1 | // Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. |
2 | // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only |
3 | |
4 | #include "qssglightmapper_p.h" |
5 | #include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrenderer_p.h> |
6 | #include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssgrhiquadrenderer_p.h> |
7 | #include <QtQuick3DRuntimeRender/private/qssglayerrenderdata_p.h> |
8 | #include "../qssgrendercontextcore.h" |
9 | #include <QtQuick3DUtils/private/qssgutils_p.h> |
10 | |
12 | #include <QtCore/qfuture.h> |
13 | #include <QtCore/qfileinfo.h> |
14 | #include <QtConcurrent/qtconcurrentrun.h> |
15 | #include <QRandomGenerator> |
16 | #include <qsimd.h> |
17 | #include <embree3/rtcore.h> |
18 | #include <tinyexr.h> |
19 | #endif |
20 | |
22 | |
23 | // References: |
24 | // https://ndotl.wordpress.com/2018/08/29/baking-artifact-free-lightmaps/ |
25 | // https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/global-illumination-path-tracing/ |
26 | // https://media.contentapi.ea.com/content/dam/eacom/frostbite/files/gdc2018-precomputedgiobalilluminationinfrostbite.pdf |
27 | // https://therealmjp.github.io/posts/new-blog-series-lightmap-baking-and-spherical-gaussians/ |
28 | // https://computergraphics.stackexchange.com/questions/2316/is-russian-roulette-really-the-answer |
29 | // https://computergraphics.stackexchange.com/questions/4664/does-cosine-weighted-hemisphere-sampling-still-require-ndotl-when-calculating-co |
30 | // https://www.rorydriscoll.com/2009/01/07/better-sampling/ |
31 | // https://github.com/TheRealMJP/BakingLab |
32 | // https://github.com/candycat1992/LightmapperToy |
33 | // https://github.com/godotengine/ |
34 | // https://github.com/jpcy/xatlas |
35 | |
37 | |
38 | struct QSSGLightmapperPrivate |
39 | { |
40 | QSSGLightmapperOptions options; |
41 | QSSGRhiContext *rhiCtx; |
42 | QSSGRenderer *renderer; |
43 | QVector<QSSGBakedLightingModel> bakedLightingModels; |
44 | QSSGLightmapper::Callback outputCallback; |
45 | QSSGLightmapper::BakingControl bakingControl; |
46 | |
47 | struct SubMeshInfo { |
48 | quint32 offset = 0; |
49 | quint32 count = 0; |
50 | unsigned int geomId = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID; |
51 | QVector4D baseColor; |
52 | QSSGRenderImage *baseColorNode = nullptr; |
53 | QRhiTexture *baseColorMap = nullptr; |
54 | QVector3D emissiveFactor; |
55 | QSSGRenderImage *emissiveNode = nullptr; |
56 | QRhiTexture *emissiveMap = nullptr; |
57 | QSSGRenderImage *normalMapNode = nullptr; |
58 | QRhiTexture *normalMap = nullptr; |
59 | float normalStrength = 0.0f; |
60 | float opacity = 0.0f; |
61 | }; |
62 | using SubMeshInfoList = QVector<SubMeshInfo>; |
63 | QVector<SubMeshInfoList> subMeshInfos; |
64 | |
65 | struct DrawInfo { |
66 | QSize lightmapSize; |
67 | QByteArray vertexData; |
68 | quint32 vertexStride; |
69 | QByteArray indexData; |
70 | QRhiCommandBuffer::IndexFormat indexFormat = QRhiCommandBuffer::IndexUInt32; |
71 | quint32 positionOffset = UINT_MAX; |
72 | QRhiVertexInputAttribute::Format positionFormat = QRhiVertexInputAttribute::Float; |
73 | quint32 normalOffset = UINT_MAX; |
74 | QRhiVertexInputAttribute::Format normalFormat = QRhiVertexInputAttribute::Float; |
75 | quint32 uvOffset = UINT_MAX; |
76 | QRhiVertexInputAttribute::Format uvFormat = QRhiVertexInputAttribute::Float; |
77 | quint32 lightmapUVOffset = UINT_MAX; |
78 | QRhiVertexInputAttribute::Format lightmapUVFormat = QRhiVertexInputAttribute::Float; |
79 | quint32 tangentOffset = UINT_MAX; |
80 | QRhiVertexInputAttribute::Format tangentFormat = QRhiVertexInputAttribute::Float; |
81 | quint32 binormalOffset = UINT_MAX; |
82 | QRhiVertexInputAttribute::Format binormalFormat = QRhiVertexInputAttribute::Float; |
83 | QSSGMesh::Mesh meshWithLightmapUV; // only set when model->hasLightmap() == true |
84 | }; |
85 | QVector<DrawInfo> drawInfos; |
86 | |
87 | struct Light { |
88 | enum { |
89 | Directional, |
90 | Point, |
91 | Spot |
92 | } type; |
93 | bool indirectOnly; |
94 | QVector3D direction; |
95 | QVector3D color; |
96 | QVector3D worldPos; |
97 | float cosConeAngle; |
98 | float cosInnerConeAngle; |
99 | float constantAttenuation; |
100 | float linearAttenuation; |
101 | float quadraticAttenuation; |
102 | }; |
103 | QVector<Light> lights; |
104 | |
105 | RTCDevice rdev = nullptr; |
106 | RTCScene rscene = nullptr; |
107 | |
108 | struct LightmapEntry { |
109 | QSize pixelSize; |
110 | QVector3D worldPos; |
111 | QVector3D normal; |
112 | QVector4D baseColor; // static color * texture map value (both linear) |
113 | QVector3D emission; // static factor * emission map value |
114 | bool isValid() const { return !worldPos.isNull() && !normal.isNull(); } |
115 | QVector3D directLight; |
116 | QVector3D allLight; |
117 | }; |
118 | struct Lightmap { |
119 | Lightmap(const QSize &pixelSize) : pixelSize(pixelSize) { |
120 | entries.resize(size: pixelSize.width() * pixelSize.height()); |
121 | } |
122 | QSize pixelSize; |
123 | QVector<LightmapEntry> entries; |
124 | QByteArray imageFP32; |
125 | bool hasBaseColorTransparency = false; |
126 | }; |
127 | QVector<Lightmap> lightmaps; |
128 | QVector<int> geomLightmapMap; // [geomId] -> index in lightmaps (NB lightmap is per-model, geomId is per-submesh) |
129 | QVector<float> subMeshOpacityMap; // [geomId] -> opacity |
130 | |
131 | inline const LightmapEntry &texelForLightmapUV(unsigned int geomId, float u, float v) const |
132 | { |
133 | // find the hit texel in the lightmap for the model to which the submesh with geomId belongs |
134 | const Lightmap &hitLightmap(lightmaps[geomLightmapMap[geomId]]); |
135 | u = qBound(min: 0.0f, val: u, max: 1.0f); |
136 | // flip V, CPU-side data is top-left based |
137 | v = 1.0f - qBound(min: 0.0f, val: v, max: 1.0f); |
138 | |
139 | const int w = hitLightmap.pixelSize.width(); |
140 | const int h = hitLightmap.pixelSize.height(); |
141 | const int x = qBound(min: 0, val: int(w * u), max: w - 1); |
142 | const int y = qBound(min: 0, val: int(h * v), max: h - 1); |
143 | |
144 | return hitLightmap.entries[x + y * w]; |
145 | } |
146 | |
147 | bool commitGeometry(); |
148 | bool prepareLightmaps(); |
149 | void computeDirectLight(); |
150 | void computeIndirectLight(); |
151 | bool postProcess(); |
152 | bool storeLightmaps(); |
153 | void sendOutputInfo(QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus type, std::optional<QString> msg); |
154 | }; |
155 | |
156 | static const int LM_SEAM_BLEND_ITER_COUNT = 4; |
157 | |
158 | QSSGLightmapper::QSSGLightmapper(QSSGRhiContext *rhiCtx, QSSGRenderer *renderer) |
159 | : d(new QSSGLightmapperPrivate) |
160 | { |
161 | d->rhiCtx = rhiCtx; |
162 | d->renderer = renderer; |
163 | |
164 | #ifdef __SSE2__ |
167 | #endif |
168 | } |
169 | |
170 | QSSGLightmapper::~QSSGLightmapper() |
171 | { |
172 | reset(); |
173 | delete d; |
174 | |
175 | #ifdef __SSE2__ |
178 | #endif |
179 | } |
180 | |
181 | void QSSGLightmapper::reset() |
182 | { |
183 | d->bakedLightingModels.clear(); |
184 | d->subMeshInfos.clear(); |
185 | d->drawInfos.clear(); |
186 | d->lights.clear(); |
187 | d->lightmaps.clear(); |
188 | d->geomLightmapMap.clear(); |
189 | d->subMeshOpacityMap.clear(); |
190 | |
191 | if (d->rscene) { |
192 | rtcReleaseScene(scene: d->rscene); |
193 | d->rscene = nullptr; |
194 | } |
195 | if (d->rdev) { |
196 | rtcReleaseDevice(device: d->rdev); |
197 | d->rdev = nullptr; |
198 | } |
199 | |
200 | d->bakingControl.cancelled = false; |
201 | } |
202 | |
203 | void QSSGLightmapper::setOptions(const QSSGLightmapperOptions &options) |
204 | { |
205 | d->options = options; |
206 | } |
207 | |
208 | void QSSGLightmapper::setOutputCallback(Callback callback) |
209 | { |
210 | d->outputCallback = callback; |
211 | } |
212 | |
213 | qsizetype QSSGLightmapper::add(const QSSGBakedLightingModel &model) |
214 | { |
215 | d->bakedLightingModels.append(t: model); |
216 | return d->bakedLightingModels.size() - 1; |
217 | } |
218 | |
219 | static void embreeErrFunc(void *, RTCError error, const char *str) |
220 | { |
221 | qWarning(msg: "lm: Embree error: %d: %s" , error, str); |
222 | } |
223 | |
224 | static const unsigned int NORMAL_SLOT = 0; |
225 | static const unsigned int LIGHTMAP_UV_SLOT = 1; |
226 | |
227 | static void embreeFilterFunc(const RTCFilterFunctionNArguments *args) |
228 | { |
229 | RTCHit *hit = reinterpret_cast<RTCHit *>(args->hit); |
230 | QSSGLightmapperPrivate *d = static_cast<QSSGLightmapperPrivate *>(args->geometryUserPtr); |
231 | RTCGeometry geom = rtcGetGeometry(scene: d->rscene, geomID: hit->geomID); |
232 | |
233 | // convert from barycentric and overwrite u and v in hit with the result |
234 | rtcInterpolate0(geometry: geom, primID: hit->primID, u: hit->u, v: hit->v, bufferType: RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE, bufferSlot: LIGHTMAP_UV_SLOT, P: &hit->u, valueCount: 2); |
235 | |
236 | const float opacity = d->subMeshOpacityMap[hit->geomID]; |
237 | if (opacity < 1.0f || d->lightmaps[d->geomLightmapMap[hit->geomID]].hasBaseColorTransparency) { |
238 | const QSSGLightmapperPrivate::LightmapEntry &texel(d->texelForLightmapUV(geomId: hit->geomID, u: hit->u, v: hit->v)); |
239 | |
240 | // In addition to material.opacity, take at least the base color (both |
241 | // the static color and the value from the base color map, if there is |
242 | // one) into account. Opacity map, alpha cutoff, etc. are ignored. |
243 | const float alpha = opacity * texel.baseColor.w(); |
244 | |
245 | // Ignore the hit if the alpha is low enough. This is not exactly perfect, |
246 | // but better than nothing. An object with an opacity lower than the |
247 | // threshold will act is if it was not there, as far as the intersection is |
248 | // concerned. So then the object won't cast shadows for example. |
249 | if (alpha < d->options.opacityThreshold) |
250 | args->valid[0] = 0; |
251 | } |
252 | } |
253 | |
254 | bool QSSGLightmapperPrivate::commitGeometry() |
255 | { |
256 | if (bakedLightingModels.isEmpty()) { |
257 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("No models with usedInBakedLighting, cannot bake" )); |
258 | return false; |
259 | } |
260 | |
261 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Geometry setup..." )); |
262 | QElapsedTimer geomPrepTimer; |
263 | geomPrepTimer.start(); |
264 | |
265 | const auto &bufferManager(renderer->contextInterface()->bufferManager()); |
266 | |
267 | const int bakedLightingModelCount = bakedLightingModels.size(); |
268 | subMeshInfos.resize(size: bakedLightingModelCount); |
269 | drawInfos.resize(size: bakedLightingModelCount); |
270 | |
271 | for (int lmIdx = 0; lmIdx < bakedLightingModelCount; ++lmIdx) { |
272 | const QSSGBakedLightingModel &lm(bakedLightingModels[lmIdx]); |
273 | if (lm.renderables.isEmpty()) { |
274 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("No submeshes, model %1 cannot be lightmapped" ). |
275 | arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey)); |
276 | return false; |
277 | } |
278 | if (lm.model->skin || lm.model->skeleton) { |
279 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Skinned models not supported: %1" ). |
280 | arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey)); |
281 | return false; |
282 | } |
283 | |
284 | subMeshInfos[lmIdx].reserve(asize: lm.renderables.size()); |
285 | for (const QSSGRenderableObjectHandle &handle : std::as_const(t: lm.renderables)) { |
286 | Q_ASSERT(handle.obj->type == QSSGRenderableObject::Type::DefaultMaterialMeshSubset |
287 | || handle.obj->type == QSSGRenderableObject::Type::CustomMaterialMeshSubset); |
288 | QSSGSubsetRenderable *renderableObj = static_cast<QSSGSubsetRenderable *>(handle.obj); |
289 | SubMeshInfo info; |
290 | info.offset = renderableObj->subset.offset; |
291 | info.count = renderableObj->subset.count; |
292 | info.opacity = renderableObj->opacity; |
293 | if (handle.obj->type == QSSGRenderableObject::Type::DefaultMaterialMeshSubset) { |
294 | const QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial *defMat = static_cast<const QSSGRenderDefaultMaterial *>(&renderableObj->material); |
295 | info.baseColor = defMat->color; |
296 | info.emissiveFactor = defMat->emissiveColor; |
297 | if (defMat->colorMap) { |
298 | info.baseColorNode = defMat->colorMap; |
299 | QSSGRenderImageTexture texture = bufferManager->loadRenderImage(image: defMat->colorMap); |
300 | info.baseColorMap = texture.m_texture; |
301 | } |
302 | if (defMat->emissiveMap) { |
303 | info.emissiveNode = defMat->emissiveMap; |
304 | QSSGRenderImageTexture texture = bufferManager->loadRenderImage(image: defMat->emissiveMap); |
305 | info.emissiveMap = texture.m_texture; |
306 | } |
307 | if (defMat->normalMap) { |
308 | info.normalMapNode = defMat->normalMap; |
309 | QSSGRenderImageTexture texture = bufferManager->loadRenderImage(image: defMat->normalMap); |
310 | info.normalMap = texture.m_texture; |
311 | info.normalStrength = defMat->bumpAmount; |
312 | } |
313 | } else { |
314 | info.baseColor = QVector4D(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); |
315 | info.emissiveFactor = QVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); |
316 | } |
317 | subMeshInfos[lmIdx].append(t: info); |
318 | } |
319 | |
320 | QMatrix4x4 worldTransform; |
321 | QMatrix3x3 normalMatrix; |
322 | QSSGSubsetRenderable *renderableObj = static_cast<QSSGSubsetRenderable *>(lm.renderables.first().obj); |
323 | worldTransform = renderableObj->globalTransform; |
324 | normalMatrix = renderableObj->modelContext.normalMatrix; |
325 | |
326 | DrawInfo &drawInfo(drawInfos[lmIdx]); |
327 | QSSGMesh::Mesh mesh; |
328 | |
329 | if (lm.model->geometry) |
330 | mesh = bufferManager->loadMeshData(geometry: lm.model->geometry); |
331 | else |
332 | mesh = bufferManager->loadMeshData(inSourcePath: lm.model->meshPath); |
333 | |
334 | if (!mesh.isValid()) { |
335 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Failed to load geometry for model %1" ). |
336 | arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey)); |
337 | return false; |
338 | } |
339 | |
340 | if (!mesh.hasLightmapUVChannel()) { |
341 | QElapsedTimer unwrapTimer; |
342 | unwrapTimer.start(); |
343 | if (!mesh.createLightmapUVChannel(lightmapBaseResolution: lm.model->lightmapBaseResolution)) { |
344 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Failed to do lightmap UV unwrapping for model %1" ). |
345 | arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey)); |
346 | return false; |
347 | } |
348 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Lightmap UV unwrap done for model %1 in %2 ms" ). |
349 | arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey). |
350 | arg(a: unwrapTimer.elapsed())); |
351 | |
352 | if (lm.model->hasLightmap()) |
353 | drawInfo.meshWithLightmapUV = mesh; |
354 | } else { |
355 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Model %1 already has a lightmap UV channel" ).arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey)); |
356 | } |
357 | |
358 | drawInfo.lightmapSize = mesh.subsets().first().lightmapSizeHint; |
359 | if (drawInfo.lightmapSize.isEmpty()) { |
360 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("No lightmap size hint found for model %1, defaulting to 1024x1024" ). |
361 | arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey)); |
362 | drawInfo.lightmapSize = QSize(1024, 1024); |
363 | } |
364 | |
365 | drawInfo.vertexData = mesh.vertexBuffer().data; |
366 | drawInfo.vertexStride = mesh.vertexBuffer().stride; |
367 | drawInfo.indexData = mesh.indexBuffer().data; |
368 | |
369 | if (drawInfo.vertexData.isEmpty()) { |
370 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("No vertex data for model %1" ).arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey)); |
371 | return false; |
372 | } |
373 | if (drawInfo.indexData.isEmpty()) { |
374 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("No index data for model %1" ).arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey)); |
375 | return false; |
376 | } |
377 | |
378 | switch (mesh.indexBuffer().componentType) { |
379 | case QSSGMesh::Mesh::ComponentType::UnsignedInt16: |
380 | drawInfo.indexFormat = QRhiCommandBuffer::IndexUInt16; |
381 | break; |
382 | case QSSGMesh::Mesh::ComponentType::UnsignedInt32: |
383 | drawInfo.indexFormat = QRhiCommandBuffer::IndexUInt32; |
384 | break; |
385 | default: |
386 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Unknown index component type %1 for model %2" ). |
387 | arg(a: int(mesh.indexBuffer().componentType)). |
388 | arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey)); |
389 | break; |
390 | } |
391 | |
392 | for (const QSSGMesh::Mesh::VertexBufferEntry &vbe : mesh.vertexBuffer().entries) { |
393 | if (vbe.name == QSSGMesh::MeshInternal::getPositionAttrName()) { |
394 | drawInfo.positionOffset = vbe.offset; |
395 | drawInfo.positionFormat = QSSGRhiHelpers::toVertexInputFormat(compType: QSSGRenderComponentType(vbe.componentType), numComps: vbe.componentCount); |
396 | } else if (vbe.name == QSSGMesh::MeshInternal::getNormalAttrName()) { |
397 | drawInfo.normalOffset = vbe.offset; |
398 | drawInfo.normalFormat = QSSGRhiHelpers::toVertexInputFormat(compType: QSSGRenderComponentType(vbe.componentType), numComps: vbe.componentCount); |
399 | } else if (vbe.name == QSSGMesh::MeshInternal::getUV0AttrName()) { |
400 | drawInfo.uvOffset = vbe.offset; |
401 | drawInfo.uvFormat = QSSGRhiHelpers::toVertexInputFormat(compType: QSSGRenderComponentType(vbe.componentType), numComps: vbe.componentCount); |
402 | } else if (vbe.name == QSSGMesh::MeshInternal::getLightmapUVAttrName()) { |
403 | drawInfo.lightmapUVOffset = vbe.offset; |
404 | drawInfo.lightmapUVFormat = QSSGRhiHelpers::toVertexInputFormat(compType: QSSGRenderComponentType(vbe.componentType), numComps: vbe.componentCount); |
405 | } else if (vbe.name == QSSGMesh::MeshInternal::getTexTanAttrName()) { |
406 | drawInfo.tangentOffset = vbe.offset; |
407 | drawInfo.tangentFormat = QSSGRhiHelpers::toVertexInputFormat(compType: QSSGRenderComponentType(vbe.componentType), numComps: vbe.componentCount); |
408 | } else if (vbe.name == QSSGMesh::MeshInternal::getTexBinormalAttrName()) { |
409 | drawInfo.binormalOffset = vbe.offset; |
410 | drawInfo.binormalFormat = QSSGRhiHelpers::toVertexInputFormat(compType: QSSGRenderComponentType(vbe.componentType), numComps: vbe.componentCount); |
411 | } |
412 | } |
413 | |
414 | if (!(drawInfo.positionOffset != UINT_MAX && drawInfo.normalOffset != UINT_MAX)) { |
415 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Could not figure out position and normal attribute offsets for model %1" ). |
416 | arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey)); |
417 | return false; |
418 | } |
419 | |
420 | // We will manually access and massage the data, so cannot just work with arbitrary formats. |
421 | if (!(drawInfo.positionFormat == QRhiVertexInputAttribute::Float3 |
422 | && drawInfo.normalFormat == QRhiVertexInputAttribute::Float3)) |
423 | { |
424 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Position or normal attribute format is not as expected (float3) for model %1" ). |
425 | arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey)); |
426 | return false; |
427 | } |
428 | |
429 | if (drawInfo.lightmapUVOffset == UINT_MAX) { |
430 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Could not figure out lightmap UV attribute offset for model %1" ). |
431 | arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey)); |
432 | return false; |
433 | } |
434 | |
435 | if (drawInfo.lightmapUVFormat != QRhiVertexInputAttribute::Float2) { |
436 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Lightmap UV attribute format is not as expected (float2) for model %1" ). |
437 | arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey)); |
438 | return false; |
439 | } |
440 | |
441 | // UV0 is optional |
442 | if (drawInfo.uvOffset != UINT_MAX) { |
443 | if (drawInfo.uvFormat != QRhiVertexInputAttribute::Float2) { |
444 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("UV0 attribute format is not as expected (float2) for model %1" ). |
445 | arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey)); |
446 | return false; |
447 | } |
448 | } |
449 | // tangent and binormal are optional too |
450 | if (drawInfo.tangentOffset != UINT_MAX) { |
451 | if (drawInfo.tangentFormat != QRhiVertexInputAttribute::Float3) { |
452 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Tangent attribute format is not as expected (float3) for model %1" ). |
453 | arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey)); |
454 | return false; |
455 | } |
456 | } |
457 | if (drawInfo.binormalOffset != UINT_MAX) { |
458 | if (drawInfo.binormalFormat != QRhiVertexInputAttribute::Float3) { |
459 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Binormal attribute format is not as expected (float3) for model %1" ). |
460 | arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey)); |
461 | return false; |
462 | } |
463 | } |
464 | |
465 | if (drawInfo.indexFormat == QRhiCommandBuffer::IndexUInt16) { |
466 | drawInfo.indexFormat = QRhiCommandBuffer::IndexUInt32; |
467 | QByteArray newIndexData(drawInfo.indexData.size() * 2, Qt::Uninitialized); |
468 | const quint16 *s = reinterpret_cast<const quint16 *>(drawInfo.indexData.constData()); |
469 | size_t sz = drawInfo.indexData.size() / 2; |
470 | quint32 *p = reinterpret_cast<quint32 *>(newIndexData.data()); |
471 | while (sz--) |
472 | *p++ = *s++; |
473 | drawInfo.indexData = newIndexData; |
474 | } |
475 | |
476 | // Bake in the world transform. |
477 | { |
478 | char *vertexBase = drawInfo.vertexData.data(); |
479 | const qsizetype sz = drawInfo.vertexData.size(); |
480 | for (qsizetype offset = 0; offset < sz; offset += drawInfo.vertexStride) { |
481 | char *posPtr = vertexBase + offset + drawInfo.positionOffset; |
482 | float *fPosPtr = reinterpret_cast<float *>(posPtr); |
483 | QVector3D pos(fPosPtr[0], fPosPtr[1], fPosPtr[2]); |
484 | char *normalPtr = vertexBase + offset + drawInfo.normalOffset; |
485 | float *fNormalPtr = reinterpret_cast<float *>(normalPtr); |
486 | QVector3D normal(fNormalPtr[0], fNormalPtr[1], fNormalPtr[2]); |
487 | pos = worldTransform.map(point: pos); |
488 | normal = QSSGUtils::mat33::transform(m: normalMatrix, v: normal).normalized(); |
489 | *fPosPtr++ = pos.x(); |
490 | *fPosPtr++ = pos.y(); |
491 | *fPosPtr++ = pos.z(); |
492 | *fNormalPtr++ = normal.x(); |
493 | *fNormalPtr++ = normal.y(); |
494 | *fNormalPtr++ = normal.z(); |
495 | } |
496 | } |
497 | } // end loop over models used in the lightmap |
498 | |
499 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Found %1 models for the lightmapped scene" ).arg(a: bakedLightingModelCount)); |
500 | |
501 | // All subsets for a model reference the same QSSGShaderLight list, |
502 | // take the first one, but filter it based on the bake flag. |
503 | for (const QSSGShaderLight &sl : static_cast<QSSGSubsetRenderable *>(bakedLightingModels.first().renderables.first().obj)->lights) { |
504 | if (!sl.light->m_bakingEnabled) |
505 | continue; |
506 | |
507 | Light light; |
508 | light.indirectOnly = !sl.light->m_fullyBaked; |
509 | light.direction = sl.direction; |
510 | |
511 | const float brightness = sl.light->m_brightness; |
512 | light.color = QVector3D(sl.light->m_diffuseColor.x() * brightness, |
513 | sl.light->m_diffuseColor.y() * brightness, |
514 | sl.light->m_diffuseColor.z() * brightness); |
515 | |
516 | if (sl.light->type == QSSGRenderLight::Type::PointLight |
517 | || sl.light->type == QSSGRenderLight::Type::SpotLight) |
518 | { |
519 | light.worldPos = sl.light->getGlobalPos(); |
520 | if (sl.light->type == QSSGRenderLight::Type::SpotLight) { |
521 | light.type = Light::Spot; |
522 | light.cosConeAngle = qCos(v: qDegreesToRadians(degrees: sl.light->m_coneAngle)); |
523 | light.cosInnerConeAngle = qCos(v: qDegreesToRadians( |
524 | degrees: qMin(a: sl.light->m_innerConeAngle, b: sl.light->m_coneAngle))); |
525 | } else { |
526 | light.type = Light::Point; |
527 | } |
528 | light.constantAttenuation = QSSGUtils::aux::translateConstantAttenuation(attenuation: sl.light->m_constantFade); |
529 | light.linearAttenuation = QSSGUtils::aux::translateLinearAttenuation(attenuation: sl.light->m_linearFade); |
530 | light.quadraticAttenuation = QSSGUtils::aux::translateQuadraticAttenuation(attenuation: sl.light->m_quadraticFade); |
531 | } else { |
532 | light.type = Light::Directional; |
533 | } |
534 | |
535 | lights.append(t: light); |
536 | } |
537 | |
538 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Found %1 lights enabled for baking" ).arg(a: lights.size())); |
539 | |
540 | rdev = rtcNewDevice(config: nullptr); |
541 | if (!rdev) { |
542 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Failed to create Embree device" )); |
543 | return false; |
544 | } |
545 | |
546 | rtcSetDeviceErrorFunction(device: rdev, error: embreeErrFunc, userPtr: nullptr); |
547 | |
548 | rscene = rtcNewScene(device: rdev); |
549 | |
550 | unsigned int geomId = 1; |
551 | |
552 | for (int lmIdx = 0; lmIdx < bakedLightingModelCount; ++lmIdx) { |
553 | const QSSGBakedLightingModel &lm(bakedLightingModels[lmIdx]); |
554 | |
555 | // While Light.castsShadow and Model.receivesShadows are irrelevant for |
556 | // baked lighting (they are effectively ignored, shadows are always |
557 | // there with baked direct lighting), Model.castsShadows is something |
558 | // we can and should take into account. |
559 | if (!lm.model->castsShadows) |
560 | continue; |
561 | |
562 | const DrawInfo &drawInfo(drawInfos[lmIdx]); |
563 | const char *vbase = drawInfo.vertexData.constData(); |
564 | const quint32 *ibase = reinterpret_cast<const quint32 *>(drawInfo.indexData.constData()); |
565 | |
566 | for (SubMeshInfo &subMeshInfo : subMeshInfos[lmIdx]) { |
567 | RTCGeometry geom = rtcNewGeometry(device: rdev, type: RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_TRIANGLE); |
568 | rtcSetGeometryVertexAttributeCount(geometry: geom, vertexAttributeCount: 2); |
569 | quint32 *ip = static_cast<quint32 *>(rtcSetNewGeometryBuffer(geometry: geom, type: RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_INDEX, slot: 0, format: RTC_FORMAT_UINT3, byteStride: 3 * sizeof(uint32_t), itemCount: subMeshInfo.count / 3)); |
570 | for (quint32 i = 0; i < subMeshInfo.count; ++i) |
571 | *ip++ = i; |
572 | float *vp = static_cast<float *>(rtcSetNewGeometryBuffer(geometry: geom, type: RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_VERTEX, slot: 0, format: RTC_FORMAT_FLOAT3, byteStride: 3 * sizeof(float), itemCount: subMeshInfo.count)); |
573 | for (quint32 i = 0; i < subMeshInfo.count; ++i) { |
574 | const quint32 idx = *(ibase + subMeshInfo.offset + i); |
575 | const float *src = reinterpret_cast<const float *>(vbase + idx * drawInfo.vertexStride + drawInfo.positionOffset); |
576 | *vp++ = *src++; |
577 | *vp++ = *src++; |
578 | *vp++ = *src++; |
579 | } |
580 | vp = static_cast<float *>(rtcSetNewGeometryBuffer(geometry: geom, type: RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE, slot: NORMAL_SLOT, format: RTC_FORMAT_FLOAT3, byteStride: 3 * sizeof(float), itemCount: subMeshInfo.count)); |
581 | for (quint32 i = 0; i < subMeshInfo.count; ++i) { |
582 | const quint32 idx = *(ibase + subMeshInfo.offset + i); |
583 | const float *src = reinterpret_cast<const float *>(vbase + idx * drawInfo.vertexStride + drawInfo.normalOffset); |
584 | *vp++ = *src++; |
585 | *vp++ = *src++; |
586 | *vp++ = *src++; |
587 | } |
588 | vp = static_cast<float *>(rtcSetNewGeometryBuffer(geometry: geom, type: RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE, slot: LIGHTMAP_UV_SLOT, format: RTC_FORMAT_FLOAT2, byteStride: 2 * sizeof(float), itemCount: subMeshInfo.count)); |
589 | for (quint32 i = 0; i < subMeshInfo.count; ++i) { |
590 | const quint32 idx = *(ibase + subMeshInfo.offset + i); |
591 | const float *src = reinterpret_cast<const float *>(vbase + idx * drawInfo.vertexStride + drawInfo.lightmapUVOffset); |
592 | *vp++ = *src++; |
593 | *vp++ = *src++; |
594 | } |
595 | rtcCommitGeometry(geometry: geom); |
596 | rtcSetGeometryIntersectFilterFunction(geometry: geom, filter: embreeFilterFunc); |
597 | rtcSetGeometryUserData(geometry: geom, ptr: this); |
598 | rtcAttachGeometryByID(scene: rscene, geometry: geom, geomID: geomId); |
599 | subMeshInfo.geomId = geomId++; |
600 | rtcReleaseGeometry(geometry: geom); |
601 | } |
602 | } |
603 | |
604 | rtcCommitScene(scene: rscene); |
605 | |
606 | RTCBounds bounds; |
607 | rtcGetSceneBounds(scene: rscene, bounds_o: &bounds); |
608 | QVector3D lowerBound(bounds.lower_x, bounds.lower_y, bounds.lower_z); |
609 | QVector3D upperBound(bounds.upper_x, bounds.upper_y, bounds.upper_z); |
610 | qDebug() << "[lm] Bounds in world space for raytracing scene:" << lowerBound << upperBound; |
611 | |
612 | const unsigned int geomIdBasedMapSize = geomId; |
613 | // Need fast lookup, hence indexing by geomId here. geomId starts from 1, |
614 | // meaning index 0 will be unused, but that's ok. |
615 | geomLightmapMap.fill(t: -1, newSize: geomIdBasedMapSize); |
616 | subMeshOpacityMap.fill(t: 0.0f, newSize: geomIdBasedMapSize); |
617 | |
618 | for (int lmIdx = 0; lmIdx < bakedLightingModelCount; ++lmIdx) { |
619 | const QSSGBakedLightingModel &lm(bakedLightingModels[lmIdx]); |
620 | if (!lm.model->castsShadows) // only matters if it's in the raytracer scene |
621 | continue; |
622 | for (SubMeshInfo &subMeshInfo : subMeshInfos[lmIdx]) |
623 | subMeshOpacityMap[subMeshInfo.geomId] = subMeshInfo.opacity; |
624 | } |
625 | |
626 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Geometry setup done. Time taken: %1 ms" ).arg(a: geomPrepTimer.elapsed())); |
627 | return true; |
628 | } |
629 | |
630 | bool QSSGLightmapperPrivate::prepareLightmaps() |
631 | { |
632 | QRhi *rhi = rhiCtx->rhi(); |
633 | if (!rhi->isTextureFormatSupported(format: QRhiTexture::RGBA32F)) { |
634 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("FP32 textures not supported, cannot bake" )); |
635 | return false; |
636 | } |
637 | if (rhi->resourceLimit(limit: QRhi::MaxColorAttachments) < 4) { |
638 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Multiple render targets not supported, cannot bake" )); |
639 | return false; |
640 | } |
641 | if (!rhi->isFeatureSupported(feature: QRhi::NonFillPolygonMode)) { |
642 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Line polygon mode not supported, cannot bake" )); |
643 | return false; |
644 | } |
645 | |
646 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Preparing lightmaps..." )); |
647 | QRhiCommandBuffer *cb = rhiCtx->commandBuffer(); |
648 | const int bakedLightingModelCount = bakedLightingModels.size(); |
649 | Q_ASSERT(drawInfos.size() == bakedLightingModelCount); |
650 | Q_ASSERT(subMeshInfos.size() == bakedLightingModelCount); |
651 | |
652 | for (int lmIdx = 0; lmIdx < bakedLightingModelCount; ++lmIdx) { |
653 | QElapsedTimer rasterizeTimer; |
654 | rasterizeTimer.start(); |
655 | |
656 | const QSSGBakedLightingModel &lm(bakedLightingModels[lmIdx]); |
657 | |
658 | const DrawInfo &bakeModelDrawInfo(drawInfos[lmIdx]); |
659 | const bool hasUV0 = bakeModelDrawInfo.uvOffset != UINT_MAX; |
660 | const bool hasTangentAndBinormal = bakeModelDrawInfo.tangentOffset != UINT_MAX |
661 | && bakeModelDrawInfo.binormalOffset != UINT_MAX; |
662 | const QSize outputSize = bakeModelDrawInfo.lightmapSize; |
663 | |
664 | QRhiVertexInputLayout inputLayout; |
665 | inputLayout.setBindings({ QRhiVertexInputBinding(bakeModelDrawInfo.vertexStride) }); |
666 | |
667 | std::unique_ptr<QRhiBuffer> vbuf(rhi->newBuffer(type: QRhiBuffer::Immutable, usage: QRhiBuffer::VertexBuffer, size: bakeModelDrawInfo.vertexData.size())); |
668 | if (!vbuf->create()) { |
669 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Failed to create vertex buffer" )); |
670 | return false; |
671 | } |
672 | std::unique_ptr<QRhiBuffer> ibuf(rhi->newBuffer(type: QRhiBuffer::Immutable, usage: QRhiBuffer::IndexBuffer, size: bakeModelDrawInfo.indexData.size())); |
673 | if (!ibuf->create()) { |
674 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Failed to create index buffer" )); |
675 | return false; |
676 | } |
677 | QRhiResourceUpdateBatch *resUpd = rhi->nextResourceUpdateBatch(); |
678 | resUpd->uploadStaticBuffer(buf: vbuf.get(), data: bakeModelDrawInfo.vertexData.constData()); |
679 | resUpd->uploadStaticBuffer(buf: ibuf.get(), data: bakeModelDrawInfo.indexData.constData()); |
680 | QRhiTexture *dummyTexture = rhiCtx->dummyTexture(flags: {}, rub: resUpd); |
681 | cb->resourceUpdate(resourceUpdates: resUpd); |
682 | |
683 | std::unique_ptr<QRhiTexture> positionData(rhi->newTexture(format: QRhiTexture::RGBA32F, pixelSize: outputSize, sampleCount: 1, |
684 | flags: QRhiTexture::RenderTarget | QRhiTexture::UsedAsTransferSource)); |
685 | if (!positionData->create()) { |
686 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Failed to create FP32 texture for positions" )); |
687 | return false; |
688 | } |
689 | std::unique_ptr<QRhiTexture> normalData(rhi->newTexture(format: QRhiTexture::RGBA32F, pixelSize: outputSize, sampleCount: 1, |
690 | flags: QRhiTexture::RenderTarget | QRhiTexture::UsedAsTransferSource)); |
691 | if (!normalData->create()) { |
692 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Failed to create FP32 texture for normals" )); |
693 | return false; |
694 | } |
695 | std::unique_ptr<QRhiTexture> baseColorData(rhi->newTexture(format: QRhiTexture::RGBA32F, pixelSize: outputSize, sampleCount: 1, |
696 | flags: QRhiTexture::RenderTarget | QRhiTexture::UsedAsTransferSource)); |
697 | if (!baseColorData->create()) { |
698 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Failed to create FP32 texture for base color" )); |
699 | return false; |
700 | } |
701 | std::unique_ptr<QRhiTexture> emissionData(rhi->newTexture(format: QRhiTexture::RGBA32F, pixelSize: outputSize, sampleCount: 1, |
702 | flags: QRhiTexture::RenderTarget | QRhiTexture::UsedAsTransferSource)); |
703 | if (!emissionData->create()) { |
704 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Failed to create FP32 texture for emissive color" )); |
705 | return false; |
706 | } |
707 | |
708 | std::unique_ptr<QRhiRenderBuffer> ds(rhi->newRenderBuffer(type: QRhiRenderBuffer::DepthStencil, pixelSize: outputSize)); |
709 | if (!ds->create()) { |
710 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Failed to create depth-stencil buffer" )); |
711 | return false; |
712 | } |
713 | |
714 | QRhiColorAttachment posAtt(positionData.get()); |
715 | QRhiColorAttachment normalAtt(normalData.get()); |
716 | QRhiColorAttachment baseColorAtt(baseColorData.get()); |
717 | QRhiColorAttachment emissionAtt(emissionData.get()); |
718 | QRhiTextureRenderTargetDescription rtDesc; |
719 | rtDesc.setColorAttachments({ posAtt, normalAtt, baseColorAtt, emissionAtt }); |
720 | rtDesc.setDepthStencilBuffer(ds.get()); |
721 | |
722 | std::unique_ptr<QRhiTextureRenderTarget> rt(rhi->newTextureRenderTarget(desc: rtDesc)); |
723 | std::unique_ptr<QRhiRenderPassDescriptor> rpDesc(rt->newCompatibleRenderPassDescriptor()); |
724 | rt->setRenderPassDescriptor(rpDesc.get()); |
725 | if (!rt->create()) { |
726 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Failed to create texture render target" )); |
727 | return false; |
728 | } |
729 | |
730 | static const int UBUF_SIZE = 48; |
731 | const int subMeshCount = subMeshInfos[lmIdx].size(); |
732 | const int alignedUbufSize = rhi->ubufAligned(v: UBUF_SIZE); |
733 | const int totalUbufSize = alignedUbufSize * subMeshCount; |
734 | std::unique_ptr<QRhiBuffer> ubuf(rhi->newBuffer(type: QRhiBuffer::Dynamic, usage: QRhiBuffer::UniformBuffer, size: totalUbufSize)); |
735 | if (!ubuf->create()) { |
736 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Failed to create uniform buffer of size %1" ).arg(a: totalUbufSize)); |
737 | return false; |
738 | } |
739 | |
740 | // Must ensure that the final image is identical with all graphics APIs, |
741 | // regardless of how the Y axis goes in the image and normalized device |
742 | // coordinate systems. |
743 | qint32 flipY = rhi->isYUpInFramebuffer() ? 0 : 1; |
744 | if (rhi->isYUpInNDC()) |
745 | flipY = 1 - flipY; |
746 | |
747 | char *ubufData = ubuf->beginFullDynamicBufferUpdateForCurrentFrame(); |
748 | for (int subMeshIdx = 0; subMeshIdx != subMeshCount; ++subMeshIdx) { |
749 | const SubMeshInfo &subMeshInfo(subMeshInfos[lmIdx][subMeshIdx]); |
750 | qint32 hasBaseColorMap = subMeshInfo.baseColorMap ? 1 : 0; |
751 | qint32 hasEmissiveMap = subMeshInfo.emissiveMap ? 1 : 0; |
752 | qint32 hasNormalMap = subMeshInfo.normalMap ? 1 : 0; |
753 | char *p = ubufData + subMeshIdx * alignedUbufSize; |
754 | memcpy(dest: p, src: &subMeshInfo.baseColor, n: 4 * sizeof(float)); |
755 | memcpy(dest: p + 16, src: &subMeshInfo.emissiveFactor, n: 3 * sizeof(float)); |
756 | memcpy(dest: p + 28, src: &flipY, n: sizeof(qint32)); |
757 | memcpy(dest: p + 32, src: &hasBaseColorMap, n: sizeof(qint32)); |
758 | memcpy(dest: p + 36, src: &hasEmissiveMap, n: sizeof(qint32)); |
759 | memcpy(dest: p + 40, src: &hasNormalMap, n: sizeof(qint32)); |
760 | memcpy(dest: p + 44, src: &subMeshInfo.normalStrength, n: sizeof(float)); |
761 | } |
762 | ubuf->endFullDynamicBufferUpdateForCurrentFrame(); |
763 | |
764 | auto setupPipeline = [rhi, &rpDesc](QSSGRhiShaderPipeline *shaderPipeline, |
765 | QRhiShaderResourceBindings *srb, |
766 | const QRhiVertexInputLayout &inputLayout) |
767 | { |
768 | QRhiGraphicsPipeline *ps = rhi->newGraphicsPipeline(); |
769 | ps->setTopology(QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Triangles); |
770 | ps->setDepthTest(true); |
771 | ps->setDepthWrite(true); |
772 | ps->setDepthOp(QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Less); |
773 | ps->setShaderStages(first: shaderPipeline->cbeginStages(), last: shaderPipeline->cendStages()); |
774 | ps->setTargetBlends({ {}, {}, {}, {} }); |
775 | ps->setRenderPassDescriptor(rpDesc.get()); |
776 | ps->setVertexInputLayout(inputLayout); |
777 | ps->setShaderResourceBindings(srb); |
778 | return ps; |
779 | }; |
780 | |
781 | QSSGRhiContextPrivate *rhiCtxD = QSSGRhiContextPrivate::get(q: rhiCtx); |
782 | QVector<QRhiGraphicsPipeline *> ps; |
783 | // Everything is going to be rendered twice (but note depth testing), first |
784 | // with polygon mode fill, then line. |
785 | QVector<QRhiGraphicsPipeline *> psLine; |
786 | |
787 | for (int subMeshIdx = 0; subMeshIdx != subMeshCount; ++subMeshIdx) { |
788 | const SubMeshInfo &subMeshInfo(subMeshInfos[lmIdx][subMeshIdx]); |
789 | QVarLengthArray<QRhiVertexInputAttribute, 6> vertexAttrs; |
790 | vertexAttrs << QRhiVertexInputAttribute(0, 0, bakeModelDrawInfo.positionFormat, bakeModelDrawInfo.positionOffset) |
791 | << QRhiVertexInputAttribute(0, 1, bakeModelDrawInfo.normalFormat, bakeModelDrawInfo.normalOffset) |
792 | << QRhiVertexInputAttribute(0, 2, bakeModelDrawInfo.lightmapUVFormat, bakeModelDrawInfo.lightmapUVOffset); |
793 | |
794 | // Vertex inputs (just like the sampler uniforms) must match exactly on |
795 | // the shader and the application side, cannot just leave out or have |
796 | // unused inputs. |
797 | QSSGBuiltInRhiShaderCache::LightmapUVRasterizationShaderMode shaderVariant = QSSGBuiltInRhiShaderCache::LightmapUVRasterizationShaderMode::Default; |
798 | if (hasUV0) { |
799 | shaderVariant = QSSGBuiltInRhiShaderCache::LightmapUVRasterizationShaderMode::Uv; |
800 | if (hasTangentAndBinormal) |
801 | shaderVariant = QSSGBuiltInRhiShaderCache::LightmapUVRasterizationShaderMode::UvTangent; |
802 | } |
803 | |
804 | const auto &shaderCache = renderer->contextInterface()->shaderCache(); |
805 | const auto &lmUvRastShaderPipeline = shaderCache->getBuiltInRhiShaders().getRhiLightmapUVRasterizationShader(mode: shaderVariant); |
806 | if (!lmUvRastShaderPipeline) { |
807 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Failed to load shaders" )); |
808 | return false; |
809 | } |
810 | |
811 | if (hasUV0) { |
812 | vertexAttrs << QRhiVertexInputAttribute(0, 3, bakeModelDrawInfo.uvFormat, bakeModelDrawInfo.uvOffset); |
813 | if (hasTangentAndBinormal) { |
814 | vertexAttrs << QRhiVertexInputAttribute(0, 4, bakeModelDrawInfo.tangentFormat, bakeModelDrawInfo.tangentOffset); |
815 | vertexAttrs << QRhiVertexInputAttribute(0, 5, bakeModelDrawInfo.binormalFormat, bakeModelDrawInfo.binormalOffset); |
816 | } |
817 | } |
818 | |
819 | inputLayout.setAttributes(first: vertexAttrs.cbegin(), last: vertexAttrs.cend()); |
820 | |
821 | QSSGRhiShaderResourceBindingList bindings; |
822 | bindings.addUniformBuffer(binding: 0, stage: QRhiShaderResourceBinding::VertexStage | QRhiShaderResourceBinding::FragmentStage, buf: ubuf.get(), |
823 | offset: subMeshIdx * alignedUbufSize, size: UBUF_SIZE); |
824 | QRhiSampler *dummySampler = rhiCtx->sampler(samplerDescription: { .minFilter: QRhiSampler::Nearest, .magFilter: QRhiSampler::Nearest, .mipmap: QRhiSampler::None, |
825 | .hTiling: QRhiSampler::ClampToEdge, .vTiling: QRhiSampler::ClampToEdge, .zTiling: QRhiSampler::Repeat }); |
826 | if (subMeshInfo.baseColorMap) { |
827 | const bool mipmapped = subMeshInfo.baseColorMap->flags().testFlag(flag: QRhiTexture::MipMapped); |
828 | QRhiSampler *sampler = rhiCtx->sampler(samplerDescription: { .minFilter: QSSGRhiHelpers::toRhi(op: subMeshInfo.baseColorNode->m_minFilterType), |
829 | .magFilter: QSSGRhiHelpers::toRhi(op: subMeshInfo.baseColorNode->m_magFilterType), |
830 | .mipmap: mipmapped ? QSSGRhiHelpers::toRhi(op: subMeshInfo.baseColorNode->m_mipFilterType) : QRhiSampler::None, |
831 | .hTiling: QSSGRhiHelpers::toRhi(tiling: subMeshInfo.baseColorNode->m_horizontalTilingMode), |
832 | .vTiling: QSSGRhiHelpers::toRhi(tiling: subMeshInfo.baseColorNode->m_verticalTilingMode), |
833 | .zTiling: QSSGRhiHelpers::toRhi(tiling: subMeshInfo.baseColorNode->m_depthTilingMode) |
834 | }); |
835 | bindings.addTexture(binding: 1, stage: QRhiShaderResourceBinding::FragmentStage, tex: subMeshInfo.baseColorMap, sampler); |
836 | } else { |
837 | bindings.addTexture(binding: 1, stage: QRhiShaderResourceBinding::FragmentStage, tex: dummyTexture, sampler: dummySampler); |
838 | } |
839 | if (subMeshInfo.emissiveMap) { |
840 | const bool mipmapped = subMeshInfo.emissiveMap->flags().testFlag(flag: QRhiTexture::MipMapped); |
841 | QRhiSampler *sampler = rhiCtx->sampler(samplerDescription: { .minFilter: QSSGRhiHelpers::toRhi(op: subMeshInfo.emissiveNode->m_minFilterType), |
842 | .magFilter: QSSGRhiHelpers::toRhi(op: subMeshInfo.emissiveNode->m_magFilterType), |
843 | .mipmap: mipmapped ? QSSGRhiHelpers::toRhi(op: subMeshInfo.emissiveNode->m_mipFilterType) : QRhiSampler::None, |
844 | .hTiling: QSSGRhiHelpers::toRhi(tiling: subMeshInfo.emissiveNode->m_horizontalTilingMode), |
845 | .vTiling: QSSGRhiHelpers::toRhi(tiling: subMeshInfo.emissiveNode->m_verticalTilingMode), |
846 | .zTiling: QSSGRhiHelpers::toRhi(tiling: subMeshInfo.emissiveNode->m_depthTilingMode) |
847 | }); |
848 | bindings.addTexture(binding: 2, stage: QRhiShaderResourceBinding::FragmentStage, tex: subMeshInfo.emissiveMap, sampler); |
849 | } else { |
850 | bindings.addTexture(binding: 2, stage: QRhiShaderResourceBinding::FragmentStage, tex: dummyTexture, sampler: dummySampler); |
851 | } |
852 | if (subMeshInfo.normalMap) { |
853 | const bool mipmapped = subMeshInfo.normalMap->flags().testFlag(flag: QRhiTexture::MipMapped); |
854 | QRhiSampler *sampler = rhiCtx->sampler(samplerDescription: { .minFilter: QSSGRhiHelpers::toRhi(op: subMeshInfo.normalMapNode->m_minFilterType), |
855 | .magFilter: QSSGRhiHelpers::toRhi(op: subMeshInfo.normalMapNode->m_magFilterType), |
856 | .mipmap: mipmapped ? QSSGRhiHelpers::toRhi(op: subMeshInfo.normalMapNode->m_mipFilterType) : QRhiSampler::None, |
857 | .hTiling: QSSGRhiHelpers::toRhi(tiling: subMeshInfo.normalMapNode->m_horizontalTilingMode), |
858 | .vTiling: QSSGRhiHelpers::toRhi(tiling: subMeshInfo.normalMapNode->m_verticalTilingMode), |
859 | .zTiling: QSSGRhiHelpers::toRhi(tiling: subMeshInfo.normalMapNode->m_depthTilingMode) |
860 | }); |
861 | bindings.addTexture(binding: 3, stage: QRhiShaderResourceBinding::FragmentStage, tex: subMeshInfo.normalMap, sampler); |
862 | } else { |
863 | bindings.addTexture(binding: 3, stage: QRhiShaderResourceBinding::FragmentStage, tex: dummyTexture, sampler: dummySampler); |
864 | } |
865 | QRhiShaderResourceBindings *srb = rhiCtxD->srb(bindings); |
866 | |
867 | QRhiGraphicsPipeline *pipeline = setupPipeline(lmUvRastShaderPipeline.get(), srb, inputLayout); |
868 | if (!pipeline->create()) { |
869 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Failed to create graphics pipeline (mesh %1 submesh %2)" ). |
870 | arg(a: lmIdx). |
871 | arg(a: subMeshIdx)); |
872 | qDeleteAll(c: ps); |
873 | qDeleteAll(c: psLine); |
874 | return false; |
875 | } |
876 | ps.append(t: pipeline); |
877 | pipeline = setupPipeline(lmUvRastShaderPipeline.get(), srb, inputLayout); |
878 | pipeline->setPolygonMode(QRhiGraphicsPipeline::Line); |
879 | if (!pipeline->create()) { |
880 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Failed to create graphics pipeline with line fill mode (mesh %1 submesh %2)" ). |
881 | arg(a: lmIdx). |
882 | arg(a: subMeshIdx)); |
883 | qDeleteAll(c: ps); |
884 | qDeleteAll(c: psLine); |
885 | return false; |
886 | } |
887 | psLine.append(t: pipeline); |
888 | } |
889 | |
890 | QRhiCommandBuffer::VertexInput vertexBuffers = { vbuf.get(), 0 }; |
891 | const QRhiViewport viewport(0, 0, float(outputSize.width()), float(outputSize.height())); |
892 | bool hadViewport = false; |
893 | |
894 | cb->beginPass(rt: rt.get(), colorClearValue: Qt::black, depthStencilClearValue: { 1.0f, 0 }); |
895 | for (int subMeshIdx = 0; subMeshIdx != subMeshCount; ++subMeshIdx) { |
896 | const SubMeshInfo &subMeshInfo(subMeshInfos[lmIdx][subMeshIdx]); |
897 | cb->setGraphicsPipeline(ps[subMeshIdx]); |
898 | if (!hadViewport) { |
899 | cb->setViewport(viewport); |
900 | hadViewport = true; |
901 | } |
902 | cb->setShaderResources(); |
903 | cb->setVertexInput(startBinding: 0, bindingCount: 1, bindings: &vertexBuffers, indexBuf: ibuf.get(), indexOffset: 0, indexFormat: QRhiCommandBuffer::IndexUInt32); |
904 | cb->drawIndexed(indexCount: subMeshInfo.count, instanceCount: 1, firstIndex: subMeshInfo.offset); |
905 | cb->setGraphicsPipeline(psLine[subMeshIdx]); |
906 | cb->setShaderResources(); |
907 | cb->drawIndexed(indexCount: subMeshInfo.count, instanceCount: 1, firstIndex: subMeshInfo.offset); |
908 | } |
909 | |
910 | resUpd = rhi->nextResourceUpdateBatch(); |
911 | QRhiReadbackResult posReadResult; |
912 | QRhiReadbackResult normalReadResult; |
913 | QRhiReadbackResult baseColorReadResult; |
914 | QRhiReadbackResult emissionReadResult; |
915 | resUpd->readBackTexture(rb: { positionData.get() }, result: &posReadResult); |
916 | resUpd->readBackTexture(rb: { normalData.get() }, result: &normalReadResult); |
917 | resUpd->readBackTexture(rb: { baseColorData.get() }, result: &baseColorReadResult); |
918 | resUpd->readBackTexture(rb: { emissionData.get() }, result: &emissionReadResult); |
919 | cb->endPass(resourceUpdates: resUpd); |
920 | |
921 | // Submit and wait for completion. |
922 | rhi->finish(); |
923 | |
924 | qDeleteAll(c: ps); |
925 | qDeleteAll(c: psLine); |
926 | |
927 | Lightmap lightmap(outputSize); |
928 | |
929 | // The readback results are tightly packed (which is supposed to be ensured |
930 | // by each rhi backend), so one line is 16 * width bytes. |
931 | if (posReadResult.data.size() < lightmap.entries.size() * 16) { |
932 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Position data is smaller than expected" )); |
933 | return false; |
934 | } |
935 | if (normalReadResult.data.size() < lightmap.entries.size() * 16) { |
936 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Normal data is smaller than expected" )); |
937 | return false; |
938 | } |
939 | if (baseColorReadResult.data.size() < lightmap.entries.size() * 16) { |
940 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Base color data is smaller than expected" )); |
941 | return false; |
942 | } |
943 | if (emissionReadResult.data.size() < lightmap.entries.size() * 16) { |
944 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Emission data is smaller than expected" )); |
945 | return false; |
946 | } |
947 | const float *lmPosPtr = reinterpret_cast<const float *>(posReadResult.data.constData()); |
948 | const float *lmNormPtr = reinterpret_cast<const float *>(normalReadResult.data.constData()); |
949 | const float *lmBaseColorPtr = reinterpret_cast<const float *>(baseColorReadResult.data.constData()); |
950 | const float *lmEmissionPtr = reinterpret_cast<const float *>(emissionReadResult.data.constData()); |
951 | int unusedEntries = 0; |
952 | for (qsizetype i = 0, ie = lightmap.entries.size(); i != ie; ++i) { |
953 | LightmapEntry &lmPix(lightmap.entries[i]); |
954 | |
955 | float x = *lmPosPtr++; |
956 | float y = *lmPosPtr++; |
957 | float z = *lmPosPtr++; |
958 | lmPosPtr++; |
959 | lmPix.worldPos = QVector3D(x, y, z); |
960 | |
961 | x = *lmNormPtr++; |
962 | y = *lmNormPtr++; |
963 | z = *lmNormPtr++; |
964 | lmNormPtr++; |
965 | lmPix.normal = QVector3D(x, y, z); |
966 | |
967 | float r = *lmBaseColorPtr++; |
968 | float g = *lmBaseColorPtr++; |
969 | float b = *lmBaseColorPtr++; |
970 | float a = *lmBaseColorPtr++; |
971 | lmPix.baseColor = QVector4D(r, g, b, a); |
972 | if (a < 1.0f) |
973 | lightmap.hasBaseColorTransparency = true; |
974 | |
975 | r = *lmEmissionPtr++; |
976 | g = *lmEmissionPtr++; |
977 | b = *lmEmissionPtr++; |
978 | lmEmissionPtr++; |
979 | lmPix.emission = QVector3D(r, g, b); |
980 | |
981 | if (!lmPix.isValid()) |
982 | ++unusedEntries; |
983 | } |
984 | |
985 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Successfully rasterized %1/%2 lightmap texels for model %3, lightmap size %4 in %5 ms" ). |
986 | arg(a: lightmap.entries.size() - unusedEntries). |
987 | arg(a: lightmap.entries.size()). |
988 | arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey). |
989 | arg(QStringLiteral("(%1, %2)" ).arg(a: outputSize.width()).arg(a: outputSize.height())). |
990 | arg(a: rasterizeTimer.elapsed())); |
991 | lightmaps.append(t: lightmap); |
992 | |
993 | for (const SubMeshInfo &subMeshInfo : std::as_const(t&: subMeshInfos[lmIdx])) { |
994 | if (!lm.model->castsShadows) // only matters if it's in the raytracer scene |
995 | continue; |
996 | geomLightmapMap[subMeshInfo.geomId] = lightmaps.size() - 1; |
997 | } |
998 | } |
999 | |
1000 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Lightmap preparing done" )); |
1001 | return true; |
1002 | } |
1003 | |
1004 | struct RayHit |
1005 | { |
1006 | RayHit(const QVector3D &org, const QVector3D &dir, float tnear = 0.0f, float tfar = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()) { |
1007 | rayhit.ray.org_x = org.x(); |
1008 | rayhit.ray.org_y = org.y(); |
1009 | rayhit.ray.org_z = org.z(); |
1010 | rayhit.ray.dir_x = dir.x(); |
1011 | rayhit.ray.dir_y = dir.y(); |
1012 | rayhit.ray.dir_z = dir.z(); |
1013 | rayhit.ray.tnear = tnear; |
1014 | rayhit.ray.tfar = tfar; |
1015 | rayhit.hit.u = 0.0f; |
1016 | rayhit.hit.v = 0.0f; |
1017 | rayhit.hit.geomID = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID; |
1018 | } |
1019 | |
1020 | RTCRayHit rayhit; |
1021 | |
1022 | bool intersect(RTCScene scene) |
1023 | { |
1024 | RTCIntersectContext ctx; |
1025 | rtcInitIntersectContext(context: &ctx); |
1026 | rtcIntersect1(scene, context: &ctx, rayhit: &rayhit); |
1027 | return rayhit.hit.geomID != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID; |
1028 | } |
1029 | }; |
1030 | |
1031 | static inline QVector3D vectorSign(const QVector3D &v) |
1032 | { |
1033 | return QVector3D(v.x() < 1.0f ? -1.0f : 1.0f, |
1034 | v.y() < 1.0f ? -1.0f : 1.0f, |
1035 | v.z() < 1.0f ? -1.0f : 1.0f); |
1036 | } |
1037 | |
1038 | static inline QVector3D vectorAbs(const QVector3D &v) |
1039 | { |
1040 | return QVector3D(std::abs(x: v.x()), |
1041 | std::abs(x: v.y()), |
1042 | std::abs(x: v.z())); |
1043 | } |
1044 | |
1045 | void QSSGLightmapperPrivate::computeDirectLight() |
1046 | { |
1047 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Computing direct lighting..." )); |
1048 | QElapsedTimer fullDirectLightTimer; |
1049 | fullDirectLightTimer.start(); |
1050 | |
1051 | const int bakedLightingModelCount = bakedLightingModels.size(); |
1052 | Q_ASSERT(lightmaps.size() == bakedLightingModelCount); |
1053 | |
1054 | QVector<QFuture<void>> futures; |
1055 | |
1056 | for (int lmIdx = 0; lmIdx < bakedLightingModelCount; ++lmIdx) { |
1057 | const QSSGBakedLightingModel &lm(bakedLightingModels[lmIdx]); |
1058 | Lightmap &lightmap(lightmaps[lmIdx]); |
1059 | |
1060 | // direct lighting is relatively fast to calculate, so parallelize per model |
1061 | futures << QtConcurrent::run(f: [this, &lm, &lightmap] { |
1062 | QElapsedTimer directLightTimer; |
1063 | directLightTimer.start(); |
1064 | |
1065 | const int lightCount = lights.size(); |
1066 | for (LightmapEntry &lmPix : lightmap.entries) { |
1067 | if (!lmPix.isValid()) |
1068 | continue; |
1069 | |
1070 | QVector3D worldPos = lmPix.worldPos; |
1071 | if (options.useAdaptiveBias) |
1072 | worldPos += vectorSign(v: lmPix.normal) * vectorAbs(v: worldPos * 0.0000002f); |
1073 | |
1074 | // 'lights' should have all lights that are either BakeModeIndirect or BakeModeAll |
1075 | for (int i = 0; i < lightCount; ++i) { |
1076 | const Light &light(lights[i]); |
1077 | |
1078 | QVector3D lightWorldPos; |
1079 | float dist = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(); |
1080 | float attenuation = 1.0f; |
1081 | if (light.type == Light::Directional) { |
1082 | lightWorldPos = worldPos - light.direction; |
1083 | } else { |
1084 | lightWorldPos = light.worldPos; |
1085 | dist = (worldPos - lightWorldPos).length(); |
1086 | attenuation = 1.0f / (light.constantAttenuation |
1087 | + light.linearAttenuation * dist |
1088 | + light.quadraticAttenuation * dist * dist); |
1089 | if (light.type == Light::Spot) { |
1090 | const float spotAngle = QVector3D::dotProduct(v1: (worldPos - lightWorldPos).normalized(), |
1091 | v2: light.direction.normalized()); |
1092 | if (spotAngle > light.cosConeAngle) { |
1093 | // spotFactor = smoothstep(light.cosConeAngle, light.cosInnerConeAngle, spotAngle); |
1094 | const float edge0 = light.cosConeAngle; |
1095 | const float edge1 = light.cosInnerConeAngle; |
1096 | const float x = spotAngle; |
1097 | const float t = qBound(min: 0.0f, val: (x - edge0) / (edge1 - edge0), max: 1.0f); |
1098 | const float spotFactor = t * t * (3.0f - 2.0f * t); |
1099 | attenuation *= spotFactor; |
1100 | } else { |
1101 | attenuation = 0.0f; |
1102 | } |
1103 | } |
1104 | } |
1105 | |
1106 | const QVector3D N = lmPix.normal; |
1107 | const QVector3D L = (lightWorldPos - worldPos).normalized(); |
1108 | const float energy = qMax(a: 0.0f, b: QVector3D::dotProduct(v1: N, v2: L)) * attenuation; |
1109 | if (qFuzzyIsNull(f: energy)) |
1110 | continue; |
1111 | |
1112 | // trace a ray from this point towards the light, and see if something is hit on the way |
1113 | RayHit ray(worldPos, L, options.bias, dist); |
1114 | const bool lightReachable = !ray.intersect(scene: rscene); |
1115 | if (lightReachable) { |
1116 | // direct light must always be stored because indirect computation will need it |
1117 | lmPix.directLight += light.color * energy; |
1118 | // but we take it into account in the final result only for lights that have BakeModeAll |
1119 | if (!light.indirectOnly) |
1120 | lmPix.allLight += light.color * energy; |
1121 | } |
1122 | } |
1123 | } |
1124 | |
1125 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Direct light computed for model %1 in %2 ms" ). |
1126 | arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey). |
1127 | arg(a: directLightTimer.elapsed())); |
1128 | }); |
1129 | } |
1130 | |
1131 | for (QFuture<void> &future : futures) |
1132 | future.waitForFinished(); |
1133 | |
1134 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Direct light computation completed in %1 ms" ). |
1135 | arg(a: fullDirectLightTimer.elapsed())); |
1136 | } |
1137 | |
1138 | // xorshift rng. this is called a lot -> rand/QRandomGenerator is out of question (way too slow) |
1139 | static inline float uniformRand() |
1140 | { |
1141 | static thread_local quint32 state = QRandomGenerator::global()->generate(); |
1142 | state ^= state << 13; |
1143 | state ^= state >> 17; |
1144 | state ^= state << 5; |
1145 | return float(state) / float(UINT32_MAX); |
1146 | } |
1147 | |
1148 | static inline QVector3D cosWeightedHemisphereSample() |
1149 | { |
1150 | const float r1 = uniformRand(); |
1151 | const float r2 = uniformRand() * 2.0f * float(M_PI); |
1152 | const float sqr1 = std::sqrt(x: r1); |
1153 | const float sqr1m = std::sqrt(x: 1.0f - r1); |
1154 | return QVector3D(sqr1 * std::cos(x: r2), sqr1 * std::sin(x: r2), sqr1m); |
1155 | } |
1156 | |
1157 | void QSSGLightmapperPrivate::computeIndirectLight() |
1158 | { |
1159 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Computing indirect lighting..." )); |
1160 | QElapsedTimer fullIndirectLightTimer; |
1161 | fullIndirectLightTimer.start(); |
1162 | |
1163 | const int bakedLightingModelCount = bakedLightingModels.size(); |
1164 | |
1165 | for (int lmIdx = 0; lmIdx < bakedLightingModelCount; ++lmIdx) { |
1166 | // here we only care about the models that will store the lightmap image persistently |
1167 | if (!bakedLightingModels[lmIdx].model->hasLightmap()) |
1168 | continue; |
1169 | |
1170 | const QSSGBakedLightingModel &lm(bakedLightingModels[lmIdx]); |
1171 | Lightmap &lightmap(lightmaps[lmIdx]); |
1172 | int texelsDone = 0; |
1173 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Total texels to compute for model %1: %2" ). |
1174 | arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey). |
1175 | arg(a: lightmap.entries.size())); |
1176 | QElapsedTimer indirectLightTimer; |
1177 | indirectLightTimer.start(); |
1178 | |
1179 | // indirect lighting is slow, so parallelize per groups of samples, |
1180 | // e.g. if sample count is 256 and workgroup size is 32, then do up to |
1181 | // 8 sets in parallel, each calculating 32 samples (how many of the 8 |
1182 | // are really done concurrently that's up to the thread pool to manage) |
1183 | |
1184 | int wgSizePerGroup = qMax(a: 1, b: options.indirectLightWorkgroupSize); |
1185 | int wgCount = options.indirectLightSamples / wgSizePerGroup; |
1186 | if (options.indirectLightSamples % wgSizePerGroup) |
1187 | ++wgCount; |
1188 | |
1189 | QVector<QFuture<QVector3D>> wg(wgCount); |
1190 | |
1191 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Computing indirect lighting for model %1" ). |
1192 | arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey)); |
1193 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Sample count: %1, Workgroup size: %2, Max bounces: %3, Multiplier: %4" ). |
1194 | arg(a: options.indirectLightSamples). |
1195 | arg(a: wgSizePerGroup). |
1196 | arg(a: options.indirectLightBounces). |
1197 | arg(a: options.indirectLightFactor)); |
1198 | for (LightmapEntry &lmPix : lightmap.entries) { |
1199 | if (!lmPix.isValid()) |
1200 | continue; |
1201 | |
1202 | for (int wgIdx = 0; wgIdx < wgCount; ++wgIdx) { |
1203 | const int beginIdx = wgIdx * wgSizePerGroup; |
1204 | const int endIdx = qMin(a: beginIdx + wgSizePerGroup, b: options.indirectLightSamples); |
1205 | |
1206 | wg[wgIdx] = QtConcurrent::run(f: [this, beginIdx, endIdx, &lmPix] { |
1207 | QVector3D wgResult; |
1208 | for (int sampleIdx = beginIdx; sampleIdx < endIdx; ++sampleIdx) { |
1209 | QVector3D position = lmPix.worldPos; |
1210 | QVector3D normal = lmPix.normal; |
1211 | QVector3D throughput(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); |
1212 | QVector3D sampleResult; |
1213 | |
1214 | for (int bounce = 0; bounce < options.indirectLightBounces; ++bounce) { |
1215 | if (options.useAdaptiveBias) |
1216 | position += vectorSign(v: normal) * vectorAbs(v: position * 0.0000002f); |
1217 | |
1218 | // get a sample using a cosine-weighted hemisphere sampler |
1219 | const QVector3D sample = cosWeightedHemisphereSample(); |
1220 | |
1221 | // transform to the point's local coordinate system |
1222 | const QVector3D v0 = qFuzzyCompare(p1: qAbs(t: normal.z()), p2: 1.0f) |
1223 | ? QVector3D(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f) |
1224 | : QVector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); |
1225 | const QVector3D tangent = QVector3D::crossProduct(v1: v0, v2: normal).normalized(); |
1226 | const QVector3D bitangent = QVector3D::crossProduct(v1: tangent, v2: normal).normalized(); |
1227 | QVector3D direction( |
1228 | tangent.x() * sample.x() + bitangent.x() * sample.y() + normal.x() * sample.z(), |
1229 | tangent.y() * sample.x() + bitangent.y() * sample.y() + normal.y() * sample.z(), |
1230 | tangent.z() * sample.x() + bitangent.z() * sample.y() + normal.z() * sample.z()); |
1231 | direction.normalize(); |
1232 | |
1233 | // probability distribution function |
1234 | const float NdotL = qMax(a: 0.0f, b: QVector3D::dotProduct(v1: normal, v2: direction)); |
1235 | const float pdf = NdotL / float(M_PI); |
1236 | if (qFuzzyIsNull(f: pdf)) |
1237 | break; |
1238 | |
1239 | // shoot ray, stop if no hit |
1240 | RayHit ray(position, direction, options.bias); |
1241 | if (!ray.intersect(scene: rscene)) |
1242 | break; |
1243 | |
1244 | // see what (sub)mesh and which texel it intersected with |
1245 | const LightmapEntry &hitEntry = texelForLightmapUV(geomId: ray.rayhit.hit.geomID, |
1246 | u: ray.rayhit.hit.u, |
1247 | v: ray.rayhit.hit.v); |
1248 | |
1249 | // won't bounce further from a back face |
1250 | const bool hitBackFace = QVector3D::dotProduct(v1: hitEntry.normal, v2: direction) > 0.0f; |
1251 | if (hitBackFace) |
1252 | break; |
1253 | |
1254 | // the BRDF of a diffuse surface is albedo / PI |
1255 | const QVector3D brdf = hitEntry.baseColor.toVector3D() / float(M_PI); |
1256 | |
1257 | // calculate result for this bounce |
1258 | sampleResult += throughput * hitEntry.emission; |
1259 | throughput *= brdf * NdotL / pdf; |
1260 | sampleResult += throughput * hitEntry.directLight; |
1261 | |
1262 | // stop if we guess there's no point in bouncing further |
1263 | // (low throughput path wouldn't contribute much) |
1264 | const float p = qMax(a: qMax(a: throughput.x(), b: throughput.y()), b: throughput.z()); |
1265 | if (p < uniformRand()) |
1266 | break; |
1267 | |
1268 | // was not terminated: boost the energy by the probability to be terminated |
1269 | throughput /= p; |
1270 | |
1271 | // next bounce starts from the hit's position |
1272 | position = hitEntry.worldPos; |
1273 | normal = hitEntry.normal; |
1274 | } |
1275 | |
1276 | wgResult += sampleResult; |
1277 | } |
1278 | return wgResult; |
1279 | }); |
1280 | } |
1281 | |
1282 | QVector3D totalIndirect; |
1283 | for (const auto &future : wg) |
1284 | totalIndirect += future.result(); |
1285 | |
1286 | lmPix.allLight += totalIndirect * options.indirectLightFactor / options.indirectLightSamples; |
1287 | |
1288 | ++texelsDone; |
1289 | if (texelsDone % 10000 == 0) |
1290 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("%1 texels left" ). |
1291 | arg(a: lightmap.entries.size() - texelsDone)); |
1292 | |
1293 | if (bakingControl.cancelled) |
1294 | return; |
1295 | } |
1296 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Indirect lighting computed for model %1 in %2 ms" ). |
1297 | arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey). |
1298 | arg(a: indirectLightTimer.elapsed())); |
1299 | } |
1300 | |
1301 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Indirect light computation completed in %1 ms" ). |
1302 | arg(a: fullIndirectLightTimer.elapsed())); |
1303 | } |
1304 | |
1305 | struct Edge { |
1306 | std::array<QVector3D, 2> pos; |
1307 | std::array<QVector3D, 2> normal; |
1308 | }; |
1309 | |
1310 | inline bool operator==(const Edge &a, const Edge &b) |
1311 | { |
1312 | return qFuzzyCompare(v1: a.pos[0], v2: b.pos[0]) |
1313 | && qFuzzyCompare(v1: a.pos[1], v2: b.pos[1]) |
1314 | && qFuzzyCompare(v1: a.normal[0], v2: b.normal[0]) |
1315 | && qFuzzyCompare(v1: a.normal[1], v2: b.normal[1]); |
1316 | } |
1317 | |
1318 | inline size_t qHash(const Edge &e, size_t seed) Q_DECL_NOTHROW |
1319 | { |
1320 | return qHash(key: e.pos[0].x(), seed) ^ qHash(key: e.pos[0].y()) ^ qHash(key: e.pos[0].z()) |
1321 | ^ qHash(key: e.pos[1].x()) ^ qHash(key: e.pos[1].y()) ^ qHash(key: e.pos[1].z()); |
1322 | } |
1323 | |
1324 | struct EdgeUV { |
1325 | std::array<QVector2D, 2> uv; |
1326 | bool seam = false; |
1327 | }; |
1328 | |
1329 | struct SeamUV { |
1330 | std::array<std::array<QVector2D, 2>, 2> uv; |
1331 | }; |
1332 | |
1333 | static inline bool vectorLessThan(const QVector3D &a, const QVector3D &b) |
1334 | { |
1335 | if (a.x() == b.x()) { |
1336 | if (a.y() == b.y()) |
1337 | return a.z() < b.z(); |
1338 | else |
1339 | return a.y() < b.y(); |
1340 | } |
1341 | return a.x() < b.x(); |
1342 | } |
1343 | |
1344 | static inline float floatSign(float f) |
1345 | { |
1346 | return f > 0.0f ? 1.0f : (f < 0.0f ? -1.0f : 0.0f); |
1347 | } |
1348 | |
1349 | static inline QVector2D flooredVec(const QVector2D &v) |
1350 | { |
1351 | return QVector2D(std::floor(x: v.x()), std::floor(x: v.y())); |
1352 | } |
1353 | |
1354 | static inline QVector2D projectPointToLine(const QVector2D &point, const std::array<QVector2D, 2> &line) |
1355 | { |
1356 | const QVector2D p = point - line[0]; |
1357 | const QVector2D n = line[1] - line[0]; |
1358 | const float lengthSquared = n.lengthSquared(); |
1359 | if (!qFuzzyIsNull(f: lengthSquared)) { |
1360 | const float d = (n.x() * p.x() + n.y() * p.y()) / lengthSquared; |
1361 | return d <= 0.0f ? line[0] : (d >= 1.0f ? line[1] : line[0] + n * d); |
1362 | } |
1363 | return line[0]; |
1364 | } |
1365 | |
1366 | static void blendLine(const QVector2D &from, const QVector2D &to, |
1367 | const QVector2D &uvFrom, const QVector2D &uvTo, |
1368 | const QByteArray &readBuf, QByteArray &writeBuf, |
1369 | const QSize &lightmapPixelSize) |
1370 | { |
1371 | const QVector2D size(lightmapPixelSize.width(), lightmapPixelSize.height()); |
1372 | const std::array<QVector2D, 2> line = { QVector2D(from.x(), 1.0f - from.y()) * size, |
1373 | QVector2D(to.x(), 1.0f - to.y()) * size }; |
1374 | const float lineLength = line[0].distanceToPoint(point: line[1]); |
1375 | if (qFuzzyIsNull(f: lineLength)) |
1376 | return; |
1377 | |
1378 | const QVector2D startPixel = flooredVec(v: line[0]); |
1379 | const QVector2D endPixel = flooredVec(v: line[1]); |
1380 | |
1381 | const QVector2D dir = (line[1] - line[0]).normalized(); |
1382 | const QVector2D tStep(1.0f / std::abs(x: dir.x()), 1.0f / std::abs(x: dir.y())); |
1383 | const QVector2D pixelStep(floatSign(f: dir.x()), floatSign(f: dir.y())); |
1384 | |
1385 | QVector2D nextT(std::fmod(x: line[0].x(), y: 1.0f), std::fmod(x: line[0].y(), y: 1.0f)); |
1386 | if (pixelStep.x() == 1.0f) |
1387 | nextT.setX(1.0f - nextT.x()); |
1388 | if (pixelStep.y() == 1.0f) |
1389 | nextT.setY(1.0f - nextT.y()); |
1390 | |
1391 | if (!qFuzzyIsNull(f: dir.x())) |
1392 | nextT.setX(nextT.x() / std::abs(x: dir.x())); |
1393 | else |
1394 | nextT.setX(std::numeric_limits<float>::max()); |
1395 | |
1396 | if (!qFuzzyIsNull(f: dir.y())) |
1397 | nextT.setY(nextT.y() / std::abs(x: dir.y())); |
1398 | else |
1399 | nextT.setY(std::numeric_limits<float>::max()); |
1400 | |
1401 | float *fpW = reinterpret_cast<float *>(writeBuf.data()); |
1402 | const float *fpR = reinterpret_cast<const float *>(readBuf.constData()); |
1403 | |
1404 | QVector2D pixel = startPixel; |
1405 | |
1406 | while (startPixel.distanceToPoint(point: pixel) < lineLength + 1.0f) { |
1407 | const QVector2D point = projectPointToLine(point: pixel + QVector2D(0.5f, 0.5f), line); |
1408 | const float t = line[0].distanceToPoint(point) / lineLength; |
1409 | const QVector2D uvInterp = uvFrom * (1.0 - t) + uvTo * t; |
1410 | const QVector2D sampledPixel = flooredVec(v: QVector2D(uvInterp.x(), 1.0f - uvInterp.y()) * size); |
1411 | |
1412 | const int sampOfs = (int(sampledPixel.x()) + int(sampledPixel.y()) * lightmapPixelSize.width()) * 4; |
1413 | const QVector3D sampledColor(fpR[sampOfs], fpR[sampOfs + 1], fpR[sampOfs + 2]); |
1414 | const int pixOfs = (int(pixel.x()) + int(pixel.y()) * lightmapPixelSize.width()) * 4; |
1415 | QVector3D currentColor(fpW[pixOfs], fpW[pixOfs + 1], fpW[pixOfs + 2]); |
1416 | currentColor = currentColor * 0.6f + sampledColor * 0.4f; |
1417 | fpW[pixOfs] = currentColor.x(); |
1418 | fpW[pixOfs + 1] = currentColor.y(); |
1419 | fpW[pixOfs + 2] = currentColor.z(); |
1420 | |
1421 | if (pixel != endPixel) { |
1422 | if (nextT.x() < nextT.y()) { |
1423 | pixel.setX(pixel.x() + pixelStep.x()); |
1424 | nextT.setX(nextT.x() + tStep.x()); |
1425 | } else { |
1426 | pixel.setY(pixel.y() + pixelStep.y()); |
1427 | nextT.setY(nextT.y() + tStep.y()); |
1428 | } |
1429 | } else { |
1430 | break; |
1431 | } |
1432 | } |
1433 | } |
1434 | |
1435 | bool QSSGLightmapperPrivate::postProcess() |
1436 | { |
1437 | QSSGRhiContextPrivate *rhiCtxD = QSSGRhiContextPrivate::get(q: rhiCtx); |
1438 | QRhi *rhi = rhiCtx->rhi(); |
1439 | QRhiCommandBuffer *cb = rhiCtx->commandBuffer(); |
1440 | const int bakedLightingModelCount = bakedLightingModels.size(); |
1441 | |
1442 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Post-processing..." )); |
1443 | for (int lmIdx = 0; lmIdx < bakedLightingModelCount; ++lmIdx) { |
1444 | QElapsedTimer postProcessTimer; |
1445 | postProcessTimer.start(); |
1446 | |
1447 | const QSSGBakedLightingModel &lm(bakedLightingModels[lmIdx]); |
1448 | // only care about the ones that will store the lightmap image persistently |
1449 | if (!lm.model->hasLightmap()) |
1450 | continue; |
1451 | |
1452 | Lightmap &lightmap(lightmaps[lmIdx]); |
1453 | |
1454 | // Assemble the RGBA32F image from the baker data structures |
1455 | QByteArray lightmapFP32(lightmap.entries.size() * 4 * sizeof(float), Qt::Uninitialized); |
1456 | float *lightmapFloatPtr = reinterpret_cast<float *>(lightmapFP32.data()); |
1457 | for (const LightmapEntry &lmPix : std::as_const(t&: lightmap.entries)) { |
1458 | *lightmapFloatPtr++ = lmPix.allLight.x(); |
1459 | *lightmapFloatPtr++ = lmPix.allLight.y(); |
1460 | *lightmapFloatPtr++ = lmPix.allLight.z(); |
1461 | *lightmapFloatPtr++ = lmPix.isValid() ? 1.0f : 0.0f; |
1462 | } |
1463 | |
1464 | // Dilate |
1465 | const QRhiViewport viewport(0, 0, float(lightmap.pixelSize.width()), float(lightmap.pixelSize.height())); |
1466 | |
1467 | std::unique_ptr<QRhiTexture> lightmapTex(rhi->newTexture(format: QRhiTexture::RGBA32F, pixelSize: lightmap.pixelSize)); |
1468 | if (!lightmapTex->create()) { |
1469 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Failed to create FP32 texture for postprocessing" )); |
1470 | return false; |
1471 | } |
1472 | std::unique_ptr<QRhiTexture> dilatedLightmapTex(rhi->newTexture(format: QRhiTexture::RGBA32F, pixelSize: lightmap.pixelSize, sampleCount: 1, |
1473 | flags: QRhiTexture::RenderTarget | QRhiTexture::UsedAsTransferSource)); |
1474 | if (!dilatedLightmapTex->create()) { |
1475 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Failed to create FP32 dest. texture for postprocessing" )); |
1476 | return false; |
1477 | } |
1478 | QRhiTextureRenderTargetDescription rtDescDilate(dilatedLightmapTex.get()); |
1479 | std::unique_ptr<QRhiTextureRenderTarget> rtDilate(rhi->newTextureRenderTarget(desc: rtDescDilate)); |
1480 | std::unique_ptr<QRhiRenderPassDescriptor> rpDescDilate(rtDilate->newCompatibleRenderPassDescriptor()); |
1481 | rtDilate->setRenderPassDescriptor(rpDescDilate.get()); |
1482 | if (!rtDilate->create()) { |
1483 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Failed to create postprocessing texture render target" )); |
1484 | return false; |
1485 | } |
1486 | QRhiResourceUpdateBatch *resUpd = rhi->nextResourceUpdateBatch(); |
1487 | QRhiTextureSubresourceUploadDescription lightmapTexUpload(lightmapFP32.constData(), lightmapFP32.size()); |
1488 | resUpd->uploadTexture(tex: lightmapTex.get(), desc: QRhiTextureUploadDescription({ 0, 0, lightmapTexUpload })); |
1489 | QSSGRhiShaderResourceBindingList bindings; |
1490 | QRhiSampler *nearestSampler = rhiCtx->sampler(samplerDescription: { .minFilter: QRhiSampler::Nearest, .magFilter: QRhiSampler::Nearest, .mipmap: QRhiSampler::None, |
1491 | .hTiling: QRhiSampler::ClampToEdge, .vTiling: QRhiSampler::ClampToEdge, .zTiling: QRhiSampler::Repeat }); |
1492 | bindings.addTexture(binding: 0, stage: QRhiShaderResourceBinding::FragmentStage, tex: lightmapTex.get(), sampler: nearestSampler); |
1493 | renderer->rhiQuadRenderer()->prepareQuad(rhiCtx, maybeRub: resUpd); |
1494 | const auto &shaderCache = renderer->contextInterface()->shaderCache(); |
1495 | const auto &lmDilatePipeline = shaderCache->getBuiltInRhiShaders().getRhiLightmapDilateShader(); |
1496 | if (!lmDilatePipeline) { |
1497 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Failed to load shaders" )); |
1498 | return false; |
1499 | } |
1500 | QSSGRhiGraphicsPipelineState dilatePs; |
1501 | dilatePs.viewport = viewport; |
1502 | QSSGRhiGraphicsPipelineStatePrivate::setShaderPipeline(ps&: dilatePs, pipeline: lmDilatePipeline.get()); |
1503 | renderer->rhiQuadRenderer()->recordRenderQuadPass(rhiCtx, ps: &dilatePs, srb: rhiCtxD->srb(bindings), rt: rtDilate.get(), flags: QSSGRhiQuadRenderer::UvCoords); |
1504 | resUpd = rhi->nextResourceUpdateBatch(); |
1505 | QRhiReadbackResult dilateReadResult; |
1506 | resUpd->readBackTexture(rb: { dilatedLightmapTex.get() }, result: &dilateReadResult); |
1507 | cb->resourceUpdate(resourceUpdates: resUpd); |
1508 | |
1509 | // Submit and wait for completion. |
1510 | rhi->finish(); |
1511 | |
1512 | lightmap.imageFP32 = dilateReadResult.data; |
1513 | |
1514 | // Reduce UV seams by collecting all edges (going through all |
1515 | // triangles), looking for (fuzzy)matching ones, then drawing lines |
1516 | // with blending on top. |
1517 | const DrawInfo &drawInfo(drawInfos[lmIdx]); |
1518 | const char *vbase = drawInfo.vertexData.constData(); |
1519 | const quint32 *ibase = reinterpret_cast<const quint32 *>(drawInfo.indexData.constData()); |
1520 | |
1521 | // topology is Triangles, would be indexed draw - get rid of the index |
1522 | // buffer, need nothing but triangles afterwards |
1523 | qsizetype assembledVertexCount = 0; |
1524 | for (SubMeshInfo &subMeshInfo : subMeshInfos[lmIdx]) |
1525 | assembledVertexCount += subMeshInfo.count; |
1526 | QVector<QVector3D> smPos(assembledVertexCount); |
1527 | QVector<QVector3D> smNormal(assembledVertexCount); |
1528 | QVector<QVector2D> smCoord(assembledVertexCount); |
1529 | qsizetype vertexIdx = 0; |
1530 | for (SubMeshInfo &subMeshInfo : subMeshInfos[lmIdx]) { |
1531 | for (quint32 i = 0; i < subMeshInfo.count; ++i) { |
1532 | const quint32 idx = *(ibase + subMeshInfo.offset + i); |
1533 | const float *src = reinterpret_cast<const float *>(vbase + idx * drawInfo.vertexStride + drawInfo.positionOffset); |
1534 | float x = *src++; |
1535 | float y = *src++; |
1536 | float z = *src++; |
1537 | smPos[vertexIdx] = QVector3D(x, y, z); |
1538 | src = reinterpret_cast<const float *>(vbase + idx * drawInfo.vertexStride + drawInfo.normalOffset); |
1539 | x = *src++; |
1540 | y = *src++; |
1541 | z = *src++; |
1542 | smNormal[vertexIdx] = QVector3D(x, y, z); |
1543 | src = reinterpret_cast<const float *>(vbase + idx * drawInfo.vertexStride + drawInfo.lightmapUVOffset); |
1544 | x = *src++; |
1545 | y = *src++; |
1546 | smCoord[vertexIdx] = QVector2D(x, y); |
1547 | ++vertexIdx; |
1548 | } |
1549 | } |
1550 | |
1551 | QHash<Edge, EdgeUV> edgeUVMap; |
1552 | QVector<SeamUV> seams; |
1553 | for (vertexIdx = 0; vertexIdx < assembledVertexCount; vertexIdx += 3) { |
1554 | QVector3D triVert[3] = { smPos[vertexIdx], smPos[vertexIdx + 1], smPos[vertexIdx + 2] }; |
1555 | QVector3D triNorm[3] = { smNormal[vertexIdx], smNormal[vertexIdx + 1], smNormal[vertexIdx + 2] }; |
1556 | QVector2D triUV[3] = { smCoord[vertexIdx], smCoord[vertexIdx + 1], smCoord[vertexIdx + 2] }; |
1557 | |
1558 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { |
1559 | int i0 = i; |
1560 | int i1 = (i + 1) % 3; |
1561 | if (vectorLessThan(a: triVert[i1], b: triVert[i0])) |
1562 | std::swap(a&: i0, b&: i1); |
1563 | |
1564 | const Edge e = { |
1565 | .pos: { triVert[i0], triVert[i1] }, |
1566 | .normal: { triNorm[i0], triNorm[i1] } |
1567 | }; |
1568 | const EdgeUV edgeUV = { .uv: { triUV[i0], triUV[i1] } }; |
1569 | auto it = edgeUVMap.find(key: e); |
1570 | if (it == edgeUVMap.end()) { |
1571 | edgeUVMap.insert(key: e, value: edgeUV); |
1572 | } else if (!qFuzzyCompare(v1: it->uv[0], v2: edgeUV.uv[0]) || !qFuzzyCompare(v1: it->uv[1], v2: edgeUV.uv[1])) { |
1573 | if (!it->seam) { |
1574 | seams.append(t: SeamUV({ .uv: { edgeUV.uv, it->uv } })); |
1575 | it->seam = true; |
1576 | } |
1577 | } |
1578 | } |
1579 | } |
1580 | qDebug() << "lm:" << seams.size() << "UV seams in" << lm.model; |
1581 | |
1582 | QByteArray workBuf(lightmap.imageFP32.size(), Qt::Uninitialized); |
1583 | for (int blendIter = 0; blendIter < LM_SEAM_BLEND_ITER_COUNT; ++blendIter) { |
1584 | memcpy(dest: workBuf.data(), src: lightmap.imageFP32.constData(), n: lightmap.imageFP32.size()); |
1585 | for (int seamIdx = 0, end = seams.size(); seamIdx != end; ++seamIdx) { |
1586 | const SeamUV &seam(seams[seamIdx]); |
1587 | blendLine(from: seam.uv[0][0], to: seam.uv[0][1], |
1588 | uvFrom: seam.uv[1][0], uvTo: seam.uv[1][1], |
1589 | readBuf: workBuf, writeBuf&: lightmap.imageFP32, lightmapPixelSize: lightmap.pixelSize); |
1590 | blendLine(from: seam.uv[1][0], to: seam.uv[1][1], |
1591 | uvFrom: seam.uv[0][0], uvTo: seam.uv[0][1], |
1592 | readBuf: workBuf, writeBuf&: lightmap.imageFP32, lightmapPixelSize: lightmap.pixelSize); |
1593 | } |
1594 | } |
1595 | |
1596 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Post-processing for model %1 done in %2" ). |
1597 | arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey). |
1598 | arg(a: postProcessTimer.elapsed())); |
1599 | } |
1600 | |
1601 | return true; |
1602 | } |
1603 | |
1604 | bool QSSGLightmapperPrivate::storeLightmaps() |
1605 | { |
1606 | const int bakedLightingModelCount = bakedLightingModels.size(); |
1607 | QByteArray listContents; |
1608 | |
1609 | for (int lmIdx = 0; lmIdx < bakedLightingModelCount; ++lmIdx) { |
1610 | const QSSGBakedLightingModel &lm(bakedLightingModels[lmIdx]); |
1611 | // only care about the ones that want to store the lightmap image persistently |
1612 | if (!lm.model->hasLightmap()) |
1613 | continue; |
1614 | |
1615 | QElapsedTimer writeTimer; |
1616 | writeTimer.start(); |
1617 | |
1618 | // An empty outputFolder equates to working directory |
1619 | QString outputFolder; |
1620 | if (!lm.model->lightmapLoadPath.startsWith(QStringLiteral(":/" ))) |
1621 | outputFolder = lm.model->lightmapLoadPath; |
1622 | |
1623 | const QString fn = QSSGLightmapper::lightmapAssetPathForSave(model: *lm.model, asset: QSSGLightmapper::LightmapAsset::LightmapImage, outputFolder); |
1624 | const QByteArray fns = fn.toUtf8(); |
1625 | |
1626 | listContents += QFileInfo(fn).absoluteFilePath().toUtf8(); |
1627 | listContents += '\n'; |
1628 | |
1629 | const Lightmap &lightmap(lightmaps[lmIdx]); |
1630 | |
1631 | if (SaveEXR(data: reinterpret_cast<const float *>(lightmap.imageFP32.constData()), |
1632 | width: lightmap.pixelSize.width(), height: lightmap.pixelSize.height(), |
1633 | components: 4, save_as_fp16: false, filename: fns.constData(), err: nullptr) < 0) |
1634 | { |
1635 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Failed to write out lightmap" )); |
1636 | return false; |
1637 | } |
1638 | |
1639 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Lightmap saved for model %1 to %2 in %3 ms" ). |
1640 | arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey). |
1641 | arg(a: fn). |
1642 | arg(a: writeTimer.elapsed())); |
1643 | const DrawInfo &bakeModelDrawInfo(drawInfos[lmIdx]); |
1644 | if (bakeModelDrawInfo.meshWithLightmapUV.isValid()) { |
1645 | writeTimer.start(); |
1646 | QFile f(QSSGLightmapper::lightmapAssetPathForSave(model: *lm.model, asset: QSSGLightmapper::LightmapAsset::MeshWithLightmapUV, outputFolder)); |
1647 | if (f.open(flags: QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { |
1648 | bakeModelDrawInfo.meshWithLightmapUV.save(device: &f); |
1649 | } else { |
1650 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Failed to write mesh with lightmap UV data to '%1'" ). |
1651 | arg(a: f.fileName())); |
1652 | return false; |
1653 | } |
1654 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Lightmap-compatible mesh saved for model %1 to %2 in %3 ms" ). |
1655 | arg(a: lm.model->lightmapKey). |
1656 | arg(a: f.fileName()). |
1657 | arg(a: writeTimer.elapsed())); |
1658 | } // else the mesh had a lightmap uv channel to begin with, no need to save another version of it |
1659 | } |
1660 | |
1661 | QFile listFile(QSSGLightmapper::lightmapAssetPathForSave(asset: QSSGLightmapper::LightmapAsset::LightmapImageList)); |
1662 | if (!listFile.open(flags: QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::Text)) { |
1663 | sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning, QStringLiteral("Failed to create lightmap list file %1" ). |
1664 | arg(a: listFile.fileName())); |
1665 | return false; |
1666 | } |
1667 | listFile.write(data: listContents); |
1668 | |
1669 | return true; |
1670 | } |
1671 | |
1672 | void QSSGLightmapperPrivate::sendOutputInfo(QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus type, std::optional<QString> msg) |
1673 | { |
1674 | QString result; |
1675 | |
1676 | switch (type) |
1677 | { |
1678 | case QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::None: |
1679 | return; |
1680 | case QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress: |
1681 | result = QStringLiteral("[lm] Progress" ); |
1682 | break; |
1683 | case QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Error: |
1684 | result = QStringLiteral("[lm] Error" ); |
1685 | break; |
1686 | case QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning: |
1687 | result = QStringLiteral("[lm] Warning" ); |
1688 | break; |
1689 | case QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Cancelled: |
1690 | result = QStringLiteral("[lm] Cancelled" ); |
1691 | break; |
1692 | case QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Complete: |
1693 | result = QStringLiteral("[lm] Complete" ); |
1694 | break; |
1695 | } |
1696 | |
1697 | if (msg.has_value()) |
1698 | result.append(QStringLiteral(": " ) + msg.value()); |
1699 | |
1700 | if (type == QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Warning) |
1701 | qWarning() << result; |
1702 | else |
1703 | qDebug() << result; |
1704 | |
1705 | if (outputCallback) |
1706 | outputCallback(type, msg, &bakingControl); |
1707 | } |
1708 | |
1709 | bool QSSGLightmapper::bake() |
1710 | { |
1711 | QElapsedTimer totalTimer; |
1712 | totalTimer.start(); |
1713 | |
1714 | d->sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Bake starting..." )); |
1715 | d->sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Total models registered: %1" ).arg(a: d->bakedLightingModels.size())); |
1716 | |
1717 | if (d->bakedLightingModels.isEmpty()) { |
1718 | d->sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Cancelled, QStringLiteral("Cancelled by LightMapper, No Models to bake" )); |
1719 | return false; |
1720 | } |
1721 | |
1722 | if (!d->commitGeometry()) { |
1723 | d->sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Baking failed" )); |
1724 | return false; |
1725 | } |
1726 | |
1727 | if (!d->prepareLightmaps()) { |
1728 | d->sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Baking failed" )); |
1729 | return false; |
1730 | } |
1731 | |
1732 | if (d->bakingControl.cancelled) { |
1733 | d->sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Cancelled, QStringLiteral("Cancelled by user" )); |
1734 | return false; |
1735 | } |
1736 | |
1737 | d->computeDirectLight(); |
1738 | |
1739 | if (d->bakingControl.cancelled) { |
1740 | d->sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Cancelled, QStringLiteral("Cancelled by user" )); |
1741 | return false; |
1742 | } |
1743 | |
1744 | if (d->options.indirectLightEnabled) |
1745 | d->computeIndirectLight(); |
1746 | |
1747 | if (d->bakingControl.cancelled) { |
1748 | d->sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Cancelled, QStringLiteral("Cancelled by user" )); |
1749 | return false; |
1750 | } |
1751 | |
1752 | if (!d->postProcess()) { |
1753 | d->sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Baking failed" )); |
1754 | return false; |
1755 | } |
1756 | |
1757 | if (d->bakingControl.cancelled) { |
1758 | d->sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Cancelled, QStringLiteral("Cancelled by user" )); |
1759 | return false; |
1760 | } |
1761 | |
1762 | if (!d->storeLightmaps()) { |
1763 | d->sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Baking failed" )); |
1764 | return false; |
1765 | } |
1766 | |
1767 | d->sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Progress, QStringLiteral("Baking took %1 ms" ).arg(a: totalTimer.elapsed())); |
1768 | d->sendOutputInfo(type: QSSGLightmapper::BakingStatus::Complete, msg: std::nullopt); |
1769 | return true; |
1770 | } |
1771 | |
1772 | #else |
1773 | |
1774 | QSSGLightmapper::QSSGLightmapper(QSSGRhiContext *, QSSGRenderer *) |
1775 | { |
1776 | } |
1777 | |
1778 | QSSGLightmapper::~QSSGLightmapper() |
1779 | { |
1780 | } |
1781 | |
1782 | void QSSGLightmapper::reset() |
1783 | { |
1784 | } |
1785 | |
1786 | void QSSGLightmapper::setOptions(const QSSGLightmapperOptions &) |
1787 | { |
1788 | } |
1789 | |
1790 | void QSSGLightmapper::setOutputCallback(Callback ) |
1791 | { |
1792 | } |
1793 | |
1794 | qsizetype QSSGLightmapper::add(const QSSGBakedLightingModel &) |
1795 | { |
1796 | return 0; |
1797 | } |
1798 | |
1799 | bool QSSGLightmapper::bake() |
1800 | { |
1801 | qWarning("Qt Quick 3D was built without the lightmapper; cannot bake lightmaps" ); |
1802 | return false; |
1803 | } |
1804 | |
1805 | #endif // QT_QUICK3D_HAS_LIGHTMAPPER |
1806 | |
1807 | QString QSSGLightmapper::lightmapAssetPathForLoad(const QSSGRenderModel &model, LightmapAsset asset) |
1808 | { |
1809 | QString result; |
1810 | if (!model.lightmapLoadPath.isEmpty()) { |
1811 | result += model.lightmapLoadPath; |
1812 | if (!result.endsWith(c: QLatin1Char('/'))) |
1813 | result += QLatin1Char('/'); |
1814 | } |
1815 | switch (asset) { |
1816 | case LightmapAsset::LightmapImage: |
1817 | result += QStringLiteral("qlm_%1.exr" ).arg(a: model.lightmapKey); |
1818 | break; |
1819 | case LightmapAsset::MeshWithLightmapUV: |
1820 | result += QStringLiteral("qlm_%1.mesh" ).arg(a: model.lightmapKey); |
1821 | break; |
1822 | default: |
1823 | return QString(); |
1824 | } |
1825 | return result; |
1826 | } |
1827 | |
1828 | QString QSSGLightmapper::lightmapAssetPathForSave(const QSSGRenderModel &model, LightmapAsset asset, const QString& outputFolder) |
1829 | { |
1830 | QString result = outputFolder; |
1831 | if (!result.isEmpty() && !result.endsWith(c: QLatin1Char('/'))) |
1832 | result += QLatin1Char('/'); |
1833 | |
1834 | switch (asset) { |
1835 | case LightmapAsset::LightmapImage: |
1836 | result += QStringLiteral("qlm_%1.exr" ).arg(a: model.lightmapKey); |
1837 | break; |
1838 | case LightmapAsset::MeshWithLightmapUV: |
1839 | result += QStringLiteral("qlm_%1.mesh" ).arg(a: model.lightmapKey); |
1840 | break; |
1841 | default: |
1842 | result += lightmapAssetPathForSave(asset, outputFolder); |
1843 | break; |
1844 | } |
1845 | return result; |
1846 | } |
1847 | |
1848 | QString QSSGLightmapper::lightmapAssetPathForSave(LightmapAsset asset, const QString& outputFolder) |
1849 | { |
1850 | QString result = outputFolder; |
1851 | if (!result.isEmpty() && !result.endsWith(c: QLatin1Char('/'))) |
1852 | result += QLatin1Char('/'); |
1853 | |
1854 | switch (asset) { |
1855 | case LightmapAsset::LightmapImageList: |
1856 | result += QStringLiteral("qlm_list.txt" ); |
1857 | break; |
1858 | default: |
1859 | break; |
1860 | } |
1861 | return result; |
1862 | } |
1863 | |
1865 | |