541 /// ]);
542 /// assert_eq!(expected, hir);
543 /// ```
544 ///
545 /// Note that these sorts of simplifications are not guaranteed.
546 pub fn alternation(subs: Vec<Hir>) -> Hir {
547 // We rebuild the alternation by simplifying it. We proceed similarly
548 // as the concatenation case. But in this case, there's no literal
549 // simplification happening. We're just flattening alternations.
550 let mut new = vec![];
551 for sub in subs {
552 let (kind, props) = sub.into_parts();
553 match kind {
554 HirKind::Alternation(subs2) => {
555 new.extend(subs2);
556 }
557 kind => {
558 new.push(Hir { kind, props });
559 }
560 }
561 }
562 if new.is_empty() {
563 return Hir::fail();
564 } else if new.len() == 1 {
565 return new.pop().unwrap();
566 }
567 // Now that it's completely flattened, look for the special case of
568 // 'char1|char2|...|charN' and collapse that into a class. Note that
569 // we look for 'char' first and then bytes. The issue here is that if
570 // we find both non-ASCII codepoints and non-ASCII singleton bytes,
571 // then it isn't actually possible to smush them into a single class.
572 // (Because classes are either "all codepoints" or "all bytes." You
573 // can have a class that both matches non-ASCII but valid UTF-8 and
574 // invalid UTF-8.) So we look for all chars and then all bytes, and
575 // don't handle anything else.
576 if let Some(singletons) = singleton_chars(&new) {
577 let it = singletons
578 .into_iter()
579 .map(|ch| ClassUnicodeRange { start: ch, end: ch });
580 return Hir::class(Class::Unicode(ClassUnicode::new(it)));
581 }
582 if let Some(singletons) = singleton_bytes(&new) {
583 let it = singletons
584 .into_iter()
585 .map(|b| ClassBytesRange { start: b, end: b });
586 return Hir::class(Class::Bytes(ClassBytes::new(it)));
587 }
588 // Similar to singleton chars, we can also look for alternations of
589 // classes. Those can be smushed into a single class.
590 if let Some(cls) = class_chars(&new) {
591 return Hir::class(cls);
592 }
593 if let Some(cls) = class_bytes(&new) {
594 return Hir::class(cls);
595 }
596 // Factor out a common prefix if we can, which might potentially
597 // simplify the expression and unlock other optimizations downstream.
598 // It also might generally make NFA matching and DFA construction
599 // faster by reducing the scope of branching in the regex.
600 new = match lift_common_prefix(new) {
601 Ok(hir) => return hir,
602 Err(unchanged) => unchanged,
603 };
604 let props = Properties::alternation(&new);
605 Hir { kind: HirKind::Alternation(new), props }
606 }
608 /// Returns an HIR expression for `.`.
609 ///
610 /// * [`Dot::AnyChar`] maps to `(?su-R:.)`.
611 /// * [`Dot::AnyByte`] maps to `(?s-Ru:.)`.
612 /// * [`Dot::AnyCharExceptLF`] maps to `(?u-Rs:.)`.
613 /// * [`Dot::AnyCharExceptCRLF`] maps to `(?Ru-s:.)`.
614 /// * [`Dot::AnyByteExceptLF`] maps to `(?-Rsu:.)`.
615 /// * [`Dot::AnyByteExceptCRLF`] maps to `(?R-su:.)`.
616 ///
617 /// # Example
618 ///
619 /// Note that this is a convenience routine for constructing the correct
620 /// character class based on the value of `Dot`. There is no explicit "dot"
621 /// HIR value. It is just an abbreviation for a common character class.
622 ///
623 /// ```
624 /// use regex_syntax::hir::{Hir, Dot, Class, ClassBytes, ClassBytesRange};
625 ///
626 /// let hir = Hir::dot(Dot::AnyByte);
627 /// let expected = Hir::class(Class::Bytes(ClassBytes::new([
628 /// ClassBytesRange::new(0x00, 0xFF),
629 /// ])));
630 /// assert_eq!(expected, hir);
631 /// ```
632 #[inline]
633 pub fn dot(dot: Dot) -> Hir {
634 match dot {
635 Dot::AnyChar => {
636 let mut cls = ClassUnicode::empty();
637 cls.push(ClassUnicodeRange::new('\0', '\u{10FFFF}'));
638 Hir::class(Class::Unicode(cls))
639 }
640 Dot::AnyByte => {
641 let mut cls = ClassBytes::empty();
642 cls.push(ClassBytesRange::new(b'\0', b'\xFF'));
643 Hir::class(Class::Bytes(cls))
644 }
645 Dot::AnyCharExceptLF => {
646 let mut cls = ClassUnicode::empty();
647 cls.push(ClassUnicodeRange::new('\0', '\x09'));
648 cls.push(ClassUnicodeRange::new('\x0B', '\u{10FFFF}'));
649 Hir::class(Class::Unicode(cls))
650 }
651 Dot::AnyCharExceptCRLF => {
652 let mut cls = ClassUnicode::empty();
653 cls.push(ClassUnicodeRange::new('\0', '\x09'));
654 cls.push(ClassUnicodeRange::new('\x0B', '\x0C'));
655 cls.push(ClassUnicodeRange::new('\x0E', '\u{10FFFF}'));
656 Hir::class(Class::Unicode(cls))
657 }
658 Dot::AnyByteExceptLF => {
659 let mut cls = ClassBytes::empty();
660 cls.push(ClassBytesRange::new(b'\0', b'\x09'));
661 cls.push(ClassBytesRange::new(b'\x0B', b'\xFF'));
662 Hir::class(Class::Bytes(cls))
663 }
664 Dot::AnyByteExceptCRLF => {
665 let mut cls = ClassBytes::empty();
666 cls.push(ClassBytesRange::new(b'\0', b'\x09'));
667 cls.push(ClassBytesRange::new(b'\x0B', b'\x0C'));
668 cls.push(ClassBytesRange::new(b'\x0E', b'\xFF'));
669 Hir::class(Class::Bytes(cls))
670 }
671 }
672 }
675/// The underlying kind of an arbitrary [`Hir`] expression.
677/// An `HirKind` is principally useful for doing case analysis on the type
678/// of a regular expression. If you're looking to build new `Hir` values,
679/// then you _must_ use the smart constructors defined on `Hir`, like
680/// [`Hir::repetition`], to build new `Hir` values. The API intentionally does
681/// not expose any way of building an `Hir` directly from an `HirKind`.
682#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
683pub enum HirKind {
684 /// The empty regular expression, which matches everything, including the
685 /// empty string.
686 Empty,
687 /// A literalstring that matches exactly these bytes.
688 Literal(Literal),
689 /// A single character class that matches any of the characters in the
690 /// class. A class can either consist of Unicode scalar values as
691 /// characters, or it can use bytes.
692 ///
693 /// A class may be empty. In which case, it matches nothing.
694 Class(Class),
695 /// A look-around assertion. A look-around match always has zero length.
696 Look(Look),
697 /// A repetition operation applied to a sub-expression.
698 Repetition(Repetition),
699 /// A capturing group, which contains a sub-expression.
700 Capture(Capture),
701 /// A concatenation of expressions.
702 ///
703 /// A concatenation matches only if each of its sub-expressions match one
704 /// after the other.
705 ///
706 /// Concatenations are guaranteed by `Hir`'s smart constructors to always
707 /// have at least two sub-expressions.
708 Concat(Vec<Hir>),
709 /// An alternation of expressions.
710 ///
711 /// An alternation matches only if at least one of its sub-expressions
712 /// match. If multiple sub-expressions match, then the leftmost is
713 /// preferred.
714 ///
715 /// Alternations are guaranteed by `Hir`'s smart constructors to always
716 /// have at least two sub-expressions.
717 Alternation(Vec<Hir>),
720impl HirKind {
721 /// Returns a slice of this kind's sub-expressions, if any.
722 pub fn subs(&self) -> &[Hir] {
723 use core::slice::from_ref;
725 match *self {
726 HirKind::Empty
727 | HirKind::Literal(_)
728 | HirKind::Class(_)
729 | HirKind::Look(_) => &[],
730 HirKind::Repetition(Repetition { ref sub: &Box, .. }) => from_ref(sub),
731 HirKind::Capture(Capture { ref sub: &Box, .. }) => from_ref(sub),
732 HirKind::Concat(ref subs: &Vec) => subs,
733 HirKind::Alternation(ref subs: &Vec) => subs,
734 }
735 }
738impl core::fmt::Debug for Hir {
739 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
740 self.kind.fmt(f)
741 }
744/// Print a display representation of this Hir.
746/// The result of this is a valid regular expression pattern string.
748/// This implementation uses constant stack space and heap space proportional
749/// to the size of the `Hir`.
750impl core::fmt::Display for Hir {
751 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
752 crate::hir::print::Printer::new().print(self, wtr:f)
753 }
756/// The high-level intermediate representation of a literal.
758/// A literal corresponds to `0` or more bytes that should be matched
759/// literally. The smart constructors defined on `Hir` will automatically
760/// concatenate adjacent literals into one literal, and will even automatically
761/// replace empty literals with `Hir::empty()`.
763/// Note that despite a literal being represented by a sequence of bytes, its
764/// `Debug` implementation will attempt to print it as a normal string. (That
765/// is, not a sequence of decimal numbers.)
766#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
767pub struct Literal(pub Box<[u8]>);
769impl core::fmt::Debug for Literal {
770 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
771 crate::debug::Bytes(&self.0).fmt(f)
772 }
775/// The high-level intermediate representation of a character class.
777/// A character class corresponds to a set of characters. A character is either
778/// defined by a Unicode scalar value or a byte. Unicode characters are used
779/// by default, while bytes are used when Unicode mode (via the `u` flag) is
780/// disabled.
782/// A character class, regardless of its character type, is represented by a
783/// sequence of non-overlapping non-adjacent ranges of characters.
785/// Note that `Bytes` variant may be produced even when it exclusively matches
786/// valid UTF-8. This is because a `Bytes` variant represents an intention by
787/// the author of the regular expression to disable Unicode mode, which in turn
788/// impacts the semantics of case insensitive matching. For example, `(?i)k`
789/// and `(?i-u)k` will not match the same set of strings.
790#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
791pub enum Class {
792 /// A set of characters represented by Unicode scalar values.
793 Unicode(ClassUnicode),
794 /// A set of characters represented by arbitrary bytes (one byte per
795 /// character).
796 Bytes(ClassBytes),
799impl Class {
800 /// Apply Unicode simple case folding to this character class, in place.
801 /// The character class will be expanded to include all simple case folded
802 /// character variants.
803 ///
804 /// If this is a byte oriented character class, then this will be limited
805 /// to the ASCII ranges `A-Z` and `a-z`.
806 ///
807 /// # Panics
808 ///
809 /// This routine panics when the case mapping data necessary for this
810 /// routine to complete is unavailable. This occurs when the `unicode-case`
811 /// feature is not enabled and the underlying class is Unicode oriented.
812 ///
813 /// Callers should prefer using `try_case_fold_simple` instead, which will
814 /// return an error instead of panicking.
815 pub fn case_fold_simple(&mut self) {
816 match *self {
817 Class::Unicode(ref mut x) => x.case_fold_simple(),
818 Class::Bytes(ref mut x) => x.case_fold_simple(),
819 }
820 }
822 /// Apply Unicode simple case folding to this character class, in place.
823 /// The character class will be expanded to include all simple case folded
824 /// character variants.
825 ///
826 /// If this is a byte oriented character class, then this will be limited
827 /// to the ASCII ranges `A-Z` and `a-z`.
828 ///
829 /// # Error
830 ///
831 /// This routine returns an error when the case mapping data necessary
832 /// for this routine to complete is unavailable. This occurs when the
833 /// `unicode-case` feature is not enabled and the underlying class is
834 /// Unicode oriented.
835 pub fn try_case_fold_simple(
836 &mut self,
837 ) -> core::result::Result<(), CaseFoldError> {
838 match *self {
839 Class::Unicode(ref mut x) => x.try_case_fold_simple()?,
840 Class::Bytes(ref mut x) => x.case_fold_simple(),
841 }
842 Ok(())
843 }
845 /// Negate this character class in place.
846 ///
847 /// After completion, this character class will contain precisely the
848 /// characters that weren't previously in the class.
849 pub fn negate(&mut self) {
850 match *self {
851 Class::Unicode(ref mut x) => x.negate(),
852 Class::Bytes(ref mut x) => x.negate(),
853 }
854 }
856 /// Returns true if and only if this character class will only ever match
857 /// valid UTF-8.
858 ///
859 /// A character class can match invalid UTF-8 only when the following
860 /// conditions are met:
861 ///
862 /// 1. The translator was configured to permit generating an expression
863 /// that can match invalid UTF-8. (By default, this is disabled.)
864 /// 2. Unicode mode (via the `u` flag) was disabled either in the concrete
865 /// syntax or in the parser builder. By default, Unicode mode is
866 /// enabled.
867 pub fn is_utf8(&self) -> bool {
868 match *self {
869 Class::Unicode(_) => true,
870 Class::Bytes(ref x) => x.is_ascii(),
871 }
872 }
874 /// Returns the length, in bytes, of the smallest string matched by this
875 /// character class.
876 ///
877 /// For non-empty byte oriented classes, this always returns `1`. For
878 /// non-empty Unicode oriented classes, this can return `1`, `2`, `3` or
879 /// `4`. For empty classes, `None` is returned. It is impossible for `0` to
880 /// be returned.
881 ///
882 /// # Example
883 ///
884 /// This example shows some examples of regexes and their corresponding
885 /// minimum length, if any.
886 ///
887 /// ```
888 /// use regex_syntax::{hir::Properties, parse};
889 ///
890 /// // The empty string has a min length of 0.
891 /// let hir = parse(r"")?;
892 /// assert_eq!(Some(0), hir.properties().minimum_len());
893 /// // As do other types of regexes that only match the empty string.
894 /// let hir = parse(r"^$\b\B")?;
895 /// assert_eq!(Some(0), hir.properties().minimum_len());
896 /// // A regex that can match the empty string but match more is still 0.
897 /// let hir = parse(r"a*")?;
898 /// assert_eq!(Some(0), hir.properties().minimum_len());
899 /// // A regex that matches nothing has no minimum defined.
900 /// let hir = parse(r"[a&&b]")?;
901 /// assert_eq!(None, hir.properties().minimum_len());
902 /// // Character classes usually have a minimum length of 1.
903 /// let hir = parse(r"\w")?;
904 /// assert_eq!(Some(1), hir.properties().minimum_len());
905 /// // But sometimes Unicode classes might be bigger!
906 /// let hir = parse(r"\p{Cyrillic}")?;
907 /// assert_eq!(Some(2), hir.properties().minimum_len());
908 ///
909 /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
910 /// ```
911 pub fn minimum_len(&self) -> Option<usize> {
912 match *self {
913 Class::Unicode(ref x) => x.minimum_len(),
914 Class::Bytes(ref x) => x.minimum_len(),
915 }
916 }
918 /// Returns the length, in bytes, of the longest string matched by this
919 /// character class.
920 ///
921 /// For non-empty byte oriented classes, this always returns `1`. For
922 /// non-empty Unicode oriented classes, this can return `1`, `2`, `3` or
923 /// `4`. For empty classes, `None` is returned. It is impossible for `0` to
924 /// be returned.
925 ///
926 /// # Example
927 ///
928 /// This example shows some examples of regexes and their corresponding
929 /// maximum length, if any.
930 ///
931 /// ```
932 /// use regex_syntax::{hir::Properties, parse};
933 ///
934 /// // The empty string has a max length of 0.
935 /// let hir = parse(r"")?;
936 /// assert_eq!(Some(0), hir.properties().maximum_len());
937 /// // As do other types of regexes that only match the empty string.
938 /// let hir = parse(r"^$\b\B")?;
939 /// assert_eq!(Some(0), hir.properties().maximum_len());
940 /// // A regex that matches nothing has no maximum defined.
941 /// let hir = parse(r"[a&&b]")?;
942 /// assert_eq!(None, hir.properties().maximum_len());
943 /// // Bounded repeats work as you expect.
944 /// let hir = parse(r"x{2,10}")?;
945 /// assert_eq!(Some(10), hir.properties().maximum_len());
946 /// // An unbounded repeat means there is no maximum.
947 /// let hir = parse(r"x{2,}")?;
948 /// assert_eq!(None, hir.properties().maximum_len());
949 /// // With Unicode enabled, \w can match up to 4 bytes!
950 /// let hir = parse(r"\w")?;
951 /// assert_eq!(Some(4), hir.properties().maximum_len());
952 /// // Without Unicode enabled, \w matches at most 1 byte.
953 /// let hir = parse(r"(?-u)\w")?;
954 /// assert_eq!(Some(1), hir.properties().maximum_len());
955 ///
956 /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
957 /// ```
958 pub fn maximum_len(&self) -> Option<usize> {
959 match *self {
960 Class::Unicode(ref x) => x.maximum_len(),
961 Class::Bytes(ref x) => x.maximum_len(),
962 }
963 }
965 /// Returns true if and only if this character class is empty. That is,
966 /// it has no elements.
967 ///
968 /// An empty character can never match anything, including an empty string.
969 pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
970 match *self {
971 Class::Unicode(ref x) => x.ranges().is_empty(),
972 Class::Bytes(ref x) => x.ranges().is_empty(),
973 }
974 }
976 /// If this class consists of exactly one element (whether a codepoint or a
977 /// byte), then return it as a literal byte string.
978 ///
979 /// If this class is empty or contains more than one element, then `None`
980 /// is returned.
981 pub fn literal(&self) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
982 match *self {
983 Class::Unicode(ref x) => x.literal(),
984 Class::Bytes(ref x) => x.literal(),
985 }
986 }
989impl core::fmt::Debug for Class {
990 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
991 use crate::debug::Byte;
993 let mut fmter: DebugSet<'_, '_> = f.debug_set();
994 match *self {
995 Class::Unicode(ref cls: &ClassUnicode) => {
996 for r: &ClassUnicodeRange in cls.ranges().iter() {
997 fmter.entry(&(r.start..=r.end));
998 }
999 }
1000 Class::Bytes(ref cls: &ClassBytes) => {
1001 for r: &ClassBytesRange in cls.ranges().iter() {
1002 fmter.entry(&(Byte(r.start)..=Byte(r.end)));
1003 }
1004 }
1005 }
1006 fmter.finish()
1007 }
1010/// A set of characters represented by Unicode scalar values.
1011#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
1012pub struct ClassUnicode {
1013 set: IntervalSet<ClassUnicodeRange>,
1016impl ClassUnicode {
1017 /// Create a new class from a sequence of ranges.
1018 ///
1019 /// The given ranges do not need to be in any specific order, and ranges
1020 /// may overlap. Ranges will automatically be sorted into a canonical
1021 /// non-overlapping order.
1022 pub fn new<I>(ranges: I) -> ClassUnicode
1023 where
1024 I: IntoIterator<Item = ClassUnicodeRange>,
1025 {
1026 ClassUnicode { set: IntervalSet::new(ranges) }
1027 }
1029 /// Create a new class with no ranges.
1030 ///
1031 /// An empty class matches nothing. That is, it is equivalent to
1032 /// [`Hir::fail`].
1033 pub fn empty() -> ClassUnicode {
1034 ClassUnicode::new(vec![])
1035 }
1037 /// Add a new range to this set.
1038 pub fn push(&mut self, range: ClassUnicodeRange) {
1039 self.set.push(range);
1040 }
1042 /// Return an iterator over all ranges in this class.
1043 ///
1044 /// The iterator yields ranges in ascending order.
1045 pub fn iter(&self) -> ClassUnicodeIter<'_> {
1046 ClassUnicodeIter(self.set.iter())
1047 }
1049 /// Return the underlying ranges as a slice.
1050 pub fn ranges(&self) -> &[ClassUnicodeRange] {
1051 self.set.intervals()
1052 }
1054 /// Expand this character class such that it contains all case folded
1055 /// characters, according to Unicode's "simple" mapping. For example, if
1056 /// this class consists of the range `a-z`, then applying case folding will
1057 /// result in the class containing both the ranges `a-z` and `A-Z`.
1058 ///
1059 /// # Panics
1060 ///
1061 /// This routine panics when the case mapping data necessary for this
1062 /// routine to complete is unavailable. This occurs when the `unicode-case`
1063 /// feature is not enabled.
1064 ///
1065 /// Callers should prefer using `try_case_fold_simple` instead, which will
1066 /// return an error instead of panicking.
1067 pub fn case_fold_simple(&mut self) {
1068 self.set
1069 .case_fold_simple()
1070 .expect("unicode-case feature must be enabled");
1071 }
1073 /// Expand this character class such that it contains all case folded
1074 /// characters, according to Unicode's "simple" mapping. For example, if
1075 /// this class consists of the range `a-z`, then applying case folding will
1076 /// result in the class containing both the ranges `a-z` and `A-Z`.
1077 ///
1078 /// # Error
1079 ///
1080 /// This routine returns an error when the case mapping data necessary
1081 /// for this routine to complete is unavailable. This occurs when the
1082 /// `unicode-case` feature is not enabled.
1083 pub fn try_case_fold_simple(
1084 &mut self,
1085 ) -> core::result::Result<(), CaseFoldError> {
1086 self.set.case_fold_simple()
1087 }
1089 /// Negate this character class.
1090 ///
1091 /// For all `c` where `c` is a Unicode scalar value, if `c` was in this
1092 /// set, then it will not be in this set after negation.
1093 pub fn negate(&mut self) {
1094 self.set.negate();
1095 }
1097 /// Union this character class with the given character class, in place.
1098 pub fn union(&mut self, other: &ClassUnicode) {
1099 self.set.union(&other.set);
1100 }
1102 /// Intersect this character class with the given character class, in
1103 /// place.
1104 pub fn intersect(&mut self, other: &ClassUnicode) {
1105 self.set.intersect(&other.set);
1106 }
1108 /// Subtract the given character class from this character class, in place.
1109 pub fn difference(&mut self, other: &ClassUnicode) {
1110 self.set.difference(&other.set);
1111 }
1113 /// Compute the symmetric difference of the given character classes, in
1114 /// place.
1115 ///
1116 /// This computes the symmetric difference of two character classes. This
1117 /// removes all elements in this class that are also in the given class,
1118 /// but all adds all elements from the given class that aren't in this
1119 /// class. That is, the class will contain all elements in either class,
1120 /// but will not contain any elements that are in both classes.
1121 pub fn symmetric_difference(&mut self, other: &ClassUnicode) {
1122 self.set.symmetric_difference(&other.set);
1123 }
1125 /// Returns true if and only if this character class will either match
1126 /// nothing or only ASCII bytes. Stated differently, this returns false
1127 /// if and only if this class contains a non-ASCII codepoint.
1128 pub fn is_ascii(&self) -> bool {
1129 self.set.intervals().last().map_or(true, |r| r.end <= '\x7F')
1130 }
1132 /// Returns the length, in bytes, of the smallest string matched by this
1133 /// character class.
1134 ///
1135 /// Returns `None` when the class is empty.
1136 pub fn minimum_len(&self) -> Option<usize> {
1137 let first = self.ranges().get(0)?;
1138 // Correct because c1 < c2 implies c1.len_utf8() < c2.len_utf8().
1139 Some(first.start.len_utf8())
1140 }
1142 /// Returns the length, in bytes, of the longest string matched by this
1143 /// character class.
1144 ///
1145 /// Returns `None` when the class is empty.
1146 pub fn maximum_len(&self) -> Option<usize> {
1147 let last = self.ranges().last()?;
1148 // Correct because c1 < c2 implies c1.len_utf8() < c2.len_utf8().
1149 Some(last.end.len_utf8())
1150 }
1152 /// If this class consists of exactly one codepoint, then return it as
1153 /// a literal byte string.
1154 ///
1155 /// If this class is empty or contains more than one codepoint, then `None`
1156 /// is returned.
1157 pub fn literal(&self) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
1158 let rs = self.ranges();
1159 if rs.len() == 1 && rs[0].start == rs[0].end {
1160 Some(rs[0].start.encode_utf8(&mut [0; 4]).to_string().into_bytes())
1161 } else {
1162 None
1163 }
1164 }
1166 /// If this class consists of only ASCII ranges, then return its
1167 /// corresponding and equivalent byte class.
1168 pub fn to_byte_class(&self) -> Option<ClassBytes> {
1169 if !self.is_ascii() {
1170 return None;
1171 }
1172 Some(ClassBytes::new(self.ranges().iter().map(|r| {
1173 // Since we are guaranteed that our codepoint range is ASCII, the
1174 // 'u8::try_from' calls below are guaranteed to be correct.
1175 ClassBytesRange {
1176 start: u8::try_from(r.start).unwrap(),
1177 end: u8::try_from(r.end).unwrap(),
1178 }
1179 })))
1180 }
1183/// An iterator over all ranges in a Unicode character class.
1185/// The lifetime `'a` refers to the lifetime of the underlying class.
1187pub struct ClassUnicodeIter<'a>(IntervalSetIter<'a, ClassUnicodeRange>);
1189impl<'a> Iterator for ClassUnicodeIter<'a> {
1190 type Item = &'a ClassUnicodeRange;
1192 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a ClassUnicodeRange> {
1193 self.0.next()
1194 }
1197/// A single range of characters represented by Unicode scalar values.
1199/// The range is closed. That is, the start and end of the range are included
1200/// in the range.
1201#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
1202pub struct ClassUnicodeRange {
1203 start: char,
1204 end: char,
1207impl core::fmt::Debug for ClassUnicodeRange {
1208 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
1209 let start: String = if !self.start.is_whitespace() && !self.start.is_control()
1210 {
1211 self.start.to_string()
1212 } else {
1213 format!("0x{:X}", u32::from(self.start))
1214 };
1215 let end: String = if !self.end.is_whitespace() && !self.end.is_control() {
1216 self.end.to_string()
1217 } else {
1218 format!("0x{:X}", u32::from(self.end))
1219 };
1220 f&mut DebugStruct<'_, '_>.debug_struct("ClassUnicodeRange")
1221 .field("start", &start)
1222 .field(name:"end", &end)
1223 .finish()
1224 }
1227impl Interval for ClassUnicodeRange {
1228 type Bound = char;
1230 #[inline]
1231 fn lower(&self) -> char {
1232 self.start
1233 }
1234 #[inline]
1235 fn upper(&self) -> char {
1236 self.end
1237 }
1238 #[inline]
1239 fn set_lower(&mut self, bound: char) {
1240 self.start = bound;
1241 }
1242 #[inline]
1243 fn set_upper(&mut self, bound: char) {
1244 self.end = bound;
1245 }
1247 /// Apply simple case folding to this Unicode scalar value range.
1248 ///
1249 /// Additional ranges are appended to the given vector. Canonical ordering
1250 /// is *not* maintained in the given vector.
1251 fn case_fold_simple(
1252 &self,
1253 ranges: &mut Vec<ClassUnicodeRange>,
1254 ) -> Result<(), unicode::CaseFoldError> {
1255 let mut folder = unicode::SimpleCaseFolder::new()?;
1256 if !folder.overlaps(self.start, self.end) {
1257 return Ok(());
1258 }
1259 let (start, end) = (u32::from(self.start), u32::from(self.end));
1260 for cp in (start..=end).filter_map(char::from_u32) {
1261 for &cp_folded in folder.mapping(cp) {
1262 ranges.push(ClassUnicodeRange::new(cp_folded, cp_folded));
1263 }
1264 }
1265 Ok(())
1266 }
1269impl ClassUnicodeRange {
1270 /// Create a new Unicode scalar value range for a character class.
1271 ///
1272 /// The returned range is always in a canonical form. That is, the range
1273 /// returned always satisfies the invariant that `start <= end`.
1274 pub fn new(start: char, end: char) -> ClassUnicodeRange {
1275 ClassUnicodeRange::create(start, end)
1276 }
1278 /// Return the start of this range.
1279 ///
1280 /// The start of a range is always less than or equal to the end of the
1281 /// range.
1282 pub fn start(&self) -> char {
1283 self.start
1284 }
1286 /// Return the end of this range.
1287 ///
1288 /// The end of a range is always greater than or equal to the start of the
1289 /// range.
1290 pub fn end(&self) -> char {
1291 self.end
1292 }
1294 /// Returns the number of codepoints in this range.
1295 pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
1296 let diff = 1 + u32::from(self.end) - u32::from(self.start);
1297 // This is likely to panic in 16-bit targets since a usize can only fit
1298 // 2^16. It's not clear what to do here, other than to return an error
1299 // when building a Unicode class that contains a range whose length
1300 // overflows usize. (Which, to be honest, is probably quite common on
1301 // 16-bit targets. For example, this would imply that '.' and '\p{any}'
1302 // would be impossible to build.)
1303 usize::try_from(diff).expect("char class len fits in usize")
1304 }
1307/// A set of characters represented by arbitrary bytes (where one byte
1308/// corresponds to one character).
1309#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
1310pub struct ClassBytes {
1311 set: IntervalSet<ClassBytesRange>,
1314impl ClassBytes {
1315 /// Create a new class from a sequence of ranges.
1316 ///
1317 /// The given ranges do not need to be in any specific order, and ranges
1318 /// may overlap. Ranges will automatically be sorted into a canonical
1319 /// non-overlapping order.
1320 pub fn new<I>(ranges: I) -> ClassBytes
1321 where
1322 I: IntoIterator<Item = ClassBytesRange>,
1323 {
1324 ClassBytes { set: IntervalSet::new(ranges) }
1325 }
1327 /// Create a new class with no ranges.
1328 ///
1329 /// An empty class matches nothing. That is, it is equivalent to
1330 /// [`Hir::fail`].
1331 pub fn empty() -> ClassBytes {
1332 ClassBytes::new(vec![])
1333 }
1335 /// Add a new range to this set.
1336 pub fn push(&mut self, range: ClassBytesRange) {
1337 self.set.push(range);
1338 }
1340 /// Return an iterator over all ranges in this class.
1341 ///
1342 /// The iterator yields ranges in ascending order.
1343 pub fn iter(&self) -> ClassBytesIter<'_> {
1344 ClassBytesIter(self.set.iter())
1345 }
1347 /// Return the underlying ranges as a slice.
1348 pub fn ranges(&self) -> &[ClassBytesRange] {
1349 self.set.intervals()
1350 }
1352 /// Expand this character class such that it contains all case folded
1353 /// characters. For example, if this class consists of the range `a-z`,
1354 /// then applying case folding will result in the class containing both the
1355 /// ranges `a-z` and `A-Z`.
1356 ///
1357 /// Note that this only applies ASCII case folding, which is limited to the
1358 /// characters `a-z` and `A-Z`.
1359 pub fn case_fold_simple(&mut self) {
1360 self.set.case_fold_simple().expect("ASCII case folding never fails");
1361 }
1363 /// Negate this byte class.
1364 ///
1365 /// For all `b` where `b` is a any byte, if `b` was in this set, then it
1366 /// will not be in this set after negation.
1367 pub fn negate(&mut self) {
1368 self.set.negate();
1369 }
1371 /// Union this byte class with the given byte class, in place.
1372 pub fn union(&mut self, other: &ClassBytes) {
1373 self.set.union(&other.set);
1374 }
1376 /// Intersect this byte class with the given byte class, in place.
1377 pub fn intersect(&mut self, other: &ClassBytes) {
1378 self.set.intersect(&other.set);
1379 }
1381 /// Subtract the given byte class from this byte class, in place.
1382 pub fn difference(&mut self, other: &ClassBytes) {
1383 self.set.difference(&other.set);
1384 }
1386 /// Compute the symmetric difference of the given byte classes, in place.
1387 ///
1388 /// This computes the symmetric difference of two byte classes. This
1389 /// removes all elements in this class that are also in the given class,
1390 /// but all adds all elements from the given class that aren't in this
1391 /// class. That is, the class will contain all elements in either class,
1392 /// but will not contain any elements that are in both classes.
1393 pub fn symmetric_difference(&mut self, other: &ClassBytes) {
1394 self.set.symmetric_difference(&other.set);
1395 }
1397 /// Returns true if and only if this character class will either match
1398 /// nothing or only ASCII bytes. Stated differently, this returns false
1399 /// if and only if this class contains a non-ASCII byte.
1400 pub fn is_ascii(&self) -> bool {
1401 self.set.intervals().last().map_or(true, |r| r.end <= 0x7F)
1402 }
1404 /// Returns the length, in bytes, of the smallest string matched by this
1405 /// character class.
1406 ///
1407 /// Returns `None` when the class is empty.
1408 pub fn minimum_len(&self) -> Option<usize> {
1409 if self.ranges().is_empty() {
1410 None
1411 } else {
1412 Some(1)
1413 }
1414 }
1416 /// Returns the length, in bytes, of the longest string matched by this
1417 /// character class.
1418 ///
1419 /// Returns `None` when the class is empty.
1420 pub fn maximum_len(&self) -> Option<usize> {
1421 if self.ranges().is_empty() {
1422 None
1423 } else {
1424 Some(1)
1425 }
1426 }
1428 /// If this class consists of exactly one byte, then return it as
1429 /// a literal byte string.
1430 ///
1431 /// If this class is empty or contains more than one byte, then `None`
1432 /// is returned.
1433 pub fn literal(&self) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
1434 let rs = self.ranges();
1435 if rs.len() == 1 && rs[0].start == rs[0].end {
1436 Some(vec![rs[0].start])
1437 } else {
1438 None
1439 }
1440 }
1442 /// If this class consists of only ASCII ranges, then return its
1443 /// corresponding and equivalent Unicode class.
1444 pub fn to_unicode_class(&self) -> Option<ClassUnicode> {
1445 if !self.is_ascii() {
1446 return None;
1447 }
1448 Some(ClassUnicode::new(self.ranges().iter().map(|r| {
1449 // Since we are guaranteed that our byte range is ASCII, the
1450 // 'char::from' calls below are correct and will not erroneously
1451 // convert a raw byte value into its corresponding codepoint.
1452 ClassUnicodeRange {
1453 start: char::from(r.start),
1454 end: char::from(r.end),
1455 }
1456 })))
1457 }
1460/// An iterator over all ranges in a byte character class.
1462/// The lifetime `'a` refers to the lifetime of the underlying class.
1464pub struct ClassBytesIter<'a>(IntervalSetIter<'a, ClassBytesRange>);
1466impl<'a> Iterator for ClassBytesIter<'a> {
1467 type Item = &'a ClassBytesRange;
1469 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a ClassBytesRange> {
1470 self.0.next()
1471 }
1474/// A single range of characters represented by arbitrary bytes.
1476/// The range is closed. That is, the start and end of the range are included
1477/// in the range.
1478#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
1479pub struct ClassBytesRange {
1480 start: u8,
1481 end: u8,
1484impl Interval for ClassBytesRange {
1485 type Bound = u8;
1487 #[inline]
1488 fn lower(&self) -> u8 {
1489 self.start
1490 }
1491 #[inline]
1492 fn upper(&self) -> u8 {
1493 self.end
1494 }
1495 #[inline]
1496 fn set_lower(&mut self, bound: u8) {
1497 self.start = bound;
1498 }
1499 #[inline]
1500 fn set_upper(&mut self, bound: u8) {
1501 self.end = bound;
1502 }
1504 /// Apply simple case folding to this byte range. Only ASCII case mappings
1505 /// (for a-z) are applied.
1506 ///
1507 /// Additional ranges are appended to the given vector. Canonical ordering
1508 /// is *not* maintained in the given vector.
1509 fn case_fold_simple(
1510 &self,
1511 ranges: &mut Vec<ClassBytesRange>,
1512 ) -> Result<(), unicode::CaseFoldError> {
1513 if !ClassBytesRange::new(b'a', b'z').is_intersection_empty(self) {
1514 let lower = cmp::max(self.start, b'a');
1515 let upper = cmp::min(self.end, b'z');
1516 ranges.push(ClassBytesRange::new(lower - 32, upper - 32));
1517 }
1518 if !ClassBytesRange::new(b'A', b'Z').is_intersection_empty(self) {
1519 let lower = cmp::max(self.start, b'A');
1520 let upper = cmp::min(self.end, b'Z');
1521 ranges.push(ClassBytesRange::new(lower + 32, upper + 32));
1522 }
1523 Ok(())
1524 }
1527impl ClassBytesRange {
1528 /// Create a new byte range for a character class.
1529 ///
1530 /// The returned range is always in a canonical form. That is, the range
1531 /// returned always satisfies the invariant that `start <= end`.
1532 pub fn new(start: u8, end: u8) -> ClassBytesRange {
1533 ClassBytesRange::create(start, end)
1534 }
1536 /// Return the start of this range.
1537 ///
1538 /// The start of a range is always less than or equal to the end of the
1539 /// range.
1540 pub fn start(&self) -> u8 {
1541 self.start
1542 }
1544 /// Return the end of this range.
1545 ///
1546 /// The end of a range is always greater than or equal to the start of the
1547 /// range.
1548 pub fn end(&self) -> u8 {
1549 self.end
1550 }
1552 /// Returns the number of bytes in this range.
1553 pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
1554 usize::from(self.end.checked_sub(self.start).unwrap())
1555 .checked_add(1)
1556 .unwrap()
1557 }
1560impl core::fmt::Debug for ClassBytesRange {
1561 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
1562 f&mut DebugStruct<'_, '_>.debug_struct("ClassBytesRange")
1563 .field("start", &crate::debug::Byte(self.start))
1564 .field(name:"end", &crate::debug::Byte(self.end))
1565 .finish()
1566 }
1569/// The high-level intermediate representation for a look-around assertion.
1571/// An assertion match is always zero-length. Also called an "empty match."
1572#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
1573pub enum Look {
1574 /// Match the beginning of text. Specifically, this matches at the starting
1575 /// position of the input.
1576 Start = 1 << 0,
1577 /// Match the end of text. Specifically, this matches at the ending
1578 /// position of the input.
1579 End = 1 << 1,
1580 /// Match the beginning of a line or the beginning of text. Specifically,
1581 /// this matches at the starting position of the input, or at the position
1582 /// immediately following a `\n` character.
1583 StartLF = 1 << 2,
1584 /// Match the end of a line or the end of text. Specifically, this matches
1585 /// at the end position of the input, or at the position immediately
1586 /// preceding a `\n` character.
1587 EndLF = 1 << 3,
1588 /// Match the beginning of a line or the beginning of text. Specifically,
1589 /// this matches at the starting position of the input, or at the position
1590 /// immediately following either a `\r` or `\n` character, but never after
1591 /// a `\r` when a `\n` follows.
1592 StartCRLF = 1 << 4,
1593 /// Match the end of a line or the end of text. Specifically, this matches
1594 /// at the end position of the input, or at the position immediately
1595 /// preceding a `\r` or `\n` character, but never before a `\n` when a `\r`
1596 /// precedes it.
1597 EndCRLF = 1 << 5,
1598 /// Match an ASCII-only word boundary. That is, this matches a position
1599 /// where the left adjacent character and right adjacent character
1600 /// correspond to a word and non-word or a non-word and word character.
1601 WordAscii = 1 << 6,
1602 /// Match an ASCII-only negation of a word boundary.
1603 WordAsciiNegate = 1 << 7,
1604 /// Match a Unicode-aware word boundary. That is, this matches a position
1605 /// where the left adjacent character and right adjacent character
1606 /// correspond to a word and non-word or a non-word and word character.
1607 WordUnicode = 1 << 8,
1608 /// Match a Unicode-aware negation of a word boundary.
1609 WordUnicodeNegate = 1 << 9,
1612impl Look {
1613 /// Flip the look-around assertion to its equivalent for reverse searches.
1614 /// For example, `StartLF` gets translated to `EndLF`.
1615 ///
1616 /// Some assertions, such as `WordUnicode`, remain the same since they
1617 /// match the same positions regardless of the direction of the search.
1618 #[inline]
1619 pub const fn reversed(self) -> Look {
1620 match self {
1621 Look::Start => Look::End,
1622 Look::End => Look::Start,
1623 Look::StartLF => Look::EndLF,
1624 Look::EndLF => Look::StartLF,
1625 Look::StartCRLF => Look::EndCRLF,
1626 Look::EndCRLF => Look::StartCRLF,
1627 Look::WordAscii => Look::WordAscii,
1628 Look::WordAsciiNegate => Look::WordAsciiNegate,
1629 Look::WordUnicode => Look::WordUnicode,
1630 Look::WordUnicodeNegate => Look::WordUnicodeNegate,
1631 }
1632 }
1634 /// Return the underlying representation of this look-around enumeration
1635 /// as an integer. Giving the return value to the [`Look::from_repr`]
1636 /// constructor is guaranteed to return the same look-around variant that
1637 /// one started with within a semver compatible release of this crate.
1638 #[inline]
1639 pub const fn as_repr(self) -> u16 {
1640 // AFAIK, 'as' is the only way to zero-cost convert an int enum to an
1641 // actual int.
1642 self as u16
1643 }
1645 /// Given the underlying representation of a `Look` value, return the
1646 /// corresponding `Look` value if the representation is valid. Otherwise
1647 /// `None` is returned.
1648 #[inline]
1649 pub const fn from_repr(repr: u16) -> Option<Look> {
1650 match repr {
1651 0b00_0000_0001 => Some(Look::Start),
1652 0b00_0000_0010 => Some(Look::End),
1653 0b00_0000_0100 => Some(Look::StartLF),
1654 0b00_0000_1000 => Some(Look::EndLF),
1655 0b00_0001_0000 => Some(Look::StartCRLF),
1656 0b00_0010_0000 => Some(Look::EndCRLF),
1657 0b00_0100_0000 => Some(Look::WordAscii),
1658 0b00_1000_0000 => Some(Look::WordAsciiNegate),
1659 0b01_0000_0000 => Some(Look::WordUnicode),
1660 0b10_0000_0000 => Some(Look::WordUnicodeNegate),
1661 _ => None,
1662 }
1663 }
1665 /// Returns a convenient single codepoint representation of this
1666 /// look-around assertion. Each assertion is guaranteed to be represented
1667 /// by a distinct character.
1668 ///
1669 /// This is useful for succinctly representing a look-around assertion in
1670 /// human friendly but succinct output intended for a programmer working on
1671 /// regex internals.
1672 #[inline]
1673 pub const fn as_char(self) -> char {
1674 match self {
1675 Look::Start => 'A',
1676 Look::End => 'z',
1677 Look::StartLF => '^',
1678 Look::EndLF => '$',
1679 Look::StartCRLF => 'r',
1680 Look::EndCRLF => 'R',
1681 Look::WordAscii => 'b',
1682 Look::WordAsciiNegate => 'B',
1683 Look::WordUnicode => '𝛃',
1684 Look::WordUnicodeNegate => '𝚩',
1685 }
1686 }
1689/// The high-level intermediate representation for a capturing group.
1691/// A capturing group always has an index and a child expression. It may
1692/// also have a name associated with it (e.g., `(?P<foo>\w)`), but it's not
1693/// necessary.
1695/// Note that there is no explicit representation of a non-capturing group
1696/// in a `Hir`. Instead, non-capturing grouping is handled automatically by
1697/// the recursive structure of the `Hir` itself.
1698#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
1699pub struct Capture {
1700 /// The capture index of the capture.
1701 pub index: u32,
1702 /// The name of the capture, if it exists.
1703 pub name: Option<Box<str>>,
1704 /// The expression inside the capturing group, which may be empty.
1705 pub sub: Box<Hir>,
1708/// The high-level intermediate representation of a repetition operator.
1710/// A repetition operator permits the repetition of an arbitrary
1711/// sub-expression.
1712#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
1713pub struct Repetition {
1714 /// The minimum range of the repetition.
1715 ///
1716 /// Note that special cases like `?`, `+` and `*` all get translated into
1717 /// the ranges `{0,1}`, `{1,}` and `{0,}`, respectively.
1718 ///
1719 /// When `min` is zero, this expression can match the empty string
1720 /// regardless of what its sub-expression is.
1721 pub min: u32,
1722 /// The maximum range of the repetition.
1723 ///
1724 /// Note that when `max` is `None`, `min` acts as a lower bound but where
1725 /// there is no upper bound. For something like `x{5}` where the min and
1726 /// max are equivalent, `min` will be set to `5` and `max` will be set to
1727 /// `Some(5)`.
1728 pub max: Option<u32>,
1729 /// Whether this repetition operator is greedy or not. A greedy operator
1730 /// will match as much as it can. A non-greedy operator will match as
1731 /// little as it can.
1732 ///
1733 /// Typically, operators are greedy by default and are only non-greedy when
1734 /// a `?` suffix is used, e.g., `(expr)*` is greedy while `(expr)*?` is
1735 /// not. However, this can be inverted via the `U` "ungreedy" flag.
1736 pub greedy: bool,
1737 /// The expression being repeated.
1738 pub sub: Box<Hir>,
1741impl Repetition {
1742 /// Returns a new repetition with the same `min`, `max` and `greedy`
1743 /// values, but with its sub-expression replaced with the one given.
1744 pub fn with(&self, sub: Hir) -> Repetition {
1745 Repetition {
1746 min: self.min,
1747 max: self.max,
1748 greedy: self.greedy,
1749 sub: Box::new(sub),
1750 }
1751 }
1754/// A type describing the different flavors of `.`.
1756/// This type is meant to be used with [`Hir::dot`], which is a convenience
1757/// routine for building HIR values derived from the `.` regex.
1759#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
1760pub enum Dot {
1761 /// Matches the UTF-8 encoding of any Unicode scalar value.
1762 ///
1763 /// This is equivalent to `(?su:.)` and also `\p{any}`.
1764 AnyChar,
1765 /// Matches any byte value.
1766 ///
1767 /// This is equivalent to `(?s-u:.)` and also `(?-u:[\x00-\xFF])`.
1768 AnyByte,
1769 /// Matches the UTF-8 encoding of any Unicode scalar value except for `\n`.
1770 ///
1771 /// This is equivalent to `(?u-s:.)` and also `[\p{any}--\n]`.
1772 AnyCharExceptLF,
1773 /// Matches the UTF-8 encoding of any Unicode scalar value except for `\r`
1774 /// and `\n`.
1775 ///
1776 /// This is equivalent to `(?uR-s:.)` and also `[\p{any}--\r\n]`.
1777 AnyCharExceptCRLF,
1778 /// Matches any byte value except for `\n`.
1779 ///
1780 /// This is equivalent to `(?-su:.)` and also `(?-u:[[\x00-\xFF]--\n])`.
1781 AnyByteExceptLF,
1782 /// Matches any byte value except for `\r` and `\n`.
1783 ///
1784 /// This is equivalent to `(?R-su:.)` and also `(?-u:[[\x00-\xFF]--\r\n])`.
1785 AnyByteExceptCRLF,
1788/// A custom `Drop` impl is used for `HirKind` such that it uses constant stack
1789/// space but heap space proportional to the depth of the total `Hir`.
1790impl Drop for Hir {
1791 fn drop(&mut self) {
1792 use core::mem;
1794 match *self.kind() {
1795 HirKind::Empty
1796 | HirKind::Literal(_)
1797 | HirKind::Class(_)
1798 | HirKind::Look(_) => return,
1799 HirKind::Capture(ref x) if x.sub.kind.subs().is_empty() => return,
1800 HirKind::Repetition(ref x) if x.sub.kind.subs().is_empty() => {
1801 return
1802 }
1803 HirKind::Concat(ref x) if x.is_empty() => return,
1804 HirKind::Alternation(ref x) if x.is_empty() => return,
1805 _ => {}
1806 }
1808 let mut stack = vec![mem::replace(self, Hir::empty())];
1809 while let Some(mut expr) = stack.pop() {
1810 match expr.kind {
1811 HirKind::Empty
1812 | HirKind::Literal(_)
1813 | HirKind::Class(_)
1814 | HirKind::Look(_) => {}
1815 HirKind::Capture(ref mut x) => {
1816 stack.push(mem::replace(&mut x.sub, Hir::empty()));
1817 }
1818 HirKind::Repetition(ref mut x) => {
1819 stack.push(mem::replace(&mut x.sub, Hir::empty()));
1820 }
1821 HirKind::Concat(ref mut x) => {
1822 stack.extend(x.drain(..));
1823 }
1824 HirKind::Alternation(ref mut x) => {
1825 stack.extend(x.drain(..));
1826 }
1827 }
1828 }
1829 }
1832/// A type that collects various properties of an HIR value.
1834/// Properties are always scalar values and represent meta data that is
1835/// computed inductively on an HIR value. Properties are defined for all
1836/// HIR values.
1838/// All methods on a `Properties` value take constant time and are meant to
1839/// be cheap to call.
1840#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
1841pub struct Properties(Box<PropertiesI>);
1843/// The property definition. It is split out so that we can box it, and
1844/// there by make `Properties` use less stack size. This is kind-of important
1845/// because every HIR value has a `Properties` attached to it.
1847/// This does have the unfortunate consequence that creating any HIR value
1848/// always leads to at least one alloc for properties, but this is generally
1849/// true anyway (for pretty much all HirKinds except for look-arounds).
1850#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
1851struct PropertiesI {
1852 minimum_len: Option<usize>,
1853 maximum_len: Option<usize>,
1854 look_set: LookSet,
1855 look_set_prefix: LookSet,
1856 look_set_suffix: LookSet,
1857 look_set_prefix_any: LookSet,
1858 look_set_suffix_any: LookSet,
1859 utf8: bool,
1860 explicit_captures_len: usize,
1861 static_explicit_captures_len: Option<usize>,
1862 literal: bool,
1863 alternation_literal: bool,
1866impl Properties {
1867 /// Returns the length (in bytes) of the smallest string matched by this
1868 /// HIR.
1869 ///
1870 /// A return value of `0` is possible and occurs when the HIR can match an
1871 /// empty string.
1872 ///
1873 /// `None` is returned when there is no minimum length. This occurs in
1874 /// precisely the cases where the HIR matches nothing. i.e., The language
1875 /// the regex matches is empty. An example of such a regex is `\P{any}`.
1876 #[inline]
1877 pub fn minimum_len(&self) -> Option<usize> {
1878 self.0.minimum_len
1879 }
1881 /// Returns the length (in bytes) of the longest string matched by this
1882 /// HIR.
1883 ///
1884 /// A return value of `0` is possible and occurs when nothing longer than
1885 /// the empty string is in the language described by this HIR.
1886 ///
1887 /// `None` is returned when there is no longest matching string. This
1888 /// occurs when the HIR matches nothing or when there is no upper bound on
1889 /// the length of matching strings. Example of such regexes are `\P{any}`
1890 /// (matches nothing) and `a+` (has no upper bound).
1891 #[inline]
1892 pub fn maximum_len(&self) -> Option<usize> {
1893 self.0.maximum_len
1894 }
1896 /// Returns a set of all look-around assertions that appear at least once
1897 /// in this HIR value.
1898 #[inline]
1899 pub fn look_set(&self) -> LookSet {
1900 self.0.look_set
1901 }
1903 /// Returns a set of all look-around assertions that appear as a prefix for
1904 /// this HIR value. That is, the set returned corresponds to the set of
1905 /// assertions that must be passed before matching any bytes in a haystack.
1906 ///
1907 /// For example, `hir.look_set_prefix().contains(Look::Start)` returns true
1908 /// if and only if the HIR is fully anchored at the start.
1909 #[inline]
1910 pub fn look_set_prefix(&self) -> LookSet {
1911 self.0.look_set_prefix
1912 }
1914 /// Returns a set of all look-around assertions that appear as a _possible_
1915 /// prefix for this HIR value. That is, the set returned corresponds to the
1916 /// set of assertions that _may_ be passed before matching any bytes in a
1917 /// haystack.
1918 ///
1919 /// For example, `hir.look_set_prefix_any().contains(Look::Start)` returns
1920 /// true if and only if it's possible for the regex to match through a
1921 /// anchored assertion before consuming any input.
1922 #[inline]
1923 pub fn look_set_prefix_any(&self) -> LookSet {
1924 self.0.look_set_prefix_any
1925 }
1927 /// Returns a set of all look-around assertions that appear as a suffix for
1928 /// this HIR value. That is, the set returned corresponds to the set of
1929 /// assertions that must be passed in order to be considered a match after
1930 /// all other consuming HIR expressions.
1931 ///
1932 /// For example, `hir.look_set_suffix().contains(Look::End)` returns true
1933 /// if and only if the HIR is fully anchored at the end.
1934 #[inline]
1935 pub fn look_set_suffix(&self) -> LookSet {
1936 self.0.look_set_suffix
1937 }
1939 /// Returns a set of all look-around assertions that appear as a _possible_
1940 /// suffix for this HIR value. That is, the set returned corresponds to the
1941 /// set of assertions that _may_ be passed before matching any bytes in a
1942 /// haystack.
1943 ///
1944 /// For example, `hir.look_set_suffix_any().contains(Look::End)` returns
1945 /// true if and only if it's possible for the regex to match through a
1946 /// anchored assertion at the end of a match without consuming any input.
1947 #[inline]
1948 pub fn look_set_suffix_any(&self) -> LookSet {
1949 self.0.look_set_suffix_any
1950 }
1952 /// Return true if and only if the corresponding HIR will always match
1953 /// valid UTF-8.
1954 ///
1955 /// When this returns false, then it is possible for this HIR expression to
1956 /// match invalid UTF-8, including by matching between the code units of
1957 /// a single UTF-8 encoded codepoint.
1958 ///
1959 /// Note that this returns true even when the corresponding HIR can match
1960 /// the empty string. Since an empty string can technically appear between
1961 /// UTF-8 code units, it is possible for a match to be reported that splits
1962 /// a codepoint which could in turn be considered matching invalid UTF-8.
1963 /// However, it is generally assumed that such empty matches are handled
1964 /// specially by the search routine if it is absolutely required that
1965 /// matches not split a codepoint.
1966 ///
1967 /// # Example
1968 ///
1969 /// This code example shows the UTF-8 property of a variety of patterns.
1970 ///
1971 /// ```
1972 /// use regex_syntax::{ParserBuilder, parse};
1973 ///
1974 /// // Examples of 'is_utf8() == true'.
1975 /// assert!(parse(r"a")?.properties().is_utf8());
1976 /// assert!(parse(r"[^a]")?.properties().is_utf8());
1977 /// assert!(parse(r".")?.properties().is_utf8());
1978 /// assert!(parse(r"\W")?.properties().is_utf8());
1979 /// assert!(parse(r"\b")?.properties().is_utf8());
1980 /// assert!(parse(r"\B")?.properties().is_utf8());
1981 /// assert!(parse(r"(?-u)\b")?.properties().is_utf8());
1982 /// assert!(parse(r"(?-u)\B")?.properties().is_utf8());
1983 /// // Unicode mode is enabled by default, and in
1984 /// // that mode, all \x hex escapes are treated as
1985 /// // codepoints. So this actually matches the UTF-8
1986 /// // encoding of U+00FF.
1987 /// assert!(parse(r"\xFF")?.properties().is_utf8());
1988 ///
1989 /// // Now we show examples of 'is_utf8() == false'.
1990 /// // The only way to do this is to force the parser
1991 /// // to permit invalid UTF-8, otherwise all of these
1992 /// // would fail to parse!
1993 /// let parse = |pattern| {
1994 /// ParserBuilder::new().utf8(false).build().parse(pattern)
1995 /// };
1996 /// assert!(!parse(r"(?-u)[^a]")?.properties().is_utf8());
1997 /// assert!(!parse(r"(?-u).")?.properties().is_utf8());
1998 /// assert!(!parse(r"(?-u)\W")?.properties().is_utf8());
1999 /// // Conversely to the equivalent example above,
2000 /// // when Unicode mode is disabled, \x hex escapes
2001 /// // are treated as their raw byte values.
2002 /// assert!(!parse(r"(?-u)\xFF")?.properties().is_utf8());
2003 /// // Note that just because we disabled UTF-8 in the
2004 /// // parser doesn't mean we still can't use Unicode.
2005 /// // It is enabled by default, so \xFF is still
2006 /// // equivalent to matching the UTF-8 encoding of
2007 /// // U+00FF by default.
2008 /// assert!(parse(r"\xFF")?.properties().is_utf8());
2009 /// // Even though we use raw bytes that individually
2010 /// // are not valid UTF-8, when combined together, the
2011 /// // overall expression *does* match valid UTF-8!
2012 /// assert!(parse(r"(?-u)\xE2\x98\x83")?.properties().is_utf8());
2013 ///
2014 /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
2015 /// ```
2016 #[inline]
2017 pub fn is_utf8(&self) -> bool {
2018 self.0.utf8
2019 }
2021 /// Returns the total number of explicit capturing groups in the
2022 /// corresponding HIR.
2023 ///
2024 /// Note that this does not include the implicit capturing group
2025 /// corresponding to the entire match that is typically included by regex
2026 /// engines.
2027 ///
2028 /// # Example
2029 ///
2030 /// This method will return `0` for `a` and `1` for `(a)`:
2031 ///
2032 /// ```
2033 /// use regex_syntax::parse;
2034 ///
2035 /// assert_eq!(0, parse("a")?.properties().explicit_captures_len());
2036 /// assert_eq!(1, parse("(a)")?.properties().explicit_captures_len());
2037 ///
2038 /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
2039 /// ```
2040 #[inline]
2041 pub fn explicit_captures_len(&self) -> usize {
2042 self.0.explicit_captures_len
2043 }
2045 /// Returns the total number of explicit capturing groups that appear in
2046 /// every possible match.
2047 ///
2048 /// If the number of capture groups can vary depending on the match, then
2049 /// this returns `None`. That is, a value is only returned when the number
2050 /// of matching groups is invariant or "static."
2051 ///
2052 /// Note that this does not include the implicit capturing group
2053 /// corresponding to the entire match.
2054 ///
2055 /// # Example
2056 ///
2057 /// This shows a few cases where a static number of capture groups is
2058 /// available and a few cases where it is not.
2059 ///
2060 /// ```
2061 /// use regex_syntax::parse;
2062 ///
2063 /// let len = |pattern| {
2064 /// parse(pattern).map(|h| {
2065 /// h.properties().static_explicit_captures_len()
2066 /// })
2067 /// };
2068 ///
2069 /// assert_eq!(Some(0), len("a")?);
2070 /// assert_eq!(Some(1), len("(a)")?);
2071 /// assert_eq!(Some(1), len("(a)|(b)")?);
2072 /// assert_eq!(Some(2), len("(a)(b)|(c)(d)")?);
2073 /// assert_eq!(None, len("(a)|b")?);
2074 /// assert_eq!(None, len("a|(b)")?);
2075 /// assert_eq!(None, len("(b)*")?);
2076 /// assert_eq!(Some(1), len("(b)+")?);
2077 ///
2078 /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
2079 /// ```
2080 #[inline]
2081 pub fn static_explicit_captures_len(&self) -> Option<usize> {
2082 self.0.static_explicit_captures_len
2083 }
2085 /// Return true if and only if this HIR is a simple literal. This is
2086 /// only true when this HIR expression is either itself a `Literal` or a
2087 /// concatenation of only `Literal`s.
2088 ///
2089 /// For example, `f` and `foo` are literals, but `f+`, `(foo)`, `foo()` and
2090 /// the empty string are not (even though they contain sub-expressions that
2091 /// are literals).
2092 #[inline]
2093 pub fn is_literal(&self) -> bool {
2094 self.0.literal
2095 }
2097 /// Return true if and only if this HIR is either a simple literal or an
2098 /// alternation of simple literals. This is only
2099 /// true when this HIR expression is either itself a `Literal` or a
2100 /// concatenation of only `Literal`s or an alternation of only `Literal`s.
2101 ///
2102 /// For example, `f`, `foo`, `a|b|c`, and `foo|bar|baz` are alternation
2103 /// literals, but `f+`, `(foo)`, `foo()`, and the empty pattern are not
2104 /// (even though that contain sub-expressions that are literals).
2105 #[inline]
2106 pub fn is_alternation_literal(&self) -> bool {
2107 self.0.alternation_literal
2108 }
2110 /// Returns the total amount of heap memory usage, in bytes, used by this
2111 /// `Properties` value.
2112 #[inline]
2113 pub fn memory_usage(&self) -> usize {
2114 core::mem::size_of::<PropertiesI>()
2115 }
2117 /// Returns a new set of properties that corresponds to the union of the
2118 /// iterator of properties given.
2119 ///
2120 /// This is useful when one has multiple `Hir` expressions and wants
2121 /// to combine them into a single alternation without constructing the
2122 /// corresponding `Hir`. This routine provides a way of combining the
2123 /// properties of each `Hir` expression into one set of properties
2124 /// representing the union of those expressions.
2125 ///
2126 /// # Example: union with HIRs that never match
2127 ///
2128 /// This example shows that unioning properties together with one that
2129 /// represents a regex that never matches will "poison" certain attributes,
2130 /// like the minimum and maximum lengths.
2131 ///
2132 /// ```
2133 /// use regex_syntax::{hir::Properties, parse};
2134 ///
2135 /// let hir1 = parse("ab?c?")?;
2136 /// assert_eq!(Some(1), hir1.properties().minimum_len());
2137 /// assert_eq!(Some(3), hir1.properties().maximum_len());
2138 ///
2139 /// let hir2 = parse(r"[a&&b]")?;
2140 /// assert_eq!(None, hir2.properties().minimum_len());
2141 /// assert_eq!(None, hir2.properties().maximum_len());
2142 ///
2143 /// let hir3 = parse(r"wxy?z?")?;
2144 /// assert_eq!(Some(2), hir3.properties().minimum_len());
2145 /// assert_eq!(Some(4), hir3.properties().maximum_len());
2146 ///
2147 /// let unioned = Properties::union([
2148 /// hir1.properties(),
2149 /// hir2.properties(),
2150 /// hir3.properties(),
2151 /// ]);
2152 /// assert_eq!(None, unioned.minimum_len());
2153 /// assert_eq!(None, unioned.maximum_len());
2154 ///
2155 /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
2156 /// ```
2157 ///
2158 /// The maximum length can also be "poisoned" by a pattern that has no
2159 /// upper bound on the length of a match. The minimum length remains
2160 /// unaffected:
2161 ///
2162 /// ```
2163 /// use regex_syntax::{hir::Properties, parse};
2164 ///
2165 /// let hir1 = parse("ab?c?")?;
2166 /// assert_eq!(Some(1), hir1.properties().minimum_len());
2167 /// assert_eq!(Some(3), hir1.properties().maximum_len());
2168 ///
2169 /// let hir2 = parse(r"a+")?;
2170 /// assert_eq!(Some(1), hir2.properties().minimum_len());
2171 /// assert_eq!(None, hir2.properties().maximum_len());
2172 ///
2173 /// let hir3 = parse(r"wxy?z?")?;
2174 /// assert_eq!(Some(2), hir3.properties().minimum_len());
2175 /// assert_eq!(Some(4), hir3.properties().maximum_len());
2176 ///
2177 /// let unioned = Properties::union([
2178 /// hir1.properties(),
2179 /// hir2.properties(),
2180 /// hir3.properties(),
2181 /// ]);
2182 /// assert_eq!(Some(1), unioned.minimum_len());
2183 /// assert_eq!(None, unioned.maximum_len());
2184 ///
2185 /// # Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
2186 /// ```
2187 pub fn union<I, P>(props: I) -> Properties
2188 where
2189 I: IntoIterator<Item = P>,
2190 P: core::borrow::Borrow<Properties>,
2191 {
2192 let mut it = props.into_iter().peekable();
2193 // While empty alternations aren't possible, we still behave as if they
2194 // are. When we have an empty alternate, then clearly the look-around
2195 // prefix and suffix is empty. Otherwise, it is the intersection of all
2196 // prefixes and suffixes (respectively) of the branches.
2197 let fix = if it.peek().is_none() {
2198 LookSet::empty()
2199 } else {
2200 LookSet::full()
2201 };
2202 // And also, an empty alternate means we have 0 static capture groups,
2203 // but we otherwise start with the number corresponding to the first
2204 // alternate. If any subsequent alternate has a different number of
2205 // static capture groups, then we overall have a variation and not a
2206 // static number of groups.
2207 let static_explicit_captures_len =
2208 it.peek().and_then(|p| p.borrow().static_explicit_captures_len());
2209 // The base case is an empty alternation, which matches nothing.
2210 // Note though that empty alternations aren't possible, because the
2211 // Hir::alternation smart constructor rewrites those as empty character
2212 // classes.
2213 let mut props = PropertiesI {
2214 minimum_len: None,
2215 maximum_len: None,
2216 look_set: LookSet::empty(),
2217 look_set_prefix: fix,
2218 look_set_suffix: fix,
2219 look_set_prefix_any: LookSet::empty(),
2220 look_set_suffix_any: LookSet::empty(),
2221 utf8: true,
2222 explicit_captures_len: 0,
2223 static_explicit_captures_len,
2224 literal: false,
2225 alternation_literal: true,
2226 };
2227 let (mut min_poisoned, mut max_poisoned) = (false, false);
2228 // Handle properties that need to visit every child hir.
2229 for prop in it {
2230 let p = prop.borrow();
2231 props.look_set.set_union(p.look_set());
2232 props.look_set_prefix.set_intersect(p.look_set_prefix());
2233 props.look_set_suffix.set_intersect(p.look_set_suffix());
2234 props.look_set_prefix_any.set_union(p.look_set_prefix_any());
2235 props.look_set_suffix_any.set_union(p.look_set_suffix_any());
2236 props.utf8 = props.utf8 && p.is_utf8();
2237 props.explicit_captures_len = props
2238 .explicit_captures_len
2239 .saturating_add(p.explicit_captures_len());
2240 if props.static_explicit_captures_len
2241 != p.static_explicit_captures_len()
2242 {
2243 props.static_explicit_captures_len = None;
2244 }
2245 props.alternation_literal =
2246 props.alternation_literal && p.is_literal();
2247 if !min_poisoned {
2248 if let Some(xmin) = p.minimum_len() {
2249 if props.minimum_len.map_or(true, |pmin| xmin < pmin) {
2250 props.minimum_len = Some(xmin);
2251 }
2252 } else {
2253 props.minimum_len = None;
2254 min_poisoned = true;
2255 }
2256 }
2257 if !max_poisoned {
2258 if let Some(xmax) = p.maximum_len() {
2259 if props.maximum_len.map_or(true, |pmax| xmax > pmax) {
2260 props.maximum_len = Some(xmax);
2261 }
2262 } else {
2263 props.maximum_len = None;
2264 max_poisoned = true;
2265 }
2266 }
2267 }
2268 Properties(Box::new(props))
2269 }
2272impl Properties {
2273 /// Create a new set of HIR properties for an empty regex.
2274 fn empty() -> Properties {
2275 let inner = PropertiesI {
2276 minimum_len: Some(0),
2277 maximum_len: Some(0),
2278 look_set: LookSet::empty(),
2279 look_set_prefix: LookSet::empty(),
2280 look_set_suffix: LookSet::empty(),
2281 look_set_prefix_any: LookSet::empty(),
2282 look_set_suffix_any: LookSet::empty(),
2283 // It is debatable whether an empty regex always matches at valid
2284 // UTF-8 boundaries. Strictly speaking, at a byte oriented view,
2285 // it is clearly false. There are, for example, many empty strings
2286 // between the bytes encoding a '☃'.
2287 //
2288 // However, when Unicode mode is enabled, the fundamental atom
2289 // of matching is really a codepoint. And in that scenario, an
2290 // empty regex is defined to only match at valid UTF-8 boundaries
2291 // and to never split a codepoint. It just so happens that this
2292 // enforcement is somewhat tricky to do for regexes that match
2293 // the empty string inside regex engines themselves. It usually
2294 // requires some layer above the regex engine to filter out such
2295 // matches.
2296 //
2297 // In any case, 'true' is really the only coherent option. If it
2298 // were false, for example, then 'a*' would also need to be false
2299 // since it too can match the empty string.
2300 utf8: true,
2301 explicit_captures_len: 0,
2302 static_explicit_captures_len: Some(0),
2303 literal: false,
2304 alternation_literal: false,
2305 };
2306 Properties(Box::new(inner))
2307 }
2309 /// Create a new set of HIR properties for a literal regex.
2310 fn literal(lit: &Literal) -> Properties {
2311 let inner = PropertiesI {
2312 minimum_len: Some(lit.0.len()),
2313 maximum_len: Some(lit.0.len()),
2314 look_set: LookSet::empty(),
2315 look_set_prefix: LookSet::empty(),
2316 look_set_suffix: LookSet::empty(),
2317 look_set_prefix_any: LookSet::empty(),
2318 look_set_suffix_any: LookSet::empty(),
2319 utf8: core::str::from_utf8(&lit.0).is_ok(),
2320 explicit_captures_len: 0,
2321 static_explicit_captures_len: Some(0),
2322 literal: true,
2323 alternation_literal: true,
2324 };
2325 Properties(Box::new(inner))
2326 }
2328 /// Create a new set of HIR properties for a character class.
2329 fn class(class: &Class) -> Properties {
2330 let inner = PropertiesI {
2331 minimum_len: class.minimum_len(),
2332 maximum_len: class.maximum_len(),
2333 look_set: LookSet::empty(),
2334 look_set_prefix: LookSet::empty(),
2335 look_set_suffix: LookSet::empty(),
2336 look_set_prefix_any: LookSet::empty(),
2337 look_set_suffix_any: LookSet::empty(),
2338 utf8: class.is_utf8(),
2339 explicit_captures_len: 0,
2340 static_explicit_captures_len: Some(0),
2341 literal: false,
2342 alternation_literal: false,
2343 };
2344 Properties(Box::new(inner))
2345 }
2347 /// Create a new set of HIR properties for a look-around assertion.
2348 fn look(look: Look) -> Properties {
2349 let inner = PropertiesI {
2350 minimum_len: Some(0),
2351 maximum_len: Some(0),
2352 look_set: LookSet::singleton(look),
2353 look_set_prefix: LookSet::singleton(look),
2354 look_set_suffix: LookSet::singleton(look),
2355 look_set_prefix_any: LookSet::singleton(look),
2356 look_set_suffix_any: LookSet::singleton(look),
2357 // This requires a little explanation. Basically, we don't consider
2358 // matching an empty string to be equivalent to matching invalid
2359 // UTF-8, even though technically matching every empty string will
2360 // split the UTF-8 encoding of a single codepoint when treating a
2361 // UTF-8 encoded string as a sequence of bytes. Our defense here is
2362 // that in such a case, a codepoint should logically be treated as
2363 // the fundamental atom for matching, and thus the only valid match
2364 // points are between codepoints and not bytes.
2365 //
2366 // More practically, this is true here because it's also true
2367 // for 'Hir::empty()', otherwise something like 'a*' would be
2368 // considered to match invalid UTF-8. That in turn makes this
2369 // property borderline useless.
2370 utf8: true,
2371 explicit_captures_len: 0,
2372 static_explicit_captures_len: Some(0),
2373 literal: false,
2374 alternation_literal: false,
2375 };
2376 Properties(Box::new(inner))
2377 }
2379 /// Create a new set of HIR properties for a repetition.
2380 fn repetition(rep: &Repetition) -> Properties {
2381 let p = rep.sub.properties();
2382 let minimum_len = p.minimum_len().map(|child_min| {
2383 let rep_min = usize::try_from(rep.min).unwrap_or(usize::MAX);
2384 child_min.saturating_mul(rep_min)
2385 });
2386 let maximum_len = rep.max.and_then(|rep_max| {
2387 let rep_max = usize::try_from(rep_max).ok()?;
2388 let child_max = p.maximum_len()?;
2389 child_max.checked_mul(rep_max)
2390 });
2392 let mut inner = PropertiesI {
2393 minimum_len,
2394 maximum_len,
2395 look_set: p.look_set(),
2396 look_set_prefix: LookSet::empty(),
2397 look_set_suffix: LookSet::empty(),
2398 look_set_prefix_any: p.look_set_prefix_any(),
2399 look_set_suffix_any: p.look_set_suffix_any(),
2400 utf8: p.is_utf8(),
2401 explicit_captures_len: p.explicit_captures_len(),
2402 static_explicit_captures_len: p.static_explicit_captures_len(),
2403 literal: false,
2404 alternation_literal: false,
2405 };
2406 // If the repetition operator can match the empty string, then its
2407 // lookset prefix and suffixes themselves remain empty since they are
2408 // no longer required to match.
2409 if rep.min > 0 {
2410 inner.look_set_prefix = p.look_set_prefix();
2411 inner.look_set_suffix = p.look_set_suffix();
2412 }
2413 // If the static captures len of the sub-expression is not known or is
2414 // zero, then it automatically propagates to the repetition, regardless
2415 // of the repetition. Otherwise, it might change, but only when the
2416 // repetition can match 0 times.
2417 if rep.min == 0
2418 && inner.static_explicit_captures_len.map_or(false, |len| len > 0)
2419 {
2420 // If we require a match 0 times, then our captures len is
2421 // guaranteed to be zero. Otherwise, if we *can* match the empty
2422 // string, then it's impossible to know how many captures will be
2423 // in the resulting match.
2424 if rep.max == Some(0) {
2425 inner.static_explicit_captures_len = Some(0);
2426 } else {
2427 inner.static_explicit_captures_len = None;
2428 }
2429 }
2430 Properties(Box::new(inner))
2431 }
2433 /// Create a new set of HIR properties for a capture.
2434 fn capture(capture: &Capture) -> Properties {
2435 let p = capture.sub.properties();
2436 Properties(Box::new(PropertiesI {
2437 explicit_captures_len: p.explicit_captures_len().saturating_add(1),
2438 static_explicit_captures_len: p
2439 .static_explicit_captures_len()
2440 .map(|len| len.saturating_add(1)),
2441 literal: false,
2442 alternation_literal: false,
2443 ..*p.0.clone()
2444 }))
2445 }
2447 /// Create a new set of HIR properties for a concatenation.
2448 fn concat(concat: &[Hir]) -> Properties {
2449 // The base case is an empty concatenation, which matches the empty
2450 // string. Note though that empty concatenations aren't possible,
2451 // because the Hir::concat smart constructor rewrites those as
2452 // Hir::empty.
2453 let mut props = PropertiesI {
2454 minimum_len: Some(0),
2455 maximum_len: Some(0),
2456 look_set: LookSet::empty(),
2457 look_set_prefix: LookSet::empty(),
2458 look_set_suffix: LookSet::empty(),
2459 look_set_prefix_any: LookSet::empty(),
2460 look_set_suffix_any: LookSet::empty(),
2461 utf8: true,
2462 explicit_captures_len: 0,
2463 static_explicit_captures_len: Some(0),
2464 literal: true,
2465 alternation_literal: true,
2466 };
2467 // Handle properties that need to visit every child hir.
2468 for x in concat.iter() {
2469 let p = x.properties();
2470 props.look_set.set_union(p.look_set());
2471 props.utf8 = props.utf8 && p.is_utf8();
2472 props.explicit_captures_len = props
2473 .explicit_captures_len
2474 .saturating_add(p.explicit_captures_len());
2475 props.static_explicit_captures_len = p
2476 .static_explicit_captures_len()
2477 .and_then(|len1| {
2478 Some((len1, props.static_explicit_captures_len?))
2479 })
2480 .and_then(|(len1, len2)| Some(len1.saturating_add(len2)));
2481 props.literal = props.literal && p.is_literal();
2482 props.alternation_literal =
2483 props.alternation_literal && p.is_alternation_literal();
2484 if let Some(minimum_len) = props.minimum_len {
2485 match p.minimum_len() {
2486 None => props.minimum_len = None,
2487 Some(len) => {
2488 // We use saturating arithmetic here because the
2489 // minimum is just a lower bound. We can't go any
2490 // higher than what our number types permit.
2491 props.minimum_len =
2492 Some(minimum_len.saturating_add(len));
2493 }
2494 }
2495 }
2496 if let Some(maximum_len) = props.maximum_len {
2497 match p.maximum_len() {
2498 None => props.maximum_len = None,
2499 Some(len) => {
2500 props.maximum_len = maximum_len.checked_add(len)
2501 }
2502 }
2503 }
2504 }
2505 // Handle the prefix properties, which only requires visiting
2506 // child exprs until one matches more than the empty string.
2507 let mut it = concat.iter();
2508 while let Some(x) = it.next() {
2509 props.look_set_prefix.set_union(x.properties().look_set_prefix());
2510 props
2511 .look_set_prefix_any
2512 .set_union(x.properties().look_set_prefix_any());
2513 if x.properties().maximum_len().map_or(true, |x| x > 0) {
2514 break;
2515 }
2516 }
2517 // Same thing for the suffix properties, but in reverse.
2518 let mut it = concat.iter().rev();
2519 while let Some(x) = it.next() {
2520 props.look_set_suffix.set_union(x.properties().look_set_suffix());
2521 props
2522 .look_set_suffix_any
2523 .set_union(x.properties().look_set_suffix_any());
2524 if x.properties().maximum_len().map_or(true, |x| x > 0) {
2525 break;
2526 }
2527 }
2528 Properties(Box::new(props))
2529 }
2531 /// Create a new set of HIR properties for a concatenation.
2532 fn alternation(alts: &[Hir]) -> Properties {
2533 Properties::union(alts.iter().map(|hir| hir.properties()))
2534 }
2537/// A set of look-around assertions.
2539/// This is useful for efficiently tracking look-around assertions. For
2540/// example, an [`Hir`] provides properties that return `LookSet`s.
2541#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, Eq, PartialEq)]
2542pub struct LookSet {
2543 /// The underlying representation this set is exposed to make it possible
2544 /// to store it somewhere efficiently. The representation is that
2545 /// of a bitset, where each assertion occupies bit `i` where `i =
2546 /// Look::as_repr()`.
2547 ///
2548 /// Note that users of this internal representation must permit the full
2549 /// range of `u16` values to be represented. For example, even if the
2550 /// current implementation only makes use of the 10 least significant bits,
2551 /// it may use more bits in a future semver compatible release.
2552 pub bits: u16,
2555impl LookSet {
2556 /// Create an empty set of look-around assertions.
2557 #[inline]
2558 pub fn empty() -> LookSet {
2559 LookSet { bits: 0 }
2560 }
2562 /// Create a full set of look-around assertions.
2563 ///
2564 /// This set contains all possible look-around assertions.
2565 #[inline]
2566 pub fn full() -> LookSet {
2567 LookSet { bits: !0 }
2568 }
2570 /// Create a look-around set containing the look-around assertion given.
2571 ///
2572 /// This is a convenience routine for creating an empty set and inserting
2573 /// one look-around assertions.
2574 #[inline]
2575 pub fn singleton(look: Look) -> LookSet {
2576 LookSet::empty().insert(look)
2577 }
2579 /// Returns the total number of look-around assertions in this set.
2580 #[inline]
2581 pub fn len(self) -> usize {
2582 // OK because max value always fits in a u8, which in turn always
2583 // fits in a usize, regardless of target.
2584 usize::try_from(self.bits.count_ones()).unwrap()
2585 }
2587 /// Returns true if and only if this set is empty.
2588 #[inline]
2589 pub fn is_empty(self) -> bool {
2590 self.len() == 0
2591 }
2593 /// Returns true if and only if the given look-around assertion is in this
2594 /// set.
2595 #[inline]
2596 pub fn contains(self, look: Look) -> bool {
2597 self.bits & look.as_repr() != 0
2598 }
2600 /// Returns true if and only if this set contains any anchor assertions.
2601 /// This includes both "start/end of haystack" and "start/end of line."
2602 #[inline]
2603 pub fn contains_anchor(&self) -> bool {
2604 self.contains_anchor_haystack() || self.contains_anchor_line()
2605 }
2607 /// Returns true if and only if this set contains any "start/end of
2608 /// haystack" anchors. This doesn't include "start/end of line" anchors.
2609 #[inline]
2610 pub fn contains_anchor_haystack(&self) -> bool {
2611 self.contains(Look::Start) || self.contains(Look::End)
2612 }
2614 /// Returns true if and only if this set contains any "start/end of line"
2615 /// anchors. This doesn't include "start/end of haystack" anchors. This
2616 /// includes both `\n` line anchors and CRLF (`\r\n`) aware line anchors.
2617 #[inline]
2618 pub fn contains_anchor_line(&self) -> bool {
2619 self.contains(Look::StartLF)
2620 || self.contains(Look::EndLF)
2621 || self.contains(Look::StartCRLF)
2622 || self.contains(Look::EndCRLF)
2623 }
2625 /// Returns true if and only if this set contains any "start/end of line"
2626 /// anchors that only treat `\n` as line terminators. This does not include
2627 /// haystack anchors or CRLF aware line anchors.
2628 #[inline]
2629 pub fn contains_anchor_lf(&self) -> bool {
2630 self.contains(Look::StartLF) || self.contains(Look::EndLF)
2631 }
2633 /// Returns true if and only if this set contains any "start/end of line"
2634 /// anchors that are CRLF-aware. This doesn't include "start/end of
2635 /// haystack" or "start/end of line-feed" anchors.
2636 #[inline]
2637 pub fn contains_anchor_crlf(&self) -> bool {
2638 self.contains(Look::StartCRLF) || self.contains(Look::EndCRLF)
2639 }
2641 /// Returns true if and only if this set contains any word boundary or
2642 /// negated word boundary assertions. This include both Unicode and ASCII
2643 /// word boundaries.
2644 #[inline]
2645 pub fn contains_word(self) -> bool {
2646 self.contains_word_unicode() || self.contains_word_ascii()
2647 }
2649 /// Returns true if and only if this set contains any Unicode word boundary
2650 /// or negated Unicode word boundary assertions.
2651 #[inline]
2652 pub fn contains_word_unicode(self) -> bool {
2653 self.contains(Look::WordUnicode)
2654 || self.contains(Look::WordUnicodeNegate)
2655 }
2657 /// Returns true if and only if this set contains any ASCII word boundary
2658 /// or negated ASCII word boundary assertions.
2659 #[inline]
2660 pub fn contains_word_ascii(self) -> bool {
2661 self.contains(Look::WordAscii) || self.contains(Look::WordAsciiNegate)
2662 }
2664 /// Returns an iterator over all of the look-around assertions in this set.
2665 #[inline]
2666 pub fn iter(self) -> LookSetIter {
2667 LookSetIter { set: self }
2668 }
2670 /// Return a new set that is equivalent to the original, but with the given
2671 /// assertion added to it. If the assertion is already in the set, then the
2672 /// returned set is equivalent to the original.
2673 #[inline]
2674 pub fn insert(self, look: Look) -> LookSet {
2675 LookSet { bits: self.bits | look.as_repr() }
2676 }
2678 /// Updates this set in place with the result of inserting the given
2679 /// assertion into this set.
2680 #[inline]
2681 pub fn set_insert(&mut self, look: Look) {
2682 *self = self.insert(look);
2683 }
2685 /// Return a new set that is equivalent to the original, but with the given
2686 /// assertion removed from it. If the assertion is not in the set, then the
2687 /// returned set is equivalent to the original.
2688 #[inline]
2689 pub fn remove(self, look: Look) -> LookSet {
2690 LookSet { bits: self.bits & !look.as_repr() }
2691 }
2693 /// Updates this set in place with the result of removing the given
2694 /// assertion from this set.
2695 #[inline]
2696 pub fn set_remove(&mut self, look: Look) {
2697 *self = self.remove(look);
2698 }
2700 /// Returns a new set that is the result of subtracting the given set from
2701 /// this set.
2702 #[inline]
2703 pub fn subtract(self, other: LookSet) -> LookSet {
2704 LookSet { bits: self.bits & !other.bits }
2705 }
2707 /// Updates this set in place with the result of subtracting the given set
2708 /// from this set.
2709 #[inline]
2710 pub fn set_subtract(&mut self, other: LookSet) {
2711 *self = self.subtract(other);
2712 }
2714 /// Returns a new set that is the union of this and the one given.
2715 #[inline]
2716 pub fn union(self, other: LookSet) -> LookSet {
2717 LookSet { bits: self.bits | other.bits }
2718 }
2720 /// Updates this set in place with the result of unioning it with the one
2721 /// given.
2722 #[inline]
2723 pub fn set_union(&mut self, other: LookSet) {
2724 *self = self.union(other);
2725 }
2727 /// Returns a new set that is the intersection of this and the one given.
2728 #[inline]
2729 pub fn intersect(self, other: LookSet) -> LookSet {
2730 LookSet { bits: self.bits & other.bits }
2731 }
2733 /// Updates this set in place with the result of intersecting it with the
2734 /// one given.
2735 #[inline]
2736 pub fn set_intersect(&mut self, other: LookSet) {
2737 *self = self.intersect(other);
2738 }
2740 /// Return a `LookSet` from the slice given as a native endian 16-bit
2741 /// integer.
2742 ///
2743 /// # Panics
2744 ///
2745 /// This panics if `slice.len() < 2`.
2746 #[inline]
2747 pub fn read_repr(slice: &[u8]) -> LookSet {
2748 let bits = u16::from_ne_bytes(slice[..2].try_into().unwrap());
2749 LookSet { bits }
2750 }
2752 /// Write a `LookSet` as a native endian 16-bit integer to the beginning
2753 /// of the slice given.
2754 ///
2755 /// # Panics
2756 ///
2757 /// This panics if `slice.len() < 2`.
2758 #[inline]
2759 pub fn write_repr(self, slice: &mut [u8]) {
2760 let raw = self.bits.to_ne_bytes();
2761 slice[0] = raw[0];
2762 slice[1] = raw[1];
2763 }
2766impl core::fmt::Debug for LookSet {
2767 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
2768 if self.is_empty() {
2769 return write!(f, "∅");
2770 }
2771 for look: Look in self.iter() {
2772 write!(f, "{}", look.as_char())?;
2773 }
2774 Ok(())
2775 }
2778/// An iterator over all look-around assertions in a [`LookSet`].
2780/// This iterator is created by [`LookSet::iter`].
2781#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
2782pub struct LookSetIter {
2783 set: LookSet,
2786impl Iterator for LookSetIter {
2787 type Item = Look;
2789 #[inline]
2790 fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Look> {
2791 if self.set.is_empty() {
2792 return None;
2793 }
2794 // We'll never have more than u8::MAX distinct look-around assertions,
2795 // so 'repr' will always fit into a u16.
2796 let repr: u16 = u16::try_from(self.set.bits.trailing_zeros()).unwrap();
2797 let look: Look = Look::from_repr(1 << repr)?;
2798 self.set = self.set.remove(look);
2799 Some(look)
2800 }
2803/// Given a sequence of HIR values where each value corresponds to a Unicode
2804/// class (or an all-ASCII byte class), return a single Unicode class
2805/// corresponding to the union of the classes found.
2806fn class_chars(hirs: &[Hir]) -> Option<Class> {
2807 let mut cls: ClassUnicode = ClassUnicode::new(ranges:vec![]);
2808 for hir: &Hir in hirs.iter() {
2809 match *hir.kind() {
2810 HirKind::Class(Class::Unicode(ref cls2: &ClassUnicode)) => {
2811 cls.union(cls2);
2812 }
2813 HirKind::Class(Class::Bytes(ref cls2: &ClassBytes)) => {
2814 cls.union(&cls2.to_unicode_class()?);
2815 }
2816 _ => return None,
2817 };
2818 }
2819 Some(Class::Unicode(cls))
2822/// Given a sequence of HIR values where each value corresponds to a byte class
2823/// (or an all-ASCII Unicode class), return a single byte class corresponding
2824/// to the union of the classes found.
2825fn class_bytes(hirs: &[Hir]) -> Option<Class> {
2826 let mut cls: ClassBytes = ClassBytes::new(ranges:vec![]);
2827 for hir: &Hir in hirs.iter() {
2828 match *hir.kind() {
2829 HirKind::Class(Class::Unicode(ref cls2: &ClassUnicode)) => {
2830 cls.union(&cls2.to_byte_class()?);
2831 }
2832 HirKind::Class(Class::Bytes(ref cls2: &ClassBytes)) => {
2833 cls.union(cls2);
2834 }
2835 _ => return None,
2836 };
2837 }
2838 Some(Class::Bytes(cls))
2841/// Given a sequence of HIR values where each value corresponds to a literal
2842/// that is a single `char`, return that sequence of `char`s. Otherwise return
2843/// None. No deduplication is done.
2844fn singleton_chars(hirs: &[Hir]) -> Option<Vec<char>> {
2845 let mut singletons: Vec = vec![];
2846 for hir: &Hir in hirs.iter() {
2847 let literal: &Box<[u8]> = match *hir.kind() {
2848 HirKind::Literal(Literal(ref bytes: &Box<[u8]>)) => bytes,
2849 _ => return None,
2850 };
2851 let ch: char = match crate::debug::utf8_decode(bytes:literal) {
2852 None => return None,
2853 Some(Err(_)) => return None,
2854 Some(Ok(ch: char)) => ch,
2855 };
2856 if literal.len() != ch.len_utf8() {
2857 return None;
2858 }
2859 singletons.push(ch);
2860 }
2861 Some(singletons)
2864/// Given a sequence of HIR values where each value corresponds to a literal
2865/// that is a single byte, return that sequence of bytes. Otherwise return
2866/// None. No deduplication is done.
2867fn singleton_bytes(hirs: &[Hir]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
2868 let mut singletons: Vec = vec![];
2869 for hir: &Hir in hirs.iter() {
2870 let literal: &Box<[u8]> = match *hir.kind() {
2871 HirKind::Literal(Literal(ref bytes: &Box<[u8]>)) => bytes,
2872 _ => return None,
2873 };
2874 if literal.len() != 1 {
2875 return None;
2876 }
2877 singletons.push(literal[0]);
2878 }
2879 Some(singletons)
2882/// Looks for a common prefix in the list of alternation branches given. If one
2883/// is found, then an equivalent but (hopefully) simplified Hir is returned.
2884/// Otherwise, the original given list of branches is returned unmodified.
2886/// This is not quite as good as it could be. Right now, it requires that
2887/// all branches are 'Concat' expressions. It also doesn't do well with
2888/// literals. For example, given 'foofoo|foobar', it will not refactor it to
2889/// 'foo(?:foo|bar)' because literals are flattened into their own special
2890/// concatenation. (One wonders if perhaps 'Literal' should be a single atom
2891/// instead of a string of bytes because of this. Otherwise, handling the
2892/// current representation in this routine will be pretty gnarly. Sigh.)
2893fn lift_common_prefix(hirs: Vec<Hir>) -> Result<Hir, Vec<Hir>> {
2894 if hirs.len() <= 1 {
2895 return Err(hirs);
2896 }
2897 let mut prefix = match hirs[0].kind() {
2898 HirKind::Concat(ref xs) => &**xs,
2899 _ => return Err(hirs),
2900 };
2901 if prefix.is_empty() {
2902 return Err(hirs);
2903 }
2904 for h in hirs.iter().skip(1) {
2905 let concat = match h.kind() {
2906 HirKind::Concat(ref xs) => xs,
2907 _ => return Err(hirs),
2908 };
2909 let common_len = prefix
2910 .iter()
2911 .zip(concat.iter())
2912 .take_while(|(x, y)| x == y)
2913 .count();
2914 prefix = &prefix[..common_len];
2915 if prefix.is_empty() {
2916 return Err(hirs);
2917 }
2918 }
2919 let len = prefix.len();
2920 assert_ne!(0, len);
2921 let mut prefix_concat = vec![];
2922 let mut suffix_alts = vec![];
2923 for h in hirs {
2924 let mut concat = match h.into_kind() {
2925 HirKind::Concat(xs) => xs,
2926 // We required all sub-expressions to be
2927 // concats above, so we're only here if we
2928 // have a concat.
2929 _ => unreachable!(),
2930 };
2931 suffix_alts.push(Hir::concat(concat.split_off(len)));
2932 if prefix_concat.is_empty() {
2933 prefix_concat = concat;
2934 }
2935 }
2936 let mut concat = prefix_concat;
2937 concat.push(Hir::alternation(suffix_alts));
2938 Ok(Hir::concat(concat))
2942mod tests {
2943 use super::*;
2945 fn uclass(ranges: &[(char, char)]) -> ClassUnicode {
2946 let ranges: Vec<ClassUnicodeRange> = ranges
2947 .iter()
2948 .map(|&(s, e)| ClassUnicodeRange::new(s, e))
2949 .collect();
2950 ClassUnicode::new(ranges)
2951 }
2953 fn bclass(ranges: &[(u8, u8)]) -> ClassBytes {
2954 let ranges: Vec<ClassBytesRange> =
2955 ranges.iter().map(|&(s, e)| ClassBytesRange::new(s, e)).collect();
2956 ClassBytes::new(ranges)
2957 }
2959 fn uranges(cls: &ClassUnicode) -> Vec<(char, char)> {
2960 cls.iter().map(|x| (x.start(), x.end())).collect()
2961 }
2963 #[cfg(feature = "unicode-case")]
2964 fn ucasefold(cls: &ClassUnicode) -> ClassUnicode {
2965 let mut cls_ = cls.clone();
2966 cls_.case_fold_simple();
2967 cls_
2968 }
2970 fn uunion(cls1: &ClassUnicode, cls2: &ClassUnicode) -> ClassUnicode {
2971 let mut cls_ = cls1.clone();
2972 cls_.union(cls2);
2973 cls_
2974 }
2976 fn uintersect(cls1: &ClassUnicode, cls2: &ClassUnicode) -> ClassUnicode {
2977 let mut cls_ = cls1.clone();
2978 cls_.intersect(cls2);
2979 cls_
2980 }
2982 fn udifference(cls1: &ClassUnicode, cls2: &ClassUnicode) -> ClassUnicode {
2983 let mut cls_ = cls1.clone();
2984 cls_.difference(cls2);
2985 cls_
2986 }
2988 fn usymdifference(
2989 cls1: &ClassUnicode,
2990 cls2: &ClassUnicode,
2991 ) -> ClassUnicode {
2992 let mut cls_ = cls1.clone();
2993 cls_.symmetric_difference(cls2);
2994 cls_
2995 }
2997 fn unegate(cls: &ClassUnicode) -> ClassUnicode {
2998 let mut cls_ = cls.clone();
2999 cls_.negate();
3000 cls_
3001 }
3003 fn branges(cls: &ClassBytes) -> Vec<(u8, u8)> {
3004 cls.iter().map(|x| (x.start(), x.end())).collect()
3005 }
3007 fn bcasefold(cls: &ClassBytes) -> ClassBytes {
3008 let mut cls_ = cls.clone();
3009 cls_.case_fold_simple();
3010 cls_
3011 }
3013 fn bunion(cls1: &ClassBytes, cls2: &ClassBytes) -> ClassBytes {
3014 let mut cls_ = cls1.clone();
3015 cls_.union(cls2);
3016 cls_
3017 }
3019 fn bintersect(cls1: &ClassBytes, cls2: &ClassBytes) -> ClassBytes {
3020 let mut cls_ = cls1.clone();
3021 cls_.intersect(cls2);
3022 cls_
3023 }
3025 fn bdifference(cls1: &ClassBytes, cls2: &ClassBytes) -> ClassBytes {
3026 let mut cls_ = cls1.clone();
3027 cls_.difference(cls2);
3028 cls_
3029 }
3031 fn bsymdifference(cls1: &ClassBytes, cls2: &ClassBytes) -> ClassBytes {
3032 let mut cls_ = cls1.clone();
3033 cls_.symmetric_difference(cls2);
3034 cls_
3035 }
3037 fn bnegate(cls: &ClassBytes) -> ClassBytes {
3038 let mut cls_ = cls.clone();
3039 cls_.negate();
3040 cls_
3041 }
3043 #[test]
3044 fn class_range_canonical_unicode() {
3045 let range = ClassUnicodeRange::new('\u{00FF}', '\0');
3046 assert_eq!('\0', range.start());
3047 assert_eq!('\u{00FF}', range.end());
3048 }
3050 #[test]
3051 fn class_range_canonical_bytes() {
3052 let range = ClassBytesRange::new(b'\xFF', b'\0');
3053 assert_eq!(b'\0', range.start());
3054 assert_eq!(b'\xFF', range.end());
3055 }
3057 #[test]
3058 fn class_canonicalize_unicode() {
3059 let cls = uclass(&[('a', 'c'), ('x', 'z')]);
3060 let expected = vec![('a', 'c'), ('x', 'z')];
3061 assert_eq!(expected, uranges(&cls));
3063 let cls = uclass(&[('x', 'z'), ('a', 'c')]);
3064 let expected = vec![('a', 'c'), ('x', 'z')];
3065 assert_eq!(expected, uranges(&cls));
3067 let cls = uclass(&[('x', 'z'), ('w', 'y')]);
3068 let expected = vec![('w', 'z')];
3069 assert_eq!(expected, uranges(&cls));
3071 let cls = uclass(&[
3072 ('c', 'f'),
3073 ('a', 'g'),
3074 ('d', 'j'),
3075 ('a', 'c'),
3076 ('m', 'p'),
3077 ('l', 's'),
3078 ]);
3079 let expected = vec![('a', 'j'), ('l', 's')];
3080 assert_eq!(expected, uranges(&cls));
3082 let cls = uclass(&[('x', 'z'), ('u', 'w')]);
3083 let expected = vec![('u', 'z')];
3084 assert_eq!(expected, uranges(&cls));
3086 let cls = uclass(&[('\x00', '\u{10FFFF}'), ('\x00', '\u{10FFFF}')]);
3087 let expected = vec![('\x00', '\u{10FFFF}')];
3088 assert_eq!(expected, uranges(&cls));
3090 let cls = uclass(&[('a', 'a'), ('b', 'b')]);
3091 let expected = vec![('a', 'b')];
3092 assert_eq!(expected, uranges(&cls));
3093 }
3095 #[test]
3096 fn class_canonicalize_bytes() {
3097 let cls = bclass(&[(b'a', b'c'), (b'x', b'z')]);
3098 let expected = vec![(b'a', b'c'), (b'x', b'z')];
3099 assert_eq!(expected, branges(&cls));
3101 let cls = bclass(&[(b'x', b'z'), (b'a', b'c')]);
3102 let expected = vec![(b'a', b'c'), (b'x', b'z')];
3103 assert_eq!(expected, branges(&cls));
3105 let cls = bclass(&[(b'x', b'z'), (b'w', b'y')]);
3106 let expected = vec![(b'w', b'z')];
3107 assert_eq!(expected, branges(&cls));
3109 let cls = bclass(&[
3110 (b'c', b'f'),
3111 (b'a', b'g'),
3112 (b'd', b'j'),
3113 (b'a', b'c'),
3114 (b'm', b'p'),
3115 (b'l', b's'),
3116 ]);
3117 let expected = vec![(b'a', b'j'), (b'l', b's')];
3118 assert_eq!(expected, branges(&cls));
3120 let cls = bclass(&[(b'x', b'z'), (b'u', b'w')]);
3121 let expected = vec![(b'u', b'z')];
3122 assert_eq!(expected, branges(&cls));
3124 let cls = bclass(&[(b'\x00', b'\xFF'), (b'\x00', b'\xFF')]);
3125 let expected = vec![(b'\x00', b'\xFF')];
3126 assert_eq!(expected, branges(&cls));
3128 let cls = bclass(&[(b'a', b'a'), (b'b', b'b')]);
3129 let expected = vec![(b'a', b'b')];
3130 assert_eq!(expected, branges(&cls));
3131 }
3133 #[test]
3134 #[cfg(feature = "unicode-case")]
3135 fn class_case_fold_unicode() {
3136 let cls = uclass(&[
3137 ('C', 'F'),
3138 ('A', 'G'),
3139 ('D', 'J'),
3140 ('A', 'C'),
3141 ('M', 'P'),
3142 ('L', 'S'),
3143 ('c', 'f'),
3144 ]);
3145 let expected = uclass(&[
3146 ('A', 'J'),
3147 ('L', 'S'),
3148 ('a', 'j'),
3149 ('l', 's'),
3150 ('\u{17F}', '\u{17F}'),
3151 ]);
3152 assert_eq!(expected, ucasefold(&cls));
3154 let cls = uclass(&[('A', 'Z')]);
3155 let expected = uclass(&[
3156 ('A', 'Z'),
3157 ('a', 'z'),
3158 ('\u{17F}', '\u{17F}'),
3159 ('\u{212A}', '\u{212A}'),
3160 ]);
3161 assert_eq!(expected, ucasefold(&cls));
3163 let cls = uclass(&[('a', 'z')]);
3164 let expected = uclass(&[
3165 ('A', 'Z'),
3166 ('a', 'z'),
3167 ('\u{17F}', '\u{17F}'),
3168 ('\u{212A}', '\u{212A}'),
3169 ]);
3170 assert_eq!(expected, ucasefold(&cls));
3172 let cls = uclass(&[('A', 'A'), ('_', '_')]);
3173 let expected = uclass(&[('A', 'A'), ('_', '_'), ('a', 'a')]);
3174 assert_eq!(expected, ucasefold(&cls));
3176 let cls = uclass(&[('A', 'A'), ('=', '=')]);
3177 let expected = uclass(&[('=', '='), ('A', 'A'), ('a', 'a')]);
3178 assert_eq!(expected, ucasefold(&cls));
3180 let cls = uclass(&[('\x00', '\x10')]);
3181 assert_eq!(cls, ucasefold(&cls));
3183 let cls = uclass(&[('k', 'k')]);
3184 let expected =
3185 uclass(&[('K', 'K'), ('k', 'k'), ('\u{212A}', '\u{212A}')]);
3186 assert_eq!(expected, ucasefold(&cls));
3188 let cls = uclass(&[('@', '@')]);
3189 assert_eq!(cls, ucasefold(&cls));
3190 }
3192 #[test]
3193 #[cfg(not(feature = "unicode-case"))]
3194 fn class_case_fold_unicode_disabled() {
3195 let mut cls = uclass(&[
3196 ('C', 'F'),
3197 ('A', 'G'),
3198 ('D', 'J'),
3199 ('A', 'C'),
3200 ('M', 'P'),
3201 ('L', 'S'),
3202 ('c', 'f'),
3203 ]);
3204 assert!(cls.try_case_fold_simple().is_err());
3205 }
3207 #[test]
3208 #[should_panic]
3209 #[cfg(not(feature = "unicode-case"))]
3210 fn class_case_fold_unicode_disabled_panics() {
3211 let mut cls = uclass(&[
3212 ('C', 'F'),
3213 ('A', 'G'),
3214 ('D', 'J'),
3215 ('A', 'C'),
3216 ('M', 'P'),
3217 ('L', 'S'),
3218 ('c', 'f'),
3219 ]);
3220 cls.case_fold_simple();
3221 }
3223 #[test]
3224 fn class_case_fold_bytes() {
3225 let cls = bclass(&[
3226 (b'C', b'F'),
3227 (b'A', b'G'),
3228 (b'D', b'J'),
3229 (b'A', b'C'),
3230 (b'M', b'P'),
3231 (b'L', b'S'),
3232 (b'c', b'f'),
3233 ]);
3234 let expected =
3235 bclass(&[(b'A', b'J'), (b'L', b'S'), (b'a', b'j'), (b'l', b's')]);
3236 assert_eq!(expected, bcasefold(&cls));
3238 let cls = bclass(&[(b'A', b'Z')]);
3239 let expected = bclass(&[(b'A', b'Z'), (b'a', b'z')]);
3240 assert_eq!(expected, bcasefold(&cls));
3242 let cls = bclass(&[(b'a', b'z')]);
3243 let expected = bclass(&[(b'A', b'Z'), (b'a', b'z')]);
3244 assert_eq!(expected, bcasefold(&cls));
3246 let cls = bclass(&[(b'A', b'A'), (b'_', b'_')]);
3247 let expected = bclass(&[(b'A', b'A'), (b'_', b'_'), (b'a', b'a')]);
3248 assert_eq!(expected, bcasefold(&cls));
3250 let cls = bclass(&[(b'A', b'A'), (b'=', b'=')]);
3251 let expected = bclass(&[(b'=', b'='), (b'A', b'A'), (b'a', b'a')]);
3252 assert_eq!(expected, bcasefold(&cls));
3254 let cls = bclass(&[(b'\x00', b'\x10')]);
3255 assert_eq!(cls, bcasefold(&cls));
3257 let cls = bclass(&[(b'k', b'k')]);
3258 let expected = bclass(&[(b'K', b'K'), (b'k', b'k')]);
3259 assert_eq!(expected, bcasefold(&cls));
3261 let cls = bclass(&[(b'@', b'@')]);
3262 assert_eq!(cls, bcasefold(&cls));
3263 }
3265 #[test]
3266 fn class_negate_unicode() {
3267 let cls = uclass(&[('a', 'a')]);
3268 let expected = uclass(&[('\x00', '\x60'), ('\x62', '\u{10FFFF}')]);
3269 assert_eq!(expected, unegate(&cls));
3271 let cls = uclass(&[('a', 'a'), ('b', 'b')]);
3272 let expected = uclass(&[('\x00', '\x60'), ('\x63', '\u{10FFFF}')]);
3273 assert_eq!(expected, unegate(&cls));
3275 let cls = uclass(&[('a', 'c'), ('x', 'z')]);
3276 let expected = uclass(&[
3277 ('\x00', '\x60'),
3278 ('\x64', '\x77'),
3279 ('\x7B', '\u{10FFFF}'),
3280 ]);
3281 assert_eq!(expected, unegate(&cls));
3283 let cls = uclass(&[('\x00', 'a')]);
3284 let expected = uclass(&[('\x62', '\u{10FFFF}')]);
3285 assert_eq!(expected, unegate(&cls));
3287 let cls = uclass(&[('a', '\u{10FFFF}')]);
3288 let expected = uclass(&[('\x00', '\x60')]);
3289 assert_eq!(expected, unegate(&cls));
3291 let cls = uclass(&[('\x00', '\u{10FFFF}')]);
3292 let expected = uclass(&[]);
3293 assert_eq!(expected, unegate(&cls));
3295 let cls = uclass(&[]);
3296 let expected = uclass(&[('\x00', '\u{10FFFF}')]);
3297 assert_eq!(expected, unegate(&cls));
3299 let cls =
3300 uclass(&[('\x00', '\u{10FFFD}'), ('\u{10FFFF}', '\u{10FFFF}')]);
3301 let expected = uclass(&[('\u{10FFFE}', '\u{10FFFE}')]);
3302 assert_eq!(expected, unegate(&cls));
3304 let cls = uclass(&[('\x00', '\u{D7FF}')]);
3305 let expected = uclass(&[('\u{E000}', '\u{10FFFF}')]);
3306 assert_eq!(expected, unegate(&cls));
3308 let cls = uclass(&[('\x00', '\u{D7FE}')]);
3309 let expected = uclass(&[('\u{D7FF}', '\u{10FFFF}')]);
3310 assert_eq!(expected, unegate(&cls));
3312 let cls = uclass(&[('\u{E000}', '\u{10FFFF}')]);
3313 let expected = uclass(&[('\x00', '\u{D7FF}')]);
3314 assert_eq!(expected, unegate(&cls));
3316 let cls = uclass(&[('\u{E001}', '\u{10FFFF}')]);
3317 let expected = uclass(&[('\x00', '\u{E000}')]);
3318 assert_eq!(expected, unegate(&cls));
3319 }
3321 #[test]
3322 fn class_negate_bytes() {
3323 let cls = bclass(&[(b'a', b'a')]);
3324 let expected = bclass(&[(b'\x00', b'\x60'), (b'\x62', b'\xFF')]);
3325 assert_eq!(expected, bnegate(&cls));
3327 let cls = bclass(&[(b'a', b'a'), (b'b', b'b')]);
3328 let expected = bclass(&[(b'\x00', b'\x60'), (b'\x63', b'\xFF')]);
3329 assert_eq!(expected, bnegate(&cls));
3331 let cls = bclass(&[(b'a', b'c'), (b'x', b'z')]);
3332 let expected = bclass(&[
3333 (b'\x00', b'\x60'),
3334 (b'\x64', b'\x77'),
3335 (b'\x7B', b'\xFF'),
3336 ]);
3337 assert_eq!(expected, bnegate(&cls));
3339 let cls = bclass(&[(b'\x00', b'a')]);
3340 let expected = bclass(&[(b'\x62', b'\xFF')]);
3341 assert_eq!(expected, bnegate(&cls));
3343 let cls = bclass(&[(b'a', b'\xFF')]);
3344 let expected = bclass(&[(b'\x00', b'\x60')]);
3345 assert_eq!(expected, bnegate(&cls));
3347 let cls = bclass(&[(b'\x00', b'\xFF')]);
3348 let expected = bclass(&[]);
3349 assert_eq!(expected, bnegate(&cls));
3351 let cls = bclass(&[]);
3352 let expected = bclass(&[(b'\x00', b'\xFF')]);
3353 assert_eq!(expected, bnegate(&cls));
3355 let cls = bclass(&[(b'\x00', b'\xFD'), (b'\xFF', b'\xFF')]);
3356 let expected = bclass(&[(b'\xFE', b'\xFE')]);
3357 assert_eq!(expected, bnegate(&cls));
3358 }
3360 #[test]
3361 fn class_union_unicode() {
3362 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'g'), ('m', 't'), ('A', 'C')]);
3363 let cls2 = uclass(&[('a', 'z')]);
3364 let expected = uclass(&[('a', 'z'), ('A', 'C')]);
3365 assert_eq!(expected, uunion(&cls1, &cls2));
3366 }
3368 #[test]
3369 fn class_union_bytes() {
3370 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'g'), (b'm', b't'), (b'A', b'C')]);
3371 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'z')]);
3372 let expected = bclass(&[(b'a', b'z'), (b'A', b'C')]);
3373 assert_eq!(expected, bunion(&cls1, &cls2));
3374 }
3376 #[test]
3377 fn class_intersect_unicode() {
3378 let cls1 = uclass(&[]);
3379 let cls2 = uclass(&[('a', 'a')]);
3380 let expected = uclass(&[]);
3381 assert_eq!(expected, uintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3383 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'a')]);
3384 let cls2 = uclass(&[('a', 'a')]);
3385 let expected = uclass(&[('a', 'a')]);
3386 assert_eq!(expected, uintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3388 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'a')]);
3389 let cls2 = uclass(&[('b', 'b')]);
3390 let expected = uclass(&[]);
3391 assert_eq!(expected, uintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3393 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'a')]);
3394 let cls2 = uclass(&[('a', 'c')]);
3395 let expected = uclass(&[('a', 'a')]);
3396 assert_eq!(expected, uintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3398 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'b')]);
3399 let cls2 = uclass(&[('a', 'c')]);
3400 let expected = uclass(&[('a', 'b')]);
3401 assert_eq!(expected, uintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3403 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'b')]);
3404 let cls2 = uclass(&[('b', 'c')]);
3405 let expected = uclass(&[('b', 'b')]);
3406 assert_eq!(expected, uintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3408 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'b')]);
3409 let cls2 = uclass(&[('c', 'd')]);
3410 let expected = uclass(&[]);
3411 assert_eq!(expected, uintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3413 let cls1 = uclass(&[('b', 'c')]);
3414 let cls2 = uclass(&[('a', 'd')]);
3415 let expected = uclass(&[('b', 'c')]);
3416 assert_eq!(expected, uintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3418 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'b'), ('d', 'e'), ('g', 'h')]);
3419 let cls2 = uclass(&[('a', 'h')]);
3420 let expected = uclass(&[('a', 'b'), ('d', 'e'), ('g', 'h')]);
3421 assert_eq!(expected, uintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3423 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'b'), ('d', 'e'), ('g', 'h')]);
3424 let cls2 = uclass(&[('a', 'b'), ('d', 'e'), ('g', 'h')]);
3425 let expected = uclass(&[('a', 'b'), ('d', 'e'), ('g', 'h')]);
3426 assert_eq!(expected, uintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3428 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'b'), ('g', 'h')]);
3429 let cls2 = uclass(&[('d', 'e'), ('k', 'l')]);
3430 let expected = uclass(&[]);
3431 assert_eq!(expected, uintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3433 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'b'), ('d', 'e'), ('g', 'h')]);
3434 let cls2 = uclass(&[('h', 'h')]);
3435 let expected = uclass(&[('h', 'h')]);
3436 assert_eq!(expected, uintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3438 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'b'), ('e', 'f'), ('i', 'j')]);
3439 let cls2 = uclass(&[('c', 'd'), ('g', 'h'), ('k', 'l')]);
3440 let expected = uclass(&[]);
3441 assert_eq!(expected, uintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3443 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd'), ('e', 'f')]);
3444 let cls2 = uclass(&[('b', 'c'), ('d', 'e'), ('f', 'g')]);
3445 let expected = uclass(&[('b', 'f')]);
3446 assert_eq!(expected, uintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3447 }
3449 #[test]
3450 fn class_intersect_bytes() {
3451 let cls1 = bclass(&[]);
3452 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'a')]);
3453 let expected = bclass(&[]);
3454 assert_eq!(expected, bintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3456 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'a')]);
3457 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'a')]);
3458 let expected = bclass(&[(b'a', b'a')]);
3459 assert_eq!(expected, bintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3461 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'a')]);
3462 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'b', b'b')]);
3463 let expected = bclass(&[]);
3464 assert_eq!(expected, bintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3466 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'a')]);
3467 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'c')]);
3468 let expected = bclass(&[(b'a', b'a')]);
3469 assert_eq!(expected, bintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3471 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'b')]);
3472 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'c')]);
3473 let expected = bclass(&[(b'a', b'b')]);
3474 assert_eq!(expected, bintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3476 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'b')]);
3477 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'b', b'c')]);
3478 let expected = bclass(&[(b'b', b'b')]);
3479 assert_eq!(expected, bintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3481 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'b')]);
3482 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'c', b'd')]);
3483 let expected = bclass(&[]);
3484 assert_eq!(expected, bintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3486 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'b', b'c')]);
3487 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'd')]);
3488 let expected = bclass(&[(b'b', b'c')]);
3489 assert_eq!(expected, bintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3491 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'b'), (b'd', b'e'), (b'g', b'h')]);
3492 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'h')]);
3493 let expected = bclass(&[(b'a', b'b'), (b'd', b'e'), (b'g', b'h')]);
3494 assert_eq!(expected, bintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3496 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'b'), (b'd', b'e'), (b'g', b'h')]);
3497 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'b'), (b'd', b'e'), (b'g', b'h')]);
3498 let expected = bclass(&[(b'a', b'b'), (b'd', b'e'), (b'g', b'h')]);
3499 assert_eq!(expected, bintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3501 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'b'), (b'g', b'h')]);
3502 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'd', b'e'), (b'k', b'l')]);
3503 let expected = bclass(&[]);
3504 assert_eq!(expected, bintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3506 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'b'), (b'd', b'e'), (b'g', b'h')]);
3507 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'h', b'h')]);
3508 let expected = bclass(&[(b'h', b'h')]);
3509 assert_eq!(expected, bintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3511 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'b'), (b'e', b'f'), (b'i', b'j')]);
3512 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'c', b'd'), (b'g', b'h'), (b'k', b'l')]);
3513 let expected = bclass(&[]);
3514 assert_eq!(expected, bintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3516 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'b'), (b'c', b'd'), (b'e', b'f')]);
3517 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'b', b'c'), (b'd', b'e'), (b'f', b'g')]);
3518 let expected = bclass(&[(b'b', b'f')]);
3519 assert_eq!(expected, bintersect(&cls1, &cls2));
3520 }
3522 #[test]
3523 fn class_difference_unicode() {
3524 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'a')]);
3525 let cls2 = uclass(&[('a', 'a')]);
3526 let expected = uclass(&[]);
3527 assert_eq!(expected, udifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3529 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'a')]);
3530 let cls2 = uclass(&[]);
3531 let expected = uclass(&[('a', 'a')]);
3532 assert_eq!(expected, udifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3534 let cls1 = uclass(&[]);
3535 let cls2 = uclass(&[('a', 'a')]);
3536 let expected = uclass(&[]);
3537 assert_eq!(expected, udifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3539 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'z')]);
3540 let cls2 = uclass(&[('a', 'a')]);
3541 let expected = uclass(&[('b', 'z')]);
3542 assert_eq!(expected, udifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3544 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'z')]);
3545 let cls2 = uclass(&[('z', 'z')]);
3546 let expected = uclass(&[('a', 'y')]);
3547 assert_eq!(expected, udifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3549 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'z')]);
3550 let cls2 = uclass(&[('m', 'm')]);
3551 let expected = uclass(&[('a', 'l'), ('n', 'z')]);
3552 assert_eq!(expected, udifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3554 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'c'), ('g', 'i'), ('r', 't')]);
3555 let cls2 = uclass(&[('a', 'z')]);
3556 let expected = uclass(&[]);
3557 assert_eq!(expected, udifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3559 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'c'), ('g', 'i'), ('r', 't')]);
3560 let cls2 = uclass(&[('d', 'v')]);
3561 let expected = uclass(&[('a', 'c')]);
3562 assert_eq!(expected, udifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3564 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'c'), ('g', 'i'), ('r', 't')]);
3565 let cls2 = uclass(&[('b', 'g'), ('s', 'u')]);
3566 let expected = uclass(&[('a', 'a'), ('h', 'i'), ('r', 'r')]);
3567 assert_eq!(expected, udifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3569 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'c'), ('g', 'i'), ('r', 't')]);
3570 let cls2 = uclass(&[('b', 'd'), ('e', 'g'), ('s', 'u')]);
3571 let expected = uclass(&[('a', 'a'), ('h', 'i'), ('r', 'r')]);
3572 assert_eq!(expected, udifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3574 let cls1 = uclass(&[('x', 'z')]);
3575 let cls2 = uclass(&[('a', 'c'), ('e', 'g'), ('s', 'u')]);
3576 let expected = uclass(&[('x', 'z')]);
3577 assert_eq!(expected, udifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3579 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'z')]);
3580 let cls2 = uclass(&[('a', 'c'), ('e', 'g'), ('s', 'u')]);
3581 let expected = uclass(&[('d', 'd'), ('h', 'r'), ('v', 'z')]);
3582 assert_eq!(expected, udifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3583 }
3585 #[test]
3586 fn class_difference_bytes() {
3587 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'a')]);
3588 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'a')]);
3589 let expected = bclass(&[]);
3590 assert_eq!(expected, bdifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3592 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'a')]);
3593 let cls2 = bclass(&[]);
3594 let expected = bclass(&[(b'a', b'a')]);
3595 assert_eq!(expected, bdifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3597 let cls1 = bclass(&[]);
3598 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'a')]);
3599 let expected = bclass(&[]);
3600 assert_eq!(expected, bdifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3602 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'z')]);
3603 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'a')]);
3604 let expected = bclass(&[(b'b', b'z')]);
3605 assert_eq!(expected, bdifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3607 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'z')]);
3608 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'z', b'z')]);
3609 let expected = bclass(&[(b'a', b'y')]);
3610 assert_eq!(expected, bdifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3612 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'z')]);
3613 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'm', b'm')]);
3614 let expected = bclass(&[(b'a', b'l'), (b'n', b'z')]);
3615 assert_eq!(expected, bdifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3617 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'c'), (b'g', b'i'), (b'r', b't')]);
3618 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'z')]);
3619 let expected = bclass(&[]);
3620 assert_eq!(expected, bdifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3622 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'c'), (b'g', b'i'), (b'r', b't')]);
3623 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'd', b'v')]);
3624 let expected = bclass(&[(b'a', b'c')]);
3625 assert_eq!(expected, bdifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3627 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'c'), (b'g', b'i'), (b'r', b't')]);
3628 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'b', b'g'), (b's', b'u')]);
3629 let expected = bclass(&[(b'a', b'a'), (b'h', b'i'), (b'r', b'r')]);
3630 assert_eq!(expected, bdifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3632 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'c'), (b'g', b'i'), (b'r', b't')]);
3633 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'b', b'd'), (b'e', b'g'), (b's', b'u')]);
3634 let expected = bclass(&[(b'a', b'a'), (b'h', b'i'), (b'r', b'r')]);
3635 assert_eq!(expected, bdifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3637 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'x', b'z')]);
3638 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'c'), (b'e', b'g'), (b's', b'u')]);
3639 let expected = bclass(&[(b'x', b'z')]);
3640 assert_eq!(expected, bdifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3642 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'z')]);
3643 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'c'), (b'e', b'g'), (b's', b'u')]);
3644 let expected = bclass(&[(b'd', b'd'), (b'h', b'r'), (b'v', b'z')]);
3645 assert_eq!(expected, bdifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3646 }
3648 #[test]
3649 fn class_symmetric_difference_unicode() {
3650 let cls1 = uclass(&[('a', 'm')]);
3651 let cls2 = uclass(&[('g', 't')]);
3652 let expected = uclass(&[('a', 'f'), ('n', 't')]);
3653 assert_eq!(expected, usymdifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3654 }
3656 #[test]
3657 fn class_symmetric_difference_bytes() {
3658 let cls1 = bclass(&[(b'a', b'm')]);
3659 let cls2 = bclass(&[(b'g', b't')]);
3660 let expected = bclass(&[(b'a', b'f'), (b'n', b't')]);
3661 assert_eq!(expected, bsymdifference(&cls1, &cls2));
3662 }
3664 // We use a thread with an explicit stack size to test that our destructor
3665 // for Hir can handle arbitrarily sized expressions in constant stack
3666 // space. In case we run on a platform without threads (WASM?), we limit
3667 // this test to Windows/Unix.
3668 #[test]
3669 #[cfg(any(unix, windows))]
3670 fn no_stack_overflow_on_drop() {
3671 use std::thread;
3673 let run = || {
3674 let mut expr = Hir::empty();
3675 for _ in 0..100 {
3676 expr = Hir::capture(Capture {
3677 index: 1,
3678 name: None,
3679 sub: Box::new(expr),
3680 });
3681 expr = Hir::repetition(Repetition {
3682 min: 0,
3683 max: Some(1),
3684 greedy: true,
3685 sub: Box::new(expr),
3686 });
3688 expr = Hir {
3689 kind: HirKind::Concat(vec![expr]),
3690 props: Properties::empty(),
3691 };
3692 expr = Hir {
3693 kind: HirKind::Alternation(vec![expr]),
3694 props: Properties::empty(),
3695 };
3696 }
3697 assert!(!matches!(*expr.kind(), HirKind::Empty));
3698 };
3700 // We run our test on a thread with a small stack size so we can
3701 // force the issue more easily.
3702 //
3703 // NOTE(2023-03-21): See the corresponding test in 'crate::ast::tests'
3704 // for context on the specific stack size chosen here.
3705 thread::Builder::new()
3706 .stack_size(16 << 10)
3707 .spawn(run)
3708 .unwrap()
3709 .join()
3710 .unwrap();
3711 }
3713 #[test]
3714 fn look_set_iter() {
3715 let set = LookSet::empty();
3716 assert_eq!(0, set.iter().count());
3718 let set = LookSet::full();
3719 assert_eq!(10, set.iter().count());
3721 let set =
3722 LookSet::empty().insert(Look::StartLF).insert(Look::WordUnicode);
3723 assert_eq!(2, set.iter().count());
3725 let set = LookSet::empty().insert(Look::StartLF);
3726 assert_eq!(1, set.iter().count());
3728 let set = LookSet::empty().insert(Look::WordAsciiNegate);
3729 assert_eq!(1, set.iter().count());
3730 }
3732 #[test]
3733 fn look_set_debug() {
3734 let res = format!("{:?}", LookSet::empty());
3735 assert_eq!("∅", res);
3736 let res = format!("{:?}", LookSet::full());
3737 assert_eq!("Az^$rRbB𝛃𝚩", res);
3738 }