1//===- AArch64FrameLowering.cpp - AArch64 Frame Lowering -------*- C++ -*-====//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// This file contains the AArch64 implementation of TargetFrameLowering class.
11// On AArch64, stack frames are structured as follows:
13// The stack grows downward.
15// All of the individual frame areas on the frame below are optional, i.e. it's
16// possible to create a function so that the particular area isn't present
17// in the frame.
19// At function entry, the "frame" looks as follows:
21// | | Higher address
22// |-----------------------------------|
23// | |
24// | arguments passed on the stack |
25// | |
26// |-----------------------------------| <- sp
27// | | Lower address
30// After the prologue has run, the frame has the following general structure.
31// Note that this doesn't depict the case where a red-zone is used. Also,
32// technically the last frame area (VLAs) doesn't get created until in the
33// main function body, after the prologue is run. However, it's depicted here
34// for completeness.
36// | | Higher address
37// |-----------------------------------|
38// | |
39// | arguments passed on the stack |
40// | |
41// |-----------------------------------|
42// | |
43// | (Win64 only) varargs from reg |
44// | |
45// |-----------------------------------|
46// | |
47// | callee-saved gpr registers | <--.
48// | | | On Darwin platforms these
49// |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -| | callee saves are swapped,
50// | prev_lr | | (frame record first)
51// | prev_fp | <--'
52// | async context if needed |
53// | (a.k.a. "frame record") |
54// |-----------------------------------| <- fp(=x29)
55// | |
56// | callee-saved fp/simd/SVE regs |
57// | |
58// |-----------------------------------|
59// | |
60// | SVE stack objects |
61// | |
62// |-----------------------------------|
63// |.empty.space.to.make.part.below....|
64// |.aligned.in.case.it.needs.more.than| (size of this area is unknown at
65// |.the.standard.16-byte.alignment....| compile time; if present)
66// |-----------------------------------|
67// | |
68// | local variables of fixed size |
69// | including spill slots |
70// |-----------------------------------| <- bp(not defined by ABI,
71// |.variable-sized.local.variables....| LLVM chooses X19)
72// |.(VLAs)............................| (size of this area is unknown at
73// |...................................| compile time)
74// |-----------------------------------| <- sp
75// | | Lower address
78// To access the data in a frame, at-compile time, a constant offset must be
79// computable from one of the pointers (fp, bp, sp) to access it. The size
80// of the areas with a dotted background cannot be computed at compile-time
81// if they are present, making it required to have all three of fp, bp and
82// sp to be set up to be able to access all contents in the frame areas,
83// assuming all of the frame areas are non-empty.
85// For most functions, some of the frame areas are empty. For those functions,
86// it may not be necessary to set up fp or bp:
87// * A base pointer is definitely needed when there are both VLAs and local
88// variables with more-than-default alignment requirements.
89// * A frame pointer is definitely needed when there are local variables with
90// more-than-default alignment requirements.
92// For Darwin platforms the frame-record (fp, lr) is stored at the top of the
93// callee-saved area, since the unwind encoding does not allow for encoding
94// this dynamically and existing tools depend on this layout. For other
95// platforms, the frame-record is stored at the bottom of the (gpr) callee-saved
96// area to allow SVE stack objects (allocated directly below the callee-saves,
97// if available) to be accessed directly from the framepointer.
98// The SVE spill/fill instructions have VL-scaled addressing modes such
99// as:
100// ldr z8, [fp, #-7 mul vl]
101// For SVE the size of the vector length (VL) is not known at compile-time, so
102// '#-7 mul vl' is an offset that can only be evaluated at runtime. With this
103// layout, we don't need to add an unscaled offset to the framepointer before
104// accessing the SVE object in the frame.
106// In some cases when a base pointer is not strictly needed, it is generated
107// anyway when offsets from the frame pointer to access local variables become
108// so large that the offset can't be encoded in the immediate fields of loads
109// or stores.
111// Outgoing function arguments must be at the bottom of the stack frame when
112// calling another function. If we do not have variable-sized stack objects, we
113// can allocate a "reserved call frame" area at the bottom of the local
114// variable area, large enough for all outgoing calls. If we do have VLAs, then
115// the stack pointer must be decremented and incremented around each call to
116// make space for the arguments below the VLAs.
118// FIXME: also explain the redzone concept.
120// An example of the prologue:
122// .globl __foo
123// .align 2
124// __foo:
125// Ltmp0:
126// .cfi_startproc
127// .cfi_personality 155, ___gxx_personality_v0
128// Leh_func_begin:
129// .cfi_lsda 16, Lexception33
131// stp xa,bx, [sp, -#offset]!
132// ...
133// stp x28, x27, [sp, #offset-32]
134// stp fp, lr, [sp, #offset-16]
135// add fp, sp, #offset - 16
136// sub sp, sp, #1360
138// The Stack:
139// +-------------------------------------------+
140// 10000 | ........ | ........ | ........ | ........ |
141// 10004 | ........ | ........ | ........ | ........ |
142// +-------------------------------------------+
143// 10008 | ........ | ........ | ........ | ........ |
144// 1000c | ........ | ........ | ........ | ........ |
145// +===========================================+
146// 10010 | X28 Register |
147// 10014 | X28 Register |
148// +-------------------------------------------+
149// 10018 | X27 Register |
150// 1001c | X27 Register |
151// +===========================================+
152// 10020 | Frame Pointer |
153// 10024 | Frame Pointer |
154// +-------------------------------------------+
155// 10028 | Link Register |
156// 1002c | Link Register |
157// +===========================================+
158// 10030 | ........ | ........ | ........ | ........ |
159// 10034 | ........ | ........ | ........ | ........ |
160// +-------------------------------------------+
161// 10038 | ........ | ........ | ........ | ........ |
162// 1003c | ........ | ........ | ........ | ........ |
163// +-------------------------------------------+
165// [sp] = 10030 :: >>initial value<<
166// sp = 10020 :: stp fp, lr, [sp, #-16]!
167// fp = sp == 10020 :: mov fp, sp
168// [sp] == 10020 :: stp x28, x27, [sp, #-16]!
169// sp == 10010 :: >>final value<<
171// The frame pointer (w29) points to address 10020. If we use an offset of
172// '16' from 'w29', we get the CFI offsets of -8 for w30, -16 for w29, -24
173// for w27, and -32 for w28:
175// Ltmp1:
176// .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16
177// Ltmp2:
178// .cfi_offset w30, -8
179// Ltmp3:
180// .cfi_offset w29, -16
181// Ltmp4:
182// .cfi_offset w27, -24
183// Ltmp5:
184// .cfi_offset w28, -32
188#include "AArch64FrameLowering.h"
189#include "AArch64InstrInfo.h"
190#include "AArch64MachineFunctionInfo.h"
191#include "AArch64RegisterInfo.h"
192#include "AArch64Subtarget.h"
193#include "AArch64TargetMachine.h"
194#include "MCTargetDesc/AArch64AddressingModes.h"
195#include "MCTargetDesc/AArch64MCTargetDesc.h"
196#include "llvm/ADT/ScopeExit.h"
197#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
198#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
199#include "llvm/CodeGen/LivePhysRegs.h"
200#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineBasicBlock.h"
201#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFrameInfo.h"
202#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunction.h"
203#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
204#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBuilder.h"
205#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineMemOperand.h"
206#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineModuleInfo.h"
207#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineOperand.h"
208#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineRegisterInfo.h"
209#include "llvm/CodeGen/RegisterScavenging.h"
210#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetInstrInfo.h"
211#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetRegisterInfo.h"
212#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetSubtargetInfo.h"
213#include "llvm/CodeGen/WinEHFuncInfo.h"
214#include "llvm/IR/Attributes.h"
215#include "llvm/IR/CallingConv.h"
216#include "llvm/IR/DataLayout.h"
217#include "llvm/IR/DebugLoc.h"
218#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
219#include "llvm/MC/MCAsmInfo.h"
220#include "llvm/MC/MCDwarf.h"
221#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
222#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
223#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
224#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
225#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
226#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
227#include "llvm/Target/TargetOptions.h"
228#include <cassert>
229#include <cstdint>
230#include <iterator>
231#include <optional>
232#include <vector>
234using namespace llvm;
236#define DEBUG_TYPE "frame-info"
238static cl::opt<bool> EnableRedZone("aarch64-redzone",
239 cl::desc("enable use of redzone on AArch64"),
240 cl::init(Val: false), cl::Hidden);
242static cl::opt<bool> StackTaggingMergeSetTag(
243 "stack-tagging-merge-settag",
244 cl::desc("merge settag instruction in function epilog"), cl::init(Val: true),
245 cl::Hidden);
247static cl::opt<bool> OrderFrameObjects("aarch64-order-frame-objects",
248 cl::desc("sort stack allocations"),
249 cl::init(Val: true), cl::Hidden);
251cl::opt<bool> EnableHomogeneousPrologEpilog(
252 "homogeneous-prolog-epilog", cl::Hidden,
253 cl::desc("Emit homogeneous prologue and epilogue for the size "
254 "optimization (default = off)"));
256STATISTIC(NumRedZoneFunctions, "Number of functions using red zone");
258/// Returns how much of the incoming argument stack area (in bytes) we should
259/// clean up in an epilogue. For the C calling convention this will be 0, for
260/// guaranteed tail call conventions it can be positive (a normal return or a
261/// tail call to a function that uses less stack space for arguments) or
262/// negative (for a tail call to a function that needs more stack space than us
263/// for arguments).
264static int64_t getArgumentStackToRestore(MachineFunction &MF,
265 MachineBasicBlock &MBB) {
266 MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI = MBB.getLastNonDebugInstr();
267 AArch64FunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
268 bool IsTailCallReturn = (MBB.end() != MBBI)
269 ? AArch64InstrInfo::isTailCallReturnInst(MI: *MBBI)
270 : false;
272 int64_t ArgumentPopSize = 0;
273 if (IsTailCallReturn) {
274 MachineOperand &StackAdjust = MBBI->getOperand(i: 1);
276 // For a tail-call in a callee-pops-arguments environment, some or all of
277 // the stack may actually be in use for the call's arguments, this is
278 // calculated during LowerCall and consumed here...
279 ArgumentPopSize = StackAdjust.getImm();
280 } else {
281 // ... otherwise the amount to pop is *all* of the argument space,
282 // conveniently stored in the MachineFunctionInfo by
283 // LowerFormalArguments. This will, of course, be zero for the C calling
284 // convention.
285 ArgumentPopSize = AFI->getArgumentStackToRestore();
286 }
288 return ArgumentPopSize;
291static bool produceCompactUnwindFrame(MachineFunction &MF);
292static bool needsWinCFI(const MachineFunction &MF);
293static StackOffset getSVEStackSize(const MachineFunction &MF);
294static Register findScratchNonCalleeSaveRegister(MachineBasicBlock *MBB);
296/// Returns true if a homogeneous prolog or epilog code can be emitted
297/// for the size optimization. If possible, a frame helper call is injected.
298/// When Exit block is given, this check is for epilog.
299bool AArch64FrameLowering::homogeneousPrologEpilog(
300 MachineFunction &MF, MachineBasicBlock *Exit) const {
301 if (!MF.getFunction().hasMinSize())
302 return false;
303 if (!EnableHomogeneousPrologEpilog)
304 return false;
305 if (EnableRedZone)
306 return false;
308 // TODO: Window is supported yet.
309 if (needsWinCFI(MF))
310 return false;
311 // TODO: SVE is not supported yet.
312 if (getSVEStackSize(MF))
313 return false;
315 // Bail on stack adjustment needed on return for simplicity.
316 const MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
317 const TargetRegisterInfo *RegInfo = MF.getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo();
318 if (MFI.hasVarSizedObjects() || RegInfo->hasStackRealignment(MF))
319 return false;
320 if (Exit && getArgumentStackToRestore(MF, MBB&: *Exit))
321 return false;
323 auto *AFI = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
324 if (AFI->hasSwiftAsyncContext())
325 return false;
327 // If there are an odd number of GPRs before LR and FP in the CSRs list,
328 // they will not be paired into one RegPairInfo, which is incompatible with
329 // the assumption made by the homogeneous prolog epilog pass.
330 const MCPhysReg *CSRegs = MF.getRegInfo().getCalleeSavedRegs();
331 unsigned NumGPRs = 0;
332 for (unsigned I = 0; CSRegs[I]; ++I) {
333 Register Reg = CSRegs[I];
334 if (Reg == AArch64::LR) {
335 assert(CSRegs[I + 1] == AArch64::FP);
336 if (NumGPRs % 2 != 0)
337 return false;
338 break;
339 }
340 if (AArch64::GPR64RegClass.contains(Reg))
341 ++NumGPRs;
342 }
344 return true;
347/// Returns true if CSRs should be paired.
348bool AArch64FrameLowering::producePairRegisters(MachineFunction &MF) const {
349 return produceCompactUnwindFrame(MF) || homogeneousPrologEpilog(MF);
352/// This is the biggest offset to the stack pointer we can encode in aarch64
353/// instructions (without using a separate calculation and a temp register).
354/// Note that the exception here are vector stores/loads which cannot encode any
355/// displacements (see estimateRSStackSizeLimit(), isAArch64FrameOffsetLegal()).
356static const unsigned DefaultSafeSPDisplacement = 255;
358/// Look at each instruction that references stack frames and return the stack
359/// size limit beyond which some of these instructions will require a scratch
360/// register during their expansion later.
361static unsigned estimateRSStackSizeLimit(MachineFunction &MF) {
362 // FIXME: For now, just conservatively guestimate based on unscaled indexing
363 // range. We'll end up allocating an unnecessary spill slot a lot, but
364 // realistically that's not a big deal at this stage of the game.
365 for (MachineBasicBlock &MBB : MF) {
366 for (MachineInstr &MI : MBB) {
367 if (MI.isDebugInstr() || MI.isPseudo() ||
368 MI.getOpcode() == AArch64::ADDXri ||
369 MI.getOpcode() == AArch64::ADDSXri)
370 continue;
372 for (const MachineOperand &MO : MI.operands()) {
373 if (!MO.isFI())
374 continue;
376 StackOffset Offset;
377 if (isAArch64FrameOffsetLegal(MI, Offset, OutUseUnscaledOp: nullptr, OutUnscaledOp: nullptr, EmittableOffset: nullptr) ==
378 AArch64FrameOffsetCannotUpdate)
379 return 0;
380 }
381 }
382 }
383 return DefaultSafeSPDisplacement;
387AArch64FrameLowering::getStackIDForScalableVectors() const {
388 return TargetStackID::ScalableVector;
391/// Returns the size of the fixed object area (allocated next to sp on entry)
392/// On Win64 this may include a var args area and an UnwindHelp object for EH.
393static unsigned getFixedObjectSize(const MachineFunction &MF,
394 const AArch64FunctionInfo *AFI, bool IsWin64,
395 bool IsFunclet) {
396 if (!IsWin64 || IsFunclet) {
397 return AFI->getTailCallReservedStack();
398 } else {
399 if (AFI->getTailCallReservedStack() != 0 &&
400 !MF.getFunction().getAttributes().hasAttrSomewhere(
401 Attribute::Kind: SwiftAsync))
402 report_fatal_error(reason: "cannot generate ABI-changing tail call for Win64");
403 // Var args are stored here in the primary function.
404 const unsigned VarArgsArea = AFI->getVarArgsGPRSize();
405 // To support EH funclets we allocate an UnwindHelp object
406 const unsigned UnwindHelpObject = (MF.hasEHFunclets() ? 8 : 0);
407 return AFI->getTailCallReservedStack() +
408 alignTo(Value: VarArgsArea + UnwindHelpObject, Align: 16);
409 }
412/// Returns the size of the entire SVE stackframe (calleesaves + spills).
413static StackOffset getSVEStackSize(const MachineFunction &MF) {
414 const AArch64FunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
415 return StackOffset::getScalable(Scalable: (int64_t)AFI->getStackSizeSVE());
418bool AArch64FrameLowering::canUseRedZone(const MachineFunction &MF) const {
419 if (!EnableRedZone)
420 return false;
422 // Don't use the red zone if the function explicitly asks us not to.
423 // This is typically used for kernel code.
424 const AArch64Subtarget &Subtarget = MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>();
425 const unsigned RedZoneSize =
426 Subtarget.getTargetLowering()->getRedZoneSize(F: MF.getFunction());
427 if (!RedZoneSize)
428 return false;
430 const MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
431 const AArch64FunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
432 uint64_t NumBytes = AFI->getLocalStackSize();
434 return !(MFI.hasCalls() || hasFP(MF) || NumBytes > RedZoneSize ||
435 getSVEStackSize(MF));
438/// hasFP - Return true if the specified function should have a dedicated frame
439/// pointer register.
440bool AArch64FrameLowering::hasFP(const MachineFunction &MF) const {
441 const MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
442 const TargetRegisterInfo *RegInfo = MF.getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo();
444 // Win64 EH requires a frame pointer if funclets are present, as the locals
445 // are accessed off the frame pointer in both the parent function and the
446 // funclets.
447 if (MF.hasEHFunclets())
448 return true;
449 // Retain behavior of always omitting the FP for leaf functions when possible.
450 if (MF.getTarget().Options.DisableFramePointerElim(MF))
451 return true;
452 if (MFI.hasVarSizedObjects() || MFI.isFrameAddressTaken() ||
453 MFI.hasStackMap() || MFI.hasPatchPoint() ||
454 RegInfo->hasStackRealignment(MF))
455 return true;
456 // With large callframes around we may need to use FP to access the scavenging
457 // emergency spillslot.
458 //
459 // Unfortunately some calls to hasFP() like machine verifier ->
460 // getReservedReg() -> hasFP in the middle of global isel are too early
461 // to know the max call frame size. Hopefully conservatively returning "true"
462 // in those cases is fine.
463 // DefaultSafeSPDisplacement is fine as we only emergency spill GP regs.
464 if (!MFI.isMaxCallFrameSizeComputed() ||
465 MFI.getMaxCallFrameSize() > DefaultSafeSPDisplacement)
466 return true;
468 return false;
471/// hasReservedCallFrame - Under normal circumstances, when a frame pointer is
472/// not required, we reserve argument space for call sites in the function
473/// immediately on entry to the current function. This eliminates the need for
474/// add/sub sp brackets around call sites. Returns true if the call frame is
475/// included as part of the stack frame.
477AArch64FrameLowering::hasReservedCallFrame(const MachineFunction &MF) const {
478 // The stack probing code for the dynamically allocated outgoing arguments
479 // area assumes that the stack is probed at the top - either by the prologue
480 // code, which issues a probe if `hasVarSizedObjects` return true, or by the
481 // most recent variable-sized object allocation. Changing the condition here
482 // may need to be followed up by changes to the probe issuing logic.
483 return !MF.getFrameInfo().hasVarSizedObjects();
486MachineBasicBlock::iterator AArch64FrameLowering::eliminateCallFramePseudoInstr(
487 MachineFunction &MF, MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
488 MachineBasicBlock::iterator I) const {
489 const AArch64InstrInfo *TII =
490 static_cast<const AArch64InstrInfo *>(MF.getSubtarget().getInstrInfo());
491 const AArch64TargetLowering *TLI =
492 MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>().getTargetLowering();
493 [[maybe_unused]] MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
494 DebugLoc DL = I->getDebugLoc();
495 unsigned Opc = I->getOpcode();
496 bool IsDestroy = Opc == TII->getCallFrameDestroyOpcode();
497 uint64_t CalleePopAmount = IsDestroy ? I->getOperand(i: 1).getImm() : 0;
499 if (!hasReservedCallFrame(MF)) {
500 int64_t Amount = I->getOperand(i: 0).getImm();
501 Amount = alignTo(Size: Amount, A: getStackAlign());
502 if (!IsDestroy)
503 Amount = -Amount;
505 // N.b. if CalleePopAmount is valid but zero (i.e. callee would pop, but it
506 // doesn't have to pop anything), then the first operand will be zero too so
507 // this adjustment is a no-op.
508 if (CalleePopAmount == 0) {
509 // FIXME: in-function stack adjustment for calls is limited to 24-bits
510 // because there's no guaranteed temporary register available.
511 //
512 // ADD/SUB (immediate) has only LSL #0 and LSL #12 available.
513 // 1) For offset <= 12-bit, we use LSL #0
514 // 2) For 12-bit <= offset <= 24-bit, we use two instructions. One uses
515 // LSL #0, and the other uses LSL #12.
516 //
517 // Most call frames will be allocated at the start of a function so
518 // this is OK, but it is a limitation that needs dealing with.
519 assert(Amount > -0xffffff && Amount < 0xffffff && "call frame too large");
521 if (TLI->hasInlineStackProbe(MF) &&
522 -Amount >= AArch64::StackProbeMaxUnprobedStack) {
523 // When stack probing is enabled, the decrement of SP may need to be
524 // probed. We only need to do this if the call site needs 1024 bytes of
525 // space or more, because a region smaller than that is allowed to be
526 // unprobed at an ABI boundary. We rely on the fact that SP has been
527 // probed exactly at this point, either by the prologue or most recent
528 // dynamic allocation.
529 assert(MFI.hasVarSizedObjects() &&
530 "non-reserved call frame without var sized objects?");
531 Register ScratchReg =
532 MF.getRegInfo().createVirtualRegister(&AArch64::GPR64RegClass);
533 inlineStackProbeFixed(MBBI: I, ScratchReg, FrameSize: -Amount, CFAOffset: StackOffset::get(Fixed: 0, Scalable: 0));
534 } else {
535 emitFrameOffset(MBB, I, DL, AArch64::SP, AArch64::SP,
536 StackOffset::getFixed(Amount), TII);
537 }
538 }
539 } else if (CalleePopAmount != 0) {
540 // If the calling convention demands that the callee pops arguments from the
541 // stack, we want to add it back if we have a reserved call frame.
542 assert(CalleePopAmount < 0xffffff && "call frame too large");
543 emitFrameOffset(MBB, I, DL, AArch64::SP, AArch64::SP,
544 StackOffset::getFixed(-(int64_t)CalleePopAmount), TII);
545 }
546 return MBB.erase(I);
549void AArch64FrameLowering::emitCalleeSavedGPRLocations(
550 MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI) const {
551 MachineFunction &MF = *MBB.getParent();
552 MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
554 const std::vector<CalleeSavedInfo> &CSI = MFI.getCalleeSavedInfo();
555 if (CSI.empty())
556 return;
558 const TargetSubtargetInfo &STI = MF.getSubtarget();
559 const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI = *STI.getRegisterInfo();
560 const TargetInstrInfo &TII = *STI.getInstrInfo();
561 DebugLoc DL = MBB.findDebugLoc(MBBI);
563 for (const auto &Info : CSI) {
564 if (MFI.getStackID(ObjectIdx: Info.getFrameIdx()) == TargetStackID::ScalableVector)
565 continue;
567 assert(!Info.isSpilledToReg() && "Spilling to registers not implemented");
568 unsigned DwarfReg = TRI.getDwarfRegNum(RegNum: Info.getReg(), isEH: true);
570 int64_t Offset =
571 MFI.getObjectOffset(ObjectIdx: Info.getFrameIdx()) - getOffsetOfLocalArea();
572 unsigned CFIIndex = MF.addFrameInst(
573 Inst: MCCFIInstruction::createOffset(L: nullptr, Register: DwarfReg, Offset));
574 BuildMI(BB&: MBB, I: MBBI, MIMD: DL, MCID: TII.get(Opcode: TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION))
575 .addCFIIndex(CFIIndex)
576 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
577 }
580void AArch64FrameLowering::emitCalleeSavedSVELocations(
581 MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI) const {
582 MachineFunction &MF = *MBB.getParent();
583 MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
585 // Add callee saved registers to move list.
586 const std::vector<CalleeSavedInfo> &CSI = MFI.getCalleeSavedInfo();
587 if (CSI.empty())
588 return;
590 const TargetSubtargetInfo &STI = MF.getSubtarget();
591 const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI = *STI.getRegisterInfo();
592 const TargetInstrInfo &TII = *STI.getInstrInfo();
593 DebugLoc DL = MBB.findDebugLoc(MBBI);
594 AArch64FunctionInfo &AFI = *MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
596 for (const auto &Info : CSI) {
597 if (!(MFI.getStackID(ObjectIdx: Info.getFrameIdx()) == TargetStackID::ScalableVector))
598 continue;
600 // Not all unwinders may know about SVE registers, so assume the lowest
601 // common demoninator.
602 assert(!Info.isSpilledToReg() && "Spilling to registers not implemented");
603 unsigned Reg = Info.getReg();
604 if (!static_cast<const AArch64RegisterInfo &>(TRI).regNeedsCFI(Reg, Reg))
605 continue;
607 StackOffset Offset =
608 StackOffset::getScalable(Scalable: MFI.getObjectOffset(ObjectIdx: Info.getFrameIdx())) -
609 StackOffset::getFixed(Fixed: AFI.getCalleeSavedStackSize(MFI));
611 unsigned CFIIndex = MF.addFrameInst(Inst: createCFAOffset(MRI: TRI, Reg, OffsetFromDefCFA: Offset));
612 BuildMI(BB&: MBB, I: MBBI, MIMD: DL, MCID: TII.get(Opcode: TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION))
613 .addCFIIndex(CFIIndex)
614 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
615 }
618static void insertCFISameValue(const MCInstrDesc &Desc, MachineFunction &MF,
619 MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
620 MachineBasicBlock::iterator InsertPt,
621 unsigned DwarfReg) {
622 unsigned CFIIndex =
623 MF.addFrameInst(Inst: MCCFIInstruction::createSameValue(L: nullptr, Register: DwarfReg));
624 BuildMI(BB&: MBB, I: InsertPt, MIMD: DebugLoc(), MCID: Desc).addCFIIndex(CFIIndex);
627void AArch64FrameLowering::resetCFIToInitialState(
628 MachineBasicBlock &MBB) const {
630 MachineFunction &MF = *MBB.getParent();
631 const auto &Subtarget = MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>();
632 const TargetInstrInfo &TII = *Subtarget.getInstrInfo();
633 const auto &TRI =
634 static_cast<const AArch64RegisterInfo &>(*Subtarget.getRegisterInfo());
635 const auto &MFI = *MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
637 const MCInstrDesc &CFIDesc = TII.get(Opcode: TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION);
638 DebugLoc DL;
640 // Reset the CFA to `SP + 0`.
641 MachineBasicBlock::iterator InsertPt = MBB.begin();
642 unsigned CFIIndex = MF.addFrameInst(Inst: MCCFIInstruction::cfiDefCfa(
643 L: nullptr, Register: TRI.getDwarfRegNum(AArch64::SP, true), Offset: 0));
644 BuildMI(BB&: MBB, I: InsertPt, MIMD: DL, MCID: CFIDesc).addCFIIndex(CFIIndex);
646 // Flip the RA sign state.
647 if (MFI.shouldSignReturnAddress(MF)) {
648 CFIIndex = MF.addFrameInst(Inst: MCCFIInstruction::createNegateRAState(L: nullptr));
649 BuildMI(BB&: MBB, I: InsertPt, MIMD: DL, MCID: CFIDesc).addCFIIndex(CFIIndex);
650 }
652 // Shadow call stack uses X18, reset it.
653 if (MFI.needsShadowCallStackPrologueEpilogue(MF))
654 insertCFISameValue(CFIDesc, MF, MBB, InsertPt,
655 TRI.getDwarfRegNum(AArch64::X18, true));
657 // Emit .cfi_same_value for callee-saved registers.
658 const std::vector<CalleeSavedInfo> &CSI =
659 MF.getFrameInfo().getCalleeSavedInfo();
660 for (const auto &Info : CSI) {
661 unsigned Reg = Info.getReg();
662 if (!TRI.regNeedsCFI(Reg, RegToUseForCFI&: Reg))
663 continue;
664 insertCFISameValue(CFIDesc, MF, MBB, InsertPt,
665 TRI.getDwarfRegNum(Reg, true));
666 }
669static void emitCalleeSavedRestores(MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
670 MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI,
671 bool SVE) {
672 MachineFunction &MF = *MBB.getParent();
673 MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
675 const std::vector<CalleeSavedInfo> &CSI = MFI.getCalleeSavedInfo();
676 if (CSI.empty())
677 return;
679 const TargetSubtargetInfo &STI = MF.getSubtarget();
680 const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI = *STI.getRegisterInfo();
681 const TargetInstrInfo &TII = *STI.getInstrInfo();
682 DebugLoc DL = MBB.findDebugLoc(MBBI);
684 for (const auto &Info : CSI) {
685 if (SVE !=
686 (MFI.getStackID(ObjectIdx: Info.getFrameIdx()) == TargetStackID::ScalableVector))
687 continue;
689 unsigned Reg = Info.getReg();
690 if (SVE &&
691 !static_cast<const AArch64RegisterInfo &>(TRI).regNeedsCFI(Reg, Reg))
692 continue;
694 unsigned CFIIndex = MF.addFrameInst(Inst: MCCFIInstruction::createRestore(
695 L: nullptr, Register: TRI.getDwarfRegNum(RegNum: Info.getReg(), isEH: true)));
696 BuildMI(BB&: MBB, I: MBBI, MIMD: DL, MCID: TII.get(Opcode: TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION))
697 .addCFIIndex(CFIIndex)
698 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameDestroy);
699 }
702void AArch64FrameLowering::emitCalleeSavedGPRRestores(
703 MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI) const {
704 emitCalleeSavedRestores(MBB, MBBI, SVE: false);
707void AArch64FrameLowering::emitCalleeSavedSVERestores(
708 MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI) const {
709 emitCalleeSavedRestores(MBB, MBBI, SVE: true);
712// Return the maximum possible number of bytes for `Size` due to the
713// architectural limit on the size of a SVE register.
714static int64_t upperBound(StackOffset Size) {
715 static const int64_t MAX_BYTES_PER_SCALABLE_BYTE = 16;
716 return Size.getScalable() * MAX_BYTES_PER_SCALABLE_BYTE + Size.getFixed();
719void AArch64FrameLowering::allocateStackSpace(
720 MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI,
721 int64_t RealignmentPadding, StackOffset AllocSize, bool NeedsWinCFI,
722 bool *HasWinCFI, bool EmitCFI, StackOffset InitialOffset,
723 bool FollowupAllocs) const {
725 if (!AllocSize)
726 return;
728 DebugLoc DL;
729 MachineFunction &MF = *MBB.getParent();
730 const AArch64Subtarget &Subtarget = MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>();
731 const TargetInstrInfo &TII = *Subtarget.getInstrInfo();
732 AArch64FunctionInfo &AFI = *MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
733 const MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
735 const int64_t MaxAlign = MFI.getMaxAlign().value();
736 const uint64_t AndMask = ~(MaxAlign - 1);
738 if (!Subtarget.getTargetLowering()->hasInlineStackProbe(MF)) {
739 Register TargetReg = RealignmentPadding
740 ? findScratchNonCalleeSaveRegister(MBB: &MBB)
741 : AArch64::SP;
742 // SUB Xd/SP, SP, AllocSize
743 emitFrameOffset(MBB, MBBI, DL, TargetReg, AArch64::SP, -AllocSize, &TII,
744 MachineInstr::FrameSetup, false, NeedsWinCFI, HasWinCFI,
745 EmitCFI, InitialOffset);
747 if (RealignmentPadding) {
748 // AND SP, X9, 0b11111...0000
749 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII.get(AArch64::Opcode: ANDXri), AArch64::SP)
750 .addReg(TargetReg, RegState::Kill)
751 .addImm(AArch64_AM::encodeLogicalImmediate(imm: AndMask, regSize: 64))
752 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
753 AFI.setStackRealigned(true);
755 // No need for SEH instructions here; if we're realigning the stack,
756 // we've set a frame pointer and already finished the SEH prologue.
757 assert(!NeedsWinCFI);
758 }
759 return;
760 }
762 //
763 // Stack probing allocation.
764 //
766 // Fixed length allocation. If we don't need to re-align the stack and don't
767 // have SVE objects, we can use a more efficient sequence for stack probing.
768 if (AllocSize.getScalable() == 0 && RealignmentPadding == 0) {
769 Register ScratchReg = findScratchNonCalleeSaveRegister(MBB: &MBB);
770 assert(ScratchReg != AArch64::NoRegister);
771 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII.get(AArch64::Opcode: PROBED_STACKALLOC))
772 .addDef(ScratchReg)
773 .addImm(AllocSize.getFixed())
774 .addImm(InitialOffset.getFixed())
775 .addImm(InitialOffset.getScalable());
776 // The fixed allocation may leave unprobed bytes at the top of the
777 // stack. If we have subsequent alocation (e.g. if we have variable-sized
778 // objects), we need to issue an extra probe, so these allocations start in
779 // a known state.
780 if (FollowupAllocs) {
781 // STR XZR, [SP]
782 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII.get(AArch64::Opcode: STRXui))
783 .addReg(AArch64::XZR)
784 .addReg(AArch64::SP)
785 .addImm(0)
786 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
787 }
789 return;
790 }
792 // Variable length allocation.
794 // If the (unknown) allocation size cannot exceed the probe size, decrement
795 // the stack pointer right away.
796 int64_t ProbeSize = AFI.getStackProbeSize();
797 if (upperBound(Size: AllocSize) + RealignmentPadding <= ProbeSize) {
798 Register ScratchReg = RealignmentPadding
799 ? findScratchNonCalleeSaveRegister(MBB: &MBB)
800 : AArch64::SP;
801 assert(ScratchReg != AArch64::NoRegister);
802 // SUB Xd, SP, AllocSize
803 emitFrameOffset(MBB, MBBI, DL, ScratchReg, AArch64::SP, -AllocSize, &TII,
804 MachineInstr::FrameSetup, false, NeedsWinCFI, HasWinCFI,
805 EmitCFI, InitialOffset);
806 if (RealignmentPadding) {
807 // AND SP, Xn, 0b11111...0000
808 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII.get(AArch64::Opcode: ANDXri), AArch64::SP)
809 .addReg(ScratchReg, RegState::Kill)
810 .addImm(AArch64_AM::encodeLogicalImmediate(imm: AndMask, regSize: 64))
811 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
812 AFI.setStackRealigned(true);
813 }
814 if (FollowupAllocs || upperBound(Size: AllocSize) + RealignmentPadding >
815 AArch64::StackProbeMaxUnprobedStack) {
816 // STR XZR, [SP]
817 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII.get(AArch64::Opcode: STRXui))
818 .addReg(AArch64::XZR)
819 .addReg(AArch64::SP)
820 .addImm(0)
821 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
822 }
823 return;
824 }
826 // Emit a variable-length allocation probing loop.
827 // TODO: As an optimisation, the loop can be "unrolled" into a few parts,
828 // each of them guaranteed to adjust the stack by less than the probe size.
829 Register TargetReg = findScratchNonCalleeSaveRegister(MBB: &MBB);
830 assert(TargetReg != AArch64::NoRegister);
831 // SUB Xd, SP, AllocSize
832 emitFrameOffset(MBB, MBBI, DL, TargetReg, AArch64::SP, -AllocSize, &TII,
833 MachineInstr::FrameSetup, false, NeedsWinCFI, HasWinCFI,
834 EmitCFI, InitialOffset);
835 if (RealignmentPadding) {
836 // AND Xn, Xn, 0b11111...0000
837 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII.get(AArch64::Opcode: ANDXri), TargetReg)
838 .addReg(TargetReg, RegState::Kill)
839 .addImm(AArch64_AM::encodeLogicalImmediate(imm: AndMask, regSize: 64))
840 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
841 }
843 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII.get(AArch64::Opcode: PROBED_STACKALLOC_VAR))
844 .addReg(TargetReg);
845 if (EmitCFI) {
846 // Set the CFA register back to SP.
847 unsigned Reg =
848 Subtarget.getRegisterInfo()->getDwarfRegNum(AArch64::SP, true);
849 unsigned CFIIndex =
850 MF.addFrameInst(Inst: MCCFIInstruction::createDefCfaRegister(L: nullptr, Register: Reg));
851 BuildMI(BB&: MBB, I: MBBI, MIMD: DL, MCID: TII.get(Opcode: TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION))
852 .addCFIIndex(CFIIndex)
853 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
854 }
855 if (RealignmentPadding)
856 AFI.setStackRealigned(true);
859static MCRegister getRegisterOrZero(MCRegister Reg, bool HasSVE) {
860 switch (Reg.id()) {
861 default:
862 // The called routine is expected to preserve r19-r28
863 // r29 and r30 are used as frame pointer and link register resp.
864 return 0;
866 // GPRs
867#define CASE(n) \
868 case AArch64::W##n: \
869 case AArch64::X##n: \
870 return AArch64::X##n
871 CASE(0);
872 CASE(1);
873 CASE(2);
874 CASE(3);
875 CASE(4);
876 CASE(5);
877 CASE(6);
878 CASE(7);
879 CASE(8);
880 CASE(9);
881 CASE(10);
882 CASE(11);
883 CASE(12);
884 CASE(13);
885 CASE(14);
886 CASE(15);
887 CASE(16);
888 CASE(17);
889 CASE(18);
890#undef CASE
892 // FPRs
893#define CASE(n) \
894 case AArch64::B##n: \
895 case AArch64::H##n: \
896 case AArch64::S##n: \
897 case AArch64::D##n: \
898 case AArch64::Q##n: \
899 return HasSVE ? AArch64::Z##n : AArch64::Q##n
900 CASE(0);
901 CASE(1);
902 CASE(2);
903 CASE(3);
904 CASE(4);
905 CASE(5);
906 CASE(6);
907 CASE(7);
908 CASE(8);
909 CASE(9);
910 CASE(10);
911 CASE(11);
912 CASE(12);
913 CASE(13);
914 CASE(14);
915 CASE(15);
916 CASE(16);
917 CASE(17);
918 CASE(18);
919 CASE(19);
920 CASE(20);
921 CASE(21);
922 CASE(22);
923 CASE(23);
924 CASE(24);
925 CASE(25);
926 CASE(26);
927 CASE(27);
928 CASE(28);
929 CASE(29);
930 CASE(30);
931 CASE(31);
932#undef CASE
933 }
936void AArch64FrameLowering::emitZeroCallUsedRegs(BitVector RegsToZero,
937 MachineBasicBlock &MBB) const {
938 // Insertion point.
939 MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI = MBB.getFirstTerminator();
941 // Fake a debug loc.
942 DebugLoc DL;
943 if (MBBI != MBB.end())
944 DL = MBBI->getDebugLoc();
946 const MachineFunction &MF = *MBB.getParent();
947 const AArch64Subtarget &STI = MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>();
948 const AArch64RegisterInfo &TRI = *STI.getRegisterInfo();
950 BitVector GPRsToZero(TRI.getNumRegs());
951 BitVector FPRsToZero(TRI.getNumRegs());
952 bool HasSVE = STI.hasSVE();
953 for (MCRegister Reg : RegsToZero.set_bits()) {
954 if (TRI.isGeneralPurposeRegister(MF, Reg)) {
955 // For GPRs, we only care to clear out the 64-bit register.
956 if (MCRegister XReg = getRegisterOrZero(Reg, HasSVE))
957 GPRsToZero.set(XReg);
958 } else if (AArch64::FPR128RegClass.contains(Reg) ||
959 AArch64::FPR64RegClass.contains(Reg) ||
960 AArch64::FPR32RegClass.contains(Reg) ||
961 AArch64::FPR16RegClass.contains(Reg) ||
962 AArch64::FPR8RegClass.contains(Reg)) {
963 // For FPRs,
964 if (MCRegister XReg = getRegisterOrZero(Reg, HasSVE))
965 FPRsToZero.set(XReg);
966 }
967 }
969 const AArch64InstrInfo &TII = *STI.getInstrInfo();
971 // Zero out GPRs.
972 for (MCRegister Reg : GPRsToZero.set_bits())
973 TII.buildClearRegister(Reg, MBB, MBBI, DL);
975 // Zero out FP/vector registers.
976 for (MCRegister Reg : FPRsToZero.set_bits())
977 TII.buildClearRegister(Reg, MBB, MBBI, DL);
979 if (HasSVE) {
980 for (MCRegister PReg :
981 {AArch64::P0, AArch64::P1, AArch64::P2, AArch64::P3, AArch64::P4,
982 AArch64::P5, AArch64::P6, AArch64::P7, AArch64::P8, AArch64::P9,
983 AArch64::P10, AArch64::P11, AArch64::P12, AArch64::P13, AArch64::P14,
984 AArch64::P15}) {
985 if (RegsToZero[PReg])
986 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII.get(AArch64::PFALSE), PReg);
987 }
988 }
991static void getLiveRegsForEntryMBB(LivePhysRegs &LiveRegs,
992 const MachineBasicBlock &MBB) {
993 const MachineFunction *MF = MBB.getParent();
994 LiveRegs.addLiveIns(MBB);
995 // Mark callee saved registers as used so we will not choose them.
996 const MCPhysReg *CSRegs = MF->getRegInfo().getCalleeSavedRegs();
997 for (unsigned i = 0; CSRegs[i]; ++i)
998 LiveRegs.addReg(Reg: CSRegs[i]);
1001// Find a scratch register that we can use at the start of the prologue to
1002// re-align the stack pointer. We avoid using callee-save registers since they
1003// may appear to be free when this is called from canUseAsPrologue (during
1004// shrink wrapping), but then no longer be free when this is called from
1005// emitPrologue.
1007// FIXME: This is a bit conservative, since in the above case we could use one
1008// of the callee-save registers as a scratch temp to re-align the stack pointer,
1009// but we would then have to make sure that we were in fact saving at least one
1010// callee-save register in the prologue, which is additional complexity that
1011// doesn't seem worth the benefit.
1012static Register findScratchNonCalleeSaveRegister(MachineBasicBlock *MBB) {
1013 MachineFunction *MF = MBB->getParent();
1015 // If MBB is an entry block, use X9 as the scratch register
1016 if (&MF->front() == MBB)
1017 return AArch64::X9;
1019 const AArch64Subtarget &Subtarget = MF->getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>();
1020 const AArch64RegisterInfo &TRI = *Subtarget.getRegisterInfo();
1021 LivePhysRegs LiveRegs(TRI);
1022 getLiveRegsForEntryMBB(LiveRegs, MBB: *MBB);
1024 // Prefer X9 since it was historically used for the prologue scratch reg.
1025 const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI = MF->getRegInfo();
1026 if (LiveRegs.available(MRI, AArch64::X9))
1027 return AArch64::X9;
1029 for (unsigned Reg : AArch64::GPR64RegClass) {
1030 if (LiveRegs.available(MRI, Reg))
1031 return Reg;
1032 }
1033 return AArch64::NoRegister;
1036bool AArch64FrameLowering::canUseAsPrologue(
1037 const MachineBasicBlock &MBB) const {
1038 const MachineFunction *MF = MBB.getParent();
1039 MachineBasicBlock *TmpMBB = const_cast<MachineBasicBlock *>(&MBB);
1040 const AArch64Subtarget &Subtarget = MF->getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>();
1041 const AArch64RegisterInfo *RegInfo = Subtarget.getRegisterInfo();
1042 const AArch64TargetLowering *TLI = Subtarget.getTargetLowering();
1043 const AArch64FunctionInfo *AFI = MF->getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
1045 if (AFI->hasSwiftAsyncContext()) {
1046 const AArch64RegisterInfo &TRI = *Subtarget.getRegisterInfo();
1047 const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI = MF->getRegInfo();
1048 LivePhysRegs LiveRegs(TRI);
1049 getLiveRegsForEntryMBB(LiveRegs, MBB);
1050 // The StoreSwiftAsyncContext clobbers X16 and X17. Make sure they are
1051 // available.
1052 if (!LiveRegs.available(MRI, AArch64::X16) ||
1053 !LiveRegs.available(MRI, AArch64::X17))
1054 return false;
1055 }
1057 // Certain stack probing sequences might clobber flags, then we can't use
1058 // the block as a prologue if the flags register is a live-in.
1059 if (MF->getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>()->hasStackProbing() &&
1060 MBB.isLiveIn(AArch64::NZCV))
1061 return false;
1063 // Don't need a scratch register if we're not going to re-align the stack or
1064 // emit stack probes.
1065 if (!RegInfo->hasStackRealignment(*MF) && !TLI->hasInlineStackProbe(MF: *MF))
1066 return true;
1067 // Otherwise, we can use any block as long as it has a scratch register
1068 // available.
1069 return findScratchNonCalleeSaveRegister(TmpMBB) != AArch64::NoRegister;
1072static bool windowsRequiresStackProbe(MachineFunction &MF,
1073 uint64_t StackSizeInBytes) {
1074 const AArch64Subtarget &Subtarget = MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>();
1075 const AArch64FunctionInfo &MFI = *MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
1076 // TODO: When implementing stack protectors, take that into account
1077 // for the probe threshold.
1078 return Subtarget.isTargetWindows() && MFI.hasStackProbing() &&
1079 StackSizeInBytes >= uint64_t(MFI.getStackProbeSize());
1082static bool needsWinCFI(const MachineFunction &MF) {
1083 const Function &F = MF.getFunction();
1084 return MF.getTarget().getMCAsmInfo()->usesWindowsCFI() &&
1085 F.needsUnwindTableEntry();
1088bool AArch64FrameLowering::shouldCombineCSRLocalStackBump(
1089 MachineFunction &MF, uint64_t StackBumpBytes) const {
1090 AArch64FunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
1091 const MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
1092 const AArch64Subtarget &Subtarget = MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>();
1093 const AArch64RegisterInfo *RegInfo = Subtarget.getRegisterInfo();
1094 if (homogeneousPrologEpilog(MF))
1095 return false;
1097 if (AFI->getLocalStackSize() == 0)
1098 return false;
1100 // For WinCFI, if optimizing for size, prefer to not combine the stack bump
1101 // (to force a stp with predecrement) to match the packed unwind format,
1102 // provided that there actually are any callee saved registers to merge the
1103 // decrement with.
1104 // This is potentially marginally slower, but allows using the packed
1105 // unwind format for functions that both have a local area and callee saved
1106 // registers. Using the packed unwind format notably reduces the size of
1107 // the unwind info.
1108 if (needsWinCFI(MF) && AFI->getCalleeSavedStackSize() > 0 &&
1109 MF.getFunction().hasOptSize())
1110 return false;
1112 // 512 is the maximum immediate for stp/ldp that will be used for
1113 // callee-save save/restores
1114 if (StackBumpBytes >= 512 || windowsRequiresStackProbe(MF, StackSizeInBytes: StackBumpBytes))
1115 return false;
1117 if (MFI.hasVarSizedObjects())
1118 return false;
1120 if (RegInfo->hasStackRealignment(MF))
1121 return false;
1123 // This isn't strictly necessary, but it simplifies things a bit since the
1124 // current RedZone handling code assumes the SP is adjusted by the
1125 // callee-save save/restore code.
1126 if (canUseRedZone(MF))
1127 return false;
1129 // When there is an SVE area on the stack, always allocate the
1130 // callee-saves and spills/locals separately.
1131 if (getSVEStackSize(MF))
1132 return false;
1134 return true;
1137bool AArch64FrameLowering::shouldCombineCSRLocalStackBumpInEpilogue(
1138 MachineBasicBlock &MBB, unsigned StackBumpBytes) const {
1139 if (!shouldCombineCSRLocalStackBump(MF&: *MBB.getParent(), StackBumpBytes))
1140 return false;
1142 if (MBB.empty())
1143 return true;
1145 // Disable combined SP bump if the last instruction is an MTE tag store. It
1146 // is almost always better to merge SP adjustment into those instructions.
1147 MachineBasicBlock::iterator LastI = MBB.getFirstTerminator();
1148 MachineBasicBlock::iterator Begin = MBB.begin();
1149 while (LastI != Begin) {
1150 --LastI;
1151 if (LastI->isTransient())
1152 continue;
1153 if (!LastI->getFlag(Flag: MachineInstr::FrameDestroy))
1154 break;
1155 }
1156 switch (LastI->getOpcode()) {
1157 case AArch64::STGloop:
1158 case AArch64::STZGloop:
1159 case AArch64::STGi:
1160 case AArch64::STZGi:
1161 case AArch64::ST2Gi:
1162 case AArch64::STZ2Gi:
1163 return false;
1164 default:
1165 return true;
1166 }
1167 llvm_unreachable("unreachable");
1170// Given a load or a store instruction, generate an appropriate unwinding SEH
1171// code on Windows.
1172static MachineBasicBlock::iterator InsertSEH(MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI,
1173 const TargetInstrInfo &TII,
1174 MachineInstr::MIFlag Flag) {
1175 unsigned Opc = MBBI->getOpcode();
1176 MachineBasicBlock *MBB = MBBI->getParent();
1177 MachineFunction &MF = *MBB->getParent();
1178 DebugLoc DL = MBBI->getDebugLoc();
1179 unsigned ImmIdx = MBBI->getNumOperands() - 1;
1180 int Imm = MBBI->getOperand(i: ImmIdx).getImm();
1181 MachineInstrBuilder MIB;
1182 const AArch64Subtarget &Subtarget = MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>();
1183 const AArch64RegisterInfo *RegInfo = Subtarget.getRegisterInfo();
1185 switch (Opc) {
1186 default:
1187 llvm_unreachable("No SEH Opcode for this instruction");
1188 case AArch64::LDPDpost:
1189 Imm = -Imm;
1190 [[fallthrough]];
1191 case AArch64::STPDpre: {
1192 unsigned Reg0 = RegInfo->getSEHRegNum(i: MBBI->getOperand(i: 1).getReg());
1193 unsigned Reg1 = RegInfo->getSEHRegNum(i: MBBI->getOperand(i: 2).getReg());
1194 MIB = BuildMI(MF, DL, TII.get(AArch64::SEH_SaveFRegP_X))
1195 .addImm(Reg0)
1196 .addImm(Reg1)
1197 .addImm(Imm * 8)
1198 .setMIFlag(Flag);
1199 break;
1200 }
1201 case AArch64::LDPXpost:
1202 Imm = -Imm;
1203 [[fallthrough]];
1204 case AArch64::STPXpre: {
1205 Register Reg0 = MBBI->getOperand(i: 1).getReg();
1206 Register Reg1 = MBBI->getOperand(i: 2).getReg();
1207 if (Reg0 == AArch64::FP && Reg1 == AArch64::LR)
1208 MIB = BuildMI(MF, DL, TII.get(AArch64::SEH_SaveFPLR_X))
1209 .addImm(Imm * 8)
1210 .setMIFlag(Flag);
1211 else
1212 MIB = BuildMI(MF, DL, TII.get(AArch64::SEH_SaveRegP_X))
1213 .addImm(RegInfo->getSEHRegNum(Reg0))
1214 .addImm(RegInfo->getSEHRegNum(Reg1))
1215 .addImm(Imm * 8)
1216 .setMIFlag(Flag);
1217 break;
1218 }
1219 case AArch64::LDRDpost:
1220 Imm = -Imm;
1221 [[fallthrough]];
1222 case AArch64::STRDpre: {
1223 unsigned Reg = RegInfo->getSEHRegNum(i: MBBI->getOperand(i: 1).getReg());
1224 MIB = BuildMI(MF, DL, TII.get(AArch64::SEH_SaveFReg_X))
1225 .addImm(Reg)
1226 .addImm(Imm)
1227 .setMIFlag(Flag);
1228 break;
1229 }
1230 case AArch64::LDRXpost:
1231 Imm = -Imm;
1232 [[fallthrough]];
1233 case AArch64::STRXpre: {
1234 unsigned Reg = RegInfo->getSEHRegNum(i: MBBI->getOperand(i: 1).getReg());
1235 MIB = BuildMI(MF, DL, TII.get(AArch64::SEH_SaveReg_X))
1236 .addImm(Reg)
1237 .addImm(Imm)
1238 .setMIFlag(Flag);
1239 break;
1240 }
1241 case AArch64::STPDi:
1242 case AArch64::LDPDi: {
1243 unsigned Reg0 = RegInfo->getSEHRegNum(i: MBBI->getOperand(i: 0).getReg());
1244 unsigned Reg1 = RegInfo->getSEHRegNum(i: MBBI->getOperand(i: 1).getReg());
1245 MIB = BuildMI(MF, DL, TII.get(AArch64::SEH_SaveFRegP))
1246 .addImm(Reg0)
1247 .addImm(Reg1)
1248 .addImm(Imm * 8)
1249 .setMIFlag(Flag);
1250 break;
1251 }
1252 case AArch64::STPXi:
1253 case AArch64::LDPXi: {
1254 Register Reg0 = MBBI->getOperand(i: 0).getReg();
1255 Register Reg1 = MBBI->getOperand(i: 1).getReg();
1256 if (Reg0 == AArch64::FP && Reg1 == AArch64::LR)
1257 MIB = BuildMI(MF, DL, TII.get(AArch64::SEH_SaveFPLR))
1258 .addImm(Imm * 8)
1259 .setMIFlag(Flag);
1260 else
1261 MIB = BuildMI(MF, DL, TII.get(AArch64::SEH_SaveRegP))
1262 .addImm(RegInfo->getSEHRegNum(Reg0))
1263 .addImm(RegInfo->getSEHRegNum(Reg1))
1264 .addImm(Imm * 8)
1265 .setMIFlag(Flag);
1266 break;
1267 }
1268 case AArch64::STRXui:
1269 case AArch64::LDRXui: {
1270 int Reg = RegInfo->getSEHRegNum(i: MBBI->getOperand(i: 0).getReg());
1271 MIB = BuildMI(MF, DL, TII.get(AArch64::SEH_SaveReg))
1272 .addImm(Reg)
1273 .addImm(Imm * 8)
1274 .setMIFlag(Flag);
1275 break;
1276 }
1277 case AArch64::STRDui:
1278 case AArch64::LDRDui: {
1279 unsigned Reg = RegInfo->getSEHRegNum(i: MBBI->getOperand(i: 0).getReg());
1280 MIB = BuildMI(MF, DL, TII.get(AArch64::SEH_SaveFReg))
1281 .addImm(Reg)
1282 .addImm(Imm * 8)
1283 .setMIFlag(Flag);
1284 break;
1285 }
1286 case AArch64::STPQi:
1287 case AArch64::LDPQi: {
1288 unsigned Reg0 = RegInfo->getSEHRegNum(i: MBBI->getOperand(i: 0).getReg());
1289 unsigned Reg1 = RegInfo->getSEHRegNum(i: MBBI->getOperand(i: 1).getReg());
1290 MIB = BuildMI(MF, DL, TII.get(AArch64::SEH_SaveAnyRegQP))
1291 .addImm(Reg0)
1292 .addImm(Reg1)
1293 .addImm(Imm * 16)
1294 .setMIFlag(Flag);
1295 break;
1296 }
1297 case AArch64::LDPQpost:
1298 Imm = -Imm;
1300 case AArch64::STPQpre: {
1301 unsigned Reg0 = RegInfo->getSEHRegNum(i: MBBI->getOperand(i: 1).getReg());
1302 unsigned Reg1 = RegInfo->getSEHRegNum(i: MBBI->getOperand(i: 2).getReg());
1303 MIB = BuildMI(MF, DL, TII.get(AArch64::SEH_SaveAnyRegQPX))
1304 .addImm(Reg0)
1305 .addImm(Reg1)
1306 .addImm(Imm * 16)
1307 .setMIFlag(Flag);
1308 break;
1309 }
1310 }
1311 auto I = MBB->insertAfter(I: MBBI, MI: MIB);
1312 return I;
1315// Fix up the SEH opcode associated with the save/restore instruction.
1316static void fixupSEHOpcode(MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI,
1317 unsigned LocalStackSize) {
1318 MachineOperand *ImmOpnd = nullptr;
1319 unsigned ImmIdx = MBBI->getNumOperands() - 1;
1320 switch (MBBI->getOpcode()) {
1321 default:
1322 llvm_unreachable("Fix the offset in the SEH instruction");
1323 case AArch64::SEH_SaveFPLR:
1324 case AArch64::SEH_SaveRegP:
1325 case AArch64::SEH_SaveReg:
1326 case AArch64::SEH_SaveFRegP:
1327 case AArch64::SEH_SaveFReg:
1328 case AArch64::SEH_SaveAnyRegQP:
1329 case AArch64::SEH_SaveAnyRegQPX:
1330 ImmOpnd = &MBBI->getOperand(i: ImmIdx);
1331 break;
1332 }
1333 if (ImmOpnd)
1334 ImmOpnd->setImm(ImmOpnd->getImm() + LocalStackSize);
1337// Convert callee-save register save/restore instruction to do stack pointer
1338// decrement/increment to allocate/deallocate the callee-save stack area by
1339// converting store/load to use pre/post increment version.
1340static MachineBasicBlock::iterator convertCalleeSaveRestoreToSPPrePostIncDec(
1341 MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI,
1342 const DebugLoc &DL, const TargetInstrInfo *TII, int CSStackSizeInc,
1343 bool NeedsWinCFI, bool *HasWinCFI, bool EmitCFI,
1344 MachineInstr::MIFlag FrameFlag = MachineInstr::FrameSetup,
1345 int CFAOffset = 0) {
1346 unsigned NewOpc;
1347 switch (MBBI->getOpcode()) {
1348 default:
1349 llvm_unreachable("Unexpected callee-save save/restore opcode!");
1350 case AArch64::STPXi:
1351 NewOpc = AArch64::STPXpre;
1352 break;
1353 case AArch64::STPDi:
1354 NewOpc = AArch64::STPDpre;
1355 break;
1356 case AArch64::STPQi:
1357 NewOpc = AArch64::STPQpre;
1358 break;
1359 case AArch64::STRXui:
1360 NewOpc = AArch64::STRXpre;
1361 break;
1362 case AArch64::STRDui:
1363 NewOpc = AArch64::STRDpre;
1364 break;
1365 case AArch64::STRQui:
1366 NewOpc = AArch64::STRQpre;
1367 break;
1368 case AArch64::LDPXi:
1369 NewOpc = AArch64::LDPXpost;
1370 break;
1371 case AArch64::LDPDi:
1372 NewOpc = AArch64::LDPDpost;
1373 break;
1374 case AArch64::LDPQi:
1375 NewOpc = AArch64::LDPQpost;
1376 break;
1377 case AArch64::LDRXui:
1378 NewOpc = AArch64::LDRXpost;
1379 break;
1380 case AArch64::LDRDui:
1381 NewOpc = AArch64::LDRDpost;
1382 break;
1383 case AArch64::LDRQui:
1384 NewOpc = AArch64::LDRQpost;
1385 break;
1386 }
1387 // Get rid of the SEH code associated with the old instruction.
1388 if (NeedsWinCFI) {
1389 auto SEH = std::next(x: MBBI);
1390 if (AArch64InstrInfo::isSEHInstruction(MI: *SEH))
1391 SEH->eraseFromParent();
1392 }
1394 TypeSize Scale = TypeSize::getFixed(ExactSize: 1), Width = TypeSize::getFixed(ExactSize: 0);
1395 int64_t MinOffset, MaxOffset;
1396 bool Success = static_cast<const AArch64InstrInfo *>(TII)->getMemOpInfo(
1397 NewOpc, Scale, Width, MinOffset, MaxOffset);
1398 (void)Success;
1399 assert(Success && "unknown load/store opcode");
1401 // If the first store isn't right where we want SP then we can't fold the
1402 // update in so create a normal arithmetic instruction instead.
1403 MachineFunction &MF = *MBB.getParent();
1404 if (MBBI->getOperand(i: MBBI->getNumOperands() - 1).getImm() != 0 ||
1405 CSStackSizeInc < MinOffset || CSStackSizeInc > MaxOffset) {
1406 emitFrameOffset(MBB, MBBI, DL, AArch64::SP, AArch64::SP,
1407 StackOffset::getFixed(CSStackSizeInc), TII, FrameFlag,
1408 false, false, nullptr, EmitCFI,
1409 StackOffset::getFixed(CFAOffset));
1411 return std::prev(x: MBBI);
1412 }
1414 MachineInstrBuilder MIB = BuildMI(BB&: MBB, I: MBBI, MIMD: DL, MCID: TII->get(Opcode: NewOpc));
1415 MIB.addReg(AArch64::SP, RegState::Define);
1417 // Copy all operands other than the immediate offset.
1418 unsigned OpndIdx = 0;
1419 for (unsigned OpndEnd = MBBI->getNumOperands() - 1; OpndIdx < OpndEnd;
1420 ++OpndIdx)
1421 MIB.add(MO: MBBI->getOperand(i: OpndIdx));
1423 assert(MBBI->getOperand(OpndIdx).getImm() == 0 &&
1424 "Unexpected immediate offset in first/last callee-save save/restore "
1425 "instruction!");
1426 assert(MBBI->getOperand(OpndIdx - 1).getReg() == AArch64::SP &&
1427 "Unexpected base register in callee-save save/restore instruction!");
1428 assert(CSStackSizeInc % Scale == 0);
1429 MIB.addImm(Val: CSStackSizeInc / (int)Scale);
1431 MIB.setMIFlags(MBBI->getFlags());
1432 MIB.setMemRefs(MBBI->memoperands());
1434 // Generate a new SEH code that corresponds to the new instruction.
1435 if (NeedsWinCFI) {
1436 *HasWinCFI = true;
1437 InsertSEH(MBBI: *MIB, TII: *TII, Flag: FrameFlag);
1438 }
1440 if (EmitCFI) {
1441 unsigned CFIIndex = MF.addFrameInst(
1442 Inst: MCCFIInstruction::cfiDefCfaOffset(L: nullptr, Offset: CFAOffset - CSStackSizeInc));
1443 BuildMI(BB&: MBB, I: MBBI, MIMD: DL, MCID: TII->get(Opcode: TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION))
1444 .addCFIIndex(CFIIndex)
1445 .setMIFlags(FrameFlag);
1446 }
1448 return std::prev(x: MBB.erase(I: MBBI));
1451// Fixup callee-save register save/restore instructions to take into account
1452// combined SP bump by adding the local stack size to the stack offsets.
1453static void fixupCalleeSaveRestoreStackOffset(MachineInstr &MI,
1454 uint64_t LocalStackSize,
1455 bool NeedsWinCFI,
1456 bool *HasWinCFI) {
1457 if (AArch64InstrInfo::isSEHInstruction(MI))
1458 return;
1460 unsigned Opc = MI.getOpcode();
1461 unsigned Scale;
1462 switch (Opc) {
1463 case AArch64::STPXi:
1464 case AArch64::STRXui:
1465 case AArch64::STPDi:
1466 case AArch64::STRDui:
1467 case AArch64::LDPXi:
1468 case AArch64::LDRXui:
1469 case AArch64::LDPDi:
1470 case AArch64::LDRDui:
1471 Scale = 8;
1472 break;
1473 case AArch64::STPQi:
1474 case AArch64::STRQui:
1475 case AArch64::LDPQi:
1476 case AArch64::LDRQui:
1477 Scale = 16;
1478 break;
1479 default:
1480 llvm_unreachable("Unexpected callee-save save/restore opcode!");
1481 }
1483 unsigned OffsetIdx = MI.getNumExplicitOperands() - 1;
1484 assert(MI.getOperand(OffsetIdx - 1).getReg() == AArch64::SP &&
1485 "Unexpected base register in callee-save save/restore instruction!");
1486 // Last operand is immediate offset that needs fixing.
1487 MachineOperand &OffsetOpnd = MI.getOperand(i: OffsetIdx);
1488 // All generated opcodes have scaled offsets.
1489 assert(LocalStackSize % Scale == 0);
1490 OffsetOpnd.setImm(OffsetOpnd.getImm() + LocalStackSize / Scale);
1492 if (NeedsWinCFI) {
1493 *HasWinCFI = true;
1494 auto MBBI = std::next(x: MachineBasicBlock::iterator(MI));
1495 assert(MBBI != MI.getParent()->end() && "Expecting a valid instruction");
1496 assert(AArch64InstrInfo::isSEHInstruction(*MBBI) &&
1497 "Expecting a SEH instruction");
1498 fixupSEHOpcode(MBBI, LocalStackSize);
1499 }
1502static bool isTargetWindows(const MachineFunction &MF) {
1503 return MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>().isTargetWindows();
1506// Convenience function to determine whether I is an SVE callee save.
1507static bool IsSVECalleeSave(MachineBasicBlock::iterator I) {
1508 switch (I->getOpcode()) {
1509 default:
1510 return false;
1511 case AArch64::STR_ZXI:
1512 case AArch64::STR_PXI:
1513 case AArch64::LDR_ZXI:
1514 case AArch64::LDR_PXI:
1515 return I->getFlag(Flag: MachineInstr::FrameSetup) ||
1516 I->getFlag(Flag: MachineInstr::FrameDestroy);
1517 }
1520static void emitShadowCallStackPrologue(const TargetInstrInfo &TII,
1521 MachineFunction &MF,
1522 MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
1523 MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI,
1524 const DebugLoc &DL, bool NeedsWinCFI,
1525 bool NeedsUnwindInfo) {
1526 // Shadow call stack prolog: str x30, [x18], #8
1527 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII.get(AArch64::STRXpost))
1528 .addReg(AArch64::X18, RegState::Define)
1529 .addReg(AArch64::LR)
1530 .addReg(AArch64::X18)
1531 .addImm(8)
1532 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1534 // This instruction also makes x18 live-in to the entry block.
1535 MBB.addLiveIn(AArch64::X18);
1537 if (NeedsWinCFI)
1538 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII.get(AArch64::SEH_Nop))
1539 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1541 if (NeedsUnwindInfo) {
1542 // Emit a CFI instruction that causes 8 to be subtracted from the value of
1543 // x18 when unwinding past this frame.
1544 static const char CFIInst[] = {
1545 dwarf::DW_CFA_val_expression,
1546 18, // register
1547 2, // length
1548 static_cast<char>(unsigned(dwarf::DW_OP_breg18)),
1549 static_cast<char>(-8) & 0x7f, // addend (sleb128)
1550 };
1551 unsigned CFIIndex = MF.addFrameInst(Inst: MCCFIInstruction::createEscape(
1552 L: nullptr, Vals: StringRef(CFIInst, sizeof(CFIInst))));
1553 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII.get(AArch64::CFI_INSTRUCTION))
1554 .addCFIIndex(CFIIndex)
1555 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1556 }
1559static void emitShadowCallStackEpilogue(const TargetInstrInfo &TII,
1560 MachineFunction &MF,
1561 MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
1562 MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI,
1563 const DebugLoc &DL) {
1564 // Shadow call stack epilog: ldr x30, [x18, #-8]!
1565 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII.get(AArch64::LDRXpre))
1566 .addReg(AArch64::X18, RegState::Define)
1567 .addReg(AArch64::LR, RegState::Define)
1568 .addReg(AArch64::X18)
1569 .addImm(-8)
1570 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameDestroy);
1572 if (MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>()->needsAsyncDwarfUnwindInfo(MF)) {
1573 unsigned CFIIndex =
1574 MF.addFrameInst(Inst: MCCFIInstruction::createRestore(L: nullptr, Register: 18));
1575 BuildMI(BB&: MBB, I: MBBI, MIMD: DL, MCID: TII.get(Opcode: TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION))
1576 .addCFIIndex(CFIIndex)
1577 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameDestroy);
1578 }
1581// Define the current CFA rule to use the provided FP.
1582static void emitDefineCFAWithFP(MachineFunction &MF, MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
1583 MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI,
1584 const DebugLoc &DL, unsigned FixedObject) {
1585 const AArch64Subtarget &STI = MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>();
1586 const AArch64RegisterInfo *TRI = STI.getRegisterInfo();
1587 const TargetInstrInfo *TII = STI.getInstrInfo();
1588 AArch64FunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
1590 const int OffsetToFirstCalleeSaveFromFP =
1591 AFI->getCalleeSaveBaseToFrameRecordOffset() -
1592 AFI->getCalleeSavedStackSize();
1593 Register FramePtr = TRI->getFrameRegister(MF);
1594 unsigned Reg = TRI->getDwarfRegNum(FramePtr, true);
1595 unsigned CFIIndex = MF.addFrameInst(Inst: MCCFIInstruction::cfiDefCfa(
1596 L: nullptr, Register: Reg, Offset: FixedObject - OffsetToFirstCalleeSaveFromFP));
1597 BuildMI(BB&: MBB, I: MBBI, MIMD: DL, MCID: TII->get(Opcode: TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION))
1598 .addCFIIndex(CFIIndex)
1599 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1602#ifndef NDEBUG
1603/// Collect live registers from the end of \p MI's parent up to (including) \p
1604/// MI in \p LiveRegs.
1605static void getLivePhysRegsUpTo(MachineInstr &MI, const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI,
1606 LivePhysRegs &LiveRegs) {
1608 MachineBasicBlock &MBB = *MI.getParent();
1609 LiveRegs.addLiveOuts(MBB);
1610 for (const MachineInstr &MI :
1611 reverse(C: make_range(x: MI.getIterator(), y: MBB.instr_end())))
1612 LiveRegs.stepBackward(MI);
1616void AArch64FrameLowering::emitPrologue(MachineFunction &MF,
1617 MachineBasicBlock &MBB) const {
1618 MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI = MBB.begin();
1619 const MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
1620 const Function &F = MF.getFunction();
1621 const AArch64Subtarget &Subtarget = MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>();
1622 const AArch64RegisterInfo *RegInfo = Subtarget.getRegisterInfo();
1623 const TargetInstrInfo *TII = Subtarget.getInstrInfo();
1625 MachineModuleInfo &MMI = MF.getMMI();
1626 AArch64FunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
1627 bool EmitCFI = AFI->needsDwarfUnwindInfo(MF);
1628 bool EmitAsyncCFI = AFI->needsAsyncDwarfUnwindInfo(MF);
1629 bool HasFP = hasFP(MF);
1630 bool NeedsWinCFI = needsWinCFI(MF);
1631 bool HasWinCFI = false;
1632 auto Cleanup = make_scope_exit(F: [&]() { MF.setHasWinCFI(HasWinCFI); });
1634 MachineBasicBlock::iterator End = MBB.end();
1635#ifndef NDEBUG
1636 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI = MF.getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo();
1637 // Collect live register from the end of MBB up to the start of the existing
1638 // frame setup instructions.
1639 MachineBasicBlock::iterator NonFrameStart = MBB.begin();
1640 while (NonFrameStart != End &&
1641 NonFrameStart->getFlag(Flag: MachineInstr::FrameSetup))
1642 ++NonFrameStart;
1644 LivePhysRegs LiveRegs(*TRI);
1645 if (NonFrameStart != MBB.end()) {
1646 getLivePhysRegsUpTo(MI&: *NonFrameStart, TRI: *TRI, LiveRegs);
1647 // Ignore registers used for stack management for now.
1648 LiveRegs.removeReg(AArch64::SP);
1649 LiveRegs.removeReg(AArch64::X19);
1650 LiveRegs.removeReg(AArch64::FP);
1651 LiveRegs.removeReg(AArch64::LR);
1652 }
1654 auto VerifyClobberOnExit = make_scope_exit(F: [&]() {
1655 if (NonFrameStart == MBB.end())
1656 return;
1657 // Check if any of the newly instructions clobber any of the live registers.
1658 for (MachineInstr &MI :
1659 make_range(x: MBB.instr_begin(), y: NonFrameStart->getIterator())) {
1660 for (auto &Op : MI.operands())
1661 if (Op.isReg() && Op.isDef())
1662 assert(!LiveRegs.contains(Op.getReg()) &&
1663 "live register clobbered by inserted prologue instructions");
1664 }
1665 });
1668 bool IsFunclet = MBB.isEHFuncletEntry();
1670 // At this point, we're going to decide whether or not the function uses a
1671 // redzone. In most cases, the function doesn't have a redzone so let's
1672 // assume that's false and set it to true in the case that there's a redzone.
1673 AFI->setHasRedZone(false);
1675 // Debug location must be unknown since the first debug location is used
1676 // to determine the end of the prologue.
1677 DebugLoc DL;
1679 const auto &MFnI = *MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
1680 if (MFnI.needsShadowCallStackPrologueEpilogue(MF))
1681 emitShadowCallStackPrologue(TII: *TII, MF, MBB, MBBI, DL, NeedsWinCFI,
1682 NeedsUnwindInfo: MFnI.needsDwarfUnwindInfo(MF));
1684 if (MFnI.shouldSignReturnAddress(MF)) {
1685 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::PAUTH_PROLOGUE))
1686 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1687 if (NeedsWinCFI)
1688 HasWinCFI = true; // AArch64PointerAuth pass will insert SEH_PACSignLR
1689 }
1691 if (EmitCFI && MFnI.isMTETagged()) {
1692 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::EMITMTETAGGED))
1693 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1694 }
1696 // We signal the presence of a Swift extended frame to external tools by
1697 // storing FP with 0b0001 in bits 63:60. In normal userland operation a simple
1698 // ORR is sufficient, it is assumed a Swift kernel would initialize the TBI
1699 // bits so that is still true.
1700 if (HasFP && AFI->hasSwiftAsyncContext()) {
1701 switch (MF.getTarget().Options.SwiftAsyncFramePointer) {
1702 case SwiftAsyncFramePointerMode::DeploymentBased:
1703 if (Subtarget.swiftAsyncContextIsDynamicallySet()) {
1704 // The special symbol below is absolute and has a *value* that can be
1705 // combined with the frame pointer to signal an extended frame.
1706 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::LOADgot), AArch64::X16)
1707 .addExternalSymbol("swift_async_extendedFramePointerFlags",
1708 AArch64II::MO_GOT);
1709 if (NeedsWinCFI) {
1710 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::SEH_Nop))
1711 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1712 HasWinCFI = true;
1713 }
1714 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::ORRXrs), AArch64::FP)
1715 .addUse(AArch64::FP)
1716 .addUse(AArch64::X16)
1717 .addImm(Subtarget.isTargetILP32() ? 32 : 0);
1718 if (NeedsWinCFI) {
1719 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::SEH_Nop))
1720 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1721 HasWinCFI = true;
1722 }
1723 break;
1724 }
1725 [[fallthrough]];
1727 case SwiftAsyncFramePointerMode::Always:
1728 // ORR x29, x29, #0x1000_0000_0000_0000
1729 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::ORRXri), AArch64::FP)
1730 .addUse(AArch64::FP)
1731 .addImm(0x1100)
1732 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1733 if (NeedsWinCFI) {
1734 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::SEH_Nop))
1735 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1736 HasWinCFI = true;
1737 }
1738 break;
1740 case SwiftAsyncFramePointerMode::Never:
1741 break;
1742 }
1743 }
1745 // All calls are tail calls in GHC calling conv, and functions have no
1746 // prologue/epilogue.
1747 if (MF.getFunction().getCallingConv() == CallingConv::GHC)
1748 return;
1750 // Set tagged base pointer to the requested stack slot.
1751 // Ideally it should match SP value after prologue.
1752 std::optional<int> TBPI = AFI->getTaggedBasePointerIndex();
1753 if (TBPI)
1754 AFI->setTaggedBasePointerOffset(-MFI.getObjectOffset(ObjectIdx: *TBPI));
1755 else
1756 AFI->setTaggedBasePointerOffset(MFI.getStackSize());
1758 const StackOffset &SVEStackSize = getSVEStackSize(MF);
1760 // getStackSize() includes all the locals in its size calculation. We don't
1761 // include these locals when computing the stack size of a funclet, as they
1762 // are allocated in the parent's stack frame and accessed via the frame
1763 // pointer from the funclet. We only save the callee saved registers in the
1764 // funclet, which are really the callee saved registers of the parent
1765 // function, including the funclet.
1766 int64_t NumBytes = IsFunclet ? getWinEHFuncletFrameSize(MF)
1767 : MFI.getStackSize();
1768 if (!AFI->hasStackFrame() && !windowsRequiresStackProbe(MF, StackSizeInBytes: NumBytes)) {
1769 assert(!HasFP && "unexpected function without stack frame but with FP");
1770 assert(!SVEStackSize &&
1771 "unexpected function without stack frame but with SVE objects");
1772 // All of the stack allocation is for locals.
1773 AFI->setLocalStackSize(NumBytes);
1774 if (!NumBytes)
1775 return;
1776 // REDZONE: If the stack size is less than 128 bytes, we don't need
1777 // to actually allocate.
1778 if (canUseRedZone(MF)) {
1779 AFI->setHasRedZone(true);
1780 ++NumRedZoneFunctions;
1781 } else {
1782 emitFrameOffset(MBB, MBBI, DL, AArch64::SP, AArch64::SP,
1783 StackOffset::getFixed(-NumBytes), TII,
1784 MachineInstr::FrameSetup, false, NeedsWinCFI, &HasWinCFI);
1785 if (EmitCFI) {
1786 // Label used to tie together the PROLOG_LABEL and the MachineMoves.
1787 MCSymbol *FrameLabel = MMI.getContext().createTempSymbol();
1788 // Encode the stack size of the leaf function.
1789 unsigned CFIIndex = MF.addFrameInst(
1790 Inst: MCCFIInstruction::cfiDefCfaOffset(L: FrameLabel, Offset: NumBytes));
1791 BuildMI(BB&: MBB, I: MBBI, MIMD: DL, MCID: TII->get(Opcode: TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION))
1792 .addCFIIndex(CFIIndex)
1793 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1794 }
1795 }
1797 if (NeedsWinCFI) {
1798 HasWinCFI = true;
1799 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::SEH_PrologEnd))
1800 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1801 }
1803 return;
1804 }
1806 bool IsWin64 =
1807 Subtarget.isCallingConvWin64(CC: MF.getFunction().getCallingConv());
1808 unsigned FixedObject = getFixedObjectSize(MF, AFI, IsWin64, IsFunclet);
1810 auto PrologueSaveSize = AFI->getCalleeSavedStackSize() + FixedObject;
1811 // All of the remaining stack allocations are for locals.
1812 AFI->setLocalStackSize(NumBytes - PrologueSaveSize);
1813 bool CombineSPBump = shouldCombineCSRLocalStackBump(MF, StackBumpBytes: NumBytes);
1814 bool HomPrologEpilog = homogeneousPrologEpilog(MF);
1815 if (CombineSPBump) {
1816 assert(!SVEStackSize && "Cannot combine SP bump with SVE");
1817 emitFrameOffset(MBB, MBBI, DL, AArch64::SP, AArch64::SP,
1818 StackOffset::getFixed(-NumBytes), TII,
1819 MachineInstr::FrameSetup, false, NeedsWinCFI, &HasWinCFI,
1820 EmitAsyncCFI);
1821 NumBytes = 0;
1822 } else if (HomPrologEpilog) {
1823 // Stack has been already adjusted.
1824 NumBytes -= PrologueSaveSize;
1825 } else if (PrologueSaveSize != 0) {
1826 MBBI = convertCalleeSaveRestoreToSPPrePostIncDec(
1827 MBB, MBBI, DL, TII, CSStackSizeInc: -PrologueSaveSize, NeedsWinCFI, HasWinCFI: &HasWinCFI,
1828 EmitCFI: EmitAsyncCFI);
1829 NumBytes -= PrologueSaveSize;
1830 }
1831 assert(NumBytes >= 0 && "Negative stack allocation size!?");
1833 // Move past the saves of the callee-saved registers, fixing up the offsets
1834 // and pre-inc if we decided to combine the callee-save and local stack
1835 // pointer bump above.
1836 while (MBBI != End && MBBI->getFlag(Flag: MachineInstr::FrameSetup) &&
1837 !IsSVECalleeSave(I: MBBI)) {
1838 if (CombineSPBump)
1839 fixupCalleeSaveRestoreStackOffset(MI&: *MBBI, LocalStackSize: AFI->getLocalStackSize(),
1840 NeedsWinCFI, HasWinCFI: &HasWinCFI);
1841 ++MBBI;
1842 }
1844 // For funclets the FP belongs to the containing function.
1845 if (!IsFunclet && HasFP) {
1846 // Only set up FP if we actually need to.
1847 int64_t FPOffset = AFI->getCalleeSaveBaseToFrameRecordOffset();
1849 if (CombineSPBump)
1850 FPOffset += AFI->getLocalStackSize();
1852 if (AFI->hasSwiftAsyncContext()) {
1853 // Before we update the live FP we have to ensure there's a valid (or
1854 // null) asynchronous context in its slot just before FP in the frame
1855 // record, so store it now.
1856 const auto &Attrs = MF.getFunction().getAttributes();
1857 bool HaveInitialContext = Attrs.hasAttrSomewhere(Attribute::SwiftAsync);
1858 if (HaveInitialContext)
1859 MBB.addLiveIn(AArch64::X22);
1860 Register Reg = HaveInitialContext ? AArch64::X22 : AArch64::XZR;
1861 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::StoreSwiftAsyncContext))
1862 .addUse(Reg)
1863 .addUse(AArch64::SP)
1864 .addImm(FPOffset - 8)
1865 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1866 if (NeedsWinCFI) {
1867 // WinCFI and arm64e, where StoreSwiftAsyncContext is expanded
1868 // to multiple instructions, should be mutually-exclusive.
1869 assert(Subtarget.getTargetTriple().getArchName() != "arm64e");
1870 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::SEH_Nop))
1871 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1872 HasWinCFI = true;
1873 }
1874 }
1876 if (HomPrologEpilog) {
1877 auto Prolog = MBBI;
1878 --Prolog;
1879 assert(Prolog->getOpcode() == AArch64::HOM_Prolog);
1880 Prolog->addOperand(Op: MachineOperand::CreateImm(Val: FPOffset));
1881 } else {
1882 // Issue sub fp, sp, FPOffset or
1883 // mov fp,sp when FPOffset is zero.
1884 // Note: All stores of callee-saved registers are marked as "FrameSetup".
1885 // This code marks the instruction(s) that set the FP also.
1886 emitFrameOffset(MBB, MBBI, DL, AArch64::FP, AArch64::SP,
1887 StackOffset::getFixed(FPOffset), TII,
1888 MachineInstr::FrameSetup, false, NeedsWinCFI, &HasWinCFI);
1889 if (NeedsWinCFI && HasWinCFI) {
1890 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::SEH_PrologEnd))
1891 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1892 // After setting up the FP, the rest of the prolog doesn't need to be
1893 // included in the SEH unwind info.
1894 NeedsWinCFI = false;
1895 }
1896 }
1897 if (EmitAsyncCFI)
1898 emitDefineCFAWithFP(MF, MBB, MBBI, DL, FixedObject);
1899 }
1901 // Now emit the moves for whatever callee saved regs we have (including FP,
1902 // LR if those are saved). Frame instructions for SVE register are emitted
1903 // later, after the instruction which actually save SVE regs.
1904 if (EmitAsyncCFI)
1905 emitCalleeSavedGPRLocations(MBB, MBBI);
1907 // Alignment is required for the parent frame, not the funclet
1908 const bool NeedsRealignment =
1909 NumBytes && !IsFunclet && RegInfo->hasStackRealignment(MF);
1910 const int64_t RealignmentPadding =
1911 (NeedsRealignment && MFI.getMaxAlign() > Align(16))
1912 ? MFI.getMaxAlign().value() - 16
1913 : 0;
1915 if (windowsRequiresStackProbe(MF, StackSizeInBytes: NumBytes + RealignmentPadding)) {
1916 uint64_t NumWords = (NumBytes + RealignmentPadding) >> 4;
1917 if (NeedsWinCFI) {
1918 HasWinCFI = true;
1919 // alloc_l can hold at most 256MB, so assume that NumBytes doesn't
1920 // exceed this amount. We need to move at most 2^24 - 1 into x15.
1921 // This is at most two instructions, MOVZ follwed by MOVK.
1922 // TODO: Fix to use multiple stack alloc unwind codes for stacks
1923 // exceeding 256MB in size.
1924 if (NumBytes >= (1 << 28))
1925 report_fatal_error(reason: "Stack size cannot exceed 256MB for stack "
1926 "unwinding purposes");
1928 uint32_t LowNumWords = NumWords & 0xFFFF;
1929 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::MOVZXi), AArch64::X15)
1930 .addImm(LowNumWords)
1931 .addImm(AArch64_AM::getShifterImm(AArch64_AM::LSL, 0))
1932 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1933 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::SEH_Nop))
1934 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1935 if ((NumWords & 0xFFFF0000) != 0) {
1936 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::MOVKXi), AArch64::X15)
1937 .addReg(AArch64::X15)
1938 .addImm((NumWords & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16) // High half
1939 .addImm(AArch64_AM::getShifterImm(AArch64_AM::LSL, 16))
1940 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1941 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::SEH_Nop))
1942 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1943 }
1944 } else {
1945 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::MOVi64imm), AArch64::X15)
1946 .addImm(NumWords)
1947 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1948 }
1950 const char* ChkStk = Subtarget.getChkStkName();
1951 switch (MF.getTarget().getCodeModel()) {
1952 case CodeModel::Tiny:
1953 case CodeModel::Small:
1954 case CodeModel::Medium:
1955 case CodeModel::Kernel:
1956 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::BL))
1957 .addExternalSymbol(ChkStk)
1958 .addReg(AArch64::X15, RegState::Implicit)
1959 .addReg(AArch64::X16, RegState::Implicit | RegState::Define | RegState::Dead)
1960 .addReg(AArch64::X17, RegState::Implicit | RegState::Define | RegState::Dead)
1961 .addReg(AArch64::NZCV, RegState::Implicit | RegState::Define | RegState::Dead)
1962 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1963 if (NeedsWinCFI) {
1964 HasWinCFI = true;
1965 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::SEH_Nop))
1966 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1967 }
1968 break;
1969 case CodeModel::Large:
1970 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::MOVaddrEXT))
1971 .addReg(AArch64::X16, RegState::Define)
1972 .addExternalSymbol(ChkStk)
1973 .addExternalSymbol(ChkStk)
1974 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1975 if (NeedsWinCFI) {
1976 HasWinCFI = true;
1977 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::SEH_Nop))
1978 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1979 }
1981 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(getBLRCallOpcode(MF)))
1982 .addReg(AArch64::X16, RegState::Kill)
1983 .addReg(AArch64::X15, RegState::Implicit | RegState::Define)
1984 .addReg(AArch64::X16, RegState::Implicit | RegState::Define | RegState::Dead)
1985 .addReg(AArch64::X17, RegState::Implicit | RegState::Define | RegState::Dead)
1986 .addReg(AArch64::NZCV, RegState::Implicit | RegState::Define | RegState::Dead)
1987 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1988 if (NeedsWinCFI) {
1989 HasWinCFI = true;
1990 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::SEH_Nop))
1991 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
1992 }
1993 break;
1994 }
1996 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::SUBXrx64), AArch64::SP)
1997 .addReg(AArch64::SP, RegState::Kill)
1998 .addReg(AArch64::X15, RegState::Kill)
1999 .addImm(AArch64_AM::getArithExtendImm(AArch64_AM::UXTX, 4))
2000 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
2001 if (NeedsWinCFI) {
2002 HasWinCFI = true;
2003 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::SEH_StackAlloc))
2004 .addImm(NumBytes)
2005 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
2006 }
2007 NumBytes = 0;
2009 if (RealignmentPadding > 0) {
2010 if (RealignmentPadding >= 4096) {
2011 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::MOVi64imm))
2012 .addReg(AArch64::X16, RegState::Define)
2013 .addImm(RealignmentPadding)
2014 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
2015 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::ADDXrx64), AArch64::X15)
2016 .addReg(AArch64::SP)
2017 .addReg(AArch64::X16, RegState::Kill)
2018 .addImm(AArch64_AM::getArithExtendImm(AArch64_AM::UXTX, 0))
2019 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
2020 } else {
2021 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::ADDXri), AArch64::X15)
2022 .addReg(AArch64::SP)
2023 .addImm(RealignmentPadding)
2024 .addImm(0)
2025 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
2026 }
2028 uint64_t AndMask = ~(MFI.getMaxAlign().value() - 1);
2029 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::ANDXri), AArch64::SP)
2030 .addReg(AArch64::X15, RegState::Kill)
2031 .addImm(AArch64_AM::encodeLogicalImmediate(AndMask, 64));
2032 AFI->setStackRealigned(true);
2034 // No need for SEH instructions here; if we're realigning the stack,
2035 // we've set a frame pointer and already finished the SEH prologue.
2036 assert(!NeedsWinCFI);
2037 }
2038 }
2040 StackOffset SVECalleeSavesSize = {}, SVELocalsSize = SVEStackSize;
2041 MachineBasicBlock::iterator CalleeSavesBegin = MBBI, CalleeSavesEnd = MBBI;
2043 // Process the SVE callee-saves to determine what space needs to be
2044 // allocated.
2045 if (int64_t CalleeSavedSize = AFI->getSVECalleeSavedStackSize()) {
2046 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "SVECalleeSavedStackSize = " << CalleeSavedSize
2047 << "\n");
2048 // Find callee save instructions in frame.
2049 CalleeSavesBegin = MBBI;
2050 assert(IsSVECalleeSave(CalleeSavesBegin) && "Unexpected instruction");
2051 while (IsSVECalleeSave(I: MBBI) && MBBI != MBB.getFirstTerminator())
2052 ++MBBI;
2053 CalleeSavesEnd = MBBI;
2055 SVECalleeSavesSize = StackOffset::getScalable(Scalable: CalleeSavedSize);
2056 SVELocalsSize = SVEStackSize - SVECalleeSavesSize;
2057 }
2059 // Allocate space for the callee saves (if any).
2060 StackOffset CFAOffset =
2061 StackOffset::getFixed(Fixed: (int64_t)MFI.getStackSize() - NumBytes);
2062 StackOffset LocalsSize = SVELocalsSize + StackOffset::getFixed(Fixed: NumBytes);
2063 allocateStackSpace(MBB, MBBI: CalleeSavesBegin, RealignmentPadding: 0, AllocSize: SVECalleeSavesSize, NeedsWinCFI: false,
2064 HasWinCFI: nullptr, EmitCFI: EmitAsyncCFI && !HasFP, InitialOffset: CFAOffset,
2065 FollowupAllocs: MFI.hasVarSizedObjects() || LocalsSize);
2066 CFAOffset += SVECalleeSavesSize;
2068 if (EmitAsyncCFI)
2069 emitCalleeSavedSVELocations(MBB, MBBI: CalleeSavesEnd);
2071 // Allocate space for the rest of the frame including SVE locals. Align the
2072 // stack as necessary.
2073 assert(!(canUseRedZone(MF) && NeedsRealignment) &&
2074 "Cannot use redzone with stack realignment");
2075 if (!canUseRedZone(MF)) {
2076 // FIXME: in the case of dynamic re-alignment, NumBytes doesn't have
2077 // the correct value here, as NumBytes also includes padding bytes,
2078 // which shouldn't be counted here.
2079 allocateStackSpace(MBB, MBBI: CalleeSavesEnd, RealignmentPadding,
2080 AllocSize: SVELocalsSize + StackOffset::getFixed(Fixed: NumBytes),
2081 NeedsWinCFI, HasWinCFI: &HasWinCFI, EmitCFI: EmitAsyncCFI && !HasFP,
2082 InitialOffset: CFAOffset, FollowupAllocs: MFI.hasVarSizedObjects());
2083 }
2085 // If we need a base pointer, set it up here. It's whatever the value of the
2086 // stack pointer is at this point. Any variable size objects will be allocated
2087 // after this, so we can still use the base pointer to reference locals.
2088 //
2089 // FIXME: Clarify FrameSetup flags here.
2090 // Note: Use emitFrameOffset() like above for FP if the FrameSetup flag is
2091 // needed.
2092 // For funclets the BP belongs to the containing function.
2093 if (!IsFunclet && RegInfo->hasBasePointer(MF)) {
2094 TII->copyPhysReg(MBB, MBBI, DL, RegInfo->getBaseRegister(), AArch64::SP,
2095 false);
2096 if (NeedsWinCFI) {
2097 HasWinCFI = true;
2098 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::SEH_Nop))
2099 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
2100 }
2101 }
2103 // The very last FrameSetup instruction indicates the end of prologue. Emit a
2104 // SEH opcode indicating the prologue end.
2105 if (NeedsWinCFI && HasWinCFI) {
2106 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::SEH_PrologEnd))
2107 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
2108 }
2110 // SEH funclets are passed the frame pointer in X1. If the parent
2111 // function uses the base register, then the base register is used
2112 // directly, and is not retrieved from X1.
2113 if (IsFunclet && F.hasPersonalityFn()) {
2114 EHPersonality Per = classifyEHPersonality(Pers: F.getPersonalityFn());
2115 if (isAsynchronousEHPersonality(Pers: Per)) {
2116 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(TargetOpcode::COPY), AArch64::FP)
2117 .addReg(AArch64::X1)
2118 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
2119 MBB.addLiveIn(AArch64::X1);
2120 }
2121 }
2123 if (EmitCFI && !EmitAsyncCFI) {
2124 if (HasFP) {
2125 emitDefineCFAWithFP(MF, MBB, MBBI, DL, FixedObject);
2126 } else {
2127 StackOffset TotalSize =
2128 SVEStackSize + StackOffset::getFixed(Fixed: (int64_t)MFI.getStackSize());
2129 unsigned CFIIndex = MF.addFrameInst(createDefCFA(
2130 *RegInfo, /*FrameReg=*/AArch64::SP, /*Reg=*/AArch64::SP, TotalSize,
2131 /*LastAdjustmentWasScalable=*/false));
2132 BuildMI(BB&: MBB, I: MBBI, MIMD: DL, MCID: TII->get(Opcode: TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION))
2133 .addCFIIndex(CFIIndex)
2134 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
2135 }
2136 emitCalleeSavedGPRLocations(MBB, MBBI);
2137 emitCalleeSavedSVELocations(MBB, MBBI);
2138 }
2141static bool isFuncletReturnInstr(const MachineInstr &MI) {
2142 switch (MI.getOpcode()) {
2143 default:
2144 return false;
2145 case AArch64::CATCHRET:
2146 case AArch64::CLEANUPRET:
2147 return true;
2148 }
2151void AArch64FrameLowering::emitEpilogue(MachineFunction &MF,
2152 MachineBasicBlock &MBB) const {
2153 MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI = MBB.getLastNonDebugInstr();
2154 MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
2155 AArch64FunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
2156 const AArch64Subtarget &Subtarget = MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>();
2157 const TargetInstrInfo *TII = Subtarget.getInstrInfo();
2158 DebugLoc DL;
2159 bool NeedsWinCFI = needsWinCFI(MF);
2160 bool EmitCFI = AFI->needsAsyncDwarfUnwindInfo(MF);
2161 bool HasWinCFI = false;
2162 bool IsFunclet = false;
2164 if (MBB.end() != MBBI) {
2165 DL = MBBI->getDebugLoc();
2166 IsFunclet = isFuncletReturnInstr(MI: *MBBI);
2167 }
2169 MachineBasicBlock::iterator EpilogStartI = MBB.end();
2171 auto FinishingTouches = make_scope_exit(F: [&]() {
2172 if (AFI->shouldSignReturnAddress(MF)) {
2173 BuildMI(MBB, MBB.getFirstTerminator(), DL,
2174 TII->get(AArch64::PAUTH_EPILOGUE))
2175 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameDestroy);
2176 if (NeedsWinCFI)
2177 HasWinCFI = true; // AArch64PointerAuth pass will insert SEH_PACSignLR
2178 }
2179 if (AFI->needsShadowCallStackPrologueEpilogue(MF))
2180 emitShadowCallStackEpilogue(TII: *TII, MF, MBB, MBBI: MBB.getFirstTerminator(), DL);
2181 if (EmitCFI)
2182 emitCalleeSavedGPRRestores(MBB, MBBI: MBB.getFirstTerminator());
2183 if (HasWinCFI) {
2184 BuildMI(MBB, MBB.getFirstTerminator(), DL,
2185 TII->get(AArch64::SEH_EpilogEnd))
2186 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameDestroy);
2187 if (!MF.hasWinCFI())
2188 MF.setHasWinCFI(true);
2189 }
2190 if (NeedsWinCFI) {
2191 assert(EpilogStartI != MBB.end());
2192 if (!HasWinCFI)
2193 MBB.erase(I: EpilogStartI);
2194 }
2195 });
2197 int64_t NumBytes = IsFunclet ? getWinEHFuncletFrameSize(MF)
2198 : MFI.getStackSize();
2200 // All calls are tail calls in GHC calling conv, and functions have no
2201 // prologue/epilogue.
2202 if (MF.getFunction().getCallingConv() == CallingConv::GHC)
2203 return;
2205 // How much of the stack used by incoming arguments this function is expected
2206 // to restore in this particular epilogue.
2207 int64_t ArgumentStackToRestore = getArgumentStackToRestore(MF, MBB);
2208 bool IsWin64 =
2209 Subtarget.isCallingConvWin64(CC: MF.getFunction().getCallingConv());
2210 unsigned FixedObject = getFixedObjectSize(MF, AFI, IsWin64, IsFunclet);
2212 int64_t AfterCSRPopSize = ArgumentStackToRestore;
2213 auto PrologueSaveSize = AFI->getCalleeSavedStackSize() + FixedObject;
2214 // We cannot rely on the local stack size set in emitPrologue if the function
2215 // has funclets, as funclets have different local stack size requirements, and
2216 // the current value set in emitPrologue may be that of the containing
2217 // function.
2218 if (MF.hasEHFunclets())
2219 AFI->setLocalStackSize(NumBytes - PrologueSaveSize);
2220 if (homogeneousPrologEpilog(MF, Exit: &MBB)) {
2221 assert(!NeedsWinCFI);
2222 auto LastPopI = MBB.getFirstTerminator();
2223 if (LastPopI != MBB.begin()) {
2224 auto HomogeneousEpilog = std::prev(x: LastPopI);
2225 if (HomogeneousEpilog->getOpcode() == AArch64::HOM_Epilog)
2226 LastPopI = HomogeneousEpilog;
2227 }
2229 // Adjust local stack
2230 emitFrameOffset(MBB, LastPopI, DL, AArch64::SP, AArch64::SP,
2231 StackOffset::getFixed(AFI->getLocalStackSize()), TII,
2232 MachineInstr::FrameDestroy, false, NeedsWinCFI, &HasWinCFI);
2234 // SP has been already adjusted while restoring callee save regs.
2235 // We've bailed-out the case with adjusting SP for arguments.
2236 assert(AfterCSRPopSize == 0);
2237 return;
2238 }
2239 bool CombineSPBump = shouldCombineCSRLocalStackBumpInEpilogue(MBB, StackBumpBytes: NumBytes);
2240 // Assume we can't combine the last pop with the sp restore.
2242 bool CombineAfterCSRBump = false;
2243 if (!CombineSPBump && PrologueSaveSize != 0) {
2244 MachineBasicBlock::iterator Pop = std::prev(x: MBB.getFirstTerminator());
2245 while (Pop->getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION ||
2246 AArch64InstrInfo::isSEHInstruction(MI: *Pop))
2247 Pop = std::prev(x: Pop);
2248 // Converting the last ldp to a post-index ldp is valid only if the last
2249 // ldp's offset is 0.
2250 const MachineOperand &OffsetOp = Pop->getOperand(i: Pop->getNumOperands() - 1);
2251 // If the offset is 0 and the AfterCSR pop is not actually trying to
2252 // allocate more stack for arguments (in space that an untimely interrupt
2253 // may clobber), convert it to a post-index ldp.
2254 if (OffsetOp.getImm() == 0 && AfterCSRPopSize >= 0) {
2255 convertCalleeSaveRestoreToSPPrePostIncDec(
2256 MBB, MBBI: Pop, DL, TII, CSStackSizeInc: PrologueSaveSize, NeedsWinCFI, HasWinCFI: &HasWinCFI, EmitCFI,
2257 FrameFlag: MachineInstr::FrameDestroy, CFAOffset: PrologueSaveSize);
2258 } else {
2259 // If not, make sure to emit an add after the last ldp.
2260 // We're doing this by transfering the size to be restored from the
2261 // adjustment *before* the CSR pops to the adjustment *after* the CSR
2262 // pops.
2263 AfterCSRPopSize += PrologueSaveSize;
2264 CombineAfterCSRBump = true;
2265 }
2266 }
2268 // Move past the restores of the callee-saved registers.
2269 // If we plan on combining the sp bump of the local stack size and the callee
2270 // save stack size, we might need to adjust the CSR save and restore offsets.
2271 MachineBasicBlock::iterator LastPopI = MBB.getFirstTerminator();
2272 MachineBasicBlock::iterator Begin = MBB.begin();
2273 while (LastPopI != Begin) {
2274 --LastPopI;
2275 if (!LastPopI->getFlag(Flag: MachineInstr::FrameDestroy) ||
2276 IsSVECalleeSave(I: LastPopI)) {
2277 ++LastPopI;
2278 break;
2279 } else if (CombineSPBump)
2280 fixupCalleeSaveRestoreStackOffset(MI&: *LastPopI, LocalStackSize: AFI->getLocalStackSize(),
2281 NeedsWinCFI, HasWinCFI: &HasWinCFI);
2282 }
2284 if (NeedsWinCFI) {
2285 // Note that there are cases where we insert SEH opcodes in the
2286 // epilogue when we had no SEH opcodes in the prologue. For
2287 // example, when there is no stack frame but there are stack
2288 // arguments. Insert the SEH_EpilogStart and remove it later if it
2289 // we didn't emit any SEH opcodes to avoid generating WinCFI for
2290 // functions that don't need it.
2291 BuildMI(MBB, LastPopI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::SEH_EpilogStart))
2292 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameDestroy);
2293 EpilogStartI = LastPopI;
2294 --EpilogStartI;
2295 }
2297 if (hasFP(MF) && AFI->hasSwiftAsyncContext()) {
2298 switch (MF.getTarget().Options.SwiftAsyncFramePointer) {
2299 case SwiftAsyncFramePointerMode::DeploymentBased:
2300 // Avoid the reload as it is GOT relative, and instead fall back to the
2301 // hardcoded value below. This allows a mismatch between the OS and
2302 // application without immediately terminating on the difference.
2303 [[fallthrough]];
2304 case SwiftAsyncFramePointerMode::Always:
2305 // We need to reset FP to its untagged state on return. Bit 60 is
2306 // currently used to show the presence of an extended frame.
2308 // BIC x29, x29, #0x1000_0000_0000_0000
2309 BuildMI(MBB, MBB.getFirstTerminator(), DL, TII->get(AArch64::ANDXri),
2310 AArch64::FP)
2311 .addUse(AArch64::FP)
2312 .addImm(0x10fe)
2313 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameDestroy);
2314 if (NeedsWinCFI) {
2315 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::SEH_Nop))
2316 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameDestroy);
2317 HasWinCFI = true;
2318 }
2319 break;
2321 case SwiftAsyncFramePointerMode::Never:
2322 break;
2323 }
2324 }
2326 const StackOffset &SVEStackSize = getSVEStackSize(MF);
2328 // If there is a single SP update, insert it before the ret and we're done.
2329 if (CombineSPBump) {
2330 assert(!SVEStackSize && "Cannot combine SP bump with SVE");
2332 // When we are about to restore the CSRs, the CFA register is SP again.
2333 if (EmitCFI && hasFP(MF)) {
2334 const AArch64RegisterInfo &RegInfo = *Subtarget.getRegisterInfo();
2335 unsigned Reg = RegInfo.getDwarfRegNum(AArch64::SP, true);
2336 unsigned CFIIndex =
2337 MF.addFrameInst(Inst: MCCFIInstruction::cfiDefCfa(L: nullptr, Register: Reg, Offset: NumBytes));
2338 BuildMI(BB&: MBB, I: LastPopI, MIMD: DL, MCID: TII->get(Opcode: TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION))
2339 .addCFIIndex(CFIIndex)
2340 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameDestroy);
2341 }
2343 emitFrameOffset(MBB, MBB.getFirstTerminator(), DL, AArch64::SP, AArch64::SP,
2344 StackOffset::getFixed(NumBytes + (int64_t)AfterCSRPopSize),
2345 TII, MachineInstr::FrameDestroy, false, NeedsWinCFI,
2346 &HasWinCFI, EmitCFI, StackOffset::getFixed(NumBytes));
2347 return;
2348 }
2350 NumBytes -= PrologueSaveSize;
2351 assert(NumBytes >= 0 && "Negative stack allocation size!?");
2353 // Process the SVE callee-saves to determine what space needs to be
2354 // deallocated.
2355 StackOffset DeallocateBefore = {}, DeallocateAfter = SVEStackSize;
2356 MachineBasicBlock::iterator RestoreBegin = LastPopI, RestoreEnd = LastPopI;
2357 if (int64_t CalleeSavedSize = AFI->getSVECalleeSavedStackSize()) {
2358 RestoreBegin = std::prev(x: RestoreEnd);
2359 while (RestoreBegin != MBB.begin() &&
2360 IsSVECalleeSave(I: std::prev(x: RestoreBegin)))
2361 --RestoreBegin;
2363 assert(IsSVECalleeSave(RestoreBegin) &&
2364 IsSVECalleeSave(std::prev(RestoreEnd)) && "Unexpected instruction");
2366 StackOffset CalleeSavedSizeAsOffset =
2367 StackOffset::getScalable(Scalable: CalleeSavedSize);
2368 DeallocateBefore = SVEStackSize - CalleeSavedSizeAsOffset;
2369 DeallocateAfter = CalleeSavedSizeAsOffset;
2370 }
2372 // Deallocate the SVE area.
2373 if (SVEStackSize) {
2374 // If we have stack realignment or variable sized objects on the stack,
2375 // restore the stack pointer from the frame pointer prior to SVE CSR
2376 // restoration.
2377 if (AFI->isStackRealigned() || MFI.hasVarSizedObjects()) {
2378 if (int64_t CalleeSavedSize = AFI->getSVECalleeSavedStackSize()) {
2379 // Set SP to start of SVE callee-save area from which they can
2380 // be reloaded. The code below will deallocate the stack space
2381 // space by moving FP -> SP.
2382 emitFrameOffset(MBB, RestoreBegin, DL, AArch64::SP, AArch64::FP,
2383 StackOffset::getScalable(-CalleeSavedSize), TII,
2384 MachineInstr::FrameDestroy);
2385 }
2386 } else {
2387 if (AFI->getSVECalleeSavedStackSize()) {
2388 // Deallocate the non-SVE locals first before we can deallocate (and
2389 // restore callee saves) from the SVE area.
2390 emitFrameOffset(
2391 MBB, RestoreBegin, DL, AArch64::SP, AArch64::SP,
2392 StackOffset::getFixed(NumBytes), TII, MachineInstr::FrameDestroy,
2393 false, false, nullptr, EmitCFI && !hasFP(MF),
2394 SVEStackSize + StackOffset::getFixed(NumBytes + PrologueSaveSize));
2395 NumBytes = 0;
2396 }
2398 emitFrameOffset(MBB, RestoreBegin, DL, AArch64::SP, AArch64::SP,
2399 DeallocateBefore, TII, MachineInstr::FrameDestroy, false,
2400 false, nullptr, EmitCFI && !hasFP(MF),
2401 SVEStackSize +
2402 StackOffset::getFixed(NumBytes + PrologueSaveSize));
2404 emitFrameOffset(MBB, RestoreEnd, DL, AArch64::SP, AArch64::SP,
2405 DeallocateAfter, TII, MachineInstr::FrameDestroy, false,
2406 false, nullptr, EmitCFI && !hasFP(MF),
2407 DeallocateAfter +
2408 StackOffset::getFixed(NumBytes + PrologueSaveSize));
2409 }
2410 if (EmitCFI)
2411 emitCalleeSavedSVERestores(MBB, MBBI: RestoreEnd);
2412 }
2414 if (!hasFP(MF)) {
2415 bool RedZone = canUseRedZone(MF);
2416 // If this was a redzone leaf function, we don't need to restore the
2417 // stack pointer (but we may need to pop stack args for fastcc).
2418 if (RedZone && AfterCSRPopSize == 0)
2419 return;
2421 // Pop the local variables off the stack. If there are no callee-saved
2422 // registers, it means we are actually positioned at the terminator and can
2423 // combine stack increment for the locals and the stack increment for
2424 // callee-popped arguments into (possibly) a single instruction and be done.
2425 bool NoCalleeSaveRestore = PrologueSaveSize == 0;
2426 int64_t StackRestoreBytes = RedZone ? 0 : NumBytes;
2427 if (NoCalleeSaveRestore)
2428 StackRestoreBytes += AfterCSRPopSize;
2430 emitFrameOffset(
2431 MBB, LastPopI, DL, AArch64::SP, AArch64::SP,
2432 StackOffset::getFixed(StackRestoreBytes), TII,
2433 MachineInstr::FrameDestroy, false, NeedsWinCFI, &HasWinCFI, EmitCFI,
2434 StackOffset::getFixed((RedZone ? 0 : NumBytes) + PrologueSaveSize));
2436 // If we were able to combine the local stack pop with the argument pop,
2437 // then we're done.
2438 if (NoCalleeSaveRestore || AfterCSRPopSize == 0) {
2439 return;
2440 }
2442 NumBytes = 0;
2443 }
2445 // Restore the original stack pointer.
2446 // FIXME: Rather than doing the math here, we should instead just use
2447 // non-post-indexed loads for the restores if we aren't actually going to
2448 // be able to save any instructions.
2449 if (!IsFunclet && (MFI.hasVarSizedObjects() || AFI->isStackRealigned())) {
2450 emitFrameOffset(
2451 MBB, LastPopI, DL, AArch64::SP, AArch64::FP,
2452 StackOffset::getFixed(-AFI->getCalleeSaveBaseToFrameRecordOffset()),
2453 TII, MachineInstr::FrameDestroy, false, NeedsWinCFI, &HasWinCFI);
2454 } else if (NumBytes)
2455 emitFrameOffset(MBB, LastPopI, DL, AArch64::SP, AArch64::SP,
2456 StackOffset::getFixed(NumBytes), TII,
2457 MachineInstr::FrameDestroy, false, NeedsWinCFI, &HasWinCFI);
2459 // When we are about to restore the CSRs, the CFA register is SP again.
2460 if (EmitCFI && hasFP(MF)) {
2461 const AArch64RegisterInfo &RegInfo = *Subtarget.getRegisterInfo();
2462 unsigned Reg = RegInfo.getDwarfRegNum(AArch64::SP, true);
2463 unsigned CFIIndex = MF.addFrameInst(
2464 Inst: MCCFIInstruction::cfiDefCfa(L: nullptr, Register: Reg, Offset: PrologueSaveSize));
2465 BuildMI(BB&: MBB, I: LastPopI, MIMD: DL, MCID: TII->get(Opcode: TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION))
2466 .addCFIIndex(CFIIndex)
2467 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameDestroy);
2468 }
2470 // This must be placed after the callee-save restore code because that code
2471 // assumes the SP is at the same location as it was after the callee-save save
2472 // code in the prologue.
2473 if (AfterCSRPopSize) {
2474 assert(AfterCSRPopSize > 0 && "attempting to reallocate arg stack that an "
2475 "interrupt may have clobbered");
2477 emitFrameOffset(
2478 MBB, MBB.getFirstTerminator(), DL, AArch64::SP, AArch64::SP,
2479 StackOffset::getFixed(AfterCSRPopSize), TII, MachineInstr::FrameDestroy,
2480 false, NeedsWinCFI, &HasWinCFI, EmitCFI,
2481 StackOffset::getFixed(CombineAfterCSRBump ? PrologueSaveSize : 0));
2482 }
2485bool AArch64FrameLowering::enableCFIFixup(MachineFunction &MF) const {
2486 return TargetFrameLowering::enableCFIFixup(MF) &&
2487 MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>()->needsAsyncDwarfUnwindInfo(MF);
2490/// getFrameIndexReference - Provide a base+offset reference to an FI slot for
2491/// debug info. It's the same as what we use for resolving the code-gen
2492/// references for now. FIXME: This can go wrong when references are
2493/// SP-relative and simple call frames aren't used.
2495AArch64FrameLowering::getFrameIndexReference(const MachineFunction &MF, int FI,
2496 Register &FrameReg) const {
2497 return resolveFrameIndexReference(
2498 MF, FI, FrameReg,
2499 /*PreferFP=*/
2500 MF.getFunction().hasFnAttribute(Attribute::SanitizeHWAddress),
2501 /*ForSimm=*/false);
2505AArch64FrameLowering::getNonLocalFrameIndexReference(const MachineFunction &MF,
2506 int FI) const {
2507 return StackOffset::getFixed(Fixed: getSEHFrameIndexOffset(MF, FI));
2510static StackOffset getFPOffset(const MachineFunction &MF,
2511 int64_t ObjectOffset) {
2512 const auto *AFI = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
2513 const auto &Subtarget = MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>();
2514 bool IsWin64 =
2515 Subtarget.isCallingConvWin64(CC: MF.getFunction().getCallingConv());
2516 unsigned FixedObject =
2517 getFixedObjectSize(MF, AFI, IsWin64, /*IsFunclet=*/false);
2518 int64_t CalleeSaveSize = AFI->getCalleeSavedStackSize(MFI: MF.getFrameInfo());
2519 int64_t FPAdjust =
2520 CalleeSaveSize - AFI->getCalleeSaveBaseToFrameRecordOffset();
2521 return StackOffset::getFixed(Fixed: ObjectOffset + FixedObject + FPAdjust);
2524static StackOffset getStackOffset(const MachineFunction &MF,
2525 int64_t ObjectOffset) {
2526 const auto &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
2527 return StackOffset::getFixed(Fixed: ObjectOffset + (int64_t)MFI.getStackSize());
2530 // TODO: This function currently does not work for scalable vectors.
2531int AArch64FrameLowering::getSEHFrameIndexOffset(const MachineFunction &MF,
2532 int FI) const {
2533 const auto *RegInfo = static_cast<const AArch64RegisterInfo *>(
2534 MF.getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo());
2535 int ObjectOffset = MF.getFrameInfo().getObjectOffset(ObjectIdx: FI);
2536 return RegInfo->getLocalAddressRegister(MF) == AArch64::FP
2537 ? getFPOffset(MF, ObjectOffset).getFixed()
2538 : getStackOffset(MF, ObjectOffset).getFixed();
2541StackOffset AArch64FrameLowering::resolveFrameIndexReference(
2542 const MachineFunction &MF, int FI, Register &FrameReg, bool PreferFP,
2543 bool ForSimm) const {
2544 const auto &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
2545 int64_t ObjectOffset = MFI.getObjectOffset(ObjectIdx: FI);
2546 bool isFixed = MFI.isFixedObjectIndex(ObjectIdx: FI);
2547 bool isSVE = MFI.getStackID(ObjectIdx: FI) == TargetStackID::ScalableVector;
2548 return resolveFrameOffsetReference(MF, ObjectOffset, isFixed, isSVE, FrameReg,
2549 PreferFP, ForSimm);
2552StackOffset AArch64FrameLowering::resolveFrameOffsetReference(
2553 const MachineFunction &MF, int64_t ObjectOffset, bool isFixed, bool isSVE,
2554 Register &FrameReg, bool PreferFP, bool ForSimm) const {
2555 const auto &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
2556 const auto *RegInfo = static_cast<const AArch64RegisterInfo *>(
2557 MF.getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo());
2558 const auto *AFI = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
2559 const auto &Subtarget = MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>();
2561 int64_t FPOffset = getFPOffset(MF, ObjectOffset).getFixed();
2562 int64_t Offset = getStackOffset(MF, ObjectOffset).getFixed();
2563 bool isCSR =
2564 !isFixed && ObjectOffset >= -((int)AFI->getCalleeSavedStackSize(MFI));
2566 const StackOffset &SVEStackSize = getSVEStackSize(MF);
2568 // Use frame pointer to reference fixed objects. Use it for locals if
2569 // there are VLAs or a dynamically realigned SP (and thus the SP isn't
2570 // reliable as a base). Make sure useFPForScavengingIndex() does the
2571 // right thing for the emergency spill slot.
2572 bool UseFP = false;
2573 if (AFI->hasStackFrame() && !isSVE) {
2574 // We shouldn't prefer using the FP to access fixed-sized stack objects when
2575 // there are scalable (SVE) objects in between the FP and the fixed-sized
2576 // objects.
2577 PreferFP &= !SVEStackSize;
2579 // Note: Keeping the following as multiple 'if' statements rather than
2580 // merging to a single expression for readability.
2581 //
2582 // Argument access should always use the FP.
2583 if (isFixed) {
2584 UseFP = hasFP(MF);
2585 } else if (isCSR && RegInfo->hasStackRealignment(MF)) {
2586 // References to the CSR area must use FP if we're re-aligning the stack
2587 // since the dynamically-sized alignment padding is between the SP/BP and
2588 // the CSR area.
2589 assert(hasFP(MF) && "Re-aligned stack must have frame pointer");
2590 UseFP = true;
2591 } else if (hasFP(MF) && !RegInfo->hasStackRealignment(MF)) {
2592 // If the FPOffset is negative and we're producing a signed immediate, we
2593 // have to keep in mind that the available offset range for negative
2594 // offsets is smaller than for positive ones. If an offset is available
2595 // via the FP and the SP, use whichever is closest.
2596 bool FPOffsetFits = !ForSimm || FPOffset >= -256;
2597 PreferFP |= Offset > -FPOffset && !SVEStackSize;
2599 if (MFI.hasVarSizedObjects()) {
2600 // If we have variable sized objects, we can use either FP or BP, as the
2601 // SP offset is unknown. We can use the base pointer if we have one and
2602 // FP is not preferred. If not, we're stuck with using FP.
2603 bool CanUseBP = RegInfo->hasBasePointer(MF);
2604 if (FPOffsetFits && CanUseBP) // Both are ok. Pick the best.
2605 UseFP = PreferFP;
2606 else if (!CanUseBP) // Can't use BP. Forced to use FP.
2607 UseFP = true;
2608 // else we can use BP and FP, but the offset from FP won't fit.
2609 // That will make us scavenge registers which we can probably avoid by
2610 // using BP. If it won't fit for BP either, we'll scavenge anyway.
2611 } else if (FPOffset >= 0) {
2612 // Use SP or FP, whichever gives us the best chance of the offset
2613 // being in range for direct access. If the FPOffset is positive,
2614 // that'll always be best, as the SP will be even further away.
2615 UseFP = true;
2616 } else if (MF.hasEHFunclets() && !RegInfo->hasBasePointer(MF)) {
2617 // Funclets access the locals contained in the parent's stack frame
2618 // via the frame pointer, so we have to use the FP in the parent
2619 // function.
2620 (void) Subtarget;
2621 assert(
2622 Subtarget.isCallingConvWin64(MF.getFunction().getCallingConv()) &&
2623 "Funclets should only be present on Win64");
2624 UseFP = true;
2625 } else {
2626 // We have the choice between FP and (SP or BP).
2627 if (FPOffsetFits && PreferFP) // If FP is the best fit, use it.
2628 UseFP = true;
2629 }
2630 }
2631 }
2633 assert(
2634 ((isFixed || isCSR) || !RegInfo->hasStackRealignment(MF) || !UseFP) &&
2635 "In the presence of dynamic stack pointer realignment, "
2636 "non-argument/CSR objects cannot be accessed through the frame pointer");
2638 if (isSVE) {
2639 StackOffset FPOffset =
2640 StackOffset::get(Fixed: -AFI->getCalleeSaveBaseToFrameRecordOffset(), Scalable: ObjectOffset);
2641 StackOffset SPOffset =
2642 SVEStackSize +
2643 StackOffset::get(Fixed: MFI.getStackSize() - AFI->getCalleeSavedStackSize(),
2644 Scalable: ObjectOffset);
2645 // Always use the FP for SVE spills if available and beneficial.
2646 if (hasFP(MF) && (SPOffset.getFixed() ||
2647 FPOffset.getScalable() < SPOffset.getScalable() ||
2648 RegInfo->hasStackRealignment(MF))) {
2649 FrameReg = RegInfo->getFrameRegister(MF);
2650 return FPOffset;
2651 }
2653 FrameReg = RegInfo->hasBasePointer(MF) ? RegInfo->getBaseRegister()
2654 : (unsigned)AArch64::SP;
2655 return SPOffset;
2656 }
2658 StackOffset ScalableOffset = {};
2659 if (UseFP && !(isFixed || isCSR))
2660 ScalableOffset = -SVEStackSize;
2661 if (!UseFP && (isFixed || isCSR))
2662 ScalableOffset = SVEStackSize;
2664 if (UseFP) {
2665 FrameReg = RegInfo->getFrameRegister(MF);
2666 return StackOffset::getFixed(Fixed: FPOffset) + ScalableOffset;
2667 }
2669 // Use the base pointer if we have one.
2670 if (RegInfo->hasBasePointer(MF))
2671 FrameReg = RegInfo->getBaseRegister();
2672 else {
2673 assert(!MFI.hasVarSizedObjects() &&
2674 "Can't use SP when we have var sized objects.");
2675 FrameReg = AArch64::SP;
2676 // If we're using the red zone for this function, the SP won't actually
2677 // be adjusted, so the offsets will be negative. They're also all
2678 // within range of the signed 9-bit immediate instructions.
2679 if (canUseRedZone(MF))
2680 Offset -= AFI->getLocalStackSize();
2681 }
2683 return StackOffset::getFixed(Fixed: Offset) + ScalableOffset;
2686static unsigned getPrologueDeath(MachineFunction &MF, unsigned Reg) {
2687 // Do not set a kill flag on values that are also marked as live-in. This
2688 // happens with the @llvm-returnaddress intrinsic and with arguments passed in
2689 // callee saved registers.
2690 // Omitting the kill flags is conservatively correct even if the live-in
2691 // is not used after all.
2692 bool IsLiveIn = MF.getRegInfo().isLiveIn(Reg);
2693 return getKillRegState(B: !IsLiveIn);
2696static bool produceCompactUnwindFrame(MachineFunction &MF) {
2697 const AArch64Subtarget &Subtarget = MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>();
2698 AttributeList Attrs = MF.getFunction().getAttributes();
2699 return Subtarget.isTargetMachO() &&
2700 !(Subtarget.getTargetLowering()->supportSwiftError() &&
2701 Attrs.hasAttrSomewhere(Attribute::SwiftError)) &&
2702 MF.getFunction().getCallingConv() != CallingConv::SwiftTail;
2705static bool invalidateWindowsRegisterPairing(unsigned Reg1, unsigned Reg2,
2706 bool NeedsWinCFI, bool IsFirst,
2707 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI) {
2708 // If we are generating register pairs for a Windows function that requires
2709 // EH support, then pair consecutive registers only. There are no unwind
2710 // opcodes for saves/restores of non-consectuve register pairs.
2711 // The unwind opcodes are save_regp, save_regp_x, save_fregp, save_frepg_x,
2712 // save_lrpair.
2713 // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/arm64-exception-handling
2715 if (Reg2 == AArch64::FP)
2716 return true;
2717 if (!NeedsWinCFI)
2718 return false;
2719 if (TRI->getEncodingValue(RegNo: Reg2) == TRI->getEncodingValue(RegNo: Reg1) + 1)
2720 return false;
2721 // If pairing a GPR with LR, the pair can be described by the save_lrpair
2722 // opcode. If this is the first register pair, it would end up with a
2723 // predecrement, but there's no save_lrpair_x opcode, so we can only do this
2724 // if LR is paired with something else than the first register.
2725 // The save_lrpair opcode requires the first register to be an odd one.
2726 if (Reg1 >= AArch64::X19 && Reg1 <= AArch64::X27 &&
2727 (Reg1 - AArch64::X19) % 2 == 0 && Reg2 == AArch64::LR && !IsFirst)
2728 return false;
2729 return true;
2732/// Returns true if Reg1 and Reg2 cannot be paired using a ldp/stp instruction.
2733/// WindowsCFI requires that only consecutive registers can be paired.
2734/// LR and FP need to be allocated together when the frame needs to save
2735/// the frame-record. This means any other register pairing with LR is invalid.
2736static bool invalidateRegisterPairing(unsigned Reg1, unsigned Reg2,
2737 bool UsesWinAAPCS, bool NeedsWinCFI,
2738 bool NeedsFrameRecord, bool IsFirst,
2739 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI) {
2740 if (UsesWinAAPCS)
2741 return invalidateWindowsRegisterPairing(Reg1, Reg2, NeedsWinCFI, IsFirst,
2742 TRI);
2744 // If we need to store the frame record, don't pair any register
2745 // with LR other than FP.
2746 if (NeedsFrameRecord)
2747 return Reg2 == AArch64::LR;
2749 return false;
2752namespace {
2754struct RegPairInfo {
2755 unsigned Reg1 = AArch64::NoRegister;
2756 unsigned Reg2 = AArch64::NoRegister;
2757 int FrameIdx;
2758 int Offset;
2759 enum RegType { GPR, FPR64, FPR128, PPR, ZPR } Type;
2761 RegPairInfo() = default;
2763 bool isPaired() const { return Reg2 != AArch64::NoRegister; }
2765 unsigned getScale() const {
2766 switch (Type) {
2767 case PPR:
2768 return 2;
2769 case GPR:
2770 case FPR64:
2771 return 8;
2772 case ZPR:
2773 case FPR128:
2774 return 16;
2775 }
2776 llvm_unreachable("Unsupported type");
2777 }
2779 bool isScalable() const { return Type == PPR || Type == ZPR; }
2782} // end anonymous namespace
2784static void computeCalleeSaveRegisterPairs(
2785 MachineFunction &MF, ArrayRef<CalleeSavedInfo> CSI,
2786 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI, SmallVectorImpl<RegPairInfo> &RegPairs,
2787 bool NeedsFrameRecord) {
2789 if (CSI.empty())
2790 return;
2792 bool IsWindows = isTargetWindows(MF);
2793 bool NeedsWinCFI = needsWinCFI(MF);
2794 AArch64FunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
2795 MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
2796 CallingConv::ID CC = MF.getFunction().getCallingConv();
2797 unsigned Count = CSI.size();
2798 (void)CC;
2799 // MachO's compact unwind format relies on all registers being stored in
2800 // pairs.
2801 assert((!produceCompactUnwindFrame(MF) || CC == CallingConv::PreserveMost ||
2802 CC == CallingConv::PreserveAll || CC == CallingConv::CXX_FAST_TLS ||
2803 CC == CallingConv::Win64 || (Count & 1) == 0) &&
2804 "Odd number of callee-saved regs to spill!");
2805 int ByteOffset = AFI->getCalleeSavedStackSize();
2806 int StackFillDir = -1;
2807 int RegInc = 1;
2808 unsigned FirstReg = 0;
2809 if (NeedsWinCFI) {
2810 // For WinCFI, fill the stack from the bottom up.
2811 ByteOffset = 0;
2812 StackFillDir = 1;
2813 // As the CSI array is reversed to match PrologEpilogInserter, iterate
2814 // backwards, to pair up registers starting from lower numbered registers.
2815 RegInc = -1;
2816 FirstReg = Count - 1;
2817 }
2818 int ScalableByteOffset = AFI->getSVECalleeSavedStackSize();
2819 bool NeedGapToAlignStack = AFI->hasCalleeSaveStackFreeSpace();
2821 // When iterating backwards, the loop condition relies on unsigned wraparound.
2822 for (unsigned i = FirstReg; i < Count; i += RegInc) {
2823 RegPairInfo RPI;
2824 RPI.Reg1 = CSI[i].getReg();
2826 if (AArch64::GPR64RegClass.contains(RPI.Reg1))
2827 RPI.Type = RegPairInfo::GPR;
2828 else if (AArch64::FPR64RegClass.contains(RPI.Reg1))
2829 RPI.Type = RegPairInfo::FPR64;
2830 else if (AArch64::FPR128RegClass.contains(RPI.Reg1))
2831 RPI.Type = RegPairInfo::FPR128;
2832 else if (AArch64::ZPRRegClass.contains(RPI.Reg1))
2833 RPI.Type = RegPairInfo::ZPR;
2834 else if (AArch64::PPRRegClass.contains(RPI.Reg1))
2835 RPI.Type = RegPairInfo::PPR;
2836 else
2837 llvm_unreachable("Unsupported register class.");
2839 // Add the next reg to the pair if it is in the same register class.
2840 if (unsigned(i + RegInc) < Count) {
2841 Register NextReg = CSI[i + RegInc].getReg();
2842 bool IsFirst = i == FirstReg;
2843 switch (RPI.Type) {
2844 case RegPairInfo::GPR:
2845 if (AArch64::GPR64RegClass.contains(NextReg) &&
2846 !invalidateRegisterPairing(RPI.Reg1, NextReg, IsWindows,
2847 NeedsWinCFI, NeedsFrameRecord, IsFirst,
2848 TRI))
2849 RPI.Reg2 = NextReg;
2850 break;
2851 case RegPairInfo::FPR64:
2852 if (AArch64::FPR64RegClass.contains(NextReg) &&
2853 !invalidateWindowsRegisterPairing(RPI.Reg1, NextReg, NeedsWinCFI,
2854 IsFirst, TRI))
2855 RPI.Reg2 = NextReg;
2856 break;
2857 case RegPairInfo::FPR128:
2858 if (AArch64::FPR128RegClass.contains(NextReg))
2859 RPI.Reg2 = NextReg;
2860 break;
2861 case RegPairInfo::PPR:
2862 case RegPairInfo::ZPR:
2863 break;
2864 }
2865 }
2867 // GPRs and FPRs are saved in pairs of 64-bit regs. We expect the CSI
2868 // list to come in sorted by frame index so that we can issue the store
2869 // pair instructions directly. Assert if we see anything otherwise.
2870 //
2871 // The order of the registers in the list is controlled by
2872 // getCalleeSavedRegs(), so they will always be in-order, as well.
2873 assert((!RPI.isPaired() ||
2874 (CSI[i].getFrameIdx() + RegInc == CSI[i + RegInc].getFrameIdx())) &&
2875 "Out of order callee saved regs!");
2877 assert((!RPI.isPaired() || !NeedsFrameRecord || RPI.Reg2 != AArch64::FP ||
2878 RPI.Reg1 == AArch64::LR) &&
2879 "FrameRecord must be allocated together with LR");
2881 // Windows AAPCS has FP and LR reversed.
2882 assert((!RPI.isPaired() || !NeedsFrameRecord || RPI.Reg1 != AArch64::FP ||
2883 RPI.Reg2 == AArch64::LR) &&
2884 "FrameRecord must be allocated together with LR");
2886 // MachO's compact unwind format relies on all registers being stored in
2887 // adjacent register pairs.
2888 assert((!produceCompactUnwindFrame(MF) || CC == CallingConv::PreserveMost ||
2889 CC == CallingConv::PreserveAll || CC == CallingConv::CXX_FAST_TLS ||
2890 CC == CallingConv::Win64 ||
2891 (RPI.isPaired() &&
2892 ((RPI.Reg1 == AArch64::LR && RPI.Reg2 == AArch64::FP) ||
2893 RPI.Reg1 + 1 == RPI.Reg2))) &&
2894 "Callee-save registers not saved as adjacent register pair!");
2896 RPI.FrameIdx = CSI[i].getFrameIdx();
2897 if (NeedsWinCFI &&
2898 RPI.isPaired()) // RPI.FrameIdx must be the lower index of the pair
2899 RPI.FrameIdx = CSI[i + RegInc].getFrameIdx();
2901 int Scale = RPI.getScale();
2903 int OffsetPre = RPI.isScalable() ? ScalableByteOffset : ByteOffset;
2904 assert(OffsetPre % Scale == 0);
2906 if (RPI.isScalable())
2907 ScalableByteOffset += StackFillDir * Scale;
2908 else
2909 ByteOffset += StackFillDir * (RPI.isPaired() ? 2 * Scale : Scale);
2911 // Swift's async context is directly before FP, so allocate an extra
2912 // 8 bytes for it.
2913 if (NeedsFrameRecord && AFI->hasSwiftAsyncContext() &&
2914 ((!IsWindows && RPI.Reg2 == AArch64::FP) ||
2915 (IsWindows && RPI.Reg2 == AArch64::LR)))
2916 ByteOffset += StackFillDir * 8;
2918 assert(!(RPI.isScalable() && RPI.isPaired()) &&
2919 "Paired spill/fill instructions don't exist for SVE vectors");
2921 // Round up size of non-pair to pair size if we need to pad the
2922 // callee-save area to ensure 16-byte alignment.
2923 if (NeedGapToAlignStack && !NeedsWinCFI &&
2924 !RPI.isScalable() && RPI.Type != RegPairInfo::FPR128 &&
2925 !RPI.isPaired() && ByteOffset % 16 != 0) {
2926 ByteOffset += 8 * StackFillDir;
2927 assert(MFI.getObjectAlign(RPI.FrameIdx) <= Align(16));
2928 // A stack frame with a gap looks like this, bottom up:
2929 // d9, d8. x21, gap, x20, x19.
2930 // Set extra alignment on the x21 object to create the gap above it.
2931 MFI.setObjectAlignment(ObjectIdx: RPI.FrameIdx, Alignment: Align(16));
2932 NeedGapToAlignStack = false;
2933 }
2935 int OffsetPost = RPI.isScalable() ? ScalableByteOffset : ByteOffset;
2936 assert(OffsetPost % Scale == 0);
2937 // If filling top down (default), we want the offset after incrementing it.
2938 // If filling bottom up (WinCFI) we need the original offset.
2939 int Offset = NeedsWinCFI ? OffsetPre : OffsetPost;
2941 // The FP, LR pair goes 8 bytes into our expanded 24-byte slot so that the
2942 // Swift context can directly precede FP.
2943 if (NeedsFrameRecord && AFI->hasSwiftAsyncContext() &&
2944 ((!IsWindows && RPI.Reg2 == AArch64::FP) ||
2945 (IsWindows && RPI.Reg2 == AArch64::LR)))
2946 Offset += 8;
2947 RPI.Offset = Offset / Scale;
2949 assert(((!RPI.isScalable() && RPI.Offset >= -64 && RPI.Offset <= 63) ||
2950 (RPI.isScalable() && RPI.Offset >= -256 && RPI.Offset <= 255)) &&
2951 "Offset out of bounds for LDP/STP immediate");
2953 // Save the offset to frame record so that the FP register can point to the
2954 // innermost frame record (spilled FP and LR registers).
2955 if (NeedsFrameRecord && ((!IsWindows && RPI.Reg1 == AArch64::LR &&
2956 RPI.Reg2 == AArch64::FP) ||
2957 (IsWindows && RPI.Reg1 == AArch64::FP &&
2958 RPI.Reg2 == AArch64::LR)))
2959 AFI->setCalleeSaveBaseToFrameRecordOffset(Offset);
2961 RegPairs.push_back(Elt: RPI);
2962 if (RPI.isPaired())
2963 i += RegInc;
2964 }
2965 if (NeedsWinCFI) {
2966 // If we need an alignment gap in the stack, align the topmost stack
2967 // object. A stack frame with a gap looks like this, bottom up:
2968 // x19, d8. d9, gap.
2969 // Set extra alignment on the topmost stack object (the first element in
2970 // CSI, which goes top down), to create the gap above it.
2971 if (AFI->hasCalleeSaveStackFreeSpace())
2972 MFI.setObjectAlignment(ObjectIdx: CSI[0].getFrameIdx(), Alignment: Align(16));
2973 // We iterated bottom up over the registers; flip RegPairs back to top
2974 // down order.
2975 std::reverse(first: RegPairs.begin(), last: RegPairs.end());
2976 }
2979bool AArch64FrameLowering::spillCalleeSavedRegisters(
2980 MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator MI,
2981 ArrayRef<CalleeSavedInfo> CSI, const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI) const {
2982 MachineFunction &MF = *MBB.getParent();
2983 const TargetInstrInfo &TII = *MF.getSubtarget().getInstrInfo();
2984 bool NeedsWinCFI = needsWinCFI(MF);
2985 DebugLoc DL;
2986 SmallVector<RegPairInfo, 8> RegPairs;
2988 computeCalleeSaveRegisterPairs(MF, CSI, TRI, RegPairs, NeedsFrameRecord: hasFP(MF));
2990 const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI = MF.getRegInfo();
2991 if (homogeneousPrologEpilog(MF)) {
2992 auto MIB = BuildMI(MBB, MI, DL, TII.get(AArch64::HOM_Prolog))
2993 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
2995 for (auto &RPI : RegPairs) {
2996 MIB.addReg(RPI.Reg1);
2997 MIB.addReg(RPI.Reg2);
2999 // Update register live in.
3000 if (!MRI.isReserved(PhysReg: RPI.Reg1))
3001 MBB.addLiveIn(RPI.Reg1);
3002 if (RPI.isPaired() && !MRI.isReserved(PhysReg: RPI.Reg2))
3003 MBB.addLiveIn(RPI.Reg2);
3004 }
3005 return true;
3006 }
3007 for (const RegPairInfo &RPI : llvm::reverse(C&: RegPairs)) {
3008 unsigned Reg1 = RPI.Reg1;
3009 unsigned Reg2 = RPI.Reg2;
3010 unsigned StrOpc;
3012 // Issue sequence of spills for cs regs. The first spill may be converted
3013 // to a pre-decrement store later by emitPrologue if the callee-save stack
3014 // area allocation can't be combined with the local stack area allocation.
3015 // For example:
3016 // stp x22, x21, [sp, #0] // addImm(+0)
3017 // stp x20, x19, [sp, #16] // addImm(+2)
3018 // stp fp, lr, [sp, #32] // addImm(+4)
3019 // Rationale: This sequence saves uop updates compared to a sequence of
3020 // pre-increment spills like stp xi,xj,[sp,#-16]!
3021 // Note: Similar rationale and sequence for restores in epilog.
3022 unsigned Size;
3023 Align Alignment;
3024 switch (RPI.Type) {
3025 case RegPairInfo::GPR:
3026 StrOpc = RPI.isPaired() ? AArch64::STPXi : AArch64::STRXui;
3027 Size = 8;
3028 Alignment = Align(8);
3029 break;
3030 case RegPairInfo::FPR64:
3031 StrOpc = RPI.isPaired() ? AArch64::STPDi : AArch64::STRDui;
3032 Size = 8;
3033 Alignment = Align(8);
3034 break;
3035 case RegPairInfo::FPR128:
3036 StrOpc = RPI.isPaired() ? AArch64::STPQi : AArch64::STRQui;
3037 Size = 16;
3038 Alignment = Align(16);
3039 break;
3040 case RegPairInfo::ZPR:
3041 StrOpc = AArch64::STR_ZXI;
3042 Size = 16;
3043 Alignment = Align(16);
3044 break;
3045 case RegPairInfo::PPR:
3046 StrOpc = AArch64::STR_PXI;
3047 Size = 2;
3048 Alignment = Align(2);
3049 break;
3050 }
3051 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "CSR spill: (" << printReg(Reg1, TRI);
3052 if (RPI.isPaired()) dbgs() << ", " << printReg(Reg2, TRI);
3053 dbgs() << ") -> fi#(" << RPI.FrameIdx;
3054 if (RPI.isPaired()) dbgs() << ", " << RPI.FrameIdx + 1;
3055 dbgs() << ")\n");
3057 assert((!NeedsWinCFI || !(Reg1 == AArch64::LR && Reg2 == AArch64::FP)) &&
3058 "Windows unwdinding requires a consecutive (FP,LR) pair");
3059 // Windows unwind codes require consecutive registers if registers are
3060 // paired. Make the switch here, so that the code below will save (x,x+1)
3061 // and not (x+1,x).
3062 unsigned FrameIdxReg1 = RPI.FrameIdx;
3063 unsigned FrameIdxReg2 = RPI.FrameIdx + 1;
3064 if (NeedsWinCFI && RPI.isPaired()) {
3065 std::swap(a&: Reg1, b&: Reg2);
3066 std::swap(a&: FrameIdxReg1, b&: FrameIdxReg2);
3067 }
3068 MachineInstrBuilder MIB = BuildMI(BB&: MBB, I: MI, MIMD: DL, MCID: TII.get(Opcode: StrOpc));
3069 if (!MRI.isReserved(PhysReg: Reg1))
3070 MBB.addLiveIn(PhysReg: Reg1);
3071 if (RPI.isPaired()) {
3072 if (!MRI.isReserved(PhysReg: Reg2))
3073 MBB.addLiveIn(PhysReg: Reg2);
3074 MIB.addReg(RegNo: Reg2, flags: getPrologueDeath(MF, Reg: Reg2));
3075 MIB.addMemOperand(MMO: MF.getMachineMemOperand(
3076 PtrInfo: MachinePointerInfo::getFixedStack(MF, FI: FrameIdxReg2),
3077 F: MachineMemOperand::MOStore, Size, BaseAlignment: Alignment));
3078 }
3079 MIB.addReg(Reg1, getPrologueDeath(MF, Reg1))
3080 .addReg(AArch64::SP)
3081 .addImm(RPI.Offset) // [sp, #offset*scale],
3082 // where factor*scale is implicit
3083 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
3084 MIB.addMemOperand(MMO: MF.getMachineMemOperand(
3085 PtrInfo: MachinePointerInfo::getFixedStack(MF, FI: FrameIdxReg1),
3086 F: MachineMemOperand::MOStore, Size, BaseAlignment: Alignment));
3087 if (NeedsWinCFI)
3088 InsertSEH(MBBI: MIB, TII, Flag: MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
3090 // Update the StackIDs of the SVE stack slots.
3091 MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
3092 if (RPI.Type == RegPairInfo::ZPR || RPI.Type == RegPairInfo::PPR)
3093 MFI.setStackID(ObjectIdx: RPI.FrameIdx, ID: TargetStackID::ScalableVector);
3095 }
3096 return true;
3099bool AArch64FrameLowering::restoreCalleeSavedRegisters(
3100 MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI,
3101 MutableArrayRef<CalleeSavedInfo> CSI, const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI) const {
3102 MachineFunction &MF = *MBB.getParent();
3103 const TargetInstrInfo &TII = *MF.getSubtarget().getInstrInfo();
3104 DebugLoc DL;
3105 SmallVector<RegPairInfo, 8> RegPairs;
3106 bool NeedsWinCFI = needsWinCFI(MF);
3108 if (MBBI != MBB.end())
3109 DL = MBBI->getDebugLoc();
3111 computeCalleeSaveRegisterPairs(MF, CSI, TRI, RegPairs, NeedsFrameRecord: hasFP(MF));
3113 if (homogeneousPrologEpilog(MF, Exit: &MBB)) {
3114 auto MIB = BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII.get(AArch64::HOM_Epilog))
3115 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameDestroy);
3116 for (auto &RPI : RegPairs) {
3117 MIB.addReg(RPI.Reg1, RegState::Define);
3118 MIB.addReg(RPI.Reg2, RegState::Define);
3119 }
3120 return true;
3121 }
3123 // For performance reasons restore SVE register in increasing order
3124 auto IsPPR = [](const RegPairInfo &c) { return c.Type == RegPairInfo::PPR; };
3125 auto PPRBegin = std::find_if(first: RegPairs.begin(), last: RegPairs.end(), pred: IsPPR);
3126 auto PPREnd = std::find_if_not(first: PPRBegin, last: RegPairs.end(), pred: IsPPR);
3127 std::reverse(first: PPRBegin, last: PPREnd);
3128 auto IsZPR = [](const RegPairInfo &c) { return c.Type == RegPairInfo::ZPR; };
3129 auto ZPRBegin = std::find_if(first: RegPairs.begin(), last: RegPairs.end(), pred: IsZPR);
3130 auto ZPREnd = std::find_if_not(first: ZPRBegin, last: RegPairs.end(), pred: IsZPR);
3131 std::reverse(first: ZPRBegin, last: ZPREnd);
3133 for (const RegPairInfo &RPI : RegPairs) {
3134 unsigned Reg1 = RPI.Reg1;
3135 unsigned Reg2 = RPI.Reg2;
3137 // Issue sequence of restores for cs regs. The last restore may be converted
3138 // to a post-increment load later by emitEpilogue if the callee-save stack
3139 // area allocation can't be combined with the local stack area allocation.
3140 // For example:
3141 // ldp fp, lr, [sp, #32] // addImm(+4)
3142 // ldp x20, x19, [sp, #16] // addImm(+2)
3143 // ldp x22, x21, [sp, #0] // addImm(+0)
3144 // Note: see comment in spillCalleeSavedRegisters()
3145 unsigned LdrOpc;
3146 unsigned Size;
3147 Align Alignment;
3148 switch (RPI.Type) {
3149 case RegPairInfo::GPR:
3150 LdrOpc = RPI.isPaired() ? AArch64::LDPXi : AArch64::LDRXui;
3151 Size = 8;
3152 Alignment = Align(8);
3153 break;
3154 case RegPairInfo::FPR64:
3155 LdrOpc = RPI.isPaired() ? AArch64::LDPDi : AArch64::LDRDui;
3156 Size = 8;
3157 Alignment = Align(8);
3158 break;
3159 case RegPairInfo::FPR128:
3160 LdrOpc = RPI.isPaired() ? AArch64::LDPQi : AArch64::LDRQui;
3161 Size = 16;
3162 Alignment = Align(16);
3163 break;
3164 case RegPairInfo::ZPR:
3165 LdrOpc = AArch64::LDR_ZXI;
3166 Size = 16;
3167 Alignment = Align(16);
3168 break;
3169 case RegPairInfo::PPR:
3170 LdrOpc = AArch64::LDR_PXI;
3171 Size = 2;
3172 Alignment = Align(2);
3173 break;
3174 }
3175 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "CSR restore: (" << printReg(Reg1, TRI);
3176 if (RPI.isPaired()) dbgs() << ", " << printReg(Reg2, TRI);
3177 dbgs() << ") -> fi#(" << RPI.FrameIdx;
3178 if (RPI.isPaired()) dbgs() << ", " << RPI.FrameIdx + 1;
3179 dbgs() << ")\n");
3181 // Windows unwind codes require consecutive registers if registers are
3182 // paired. Make the switch here, so that the code below will save (x,x+1)
3183 // and not (x+1,x).
3184 unsigned FrameIdxReg1 = RPI.FrameIdx;
3185 unsigned FrameIdxReg2 = RPI.FrameIdx + 1;
3186 if (NeedsWinCFI && RPI.isPaired()) {
3187 std::swap(a&: Reg1, b&: Reg2);
3188 std::swap(a&: FrameIdxReg1, b&: FrameIdxReg2);
3189 }
3190 MachineInstrBuilder MIB = BuildMI(BB&: MBB, I: MBBI, MIMD: DL, MCID: TII.get(Opcode: LdrOpc));
3191 if (RPI.isPaired()) {
3192 MIB.addReg(RegNo: Reg2, flags: getDefRegState(B: true));
3193 MIB.addMemOperand(MMO: MF.getMachineMemOperand(
3194 PtrInfo: MachinePointerInfo::getFixedStack(MF, FI: FrameIdxReg2),
3195 F: MachineMemOperand::MOLoad, Size, BaseAlignment: Alignment));
3196 }
3197 MIB.addReg(Reg1, getDefRegState(true))
3198 .addReg(AArch64::SP)
3199 .addImm(RPI.Offset) // [sp, #offset*scale]
3200 // where factor*scale is implicit
3201 .setMIFlag(MachineInstr::FrameDestroy);
3202 MIB.addMemOperand(MMO: MF.getMachineMemOperand(
3203 PtrInfo: MachinePointerInfo::getFixedStack(MF, FI: FrameIdxReg1),
3204 F: MachineMemOperand::MOLoad, Size, BaseAlignment: Alignment));
3205 if (NeedsWinCFI)
3206 InsertSEH(MBBI: MIB, TII, Flag: MachineInstr::FrameDestroy);
3207 }
3209 return true;
3212void AArch64FrameLowering::determineCalleeSaves(MachineFunction &MF,
3213 BitVector &SavedRegs,
3214 RegScavenger *RS) const {
3215 // All calls are tail calls in GHC calling conv, and functions have no
3216 // prologue/epilogue.
3217 if (MF.getFunction().getCallingConv() == CallingConv::GHC)
3218 return;
3220 TargetFrameLowering::determineCalleeSaves(MF, SavedRegs, RS);
3221 const AArch64RegisterInfo *RegInfo = static_cast<const AArch64RegisterInfo *>(
3222 MF.getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo());
3223 const AArch64Subtarget &Subtarget = MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>();
3224 AArch64FunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
3225 unsigned UnspilledCSGPR = AArch64::NoRegister;
3226 unsigned UnspilledCSGPRPaired = AArch64::NoRegister;
3228 MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
3229 const MCPhysReg *CSRegs = MF.getRegInfo().getCalleeSavedRegs();
3231 unsigned BasePointerReg = RegInfo->hasBasePointer(MF)
3232 ? RegInfo->getBaseRegister()
3233 : (unsigned)AArch64::NoRegister;
3235 unsigned ExtraCSSpill = 0;
3236 bool HasUnpairedGPR64 = false;
3237 // Figure out which callee-saved registers to save/restore.
3238 for (unsigned i = 0; CSRegs[i]; ++i) {
3239 const unsigned Reg = CSRegs[i];
3241 // Add the base pointer register to SavedRegs if it is callee-save.
3242 if (Reg == BasePointerReg)
3243 SavedRegs.set(Reg);
3245 bool RegUsed = SavedRegs.test(Idx: Reg);
3246 unsigned PairedReg = AArch64::NoRegister;
3247 const bool RegIsGPR64 = AArch64::GPR64RegClass.contains(Reg);
3248 if (RegIsGPR64 || AArch64::FPR64RegClass.contains(Reg) ||
3249 AArch64::FPR128RegClass.contains(Reg)) {
3250 // Compensate for odd numbers of GP CSRs.
3251 // For now, all the known cases of odd number of CSRs are of GPRs.
3252 if (HasUnpairedGPR64)
3253 PairedReg = CSRegs[i % 2 == 0 ? i - 1 : i + 1];
3254 else
3255 PairedReg = CSRegs[i ^ 1];
3256 }
3258 // If the function requires all the GP registers to save (SavedRegs),
3259 // and there are an odd number of GP CSRs at the same time (CSRegs),
3260 // PairedReg could be in a different register class from Reg, which would
3261 // lead to a FPR (usually D8) accidentally being marked saved.
3262 if (RegIsGPR64 && !AArch64::GPR64RegClass.contains(PairedReg)) {
3263 PairedReg = AArch64::NoRegister;
3264 HasUnpairedGPR64 = true;
3265 }
3266 assert(PairedReg == AArch64::NoRegister ||
3267 AArch64::GPR64RegClass.contains(Reg, PairedReg) ||
3268 AArch64::FPR64RegClass.contains(Reg, PairedReg) ||
3269 AArch64::FPR128RegClass.contains(Reg, PairedReg));
3271 if (!RegUsed) {
3272 if (AArch64::GPR64RegClass.contains(Reg) &&
3273 !RegInfo->isReservedReg(MF, Reg)) {
3274 UnspilledCSGPR = Reg;
3275 UnspilledCSGPRPaired = PairedReg;
3276 }
3277 continue;
3278 }
3280 // MachO's compact unwind format relies on all registers being stored in
3281 // pairs.
3282 // FIXME: the usual format is actually better if unwinding isn't needed.
3283 if (producePairRegisters(MF) && PairedReg != AArch64::NoRegister &&
3284 !SavedRegs.test(PairedReg)) {
3285 SavedRegs.set(PairedReg);
3286 if (AArch64::GPR64RegClass.contains(PairedReg) &&
3287 !RegInfo->isReservedReg(MF, PairedReg))
3288 ExtraCSSpill = PairedReg;
3289 }
3290 }
3292 if (MF.getFunction().getCallingConv() == CallingConv::Win64 &&
3293 !Subtarget.isTargetWindows()) {
3294 // For Windows calling convention on a non-windows OS, where X18 is treated
3295 // as reserved, back up X18 when entering non-windows code (marked with the
3296 // Windows calling convention) and restore when returning regardless of
3297 // whether the individual function uses it - it might call other functions
3298 // that clobber it.
3299 SavedRegs.set(AArch64::X18);
3300 }
3302 // Calculates the callee saved stack size.
3303 unsigned CSStackSize = 0;
3304 unsigned SVECSStackSize = 0;
3305 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI = MF.getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo();
3306 const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI = MF.getRegInfo();
3307 for (unsigned Reg : SavedRegs.set_bits()) {
3308 auto RegSize = TRI->getRegSizeInBits(Reg, MRI) / 8;
3309 if (AArch64::PPRRegClass.contains(Reg) ||
3310 AArch64::ZPRRegClass.contains(Reg))
3311 SVECSStackSize += RegSize;
3312 else
3313 CSStackSize += RegSize;
3314 }
3316 // Save number of saved regs, so we can easily update CSStackSize later.
3317 unsigned NumSavedRegs = SavedRegs.count();
3319 // The frame record needs to be created by saving the appropriate registers
3320 uint64_t EstimatedStackSize = MFI.estimateStackSize(MF);
3321 if (hasFP(MF) ||
3322 windowsRequiresStackProbe(MF, StackSizeInBytes: EstimatedStackSize + CSStackSize + 16)) {
3323 SavedRegs.set(AArch64::FP);
3324 SavedRegs.set(AArch64::LR);
3325 }
3327 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "*** determineCalleeSaves\nSaved CSRs:";
3328 for (unsigned Reg
3329 : SavedRegs.set_bits()) dbgs()
3330 << ' ' << printReg(Reg, RegInfo);
3331 dbgs() << "\n";);
3333 // If any callee-saved registers are used, the frame cannot be eliminated.
3334 int64_t SVEStackSize =
3335 alignTo(Value: SVECSStackSize + estimateSVEStackObjectOffsets(MF&: MFI), Align: 16);
3336 bool CanEliminateFrame = (SavedRegs.count() == 0) && !SVEStackSize;
3338 // The CSR spill slots have not been allocated yet, so estimateStackSize
3339 // won't include them.
3340 unsigned EstimatedStackSizeLimit = estimateRSStackSizeLimit(MF);
3342 // We may address some of the stack above the canonical frame address, either
3343 // for our own arguments or during a call. Include that in calculating whether
3344 // we have complicated addressing concerns.
3345 int64_t CalleeStackUsed = 0;
3346 for (int I = MFI.getObjectIndexBegin(); I != 0; ++I) {
3347 int64_t FixedOff = MFI.getObjectOffset(ObjectIdx: I);
3348 if (FixedOff > CalleeStackUsed) CalleeStackUsed = FixedOff;
3349 }
3351 // Conservatively always assume BigStack when there are SVE spills.
3352 bool BigStack = SVEStackSize || (EstimatedStackSize + CSStackSize +
3353 CalleeStackUsed) > EstimatedStackSizeLimit;
3354 if (BigStack || !CanEliminateFrame || RegInfo->cannotEliminateFrame(MF))
3355 AFI->setHasStackFrame(true);
3357 // Estimate if we might need to scavenge a register at some point in order
3358 // to materialize a stack offset. If so, either spill one additional
3359 // callee-saved register or reserve a special spill slot to facilitate
3360 // register scavenging. If we already spilled an extra callee-saved register
3361 // above to keep the number of spills even, we don't need to do anything else
3362 // here.
3363 if (BigStack) {
3364 if (!ExtraCSSpill && UnspilledCSGPR != AArch64::NoRegister) {
3365 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Spilling " << printReg(UnspilledCSGPR, RegInfo)
3366 << " to get a scratch register.\n");
3367 SavedRegs.set(UnspilledCSGPR);
3368 ExtraCSSpill = UnspilledCSGPR;
3370 // MachO's compact unwind format relies on all registers being stored in
3371 // pairs, so if we need to spill one extra for BigStack, then we need to
3372 // store the pair.
3373 if (producePairRegisters(MF)) {
3374 if (UnspilledCSGPRPaired == AArch64::NoRegister) {
3375 // Failed to make a pair for compact unwind format, revert spilling.
3376 if (produceCompactUnwindFrame(MF)) {
3377 SavedRegs.reset(Idx: UnspilledCSGPR);
3378 ExtraCSSpill = AArch64::NoRegister;
3379 }
3380 } else
3381 SavedRegs.set(UnspilledCSGPRPaired);
3382 }
3383 }
3385 // If we didn't find an extra callee-saved register to spill, create
3386 // an emergency spill slot.
3387 if (!ExtraCSSpill || MF.getRegInfo().isPhysRegUsed(PhysReg: ExtraCSSpill)) {
3388 const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI = MF.getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo();
3389 const TargetRegisterClass &RC = AArch64::GPR64RegClass;
3390 unsigned Size = TRI->getSpillSize(RC);
3391 Align Alignment = TRI->getSpillAlign(RC);
3392 int FI = MFI.CreateStackObject(Size, Alignment, isSpillSlot: false);
3393 RS->addScavengingFrameIndex(FI);
3394 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "No available CS registers, allocated fi#" << FI
3395 << " as the emergency spill slot.\n");
3396 }
3397 }
3399 // Adding the size of additional 64bit GPR saves.
3400 CSStackSize += 8 * (SavedRegs.count() - NumSavedRegs);
3402 // A Swift asynchronous context extends the frame record with a pointer
3403 // directly before FP.
3404 if (hasFP(MF) && AFI->hasSwiftAsyncContext())
3405 CSStackSize += 8;
3407 uint64_t AlignedCSStackSize = alignTo(Value: CSStackSize, Align: 16);
3408 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Estimated stack frame size: "
3409 << EstimatedStackSize + AlignedCSStackSize
3410 << " bytes.\n");
3412 assert((!MFI.isCalleeSavedInfoValid() ||
3413 AFI->getCalleeSavedStackSize() == AlignedCSStackSize) &&
3414 "Should not invalidate callee saved info");
3416 // Round up to register pair alignment to avoid additional SP adjustment
3417 // instructions.
3418 AFI->setCalleeSavedStackSize(AlignedCSStackSize);
3419 AFI->setCalleeSaveStackHasFreeSpace(AlignedCSStackSize != CSStackSize);
3420 AFI->setSVECalleeSavedStackSize(alignTo(Value: SVECSStackSize, Align: 16));
3423bool AArch64FrameLowering::assignCalleeSavedSpillSlots(
3424 MachineFunction &MF, const TargetRegisterInfo *RegInfo,
3425 std::vector<CalleeSavedInfo> &CSI, unsigned &MinCSFrameIndex,
3426 unsigned &MaxCSFrameIndex) const {
3427 bool NeedsWinCFI = needsWinCFI(MF);
3428 // To match the canonical windows frame layout, reverse the list of
3429 // callee saved registers to get them laid out by PrologEpilogInserter
3430 // in the right order. (PrologEpilogInserter allocates stack objects top
3431 // down. Windows canonical prologs store higher numbered registers at
3432 // the top, thus have the CSI array start from the highest registers.)
3433 if (NeedsWinCFI)
3434 std::reverse(first: CSI.begin(), last: CSI.end());
3436 if (CSI.empty())
3437 return true; // Early exit if no callee saved registers are modified!
3439 // Now that we know which registers need to be saved and restored, allocate
3440 // stack slots for them.
3441 MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
3442 auto *AFI = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
3444 bool UsesWinAAPCS = isTargetWindows(MF);
3445 if (UsesWinAAPCS && hasFP(MF) && AFI->hasSwiftAsyncContext()) {
3446 int FrameIdx = MFI.CreateStackObject(Size: 8, Alignment: Align(16), isSpillSlot: true);
3447 AFI->setSwiftAsyncContextFrameIdx(FrameIdx);
3448 if ((unsigned)FrameIdx < MinCSFrameIndex) MinCSFrameIndex = FrameIdx;
3449 if ((unsigned)FrameIdx > MaxCSFrameIndex) MaxCSFrameIndex = FrameIdx;
3450 }
3452 for (auto &CS : CSI) {
3453 Register Reg = CS.getReg();
3454 const TargetRegisterClass *RC = RegInfo->getMinimalPhysRegClass(Reg);
3456 unsigned Size = RegInfo->getSpillSize(RC: *RC);
3457 Align Alignment(RegInfo->getSpillAlign(RC: *RC));
3458 int FrameIdx = MFI.CreateStackObject(Size, Alignment, isSpillSlot: true);
3459 CS.setFrameIdx(FrameIdx);
3461 if ((unsigned)FrameIdx < MinCSFrameIndex) MinCSFrameIndex = FrameIdx;
3462 if ((unsigned)FrameIdx > MaxCSFrameIndex) MaxCSFrameIndex = FrameIdx;
3464 // Grab 8 bytes below FP for the extended asynchronous frame info.
3465 if (hasFP(MF) && AFI->hasSwiftAsyncContext() && !UsesWinAAPCS &&
3466 Reg == AArch64::FP) {
3467 FrameIdx = MFI.CreateStackObject(Size: 8, Alignment, isSpillSlot: true);
3468 AFI->setSwiftAsyncContextFrameIdx(FrameIdx);
3469 if ((unsigned)FrameIdx < MinCSFrameIndex) MinCSFrameIndex = FrameIdx;
3470 if ((unsigned)FrameIdx > MaxCSFrameIndex) MaxCSFrameIndex = FrameIdx;
3471 }
3472 }
3473 return true;
3476bool AArch64FrameLowering::enableStackSlotScavenging(
3477 const MachineFunction &MF) const {
3478 const AArch64FunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
3479 // If the function has streaming-mode changes, don't scavenge a
3480 // spillslot in the callee-save area, as that might require an
3481 // 'addvl' in the streaming-mode-changing call-sequence when the
3482 // function doesn't use a FP.
3483 if (AFI->hasStreamingModeChanges() && !hasFP(MF))
3484 return false;
3485 return AFI->hasCalleeSaveStackFreeSpace();
3488/// returns true if there are any SVE callee saves.
3489static bool getSVECalleeSaveSlotRange(const MachineFrameInfo &MFI,
3490 int &Min, int &Max) {
3491 Min = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
3492 Max = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
3494 if (!MFI.isCalleeSavedInfoValid())
3495 return false;
3497 const std::vector<CalleeSavedInfo> &CSI = MFI.getCalleeSavedInfo();
3498 for (auto &CS : CSI) {
3499 if (AArch64::ZPRRegClass.contains(CS.getReg()) ||
3500 AArch64::PPRRegClass.contains(CS.getReg())) {
3501 assert((Max == std::numeric_limits<int>::min() ||
3502 Max + 1 == CS.getFrameIdx()) &&
3503 "SVE CalleeSaves are not consecutive");
3505 Min = std::min(a: Min, b: CS.getFrameIdx());
3506 Max = std::max(a: Max, b: CS.getFrameIdx());
3507 }
3508 }
3509 return Min != std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
3512// Process all the SVE stack objects and determine offsets for each
3513// object. If AssignOffsets is true, the offsets get assigned.
3514// Fills in the first and last callee-saved frame indices into
3515// Min/MaxCSFrameIndex, respectively.
3516// Returns the size of the stack.
3517static int64_t determineSVEStackObjectOffsets(MachineFrameInfo &MFI,
3518 int &MinCSFrameIndex,
3519 int &MaxCSFrameIndex,
3520 bool AssignOffsets) {
3521#ifndef NDEBUG
3522 // First process all fixed stack objects.
3523 for (int I = MFI.getObjectIndexBegin(); I != 0; ++I)
3524 assert(MFI.getStackID(I) != TargetStackID::ScalableVector &&
3525 "SVE vectors should never be passed on the stack by value, only by "
3526 "reference.");
3529 auto Assign = [&MFI](int FI, int64_t Offset) {
3530 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "alloc FI(" << FI << ") at SP[" << Offset << "]\n");
3531 MFI.setObjectOffset(ObjectIdx: FI, SPOffset: Offset);
3532 };
3534 int64_t Offset = 0;
3536 // Then process all callee saved slots.
3537 if (getSVECalleeSaveSlotRange(MFI, Min&: MinCSFrameIndex, Max&: MaxCSFrameIndex)) {
3538 // Assign offsets to the callee save slots.
3539 for (int I = MinCSFrameIndex; I <= MaxCSFrameIndex; ++I) {
3540 Offset += MFI.getObjectSize(ObjectIdx: I);
3541 Offset = alignTo(Size: Offset, A: MFI.getObjectAlign(ObjectIdx: I));
3542 if (AssignOffsets)
3543 Assign(I, -Offset);
3544 }
3545 }
3547 // Ensure that the Callee-save area is aligned to 16bytes.
3548 Offset = alignTo(Size: Offset, A: Align(16U));
3550 // Create a buffer of SVE objects to allocate and sort it.
3551 SmallVector<int, 8> ObjectsToAllocate;
3552 // If we have a stack protector, and we've previously decided that we have SVE
3553 // objects on the stack and thus need it to go in the SVE stack area, then it
3554 // needs to go first.
3555 int StackProtectorFI = -1;
3556 if (MFI.hasStackProtectorIndex()) {
3557 StackProtectorFI = MFI.getStackProtectorIndex();
3558 if (MFI.getStackID(ObjectIdx: StackProtectorFI) == TargetStackID::ScalableVector)
3559 ObjectsToAllocate.push_back(Elt: StackProtectorFI);
3560 }
3561 for (int I = 0, E = MFI.getObjectIndexEnd(); I != E; ++I) {
3562 unsigned StackID = MFI.getStackID(ObjectIdx: I);
3563 if (StackID != TargetStackID::ScalableVector)
3564 continue;
3565 if (I == StackProtectorFI)
3566 continue;
3567 if (MaxCSFrameIndex >= I && I >= MinCSFrameIndex)
3568 continue;
3569 if (MFI.isDeadObjectIndex(ObjectIdx: I))
3570 continue;
3572 ObjectsToAllocate.push_back(Elt: I);
3573 }
3575 // Allocate all SVE locals and spills
3576 for (unsigned FI : ObjectsToAllocate) {
3577 Align Alignment = MFI.getObjectAlign(ObjectIdx: FI);
3578 // FIXME: Given that the length of SVE vectors is not necessarily a power of
3579 // two, we'd need to align every object dynamically at runtime if the
3580 // alignment is larger than 16. This is not yet supported.
3581 if (Alignment > Align(16))
3582 report_fatal_error(
3583 reason: "Alignment of scalable vectors > 16 bytes is not yet supported");
3585 Offset = alignTo(Size: Offset + MFI.getObjectSize(ObjectIdx: FI), A: Alignment);
3586 if (AssignOffsets)
3587 Assign(FI, -Offset);
3588 }
3590 return Offset;
3593int64_t AArch64FrameLowering::estimateSVEStackObjectOffsets(
3594 MachineFrameInfo &MFI) const {
3595 int MinCSFrameIndex, MaxCSFrameIndex;
3596 return determineSVEStackObjectOffsets(MFI, MinCSFrameIndex, MaxCSFrameIndex, AssignOffsets: false);
3599int64_t AArch64FrameLowering::assignSVEStackObjectOffsets(
3600 MachineFrameInfo &MFI, int &MinCSFrameIndex, int &MaxCSFrameIndex) const {
3601 return determineSVEStackObjectOffsets(MFI, MinCSFrameIndex, MaxCSFrameIndex,
3602 AssignOffsets: true);
3605void AArch64FrameLowering::processFunctionBeforeFrameFinalized(
3606 MachineFunction &MF, RegScavenger *RS) const {
3607 MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
3609 assert(getStackGrowthDirection() == TargetFrameLowering::StackGrowsDown &&
3610 "Upwards growing stack unsupported");
3612 int MinCSFrameIndex, MaxCSFrameIndex;
3613 int64_t SVEStackSize =
3614 assignSVEStackObjectOffsets(MFI, MinCSFrameIndex, MaxCSFrameIndex);
3616 AArch64FunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
3617 AFI->setStackSizeSVE(alignTo(Value: SVEStackSize, Align: 16U));
3618 AFI->setMinMaxSVECSFrameIndex(Min: MinCSFrameIndex, Max: MaxCSFrameIndex);
3620 // If this function isn't doing Win64-style C++ EH, we don't need to do
3621 // anything.
3622 if (!MF.hasEHFunclets())
3623 return;
3624 const TargetInstrInfo &TII = *MF.getSubtarget().getInstrInfo();
3625 WinEHFuncInfo &EHInfo = *MF.getWinEHFuncInfo();
3627 MachineBasicBlock &MBB = MF.front();
3628 auto MBBI = MBB.begin();
3629 while (MBBI != MBB.end() && MBBI->getFlag(Flag: MachineInstr::FrameSetup))
3630 ++MBBI;
3632 // Create an UnwindHelp object.
3633 // The UnwindHelp object is allocated at the start of the fixed object area
3634 int64_t FixedObject =
3635 getFixedObjectSize(MF, AFI, /*IsWin64*/ true, /*IsFunclet*/ false);
3636 int UnwindHelpFI = MFI.CreateFixedObject(/*Size*/ 8,
3637 /*SPOffset*/ -FixedObject,
3638 /*IsImmutable=*/false);
3639 EHInfo.UnwindHelpFrameIdx = UnwindHelpFI;
3641 // We need to store -2 into the UnwindHelp object at the start of the
3642 // function.
3643 DebugLoc DL;
3644 RS->enterBasicBlockEnd(MBB);
3645 RS->backward(I: MBBI);
3646 Register DstReg = RS->FindUnusedReg(&AArch64::GPR64commonRegClass);
3647 assert(DstReg && "There must be a free register after frame setup");
3648 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII.get(AArch64::MOVi64imm), DstReg).addImm(-2);
3649 BuildMI(MBB, MBBI, DL, TII.get(AArch64::STURXi))
3650 .addReg(DstReg, getKillRegState(true))
3651 .addFrameIndex(UnwindHelpFI)
3652 .addImm(0);
3655namespace {
3656struct TagStoreInstr {
3657 MachineInstr *MI;
3658 int64_t Offset, Size;
3659 explicit TagStoreInstr(MachineInstr *MI, int64_t Offset, int64_t Size)
3660 : MI(MI), Offset(Offset), Size(Size) {}
3663class TagStoreEdit {
3664 MachineFunction *MF;
3665 MachineBasicBlock *MBB;
3666 MachineRegisterInfo *MRI;
3667 // Tag store instructions that are being replaced.
3668 SmallVector<TagStoreInstr, 8> TagStores;
3669 // Combined memref arguments of the above instructions.
3670 SmallVector<MachineMemOperand *, 8> CombinedMemRefs;
3672 // Replace allocation tags in [FrameReg + FrameRegOffset, FrameReg +
3673 // FrameRegOffset + Size) with the address tag of SP.
3674 Register FrameReg;
3675 StackOffset FrameRegOffset;
3676 int64_t Size;
3677 // If not std::nullopt, move FrameReg to (FrameReg + FrameRegUpdate) at the
3678 // end.
3679 std::optional<int64_t> FrameRegUpdate;
3680 // MIFlags for any FrameReg updating instructions.
3681 unsigned FrameRegUpdateFlags;
3683 // Use zeroing instruction variants.
3684 bool ZeroData;
3685 DebugLoc DL;
3687 void emitUnrolled(MachineBasicBlock::iterator InsertI);
3688 void emitLoop(MachineBasicBlock::iterator InsertI);
3691 TagStoreEdit(MachineBasicBlock *MBB, bool ZeroData)
3692 : MBB(MBB), ZeroData(ZeroData) {
3693 MF = MBB->getParent();
3694 MRI = &MF->getRegInfo();
3695 }
3696 // Add an instruction to be replaced. Instructions must be added in the
3697 // ascending order of Offset, and have to be adjacent.
3698 void addInstruction(TagStoreInstr I) {
3699 assert((TagStores.empty() ||
3700 TagStores.back().Offset + TagStores.back().Size == I.Offset) &&
3701 "Non-adjacent tag store instructions.");
3702 TagStores.push_back(Elt: I);
3703 }
3704 void clear() { TagStores.clear(); }
3705 // Emit equivalent code at the given location, and erase the current set of
3706 // instructions. May skip if the replacement is not profitable. May invalidate
3707 // the input iterator and replace it with a valid one.
3708 void emitCode(MachineBasicBlock::iterator &InsertI,
3709 const AArch64FrameLowering *TFI, bool TryMergeSPUpdate);
3712void TagStoreEdit::emitUnrolled(MachineBasicBlock::iterator InsertI) {
3713 const AArch64InstrInfo *TII =
3714 MF->getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>().getInstrInfo();
3716 const int64_t kMinOffset = -256 * 16;
3717 const int64_t kMaxOffset = 255 * 16;
3719 Register BaseReg = FrameReg;
3720 int64_t BaseRegOffsetBytes = FrameRegOffset.getFixed();
3721 if (BaseRegOffsetBytes < kMinOffset ||
3722 BaseRegOffsetBytes + (Size - Size % 32) > kMaxOffset ||
3723 // BaseReg can be FP, which is not necessarily aligned to 16-bytes. In
3724 // that case, BaseRegOffsetBytes will not be aligned to 16 bytes, which
3725 // is required for the offset of ST2G.
3726 BaseRegOffsetBytes % 16 != 0) {
3727 Register ScratchReg = MRI->createVirtualRegister(&AArch64::GPR64RegClass);
3728 emitFrameOffset(*MBB, InsertI, DL, ScratchReg, BaseReg,
3729 StackOffset::getFixed(Fixed: BaseRegOffsetBytes), TII);
3730 BaseReg = ScratchReg;
3731 BaseRegOffsetBytes = 0;
3732 }
3734 MachineInstr *LastI = nullptr;
3735 while (Size) {
3736 int64_t InstrSize = (Size > 16) ? 32 : 16;
3737 unsigned Opcode =
3738 InstrSize == 16
3739 ? (ZeroData ? AArch64::STZGi : AArch64::STGi)
3740 : (ZeroData ? AArch64::STZ2Gi : AArch64::ST2Gi);
3741 assert(BaseRegOffsetBytes % 16 == 0);
3742 MachineInstr *I = BuildMI(*MBB, InsertI, DL, TII->get(Opcode))
3743 .addReg(AArch64::SP)
3744 .addReg(BaseReg)
3745 .addImm(BaseRegOffsetBytes / 16)
3746 .setMemRefs(CombinedMemRefs);
3747 // A store to [BaseReg, #0] should go last for an opportunity to fold the
3748 // final SP adjustment in the epilogue.
3749 if (BaseRegOffsetBytes == 0)
3750 LastI = I;
3751 BaseRegOffsetBytes += InstrSize;
3752 Size -= InstrSize;
3753 }
3755 if (LastI)
3756 MBB->splice(Where: InsertI, Other: MBB, From: LastI);
3759void TagStoreEdit::emitLoop(MachineBasicBlock::iterator InsertI) {
3760 const AArch64InstrInfo *TII =
3761 MF->getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>().getInstrInfo();
3763 Register BaseReg = FrameRegUpdate
3764 ? FrameReg
3765 : MRI->createVirtualRegister(&AArch64::GPR64RegClass);
3766 Register SizeReg = MRI->createVirtualRegister(&AArch64::GPR64RegClass);
3768 emitFrameOffset(*MBB, InsertI, DL, BaseReg, FrameReg, FrameRegOffset, TII);
3770 int64_t LoopSize = Size;
3771 // If the loop size is not a multiple of 32, split off one 16-byte store at
3772 // the end to fold BaseReg update into.
3773 if (FrameRegUpdate && *FrameRegUpdate)
3774 LoopSize -= LoopSize % 32;
3775 MachineInstr *LoopI = BuildMI(*MBB, InsertI, DL,
3776 TII->get(ZeroData ? AArch64::STZGloop_wback
3777 : AArch64::STGloop_wback))
3778 .addDef(SizeReg)
3779 .addDef(BaseReg)
3780 .addImm(LoopSize)
3781 .addReg(BaseReg)
3782 .setMemRefs(CombinedMemRefs);
3783 if (FrameRegUpdate)
3784 LoopI->setFlags(FrameRegUpdateFlags);
3786 int64_t ExtraBaseRegUpdate =
3787 FrameRegUpdate ? (*FrameRegUpdate - FrameRegOffset.getFixed() - Size) : 0;
3788 if (LoopSize < Size) {
3789 assert(FrameRegUpdate);
3790 assert(Size - LoopSize == 16);
3791 // Tag 16 more bytes at BaseReg and update BaseReg.
3792 BuildMI(*MBB, InsertI, DL,
3793 TII->get(ZeroData ? AArch64::STZGPostIndex : AArch64::STGPostIndex))
3794 .addDef(BaseReg)
3795 .addReg(BaseReg)
3796 .addReg(BaseReg)
3797 .addImm(1 + ExtraBaseRegUpdate / 16)
3798 .setMemRefs(CombinedMemRefs)
3799 .setMIFlags(FrameRegUpdateFlags);
3800 } else if (ExtraBaseRegUpdate) {
3801 // Update BaseReg.
3802 BuildMI(
3803 *MBB, InsertI, DL,
3804 TII->get(ExtraBaseRegUpdate > 0 ? AArch64::ADDXri : AArch64::SUBXri))
3805 .addDef(BaseReg)
3806 .addReg(BaseReg)
3807 .addImm(std::abs(ExtraBaseRegUpdate))
3808 .addImm(0)
3809 .setMIFlags(FrameRegUpdateFlags);
3810 }
3813// Check if *II is a register update that can be merged into STGloop that ends
3814// at (Reg + Size). RemainingOffset is the required adjustment to Reg after the
3815// end of the loop.
3816bool canMergeRegUpdate(MachineBasicBlock::iterator II, unsigned Reg,
3817 int64_t Size, int64_t *TotalOffset) {
3818 MachineInstr &MI = *II;
3819 if ((MI.getOpcode() == AArch64::ADDXri ||
3820 MI.getOpcode() == AArch64::SUBXri) &&
3821 MI.getOperand(0).getReg() == Reg && MI.getOperand(1).getReg() == Reg) {
3822 unsigned Shift = AArch64_AM::getShiftValue(Imm: MI.getOperand(i: 3).getImm());
3823 int64_t Offset = MI.getOperand(i: 2).getImm() << Shift;
3824 if (MI.getOpcode() == AArch64::SUBXri)
3825 Offset = -Offset;
3826 int64_t AbsPostOffset = std::abs(i: Offset - Size);
3827 const int64_t kMaxOffset =
3828 0xFFF; // Max encoding for unshifted ADDXri / SUBXri
3829 if (AbsPostOffset <= kMaxOffset && AbsPostOffset % 16 == 0) {
3830 *TotalOffset = Offset;
3831 return true;
3832 }
3833 }
3834 return false;
3837void mergeMemRefs(const SmallVectorImpl<TagStoreInstr> &TSE,
3838 SmallVectorImpl<MachineMemOperand *> &MemRefs) {
3839 MemRefs.clear();
3840 for (auto &TS : TSE) {
3841 MachineInstr *MI = TS.MI;
3842 // An instruction without memory operands may access anything. Be
3843 // conservative and return an empty list.
3844 if (MI->memoperands_empty()) {
3845 MemRefs.clear();
3846 return;
3847 }
3848 MemRefs.append(in_start: MI->memoperands_begin(), in_end: MI->memoperands_end());
3849 }
3852void TagStoreEdit::emitCode(MachineBasicBlock::iterator &InsertI,
3853 const AArch64FrameLowering *TFI,
3854 bool TryMergeSPUpdate) {
3855 if (TagStores.empty())
3856 return;
3857 TagStoreInstr &FirstTagStore = TagStores[0];
3858 TagStoreInstr &LastTagStore = TagStores[TagStores.size() - 1];
3859 Size = LastTagStore.Offset - FirstTagStore.Offset + LastTagStore.Size;
3860 DL = TagStores[0].MI->getDebugLoc();
3862 Register Reg;
3863 FrameRegOffset = TFI->resolveFrameOffsetReference(
3864 MF: *MF, ObjectOffset: FirstTagStore.Offset, isFixed: false /*isFixed*/, isSVE: false /*isSVE*/, FrameReg&: Reg,
3865 /*PreferFP=*/false, /*ForSimm=*/true);
3866 FrameReg = Reg;
3867 FrameRegUpdate = std::nullopt;
3869 mergeMemRefs(TSE: TagStores, MemRefs&: CombinedMemRefs);
3871 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Replacing adjacent STG instructions:\n";
3872 for (const auto &Instr
3873 : TagStores) { dbgs() << " " << *Instr.MI; });
3875 // Size threshold where a loop becomes shorter than a linear sequence of
3876 // tagging instructions.
3877 const int kSetTagLoopThreshold = 176;
3878 if (Size < kSetTagLoopThreshold) {
3879 if (TagStores.size() < 2)
3880 return;
3881 emitUnrolled(InsertI);
3882 } else {
3883 MachineInstr *UpdateInstr = nullptr;
3884 int64_t TotalOffset = 0;
3885 if (TryMergeSPUpdate) {
3886 // See if we can merge base register update into the STGloop.
3887 // This is done in AArch64LoadStoreOptimizer for "normal" stores,
3888 // but STGloop is way too unusual for that, and also it only
3889 // realistically happens in function epilogue. Also, STGloop is expanded
3890 // before that pass.
3891 if (InsertI != MBB->end() &&
3892 canMergeRegUpdate(II: InsertI, Reg: FrameReg, Size: FrameRegOffset.getFixed() + Size,
3893 TotalOffset: &TotalOffset)) {
3894 UpdateInstr = &*InsertI++;
3895 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Folding SP update into loop:\n "
3896 << *UpdateInstr);
3897 }
3898 }
3900 if (!UpdateInstr && TagStores.size() < 2)
3901 return;
3903 if (UpdateInstr) {
3904 FrameRegUpdate = TotalOffset;
3905 FrameRegUpdateFlags = UpdateInstr->getFlags();
3906 }
3907 emitLoop(InsertI);
3908 if (UpdateInstr)
3909 UpdateInstr->eraseFromParent();
3910 }
3912 for (auto &TS : TagStores)
3913 TS.MI->eraseFromParent();
3916bool isMergeableStackTaggingInstruction(MachineInstr &MI, int64_t &Offset,
3917 int64_t &Size, bool &ZeroData) {
3918 MachineFunction &MF = *MI.getParent()->getParent();
3919 const MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
3921 unsigned Opcode = MI.getOpcode();
3922 ZeroData = (Opcode == AArch64::STZGloop || Opcode == AArch64::STZGi ||
3923 Opcode == AArch64::STZ2Gi);
3925 if (Opcode == AArch64::STGloop || Opcode == AArch64::STZGloop) {
3926 if (!MI.getOperand(i: 0).isDead() || !MI.getOperand(i: 1).isDead())
3927 return false;
3928 if (!MI.getOperand(i: 2).isImm() || !MI.getOperand(i: 3).isFI())
3929 return false;
3930 Offset = MFI.getObjectOffset(ObjectIdx: MI.getOperand(i: 3).getIndex());
3931 Size = MI.getOperand(i: 2).getImm();
3932 return true;
3933 }
3935 if (Opcode == AArch64::STGi || Opcode == AArch64::STZGi)
3936 Size = 16;
3937 else if (Opcode == AArch64::ST2Gi || Opcode == AArch64::STZ2Gi)
3938 Size = 32;
3939 else
3940 return false;
3942 if (MI.getOperand(0).getReg() != AArch64::SP || !MI.getOperand(1).isFI())
3943 return false;
3945 Offset = MFI.getObjectOffset(ObjectIdx: MI.getOperand(i: 1).getIndex()) +
3946 16 * MI.getOperand(i: 2).getImm();
3947 return true;
3950// Detect a run of memory tagging instructions for adjacent stack frame slots,
3951// and replace them with a shorter instruction sequence:
3952// * replace STG + STG with ST2G
3953// * replace STGloop + STGloop with STGloop
3954// This code needs to run when stack slot offsets are already known, but before
3955// FrameIndex operands in STG instructions are eliminated.
3956MachineBasicBlock::iterator tryMergeAdjacentSTG(MachineBasicBlock::iterator II,
3957 const AArch64FrameLowering *TFI,
3958 RegScavenger *RS) {
3959 bool FirstZeroData;
3960 int64_t Size, Offset;
3961 MachineInstr &MI = *II;
3962 MachineBasicBlock *MBB = MI.getParent();
3963 MachineBasicBlock::iterator NextI = ++II;
3964 if (&MI == &MBB->instr_back())
3965 return II;
3966 if (!isMergeableStackTaggingInstruction(MI, Offset, Size, ZeroData&: FirstZeroData))
3967 return II;
3969 SmallVector<TagStoreInstr, 4> Instrs;
3970 Instrs.emplace_back(Args: &MI, Args&: Offset, Args&: Size);
3972 constexpr int kScanLimit = 10;
3973 int Count = 0;
3974 for (MachineBasicBlock::iterator E = MBB->end();
3975 NextI != E && Count < kScanLimit; ++NextI) {
3976 MachineInstr &MI = *NextI;
3977 bool ZeroData;
3978 int64_t Size, Offset;
3979 // Collect instructions that update memory tags with a FrameIndex operand
3980 // and (when applicable) constant size, and whose output registers are dead
3981 // (the latter is almost always the case in practice). Since these
3982 // instructions effectively have no inputs or outputs, we are free to skip
3983 // any non-aliasing instructions in between without tracking used registers.
3984 if (isMergeableStackTaggingInstruction(MI, Offset, Size, ZeroData)) {
3985 if (ZeroData != FirstZeroData)
3986 break;
3987 Instrs.emplace_back(Args: &MI, Args&: Offset, Args&: Size);
3988 continue;
3989 }
3991 // Only count non-transient, non-tagging instructions toward the scan
3992 // limit.
3993 if (!MI.isTransient())
3994 ++Count;
3996 // Just in case, stop before the epilogue code starts.
3997 if (MI.getFlag(Flag: MachineInstr::FrameSetup) ||
3998 MI.getFlag(Flag: MachineInstr::FrameDestroy))
3999 break;
4001 // Reject anything that may alias the collected instructions.
4002 if (MI.mayLoadOrStore() || MI.hasUnmodeledSideEffects())
4003 break;
4004 }
4006 // New code will be inserted after the last tagging instruction we've found.
4007 MachineBasicBlock::iterator InsertI = Instrs.back().MI;
4009 // All the gathered stack tag instructions are merged and placed after
4010 // last tag store in the list. The check should be made if the nzcv
4011 // flag is live at the point where we are trying to insert. Otherwise
4012 // the nzcv flag might get clobbered if any stg loops are present.
4014 // FIXME : This approach of bailing out from merge is conservative in
4015 // some ways like even if stg loops are not present after merge the
4016 // insert list, this liveness check is done (which is not needed).
4017 LivePhysRegs LiveRegs(*(MBB->getParent()->getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo()));
4018 LiveRegs.addLiveOuts(MBB: *MBB);
4019 for (auto I = MBB->rbegin();; ++I) {
4020 MachineInstr &MI = *I;
4021 if (MI == InsertI)
4022 break;
4023 LiveRegs.stepBackward(MI: *I);
4024 }
4025 InsertI++;
4026 if (LiveRegs.contains(AArch64::NZCV))
4027 return InsertI;
4029 llvm::stable_sort(Range&: Instrs,
4030 C: [](const TagStoreInstr &Left, const TagStoreInstr &Right) {
4031 return Left.Offset < Right.Offset;
4032 });
4034 // Make sure that we don't have any overlapping stores.
4035 int64_t CurOffset = Instrs[0].Offset;
4036 for (auto &Instr : Instrs) {
4037 if (CurOffset > Instr.Offset)
4038 return NextI;
4039 CurOffset = Instr.Offset + Instr.Size;
4040 }
4042 // Find contiguous runs of tagged memory and emit shorter instruction
4043 // sequencies for them when possible.
4044 TagStoreEdit TSE(MBB, FirstZeroData);
4045 std::optional<int64_t> EndOffset;
4046 for (auto &Instr : Instrs) {
4047 if (EndOffset && *EndOffset != Instr.Offset) {
4048 // Found a gap.
4049 TSE.emitCode(InsertI, TFI, /*TryMergeSPUpdate = */ false);
4050 TSE.clear();
4051 }
4053 TSE.addInstruction(I: Instr);
4054 EndOffset = Instr.Offset + Instr.Size;
4055 }
4057 const MachineFunction *MF = MBB->getParent();
4058 // Multiple FP/SP updates in a loop cannot be described by CFI instructions.
4059 TSE.emitCode(
4060 InsertI, TFI, /*TryMergeSPUpdate = */
4061 !MF->getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>()->needsAsyncDwarfUnwindInfo(MF: *MF));
4063 return InsertI;
4065} // namespace
4067void AArch64FrameLowering::processFunctionBeforeFrameIndicesReplaced(
4068 MachineFunction &MF, RegScavenger *RS = nullptr) const {
4069 if (StackTaggingMergeSetTag)
4070 for (auto &BB : MF)
4071 for (MachineBasicBlock::iterator II = BB.begin(); II != BB.end();)
4072 II = tryMergeAdjacentSTG(II, TFI: this, RS);
4075/// For Win64 AArch64 EH, the offset to the Unwind object is from the SP
4076/// before the update. This is easily retrieved as it is exactly the offset
4077/// that is set in processFunctionBeforeFrameFinalized.
4078StackOffset AArch64FrameLowering::getFrameIndexReferencePreferSP(
4079 const MachineFunction &MF, int FI, Register &FrameReg,
4080 bool IgnoreSPUpdates) const {
4081 const MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
4082 if (IgnoreSPUpdates) {
4083 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Offset from the SP for " << FI << " is "
4084 << MFI.getObjectOffset(FI) << "\n");
4085 FrameReg = AArch64::SP;
4086 return StackOffset::getFixed(Fixed: MFI.getObjectOffset(ObjectIdx: FI));
4087 }
4089 // Go to common code if we cannot provide sp + offset.
4090 if (MFI.hasVarSizedObjects() ||
4091 MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>()->getStackSizeSVE() ||
4092 MF.getSubtarget().getRegisterInfo()->hasStackRealignment(MF))
4093 return getFrameIndexReference(MF, FI, FrameReg);
4095 FrameReg = AArch64::SP;
4096 return getStackOffset(MF, ObjectOffset: MFI.getObjectOffset(ObjectIdx: FI));
4099/// The parent frame offset (aka dispFrame) is only used on X86_64 to retrieve
4100/// the parent's frame pointer
4101unsigned AArch64FrameLowering::getWinEHParentFrameOffset(
4102 const MachineFunction &MF) const {
4103 return 0;
4106/// Funclets only need to account for space for the callee saved registers,
4107/// as the locals are accounted for in the parent's stack frame.
4108unsigned AArch64FrameLowering::getWinEHFuncletFrameSize(
4109 const MachineFunction &MF) const {
4110 // This is the size of the pushed CSRs.
4111 unsigned CSSize =
4112 MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>()->getCalleeSavedStackSize();
4113 // This is the amount of stack a funclet needs to allocate.
4114 return alignTo(Size: CSSize + MF.getFrameInfo().getMaxCallFrameSize(),
4115 A: getStackAlign());
4118namespace {
4119struct FrameObject {
4120 bool IsValid = false;
4121 // Index of the object in MFI.
4122 int ObjectIndex = 0;
4123 // Group ID this object belongs to.
4124 int GroupIndex = -1;
4125 // This object should be placed first (closest to SP).
4126 bool ObjectFirst = false;
4127 // This object's group (which always contains the object with
4128 // ObjectFirst==true) should be placed first.
4129 bool GroupFirst = false;
4132class GroupBuilder {
4133 SmallVector<int, 8> CurrentMembers;
4134 int NextGroupIndex = 0;
4135 std::vector<FrameObject> &Objects;
4138 GroupBuilder(std::vector<FrameObject> &Objects) : Objects(Objects) {}
4139 void AddMember(int Index) { CurrentMembers.push_back(Elt: Index); }
4140 void EndCurrentGroup() {
4141 if (CurrentMembers.size() > 1) {
4142 // Create a new group with the current member list. This might remove them
4143 // from their pre-existing groups. That's OK, dealing with overlapping
4144 // groups is too hard and unlikely to make a difference.
4145 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "group:");
4146 for (int Index : CurrentMembers) {
4147 Objects[Index].GroupIndex = NextGroupIndex;
4148 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << " " << Index);
4149 }
4150 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "\n");
4151 NextGroupIndex++;
4152 }
4153 CurrentMembers.clear();
4154 }
4157bool FrameObjectCompare(const FrameObject &A, const FrameObject &B) {
4158 // Objects at a lower index are closer to FP; objects at a higher index are
4159 // closer to SP.
4160 //
4161 // For consistency in our comparison, all invalid objects are placed
4162 // at the end. This also allows us to stop walking when we hit the
4163 // first invalid item after it's all sorted.
4164 //
4165 // The "first" object goes first (closest to SP), followed by the members of
4166 // the "first" group.
4167 //
4168 // The rest are sorted by the group index to keep the groups together.
4169 // Higher numbered groups are more likely to be around longer (i.e. untagged
4170 // in the function epilogue and not at some earlier point). Place them closer
4171 // to SP.
4172 //
4173 // If all else equal, sort by the object index to keep the objects in the
4174 // original order.
4175 return std::make_tuple(args: !A.IsValid, args: A.ObjectFirst, args: A.GroupFirst, args: A.GroupIndex,
4176 args: A.ObjectIndex) <
4177 std::make_tuple(args: !B.IsValid, args: B.ObjectFirst, args: B.GroupFirst, args: B.GroupIndex,
4178 args: B.ObjectIndex);
4180} // namespace
4182void AArch64FrameLowering::orderFrameObjects(
4183 const MachineFunction &MF, SmallVectorImpl<int> &ObjectsToAllocate) const {
4184 if (!OrderFrameObjects || ObjectsToAllocate.empty())
4185 return;
4187 const MachineFrameInfo &MFI = MF.getFrameInfo();
4188 std::vector<FrameObject> FrameObjects(MFI.getObjectIndexEnd());
4189 for (auto &Obj : ObjectsToAllocate) {
4190 FrameObjects[Obj].IsValid = true;
4191 FrameObjects[Obj].ObjectIndex = Obj;
4192 }
4194 // Identify stack slots that are tagged at the same time.
4195 GroupBuilder GB(FrameObjects);
4196 for (auto &MBB : MF) {
4197 for (auto &MI : MBB) {
4198 if (MI.isDebugInstr())
4199 continue;
4200 int OpIndex;
4201 switch (MI.getOpcode()) {
4202 case AArch64::STGloop:
4203 case AArch64::STZGloop:
4204 OpIndex = 3;
4205 break;
4206 case AArch64::STGi:
4207 case AArch64::STZGi:
4208 case AArch64::ST2Gi:
4209 case AArch64::STZ2Gi:
4210 OpIndex = 1;
4211 break;
4212 default:
4213 OpIndex = -1;
4214 }
4216 int TaggedFI = -1;
4217 if (OpIndex >= 0) {
4218 const MachineOperand &MO = MI.getOperand(i: OpIndex);
4219 if (MO.isFI()) {
4220 int FI = MO.getIndex();
4221 if (FI >= 0 && FI < MFI.getObjectIndexEnd() &&
4222 FrameObjects[FI].IsValid)
4223 TaggedFI = FI;
4224 }
4225 }
4227 // If this is a stack tagging instruction for a slot that is not part of a
4228 // group yet, either start a new group or add it to the current one.
4229 if (TaggedFI >= 0)
4230 GB.AddMember(Index: TaggedFI);
4231 else
4232 GB.EndCurrentGroup();
4233 }
4234 // Groups should never span multiple basic blocks.
4235 GB.EndCurrentGroup();
4236 }
4238 // If the function's tagged base pointer is pinned to a stack slot, we want to
4239 // put that slot first when possible. This will likely place it at SP + 0,
4240 // and save one instruction when generating the base pointer because IRG does
4241 // not allow an immediate offset.
4242 const AArch64FunctionInfo &AFI = *MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
4243 std::optional<int> TBPI = AFI.getTaggedBasePointerIndex();
4244 if (TBPI) {
4245 FrameObjects[*TBPI].ObjectFirst = true;
4246 FrameObjects[*TBPI].GroupFirst = true;
4247 int FirstGroupIndex = FrameObjects[*TBPI].GroupIndex;
4248 if (FirstGroupIndex >= 0)
4249 for (FrameObject &Object : FrameObjects)
4250 if (Object.GroupIndex == FirstGroupIndex)
4251 Object.GroupFirst = true;
4252 }
4254 llvm::stable_sort(Range&: FrameObjects, C: FrameObjectCompare);
4256 int i = 0;
4257 for (auto &Obj : FrameObjects) {
4258 // All invalid items are sorted at the end, so it's safe to stop.
4259 if (!Obj.IsValid)
4260 break;
4261 ObjectsToAllocate[i++] = Obj.ObjectIndex;
4262 }
4264 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Final frame order:\n"; for (auto &Obj
4265 : FrameObjects) {
4266 if (!Obj.IsValid)
4267 break;
4268 dbgs() << " " << Obj.ObjectIndex << ": group " << Obj.GroupIndex;
4269 if (Obj.ObjectFirst)
4270 dbgs() << ", first";
4271 if (Obj.GroupFirst)
4272 dbgs() << ", group-first";
4273 dbgs() << "\n";
4274 });
4277/// Emit a loop to decrement SP until it is equal to TargetReg, with probes at
4278/// least every ProbeSize bytes. Returns an iterator of the first instruction
4279/// after the loop. The difference between SP and TargetReg must be an exact
4280/// multiple of ProbeSize.
4283 MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI, int64_t ProbeSize,
4284 Register TargetReg) const {
4285 MachineBasicBlock &MBB = *MBBI->getParent();
4286 MachineFunction &MF = *MBB.getParent();
4287 const AArch64InstrInfo *TII =
4288 MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>().getInstrInfo();
4289 DebugLoc DL = MBB.findDebugLoc(MBBI);
4291 MachineFunction::iterator MBBInsertPoint = std::next(x: MBB.getIterator());
4292 MachineBasicBlock *LoopMBB = MF.CreateMachineBasicBlock(BB: MBB.getBasicBlock());
4293 MF.insert(MBBI: MBBInsertPoint, MBB: LoopMBB);
4294 MachineBasicBlock *ExitMBB = MF.CreateMachineBasicBlock(BB: MBB.getBasicBlock());
4295 MF.insert(MBBI: MBBInsertPoint, MBB: ExitMBB);
4297 // SUB SP, SP, #ProbeSize (or equivalent if ProbeSize is not encodable
4298 // in SUB).
4299 emitFrameOffset(*LoopMBB, LoopMBB->end(), DL, AArch64::SP, AArch64::SP,
4300 StackOffset::getFixed(-ProbeSize), TII,
4301 MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
4302 // STR XZR, [SP]
4303 BuildMI(*LoopMBB, LoopMBB->end(), DL, TII->get(AArch64::STRXui))
4304 .addReg(AArch64::XZR)
4305 .addReg(AArch64::SP)
4306 .addImm(0)
4307 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
4308 // CMP SP, TargetReg
4309 BuildMI(*LoopMBB, LoopMBB->end(), DL, TII->get(AArch64::SUBSXrx64),
4310 AArch64::XZR)
4311 .addReg(AArch64::SP)
4312 .addReg(TargetReg)
4313 .addImm(AArch64_AM::getArithExtendImm(AArch64_AM::UXTX, 0))
4314 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
4315 // B.CC Loop
4316 BuildMI(*LoopMBB, LoopMBB->end(), DL, TII->get(AArch64::Bcc))
4317 .addImm(AArch64CC::NE)
4318 .addMBB(LoopMBB)
4319 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
4321 LoopMBB->addSuccessor(Succ: ExitMBB);
4322 LoopMBB->addSuccessor(Succ: LoopMBB);
4323 // Synthesize the exit MBB.
4324 ExitMBB->splice(Where: ExitMBB->end(), Other: &MBB, From: MBBI, To: MBB.end());
4325 ExitMBB->transferSuccessorsAndUpdatePHIs(FromMBB: &MBB);
4326 MBB.addSuccessor(Succ: LoopMBB);
4327 // Update liveins.
4328 fullyRecomputeLiveIns(MBBs: {ExitMBB, LoopMBB});
4330 return ExitMBB->begin();
4333void AArch64FrameLowering::inlineStackProbeFixed(
4334 MachineBasicBlock::iterator MBBI, Register ScratchReg, int64_t FrameSize,
4335 StackOffset CFAOffset) const {
4336 MachineBasicBlock *MBB = MBBI->getParent();
4337 MachineFunction &MF = *MBB->getParent();
4338 const AArch64InstrInfo *TII =
4339 MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>().getInstrInfo();
4340 AArch64FunctionInfo *AFI = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>();
4341 bool EmitAsyncCFI = AFI->needsAsyncDwarfUnwindInfo(MF);
4342 bool HasFP = hasFP(MF);
4344 DebugLoc DL;
4345 int64_t ProbeSize = MF.getInfo<AArch64FunctionInfo>()->getStackProbeSize();
4346 int64_t NumBlocks = FrameSize / ProbeSize;
4347 int64_t ResidualSize = FrameSize % ProbeSize;
4349 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Stack probing: total " << FrameSize << " bytes, "
4350 << NumBlocks << " blocks of " << ProbeSize
4351 << " bytes, plus " << ResidualSize << " bytes\n");
4353 // Decrement SP by NumBlock * ProbeSize bytes, with either unrolled or
4354 // ordinary loop.
4355 if (NumBlocks <= AArch64::StackProbeMaxLoopUnroll) {
4356 for (int i = 0; i < NumBlocks; ++i) {
4357 // SUB SP, SP, #ProbeSize (or equivalent if ProbeSize is not
4358 // encodable in a SUB).
4359 emitFrameOffset(*MBB, MBBI, DL, AArch64::SP, AArch64::SP,
4360 StackOffset::getFixed(-ProbeSize), TII,
4361 MachineInstr::FrameSetup, false, false, nullptr,
4362 EmitAsyncCFI && !HasFP, CFAOffset);
4363 CFAOffset += StackOffset::getFixed(Fixed: ProbeSize);
4364 // STR XZR, [SP]
4365 BuildMI(*MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::STRXui))
4366 .addReg(AArch64::XZR)
4367 .addReg(AArch64::SP)
4368 .addImm(0)
4369 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
4370 }
4371 } else if (NumBlocks != 0) {
4372 // SUB ScratchReg, SP, #FrameSize (or equivalent if FrameSize is not
4373 // encodable in ADD). ScrathReg may temporarily become the CFA register.
4374 emitFrameOffset(*MBB, MBBI, DL, ScratchReg, AArch64::SP,
4375 StackOffset::getFixed(-ProbeSize * NumBlocks), TII,
4376 MachineInstr::FrameSetup, false, false, nullptr,
4377 EmitAsyncCFI && !HasFP, CFAOffset);
4378 CFAOffset += StackOffset::getFixed(Fixed: ProbeSize * NumBlocks);
4379 MBBI = inlineStackProbeLoopExactMultiple(MBBI, ProbeSize, TargetReg: ScratchReg);
4380 MBB = MBBI->getParent();
4381 if (EmitAsyncCFI && !HasFP) {
4382 // Set the CFA register back to SP.
4383 const AArch64RegisterInfo &RegInfo =
4384 *MF.getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>().getRegisterInfo();
4385 unsigned Reg = RegInfo.getDwarfRegNum(AArch64::SP, true);
4386 unsigned CFIIndex =
4387 MF.addFrameInst(Inst: MCCFIInstruction::createDefCfaRegister(L: nullptr, Register: Reg));
4388 BuildMI(*MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION))
4389 .addCFIIndex(CFIIndex)
4390 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
4391 }
4392 }
4394 if (ResidualSize != 0) {
4395 // SUB SP, SP, #ResidualSize (or equivalent if ResidualSize is not encodable
4396 // in SUB).
4397 emitFrameOffset(*MBB, MBBI, DL, AArch64::SP, AArch64::SP,
4398 StackOffset::getFixed(-ResidualSize), TII,
4399 MachineInstr::FrameSetup, false, false, nullptr,
4400 EmitAsyncCFI && !HasFP, CFAOffset);
4401 if (ResidualSize > AArch64::StackProbeMaxUnprobedStack) {
4402 // STR XZR, [SP]
4403 BuildMI(*MBB, MBBI, DL, TII->get(AArch64::STRXui))
4404 .addReg(AArch64::XZR)
4405 .addReg(AArch64::SP)
4406 .addImm(0)
4407 .setMIFlags(MachineInstr::FrameSetup);
4408 }
4409 }
4412void AArch64FrameLowering::inlineStackProbe(MachineFunction &MF,
4413 MachineBasicBlock &MBB) const {
4414 // Get the instructions that need to be replaced. We emit at most two of
4415 // these. Remember them in order to avoid complications coming from the need
4416 // to traverse the block while potentially creating more blocks.
4417 SmallVector<MachineInstr *, 4> ToReplace;
4418 for (MachineInstr &MI : MBB)
4419 if (MI.getOpcode() == AArch64::PROBED_STACKALLOC ||
4420 MI.getOpcode() == AArch64::PROBED_STACKALLOC_VAR)
4421 ToReplace.push_back(Elt: &MI);
4423 for (MachineInstr *MI : ToReplace) {
4424 if (MI->getOpcode() == AArch64::PROBED_STACKALLOC) {
4425 Register ScratchReg = MI->getOperand(i: 0).getReg();
4426 int64_t FrameSize = MI->getOperand(i: 1).getImm();
4427 StackOffset CFAOffset = StackOffset::get(Fixed: MI->getOperand(i: 2).getImm(),
4428 Scalable: MI->getOperand(i: 3).getImm());
4429 inlineStackProbeFixed(MBBI: MI->getIterator(), ScratchReg, FrameSize,
4430 CFAOffset);
4431 } else {
4432 assert(MI->getOpcode() == AArch64::PROBED_STACKALLOC_VAR &&
4433 "Stack probe pseudo-instruction expected");
4434 const AArch64InstrInfo *TII =
4435 MI->getMF()->getSubtarget<AArch64Subtarget>().getInstrInfo();
4436 Register TargetReg = MI->getOperand(i: 0).getReg();
4437 (void)TII->probedStackAlloc(MBBI: MI->getIterator(), TargetReg, FrameSetup: true);
4438 }
4439 MI->eraseFromParent();
4440 }

source code of llvm/lib/Target/AArch64/AArch64FrameLowering.cpp